Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Truly Madly Deeply

"I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath, truly madly deeply do
I will be strong, I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on a new beginning.
A reason for living. A deeper meaning.
I want to stand with you on a mountain.
I want to bathe with you in the sea.
I want to lay like this forever.
Until the sky falls down on me" Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden

"Hi Dad." I smiled, trying to hold back my laughter while Trevor struggled to recover.

The water was out of his eyes, but now he was trying to get the "oh-fuck-I-just-got-caught-trying-to-disrobe-your-daughter-in-public" look off his face. My dad still had his eyes trained on Trevor as we made our way out the pool. I quickly dried off before I wrapped a towel around my body and gave my dad a hug.

"We have plans tonight. Why on earth would you go swimming without talking to me or your brother?" My dad questioned me.

I rolled my eyes before pulling out of his embrace. "Cause I'm an adult. I can go swimming without talking to you or Cam. Even though I tried to call Cam numerous time." I listed, matter of fact.

"Sorry Mr. Ortiz. It was my idea; I wasn't thinking. It's good to see you again." Trevor added. After he dried his hands repeatedly on his towel, he extended it to my dad. My dad studied it, and him, for an agonizing moment, before finally accepting his handshake.

"Trevor, correct?" My dad said, shaking his hand

"Yes sir." Trevor replied. My dad nodded to him before turning to me.

"Your brother and Jenna are already at her mother's house waiting for us. Dress like you would for dinner at my house."

"So our matching emoji onesies it is." I told Trevor with a grin.

Trevor chuckled, which earned us a hard glance from my dad.

"I don't know what that is, but I can tell by your tone it's not appropriate. It doesn't require much thinking, but if you can't manage it-"

"Alright dad. It's too soon for a lecture. They're waiting for us, remember?" I cut him off. He silently conceded, because he turned and headed to the elevators. Trevor gave me a surprised look before we followed behind him.

"When did you get in, Mr. Ortiz?" Trevor asked my dad, taking long strides to catch up and walk beside him.

"Yesterday." My dad answered simply.

"How was your flight? I'm not even sure how far Missouri is from California." Trevor asked, trying to be friendly, as we entered the elevator.

"A little over 3 hours. I flew all the time when I played baseball. Nothing's changed." My dad pressed the lobby button. Trevor went to press 4, the level we were on, but I stopped him.

"Wrong floor silly." I slapped his hand away, playfully.

My dad eyed us both curiously as I pushed the 5 button.

"No, Lily-" Trevor started.

"Yes Trevor. It's ok. It's been a long day." I comforted him, giving him a look.

Trevor pressed his lips together, but didn't say anything.

When the elevator stopped on the 5th floor, my dad looked at me. "I'll be in the lobby waiting. Call me if there's any confusion."

"See ya soon dad." I waved, as we stepped off the elevator. As soon as it closed and went down, I pushed the down button.

"I told you we were on the 4th floor." Trevor pointed out.

"I know, but my dad doesn't need to know that."

"Well thanks for making me look stupid." Trevor complained as we got on the elevator.

"Better stupid than perverted right?" I smiled at him.

Trevor didn't reply, but I could tell he was holding back a smile. "I thought your brother was intense when I met him."

"I told you. They're both so similar: that's why they couldn't get along."

"I'll win him over. Just like I did with Cam," Trevor said, confidently.

I snorted. "Good luck with that."

We went in the room and quickly showered and dressed. In 15 minutes, I was dressed in a cobalt maxi dress and Trevor looked handsome in a white button down and khakis.

"You think I should wear the blazer from Easter?" Trevor asked as I pushed my towel dried hair behind my ears.

"No, aren't you wearing that to the rehearsal dinner?" I asked, quickly sweeping some gold shadow on my eyelids before lining them in a dark brown liner.

"Yeah, but your dad is wearing a sports coat."

"'Cause that's his lounging clothes." I put on pink chapstick before looking myself over on the mirror. "Come on, let's go!" I said.

We then went to the lobby to meet my dad. He gave Trevor a brief glance before examining me. I saw approval in his eyes, until he got to my hair.

"I'll make you an appointment tomorrow to get your hair styled." He told me as he led us to the valet.

"No thanks." I declined.

"What are you going to do for the wedding?" My dad questioned.

"I haven't decided yet..." I said, mockingly. I knew I was going to curl it, it just wasn't any of his business.

"You need a cut." Dad decided as the valet brought around his rental.

"I'm growing it out. Trevor likes my hair long." I winked at Trevor as he sat in the backseat of the car. His eyes widened at me.

