Saturday, August 11, 2018

Darts in the Dark (Intro)

"I don't know the way back to the place where our love lies
Blindfolded, it feels, and we're trying to see out to the sunlight
I used to love with my eyes closed
But now it seems that we just keep
So we just keep dancing around every day
And we just keep playing the same guessing games
And we both know we'll never go back to the start
If we just keep throwing darts in the dark
Darts in the Dark by Magic!

Friday morning I met with Dr. Pereira and I told her about my lackluster date with Uriel. When she asked me if I planned to see him again, I told her I was.

"I don't want to be quick to judge just because we don't have a lot in common. I don't want to date someone exactly like me." I said, making a face.

"Why do you say that?" She asked me with a gentle smile.

"Two emotional, impatient, over indulgent fun loving people as a couple would never work." I said, only half joking.

"Is that why you're attracted to Uriel- because he's so different from you?"

"No. I mean, I like his confidence. He's very sure of himself and proud. Maybe to a fault, but I like it. He's also very straightforward so I never have to think about where I stand with him because he tells me. I like him because of his qualities not because he's different."

"Are you attracted to him or do you admire him?"

"What's the difference?"

"If you're attracted to him, you have a desire to be with him. Admiration means you have a desire to be like him." Dr. Pereira clarified.

I thought it over for a moment. "I'm not sure. All I know is that he's outside of my circle, we have a clean slate and he wants to continue to see me. I'm going to date him until I figure it out."

"Understandable. What else is new for you?"

I told her all about my barbecue and my family coming over the weekend. I was truly excited to see everyone and anxious to show off my new backyard and barbecue skills. While I was talking, I revealed to her that Ethan had given me grilling lessons.

"That was nice of him."

"Yes. Yes it was." I agreed, thinking about how willing he was to help and spend time with me. I frowned up, wondering if that's when he discovered he had feelings for me or if he never stopped.

"Why does that upset you?" Dr. Pereira asked me, reading my face.

"I'm not upset... I just recently found out that Ethan does have feelings for me." I admitted.

"How did you find that out?" She asked.

"He told me."

She waited patiently as I explained everything that happened.

"I'm pretty sure he's moved on so it doesn't matter when or how his feelings occurred. It's probably best we don't screw up our friendship." I finished.

"You keep saying that; to me, to him, but you never answered the question of whether you have feelings for him."

"Does it matter? I mean, we're friends. Isn't it better to leave things the way they are?" I questioned her.

"Only you know the answer to that question. You need to ask yourself how a friendship can work if you can't be honest about your feelings. Can you really mantain a friendship if you have unexplored feeling for each other? Do you have feelings for him Lily?" Dr. Pereira questioned me in return.

"You said it was natural to wonder what could have been. Maybe that's where the feelings are coming from." I avoided answering.

"Possibly. With past relationships, you may wonder what could have been, but you know why the relationship didn't work out. You can't say that about Ethan because you never dated. Analyzing your feelings doesn't change how you feel. You need to be honest with yourself and him." She adviced me.

Our time ended and she asked if I wanted to talk for another 30 minutes. I declined. I didn't want to talk anymore about feelings for Ethan. Besides, I still had a few things to do to be ready for my dad's and brother's arrival. Their flight would be getting in around noon when I was at work, but they both knew my garage code and I left a spare key in the garage.

At work, the day dragged by slowly. I was anxious to get home, see my family and enjoy my three day weekend with them.
When I got home, I saw my brother first, lounging on my chase and flipping through ESPN channels.

"Cam!!!" I shrieked throwing down my bag to give him a hug. He stood up just in time as I launched myself in his arms.

"Hey sis." He smiled, holding me tight.

"Lily's home!" Jenna called upstairs as she joined us from the guest bathroom. I hugged her next, gushing over her straightened hair and deep tan. "The beach is our second home. We're those people now."

Dad and Beatrice came downstairs and I grinned as I gave them both a hug as well.

"How was the flight?" I asked them.

