Monday, April 25, 2016

We Don't Talk Anymore

"We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do
We don't laugh anymore
What was all of it for
Ohh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do..." We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth

"Hey Trevor." I replied back, struggling to maintain eye contact.  I turned back to the guy at the front desk as soon as I acknowledged Trevor. It was damn near impossible to hide how much just being around him affected me. I needed to focus all my attention on Justine considering she had surgery.

"I'm sorry. Is the veterinarian here? Is it ok for me to see my dog now?" I asked him, frantically.

"I actually operated on your dog last night. I'm on my way back to check on her. I'll bring you back momentarily." he answered, standing.

He operated on my dog? He looked freaking 12!!!

I snapped out of my disbelief. "Thank you." I said as he left. I leaned over to pick up my bags and move from in front of the desk.

"I'll take your bags to the car." Trevor offered, reaching to take them from me.

I pulled back. "Um, it's ok. I got em." I declined politely.

"Let me take them. You won't want to take them to the back or leave them out here." He insisted.

I nodded and handed them over. When he was out of hearing distance, Sammy pulled me aside.

"I'm so sorry I called Trevor. I didn't know what else to do. They keep asking so many questions and they told me they couldn't treat her without speaking to the owner. When I couldn't get in touch with you, I called Trevor and he gave them all the answers. I didn't know he would come down-" She explained thoroughly.

I stopped her. "I'm the one that should be sorry. I should have never turned my phone off. I can't thank you enough for taking care of Justine." I told her.

"Are you ok with him being here? I can ask him to leave." Sammy asked, with a questioning look.

"Yes... I mean, no. He can stay. Although you could have shot me a warning text. It's bad enough I have to see him- and I'm in last night clothes." I complained.

She looked me over. "Those new jeans make your ass look great. What brand are they?"

I ignored Sammy's comment as a woman came from the back. She informed us the doctor was ready for us. Sammy hung back and waited for Trevor and I followed the assistant to the recovery room. The doctor had Justine on a table and I immediately went to her side. Her eyes looked exhausted, but her backside wagged excitedly when she saw me. I rubbed her down while the vet went over her chart.

"She's going to be a little out of it because of the meds, but everything went fine. We couldn't save the tooth, but I guarantee you she will be able to eat a lot better now that the tooth is gone." The vet assured me.

I nodded and listened as he continued giving me after care treatment, as well as explained preventable care for Justine's teeth. Trevor joined us in the middle of his instructions but I still listened intently, occasionally asking questions. Before the vet left, Trevor reached out to shake his hand. "Thank you for taking care of her."

"Yes. Thank you so much." I said, sincerely.

As soon as he left us to get the discharge papers together, I kneeled and hugged Justine cautiously. She rubbed her nose against me, tiredly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you Justine..." I said, softly against her fur. I couldn't help breaking up as I spoke to her. Maybe it was just her tooth, but it didn't change the fact that she was in pain, had surgery and I was on vacation instead of with her.

Trevor walked over and stood beside me. "It's not like she could tell you. Even the vet said it's hard to know when there's something wrong with animals." he said, softly.

"She's been... Off for a while. Not eating or playing like normal. I thought maybe it was all the changes. I should have known something else was wrong. I should have never left." I shamed myself, while stroking Justine's belly. Trevor reached out and rubbed my shoulder, my body instantly reacted to his touch.

"Don't get down on yourself. You're here now." He comforted me.

I nodded my face heating up in embarrassment at my body's reaction to his simple touch. I had to remind myself that he was here for Justine, not me...

"Ok. I'm going to have you sign some release papers, then y'all can take her home." The woman from before chirped brightly as she entered the room.

Trevor took a step away from me, grabbing the papers to sign.

"Does that including the billing?" I asked him, wanting to see the forms he was signing.

"We took care of the billing last night." The woman told me.

"You didn't have to do that." I told him.

"She's my dog too." He said, with a conspiratorial wink and smile. I looked away from him but I couldn't help the warmth that spread through my body at him smiling at me. I preoccupied myself with gathering Justine things. When we were ready to go, Trevor picked up Justine and we left the room.

"I appreciate you consenting to her surgery for me." I thanked him as we walked to the exit.

