Sunday, January 22, 2017


Even if it's too late to say sorry, I am. I never intended to drop off with no explanation, and for that I offer my deepest apologizes. This past year has been rough, but I'm finally in a good place to start writing again.

No promises on when I'll start posting regularly- I don't want to break them and I'm not sure if I should just pick up where I left off. But what I'll do if you want to know Lily's end game, email me. I won't reveal plot, but I will let you know who she ends up with. That being said, I will change the comments so I have to approve them for those who do not want to know.

For all who will continue to read, I promise the blog will conclude this year. As always, thank you for reading. And Happy New Year! Such a cliche, but I resolve to do better in 2017.


  1. Wooo hoo! I am so very excites you are coming back to finish Lily's story. I can't wait to read what's in store for her.

  2. I will wait to see what happens and would love it if you came back. I absolutely loved this story and the characters. They seemed a lot more realistic and dynamic than others Ive read. Cant wait to see where this goes :)

  3. Yaaaayyy!!! You're back!!! How are you and the little ones? What name did you decide on?

    I'd love it if you picked up where you left off. I miss this blog so so so much!!!

  4. OMG - Missed you so much! Can't wait to read some new posts again.

  5. Yay!! Thank you! This has always been one of my favourite blogs and you've always been consistent so you did leave us a little worried. Hope all is well. Welcome back!


  6. Glad you're somewhat back! Hope your 2017 is shaping up to be better than 2016. Looking forward to the blog renewal!

  7. I'm so glad your ok!! I've missed you so much. Your story has always been my favorite and I will be happy if you only post once a month as long as I can read Lily's story!! Welcome back and I hope all is well with your family!

  8. Hey lady, I'm happy to hear you're in a better place now! I hope all is well with you and your family and I hope to read some posts soon, I've missed you :)

  9. I just finished re reading the blog and am soooo happy to hear from you! Can't wait for your return!

  10. Yesssss!!! So glad I didn't stop checking! Happy New Year!!

  11. Wow. Coming back to this blog month after month with no update whatsoever was awful and disappointing. But, i'm glad you're well.

    I'm surprised you're actually coming back to finish what you started, but I am thrilled. Plz don't bail again with no warning. PLZ PLZ PLZ. haha I think we all understand things will happen in life that can sway focus and passions/pastime's. But, ghosting is the actual worst.

  12. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
    - Erin

  13. Omg this totally made my day!!!!! Yayy! This is by far my favorite blog and cant wait for the new posts!!! Welcome back :)

  14. YAY!! So glad you're back! I check almost every day just in case... Can't wait to see what happens and hope all is well with you. :)

  15. I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried. Looking forward to hearing the end of Lily's story. 😊

  16. Yay, extremely excited for the return of this blog! Lately so many blogs are dropping off and it's getting harder and harder to get my fiction fix. I've always particularly loved yours, it has such a full cast of characters that I'm really invested in. Can't wait to see what happens next.

  17. So good to see a post! Happy New Year! Regarding the story, do whatever feels most natural to you. If you try to force something, you won't get joy from it. mum

  18. Thank you for remembering us=)
    I hope all is well with you, whatever it may be. I do wish things get better for you as well. Your blog is so special.. so many times, I was going thru it, and Id read your blog, and it would just take me into Lilys world. Made me forget everything... No need to apologize. Thank you for checking in =)

  19. OH MY GOD, YOU'RE BACK!!! ❤❤❤❤

  20. Yay!! So glad your are back! Woo hoo

  21. I'm so glad you're back!!! I was worried about you. Even though I don't know you personally. I can't wait for the story to go on.

  22. Just wanted to say that I am SUPER glad you're back! I came to your blog because I was rereading the story hoping that when I was caught up, you'd be back. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw 3 new posts! This is by far by favorite blog to read (hence when I'm rereading it). Can't wait to find out what happens next!
