Saturday, April 25, 2015

Blinded by the Light

***Sorry it's late you guys. No excuse except my husband made me and the boys go out to watch the Dallas Mavericks lose last night... ok, I kinda had a taste for wings too.

 Please excuse the errors. I posted without Danielle proofreading.

Thank you all for an incredible year! Here's to the next one!***

"‘Cause she was blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce,
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.

She got down but she never got tight
She's gonna make it to the night
She's gonna make it through the night...

Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun
But mama, that's where the fun is." Blinded by the Light
Manfred Mann's version

The smile never faltered on Trevor's face as I secured the elastic band of the blindfold around his head. When his eyes were covered, I waved in his face. He didn't flinch an inch.

"Can you see?" I asked him, kneeling on the couch next to him.

"Not a thing." He responded, reaching up to fidget with the blindfold. I swatted his hand away.

"No, you can't move it. In fact, keep your hands down." I commanded him.

"Yes ma'am." He said, smiling wider as he placed his hands in his lap. I stared at him, contemplating my first move. My thought process didn't really go further than blindfolding him. Most of the movies I saw consisted of the woman being blindfolded. I bit my lip, thinking about the best way to proceed.

"Lily..." Trevor said, his voice gruff. His hands were rubbing over his pants legs and I could see his erection through his shorts. "What are you doing?" He asked, strained.

I smiled. He was already excited and I hadn't even done anything. That power gave me the confidence to start.

"Whatever I wanna do." I said, stilling his hands in mine, before tracing my fingertips up his legs.

"Do you trust me?" I asked softly before trailing little kisses around his ear.

He nodded quickly, inhaling sharply. I ran my hands down his chest, his abs, and his contracting stomach before pressing my lips against his. He eagerly tried to slide his tongue in my mouth, but I pulled away, keeping the kisses teasing and light as I played with the waistband of his shorts.

"Lily-" Trevor's protested when I stood. His protests stopped when I tugged on his shorts. He lifted his hips to help me pull them off. I kneeled between his legs and massaged the lean muscles of his calves and thighs before stopping at his hips. He groaned in pleasure when I put my mouth on his growing hardness.

"Lily..." he breathed, his hands shaking in my hair, trying to guide himself deeper into my mouth.

"Trevor." I reprimanded him, pulling away.

"Ok, Ok. I'm sorry. I'll be still." He sighed, putting his hands behind his head.

I made him wait while I removed my clothes. When I was completely nude, and he started to fidget impatiently, I continued to tease Trevor with my mouth.

His moans, mixed with the knowledge I had control over him, created a powerful surge of arousal through my body. When he was rock hard, I got up and straddled him. He gasped when my bare thighs touched his.

He tilted his head, searching for my lips. I turned my lips away just as they met and took his shirt off over his head instead. When he was naked, (besides the blindfold), and we were skin to skin, I kissed his open mouth, slipping my tongue into his mouth as I swiveled my hips, guiding him inside me.

"Jesus..." he hissed against my lips, throwing his head back against his hands to keep them in place.

I leaned in closer, mashing my body against his and finding his lips again. I began grinding on his lap and he tensed, his arms tensing with restraint.

I broke the kiss and placed a trail of kisses to his ear before I sucked on it. He responded with a groan and a hard thrust.

I gasped and nibbled on his ear. "You can touch me Trevor-"

Before I finished whispering my sentence, his hands were all over me. He ran them through my hair to position my lips back to his; then to my breasts, squeezing before caressing my nipples; and finally my hips, holding me as he thrust up inside me hard.

"Trevor!" I moaned in pleasure.

"I need... MMM-" He broke off in a groan when I grasped his shoulders, bouncing on his lap, matching his pace. "I need to see you Lily."

I honored his request and pulled the blindfold off his head. He immediately looked between us, where our bodies were joined. He moved one of his hands to rub against my clitoris. I cried out as I rode him faster. His eyes moved up my body, stopping to stare at my breasts, then he finally met my eyes as I came. He maintained eye contact with me as he laid us on the couch. I held on to him while he finished.