"Anytime. What'd you think of the vet?" Trevor asked me.

"Obviously he knows what he's doing- probably because he just graduated school." I commented.

Trevor chuckled. "He graduated in 2012. I looked him up to make sure he was really licensed. I thought he was the vet's kid."

"Hey girl!" Sammy called as we walked into the lobby. Sammy came over petted Justine in Trevor's arm with Corey trailing her. "We all good?"

"All good." I nodded. I greeted Corey with a hug before we walked out together.

"Trevor can you take Lily home?-" Sammy started.

Before she could finish her question and I could stop myself, I glared at Sammy.

"Justine got sick in my car. I need Corey to follow me so I can drop it off to be cleaned." Sammy finished.

"Drop it off? It's just a little vomit. I can clean it for 2 dollars in quarters." Corey offered.

"I want it detailed, not a cheap shampoo." Sammy argued. While she fussed at him, Trevor turned to me.

"I can take you home... If that's ok with you."

"Yeah sure." I agreed quickly, trying to be cool about spending time with Trevor alone...

Not alone. With Justine. I kept reminding myself that was the reason he was here. We wouldn't even be speaking if it wasn't for her.

"Send me the bill once you had your car cleaned." I told Sammy, breaking up their disagreement.

"Ok. Talk to you later." She came and gave me a hug. "Good luck." she said in my ear.

I forced a smile and turned to follow Trevor to his car. I was pleasantly surprised when Trevor opened the car door to the blue Honda CRV next to us.

"Is this you now?" I asked as I got in the backseat with Justine.

"Yeah. The Civic needed too much work. I had to upgrade." he said, getting in the car.

"Were you heartbroken?" I asked, stroking Justine's head in my lap. She growled lowly when I got to close to her face, so I kept my hand on her head.

"Oh yeah. I slept in it for a week before we had a farewell ceremony for it."

I smirked. "How do you have a ceremony for a car?"

"I had Bilal push it around the block while playing Yesterday."

"Ohmygod... That's really sad."

"It was. Even Bilal shed a few tears. He said it was sweat, but I think he was lying." Trevor grinned.

"No. You're sad for doing all that for that old ass car."

"Says the same person who named their car."

I smiled to myself, somewhat enjoying be able to talk to him again. It almost felt like old times. The only difference was this weird awkwardness about being alone with him. I kept sneaking little glances at the back of his head. His hair was growing back, but the color was darker- a shade that was neither blonde nor brown. It looked incredibly soft and thick. It was so tempting to just reach out and run my fingers through it...

"How does it feel?" Trevor asked me, breaking me out of my trance.

"Huh? What?" I stammered, looking down at my hands to make sure I didn't touch him for real. They were safely on Justine.

"The ride. I haven't rode in the backseat before. Can you feel the air?" Trevor clarified.

"Oh, yeah. It's very smooth and comfortable and roomy." I said, recovering quickly.

"Nice. So I have a future in Uber driving." Trevor joked.

"What are you doing anyway? Are you still on medical leave?" I asked him.

"No. I quit. I did the freelance thing with J-Mike for a little bit, but do you know how expensive health care is?" Trevor started.

I grinned. "Yeah. I heard something about that on the news."

"It's not propaganda. They're telling the truth. It's ridiculous."

I couldn't help laughing at him. He joined in and we laughed together. It really wasn't even that funny, but it released a lot of the tension I was feeling.

"I ended up reaching out to Christopher Diaz. Do you remember him?" He began again once we settled down.

"Yes. The guy from Austin that wanted to buy Kenji's website. Are you his assistant now?"

"No. He already filled that position but he created a new role for me. Kinda like a consultant. I work with him with his new acquires and we get it ready to sell or launch. That way I can still work with J-Mike and help Chris if I come across anything he might be interested in." Trevor explained.

"That sounds perfect for you."

"No complaints so far." he said, sheepishly.

"You love it, don't you? Just admit it." I said as he parked outside my house.

"Love is a strong word but I'm enjoying it so far." he said as we got out the car. He went to the trunk to grab my bags as I picked up Justine.

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it." I said, genuinely happy and proud of him.