"It was fine. I never have any problems flying American." Dad replied. "We need to talk about your backyard. I didn't look like there was enough seating." He started in right away.

"We can talk about seating at dinner. Where do y'all wanna go?" I asked.

Cam gave me a sheepishly look. "We already went to Texas Brazil."

"We brought you home a plate." Jenna added.

"We also went to a furniture store. I bought you a few pieces." My dad informed me.

"You can return anything you don't want." Beatrice added, smiling at me.

I didn't know what pissed me off more: them going out to eat without me or changing things in my backyard. I decided to focus on my backyard; I couldn't do anything about them eating already. I went outside to look at what my dad did.

My deck was pretty much the same- There were 4 new barstools in front of the bar. They matched perfectly with my 12 seat table. I walked down to my fire pit where a new wicker sectional with blue cushions sat across from the 6 patio chairs I had circling it before. The portable picnic bench I had against the fence was moved under a palm tree to make room for an outdoor daybed.

I took a deep breath, taking in the changes. I told myself that this was my dad's way of contributing. I wished he would have asked me first, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't a big deal. While I didn't think the new additions were necessary, it wasn't completely changed like I feared. The daybed would probably go only because it took up too much of Justine's grassy area, but everything else could stay.

"It's definitely more seating. Thanks dad." I told him with a sincere smile.

"You like it?" He asked, sounding surprised himself.

"If you would have called me I would have told you not everyone is coming at the same time so seating won't be an issue, but everything looks nice." I explained. When Cam looked at me, skeptically, I smiled. "What did y'all get me to eat?"

We went inside and I got my takeout and heated it up. I asked about Justine, and dad told me he put her in her room. Not saying a word, I went upstairs to let her out before I changed my clothes and ate dinner with Justine. As I ate, I asked them about their plans for Saturday. Dad told me he and Cam were going to go golfing with Cam's old boss and mentor William. I returned Cam's skeptical look now. William was Cam's surrogate father when him and Dad were estranged. Cam's look told me he was anxious about them meeting up too, so I didn't comment.

Beatrice cut off our silent conversation to inform me she would stay with me and help me with whatever I needed. Jenna told me she would help me too after she met up with Amanda. Around 10, Dad and Beatrice retired to bed. I immediately turned on Cam.

"Really? You just let him fuck up my backyard?" I said, in fake outrage.

Cam laughed. "I thought you liked it. I told him you wouldn't and you went along with him."

"It's called picking my battles. It wasn't worth a fight."

"Exactly. Why should I fight with him about it too?" Cam grinned.

"What you should have done was invite William to the barbecue. I really want to see that battle." I threw back at him.

"No battle. Nothing to see but golfing." Cam said.

"That's right hun. Speak it into existence." Jenna smiled at him.

"Let's hope because if they get into a fight, I'll never forgive you for not seeing it." I joked.

"If they get in a fight, I'll record it." Cam teased right back and we laughed.

"Y'all are awful." Jenna shook her head at us.

"Maybe, but who you got in a fist fight?" I asked her.

"I want no parts of this." Jenna threw her hands up and went upstairs, giving Cam an adoring smile. His eyes followed her until she disappeared and he looked back at me.

"I got William. He has combat training. That never goes away." Cam answered me.

"Yeah, but Dad's got that wild card factor. Crazy beats strength everyday so I got dad." I wagered.

"Bet. If you win I'll take you to Texas Brazil. I know you're mad you missed the all you can eat." He chuckled at me.

"Fuck you. I went to Fago de Chao this week anyway so I'm good."

"Yeah? How was it?"

"It was good. I think they have better sides."

"Which one is better price wise?"

I shrugged. "I didn't pick up the check.

"Oh? Who's the guy and when can I meet him?"

"What makes you think I went out with a guy? It could have been a work dinner or with friends."

"It could have been, but was it?"

"None of you business."

He smiled but dropped it. "I noticed you and Trevor are friends again on Facebook. Can I ask about that or is it none of my business too?"

