Friday, August 3, 2018

Never Ending

*Everyone this is a really rough edit. I didn't want to go another week with out posting. I will edit more over the weekend when I can. Have a great one!

"A drug and a dream
A lost connection, oh come back to me
So I can feel alive again
As soul and body try to mend
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never-ending
Slipped into a parallel
They'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
Why does it have to feel so strange
To be in love again, be in love again, be in love again?" Never Ending by Rihanna

Saturday night was the Rihanna concert. I planned for Staci, Amber and Monica to meet at my house to Uber to the concert. I originally invited Jordan as the 4th, but she was planning her engagement party with Blake's parents. I reached out to Sammy next, but she had a gig. Amanda turned me down too: no explanation, just no. Amber suggested Mia, but when Monica was available, I invited her excitedly.

Saturday afternoon, I left to meet Ethan and EJ to see Batman vs. Superman. I spotted EJ first with Jayden and another little boy playing air hockey in the arcade attached to the theater. EJ introduced me to his friend and teammate Alex after I greeted him and Jayden. EJ then pointed at his dad in line purchasing the tickets. I headed Ethan's way, waiting until he completed his transaction to join him.

"Hey. You made it." He said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Yep. I told you I would." I smiled up at him, nervously. I couldn't help being a little... I guess uncomfortable knowing that he still had feelings for me. The strange thing was he acted completely normal. Or maybe he was just better at hiding his feelings...

Urgh, I would drive myself crazy with this.

"You ready for your barbecue?" Ethan asked me, interrupting my stupid thoughts as he pulled away.

"Almost. I have the menu pretty much done except for the freaking health nuts." I sighed.

"Health nuts?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, Bianca's girlfriend only eats clean food so nothing processed and my dad doesn't eat red meat. Unfortunately, I have to have options for them. Speaking of, can I get the recipe for your marinade?"

"No." Ethan declined.

"No?" I looked at him, stunned.

"No. Sorry. It's a family recipe."

"Really? Your nephew is my godson. That makes us pretty much family." I argued.

"Pretty much doesn't count."

"Dad. We're out of coins!" EJ exclaimed as he ran up, cutting off my rebuttal. His friends followed close behind him.

"Good. We need to buy snacks if you want them." Ethan told him.

As we waited in line, I turned to EJ. "You know what's a good snack EJ? Barbecue. Do you know your dad's marinade recipe?"

EJ's face scrunched up in confusion. "No."

"Really? You should ask him and tell me what it is..." I hinted to him.

"Nah, I like nachos for a snack. Can I get an Icee too dad?" EJ blew me off.

Ethan and I laughed at my failed attempt to extract the recipe from EJ. After he took the boys' order, he turned to me with a smile. "What do you want? They don't have barbecue."

"Popcorn, Rasinets... And an Icee too."

The movie was pretty good. It definitely got me excited for Wonder Woman. The boys made faces and said they couldn't wait for Suicide Squad. Alex commented that Harley Quinn was hotter, which Jayden and then EJ agreed. I hid my horrified look as I handed them 5 dollars each for tokens.

"Oh my god, are they old enough to be noticing girls?" I said, watching them run off to play more games.

"Apparently, although I think EJ couldn't care less. He's just going along with the older boys." Ethan commented.

"Good. I just started feeling like an adult instead of pretending to be one. I don't need EJ making me feel any older."

He nodded at the arcade. "Want to play a game? I know they bring out your childish side."

I chuckled. "No. I need to get going so I can get ready for the Rihanna concert."

"Ok. Have fun."

"I will. Bye Ethan."

I went home and immediately started going through my Fenty collection, trying to figure out what I was going to wear. Monica showed up and I put on a Rihanna playlist before putting my phone away. We went through my Fenty collection together. Since I already wore the black and white maxi dress, I told Monica she could borrow it.

I picked out my Fenty black and white track pants with the matching bomber jacket. I dressed it up with a red lace bralet top and my Fenty sneaker heels. I also wore the bright red straight wig I got in Miami. I did a full face of make-up, including a red lip, and diamond and white gold studs in my ears. I was Rihanna inspired, channeling her fearless, fun attitude and style.

At first, Monica was annoyed with my over the top dancing, singing and incessant picture taking, but after she drank the remaining coconut rum, she joined right in. We were outside waiting for Staci and Amber, dancing against one of my palm trees, when they arrived in a Hummer Limo.