I carried Justine up the few steps to my house. Once we got inside, I took her to my room.

"Her bed and stuff are in the laundry room. We washed it last night." Trevor told me.

"Oh... You stayed here with Sammy last night?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah-It was late once Justine was out of surgery. We came back, cleaned up and crashed" he started, nervously.

"I didn't mean it like that. You're welcomed. I just didn't know." I said once I realized how that came out.

He stayed in the room as I grabbed her bed and blanket from the laundry room. I set up Justine's bed on my bed and watch as Justine got comfortable, laying down.

I stood there for a moment, not sure what to say or do. When he just watched Justine, avoiding my eyes, I cleared my throat. "Did Sammy give you a tour?"

"No. It was late, dark and Sammy was more concerned about you coming home."

"Aw, ok. Give me a minute. I'm gonna hop in the shower then I'll take you on a tour."

"Just a minute?" he said, finally looking at me with a teasing smile.

"Maybe longer. I'm in the same clothes from last night. I must look so gross." I over shared.

"You look-" Trevor started, then stopped. "Not gross."

"Thanks." I snorted causing him to laugh.

"I meant, you look fine. Considering everything." he finished.

"Yeah. I still feel gross. Give me 15 minutes." I corrected.

I excused myself then went in the bathroom. I stripped out of the outfit from the night before and tried to relax in the hot shower. Just the knowledge that only a few walls and a door separated me from Trevor was nerve-wracking. On one hand, it felt amazing to be around him.  On the other hand, I didn't know how I felt about being around him. I intentionally didn't think about Trevor. Now that I was force to, I had so many different emotions.

I decided to stop worrying about it and got out the shower. I put my wet hair up in a clip and dried off before putting on leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I fought the urge to look myself over in the mirror and went to the living room to find Trevor.

"Exactly 12 minutes." Trevor told me, looking down at the Apple watch I got him for our 6 month anniversary.

I smiled. "3 minutes to spare."

I took him on a long detailed tour of my house. We went room by room and I told him stories about working with Richard and picking furniture out with my dad. I knew I talked entirely too much, but I couldn't help it. We went so long without talking to each other and now I couldn't stop. I didn't know if it was a nervous thing or just because I missed him- maybe a bit of both. It was just easy- like how we used to be able to talk about anything.

"I haven't done much back here- besides the fire pit." I admitted as we went outside to the backyard.

"Have you used it?" Trevor asked walking around the fire pit.

"Once. It hasn't really been cold enough." I followed him.

"What's up with the palm tree?" he asked me with a grin.

"It was a gift. This will probably be my next project." I turned to him.

"What are you gonna do? Plant a garden?"

I smiled."You know I'm not a gardening person. I was thinking a trampoline or a half pipe." I joked.

"You're neighbors are gonna love you."

I laughed. "Well, that's it. Unless you wanna check out the alley or the side of the house."

He grinned. "Can we?"

"Really? I have no good anecdotes about them."

"That's ok. I kinda wanted to talk to you."

"Ok." I said, nervously. I walked him over to the fence door. The lock was already tricky and my nerves were not helping. I struggled with it before I finally got the lock to open.

"Sorry. My dad insisted on the most complicated lock." I joked.

He didn't respond- He just stared intently at my hand on the lock. I looked down too, concerned, and the diamonds from the bracelet Christian gave me shone at me from my wrist. I forgot I was even wearing it. I quickly put my hand down, hiding the bracelet from his glance even though I knew he already saw it.

We stood there in an awkward, painful silence. I really didn't know what to say. I didn't even wanna think about Christian after his reaction to me leaving, much less talk about him; especially not to Trevor.

"You said you wanted to talk?" I prompted him.

"Yeah. Do you still want her?" he asked, abruptly.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Do you still want her? The way I left, I never asked you. That wasn't fair."

"What are you talking about?" I said, legitly confused.

"Justine. I thought I would be around to help you out with her when I got her for you. I told you then I'd keep her if you didn't want her- that hasn't changed."

"We're fine." I gritted between my teeth. Maybe his concern was because Sammy called him, but I took care of Justine fine on my own. Just him implying differently was extremely offending. "I appreciate you coming out here, but I promise, we're ok."