I shrugged like it was no big deal. "We're trying to be friends. We'll see how that goes."

"Did you invite him to the barbecue?"


"Why not?"

"We weren't talking when I made the guest list."

"I don't think it's too late to invite him. It's just a 4 hour drive right?"

"Right... But we're not that close of friends. Just social media friends."

"Not even that or you would have known he's in Tennessee this weekend." Cam contradicted me.

"So what's the point of asking if I invited him when you know he's in Tennessee?" I said, annoyed.

"He's going to be in LA. I told him he can stay with me, but he thinks you won't be ok with it. He doesn't think you meant it when you said you wanted to try to be friends."

"I did mean it!" I cried, frustrated.

"Ok Lil-" Cam tried to calm me down, but I was already pissed.

"He just wants everything on his terms! Typical Trevor! I mean, what does him staying with you have to do with me? This isn't high school. You don't have to hate him because I do!"

His eyes widen. "You hate him?"

I thought about it as I calmed down. "Of course not. It's the opposite. That's why it's so hard. Me just entertaining the idea of being his friend is trying. One day, I'll sit down with him, hash everything out and we'll really be- ok. I'm just not at that place yet."

Cam nodded and gave me a small smile. "Listen to you. All mature and shit."

"Urgh. Whatever! Kiss my mature ass. I'm going to bed. "

"Night sis." He chuckled after me.

The next morning, I woke up early, excited. I made breakfast of eggs, turkey sausage and bacon, hashbrowns, yogurt and fresh fruit. My dad was up first, already dressed for golf.

"Morning dad. What can I get you?"

"You didn't have to make all this. I know you have a lot of cooking to do. You know Cam or I can handle the grill tomorrow." Dad mentioned.

"No dad. You are my guests. I appreciate all the help but I want you to just relax. Let me take care of you for a change."

"Ok. I'll take coffee, 2 eggs over easy and turkey bacon."

I had his plate and coffee in front of him by the time Jenna, Beatrice and Cam joined us. We all made our plates and sat down for breakfast before Cam and Dad left to play golf with William. Jenna helped me clean the kitchen while we waited for Amanda. She was coming over to bake and get the desserts ready.

When she arrived, we assisted Amanda with an assortment of frozen whoopie pies, cheesecake and brownies from starch. While they were baking, Amanda and Jenna caught up and Beatrice and I gave them alone time by going outside to decorate.

As we decorated with the luau and Japanese decorations I bought to fit into the tropical zen garden theme of my backyard, we actually had a pleasant time. She talked about how much Dad was proud of me and how lovely my house was. We talked about her wedding planning and her excitement carried over. Honestly, it was the first one on one time we had and I enjoyed it.

Dad and Cam returned and apparently they had a good time together. After lunch, I went to my room to take a nap. I woke up when Sammy called asking if it was ok if she filmed the Honey Bee video that evening. I told her to come over anytime as I got up. Cam and Jenna were getting ready to meet up with some friends and Dad and Beatrice were going out for dinner. They all invited me to join them, but I declined. I had a lot of prep work to do for the barbecue... And as much as I loved them, playing third wheel to either couple did not sound fun.

After they left, I marinaded my pork shoulder that I was going to BBQ early the next morning. I was making room in my refrigerator for all the food when my doorbell rang. I went to open the door, Justine hot on my trail. When she saw Ethan, she jumped on his legs, barking. I grabbed her, trying to calm her down, but she didn't listen.

"Sit." He commanded her, firmly, putting down the bags he was holding. He rubbed her, easing her into the sitting position. She complied, sitting down, panting heavily.

"Wow. That's a first." I smiled.

"You should let me keep her. I'll have her trained in a week." Ethan suggested, patting her before standing back up, picking up his bags.

"Don't get cocky. She'll have you broken in 2 days." I countered. "What's in the bags?" I asked him as we walked in the kitchen.

"My mom sent over food. We're planning on coming over later in the day tomorrow with Rocky and Brandon so she wanted you to have it now."

