Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Adventure of a Lifetime (Outro)

"Said I can't go on,
Not in this way
I'm a dream that died by light of day
Gonna hold up half the sky and say
Only I own me...
Turn your magic on,
Umi she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away
Under this pressure under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape (x2)
If we've only got this life
This adventure, oh, then I
And if we've only got this life
You get me through
And if we've only got this life
In this adventure, oh, then I
Want to share it with you" Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay

I woke up Friday morning, super early and extremely exhausted. Christian kept his promise and didn't try anything other than spooning, but I still had trouble falling asleep in bed with him. I feign sleep until the long day and Coldplay lured me to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, but as soon as I moved out of Christian's arms and turned the music back on I drifted back to sleep. Now I was awake at the ass crack of dawn, Christian's arms back around me.

I got up and returned to my room. I grabbed my phone off the charger and saw that Bianca texted me the night before letting me know she made it in Tahiti.

Me: Great! Take lots of pictures, work hard and have fun!

I laid back down and was able to fall back asleep. I woke up around 10 and made my way to the kitchen.

"Bullshit. She's the side chick. The other girl doesn't want the main chick to find out." Christian said, flippantly.

"Thank you!" Shawnee applauded. "Finally, someone agreed with me."

"What'd I miss?" I asked, joining them at the table.

While Jennifer made me a plate, she explained she was working on a response for her relationship column. She read us a letter from a woman whose girlfriend always blurred or cropped pictures of them together. She also never changed her relationship status on her profiles.

"I don't know. Just because she won't post pictures together doesn't mean somethings up. Maybe she's just private." I shrugged.

"You have to be. Thots out here today are shameless- once they see you have a good man, they'll work twice as hard to take him away from you. The first picture I posted of Reggie was him proposing." Jennifer claimed.

I laughed. "I don't know about all that, but I guess I kinda live my life instead of posting about it." I explained.

"Exactly. The most insecure people feel the need to post every detail of their life online. I respect a woman more when she doesn't." RJ commented, giving his sister a sharp look. Shawnee just rolled her eyes.

"You don't think that's suspicious? Making it seem like you're single online?" Christian asked me.

"No. I've been in relationships and changing my status is not the first thing I did." I explained.

"Why not?"

"I'm not a huge social media person but If I don't trust the person I'm dating, there are bigger issues than them appearing single online." I told him.

"I feel like if I'm with someone, I want the world to know it. You wouldn't want your boyfriend to be proud you're his?" Christian asked.

I shook my head but smiled. "That wasn't the question Christian."

"I'm asking Lily." he replied.

"I guess it would depend if I was the main or the side chick." I responded, jokingly.

"If you were my main chick, there would be no need for a side." Christian assured me.

Shawnee scoffed. "That's what they all say."

I ate my food, declining to reply.

Christian and I finished eating then left for Union Square. My tour bus stopped there but since it mostly shops, restaurant, and bars, I didn't explore the area. It took forever to find a parking spot until Christian persuaded me to just valet. Christian donned both a hat and sunglasses so we were able to walk around aimlessly.

Christian was more into the shops and boutiques than I was. He took me to Barneys NY, Bloomingdale's, Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and countless little boutiques. They were too expensive for my taste but he encouraged me to pick out clothes on him. I laughed him off, encouraging him to save his money. Truthfully, him buying me clothes was too bizarre and far out of the friendship zone I was content in. He argued that the party we were going to that night and the release of his single were special event so I needed something special too.

"You have to dress a certain way at these places Lily. I invited you so let me pay for it. It's either that or I can't be seen with you." He threatened with a smile.

That eventually wore me down and convinced me to let him buy me a few things. I found a boutique named Zara's that was reasonably priced and tried to buy myself a few more things to complete two outfits. While I was in the dressing room, Christian made arrangements to pay for whatever I picked out and went to a nearby store before I could stop him.

Christian took a reluctantly me to a day spa for a winter ritual including a couples massage after shopping. Any reservations I had about being undressed and having a massage with Christian melted away as soon as the treatment began. The soothing music, light lavender scented oils, the ginger body buff, acupressure on my face and feet, scalp therapy and finally the massage all instantly relaxed me and I felt nothing but pure bliss. Completely energized and invigorated; I thanked Christian as we drank tea after our massages.