"If she's becoming a burden-" He kept going.

"She's not a burden." I cut him off, remaining cool even though I could feel my anger stirring.

"Maybe not yet, but feelings change. If your life changes and you don't want her anymore, I'll take her." he said, staring blatantly at my bracelet.

"She's a part of my life regardless of what changes I go through. I will never not want her so don't worry about it." I said, curtly. The only thing keeping me from losing it was reminding myself I had to change. I didn't want to go back to the person that fought with Trevor constantly. Even if he was the one starting it, I controlled my reaction.

"I'm not trying to be a dick."

"You should try harder." I told him, crossing my arms. I took a deep breath. I contained most of my emotions thus far, but I needed him to leave before that changed. "Look, I've been up all night and I should get some sleep while Justine is sleeping."

"Ok..." he looked like he wanted to say more, but thought better of it.

I walked him to the door and let him out in silence. I set the alarm before returning to my room. After taking the bracelet off and tossing it into my jewelry box, I went and collapsed in bed with Justine. The last 24 hours caught up to me, and I passed out immediately.

Justine and I slept on and off the remainder of the day. I woke up to make sure Justine ate and took her medicine. Other than that, I stayed in bed. My phone rang a few times while I was up, but I didn't have the energy or patience to deal with anyone. I sent a group text to Rocky, Sammy and Amber that Justine was ok and I would talk to them soon. I declined Forrest invitation to his Super Bowl party, telling him Justine wasn't up for it. Christian didn't call or text, but Jennifer did a few times. I replied to her message too and told her why I left. I woke in the evening just in time to catch the the Denver Broncos celebrating their championship.

After washing Justine up with a wash cloth, I called my dad and brother back and updated them on Justine. I could tell my dad didn't understand why I came home but that didn't shock me. We didn't have pets growing up and if we did, he would be an owner. I was a pet parent- it was a huge difference that he wouldn't understand. Cam was bummed I missed the game, I was even more bummed when he told me that Johnny went in my place as a reward for getting the most car sales. I didn't react though- I just let it go.

The next morning, I called to schedule a follow up with Justine's vet at the end of the week. I was still off until Wednesday, so I spent the morning watching Justine and Sports Center to catch highlights of the game. Jennifer called me as I was watching the half-time performance. I paused it to talk to her.

I explained to her what happened with Justine in detail and she told me she was glad Justine was on the mend. When she asked if I had spoken to Christian, I answered honestly. I told her he didn't take me leaving very well and I haven't heard from him sense.

"I'll talk to him." She assured me.

"I rather you didn't." I told her.

"Why not?"

"If he can't understand me leaving to be with my dog, then there's no point."

"Don't get me wrong, he's so stupid right now. Astronomically stupid. Out of this world stupid. In a different galaxy of stupid. I'm very sorry you have to deal with his stupidity but this is not normally how stupid he is. Let me talk some sense in him before you write his stupid ass off forever." She ranted.

I chuckled. "Do you go off on your advice column like that?"

"All the time. Tough love- It get results!"

"I might write you for some help. I can honestly say I've been stupid in all my relationships." I informed her, thinking about my last interaction with Trevor and my stupid wishful thinking that we could be cool with each other.

"You have my number. Call me. No matter what happens with Stupid Ass Christian."

I laughed and promised her I would.

Monday evening, during my walk with Justine, Amber sent a group text inviting everyone out to celebrate Fat Tuesday. When I responded that I wasn't leaving Justine, she invited herself over to my house. Eventually, she guilted me into it because we haven't had our promised girl night, nor had I heard about her trip to New Orleans.

On Tuesday, I spent the day planning Rocky's baby shower games. I was supposed to go shopping with Amber, but since I didn't want to leave Justine alone until her follow up, I ordered everything online. Around 1pm, I was finishing up cleaning while listening to music when Sammy came over.

"You're early." I said, letting her in.

"Sounds like you're already partying. What are you listening to?" Sammy came in, holding her tablet and a huge reusable grocery bag.

"The Life of Pablo by Kanye West." 

"I thought it was called Waves. Why did he name it that?"

"I don't know yet." I said, offering her a seat on the couch where Justine was stretched out.