"Fuck a party bus. Issa limo!!!" Amber cried, looking amazing in a Rihanna- Navy inspired blue and white stripped mini dress with a gold anchor chain necklace. She wore a wig too: a jet black bob reminiscence of Rihanna's good girl gone bad phase.

"Y'all are crazy!!!" I exclaimed, excitedly as I hugged them both. "I love it!"

"A limo? Is Rihanna that serious?" Monica raised an eyebrow at us.

"Absolutely!" Staci cheered, looking fierce and ready to party. She matched Amber in a blue pencil skirt with white anchors printed all over it and a white tube top. Her hair was in big, bouncy curls over her shoulders.
As we took pictures, I explained the whole party bus thing Christian did for the Weeknd concert and how Amber and Staci topped him with the Hummer limo.

"I thought they told you that I was a savage. Fuck your white horse and a carriage." They sang as I took their pictures and videos in front of the limo. Monica and I went next, and our driver came out and offered to take group photos of us all. I'm sure she regretted it once we were done with all our poses. Afterwards, we all climbed into the Hummer to head to the concert.

We keep the party going, sipping on vodka water with lemons as we sang and danced to our favorite Rihanna songs. When we got to Airlines Arena, people pouring into the arena keep looking at the limo, probably thinking were we some guest celebrity.

"You guys, what would y'all do if Drake showed up?" I grinned as we walked to the entrance.

"Get pregnant!" Amber and Staci answered at the same time before they started laughing.

"I'm not getting pregnant so condoms would definitely be a part of the plan." I laughed too.

"You're not thinking long term. A baby guarantees not only a monthly check, but at least yearly visits." Staci pointed out as we waited in line at security check.

"Is that what happened with your ex husband?" Amber teased.

"We're not talking bout him; we're talking about fine ass Drake!" Staci brushed her off.

"That man is not that fine" Monica said.
We all looked at her like she was crazy, then each other like what was wrong with her. We started laughing again and Monica shook her head at us.

We followed her inside the arena as she led us to the floor seats. Our tickets gave us access to a VIP bar that we went to first, dancing to the DJ as we waited. After we got our drinks, we found our seats. Travis Scott was the opening act and we all got on our feet, minus Monica and rapped and danced along to his set. When Rihanna came on stage, everyone, including Monica, got on their feet to dance, cheer, scream and sing. Rihanna put on a great show- at one point she was right above us on a glass platform. I loved every second of it. Everything was twice as fun as Monica, Amber, Staci and I hyped each other up, only stopping to film our favorite songs or take pictures and videos together.

After the show, we went to the merchandise table so I could get a concert t-shirt for my collection. While we waited in the crowded line, we gushed over the show. Rihanna's clothes, boots, make-up, hair, dancing and vocals were all on point. We were so amped, none of us were ready to go home. Monica stepped out of the line to make a phone call to see if we could secure a table at a nearby club.

"Her husband works PR for the Dallas Mavericks. They have a lot of great connections." I told Amber and Staci excitedly. They were even more pumped at the prospect of going to a new spot and continuing the fun.

I picked out 2 shirts: 1 with just a picture of Rihanna and the tour dates and a second with a picture that said "Thought I Told You That I Was A Savage".

As I was checking out, I saw another plain white t-shirt that read "I Got The Sauce".

"I'm so getting this for Ethan!" I held up the T-shirt with a broad smile.

"Ethan?" Amber asked, confused.

"Yep... He's got the sauce." Staci said licking her lips lecherously. We both turned to stare at her: Amber was a look of disgust, mine was a look of outrage.

"You're dating his co-worker... No, it's his insubordinate! That's even worse!" I shrieked.

"So? I could date his mom and still appreciate his sauce! He's sexy. Kinda reminds me of Drake!" She defended herself.

"No he doesn't!" Amber declared.

"Yes he does. If he grew a full beard, they could be brothers... Or cousins. Same grandparents for sure." Staci argued, passionately.

Amber waved her hand dismissively at Staci while I just stared, astounded.

"Why are you getting a T-shirt for Ethan?" Amber questioned me.

"A bribe. He won't share his family marinade with me. He said me being the godmother of his nephew doesn't count as family. I'm trying to get the recipe. Not appreciate his sauce." I shoot Staci another glare.

She crossed her arms, with an unapologetic smile on her lips. "You know I got the sauce. You know I'm saucy. And it's always wet, a bitch never ever ever use lip gloss on it. Imma need you deeper than 6, not a coffin." She sang, doing a little shimmy.

"Shut up!" Amber and I both yelled at her as she laughed.

