Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Heads

"I turn to you, you’re all I see
Our love’s a monster with 2 Heads and one heartbeat
I turn to you, you’re all I see
Our love’s a monster with 2 Heads and one heartbeat
We just got caught up in the moment
Why don’t you call me in the morning instead
Before we turn into a monster
Before we turn into a monster with 2 Heads
I hope to god I’ll love you harder
I hope to god I’ll love you longer
If only I could live forever
If only I could hold you longer" 2 Heads by Coleman Hell

"I like the Egyptian looking one- the head cheerleader. What's her name?" Rocky asked, between bites of chili, drenched with hot sauce. It was the only craving she had- hot sauce on top of everything. I told her she should just take shots from the bottle numerous times.

 Krista jumped all over Rocky. "That's Cleo De Nile and I'm going to be her. April is going to be my assistant Gholia. You have to be someone else!" Krista said, menacing with her hands on her hip before Amber or I could correct Rocky's grave mistake.

Rocky looked over at me and Amber and we shook our heads. We both knew it was coming. Before we even played the Monster High DVD, Krista informed me who she was going to be and that none one else can be her. Rocky missed that lecture because she joined us later after she got back from Wichita Falls.

"Fine. How 'bout the werewolf girl? Am I allowed to be her?" Rocky question Krista, cocking her head to the side.

"Yes you can." Krista responded, haughtily.

 Rocky smirked. "Thanks for your permission."

"You're welcome." Krista mimicked Rocky and smiled.

Amber, Rocky and I suppressed our giggles when she returned back to watching the show. We went into the kitchen to laugh privately.

"I hope there's enough characters for everyone. Krista's gonna cut someone if they dress up like her." I teased.

"That's why I'm telling everyone to dress up like their favorite monster. It's going to be a Monster High ball." Amber smiled, excitedly.

Amber continued to go over how she wanted the party set up. Inside, the kitchen was to be a cafeteria serving gross out food. The living room would have games and activities for the kids and outside would be the ball set up, complete with a photo area for the 'fear'book she wanted to compose and music. Rocky volunteered to run the photo booth and I would lend my services to the kid's games.

"Stick with the food Lily." Rocky instructed me.

"Why? I wanna host the games. That's fun for me." Dealing with the kids did sound more entertaining than being bothered with the adults and well wishes and questions about Trevor...

"Trust me and do the food. Beforehand. I'll help." Rocky said cryptically.

"Not unless you tell me why." I countered.

"You're going to have plans Saturday night." Rocky offered.

"You know me. Tim Burton and chill." I nodded.

That was how I spent Halloween growing up. Binging on candy and watching A Nightmare Before Christmas was my tradition.

I turned to Amber. "The kids can hang out with me. If Will is ok with it, we can go to Rocky's house and hand out candy. "

"Trevor is having a Halloween party." Rocky blurted out.

"What?" How did he go from not wanting anyone to know to having a party?

"Next week is Trevor rest week. It's the best time to come see him because he doesn't want everyone visiting during his 1st week of chemo. It coincides with Halloween. You know J-Mike- any excuse to throw a party." Rocky explained.

"And J-Mike invited her? Or Trevor?" Amber asked.

Rocky stood up straight."They said anyone who wants to come visit."

My hopes deflated."You just said this is a good week for him. I'm not going to ruin that for him if he doesn't want me there." I replied.

Amber and Rocky both gave disapproving looks. "Rocky, I'm going to wait for him to reach out to me. If he wants me there, I'll be there. That doesn't mean I'm going to just sit around waiting for him Amber. I hear you both." I conceded.

"Ok, let's refocus on my party's guests list!" Amber ordered.

I forced myself to focus on Amber's party and not Trevor. The usually suspects were on the list: Sammy, Corey, Gigi, Serena, Ethan, Peyton and Chris. Dino as well, which might mean Jake because they were still dating. Amber told me to invite Forrest and Rocky to invite Brandon.

When Rocky nodded, I cut in. "I'm sorry, why Brandon?" I asked, bluntly.

"We announced my pregnancy to his parents on Friday. We decided to have a fresh start- as friends and co-parents only." Rocky explained.

"Ok... but the baby isn't here yet." I pointed out.

"Friends Lily." Rocky reminded me.

