Friday, August 14, 2015

Any Man of Mine (Outro)

"And if I changed my mind
A million times
I wanna hear him say
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I like it that way
Any man of mine better walk the line
Better show me a teasin' squeezin' pleasin' kinda time
I need a man who knows, how the story goes
He's gotta be a heartbeatin' fine treatin'
Breathtakin' earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine" Any Man of Mine Shania Twain

It was just a ride. A stupid, foolish game they decided to play together. I tried to sooth myself as I made my way closer. Trevor was on the front of the bull, holding on to the grip with one hand, his other hand held out for balance. Jordan had her arms snaked around his waist to clench the grip too. Her already short dress was bunched up, exposing her thighs. Thighs that were pressed intimately against Trevor's as they both used their legs to hold on to the bull.

Yeah, it wasn't working. How ironic would it be if I charged them like a bull? The thought of pulling them off the bull instantly relaxed me. Of course I wouldn't do that, but the thought made me feel better.

A hard buck caused Jordan to lose her grip. She held on to Trevor, clutching his chest as the bull spun sharply. The spin made her fall off and she pulled Trevor with her. They were both laughing hysterically as they hit the pad. When it took her a few seconds too long to let go of Trevor so he could get up, I fought the urge to make my way over to them and and kick, turn, stomp, stomp her.

Lucky for her, Trevor broke away before offering a hand to help her up. She took it, and they made their way off the padding together. I could see Trevor looking around as he made his way to a nearby table. I composed myself before walking over.

"There you are!" Trevor exclaimed, with a smile when I joined him, Jordan, Forrest and a few other people I didn't recognize at the table. Trevor pulled me in his lap and I settled against him as he embraced me.

"We just rode the bull!" Jordan said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I saw the very end when you flew off. You should have rode by yourself Trevor; you would have stayed on longer." I said, calmly with a smile. It came off like I was joking, but I was dead serious.

Trevor laughed. "I wanted to ride with you! I waited in line while Jordan looked for you! Where have you been? " Trevor asked.

"I was playing Mortal Kombat. You didn't see me Jordan?" I asked.

"No, we must have missed each other." Jordan said.

"Must have." I said, knowing that Ethan and I didn't move from the game for at least 10 minutes. No way she "missed" me.

"It's not that late for y'all to ride before last call. Let's see if you can do better!" Jordan taunted me.

I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of competing with her. "No, I'm good."

"C'mon Lily. It'll be fun." Trevor tried to persuade me. I gave him a look that said, not happening. He looked lost. Urgh, he was so clueless sometimes.

"I was afraid too, but it was so much fun!" Jordan agreed, laughing.

I snuggled against Trevor and tried a different approach. "I wanna ride you." I whispered in his ear.

I felt Trevor harden immediately as his hands fondled my sides. "Yeah, let's get going." He said, immediately.

I smiled triumphantly.

We stood and said our goodbyes and goodnights before leaving. Jordan wanted to stay so Forrest assured us he would make sure she got back to the hotel safely. Or more like assured Trevor when he asked. I didn't care at that moment.

Trevor was all over me on the walk back to the hotel. He always got extra affectionate when he was drinking, and I planned to take full advantage of it.

I got him completely undressed when we got back to the hotel room. "Baby..." I purred, straddling him on the bed fully dressed.

"Mmmhmmm." He moaned in response, grasping at my waist, trying to figure out how to take off my "shorts".

"Do you like it when I ride you?" I asked, unhooking the back of my romper, letting it fall to my waist.

"I love it..." he said, automatically cupping my breasts in my red bra.

"I love it too." I said, moving his hands away so I could take my bra off. "I want to be the only person riding anything with you."

"You are Lilypad." He murmured, returning his hands back to my breasts. He squeezed them, playing with my nipples. "Jesus, you're beautiful."

His words plus his caress sent shivers up my spine. I almost forgot why I was having this talk with him. Almost.

"Not tonight. You rode the bull with Jordan." I told him as I rotated my hips in a figure 8 motion, teasing his erection against me.

"I didn't mean anything." He said, tying to move the bottom of my romper to the side. I clenched my thighs to block him.

"I still didn't like it." I said, moving my body away from him.

He growled in frustration. "It won't happen again."

"What won't happen again?" I said, grinding harder against him.