"I told her she didn't have to make anything." I said watching him pull food out the bag. She sent over pecan and lemon bars, red potato salad, deviled eggs and the cherry coke jello salad she made on Easter that I loved.

"Thank you. Let me find a place to put it." I said, opening the refrigerator and peering inside. "I'm considering buying a second refrigerator to put in my garage."

"Let me see before you do that." He said, moving behind me looking over my shoulder. "Do you have gallon zip lock bags?"

"Yes." I nodded, overly aware of how close he was to me.

He reached over to point out a shelf. "Take this out." He instructed me.

"Ok..." I breathed, even though I wasn't sure how pulling out the shelf holding half the meat would help. Or why his simple command sent a thrill through my body...

"Put all the meat in Ziploc bags; it should fit at the bottom. Then, put the shelf in at a higher level." He explained.

"Ok." I inhaled sharply, as I pulled out the meat. He took it from me and set it on the counter next to us. I walked away to grab the Ziploc bags. I went to the counter to put the meat inside them as he removed the middle shelf. Once he had it out, I returned the meat back in the refrigerator on the shelf. It all fit, leaving one open shelf like Ethan predicted. He closed the door from behind me to make sure it sealed properly. It did.

I turned to smile at Ethan "Perfect. Thank you so much."

He smiled back at me. "You're welcome."

All of a sudden, I could feel this heat between us. It was like it came from nowhere; one second we were organizing the refrigerator and the next desire overwhelmed me. The way he was looking at me, his eyes darkened, I knew without a doubt he felt it too...

He took a step back, turning away.

"One more thing-" He said, pulling out one last Tupperware container. "It should be enough marinade for 3 or 4 pounds of meat. Let me know if you need more." He said, facing me again to hand over the sauce.

"That's more than enough." I breathed. "Thank you. Again."

"You're welcome again."

I could no longer deny I had feelings for him. I didn't know what they were or what I wanted to do about them, but they were there. Right now, our friendship was still intact. While I didn't want to risk our it, Dr. Pereira's words ran through my mind: How could we have a friendship if we both had feelings for each other?

My doorbell rang again and I reluctantly left to answer it. It was Sammy and Michelle, the Honey Bee that would be starring in the video. Shortly after they arrived, Ethan left, telling me he would see me tomorrow.

I pushed all thoughts of Ethan out my head as I focused on completing all my prep work. By the time I was finishing, Sammy and Michelle shot the video outside and was wrapping up. Sammy left some cut up fruit and juice in my refrigerator that I had just enough room for. I took a shower and was in bed, sleep, before my family made it home.

I woke up bright and early Sunday morning, amped and ready for my party. I went and picked up donuts and croissants before starting the grill to barbecue the pork low and slow before I increased the heat to grill the skewers, burgers, hotdogs and links. I was putting the beans in the crockpot when Cam and Jenna joined me in the kitchen.

"Morning!" I greeted them cheerfully.

Jenna replied warmly while Cam muttered, reaching for a donut.

"Hungover big bro? Can't hang anymore?" I teased him.

"No. Jenna made me get up. Said you probably needed help." He grumbled.

"No. I said that I was coming down to help Lily and if you wanted coffee come down and get it yourself." Jenna corrected him.

"Same thing. It was your tone."

"What tone?"

"The same tone Priscilla gets when she wants Johnny to help with their kids. Telling, not asking."

I winced at the mention of Johnny. "He's such a dick. Why does he need to be asked to help with his kids?"

Cam looked surprised at my outburst. "I guess because she's a stay at home mom and he's used to her doing everything."

"Just because she's a stay at home mom doesn't mean she should do everything. That's bullshit." I slammed him.

"Ok..." Cam said, fixing his coffee.

Jenna changed the subject. "I invited Emily and her boyfriend over, if that's ok."

"Yes. Of course. If dad didn't buy the extra seats, I would have said no, but we have plenty of seats now." I grinned, playfully.

"Are you being sarcastic?" My dad asked as he joined us.

"No." I lied.