"Besides, I told Dino she could invite Kelly and Omar. It wouldn't be right not to invite Brandon too." Amber told me.

I scowled. I couldn't help it. It was bad enough being around my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Being around my ex and new nemesis (Omar and Brandon, respectively) was too much.

"Fix your face Lily. I've learned to forgive and forget. Life is whatever you make it. Let's make this a fun party." Rocky smiled encouragingly.

"Ok." I agreed, while plotting what foods I could make in advance so I could spend the weekend in Wichita Falls with Trevor.

"Should I invite Richard? Or Dominick?" Amber teased, interrupting my thoughts of Trevor.

I gave her a smile. "Invite whoever you want." Hopefully, I wouldn't be there. All I needed was Trevor to invite me to the party...

I spent the next couple of days wishing for Trevor to call and trying to move forward with my life. Chad called me and we moved forward on closing on the house. I figured regardless of what happened with Trevor, it was an investment. I wasn't sure what type of investment- my future or financially- but either way it went it would be all mine and I couldn't help being proud of myself.

The contract was endless and I couldn't understand any of the legal jargon on it. I was hesitant to sign. Chad went over the basics with me, but advised me if I wanted to I could have a lawyer look over it. Tuesday after I got off work, I met up with Forrest to find Halloween costumes. I was going to go with Rocky, but she invited Brandon so I bailed. I asked Forrest about hiring a lawyer when he bought his house.

"Nope. Chad went over the paperwork with me and I signed." Forrest said as we walked up and down the aisle looking over the costumes.

"I feel kinda weird signing something I can't read." I responded.

"What I took away from it was the interest rate, don't break the contract, and pay on time. It's worked for me so far." Forrest offered with a smile.

"As helpful as you are, I'll have Rocky look over it." I said, before a dog costume caught my eye. "Aww, Justine would look so cute in this!" I said, holding up a Elmo costume. I wanted Justine to be Zero, the ghost dog from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but it felt wrong without Jack and Sally.

"Let's me see if I can find a cookie monster costume for me." I smiled. We passed by the men's on the way to the women's section. "Don't you need to look? What are you going to be?"

"I need face paint for a zombie. That'll work for Gabriel's and Amber's party. I'm gonna wear my wedding tux with it. Like I was left for dead at the altar." Forrest joked.

I looked up at him from the women's costumes "So we can laugh about that now?"

"I can." He stated. "You said cookie monster, but I think this fits you better."

He held up a cute Oscar the Grouch costume. I laughed.

"I love it."

"Are you doing two costumes or one?" Forrest asked as I dug for my size.

"One party, so one." I replied, keeping my mouth closed about Trevor's possible invite. I was sure he wouldn't be thrilled I was waiting for a call from Trevor, even though I was making plans without him too.

"You don't want to go to Gabriel's?"

"I wasn't aware I was invited."

"If I am, you are. Rocky too."

I made a face.

"What was that face for?" He stopped me.

"She's hanging with Brandon again."

"Oh. No wonder." Forrest said, thoughtfully.

"No wonder what?"

"I asked her out last week. She turned me down." he confessed.

I looked at him, shocked. "What?" Why was I just now hearing about this? Why wouldn't Rocky tell me? Were they keeping secrets from me? "When?"

"The night you went to see Trevor."

"Tell me, verbatim, what happened." I ordered.

After he did, I shook my head- partially relieved and bewildered.


"That doesn't sound like you asked her out. I mean, I wouldn't have took it that way. For future reference, don't ask out a girl and bring up the fact she's pregnant by another dude Romeo." I scoffed.

Forrest cheeks flushed. "I don't care about that. I mean, I do, but it's not a deal breaker for me."

I huffed. "How big of you."

"I meant, it doesn't turn me off-" He tried to continue. I made a gagging sound.

"Eww, I don't wanna hear about your sex fetishes." I said, loudly, enjoying his discomfort.

"Forget I said anything." He said, his shoulders slumping in defeat. I instantly felt bad.

"I'm sorry. It's just weird. She is pregnant and her hormones are all over the place. It's making her indecisive. One day she wants nothing to do with Brandon, the next, she wants a fresh start. I don't know what she wants regarding him. I don't know if she knows either. You need someone who knows what she wants after Rachel." I elaborated.

