Saturday, November 14, 2015

Jack and Sally Song

"My dearest friend,
If you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side
Where we could gaze into the stars
And sit together now and forever
For it is plain as anyone could see
We're simply meant to be" Jack and Sally Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas 

I stood in the mirror Saturday, looking over my make-up one more time. My lashes were longer and curled with mascara, my eyes brightened with creamy, shimmering taupe shadow and defined with dark brown liner, and my skin appeared flawless with foundation, concealer, and rosy cheeks. All painstakingly applied to compliment my ragdoll costume.

I patted down the skirt of my dress, admiring it in the mirror. As soon as I got of the phone with Trevor, I headed to the Halloween store. I went to 4 different Halloween shops before I finally picked a costume. I really wanted to be Sally from a Nightmare Before Christmas, but with no Jack, I settled on a rag doll. After all, Sally is a rag doll too. Mine was just a little sexier and less creepy.

I readjusted the wig on my head, pulling it into two low side ponytails. Sally had red hair, but I bought a golden blonde wig for Mama Tobin. It made me feel more confident that at one point, Trevor chose me over a relationship with her. Calling her Mama in my head was a big fuck you to her if I had to see her.

I grabbed my overnight bag. It had my black booties, a change of clothes for me and Justine's outfit as well. She wasn't going to be Zero, the ghost dog, but a dog dressed up as a ghost. Her costume consisted of a white tutu with ghosts on it. I slipped on my flip flops before heading to Rocky's living room where she was waiting for me.

"About time." She said, standing up and grabbing her purse.

"Sorry... I actually dressed up." I said, eying her jeans and red long sleeved top. She wore her werewolf ears headband and furry leg warmers that came with the costume she was wearing to Amber's party.

"I did too... I'm just not trying to impress anyone." Rocky countered, giving me a look as we walked out to my car.

I wasn't trying to impress anyone... just convince Trevor of his mistakes of breaking up with me and thinking we could be only friends. There was a difference. Subtle, but different.

"How do I look?- Considering I'm running off 5 hours of sleep?" I asked, getting into the car after I put Justine in the backseat. I spent all night Friday and the majority of my day Saturday cooking with Rocky for Amber's party.

"You look great. Now be quiet while I get some rest." Rocky commanded.

Rocky was sleep before we were out of Dallas. I played classic rock softly in the car as I drove to Wichita Falls. Trevor and I took turns listening to music when we made the drive and I was in the mood to hear his favorite music. Rocky woke up when we were about 20 miles from Wichita Falls.

"What time is Sammy and Corey leaving?" Rocky asked, stretching and yawning.

"She said she's trying to leave her job around the same time Corey gets off around 7. She's supposed to call when they're on the way." I answered.

Since I wasn't sure when I was going back to Dallas, Rocky made arrangements to leave with Sammy after the party. Corey had to work Sunday so they had no choice but to leave early Sunday morning.

"Good, she can help me get all that food to Amber's house if you don't come back." Rocky said, turning around to give Justine a treat.

"I already texted Forrest you might need help. He jumped on the opportunity..." I said, hintingly.

"That's nice of him." Rocky commented, passively.

"I think it's more than nice. He wants to spend time with you..." I alluded

"It's your food. He's doing you a favor. I think he wants to spend time with you." Rocky mocked me.

"Ewww, he doesn't. He told me he likes you." I admitted.

"What is this, middle school?" She fidgeted in the seat.

"No... he claims he tried to ask you out. Why didn't you tell me about that?" I asked, glancing to see her reaction.

Rocky's lips spread with a smile before she caught herself. "I thought he was just being nice."

"He is because he likes you..." I said, sing-songy. "He said he thought something was there. What do you think?"

"I think I'm focusing on being a mother." She quipped.

"That's not a no." I pointed it.

"It doesn't matter. It's bad timing." Rocky shook her head.

"It does matter. He's all rejected, thinking you shut him down and put him in the friend zone."

"He thinks I friend zoned him?" Rocky asked, surprised. "I thought he friend zoned me. Or at least, pregnant zoned me."

"Is that a thing?" I pondered.

"It is now. Shut the hell up." She snapped.

"Look, I'm the biggest naysayer because it'll make things weird for me. If you don't have feelings for him, let him down easy. But if there's something there, you both deserve to at least talk about it. Who knows what will happen."