"What I miss?" Monica asked as she rejoined us.

"Nothing!" I exclaimed.

Monica told us she secured a table at a club nearby. When we got there, there was a huge line out front of people waiting to get in. This Is What You Came For mix featuring Rihanna thumped from the building so we took it as a sign we were at the right place. I was totally willing to stand in line, but Monica made her way to the front of the line, gave her name to the bouncer, and we were immediately let in.

"Look at Mon-Mon! Boss bitch status!" I giggled as we were escorted to a table.

"Don't start Lilac." She warned me with a look.

"Lilac?" Amber asked, loudly over the music.

"That's the moniker Uriel gave her. When they make it official, everyone will call her that." Monica explained.

"Are you trying to be official with him?" Staci asked me.

When I saw Monica looking at me expectantly, I smiled, coolly. "I don't even know him like that..."

We had a great time at the club, drinking too much, dancing wildly and turning down guys that tried to talk to us. Monica and Amber flashed their wedding rings and Staci and I straight up told them we were not interested.

"Lesbians..." One guy snorted to his buddy as we headed back to our table from dancing, declining their offer for drinks at the bar. We had bottle service at our table.

"Not even a little bit!" I snapped back at him.

"... And even if we were, we still wouldn't be interested in you bitches!" Staci yelled as we laughed and hurried off. At last call, we made our way out to the Hummer limo.

Since we were closest to Monica's place, we dropped her off first. Trent came out and we catcalled and whistled at him as he adorably gave Monica a piggyback ride inside their house. Since Staci had to work the next morning, she was dropped off next. I was closer to Staci and gave Amber a hug before I was dropped off at home. I stripped out of my clothes and wig and as soon as Amber texted me that she made it home, I crashed in bed.

I woke up Sunday, hungover, dehydrated, and exhausted. I was struggling to get out of bed. I needed to get my final to-do list done for not only my barbecue but for my dad, brother, Jenna and Beatrice spending the weekend at my house. The thought of not having enough hand soap or paper towels forced me up.

I let Justine outside as I took a shower. When that wasn't enough to get me going, I threw on some clothes to take Justine to a restaurant that had a dog friendly patio for brunch. I figured food might motivate me to get moving. Before I left, I sent a text to Monica, letting her know I would be out for the day but she could get her car anytime.

At the restaurant, I sat out on the patio and ordered water for Justine and an espresso for myself. After I ordered food, I started to put together my menu and grocery list for the party. I text Sammy, asking for the location of the beer and wine store that had a selection of international beers. When she text me back she would go with me, I told her I was at brunch with Justine. When she asked if she could join me, I agreed right away. I waved down my waitress and asked if she could hold my food while I waited for Sammy.

I completed my list of food, supplies and decorations and was still waiting for Sammy. I grabbed my phone to text to see if she was still coming. She text me back she was 10 minutes away. While I had my phone out, I went through all my notifications on my social media. I had a lot of likes and comments from the videos and pictures I posted from the concert.

I immediately noticed Trevor commented and liked a bunch of my pictures and videos. Not only did he commented "Hey Raggedy Ann..." on my new profile pic of me posing outside the Hummer limo, but he went back and loved an old photo of me on my birthday.

He obviously wanted me to know he was checking out my timeline. I wouldn't allow myself to go down that slippery slope of looking at his past posts, but it was tempting. I was debating commenting back on my profile picture when I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see Sammy and Amanda.

"Hey you two!" I said, standing up.

"Sorry. It took me forever to get this one up!" Sammy nudged Amanda playfully.

"I was up late editing your video." Amanda protested.

"I know. That's why I'm treating." Sammy smiled as she sat.

"You look great Amanda! I love your hair like that." Her hair was down, looking recently styled in glossy layers down her back. Her make-up was light but brought out her natural beauty. She was wearing a cute blouse with ripped denim Bermuda shorts.

"Thank you." She smiled, shyly.

After they ordered, we talked and caught up. I was pleasantly surprised that they were not only still filming videos together but were hanging out regularly. Sammy encouraged her makeover and new wardrobe. Amanda was still introverted, but she opened up a lot and no longer got flustered with Sammy's crassness. Amanda also offered to take over desserts for the barbecue and she sincerely sounded excited to come.

We went to the beer store together and I bought Japanese beer. Sammy hired a girl to bartender and make two tropical drinks for me in exchange for filming a video making them in my backyard. After I said goodbye to Sammy and Amanda, I dropped Justine off at home before I went to the store to pick up the food, drinks, decorations and supplies I needed. On my way home, I stopped by Ethan's house to drop off his t-shirt.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Ethan asked as he held his door open for me.

