Saturday, August 25, 2018

Darts in the Dark (Outro)

"Darts in the dark
I don't know the way
Back to your heart
I don't know the way
Darts in the dark
Throwing darts in the dark, somebody's gonna get hurt
Throwing darts in the dark, only gonna make things worse
I will never find the center of your heart
If I keep throwing darts in the dark, throwing darts in the dark" Darts in the Dark by Magic

"Hey EJ." I smiled as he settled beside me. I put my arm around his shoulders and introduced him to Uriel. "EJ, this is my friend Uriel." I said.
EJ looked up at him. "You're really tall. Do you play basketball?"
"No." Uriel answered.
"EJ just made his club team. He had to try out and every thing." I bragged and EJ smiled proudly.

"Congratulations. Do you like watching basketball too?" Uriel asked him. I looked over to where Ethan stopped, waiting for his parents to get out their car. Our eyes met briefly, and I quickly turned back to Uriel and EJ.

"I like watching, playing, nba2k." EJ nodded.

"I work for the Dallas Mavericks. Are you a Mavericks fan?"

"No. I like the Warriors. I practice my form all the time so I can hit 3s like Steph Curry and Klay Thompson." EJ explained.

Uriel kept a straight face, even though he had no love for Golden State. "Keep practicing and you'll get there. Maybe I can get you tickets when we play the Warriors next season."
The pleasure I felt for Uriel planning that far in the future was short lived as Ethan approached us. I bit my lip, thinking how I should introduce them. I decided on the friend route like I did with EJ when Ethan stuck out his hand.

"I'm Ethan." He introduced himself casually.

"Uriel." Uriel responded, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Ethan said before looking down at EJ. "Let's go inside and get the snow cone machine set up."

"Ok. Hurry up and you can get the first one." EJ told me.
"I'll be right there."
Ethan nodded to me and Uriel before he led EJ inside my house. I watched them disappear in the house before I faced Uriel.
"You were really nice to him. Thank you."

"Why do you sound surprise?" He asked, holding me against him again.

"Because I know you're indifferent about kids and you hate Warrior fans." I embraced him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before I attempted to pull back. He stopped me, lifting my body up against his before he kissed me thoroughly goodbye.
"I'll talk to you soon." He said once we parted.

"Thanks for coming." I smiled as waved goodbye.

I stood at the curb, watching him drive off before a car pulled into his spot. I smiled when I saw it was Dino and keep the smile on my face when Mia got out the car too. Across the street, Jake, his dad Jose, Jose's wife Stephanie and a teenaged boy were making their way from his SUV.

I greeted them all with a smile and cast a curious glance at Jake's oldest nephew, who had to be 15 or 16 and was now as tall as me. "Who are you?"

"It's Issac. Remember me?" He said, nervously shooting Jake and Jose a look.

"No you're not. Last time I saw Isaac he was a kid." I said, suspiciously.

"He turns 15 this year." Jake informed me as Isaac grinned, the braces I remembered gone.

"No way. This is an imposter!" I joked.

"This is my grandson. How old do you think that makes me feel?" Jose laughed.
"I refuse to believe that much time has past." I shook my head as we entered my house.

Rocky, Brandon, Deborah, and Albert were already in the kitchen making their plates. My dad already set out the refrigerated food and was pointing out the different kinds of sushi. I reintroduced my dad to everyone before I went outside to check the coolers and make sure we had plenty of drinks. As the new group made their way outside with plates, I took drink orders and delivered them to the table. I noticed Ethan taking 3 snow cones to my cousin Benjamin's 3 boys.

"Hey. EJ said I got the first one!" I called, playfully.

"He also told you to hurry up. Say your goodbyes faster next time." Ethan responded. I watched him, willing him to look at me so I could read his face and see if there was a hidden meaning behind his words.

"Who was your friend in the Mercedes-Benz?" Mia asked me, interrupting my study of Ethan.

"Uriel." I told her shortly, handing her and Dino pineapple margaritas.

"I looked it up. Did you know that's a 130,000 dollar car?" Mia continued.

I glared at her as my answer.

"Does he own or lease it?" My dad asked me, curiously.