"That was amazing. I didn't even know I needed a rejuvenation." I smiled happily.

"I always do it before I have a big event. It helps gets me in the right mind frame so I can relax and appreciate the moment." Christian explained.

"I'm not even into random people touching on me, but I might have to make this a part of my life."

Christian cocked his head to the side. "It sounded like you were enjoying that massage. If I knew you made sounds like that back in college, I would have tried harder to talk to you."

I covered my mouth, embarrassed while he smiled into his mug. "My neck is one of my... sensitive spots. My masseuse stayed right there." I explained, blushing.

"Sensitive spots huh?" he teased.

"Shut up. You know what I mean." I said as we gathered our gift bags to go.

When we got back to the house, Jennifer and Yazzy had a living room full of people they affectionately called their glam squad. Jennifer instructed me to join them so we could get ready for the ESPN party together.

I put on the black robe Jennifer handed me and joined the ladies in the living room. My hair was done first. It was dampened, then blown out and finally straightened before Ms. Michele pulled it up into a top knot. He, yes he, had it off centered towards the right of my head with wispy strands failing out that he strenghten again. It was a funky cool look I would never be able to recreate at home.

Hailey, another friend of Jennifer and a professional make-up artist who contributed to Jennifer's and Yazzy's online magazine, did my make-up next.
In their terms my face was 'beat'- apparently meaning wearing more make-up than I have in my entire life. My face was assaulted with primer, foundation, concealer, bronzer, highlighting, contouring, plucking, lashes, mascara, shadows, liner, lip color, and lip gloss. It made me feel weird to know I needed that much make-up, but I was curious about how everything looked all together.

I slipped on the dress Christian bought me and examined myself in the mirror. The end results of the expensive clothes, perfectly pinned hair and expertly applied make-up was flawless, but I looked like a barbie doll rendition of myself. I recognized it as a part of Christian's life that I had to experience to get to know him, but I wasn't sure if I liked it.

I was sitting on the bed, putting on my heels, when there was a knock on my door. I tottled over to unlock the door. Christian was standing outside, dressed in a fitted pants, a dress shirt underneath and a Tom Ford bomber jacket.

"You look beautiful." He complimented, looking me over slowly as he walked in.

"No. You look beautiful. I look like an overdone Barbie. You know, the new realistic sized ones." I giggled at myself.

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Not bad. Just different." I replied, watching as he took a box out of his pocket.

"I bought you a little something for the outfit." He said, presenting the box to me.
I opened it to reveal a bracelet and earring set. The bracelet was a gold bangle beautifully crafted to resemble two calla lilies meeting in the middle. Both calla lilies had a trail of diamonds leading up to a pearl center. Next to it sat the matching dangling earrings. It was gorgeous, but entirely too much.

"I can't accept this." I closed the box quickly.

"Why not?" Christian asked, concerned.

"It's too much." I said, trying to give the box back to him.

"Every Barbie has to accessorize." he smiled, taking the box but removing the bracelet so he could slip it on my wrist. I couldn't help thinking about the simple charm bracelet that used to stay on my wrist instead...

"I don't want it." I said, harshly pulling it off. When Christian looked at me, confused, I took a deep breath. "The shopping, the spa, the jewelry- it's all too much. We're just friends and I feel like this is taking it past that."

A look crossed his face that I couldn't read before his lips set in a line. "The jewelry is borrowed. If you hate the clothes they can go back. I didn't want you to feel out of place tonight, but wear whatever you like. I need to finish getting ready." He said before leaving me. With a sigh of relief that the jewelry wasn't mine, I put the earrings and bracelet on and left the room.

I didn't see Christian again into we all got in the limo. He socialized with everyone but me. I was torn between feeling guilty that I might have offended him and being glad that I told him the truth about how I felt. Once we arrived at the Festival Pavilion, Christian had to leave to walk the red carpet and do a few interviews. Equipped with our passes, Jennifer, Yazzy and I explored the pavilion.