"I got you something from the concert." I said, excitedly as I walked in.

"Really? Why?"

"Why?" I said, pretending to be offended. "Can't I just get you a gift?"

"Of course. My apologizes." He smirked.

"You're forgiven." I said, before I pulled out his t-shirt. "Now if this gift moves you to reciprocate, I'm open to anything you might want to share with me." I hinted, holding up the shirt.

"You know I got the sauce." He read it out loud, taking the shirt from me. "Thank you. I will not reciprocate with my family's recipe, but I appreciate this."

"C'mon Ethan! I'm sure your mom won't mind if you shared it with me."

"Probably not, but it's my dad's recipe." He corrected me.

"Even better... He told me he wanted me as a daughter in law once!" I blurted out before I thought about what I was saying.

"He did?" Ethan asked me, curiously. I blushed, trying to think of something to say to play off that statement, but I was tongue tied. Ethan scanned my face for an agonizing moment before he replied. "You should have asked him for it then."  He said, lightheartedly.

"I bought McCormick seasonings so I don't need it." I boasted, finding my words with his response.

"I never heard of a grill master using packaged seasonings, but good luck with that Lily. " He said with a smile.

I momentary got caught up in his smile and how sexy his face looked with a little stubble and tried to picture him with a full beard before I caught myself. "Whatever. Bye Ethan!" I said, quickly, turning around to flee. I tripped on the welcome mat on the way out.

"You ok Lily?"

"I'm good. See you later!" I said, not stopping, turning to wave, hoping he didn't see my face flushed with embarrassment.

My embarrassment at the way I acted around Ethan gradually faded away as I put all my groceries and supplies away. I spent the remaining Sunday tidying up and then picking out my outfit for my date with Uriel. He was outside of my circle, we were on the same page of just getting to know each other and we didn't have a messy past; I was looking forward to our first date. I knew we were going to dinner, so I kept it causal with slimming black pants and a see through black blouse with a black cami underneath.  It was easily dressed up with nude heels and my lily earrings and bracelet.

The morning of our date, Uriel sent me the address to meet him at 8pm. I was excited to see it was Fago de Chao in Dallas, not far from our jobs. I've been to their happy hour a couple times, but never had the churrasco experience. Because it was close to my job, I brought my change of clothes and make-up to get ready after I got off work. I took a shower in the locker room, did my make-up with a peachy nude lip, and styled my hair with a dry shampoo before putting it up in a neat top knot.

On the drive to the restaurant, I was surprisingly calm. I didn't feel nervous or anxious at all. I made it to the restaurant 15 minutes early. After I checked my hair and make-up, I headed inside. Uriel wasn't there yet, so I asked for and was led to a table for two. While I waited, I pulled out my phone. Refusing to look at my new notifications, I checked out my friends' new posts.

Some woman I didn't know tagged Amber in a picture at some art class. I giggled at Amber's weak painting and commented "What is that supposed to be? 😱"

I scrolled through Amber's pictures, stopping when I saw a picture with her, Will, Ethan and the woman that posted the pictures together. At first, I thought the woman that tagged Amber was an instructor, but the way they were taking pictures together made me feel like it was a lame double date. I quickly clicked on the girl's page.

Her online profile was her business page so there wasn't a ton of personal information. She was the owner of an art studio so there were lots of pictures of artwork and classes they taught. The few pictures she tagged herself in showed she was probably the same age as me with flattering dark plum hair, big doe brown eyes, super white teeth and an easy going smile. Very beautiful...

I put my phone away so I couldn't sit around speculating if this was the woman Ethan was dating. Maybe that's why he was completely normal around me- he felt passion with this new chick. Thankfully, Uriel arrived right on time so I could focus on him instead. He looked amazing in black denim, black undershirt and a black blazer with his hair neatly tucked behind his ears.

"Hey. I see you got the memo on all black tonight." I smiled, standing up to give him a hug.

"Great minds think alike." He stated simply before we took our seats across each other. He looked me over, his gaze pausing on my cleavage before he met my eyes again. "You look incredible."

"Thank you. So do you." I smiled at him.

We studied the menu for a moment before he asked me, "Have you been here before?"

"I only ate at the bar a few times. Have you tried their happy hour?"

"No. I do intermittent fasting during the week so I don't do happy hours." He told me.