"No matter how he likes it, it needs to be styled." Dad countered, starting the car.

"She knows I like her hair however she wears it." Trevor quickly said as we drove off.

"Not true. You hated my hair when it was blond. That's something you two agree on." I commented.

Trevor and my dad were silent, meaning they couldn't argue with that.

The rest of the ride Dad navigated to Jenna's mom's house. Trevor made small talk with my dad about what he and Cam have been up to as far as getting ready for the wedding.

"Jenna's mom has all that under control. I've been focusing on their move." My dad turned to me. "You're going to have to come out soon to see the house."

"I'll try Dad. My vacation time from my job is dwindling. I just took time off." I answered, noncommittally.

"That's right. Japan. Cam told me it was a business trip. How did that work it?" Dad asked Trevor.

"It was a good experience, even though the website didn't sell." Trevor answered.

"Hmm." was my dad's only response. I didn't even try to explain. All my dad heard was 'didn't sell'. Which meant failure in his eyes.

Thankfully, we arrived at a house in large neighborhood. All the houses looked similar in the dark, but it was nice nonetheless.

It was a little unnerving pulling up in the driveway. My dad's presence wasn't helping. As much as I tried to brush off his little comments, I would be lying if I said they didn't bother me a little bit. I was feeling a little self-conscious.

I grabbed Trevor's hand as we walked up the driveway. He flashed me a little smile and most of my nerves melted away. No matter what, I had Trevor. That gave me all the confidence in the world.

I really had nothing to worry about. We were let in the house by Jenna's mom. She was easily the sweetest woman I've ever met. She greeted my dad warmly, and gave Trevor a hug before turning to me.

"You're so pretty, Lily! So nice to finally meet you." She smiled at me, looking me over.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Rossi." I said.

"It's Elena. Come here!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug.

She then ushered us into the kitchen where a delicious aroma was emanating. Trevor and I stopped to greet Cam and Jenna who were eating large plates of pasta in the dining room.

"About time you guys made it! We started eating without you." Jenna smiled.

"I heard you two got caught up at the pool." Cam grinned at us.

"Thanks for the heads up." Trevor said as Cam laughed.

"I tried. Neither one of you answered the phone."

"Lily, Trevor, come make your pasta. Amanda and Carly are ready." Elena called to us.

"You go ahead Mr. Ortiz. I can wait; we had pizza a little earlier." Trevor offered.

Elena frowned. "I have a pasta bar set up since there won’t be one at the wedding."

"There's a risotto station. We didn't need pasta!" Jenna injected.

"I'm joking dear." Elena replied. "You two really don't want to eat?"

"Trevor speaks for himself. I can eat!" I said quickly.

"Don't worry Elena. Lily can always still eat." Cam stated.

"Shut up Cam." I laughed.

"Something she and Amanda have in common." Carly laughed. It would have been lighthearted if I didn't see how Amanda flushed with embarrassment.

"Then I guess I'll trust my fellow foodie to help me make my pasta." I smiled at Amanda.

She smiled back briefly before walking me through everything. Amanda started with olive oil and garlic in a skillet and I chose spinach, mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli, and shrimp as add ins. I then chose tortellini as my pasta. Amanda suggested alfredo and pesto for my sauce, and I took the suggestion.

I ignored Carly's flirty laughter as she made my dad's pasta. She complimented his watch while offering him every fucking ingredient set out on the island of the kitchen. It was so gross, I almost lost my appetite.

 Thankfully, I powered through it because the food tasted amazing. I sat beside Trevor at the dining room table as I ate. Trevor tried to sneak a tortellini from me, but I stabbed him with my fork.

"Ow!" He exclaimed.

"There's plenty of food Lily. Don't be a savage." Cam smiled at me.

"Whatever. This is mine. Plus, it has mushrooms and red peppers in it. You don't eat that Trevor."

"You're picky like Carlos." Carly mentioned as she brought a glass of wine over for my dad.

"I'm health conscious, not picky." My dad corrected her.

"Yeah, me too." Trevor commented playfully.

Oh, the lies my boyfriend tells...

“I don't consume red meat, shrimp and catfish because it’s unhealthy. Refusing to eat vegetables is not health conscious.” My dad said dryly.

“I know-" Trevor started to explain.

“What's unhealthy about shrimp?” I asked, cutting him off.

“It’s a bottom feeder.” My dad said simply.

I took out a piece of shrimp and took a big bite. I smirked as I chewed.