It was decked out in a nautical theme and had a ton of interactive booths set up. It was crowded with a ton of celebrities I knew and didn't know, surrounded by their entourage. I followed Yazzy and Jennifer's lead who looked completely at ease and nonchalantly about the celebrity filled event. We took our time navigating the crowds and stopping by the booths. We got to sample custom drinks featuring Ketel One Vodka, looked at the new cars from Mercedes-Benz, went to a 70's theme lounge based off the show Vinyl, and ate Dunkin’ Donuts, KFC and King Hawaiian sliders.

When Nick Jonas was announced to take the stage soon, we went to go find a place by the stage. Yazzy and I got too excited over the mini Jonas brother reunion when Joe Jonas came out and they performed Cake By The Ocean together. After a few more songs, the mini concert ended and we went to find everyone else. Tom and Grant were still filming footage for their show but Christian, RJ and Hugo were ready to go when we were.

On the drive back in the limo, Hugo monopolized Christian time talking about who was making an appearance at his release so I couldn't even speak to him if I wanted to. I didn't even know if I did. He was being so dramatic over a fucking borrowed bracelet. I understood taking some time to calm down, but leaving me the whole night with his friends was extreme.

When we got back to the house, everyone went to the sun room. I retreated to my room after about 5 minutes of failed attempts to talk to Christian about our night. I was calling Sammy to talk and vent while I packed my things to leave. Jennifer followed me into my room. I hung up before Sammy answered.

"Hey Lily. What's going on?" Jennifer asked, closing the door.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Nothing so bad you're trying to leave? It's the Super Bowl hun. The only places with rooms available are by the hour." She lectured me.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead then raised my wrist to her. "This is nothing. It freaked me out."

"That is a gorgeous nothing. Why would it freak you out?"

 "Christian and I are not in a relationship. I don't even know him that well. I thought he was fine with being friends but presents like this say differently."

"Did he ask you to be in a relationship when he gave it to you?" Jennifer asked.

"No but he's acting like we are and that's why I tried to refuse it."

"Maybe you were reading a little too much into the gift. You should talk to him and see what it means to him." She advised me.

"I would if he would talk to me." I muttered.

"Try again tomorrow. If he's still acting like a dick, you'll stay. I'll kick him out."

I smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"By the way, you're doing the right thing by not jumping into a relationship. I tell my readers all the time: if you haven't seen him or her sick, don't commit!!!"

I smiled genuinely at her this time. "Really?"

"Yes really. The real relationship goal is a lifetime. Anyone not willing to wait and put in the effort is not looking for a lifetime. Make him work for it- and keep all the gifts along the way." she encouraged me.

I shook my head before taking the jewelry off. My shoes and clothes went next before I took a shower. Even after the shower, I still had bobby pins stuck in my hair and make-up on my face. I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped back in my room to use the mirror and came face to face with Christian sitting on my bed. He was holding my duffle bag.

"Don't leave. I'm sorry." He started.

"I'm not leaving. I can't. I literally have nowhere to go except for an hourly hotel. Between this hair and make-up I can't get off, I might get arrested." I joked, pulling the towel around me tighter.

"Can I help you?" he asked. "I have cleansing wipes in my room."

"Sure. I'll meet you there."

I got dressed in cotton shorts and an oversized t-shirt and went to his room. He gently removed my lashes before cleaning my face and neck with a few wipes. Next, he made quick work of the Bobby pins.

"How'd you do that?" I asked, in awe.

"Lots of experience."

"Drag queen on the weekend?"

"Close. Noelle." he smirked, running his fingers through my hair and smoothing it until it laid flat against my face. I inhaled sharply and spoke before I lost what I needed to say.

"Maybe I read a little too much into everything today. I should have asked what the gifts meant instead of assuming."

"It's my fault too. I guess I forgotten what it's like being with someone who doesn't expect lavish gifts." Christian said, sardonically.

"That's the thing. I haven't been with anyone since I broke up with Trevor." I confessed.

"What?" he said, shocked.

I nodded. "It took awhile for me to realize it was over between us. It took just as long for me to be ok being single and to want to move on. Just being out here and spending time with you is a huge step for me. I just want to be sure of myself and what I'm doing. I don't want to lead you on while I'm figuring it out."