Our waiter came over and he ordered water so I stuck with water too. When the waiter left, I asked, "How does intermittent fasting work?"

"I basically don't eat when the sun is out." He explained briefly.

"Ok. Is there a reason why?" I asked, intrigued.

"I found it helps my metabolism. Keeps me energized without being sluggish."

"You don't get hungry or burnt out during the day?"

"Not really. I consume all the calories I need for the day in the morning and drink plenty of water and tea to keep me going."

"I couldn't do it. When I have to work through lunch, I go home and eat everything in sight."

"It's not for everyone, but it works for me."

Instead of doing the churrasco dinner with me, Uriel ordered sea bass al la carte. I decided to wait until Uriel got his dish before getting my food so we could eat together.

"So tell me about yourself. Any brothers or sisters?" I asked as we waited.

"I have 2 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers." He replied.

"Wow. So your parents had 6 kids total? It must have been fun growing up in a big family." I smiled.

He grimaced. "Suffocating is more like it. I had to take care of all of my siblings when my parents were at work. My mom and dad had at least 4 jobs between them at all times so that was all the time."

"My brother had to look out for me when my dad worked but he got older sibling perks like a bigger allowance and first access to the car." I responded.

"I didn't get allowance and the first car I drove was the first car I bought."

"The Mercedes?" I teased, playfully.

"No. A 1999 Toyota Corolla. Cash car. Spent more on repairs than what it was worth. It lasted 3 years."

Our waiter brought out pão de queijo, a warm cheese bread and I dug in. As I tried one, he asked about my mom and I told him I was adopted. I gave him a brief rundown of my family before biting into my roll again.

"These are so good. You need to try one." I told him, motioning for him to try one. "They're super addictive. I think they sprinkle crack on them."

He took one and tried a bite. After he swallowed he said, "Pretty sure it's just cheese."

Of course I knew it was Parmesan cheese. Before I could clarify,  he asked, "What made you get into physical therapy?"

"I wanted to be an athletic trainer growing up."

"For a professional team?" When I nodded, he followed up with, "What sport?"

"Baseball at first because my dad played professional but I was a football trainer my freshman year of high school and fell in love with football. When my grades started slipping, my dad pulled me out of athletic training." I started.

My dad didn't know at the time it wasn't the extra curriculum of athletic training that made my grades slip, but Mr. Perez's grooming and assault.

"My dad thought I should be a doctor instead and focus on my grades. I was on that route but my first 2 years at Baylor pre-med was too much. The thought of med school freaked me out so I looked into graduate programs instead and found physical therapy." I finished.

"I would have never guessed that about you. You seem like you do well under pressure."

"I do now, but back then I put a lot of pressure on myself. I couldn't handle the stress anymore. Growing up with my dad was stressful enough: I didn't want college and my career to be stressful too."

"What was stressful about your upbringing? Besides your meager allowance and having to ask permission to drive the car?" He asked, with a little smile.

I returned his smile, challengingly. "So you're assuming because my dad had money I couldn't have had any stress? Did money make all your problems go away?"

"No. Not at all." He conceded. "But it afforded me the opportunity to be sitting across from you tonight. That counts for something."

"Not much. And for your information, I didn't agree to go out with you because of money... It was definitely your looks." I said, sarcastically.

He just grinned. "Fair enough."

His sea bass came out so I made my to the feijoada and market table. I filled my plate with salads, rice and bean stew, cheeses and vegetable before heading back to the table, flipping the card for meat. I got lamb and Medalhões Com Bacon.

We ate and chatted about our favorite hobbies. I told him I was a food and music lover and loved dancing and boxing to stay in shape. He confessed he was a thrill seeking adderline junkie. He shared with me his experiences in high stake poker games and his various trips cliff and sky diving with college friends.

"Losing money and the fear of dying is not my idea of a good time." I joked between bites.

"Did I say I lose money? And there's no fear of dying if it's done safely"

"The house always win when you gamble and the fact that safety is involved doesn't sound enjoyable at all. Just saying." I concluded.

"You don't have to be safe about what you eat?" He raised a brow at me.

"Nope... And if this is commentary about my weight, you should really change the subject..." I threatened him, playing with my steak knife.

"You know how I feel about your body." He said, seductively, warming my insides. "That was commentary on eating from a buffet."

"Worth the risk." I said, taking another bite of the delicious feijoada I got from the buffet. "So much more pleasurable than jumping from high altitudes."

He chuckled. "I don't get any pleasure from eating. Food is only fuel to me." He said as he bit into his sea bass.