Around 10am, my doorbell rang and I rushed to answer, knowing it had to be Bianca and Noelle. I was half correct as I greeted just Bianca with huge hug.

"Nice to see you too cuz." Bianca laughed as she hugged me back. "Look at you. Grill master!" She said, pulling back and reading my apron.

"You know it!" I smiled, flaunting the apron.
"Where is Noelle?"

"Still at the hotel."

"Hotel? You got a hotel? I thought y'all were only in town for today. You could have stayed with me."

"We are here only for the day. If you saw the amount of stuff Noelle has to travel with, you would understand why we need a hotel room. She'll be over when the party starts." Bianca explained before she greeted and hugged everyone.

I quickly put Bianca to work in the kitchen, giving her simple tasks, like cutting up fruits and vegatables for the salsas and guacamole, that I trusted she wouldn't screw up. Around 11, I sent Dad and Cam to pick up ice and the sushi I ordered. Beatrice went too, saying she wanted to grab a few things for the party. As soon as they left, Jenna turned to me.

"Ok, why don't you like Johnny?" She asked.
I shot Bianca a look and she pursed her lips together. We already discussed my one night stand with Johnny and she thought I should tell Cam about what happened between us when I found out he was working for my dad. I hadn't because I was ashamed that I contributed to him cheating on his wife at the time, even though I didn't know.

"He's not a good guy; especially to his wife." I said simply.

Jenna frowned, but nodded. "Priscilla alluded to some trust issues but she said he's changed since they had kids."

I shook my head. "When I lived in California we hung out when I didn't know he was married or had kids. Based of his behavior when I was in town for the Superbowl, I seriously doubt he's changed."

Jenna's eyes widen in shock. "Does Cam know?"


"I told her to tell him." Bianca butted in.

"I didn't think it was necessary when he was just working for my dad but now that he and Cam are becoming friends, I don't know if he should know. I guess I'm leaving that up to you."

Jeanna blew out an exasperated sigh. "Ok. Thanks for telling me."

I turned on my dancehall music to change the mood and we had a great time cooking together. Sammy, Amanda and my bartender for the day Jessica arrived around 11:30. Sammy and Jessica set up the bar while Amanda got the desserts on serving trays. When Cam, my dad and Beatrice came back, I put the beers, water and sodas in separate coolers before I pulled the pork off the grill.

My brother tried to take over grill duties, but I quickly dismissed him when he asked where my lighter fluid was. I asked Ethan the same question, but he told me not to use it. He taught me how to control the heat without using lighter fluid which ruined the charcoal taste. When I explained this to Cam, he cocked his head at me.

"You've been hanging with Ethan again?" He asked.

"What do you mean? We're friends. We never stopped hanging out." I said, putting the burgers on the grill with a slight smile.

I eventually did let Cam take over so I could get dressed. Bianca bought me a multi-colored tropical print kimono. I paired it with a simple nude romper, white flip flops, and gold hoops and studs. Beatrice bought me a beautiful white flower crown that I wore over my wavy hair.

While I was finishing up, Amber and her family arrived. My cousin Benjamin and Brittany showed up with their families next. I turned on the digital water curtain for the kids before I sat down with Benjamin, his wife Sandra, Brittany and her new boyfriend and baby's father James. Sandra was super complimentary and sweet and she and Amber bonded right away over them both being working moms with three kids. James was super quiet but perked up with Jessica the bartender as she made him a drink.

I excused myself to give Forrest, Jordan and Blake a tour when they arrived.

"Hey. I thought y'all would be coming over later with Rocky." I said, giving them a smile.

"And get the leftovers? No way." Blake grinned, jokingly.

"There's plenty of food. C'mon." I showed them the food set up in the kitchen and drinks at the bar and coolers outside. Forrest seemed like he had a lot on his mind. I tried to talk to him, but I was distracted by Staci's arrival. She was wearing a green palm leaf print maxi dress reminisce of Jennifer Lopez iconic green Versace Grammy's gown. She strutted on the patio, grinning and posing when I saw her.