"You're not leading me on. I'm not trying to rush anything. Everything I did today was because I like seeing you smile. That's all." Christian promised me, his fingers beginning to caress my neck.

I shuddered and wrapped my arms around him. "I guess I can try to get used to the gifts. I mean, the ones that are not going back."

"None of them are. They're yours."

I leaned in close and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

He finally smiled at me. "You still ready to go to bed?"

"Yeah. I'm exhausted."

"You ok sleeping in here?"

I nodded and we laid down together. I slept comfortably in his arms the whole night.

On Saturday, in return for him treating me to lavish gifts, I took him on a shopping spree in Ghirardelli square. We hopped on a cable car and went to the original chocolate factory and stocked up on goodies before stopping at the diner for authentic chocolate sundaes.

"You're ok spending a ton of money on chocolate but not anything else?" Christian pointed out, picking at his ice cream.

"It only spent like $100. Your sweatpants cost more than that." I exclaimed. I was shocked when he spent $150 on Nike sweats!

"At least with clothes and jewelry you get something in return besides calories."

"Think about how much good the cost of your wardrobe could do for a needy family." I argued.

"I donate to charity all the time." Christian chuckled at me.

"Tax write offs." I muttered while he laughed. "Where do you file your taxes anyway?" I asked, thinking about what my brother said about getting to know the basics.

He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "My accountant does that. Don't change the subject. You're a hypocrite. You buy brand name chocolate, but get on a high horse about brand name clothes."

"I'll give this to my high horse." I said, snatching his treat from him.

He laughed and scooted his chair close to mine. "You have some chocolate....right here." he said, leaning over and kissing me on the mouth. It was quick, more on my cheek them lips, but it still left me stunned.

"That was much better than the chocolate." he grinned at me.

I recovered and smiled slyly back. "Good. You talked your way out of any more chocolate."

As we waited for a cable car to leave, Christian didn't have on his cap or shades, and a group of young women recognized him. They gushed over him, telling him how long they been fans and asking him to take a picture. I offered to take the picture of them and thankfully by the time they got their shots, hugs and autographs the cable car arrived.

"So how many boobs have you signed so far?" I asked him teasingly as we rode.

He laughed. "Honestly, it's still kinda weird getting recognized. I liked being behind the scenes- With Noelle and her realty show and is the album, it's happening more and more. I'm used to only getting attention at home."

"Home is New York?" I asked.

"It's where my mom's house is- it's the closest thing I have to home. I'm kinda a nomad." he explained.

"Nomadic was one of my favorite song on your album. It was for you're mom right?" I asked.

Christian nodded but didn't comment further.

"Straight Outta Fucks is a favorite too. Who was that for?" I grinned at him.

"Anyone that doubted me." Christian laughed.

Once we got back to the house, Christian had to meet with is manager and left me to get ready for the party. When the glam squad reappeared, I gladly let Shawnee and her friend take my time and opted to do my own hair and make-up. I saw that Sammy called me back, so I took my phone of the charger to speak with her. I told her I was just checking on her and Justine. She had a gig that night so she wasn't at my house, but she said she left Justine dry food and water and she was sleep when she left.

When I went into my closet to grab my clothes, I found a white varsity style jacket and a pair of Timberland boots. The jacket had gold detailing, including stripes, an emblem of halo wings and devil's horns and the phrase 3 Company's Too in bold gold letters on the back. The Timberland boots had a 6 inch wedge heel and were the signature wheat color. Both of them matched perfect with the beige crop top and white jeans Christian bought for me. There was a note that read:

Both of these cost less than your chocolate habit.

I smiled and got dressed. I left my hair wavy, parted asymmetrical and tousled around my head wildly. My make-up was lighter and more natural. I put gold studs in my ears and placed my new bracelet back on my wrist.

I hung out drinking wine with Jennifer as the ladies finished up. Everyone was wearing a t-shirt, hat, or tank promoting Christian's single. Shawnee's promotional t- shirt was fitted to her body like a sexy t-shirt dress. She was rocking thigh high white boots that looked amazing on her. Maybe it was the wine but I was loving her outfit so I told her. We were actually connecting over our mutual love of boots when Christian arrived with Hugo, his manager, telling us the car was ready.