"We'll see." Rocky replied, noncommittally. Right away I could see the slight changes in her attitude. She pulled out her make-up and gave herself a little black nose and whiskers around her face. She redid her braids up in a high ponytail. She looked energized that had nothing to do with her nap. I caught her smiling to herself numerous times the remainder of the drive.

"What?" She snapped at me when she caught me peeking at her.

"Nothing. We're almost there." I said.

"I know. I've been here a few times." Rocky said. "There's something I haven't told you."

I stiffened. "What is it?"

"Trevor doesn't want to be anything more than friends with you." Rocky informed me. She paused to gauge my reaction.

"I guessed that by the way he invited me. Anything else?" I said as I parked on Trevor's granny's street. There were a few cars already gather in front of her house. I had no idea how to get to the country so I planned to follow Trevor out.

"No... try to get him to tell you why. I think it's more than what he's been saying." Rocky urged me.

I nodded before I let Justine out the car. I let her play for a couple minutes as I swapped shoes before wrestling her into her tutu. Once she was unhappily dressed, I played with my wig, slipped on my bonnet, and applied a peachy lip gloss.

Rocky waited patiently for me as I double checked my appearance. "I'm ready." I finally told her before we headed to the door. We rang the doorbell and a few moments later, Trevor opened it holding a bowl of candy. He was dressed in a skeleton hoodie and loose fitting black jeans. Justine jumped up, paws on his legs, clamouring for his attention.

"Hey girl! Hey Justine!" Trevor put the candy down, kneeling to pet her. While he was being attacked with Justine's attention, I slowly studied him. It didn't pass my attention that he was wearing a skeleton hoodie and Jack from A Nightmare Before Christmas was a skeleton too. He looked great compared to when I last saw him. Still paler and thinner than normal, but he didn't seem as sickly or frail. He finally met my stare after his eyes ran over me a couple times too many to be "friendly".  His eyes were a vibrant blue- I stared at them as he stared back at me. When Justine lost Trevor's attention, she darted into the house.

Trevor stood, calling after her."I got her." Rocky said, giving him a brief hug. "Happy Halloween." She smiled between us then chased after Justine.

"Nice costume." Trevor said. "Did you really dye your hair?"

"Maybe, you like it?" I questioned him, knowing he wouldn't. It wasn't for him though.

"I don't know yet." He said, diplomatically.

I smiled."What happened to the grim reaper?"

"Someone told me it was too morbid and I didn't want to scare the kids." He said.

"Eh, it's Halloween. Freaking people out is the point right?" I said, moving closer. The last time I saw him, he ignored all my acts of affection, but I couldn't be this close to him and not at least hug him once. I put my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

I was prepared to let him go after I rejoiced in the feel of his body against mine, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. It felt incredible to be in his arms again- like coming home after being gone for years.

"It's good to see you Lilypad." He said softly against my ear.

I lifted my head from his chest to tell him how much I missed him and how good he looked and sounded and felt... but I was stopped short by a chorus of "trick or treat" behind me.

I pulled away and turned to see a group of kids in costumes. Trevor squeezed my waist one more time before letting me go. He made the kids smile and laugh before letting them pick out candy. It was so adorable, the smile couldn't come off my face.

We went inside together and thankful, his mother was nowhere in site. Trevor announced kids were outside trick or treating. His cousins, their husbands and kids got ready to go out. When his granny told Trevor everyone else was outside, Trevor went to get them. Rocky, Bilal, Justine, Donovan, his wife Jennifer, and their kids came inside. They all huddled up to take pictures before the parents took their kids out trick or treating. Lisa took a picture of Trevor and Bilal together. Bilal was dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow with a wigs full of dreads that the kids keep trying to play with. He looked so uncomfortable, it made Rocky and me laugh at him.

Rocky and I trailed Bilal and Trevor to the country. Lisa would lead the second group to the party after they got done trick or treating. We stopped at Trevor's uncle's house to drop off Justine. Trevor took her down to the basement with food and water. I made sure there was nothing she could get into while Trevor put on a movie for her.

"Miley's really gonna watch a movie?" Bilal asked us.

"Just background noise. And her name is not Miley!" I corrected him.

The party was taking place at the recreational center Lisa and her husband ran. It was a few miles away through the land the house was on. We drove the rest of the way though it on Jimmy's golf cart. On the cart, Bilal told Rocky why he dubbed Justine Miley Cyrus. They both laughed and I was glad they were finally able to be normal around each other again.