"Is it any good?" She said, sitting.

"Kanye can do no wrong-" she raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled, "Musically."

Sammy petted Justine as we sat. "How's she doing?"

"Better. Still groggy and drooling blood, but she's eating the soft food ok." I relayed.

"Good. I actually came over because I need to talk to you... And show you something." Sammy began.

"Sure." she pulled up YouTube on her tablet. She showed me an instructional video of her and a honey bee bartender making Fat Tuesday inspired fishbowl punch in my kitchen. It was cute, but I was confused to when and why she made it at my house.

"Brandon came up with the concept-"

"Brandon?" I asked, startled. Why the fuck was she talking to Brandon? I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Remember when he helped me out with getting the accounts in order?"


"I was telling him how my job should be hiring and marketing the girls but I had to do everything until Ron hired a new manager. Brandon suggested hot girls making drinks online would be really popular. We're already going to be featured on Noelle's reality show. We would get a lot of business and girls wanting to work for us if the honey bees were YouTube stars."

"That's actually not a bad idea."

"Yeah, Brandon's pretty smart when it comes to this shit. I told him to put a resume together so I could pass it to Ron-"

"You didn't! Not with everything going on with Rocky and the baby on the way."

"Calm down. He said no for the very same reason." Sammy informed me.

"Ok... You still haven't explained why this happened in my kitchen?"

"Your kitchen is the perfect set up, it's free and you weren't here." she replied.

I rubbed my head as I thought about it. "Ok."

"You're cool with it?"

"Yes. I need you to do something for me though."


"I go back to work at the end of the week. Can you watch Justine for me? Just till I get the ok from my vet?"

"No problem. In fact, I might record another video tomorrow. I'm thinking of making the videos twice a month featuring a new girl each time. Look how many hits the first video has already."

I shook my head but didn't say anything about her posting it without my permission first. She was so excited, I wasn't trying to bring her down. While she was showing me the traffic on the site, my doorbell rang. I went to open it and signed for a huge box. Inside was a hug gift basket for dogs. It included chew toys, treats, bones, and a paw print pill container. I read the note inside.

Hopefully this helps Justine feel better. Let me know if you need anything else beautiful.

I sighed, annoyed. There was no doubt in my mind Jennifer must have talked to Christian. If he would have picked up the phone and talked to me, he would know the only thing I needed from him was patience and understanding
- not chew toys and hard treats that Justine couldn't eat right now. I closed the box up and took it to my room.

"Who was that from?" Sammy asked when I returned.


"Did anything happen between you two?" She asked.

"No. He's just concerned about Justine as a friend." I said, knowing it probably wasn't the truth. I was sure it was his attempt at saying sorry without picking up the phone and apologizing to me. "What's the next video going to be about? Valentine's theme?" I changed the subject back to her videos.

"Rose wants to make a drink with chocolate wine, but I'm thinking of keeping it classic with champagne and strawberries. Wanna be my taste tester?" Sammy incited me, pulling alcohol out of her bag.

"Absolutely. You should have led with drinks. Let's go!" 

By the time Amber and Staci arrived, Sammy and I perfected and were sipping on the champagne cocktail we named "Drunk in Love". We played "The Life of Pablo" and cut up the million and one ingredients Amber needed for the Jambalaya she was making. By the time Rocky, Peyton and Jordan came over after work, I was buzzed and having a good time catching up with my girls. The first thing I asked Rocky was what happened with Jackie.

"It's a done deal. You can't forgive someone who feels no remorse. I'm done with her." Rocky explained simply.

"And Brandon?" Amber continued.

"He's a grown man. He can do whatever he wants as long as it doesn't affect me and Ace." She answered.

"That's nice and all... But tell us how you really feel." Sammy spoke up.

"I know! Tell me what you want to do. Flatten his tires, cut her hair; just say the word." I swore.

"You're crazy!" Jordan laughed at me.

"No. We're from the tribe called check-a-hoe!" Sammy sang and I busted out laughing. It was a Kanye lyric Sammy and I loved. We already posted pictures with that caption on our Instagram.

"Exactly. Rocky can't be a crazy mom. I have no problem being the crazy aunt. I'll handle a hoe for you!" I declared, wrapping my arm around Rocky.