Christian looked great in fitted dark jeans, a black and gray stripped v-neck and the same varsity jacket I was wearing just in black and gray. As I looked him over again, I noticed he was wearing gray Timberland boots.

"Why'd you get the gray ones?" I questioned with a huge grin on my face.

"'Cause I have Timberlands for everyday of the week." He reminded me and I laughed. "You look incredible." He told me, pulling me up.

"Words can't even describe how incredible you look right now." I said, giddily as his arm went around my waist.

Shawnee muttered under her breath but I couldn't make it out and RJ pulled her aside before I could try to. We piled into the limo again and toasted and congratulated Christian on the long ass drive. I assumed we were going to a club- I was pleasantly surprised when after a long drive, we ended up at a pier where a carnival was set up.

"What the fuck?" I asked Christian as we got out the limo. It was pass the regular hours for any boardwalk to be open, but the walk was still lite up, the rides were still going, popcorn and sweet scents filled the air, and loud electronic music blared over the crowds of people.

"Welcome to my single release party." he said, smiling broadly.

"This is crazy! You rented out a boardwalk?" I gasped.

"It's for a good cause." he shrugged.

"Your song?" I laughed.

"That and charity. I have a few meet and greets I have to do, but I'll see you in a bit." He handed me money before I could protest. "Go donate."

"Ok." I smiled excitedly.

Jennifer, Yazzy, Hailey, Ms. Michele and I explored the Boardwalk. We rode rides, snacked on junk food, and danced and sang like crazy every time Christian's song came on over the loud speaker.

It was an hour or so into the party when Christian finally broke away to hang out with me. We walked the boardwalk, playing games together while Christian talked and took pictures with other famous artist. Being with Christian kinda calmed me down, but I still took as many selfies, videos and pictures I could until my phone was about to die. I turned it off to preserve the remaining battery. Towards the end of the night, Christian and I snuck away and got some time alone on the Ferris wheel.

"Are you having fun?" Christian asked, placing his arm around my shoulder as we slowly ascended into the air.

"I'm having a blast. Thank you again for inviting me."

"Thank you again for coming."

We got to the top of the Ferris wheel and had a dark view of the bay. I turned to look at Christian and he was staring intently at my lips.

I smiled. "Can I get a selfie with you?"

"You want an autograph too?" He asked, his hand grazing my top.

I laughed. "Be quiet and smile!" I said as my phone powered up.

I took the picture, and was taking one of the view when notifications began to light up my phone. I had a ton of missed calls and texts. When I saw Trevor's name pop up, I instantly panicked.

I opened up the text thread and read the l lone text.

Trevor: I just consented to surgery for Justine. Call Sammy when you can.

I called Sammy right away but she didn't answer. A quick scan of her texts to me told me Justine got really sick and she took her to the vet.

"What's up?" Christian asked, snapping me from my phone.

I shook my head. "I have to go." I quickly waved at the ride attendant, signaling to stop the ride.


"Justine is in surgery."


"My dog! She's sick. Trevor said something about surgery. I have to get home." I said, shaken, hurrying the slow ass ride in my mind.

"He can't handle it?" Christian snapped, annoyed.

I looked at him, not understanding his attitude. "She's having surgery. It doesn't matter. I should be there."

"Do what you have to do." He said plainly. I looked at him, crestfallen as the ride stop. When he didn't make a move, and just watched me, I jumped off and stalked away, dialing Jennifer's number.

"I need to leave. Right now." I blurted when she answered.

"What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. I need to go. Where are we so I can get a cab."

"Just go to the limo. James will drive you back."

I did as she said. My phone died after I got the address of the emergency pet hospital and called the airlines and was told  I would have to be on standby for the next flight to Dallas. I got back to the house, packed up my things and sped to airport. I got on a flight and made it back to Dallas early Sunday morning.

I grabbed the first cab and headed straight for the pet hospital. Thankful the driver's car charger was compatible with mine so I sent out a text to my brother, dad and Sammy that I was back in Dallas.