J-Mike and Johnny were at the recreational center, finishing setting up the place. I was thrilled to see Cam, Jenna, and her sister Amanda made the trip. I gave them all a hug before examining their hard work. The entire rec was illuminated with black and strobe lights, neon beads, streamers and glow in the dark everything, everywhere. EDM blasted from the sound system as we looked around.

"Really? A rave?" Rocky asked.

"No. It's a frat party, right?" I asked Trevor. He nodded.

"How did you know that? That's exactly what Trevor wanted-  a frat having a glow party." Amanda answered.

"Don't ask. They speak their own language." Cam said, sarcastically.

I beamed at Trevor. He got the idea from The Neighbors. I knew because we talked about it last year. We schemed how we could convince Amber to have a frat theme party, inspired by the movie.

"I brought that stuff you needed." Johnny told Trevor.

"Ok, where is it?" Trevor asked. The walked off and I watched them, suspiciously.

Jenna pulled me aside and asked me how I was doing. I told her I was ok, before moving along to explore. Everyone started to arrive and I met people Trevor went to high school with, people who went to his church and reconnected with everyone we went to college with. Eventually, I found a bench next to a ping pong table where J-Mike started a game of beer pong.

"I feel old. Are we too old for this or is it just me?" Rocky asked me.

"It's you. I'm not too old but I'm burnt out on drinking games though." Angela chimed in.

I grinned. "I didn't party in college, so I'm ok with beer pong. Trevor's having fun, that's the whole point."

They nodded, enthusiastically. J-Mike came out in a Riddler costume, spouting riddles and  announcing there would be no sappy, sad bullshit at the party. So far, everyone was following the rules. It was working- every time I looked at Trevor, he was having a blast. I was having a great time watching him.

"Do you know that girl Bilal's hanging out with?" Angela asked. I tore my eyes away from Trevor to look at Bilal. I groaned when I recognized the girl he was with.

"I don't remember how they are related but she is related to his boss. She works for Black Reign." I informed them.

Rocky smirked. "He should have dressed up as Peter Pan. He will never grow up."

Angela burst out laughing. My phone rang so I didn't have to respond. It was Sammy, asking for directions. I got up and made my way over to Trevor so he could help. He stepped out with my phone to instruct them.

"Hey babydoll." J-Mike said, putting his arm around me. "Get it? Doll?"

"Clever. Any more riddles for me?" I asked, with a playful smile.

"Riddle me this- why aren't you and Trevor together?" He asked.

The smile faltered on my lips. "Because we broke up." I replied, lightly, hoping he'd get the hint I didn't want to talk about it.

"I get that. Why? You were the only person who knew he was sick... I'm curious, a lot of us are really, to what happened." He questioned.

"You, and anyone else curious, will have to ask Trevor." I said.

"But I'm asking you-"

"Excuse me." I said, walking away from him when I saw Sammy. I pushed my annoyance away as I greeted her. She handed me over my phone after I hugged her hello. She wasn't in costume, but looked sexy in a black mini dress and boots. I walked her over to the makeshift bar to get a drink.

I hadn't drank all night, now I really wanted alcohol to take the edge off. After my talk with J-Mike, I felt paranoid about what people were thinking or saying about me and Trevor. I reminded myself that the only person's opinion that matter was Trevor. I had to keep my emotions in check. Sammy made herself a vodka sour and I stuck with coke.

"Can I get one too?" Ian asked Sammy with a grin, watching her garnish her drink.

"Sorry. Off duty." Sammy responded.

"When are the honey bees moving to Austin?"

"Why? Aren't you on the road?" Sammy asked.

"Welcome home parties." Ian replied.

"Austin is going to be our next city sometime next year." Sammy confirmed.

"That means you're moving?"

"I don't know yet. I love Dallas." Sammy said.

Ian's phone rang, and he looked at it.
"Let's grab a seat and talk about it. You too Lily. You can tell her how great Austin is."

I rolled my eyes and followed them. Ian led us to a couch in the front reception area. He quickly sat next to Sammy, and pointed at a single seat near the wall for me.

"You're such a gentleman." I scowled at him.

"Thanks" He smiled. I sat down and placed my drink on the floor. When I sat back up, I felt an arm wrap around my neck from behind me. I gasped for air, clawing at the arm, trying to break away.

"Lily..." a deep voice growled at me. I was able to break free, turned around and was face to face with a creepy, all black hollowed face. Before I could rationalize anything, I jumped in fear, pushing the black clothed figure away and hopping out of the chair, knocking over my drink.

Laughter roared around me as the figure stood up from behind the chair. When I recognized the grim reaper costume, my fear subsided and was replaced with outrage.