"Next time... you're blindfolded." He told me, breathing heavy after he came.

I giggled, pushing my hair out my face. "No, I did my blind trust exercise. This was yours."

"No fair." He said, looking around. He stopped on a spot next to the little coffee table. I looked too and saw the blindfold. Trevor reached for it, but I was quicker. I leaned over and grabbed it first. I frowned as I looked at the table in front of his couch.

"What happened?" I asked him, pointing at the leg. There was duct tape around it that wasn't there before.

"The leg broke." Trevor shrugged, then quickly reached for the blindfold.

"Nice try." I chuckled at him, securing it in my hand.

"I have a particular set of skills; Skills that make me a nightmare for you." Trevor said, in an unconvincing menacing voice.

I laughed at him. "You sir are no Liam Neeson."

“I don’t have to be…”

I laughed at him before we play wrestled on the couch. We called a truce when we fell to the floor. I still kept the blindfold.

Monday I went to work and began preparing for my brother’s wedding. Trevor and I were flying out Thursday evening after work and I needed to call my patients and confirm the change of appointments for Friday.  I was able to move them all so I didn't need more vacation time. Thankfully, none of my patients had a problem having their Friday appointments moved or canceled. Go figure. At lunch, I joined Jordan and asked about her weekend.

“It was good. I hung out with some high school friends, including Corey. It was relaxing. How was yours?” She eagerly asked me

“Good.” I nodded. “Went to EJ's soccer game, hung out with Trevor.” I said, borrowing Ethan’s bare minimal approach to recap my weekend.


I then showed her a picture of the dress Jenna picked out for me.

“Oooo, it's gorgeous. I love dresses you can actually wear after the wedding.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure if my back is up for low cut.”

“Your back is fine. Ask Trevor. I’m sure he’s seen it plenty of times, or are you normally on it?” She asked, suggestively.

“Both, but I blindfold him now.” I said, jokingly, even though it was true.

Jordan just laughed at me.

Tuesday, I was waiting for my last appointment of the day when Q got assigned a new patient. The patient had swelling and tightness in one leg only, but she didn't know what caused it. She was a Zumba instructor but didn't have any recent trauma. Her doctors believed it might be compartment syndrome. It was the most interesting case I’ve seen since I’ve been with the clinic. I was so jealous that Q got it.

I was looking over the chart when I felt my phone vibrate. I normally left it in my locker, but since I had a two hour window between appointments, I kept it in my pocket. I was surprised when I saw it was Serena.

"Be right back." I told Q, handing him the chart before I stepped into the lobby.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Lily. How are you?"

"Hey Serena. I'm good, you?" I answered confused.

I didn't know what to think. I hadn't heard from Forrest, but I understood that. It was for the best. I didn't expect to hear from Rachel ever again. I figured the next time I ran into Serena, she would just give me withering stares like she gave Jackie at the birthday party. Or maybe worse since I actually slept with Ethan.

"I'm ok. I wanted to speak to you if you have time." She requested.

"I'm at work right now. I'll be off in a few hours." I told her.

"Ok. We can met wherever you want." She offered.


I hung up the phone and went back to work. I worked with Q and my last patient of the day before I texted Serena back. I figured Starbucks would be causal and public enough for anything she wanted to discuss.

I arrived there first and ordered an iced coffee and a muffin. I was waiting for my drink when Serena arrived. I waved at her as she stepped in line. She waved too, with a little smile, but I kept my guard up.

We both retrieved our drinks before we found a table to sit at.

"I don't think I've tried their muffins before." Serena commented.

"Yeah, they're pretty good. You can try some of mine."

Serena smirked. "I think we've shared enough."

I huffed an annoyed sigh. "What do you want from me Serena? To go back in time and not sleep with him?"

Serena sat up straighter, with a somber look passing on her face. "That was my attempt at a joke."

"Considering I spent the weekend being called a whore, I don't find it funny." I said, impatiently, so ready to leave.

"I heard. I'm sorry." Serena apologized.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, surprised by her apology. A lot of theories of why she wanted to see me passed through my head. Her being sorry wasn't one of them.