“Elena, do you want to go over the itinerary for tomorrow so everyone will be on the same page?” My dad asked, ignoring me.

Elena went over the plans for the weekend. I was surprised how laid back and relaxed Jenna was about everything. I don't even remember the last time I saw my brother so happy and carefree. It was beautiful. It reassured me that not all wedding planning was full of drama and bullshit. I knew a few future brides that needed that lesson...

We left after dinner and headed to the hotel. We pretended to go on the 5th floor again while my dad went to the 4th. We returned to the 4th and ran from the elevator so we didn't get caught. After getting undressed, we snuggled in bed. When my hand crept down Trevor's body, he stopped me.

"No. Your dad is somewhere on this floor." Trevor said.

I laughed. "My dad knows I'm not a virgin! And he caught you trying to take off my bikini top. In a public pool."

"I was kidding." Trevor said.

"If you haven't notice, my dad has no sense of humor." I responded.

"I still plan to win him over, so having sex when he might be next door is not going to happen." Trevor finished.

"Urgh, you kiss ass." I complained, turning away from him.

"None of that either." Trevor said, spooning me from behind.

I was awoken by Trevor's alarm on his phone going off at 8am.

Geez, he must have forgot to turn off his work alarm.

"Turn it off!" I grumbled.

Trevor did, but instead of laying back down, he got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Breakfast. Then golfing with your dad." Trevor informed me.

"Baby, stop. My dad barely tolerates me. You don't need his acceptance. It'll never come!"

"I don't want his acceptance, just his approval." Trevor said, kissing me on the forehead before heading to the bathroom.

"Why? Who cares?" I yelled after him.

"One day, I'm gonna ask his permission to marry you. It took 4 years for your brother to warm up to me. I gotta start on him now if I want you, kids, and a chocolate factory before I turn 50." Trevor answered, pulling away.

I sat up in the bed. "Trevor!" I called.

He came back in the room, flossing his teeth. I motioned him back to me. I sat up on my knees on the bed and threw my arms around him. I gave him a kiss and a swat on the ass before telling him, "Go secure our chocolate factory!"

I watched him get dressed in slacks and a polo shirt. He gave me one last kiss, before slapping the doorway and leaving. I laid back down, the grin never leaving my face.

I got up a few hours later and met Jenna downstairs, as planned, for breakfast. After a continental breakfast, we headed to her mother's house. We had a few last minute things to do before the wedding.

After I tried on my dress for the wedding, I helped Jenna, her mom and her sisters finish the bridal party gift bags. We then went over a last minute checklist, called the vendors to confirm times, and made sure everyone had the address and transportation to the hotel.

Around 2, we headed to the hotel. Cam was there with his mom and our dad. While Elena and Jenna went over to meet her, I snuck away to the elevators. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Trevor back in the room, playing on his laptop.

"Hey T-Rev. How'd golfing go?" I asked, smiling.

"Good. All those Sunday sessions with Cam and Bill paid off. I won." Trevor answered.

"Really?" I exclaimed, equally shocked and thrilled.

"Don't sound too surprised." He said, looking back down at the laptop.

"There's nothing my dad loves more than a winner!... and he's definitely in the lobby now with Cam's mom....wanna come shower with me?" I asked, suggestively.

A dark look crossed his face. "I wish I could. I need to finish this before the dinner."

Fucking stupid website!

"Ok..." I said, before giving him a kiss on the lips.

After my shower, I spent an insane amount of time getting ready for the dinner. The only person that made me nervous was Cam's mom. I made the game plan to stay far away from her at all cost, but I still wanted to look good, even from a distance.

Once my make-up was done and my hair was swept up in a sleek high ponytail, I slid on a fitted, simple, navy dress. Trevor had gotten dressed in his blue suit, but was searching through his bag.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I think I left my tie." He responded, standing straight. "Dammit!"

Maybe it was the lack of sex, but him in a suit and cursing, two things he normally didn't do, really turned me on. "Good. You look hot with no tie."

Trevor shook his head.

I nodded. "Yeah, come here."

When he stood in front of me, I unbuttoned two of the top buttons on his black dress shirt.

"Perfect." I smiled. "And sexy."

Trevor smiled too. "As long as you like it."

"I love it. Almost as much as I love you."

"I love you too Lilypad."

We made our way to the Artist's Foyer where everyone was meeting before the dress rehearsal.  Trevor and I made the rounds, chatting with his coworkers, a few of my brother's air force and high school friends, and Jenna's sisters, co-workers and college friends. Thankfully, the parents of the happy couple were getting acquainted so I didn't worry about any interactions with Cam's mom.