"What the fuck Trevor?!? Why would you scare me?" I yelled.

He chuckled and removed his mask. "What happened to freaking people out on Halloween?"

"Not me! Fear is not a fun emotion for me. You know this!"

"Obviously not. You almost pushed my port out." Trevor rubbed his chest.

I instantly felt guilt and rushed to his side. "I'm so sorry. Is it ok?" I said, feeling his chest gently.

"I'm joking. It's actually on the other side." He said, grabbing my hands. It was such a simple gesture, but filed my body with warmth.

"You're not funny!" I pretended to scold him so he wouldn't let me go.

"It's a little funny." He argued, smiling, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

I tried to hold in my smile, but failed. "Whatever!"

After I cleaned up, we sat around, played games and partied until 2am. I was beyond ecstatic that Trevor didn't leave my side the rest of the night. As we started to leave, everyone complained about being hungry, considering all J-Mike provided was alcohol, chips and cupcakes. The only places still open were in Wichita Falls. While everyone grouped up with a sober drivers, Trevor offered to take me to his uncle's house to get Justine and my car before we went to eat.

"Are you driving home tonight?" Trevor asked me when we went down to his uncle's house.

"I don't know. Amanda offered for me to stay with her in her room but I don't know if the hotel is dog friendly." I said, softly.

"I can keep Justine."

"Is your granny ok with dogs?"

"Yeah, she won't have a problem, but I'm staying here tonight anyway."

"Ok, I guess I'll stay then." I smiled. When we walked into the basement, I began to plot how I could spend more time alone with Trevor. Tonight was probably the best chance since he wasn't going back to his grandma's house. Justine's head popped up briefly before she laid back down.

"Can we let her sleep til the end of the movie? It's almost over." I asked, flopping down on a bean bag.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

"Not at all."

"Are you sure? I can get J-Mike to bring us something back." Trevor offered.

"I'm really ok, but have him bring you something." I said quickly, loving the idea of not joining the rest of them at all.

"I'm good too." Trevor sat on a bean bag next to me.

I turned to face him. "How's your mouth feeling?"

He kept his eyes on the T.V. "My mouth is fine. The rinse really helps."

"How's you appetite?When's the last time you ate?" I continued.

He turned to look at me. "You're breaking J-Mike's rules."

"Aw, fuck J-Mike." I claimed.

"Well for me- Can we talk about the cancer stuff tomorrow? I love this part." He said, nodding to the screen.

"Technically it is tomorrow, but ok." I turned back to the screen. "The Oogie Boogie Man? He was the worst! You love this part? What's wrong with you?"

"Santa brought me sports equipment when I was a kid. I liked seeing him get his ass kicked." Trevor chuckled.

I laughed too. "What do you want for Christmas this year?"

"I don't know. I know what I want right now." Trevor answered.

I turned to him, my stomach clenching with excitement. I tried to remind myself that we needed to discuss why he broke up with me, and how we move forward in our relationship together. We needed to figure out what went wrong and how to make sure it didn't happen again. We needed to talk...

"What- do you want?" My own voice husky to my own ears.

"Take that wig off." He requested.

"What makes you think it's a wig?" I said, taking the bonnet off.

"It flew up when you got scared." He teased.

"Shut up." I smiled, pulling off the wig. I ran my fingers through my hair while Trevor watched.

"Thank you." He said, simply. I just smiled at him, grabbing his hand and squeezing. We returned our attention back on the screen.

After 30 Minutes, the movie came to an end, with Jack and Sally singing together about how they were simply meant to be. "This is my favorite song ever." I said.

Trevor didn't respond and I looked over at him. He was sleeping soundly. I moved in closer and pressed my lips against his. It was only a second or 2, but when I pulled back, Trevor's eyes were open and he was staring at my lips.

"Sorry-" I flushed. "I mean, good nig-" I said, hastily. I didn't get to finish because he pressed his lips back against mine. I told myself we would talk about everything tomorrow, er, today- as I kissed him back.


  1. Great post, loved the ending felt so real. Yes they need to talk but I love spontaneous kisses!

  2. I'm still mad at him. If they end up having sex I hope he becomes honest with her and tells her exactly what he's thinking and why he broke up with her and said those mean things. That's the only thing that would make it ok for me because any other way he's just using her. And shouldn't treat someone you say you love that way.
    He made the choice to push her away, so now he doesn't get to keep her hanging on. Unless he's ready to let he all in... Arg I just don't like guys like that hahaha

    1. I wouldn't want to be your friend if that's how you think. Trevor pushed lily away because he doesn't want to hurt or burden her. Clearly he loves her but is scared going through cancer and not knowing what's going to happen. Then he mentioned not wanting or possibly be able to have kids. That might be a deal breaker for lily. Sometimes when you're going through something like cancer you push those you love he most away.