"I have no idea. After your talk with him, you know more about him than I do." I said, sarcastically.

Mama Smith and Rocky chuckled while Dad gave me a look. I immediately turned down my sarcasm. "I never asked."

"It was a beautiful car." Jose commented.

Albert asked my dad's opinion on leasing versus buying a luxury car, changing the subject from Uriel. After everyone had a drink, I headed to join Amber, Staci and Sandra on the daybed with Ace.

"Did you invite Mia?" I asked Amber.

"No." Amber shock her head.

"I don't know why she came. She knows you don't like her." Staci added. I didn't say anything because it was true. I didn't. I focused on beautiful Ace instead. He was falling asleep, his long eye lashes resting on his chubby checks. I cooed and cuddled him until Ethan came over.

"What kind of snow cone do you want?" He asked.

"I'll get it."

"I got it. What do you want?"

"Surprise me?"

He nodded and asked everyone else if they wanted one before he left.

"You made him wear the shirt?" Amber asked me.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"The I got the sauce shirt." Amber explained.

Sure enough, when Ethan brought me my snow cone, I noticed he was wearing it.

"I like your shirt." I complimented him.

"I'm not surprised considering you picked it out."

"I'm surprised you're actually wearing it." I countered.

"You bought it for me. Why wouldn't I wear it?" He questioned me.

I definitely knew there was a hidden meaning behind that. I looked down at the blue snow cone with a white center and fruit snacks on top, avoiding his eyes. Upon closer inspection, I saw they were Scooby Doo fruit snacks.

I blushed and looked back up at him. "Really?"

"Blue and fruit snacks. Still your favorites?"

"Yeah. They are. Thank you." I said, unable to hold back my smile. Ethan left to make himself and help EJ make a plate. I took a picture of my snow cone before I sampled it. I immediately recognized cream of coconut as the white center and a hint of blue Curacao liqueur in the syrup. It was amazing.

Rocky joined us, putting Ace who was falling asleep in his car seat. We asked how how she was doing and she relayed how little sleep she was getting, how his first check up went, and how much Brandon was stepping up to help them both.
As she talked, I looked around, wonder why Forrest hadn't joined us to hang with Rocky.

"Where's Forrest?" I asked Rocky once I hadn't seen him.

"He left." Rocky replied.

"What? When? He didn't even say bye." I said, looking at her questioningly.

"I think you were saying goodbye to your friend with the 130,000 Benz." Rocky smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes at her when Amber asked what that meant.

"Nothing." I said to her, pulling out my phone to text Forrest, asking why he left without saying goodbye.

The sun was starting to set so I got up and started the fire pit before sitting out marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. After helping the kids make smores, I squeezed in between Richard and Bianca on the sectional.

"You comfortable? Have enough room?" Bianca asked me.

"Wait." I said, putting my legs up to drape over hers. "Now I am."

"So childish." Bianca shook her head at me.

"You do the same thing." Noelle pointed out.

"Yeah, but Lily's ass is bigger than mine. It takes up more room." Bianca teased.

"You have no ass. It's like a extended back with a crack." I teased her back.

Richard, Noelle and Bianca laughed and my dad came out of nowhere and said, "Lily, is that language necessary?"

"No..." As soon as he turned around, I added under my breath, "but it's my house so I say what I want."

"What was that Lily?" Bianca asked me, loudly, causing my dad to turn back to look at us.

"Nothing." I replied as they laughed at me.

I was having a great time with my friends and family. Maybe a little too much fun as the drinks flowed and everyone talked and laughed. As we sat around the fire, I learned Cam and Jenna were going to start trying to get pregnant after my Dad's wedding.

"We didn't want to risk getting pregnant before the wedding but hopefully sometime next year will start our family." Jenna said, wistfully to Sandra.

"Wait. What risk?" Amanda asked Jenna.

"The Dominican Republic has a Zika outbreak." Jenna told her.
"You don't have to plan your family around the wedding. We can get married in California." Dad told Cam and Jenna.

Beatrice face remained neutral, but I could tell the way she talked about her destination wedding, it's what she really wanted.

"If it's not in the Dominican Republic, I'm not coming!" I protested.