I looked at Cherish, looking adorable in a floral matching set. "You know your mom is ridiculous?" I joked.

"She reminds me everyday." Cherish smirked, side eying her mom.

"Don't hate. Appreciate." Staci smiled, with a slow spin around.

"Cherish, let's get some food and let your mom appreciate herself." I told Cherish, leading her to the plates. Staci came along and we made our plates together.

After we grabbed drinks we went back to the table. We were sitting down and chatting with Amber, Will, Blake, Jordan, Forrest, and Sammy when I saw Uriel, Trent and Monica make their way outside with Jenna.

I stood up, stunned. I invited Monica and I assumed Trent would come too. I had no idea Monica would invite Uriel as well. Nor did I ever think he would come. I made my way towards them.

"Hey. Good to see you guys." I smiled, welcomingly, giving them all a hug. "Glad you could make it."

"Glad to be here. Hope you don't mind I invited Trent and Uriel." Monica beamed at me.

"Not at all. The more the merrier."

While I showed them the food and the bar, I pulled Uriel aside to talk to him.

"I'm surprised to see you here." I told him as we got some privacy next to the bar.

"I was surprised to learn you were Monica's friend that was having a party today."

"You didn't recognize my address?"

"Monica didn't give me the address until I committed to come."

I sighed. "Maybe I should tell her that were dating so she can stop trying to push us together?" I whispered.

"No. She needs to mind her business." He said, in a normal voice.

"I know, but I don't think she will."

"Maybe not, but it's the principal of it."

"What are you two talking about?" Monica interrupted us.

"Drink orders. Mai tai? Rum Runner? Blue Hawaiian?" I replied.

"Since when do you drink fruity drinks Uriel?" Monica smirked.

"Lily was pointing out the water cooler for me." He said, moving away.

After they got their food, they made their way over to the table to eat. Once I got over my surprise at seeing him, I couldn't help checking him out. He looked like a model from a GQ spread and I couldn't help the surge of pride I felt at the attention he got, knowing he was there for me. He wore a denim button down, the top buttons undone to show off his built chest and fitted dark blue jeans. His hair was pulled back in a man bun with Ray Bans on top of his head. Our eyes clashed a few times, and I gave him an appreciative look, afraid I may have came off like I didn't want him to be here.

He returned my look with a wink and I looked away smiling, trying not to be to obvious. I wanted to ask Uriel why he wasn't fasting, but I decided to wait until Monica wasn't around. She was already watching us intently; I didn't want to tip her off. Thankfully, hosting duties gave me plenty of reasons to leave.

I got up when Corey, Gigi, Peyton and Chris arrived. Noelle finally came too and I relocated to the fire pit to sit with her, Bianca, Britanny, Benjamin, my dad, Cam, Jenna and Beatrice. Have to admit, it was a little awkward for me at first, but we made small talk about the differences between California and Texas.

Uriel, Monica and Trent joined us by the fire pit watching the kids play in the water when they finished eating. Bianca eyes widen when she recognized Uriel. She gave me a small smile before she asked him, "Did Lily ever let you take her out for cake?" 

All eyes went on him as he cleared his throat.

Say no. Say no. Say no. Say no...

"No-" Uriel said.

Thank God.

"She let me take her to dinner last week." He gave me a charming smile.


All eyes went to me now. I neither denied or confirmed. I sipped my Mai tai slowly.

"Lily! Why didn't you tell me?" Bianca grinned, excited.

"Nothing to tell. It was just dinner."

"Fogo de Chao?" Cam asked. Uriel looked at me in surprise before he answered in the affirmative.

I got up when my door bell rang. "Be right back." I said, thankful for the escape. I opened the door and smiled at Richard.

"Have I told you you're my best friend ever?"

"If I was, you'd be wearing the coconut bra and grass skirt you promised." He teased.

"That's my second outfit change." I looped my arm though his and led him to the food.

"Did you do all this?" Richard asked, gesturing to all the food.