"Please handle your breath, you drunk." Rocky quipped, pushing me away.

"Whatever." I laughed as we set the table to eat. I invited Amanda too, but she didn't show up. As we ate, Amber excitedly entertained us with her trip to New Orleans with Will. They went to Bourbon street, a parade and ate a ton of good food. She said they had a great time, but wanted to plan a group trip with all of us.

Jordan asked about my trip to San Francisco so I gave her the highlights.

"You looked like you had a great time on Instagram." Staci commented.

I looked at her. "Did Christian post something?"

"Some others girls tagged you in pictures. You got along with his friends right?" Staci asked.

"Right." I said simply, resisting the urge to add much better than I got along with Christian. I didn't feel the need to let everyone know what was going on with Christian until I figured it out myself. I was leaning towards getting out while I was ahead, but I didn't want anyone thoughts or opinions but my own.

"Christian posted a lot of things on Twitter over the weekend saying "hanging out with my right hand." Amber said.

I snorted. "That's not me."

"No? The "banging brunette" he was spotted with around San Francisco on Media TakeOut looked like you..." Staci mentioned.

"Ohmygosh, there's pictures of us posted?" I shrieked, horrified.

"Not very good ones. It's pretty far away or through a window- it's mostly pictures with him and fans. You just confirmed it though." Peyton giggled.

"Geez, don't scare me like that." I put my hand up on my chest over my heart, taking a deep breath. "Did it really describe me as a banging brunette?"

They all laughed at me. "Yes, but it also had a poll of the hottest women he's been spotted with since his break up from Noelle. I voted Tori Kelly." Staci admitted.

I made a face. "I met her! There wasn't even vibes like that between them. They have a song on his album. That's all." I protested.

"Sounds like something his right hand would say..." Amber whispered loudly to Staci.

"Shut up and make dessert." I told her before they laughed at me.

While Amber made banana foster, we sat down in the living room and looked through pictures . I also distributed out the only souvenirs I got from San Francisco- chocolate and fortune cookies.

"I went on a tour and there was a group of guys on it. They did this thing were you add "in bed" to the end of the fortune." I said as I cracked open my cookie. "A good time to finish up old bed." I read mine aloud.

"Hmmm, didn't you see Trevor Sunday?" Rocky asked.

I bit my cookie before responding. "Yep, but he was nowhere near my bed." I lied. He was, but there was no chance he was getting in it.

"I was going to wait until you brought him up, but how'd it go with Trevor?" Sammy asked.

"Fine." I said, neutrally.

"Just fine? What happened? Y'all didn't talk?"

"Not really. He dropped me off, got Justine settled, and went on his merry way." I mostly told the truth. I just left out the details of our conversation. I was surprisingly numb about the whole thing- maybe I exhausted all the emotions one woman can have for a man. Either way, I wasn't trying to bring it up or think about it, so I didn't say anything. Sammy looked disappointed, but she dropped it. Everyone else then read their fortune.

"You have the ability to touch many people's life." Jordan read hers aloud.

"In bed! You slut!" I added while Jordan laughed.

"I have. Not anymore!"

"Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded...In bed." Peyton read. "I feel like I deserve a trophy."

"You've been with the same guy for how many years?" Sammy asked.

"5." Peyton answered.

"You deserve something..." Staci chimed in.

"Don’t just spend time. Invest it." Rocky read hers next.

"In bed! You investing time with Forrest?" I added with a smile.

"The only time I'm spending in bed is sleeping." she muttered with a frown.

Staci laughed as she read hers next. "Your everlasting patience will be rewarded sooner or later... In bed. Thank you Jesus!!!" she applauded as Amber passed out bowls of ice cream covered with bananas and sauce.

"Change can hurt, but it leads a path to something better... In bed." Sammy read.

"Ewww... What are you and Corey getting into?" Amber teased.

"None of your business!" Sammy grinned. "What's yours say Amber?"

"Your ability to juggle many tasks will take you far... In bed." Amber giggled. 

"Best one ever!" I proclaimed as we all laughed.