"I vented to Rachel about you and Ethan. I didn't think it would cause a problem between her, Forrest, and you." She sighed.

"Why is it a problem? It was 3 years ago. I didn't know you, neither did Ethan. Why does it fucking matter?" I said, exasperated.

"Jackie just made it seem like you passed him off to me. She told me the reason Ethan gave me a chance and not her is because you approved it." Serena said.

"Jackie told you that?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah, at the birthday party. I felt like an idiot: like everyone knew and I didn't. Even Forrest knew, that's what made Rachel upset. She feels like you two confide in each other and go behind her back."

"Forrest knew after my ex got pissed over a joke about me and Ethan getting married. Rachel was there; I told Forrest because he asked." I sighed again, frustrated. "As for Jackie, she never had a chance because she likes to stir up drama. I'm sorry you felt like an idiot, but it wasn't my place to tell you. It was Ethan's. If you haven't noticed already, Ethan is stubborn. I couldn't make him do or not do anything unless it's what he wanted. "

"I've noticed. He was upfront about everything." Serena nodded.

"So you know we're only friends now. My best friend is going to be his sister-in-law. Our paths are going to cross. I want us all to be cordial with each other."

"I know. He said the biggest mistake he made with you was being more than friends." Serena said, studying me carefully.

I shrugged. Whatever. It wasn't like it was my crowning achievement...

"He's told me the same. That he appreciates me as a friend. I feel the same way." I answered diplomatically.

"Then there's no reason why we can't all be friends." Serena finished. "I'll talk to Rachel. She's just not being reasonable right now."

"Don't worry about it." I shook my head.


"No, I'm serious. I probably screwed up any chance at a friendship in the beginning. I accept that. I don't have to be friends with Forrest." I informed her.

Serena frowned up, but nodded. After a tense moment of silence, she took a big chunk out of my muffin.

"Hey, I said you can try some. I share boys, not my food." I smiled.

Serena choked on the piece of muffin she was eating as she laughed. She drank some of her coffee before clearing her throat and smiling. "You know that expression when you sleep with one person, you sleep with everyone they've slept with?"

I chuckled. "Yeah..."

"That's all I think about when y'all all get together. Everyone slept with everyone."

"My cousin called it an incestuous little family. Welcome to the family Serena." I grinned.

"I'm not a member yet."

"Really?" I said, shocked.

"Yes really. I told you I was celibate. At least for the first three months." Serena confirmed.

"Good for you. Can I ask you a question?" I said, eating some of the muffin too.


"Will it be weird to talk about sex with me?"

"No, because it's not happening." Serena shook her head.

"Thank you! I feel the exact way. Sammy tries to talk about sex with me and she has slept with Trevor." I agreed.

"Threaten to sleep with her man. That seems to be your secret weapon." Serena joked.

"I might try that..." I smiled.

I honestly felt ten times better after clearing things up with Serena. It made me feel both relieved and sad hearing that Rachel's best friend thought that she was being unreasonable. Maybe it was the wedding, maybe it was me, but regardless, I was still removing myself from the situation. Considering I hadn't heard from Forrest, he must have agreed with me.

I decided I would deal with Jackie when I came back from my brother's wedding. She needed to know that not only was her meddling ineffective, it was childish and she needed to grow the fuck up. But, I couldn't focus on the negative. I was staying focused on the positive. I was going to let the light from the wedding blind me of all the other bullshit.

Trevor and I arrived in Kansas City, Missouri after a quick flight. I guess everything was quick compared to the flight to Japan, but we arrived Thursday around 7pm.

I texted my brother to let him know we made it and to see where he was at. He didn't respond, so I assumed he must have been finishing errands for the wedding or the dress rehearsal the next day. We got a cab and headed to the hotel.

"This is so nice." Trevor said of the Hotel Sorella as we walked into the hotel lobby. The hotel had a cool, Mediterranean vibe including tile mosaics in the marble floor, carved wood paneling and Renaissance artwork on the walls. The chandeliers floating above us gave the hotel an upscale feel. I wasn't too into a hotel wedding, but this hotel was changing my mind.