I knew I must have looked a sight- I was still in last night clothes, had all my bags, hadn't slept- I barely blinked. The guy at the front desk eyes widen as he looked me over.  All I cared about was finding out what was wrong with Justine.

"My dog's name is Justine. She's a blue heeler and got admitted into surgery last night." I blurted out.

"Lily Harris?" the guy asked. I nodded my head and showed my ID before he told me anything.

"The surgery went well. She's in recovery. We ended up having to extract the affected tooth-"

"It was her tooth?" I asked.

"Correct. As I explained to your friend last night, she had an advance case of periodontal disease. Animals can get it too-"

"Lily!" A voice cut him off. I turned around to see Sammy heading towards me. I headed towards her and hugged her, gratefully.

"I tried to call you back! I didn't mean to scare you. She was just throwing up and wouldn't stop clawing her face. I didn't know what else to do-" Sammy explained.

"Don't be sorry. I'm sorry I didn't answer my phone." I pulled away, freezing when I saw the person behind her.

"Hey Lilypad."


  1. Oh please please please let this be what brings them back together! Christian is such an immature baby!

  2. I hate how Christian acted but I can't stand trevor and the lily pad stuff ughhhhh.

    1. Me too! I enjoyed reading Lily maturing and growing up. I didn't miss Trevor at all!

    2. I miss trevor. It was nice her growing up but it would be nice if he did during that time too

  3. I've missed Trevor! Can't quite get on board with Christian. It's just too weird.

  4. It's just me or what?? I really can't read about Lily and Christian it made me cringe, and not because I want her get back together with Trevor, there's no chemistry between them.
    Can't wait to see what happens next.
    Soo excited.

    1. He and Christian make me cringe too. He was mad and ignored her all night then after Jennifer talked to her he apologized and after seeing her luggage. He threw a tantrum then tried to back track. Then to be annoyed at her when she wanted to leave. She's not even with him!

  5. Hate lilly a s christian, glad justine is ok, and i sure hope this is going to bring lilly and trevor right back together!!

  6. Noooo, i kinda liked Christian, but at the end he kind of brush off her concern for her baby! I would have done the same for my dog. Let's see what Trevor brings along.
    Great post, I hope u get ur girl this time around. :)

  7. Just when I was starting to like Christian, he had to act like an ass when it came to Justine being sick and Lily leaving. I can totally understand Lily rushing home when she found out Justine was in surgery. Christians selfish attitude about it would be a deal breaker for me. I mean, I ended a friendship with a girl because when we got into a fight she said she hoped my dog died.

    I'm glad that it was just Justines tooth! That will be a quick recovery for her.

    1. I was totally team Christian until this post!!! So mad at him. Dogs are family! I really
      Hope Lily and Trevor don't get back Goethe T though!

  8. Oh my goodness! What a cliff hanger!! Team Trevor all the way! Her and Christian are just too weird

  9. Oh my gosh great post. Glad her pup will be ok.
    I don't like that Christian bought her so much. He used to make fun of Trevor for not buying her expensive stuff.
    It didn't feel genuine. Even after she said to stop that they're just friends he bought her the jeans. The note was about the chocolate they had that day, after she talked about the gifts. And over three thousand on a dress for a "friend"
    Such a cliffhanger, need bonus now lol

  10. I was starting to like Christian....and then he blew it. Officially though, fuck him

  11. Christian is like a spoiled child that is denied a cookie. Good lord. I hope Lily sees that!

  12. Love the post but I can't seem to like Christian. He just wants to show off his money.

  13. Again, I'm in the minority. Christian was with Noelle for a long time. She expected, probably demanded, to be showered with gifts. This is what he knows. Regarding his ignoring her at the first event, maybe he was a bit immature, but he was "working" the event, too, he wasn't there just to have fun and he did apologize. We all act immature some times.
    People who don't have fur babies don't get the sense of panic when you hear yours is sick. I don't think he was being insensitive, I think he just doesn't get it.
    I still like him. When I read "lily pad" I wanted to gag. ugh. mum

    1. I agree exactly! I was reading everyone's comments thinking I was alone thinking tha Christian isn't too bad and probably just didn't get it with Justine. Woo hoo! Glad to see I'm not alone. :)

    2. Yes! I agree! I didn't miss Trevor at all. I mean I wondered what he was up to, but I'm hoping they don't get back together. And Christian isn't awful. I just don't think he understands!