Once everyone left, I finished cleaning up before going to bed with Justine. I could tell she was feeling better because she reacted fine around everyone else. She still wouldn't let me anywhere near her mouth but I planned on talking to my vet about her dental hygiene.

I went online to check out the pictures Staci was talking about. She was right, they weren't the best but I could definitely recognize myself. I then got on Twitter to look up Christian's recent tweets. There was a ton of stuff about his new single, but there were also the tweets about his right hand. "Making dinner for my right hand", "Ballin with my right hand" "Ghirardelli's Square with my right hand." I went on my Instagram next and noticed I had a lot of new follower requests. I realized it was because Jennifer and Yazzy posted videos and pictures of us, tagging me in them. I favorite a few of them before texting Jennifer.

Me: Thanks for all the new followers.

Jennifer: You're welcome! Get enough of them and instagram modeling could be your side hustle!

Me: I'm good with my main hustle, but thanks.

Jennifer: Guess the diet teas will have to sell themselves.

Me: Do they work?

Jennifer: When you exercise and eat healthy, of course.

Me: Maybe it's the exercising and eating healthy...

Jennifer: You're thinking too much for a model

I laughed to myself before accepting requests from people I met in San Francisco and Uriel. When I saw a request from Johnny, I direct messages him.

If you contact me again, I will contact your wife. I'm sure child support for three kids will take all your commission if my dad doesn't fire you.

I then declined his request and blocked him on everything I had. All my social media accounts were private, I just wanted to take extra precautions that he couldn't see any of my profiles. While I was finishing up, I received a video call from Christian. I didn't want to talk, so I put my phone away and went to sleep.


  1. Great to see you back! Thanks for the long post!!!

  2. thank you for coming back! So happy Justine is okay! Go away trevor! Justine is Lily's! She has put the time into her and always making sure she is okay. Trevor left them both!

  3. So happy to see you are back and thank you so much for such a great catch up post! Hope there is more interaction with Trevor down the road but I am still rooting for Ethan!! :)

  4. I need Trevor back! They love each other... They are just stubborn. They actually remind me of that art structure somewhere where two people are sitting with their backs to each other, but inside the structure they have this "little people" reaching out to each other. It gives me all the feels.


    1. I agree, I love reading about them. They just fit. Yes they have gone through stuff but who hasn't. I'd like to see them grow and end up back together

    2. I agree. Lily and Trevor belong together.

    3. No.... Trevor needs to move on, as does Lily.

    4. 1st anon: I know what art structure you're talking about! It's from burning man. My mom literally just showed me a picture of it today, so it's funny that you mentioned it!

    5. I think it would suck for Trevor to see Christian and her together. He knows he has no place to be mad but come on Christian was an ass to him and their relationship. Now he sees this fancy jewelry he gave her, Christian purposefully said Trevor would never be able to afford to get her nice stuff.
      It would be predictable for it to be worn that something happened with Amanda and then lily end up with boring safe ethan.
      It would be fun if she ended up with the real love of her life Trevor, but we shall see :)

  5. Anyone else curious as to what is up with Amanda?

    I keep imagining she hooked up with Trevor in a vulnerable moment and now feels incredibly guilty.


    1. YES! I was thinking the same thing! There has to be some sort of correlation.

    2. I don't even remember who Amanda is. I guess I need to go back and read it all through again because I have already forgotten any of the fringe characters. It seems like all the good blogs are going the way all blogs go eventually. I think I'm going back to books.

    3. Amanda is Jenna's (Lily's sister in law, Cam's wife) sister.

  6. Yay! Im so happy you posted!
    I'm happy for Lily and how she handled Trevor, she told him off but wasn't rude about it. As always Trevor thinking he knows better and trying to "help" lily. He's just jealous because I'm sure he saw all the pix and thinks lily is getting involved with Christian and his life style.
    Can someone remind me, what's the deal with Johnny? Or point me to the post where he's discussed?
    Thanks for the long post Janay!

    1. Johnny was a childhood friend of Lily's brother Cam. He's a sleazy married dude that hits on Lily when she gets to Cali and visits her brother and dad at the car dealership (where Johnny now works). She had a crush on him when she was a little kid, too.

  7. bye trevor. and don't come back.

  8. Hope you're okay!