"Maybe because you order fish at a Brazilian steakhouse. Try this and tell me you don't feel any pleasure." I said, cutting a piece of the tender steak wrapped in a crispy strip of maple flavor bacon. I tried to feed it to him, but he turned his face away.

"I don't eat pork." He said.

I quickly pulled my fork away. "I'm so sorry. Is it a religious thing?"

"No. It's a safety thing. My dad had his first heart attack at 42 and it's hereditary. I try to watch how I eat."

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that." I nodded, understandably. "That explains the quinoa and the wheatgrass juice and the fasting and the no pleasure from food."

"It was kale, not wheatgrass." He smiled at me.

"Close enough." I shrugged.

I focused back on my food. We ate in silence and I didn't get any more food. I hated being that girl who wouldn't eat in front of the guy she was dating, but Uriel's attitude on food definitely made me hold back. The waiter came back to clear our plates and take our dessert orders, but I declined.

"I thought you wanted to try the chocolate mousse cake."

My mouth watered at the thought of alternating layers of white and dark chocolate mousse and chocolate cake. "No. It's ok. I'm full." I lied.

He ordered it anyway with coffee. "Try it. You don't have to eat it all."

When it came out, I was so glad he didn't listen to me. It looked amazing. I didn't try to feed him again, but I offered him the second spoon. "How do you feel about chocolate?"

"Indifferent." He shrugged, but took the spoon from me and got a small bite.

I followed suit, moaning as the flavors settled on my tongue.

"I stand corrected. Watching you eat is a pleasurable experience." He commented, suggestively.

On my next bite, I made sure to make eye contact with him. I sucked my spoon clean, savoring the flavor as I licked the remaining chocolate off my lips. When I moaned again, a grin spread on his face as he watched me, taking another small bite himself. He only ate a few bites and I finished half of it before I really was too full.

On our way out the restaurant, his arm snaked around my waist as he walked me to my car. I wasn't sure how compatible we were, but the physical attraction was still there, pulsing between us. I decided earlier in the night, no matter how well the date went, I wasn't going home with him. Once we reached my car, he leaned in close to brush his lips against my ear.

"You coming to my place?" He asked me.

I shook my head no.

"Can I come to your place?" He asked, nuzzling my neck. I shivered, but still shook my head no, turning to look him in the eyes.

"You said we had to get to know each other outside of the bedroom. I agree."

"I didn't say we couldn't get to know each other better in the bedroom too." Uriel argued, pulling me back close to him.

"It's the first date Uriel. I'm not that kinda girl."

"Are you a third date kinda girl? Because I'm free all weekend. Let's knock three dates out." He bargained, his hands slipping around my waist, than lower to settle on my hips.

"I'm busy all weekend. Sorry."

"Let's plan something next week then. I have a benefit that weekend. I would love for you to accompany me; especially if it will be date three."

"I would love to... but I never said I was a date three girl. I might be a date 10 girl." I grinned at him, placing my arms around his neck.

"Ok. I'll meet you for coffee everyday for the next couple of weeks." He said, leaning his face towards mine.

"Coffee is not a date."

"You never had a coffee date?"

"Never. I've had coffee meetings. A date is spending at least an hour together. Over a meal or activity." I breathed.

"Are you always this particular?" Uriel asked, against my lips.

"No...but my past relationships didn't work. Maybe because I wasn't." I answered, stepping up on my tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek before I moved out of his embrace.

"Good night Uriel. Thank you for dinner."

"Goodnight Lily. I'll talk to you soon."

He watched me as I got in my car. I gave him a wave and a smile before I drove home.


  1. YAY for new post! Uriel and Lily are so different and im glad she's seeing that. Hoping she and Ethan make it work!

  2. Thanks for posting!
    That was such an awkward date. I don't think they are going to like each other too much outside of the bedroom.

  3. Thanks for the post Janay! Editing isn't too bad- I just appreciate the confirmation that Uriel is not for Lily!
    Seems like she can't get Ethan off her mind since he made his confession...those feelings might be worth exploring; at least with Dr.Periera!

  4. Uriel is not a fit for Lily. She loves to eat and enjoy life, food is one of the ways she shows love, by organizing bbq's and bringing food to her loved ones. Uriel is much too stuffy for her. She would have to change who she is. No good!

  5. Thanks for posting!!! I agree that I don't think they are going to be good together. Not really a Uriel fan yet, he seems almost condescending. Great writing as always!!