    3. Oh my gosh are you guys serious? I get that he might not understand the dog thing but his reaction was wrong. He could have said is she sure and then when she showed how serious it was to her he should have supported her, at least by not throwing another tantrum and not moving at all or talking to her. That was so immature. And I don't have a fur baby, in fact I don't even really like dogs but I would never react the way he did to a friend. I might be like really then see they are serious and then tell them I hope everything will be ok. He did the same thing when she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay with him, he got butt hurt.
      Honestly I think you guys are just nervous that if she doesn't get with Christian that she'll run back to Trevor but we have no clue what's going to happen.
      I get he was used to Noelle and he buys people stuff, I'm not mad about that, what I don't like is his reaction to her telling him to stop. He didn't even listen.

    4. I think it’s fishy that Trevor only sent a text saying “I agreed to surgery for Justine” but couldn’t elaborate a little and tell her more? It’s not like it’s a telegram they don’t charge by word.
      I hear the word surgery and I picture the worst, but if they tell me oral surgery because of an abscess it’s different. She would’ve still flown back to be with Justine, but she wouldn’t have been as stressed out.
      Christian could’ve handled that whole situation a lot better, I wish he would’ve helped her get on a flight back to Dallas. It is true people that don’t have pets don’t understand how they become your kids & family and you worry about them.
      As far as the gifts go, I don’ think he’s trying to buy her affection, he seems to be a giving person (mexico when he invited everyone to his house, he didn’t make them pay). To him buying a $4000 dress is probably the same as me buying breakfast for my friends. And I think he probably got stuff for all his friends to wear to his release party, at least that’s what I understood.

    5. Yes but he kept doing it even though she asked him not too. So what if he's rich he should be respectful to listen but most men dont.

      As far as Trevor not giving all detail it's a text and he did say call Sammy. He probably figured she would and she would let her know more. I know you don't like him but she asked him to back away he was probably just keeping the text short and wasn't analyzing every word, again most men dont

    6. Yeah and it's not that he didn't react all anxious and try to help lily but he didn't even do anything just complain "he snapped, annoyed." Even non pet people wouldn't be rude, they might not get it but being annoyed and not even getting off the ride with her, immature

  14. I am not feeling Christian, but I HATE Trevor! He does not deserve Lily!

  15. Christian is a petulant child. I just can't forgive Trevor. I have three words, WHERE IS ETHAN????

    1. I'm with you, still can't forgive Trevor. I wish Trevor will know about Lily hanging out with Christian and i hope it hurts. Not really liking Christian either, it's just that he's perfect for Lily to have some fun and for Trevor to learn his lesson :D

  16. Thank you for not leaving a cliffhanger about Justine. I would not have handled that well.

  17. I KNEW this would happen with Justine while Lily was in California. I just knew it. In my opinion, how a person handles and reacts to someone else getting important/unexpected news, good or bad, really speaks volumes. Christian failed this "test" in my opinion. He doesn't seem like a true "ride or die" kind of person and I am not surprised attttttt all. If he really cared about Lily on a genuine level, he would have been supportive in her decision to leave because her dog is so important to her. He didn’t have to leave with her, obviously, but he could have at least offered to help her get where she needs to go and not be such a complete douche about it. A little understanding goes a long way. I hope Lily recognizes this, sends back all the crap he tried to buy her affection with, and moves on from him. All that materialistic crap means nothing if you can’t count on the person to be there for you with the stuff that really matters.

    UGH. I can't with people like Christian. Obvi. lol #rantover #TeamLilyMoveOn :P

  18. It's time for Lily and Trevor to get back together!!!

  19. I like lily without Trevor she's more sure of herself and she handles herself like a grown woman not a petulant child.

  20. Anybody else wondering if there were paparazzi at that chocolate place that snapped the picture of Christian kissing Lily and now its going to be in the tabloids?