"Most of it. Make a plate and lets go sit down." I said.

I grabbed a mint chocolate whoopie pie and a pecan bar before Richard and I sat at the outside table together.  I groaned when I saw my dad and Uriel conversing. Exactly what I didn't want.

"Dad, you remember Richard? He built the bar and the pergola." I cut into his conversation with Uriel, knowing he would ask a million and one questions about the materials and the craftsmanship. Richard glared at me, but I ignored him.

"Yes. Very good work." He said, with barely a passing glance before he continued on with his conversation with Uriel. I couldn't stay away and eventually rejoined them on the sectional. My dad was still talking to Uriel and I learned more about Uriel listening to them talk then I did on our entire first date. His parents moved back to Argentina and sees them maybe 2 times a year, majority of his brothers and sisters lived in Florida where he grew up, he was the first in his family to get a college degree, he plans on retiring with The Dallas Mavericks and he had no opinion either way on kids or marriage. His attitude was if it happened, it happened.

"So this is the number one starter on your line up?" Richard asked me with a smirk as he sat beside me with a beer.

"Shut up Richard."

After another hour, Rocky, Brandon, Baby Ace, Mama Smith, her boyfriend Sebastian, and Ramon arrived at the party. Once I greeted them, Uriel, Monica, and Trent said they needed to get going. I tore myself away from Ace to walk them out.

"I knew it. I knew it. I knew it all along." Monica sang under her breath to me as we walked out the front door.

"Bye Monica. Have a wonderful Memorial Day." I said, as I glared at her. She only laughed as she and Trent left.

"Really?" I said to Uriel once we reached his car.

"Really what?"

"You announce to everyone we're dating?" I started.

"Should I have lied?"

Urgh, good point.

"No... But you didn't have to like- talk to my dad."

"I should have ignored him?" He smiled like I said the most ridiculous thing while placing his hands on my hips.

"Not ignore. Just politely decline his questions."

"I didn't mind his questions. You're dad was cool." Uriel said, bringing me closer to him.

"I don't think anyone has described my dad as cool."  I smiled, somewhat pleased. As much as I didn't want them to meet, I was happy he got along with my dad.

"I enjoyed his company. Is that better?"

"No." I teased.

"I had a good time. A great 2nd date."

"Date? No!"

"Yes. You said a date is spending more than an hour together eating or doing an activity. Technically, this could be two dates."

"Two dates with my dad. Definitely creepy Uriel!" I giggled.

"I'll call you to set up our date this week."

"Do you still have that benefit next weekend?"

"I do."

"Let's make that the third date." I said, placing my arms around his neck. "That way we can go back to your place afterward."

"I knew you were a 3 date girl." He said, leaning in close. I was standing on my tip toes to meet him for a kiss when I heard someone calling my name. I looked over Uriel's shoulder and saw EJ running towards me from Ethan's truck parked on the street. I pulled away when I saw Ethan heading my way too.


  1. I am so happy you are writing again! The story is so good!
    And you are a great writer, I never thought I would be Team Ethan, but I am now. He may be too serious, but I think they are both what each other needs.... I hope she gives him a chance and stops messing around with Uriel, he’s sexy and a great confidence boost,. But Ethan can do that fo her too.

  2. YIIIIIKES. Would hate to be Ethan in this scenario. I really hope she lets go of Uriel asap...Like Luita said, Ethan can do what he's doing for her and more!

  3. I am completely team Uriel.... Ethan and her have way to much history. Uriel is new, honest, keeps her acting like a grown up. I love love love the Uriel storyline!!!!!!!

  4. Holding on to hope that she will be with Ethan. Uriel and Lily are just too different.

  5. I cannot believe I am saying this.... but I am so invested in Team Ethan, now! LOL. For literal YEARS I was against Ethan + Lily ending up together. Now I am rooting for them. Isn't it weird how things change? haha

  6. YES for TEAM ETHAN!!! I think they would balance eachother well and I think it took a lot for him to tell her he had feelings for her.