At the dress rehearsal, there was no time for anything other than complete obedience. The event coordinator was a short, tiny woman, but she got loud and fierce when it came to the instructions for the big day. She even cut Carly off as she searched for the tallest guy to walk her down the aisle. It was hilarious... but my giggles were cut short when she looked in my direction. I hid behind Trevor while she searched for the culprit who dared to have fun during her wedding rehearsal!

After the rehearsal, everyone made their way up to the 7th floor restaurant. My dad rented a private room at the restaurant. It had red walls and was dark, swanky, intimate and romantic. I led Trevor to the opposite end of the table from where Cam, his mom, our dad, Jenna and her family sat. We had a great time joking and laughing with Trevor's coworkers.

After dessert was served, my dad stood up and made a nice speech, thanking Jenna's mom for her hospitality and complimenting her on raising such a lovely daughter. During his speech, Trevor stood up and left. I watched him briefly, before turning back to my dad. He was toasting Jenna's family and welcoming them to our family.

Cam stood up next and quickly thanked everyone for coming. He also thanked Jenna for agreeing to marry him, which got 'awwws' from everyone.

Trevor returned, with the event coordinator, pushing a cart. The event coordinator pulled out a large, blank, white screen.

"One more thing before everyone separates." He said, loudly over everyone.

"C'mon Trevor! You know I made plans at the strip-err, sports bar!" Doug cleaned up while the guys laughed.

"I promise, it'll be quick." Trevor smiled, turning to Cam. "Cam, if you would have told me 8 years ago, when you were scaring me away from your sister, that I would be here today, I wouldn't have believed you." Trevor started.

"I wasn't trying to scare you... just warn you about her." Cam chuckled.

"Shut up Cam!" I exclaimed, while everyone laughed.

"I don't scare easily, and I'm glad I don't. Not only did I find an amazing woman-"

I couldn't help blushing at his words.

"I found a lifelong friend in you." Trevor continued. "As your friend, I couldn't be happier when you took my advice and stalked Jenna."

Everyone laughed at Cam and Trevor corrected himself. "I mean, pursued her. I know it sounds corny, but watching y'all date and fall in love was like a fairy tale come to life."

"Corny!" Carly blurted out.

Trevor laughed. "I know it is, but it's true. An amazing, beautiful woman said romance normally is corny. So, I made you the corniest video, with the corniest song, to wish you the corniest happily ever after." Trevor finished before starting the projector on the cart.

The lights dimmed and on the screen played a beautiful video. It started with pictures of Jenna and Cam as children and progressed to pictures of them together. "Truly Madly Deeply" played in the background. At the end of the video was a gorgeous picture of Jenna and Cam and the phrase: Love Conquers All.

Congratulations and their wedding date ended the video. Everyone applauded and cheered

Tears welled up in my eyes. There were so many emotions building up inside me. Pride, admiration, joy, but mostly love. Love for my brother who was embarking on a new phase in his life; love for Jenna, who chose to take the journey with him; and love for Trevor: The man I knew without a doubt I wanted to take the same journey with.

"Are you crying?" Trevor asked me. I shook my head and wiped my eyes, ruining my make-up. "Did you like it?" Trevor asked, nervously.

"I loved it. Truly, madly, deeply."


Sweet Mercy said...

So beautiful! I am beginning to understand where LiLy's rebellious, immature streak comes from. She's jus continuing the role she's always played in her family. I don't remember what the deal is with Cam's mom. Can someone refresh my memory?

Headkels0h said...

I loved that song by Savage Garden growing up!! I used to sing it in my bedroom by myself when I was like 8, longing to find my "perfect boyfriend" - BAHA. So awesome to see that was the song choice this post :)

I can't wait to see how the wedding turns out, my wedding a few weeks ago definitely turned me into a massive sap so I am sure I will love it. I also can't wait to see the moment Lily and Cam's mom have a run in... because.. well, we all know Lily can't avoid her forever! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, loved this post! You do so well at giving us drama, realistic arguments, and romance in your posts. This post was definitely a fun romantic one, Trevor is cute. I know some may disagree (b/c we are all different) but there is something sexy about a guy saying he wants you and kids with you :)

~J said...

Aww I loved this post. I loved it even more because this is the song my husband and I danced to at our wedding last year! Will always be my favorite.

Janay333 said...

Lily believes she was the reason Cam's parents split up. When Lily came to live with her dad, it was believed she was biologically Carlos's daughter until the DNA test.