  21. I hate the thought of her getting back with Trevor. But, I think it's a forgone conclusion based on "if you haven't seen him or her sick, don't commit." :(

  22. It's been a week with no post? When are you planning to post again?

    1. This blog has been posting once a week for awhile now. Usually by Thursday at the latest. I hope that people will soon stop asking when posts will be and just accept that Janay posts/updates us at least once a week. I'd hate for Janay to become upset and stop the posts all together -- which has happened all too frequently with other blogs. Hope all is well Janay!!

  23. I hope everything is okay!

  24. Janay, when are you going to post? It's been over a week without hearing from you. You mentioned that you'd keep us posted at least weekly. I hope you're okay.

  25. Sorry for the hiatus. Post will resume next week.

  26. I think Christian and Lily could make for a good read, especially with his lifestyle............ Im game for that! I can live thru her lol

  27. I really don't care who she ends up with I just love your writing!!

  28. Is this blog ending? One post in 3 weeks seems like its fading out like the rest of them.

    1. Actually it's been one post in two weeks (not three) and the author did apologize for the hiatus and said posting would resume next week. Yes the posting has decreased to once a week but the length of the posts are often quadruple the length of other blogs!!! The blog is ending (not immediately) sometime this year as Janay wants to wrap it up before the birth of her baby.

  29. I gotta know what happens! Lol

  30. Replies
    1. The least she could do is let us know if it's done or if she needs a break. Dragging it out for over 3 weeks isn't fair to her readers.

  31. Hope all is well Janay.

  32. Hope all is well...

  33. I'm not even upset that there wasn't a post as promised (though I'd be lying if I said that I didn't check for an update at an embarrasing compulsive rate!!!). I love the story and can't wait to read what comes next, What I am upset about is the lack of an update. Upset isn't the word -- more like extremely worried/concerned. Knowing that Janay is expecting and not hearing from her is bothersome; I truly hope that the two are completely unrelated! Please update us Janay -- just so that your readers know that you are okay, we all understand that sometimes life hands us more than we can chew.

    1. Exactly what I was thinkinh! Hope everything is okay.

    2. Hope everything is ok!

    3. Exactly what I was thinking. It's not like her to not post. Hope all is well and everything is okay!

  34. Hey where are youuu???!!! Hope everything is ok.:-(

  35. Thinking about you (and checking back like a maniac) and hope you and the little babe are okay!

  36. Janay-please let us know you're okay.

  37. Hope everything is going well. Hope to hear from you soon

  38. Can we just get a wrap up post and move on to the next story when you have more time to write?

  39. Why do people expect a person who is about to or just had a baby to update us on her life? We aren't that important.....

    I hope she's ok as well but would never expect an update here.

  40. Her baby isn't due until the fall. So expecting an update, that she herself said she was going to post last week, isn't that we are expecting a lot. Its expecting the writer to follow through with what she herself said in a post on March 27- "posting will resume next week". That, coupled with the fact that she's always been on top of updating her readers, unlike other blog writers, is what has people being like what the heck is going on?!

  41. I think people are generally worried about Janay and her health / her babies health because it is so very unlike her to not follow through with promises. One she promised us that she would update us at least once a week and two she promised that posting would resume last week. Last week came and went and there was no post nor an update. It's just not like Janay and to me, that means something is wrong! Who cares about the post, what worries me most is the lack of an update. Best guess in terms of where she is in her pregnancy is 3-5 months along which is only second trimester and unfortunately, things can still go wrong. I believe that this is also the time when genetic testing can/is done, so perhaps she found out that something is wrong with the baby? Bottom line for me (and I think a lot of other readers out there) is that we wouldn't be upset/worried if we got an update (and no post).

    1. Completely agree. Hope to hear from her soon. At least a quick "I am ok" would suffice. Hope everything is ok......

    2. The lack of any response makes me think that something is definitely not okay with her. I hope that I am wrong in that aspect and Janay is just very busy. Either way, she has a community of (mostly positive) supporters here for her whenever she has a moment to fill us in with an update. In the meantime, I'll keep checking back multiple times a day. Anxious to hear from Janay and excited to see what happens next in the story.