"We've talked about Brandon and Rachel in general. I don't think she's getting back together with him. She just wants what's best for her kid. A dad in his or her life like she didn't have."

"She told you that?" I asked, stunned they had in dept conversations like that. Rocky hadn't said anything like that to me... or maybe she did and I was too caught up in Trevor...

"Yeah. We talk. I mean, really talk. I thought there was something there."

I heaved a heavy sigh. "You know you two dating puts me in an extremely uncomfortable position? My loyalty would be with her."

"I'm thinking she friend zoned me anyway so it doesn't matter." He said disappointed. It reminded me of myself, pinning over Trevor during college. It sucked. I didn't want that for him.

"I'll talk to her and find out for sure." I offered.

"You don't have to-"

"I know. I want to." I cut him off. "You've such a great friend, the least I could do is pimp out my best friend to you."

"You don't even need a costume- your mouth is like a trash can. Just spewing with trash."

I laughed out loud at him. "Scram!" I shooed him away as we went to check out.

I spent Wednesday before I went to work with Amber going over game ideas and finalizing the menu for the party. By Thursday, I was coming to terms that I would be spending Halloween night alone. I was driving home from work when I received a call from Trevor. I pulled into a gas station and answered it as soon as I was in park.

"Hello?" I said, evenly keeping my nerves out of my voice.

"Hey Lily. It's Trevor." He said clearly over the phone.

"I know." I breathed. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Listen, I wanted to call because we're having a get together at my Uncle's house." He dove right in. Considering the last time we spoke and his rage, his calm demeanor was odd to me.

"Oh yeah, when is it?" I said, casually like I didn't know, wanting to feel him out a little more.

"This Saturday. Halloween. Sorry it's last minute. J-Mike's not the best at planning. I understand if you have plans."

"It's perfectly fine. I don't. I mean, not anything important." I scrambled."Is it like a costume party or a party that happens to be on Halloween?"

"Costume. Definitely costume, but you don't have to dress up if you don't want to."

"I do want to. Umm, what are you dressing up as?" I prolonged the conversation.

"The grim reaper. It won't take much and I get to wear a hood." He replied.

I didn't know if he was joking, but I didn't find it funny at all. "That's morbid." I commented, weakly.

"That's one way to look at it."

"What's another way?" I challenged.

"Reality. The great equalizer. Fate."

"Hmmph. Does the grim reaper have a companion?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nope. Death hangs solo."

"Maybe I'll come as an angel then. Just to balance you out." I commented. There was a moment of silence.

"I'm pretty sure that's what J-Mike is coming as- A Victoria secret one." Trevor finally said.

"Oh God, are you trying to talk me outta coming, because your about to achieve your goal." I said, disgusted by the mental image.

Trevor chuckled. It was the sweetest sound I heard in months. "Aren't you dressing up as a monster for Amber's party anyway?" Trevor asked.

"I am. I'm going to be Oscar the Grouch. Might be too juvenile for your party. Although, Justine first costume is going to be Elmo." I answered.

"I thought you would dress her up as Zero."

I smiled. "I wanted to, but not without Jack. I always thought Jack and Sally was the best couples costume."

After a tense moment of silence, Trevor began again. "I can't wait to see her in any costume."

"I'll make sure she's there then." I said, curtly. I couldn't help being hurt at his indifference of me being there.

"Lily." He started. "I wanted to do this in person, but it needs to be said."

I didn't say anything, I just listened.

"We've been friends longer than we've been anything else. I forgot that for awhile and I'm sorry. Thank you for everything that you've done. I want all my friends to be here. I-I can't wait to see you too." He finished.

"I can't wait either." I concurred, not letting his friends talk dissuade me. Our love was bigger than friends- It was monstrous and strong enough to endure anything thrown our way. I just had to keep showing him.


  1. I'm so glad Trevor called her! I hope there is no drama at the party !!

    1. If that miserable bitch of a mama he has is going to be there, drama is guaranteed! mum

  2. I am soooo happy Trevor called her. FINALLY. I really hope they can work through this and have a great time together at his party. I'm basically grasping at any shred of hope here..... lol!!

  3. I keep checking lol

    1. Me too. Missing this blog so much. I didnt want to seem pushy but was wondering about the 3 posts she said we'd get this week? Its already Friday and we only got the 1 :( I'm starting to go through withdrawals lol