Bianca and Noelle laughed at me while Dad gave me another look. I shrugged. "I didn't take a week off work for a wedding in California. Just saying."

"Got to the Dominican Republic. Enjoy your time with each other now. Believe me, once you have kids, time alone is hard to come by." Benjamin advised them.

"Please. I'm always begging you to go out. When we do have a babysitter, you don't want to do anything!" Sandra, his wife, exclaimed.

"The last time you got dressed up and we went out, this one happened." Benjamin said, motioning to his youngest son Braden in his lap.

I giggled while Bianca made a disgusted face. "Ew Benny. I'm not trying to hear about your weak pull out game."

"I'm married. What pull out game?" Benjamin rebutted, causing Bianca to gag and Sandra to pinch him. I laughed at them.
"See Dad? It's really not my fault. Apparently, inappropriateness is in my DNA." I joked.

My dad didn't respond but Benjamin smiled. "You're right about that. I remember how your mom would always make little comments that infuriated my mom."

"Really?" I said, curiously. "Like what?"

"I don't really remember Lily. I was 12, 13, 14 at the time. I just remember being in awe of your mom. My mom bulldozed everyone except her. That and her record collection was impressive." Benjamin relayed.

"She loves music too?"

He nodded. "She loved rock music. Redbone, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Buddy Miles, Santana-"

"Santana?" I asked, sitting up anxiously.

"Yes. They were one of her favorites. She played them all the time."

"That's crazy. I cry every time I hear their music. I still don't know why."

"Well if you ever reach out to her, she might know why." Benjamin hinted, trailing off.

"I already did so if she gets in touch with me, I'll ask her about it." I confessed to him.

Benjamin looked pleased while Bianca and Cam looked shocked. My dad just stared at me.

"Lily that's huge. When did you reach out?" Jenna asked.

"A few weeks ago. I haven't heard from her yet." I replied.

"That's not long ago at all. Just remember how difficult it was for you to reach out and give her time. I know it's hard but be patient."

I gave her a small smile. "Yeah. My therapist said the same thing. I am."

My dad excused himself and walked into the house. Beatrice got up with him. I was on my way to follow so we could talk when Richard called me.

"I think there's something wrong with your water curtain." He said. I looked over at it and saw that the lights were on, but no water was pouring out.

"Dude, you installed it. What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. I think the pump is off. Do me a favor and twist the spout while I check the pump." Richard said, leading me to the grass. I stood to the side holding the spout when I noticed Ethan as he sat at the picnic table with his Jake, Brandon, Will, his parents, Jose and Stephanie. He nodded his head in warning, but I turned around to see EJ with the remote too late. Richard ran off as soon as EJ pressed the button, causing the water to cascade on my head.

I ran after EJ, demanding he give me the remote as he laughed. He played keep away with the remote and the other kids before I finally grabbed EJ and carried him kicking and screaming to the water curtain. I held him under the stream until Benjamin's oldest Benji brought me the remote. We were both soaking wet, but I knew I had a clean change of clothes for EJ since the last time he spent the night. We went inside and I let him change in my bathroom as I went upstairs to change.

My dad wasn't in the living room after I got done changing into my Rihanna t-shirt and jean shorts with my wet hair in a side braid. I went back to the party and decided to move the food that was sitting outside into the kitchen since no one was eating. Jessica left for the evening, so I made myself a rum and redbull as I turned on my dancehall music playlist.
"Clean up turn up?" Amber stated as I started to gather the food on the table.

"You know it!" I said, looking around for my dad. When I noticed he had joined everyone at the picnic table, engrossed in a conversation with Albert and Jose, I did a sexy whine against the table.

"You're stupid." Rocky laughed at me as she breastfed Ace under a cover.

"Don't think I didn't notice you looking around for your dad." Sammy smirked at me.

"Bullshit. This is my house. I do what I want." I said, mid shimmy.

"Hi Mr. Ortiz!" Amber exclaimed, making me jump and whip around. When my dad was still at the picnic table, all 3 of them laughed at me.

"Bitches!" I laughed too.