After we checked in and found our standard, queen size bedroom, I called Jenna. It went to voicemail, so I called Cam. No answer. I sighed and texted my brother that we were at the hotel.

"Let's go for a walk and find someplace to eat." Trevor suggested. The hotel was nestled in Country Club Plaza, with shopping and entertainment in walking distance.

"No... I can't get in touch with anyone and I told Cam we're going to be here. Let's not make a bad first impression on the family. We can snack on something here for now." I said.

"A bad first impression for you. Jenna's family knows and likes me." Trevor bragged. He grabbed the amenities folder, checking to see if they had room service.

"How did you meet them?" I asked, referring to Jenna's family

"Jenna's 30th birthday. They had a huge party for her when you were in California." Trevor responded. "Hey, they have a rooftop bar and pool! Let's go up there."

I checked my phone again. No response. "Fine." I agreed, digging through my bag for a swimsuit. "Did you and Carly hook up back then?" I asked him straight out. They definitely seemed friendly, and she was attractive. Urgh, maybe I shouldn't have asked, especially considering the talk I had with Serena, but I wanted to know.

"No." He paused from getting undressed to look at me like I was crazy. "I don't make enough money to be Carly's type. And her sister was dating the brother of the girl I wanted to be with. That wouldn't go over well even if Carly wanted to hook up." Trevor explained, continuing to pull off his clothes. I turned around, grinning triumphantly as I removed my clothes too.

I finished slipping on my short bottoms and tying my bikini top strings before I turned to Trevor. "So Carly... I'm not saying she's a gold digger-" I sang.

"Uh, she is." Trevor responded.

I shook my head. Christian totally would have got that...

I sent one more text to my brother before we headed to the rooftop pool.

We rode the elevator to the top of the 7 story building. The pool was lit up with cool lighting on the sides that gave it a party like atmosphere. The upbeat music playing from the bar added to the mood. I snapped a quick picture of me and Trevor at the bar and uploaded it to Instagram. We drank Peronis, Italian beers and snacked on a Margherita pizza poolside. There was a crowd of young adults hanging around the pool as well. The group eventually left after getting in trouble with security. A couple of the guys thought it would be funny to try to untie a few of the girls' bikini tops. Security was not having it and the group left.

"Idiots." I shook my head at them.

"I know. You gotta be sneakier about it." Trevor grinned.

"You're dumb." I laughed at him.

We hopped in the pool and splashed around for a little bit. The pool was rectangular shape, and wasn't very big, but we found an unoccupied space against the side of the pool. Trevor put his arms around me and massaged my shoulders.

"Mmm..." I moaned, relaxing against him. I froze when I felt him pull at my bikini strings. Not hard enough to untie them, just to get my attention.

"Trevor!" I gasped at him, pulling away. He trapped me against the wall and laughed.

"I told you I had a particular set of skills..."

"Untying bikini tops?" I glared at him.

"Yep, lots of practice." He smiled.

I splashed him in the face.

"That doesn't stop me. I can do it blind!" He threatened, laughing.

"Try it!" I dared him, splashing him again.

I grinned when he shut his eyes closed against the water I splashed at him. He felt around my back, grabbing for the strings. I wiggled in his embrace, giggling. When he actually fingered the strings to my top, I splashed him faster.

"You perv!" I shrieked at him, pushing him away.

"Is there a problem here?" The stern, familiar voice caused me to stiffen in attention. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"No problem. I'm just messing around with my girlfriend." Trevor answered good humoredly, rubbing the water out of his face.

"She's my daughter..." My dad replied, not amused in the slightest.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Now it's Trevor's turn to get grilled by family...Easter payback! I am sure he will be as charming as usual. I am glad Lily was able to mend fences with Serena. It sounds like that history with Ethan has finally been laid to rest and they can all move on.

Anonymous said...

Great post, even if there wasn't a cliffhanger you write so well it keeps me wanting more. Fun to hear about her and trevor

Anonymous said...

Can Christian just evaporate already?