      I'm confused by you because you've defending Jake that treated her horribly emotionally and yet continuously have an axe to grind with Trevor.

    2. So you think he gets a free pass and can use her because he has cancer? Because he would be using her if he has sex with her and tells her again that he can't be with her. But who knows he may just kiss her and then tell her they shouldn't.
      And I'm just speculating, that would be my response if he goes back to saying he just wants to be friends and keeps her away.
      All I would like from Trevor is to open up and let her in. Let her make the decision to stay by him or to leave him. His issues with him dying or not having children are things she needs to decide if she can live with, he doesn't get to make that choice for her. Life throws a lot of curve balls at you, I knew a girl that was a widow at 25, my sister is happily married and can't have kids so there's nothing certain in life. At least he is aware of his mortality and can live every day as if it were his last one.
      And I said I would like her back together with a CHANGED Jake meaning one that has learned something from being without her and would treat her differently now.

    3. I think we can all give up on the Jake idea. He has a new girlfriend now and acted like Lily barely existed the last time they saw each other. Sammy said he acted that way around Lily because he didn't want to sleep with her anymore and I think she is right. He has moved on. Brandon said he was totally into his new GF (Dino) and for him to dump his her to try and get back with Lily would be sleazy. Besides, Dino is Lily's friend and she wouldn't come between them, so this is a game over situation.

    4. Remember how Jake didn't like that Lily had such a close relationship with Ethan. Could it be that out of respect for Dino he's staying away from Lily?
      But I agree that ship has sailed.

  3. Yay! Now I hope he doesn't pull away and tell her no or that he regrets it. Let her inTrevor - she wants to be there. Loved it!

  4. Remember when Lily was busy judging Rocky for chasing after Brandon and then sleeping with him that one night without talking about their issues? This reminds me of that. I really doubt he's gonna do a 180 and change his mind about being with her etc because they have sex or get physical..she doesn't have a magic vagina..

  5. Here's how I see all this: I think both Trevor and Lily are emotionally immature. Neither of them had a serious relationship before they got together and both have some serious baggage. Lily has her molestation issues that Cam explained in a post months ago (and that she has never directly addressed or dealt with) and Trevor had his dad's and now his own illness. These are tough issues for anyone. Lily's issues were why she was holding back on Trevor and pushing him away and Trevor broke things off mainly because of not wanting Lily to end up hating him when he got sick. They do need to talk, but honestly they both still love each other. Lily was scared when they got together and was reactive and it took Trevor getting sick to get her to wake up. Trevor stuck with her through all this, but being ill has taken away all his extra emotional resources. New HE is the one who is scared and it is Lily's turn to stick with him. Another poster stated that Trevor was stringing Lily along, but I disagree. He is ill and his disease is truly life threatening. What's more, he will not survive unscarred. There will be invasive surgery, he might end up with a permanent colostomy and his disease could very well come back. His disease is obviously genetic and so if he had kids, he could pass it on to them. All of these issues would challenge any relationship and also go counter to the future life that Lily and Trevor had started to plan out. I hope they both realize that life is like that and even though things may not be how they originally planned, those plans are worth changing when you love they way they do.

  6. Can we have a rocky / forest post. They are my fave should be couple

  7. I'm am having a very hard time waiting for the next post.. You have me captivated as usual...please post soon!!

  8. LOVED this post! I want Lilly and Trevor back together so badly.

  9. I hope that the lack of steady post isn't a sign that you are growing tired of blogging. This is by far my favorite blog!

  10. Wow... I am so surprised about the lack of posts and the keeping up with promises.

    Like the commenter above said, I hope it isn't a sign of you growing tired of blogging. This is not how we know you at all!!

    This is my favourite blog... don't know what I'll do when you stop blogging.


    1. I think Janay said recently that she has just been busy and that this recent storyline has been really hard for her to write. So, I am hoping that there's none of this "tired of blogging" stuff going on, as well! I might cry. haha

      I might add, that though the posting schedule has been a little erratic, the quality of her posts have still been excellent! I am, like, checking back for new posts every 30 minutes. LOL.