On our multiple trips to take everything inside, Sammy, Amber and I danced around, singing to each other as they helped me tidy up. Once, I caught Ethan watching. He looked away, refocusing on whatever they were talking about. Every once in a while, I could feel him watching me. I didn't look at him to confirm, but I knew it was him.

We had all the food in the kitchen and made more drinks before sitting at the table with Brandon, Jake, Dino, Mia, Cherish, Isaac, Richard, and Corey. We were talking about everyone's plan for Monday when Shaggy, "It Wasn't Me" came on.

"Ohmygosh, I used to love this song!" I squealed, excitedly as I got up to turn the volume up. Amber, Sammy, Richard and I were singing the lyrics to each other and dancing at the table together.

"Is that what you told Christian when he caught you with another guy at the strip club? It wasn't me?" Mia cackled from the opposite end of the table.

I looked at Amber in disbelief, having no idea why she would tell Mia what happened. I turned to Mia next. "It's none of your business what I told him."
"I'm just joking. Calm down."
"I am calm. There are kids presence so don't joke like that around them. In fact, we don't have that type of relationship, so don't joke like that around me either " I told her, evenly.

"Why do you have a problem with me?" Mia exclaimed.
"Right now I don't." I said, warningly.
Dino stood up. "Come on Mia. Let's go."
"You don't have to go Dino." I told her.
"Mia came with me and it's obvious you don't want her here so we're leaving." Dino said, indignantly.

"I'm pretty sure it was obvious when I didn't invite her, but I welcomed her anyway. As long as she keeps her jokes to herself, it's fine." I stated.
"Well, I don't wanna feel like I'm walking on eggshells because you chose not to like me." Mia replied, standing up.

"Me either, so let's just go." Dino added.
"Ok. Get home safe." I said, flatly.

They said their goodbyes and I wasn't sad to see either of them go. I was when Jake, Jose, Stephanie and Isaac left shortly after, but I understood because Dino was Jake's girlfriend. I walked them out and Jake pulled me aside.

"Sorry about that. Daniela is uncomfortable around you for reasons that have nothing to do with you."

"What reasons?"

"I told her about my exes before I knew you two knew each other."

"Oh. What did you tell her about me?"I asked curiously.

"What happened at the strip club?" He smiled at me.

"Yep. You're right. None of my business. Have a great night." I waved at him.

When I came back Amber tried to apologize for telling Mia, but I cut off her off.

"I don't care. Just in the future, don't talk about me around either one of them."

"Dino too?"

I nodded and she frowned. "Can we get back to the turn up?" I asked her.

She smiled and I turned up the music. Drake's "Find Your Love" was playing. I couldn't help thinking about Staci's comments about Ethan and I looked over at him. He was talking to Benjamin and Cam but soon our eyes met. I smiled as I swayed to the beat, maintaining eye contact with Ethan and singing along with lyrics.

"I better find your loving
I better find your heart
I bet if I give all my love
Then nothing's gonna tear us apart"

Once the song ended, he put his drink down and headed my way. He keep his eyes on me as he walk past me into the house. I followed him inside, my heart thumping in anticipation. He stood in the kitchen, waiting for me as I closed the door.

"Are you flirting with me?" He asked me straight out.

"Umm.. Maybe a little bit." I answered, truthfully.

"Why?" He asked.

I flushed. "I don't know."

"Aren't you tried of not knowing? Go out with me so we can figure it out."

"Ethan-" I started but he stopped me.

"One date. If it doesn't work out or feel right, I'll leave it alone and never mention it again." He bargained.

"Ethan, it's not that simple."

"It is if we don't complicate it. We've done that before- at least, I know I did. The only thing I'm asking from you is your time and honesty. You can give me that as a friend." He laid out to me, clearing his thoart, his nervous give away. "You said you don't want to hurt our friendship. We can't as long as we tell each other the truth. Do you have feelings for me Lily?"

"Yes. I don't know what they are or where they come from but I do." I answered honestly.

"What day are you free next week?"

"Any day after 7."

"Tuesday. 8:30. I'll pick you up."

"Ok." I nodded right as Brandon and Rocky came in with Ace. They were getting ready to leave. Ethan went back outside as I moved to make them both plates to take home.
Slowly but surely, people started to leave and I tried to give away all the leftover food and drinks I had. After everyone left and I put up the food I couldn't give away, I went outside and laid on the daybed with Bianca. Noelle went to their hotel to get their things and was going to come back so they could head to the airport together. We stretched out, listening to my beach playlist, silently looking at the night sky.

"It's crazy how much time changes things. Remember where we were last Memorial Day?"

"Yeah, in Mexico. You were scheming how you can get your designs to Noelle, and ended up stealing her from Christian." I looked at her with a grin.

"Shut up." Bianca said, turning towards me. "What do you think of Noelle?"

"She's great. If I had any doubts about how much she cares about you, I don't now. Just the fact that she came here proved it. And she was nice to everyone. Even bitchy Mia."

"What's her deal anyway?"

"Don't know, don't care." I shrugged.

"Do you wanna know what I think of Uriel?" Bianca asked with a grin.

"No... In fact." I kicked her on the shin.

"Oww! Mother fuck-"

"That's what you get for outing us in front of my dad."

"But your dad liked him?"

"Don't know don't care." I repeated.

"I'm sure he will. He kinda reminds me of your dad."

"Eww, Bianca. No he doesn't!"

"I'm serious. First generation, business men, heath and style conscious, athletic." she rattled off as I covered my ears."Don't be ashamed. All girls want a man like their daddy."

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!" I exclaimed as she rolled back over, laughing her non-existent ass off.

She was telling me about some launch party they had to head back to California for when the beginning strains of Lava started playing from my speaker. I immediately got up to skip to the next song. I didn't bother me thinking about Trevor as I listened to the playlist we put together in the Florida Keys, or when Bianca mentioned our Memorial Day trip last year; but I couldn't help the tears that threaten to form when I heard that song.

The beach boys played instead and Bianca and I layed back, singing off key until Noelle came back. I gave them both a hug goodbye, thanking them for coming and telling Bianca to call when they got home. After they left, I went to bed where Justine was waiting for me.

I woke up late Monday morning and went to the kitchen to put away the clean dishes in the dishwasher that someone already loaded for me. I had my classic rock playlist of favorites I discovered from Trevor. I added Santana as I waited for the coffee to brew. I made myself a cup before sitting at my table. I checked my email for anything from my mom before I went on social media.

I ignored the notifications and new posts as I checked Trevor's feed. It looked like he was having a great time in Memphis, Tennessee, with Bilal, J-Mike, and the same girl he brought to Rocky's birthday party. I liked one of the pictures of him and Bilal at a bar and made a comment about them enjoying the birth place of my first love: Justin Timberlake. I put my phone away so I didn't check for a response when my Dad and Cam came back from a run.

"I didn't realized you listen to classic rock." Cam said, sitting at the kitchen table as I brought him and my dad bottled water.

"You know Trevor is a big classic rock fan. It grew on me."

Cam chugged his water, looking over at Dad.

"I wanted to talk to you about your mother." My dad started.


"I know Benjamin is encouraging you to reach out to her, but you have to realize the memories he has of her are those of a child. I am an adult and I never understood your mother or the dynamics of her family. I don't want you to get your hopes up Lilian."

"I'm not. I understand that. I went over it with my therapist a lot before I reached out. I know she may not respond how I would like or maybe not at all. I know it's a shoot in the dark but I have to take it so I don't have any regrets. No matter how she responds, I've made my peace. I'm good no matter what."

"And if you're not good for any reason?" My dad asked.

"You're my first call." I told him, giving him a hug. When Dad took a bottle of water upstairs to Beatrice, Cam stated,

"You're calling him before me?" Cam asked.

"Of course not. I just want him to feel like he's first. You definitely are." I grinned.

"Hmph. You're not just saying that like you told Dad?"

"Naahhh." I said, holding it out too long to sound sincere.

"Before Uriel?"



My grin froze on my face. "Why do you ask about him?"

"I don't know. I picked up a vibe. You two had some intense eye contact."

"You and you're vibes. Ethan and I are friends. You are my brother. You get the first call." I promised.

For now...

"Good." Cam nodded.

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