"I won't ride anything with anyone else but you." He swore, grabbing my hips and thrusting up.

"You promise?"

Suddenly, with strength that shocked and startled me, he flipped me over on my back. I closed my legs, but he forcefully yanked my clothes off of me.

He looked me over, his blue eyes darken with desire. "I promise." He said, before laying on top of me and kissing me deeply. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

He rolled us back over so I was back on top. He slapped my ass and ordered, "Ride me."

I yelped and complied.

We woke up late the next morning, tangled in the sheets and each other. It was the most relaxed I've been in awhile. We talked about the mud run and how we were going to make it a tradition to participate. I also asked about his square dancing skills I didn't know about.

"Eileen. The only bar in the country was a honky tonk. She used to drag me there." Trevor admitted.

The name Eileen didn't ring a bell, but when he said the Country, I put it together.

"Eileen? Your first girlfriend? The ho?" I grinned at him.

Trevor chuckled. "Yeah, the ho. She made me learn how to dance then hooked up with the instructor."

"...and you never line danced again." I laughed. I started singing "Careless Whisper" to him.

"So I'm never going to dance again
The way I danced with you..."

"Shut up Lily. It wasn't like that. I danced last night." Trevor laughed.

I stiffened. Yeah, with Jordan.

"What did Eileen look like?" I asked, curiously.

"Why do you ask?" He said, looking up at me.

"No reason. Just wondering." I shrugged. "Let me guess- the 3 b's. Blonde, blue eyes, big boobs?" I asked.

"2 out of 3." Trevor said, burrowing his head in my neck.

"Which ones?" I laughed as his breath tickled me.

"I love you Lily."

I laughed. "Mmmhmm. I love you too. Now tell me!"

My phone started ringing and he pulled away. "No! Answer my question!"

"It's Jordan. You should probably answer it." He said, handing my phone to me.

Urgh, I was so annoyed with her, but I reeled it in. I answered and talked briefly, telling her I would give her a call when we were ready to go.

"Don't be rude because you're jealous." Trevor said, after I hung up. He tried to pull me back into his arms, but I pulled away.

"I'm not jealous!" I protested.

"No? Then what was that last night- the riding thing? That wasn't jealously?" Trevor teased me.

I frowned. "No Trevor. It's the principal of it. It was inappropriate. You don't understand, but Jordan does. Or she will." I threatened.

He sighed. "Don't blow up on her. She's having a tough time as is. I promised, I won't ride anything else unless it's with you. Does that include cars and airplanes? Or just bulls?"

I ignored him, annoyed with him now. Was I really being unreasonable? I went and started a hot shower. Before I stepped in, Trevor joined me.

"Wanna share?" He asked.


He came in the shower with me, and gave me a massage as he washed my body. I put my arm around him and we kissed under the water. That relaxed feeling I lost talking about Jordan came back and I sighed against his lips.

"Yes, I was jealous. No, I'm not going to go off on Jordan." I assured him.

"You have no reason to be jealous. You have 4 B's- Brunette, brains, big boobs and butt. Why would I want anything else?" He grinned before kissing me again. I smiled against his lips.

After we showered and got dressed, we met up with Jordan and headed back to Dallas. Since we slept through breakfast, Trevor took us to brunch at a pub in Plano. We had a great time and I got full on brisket hash and Bloody Mary's with smokey bacon.

After we dropped Jordan off, I really wanted to get back in bed, but I had to take Justine out. We went for a long walk. We came back to the apartment and I fed her before I joined Trevor in the room. I rolled my eyes when I discovered he was sleep.

I took another shower when I realized I wasn't wearing my bracelet. I remembered giving it to Jordan to hold on to. I grabbed my phone and called her.

"I thought I gave it back to you, before we went out last night." Jordan told me.

I went through my bag, searching for it. I went to the car to search too. I even called the hotel to see if it was returned to the lobby. No luck.

I took a break, trying to remember when was the last time I saw it and hoped it would show up. I grabbed Trevor's laptop and did what I said I would- start looking at houses. Thankfully, with Ethan's help, I was able to narrow it down a lot.  Like he promised, he sent me an email with his advice. He also explained the clause where he had 30 days to buy Megan out in case of a break up.

I bit my lip as I thought about how I should bring that up again to Trevor. My phone beeped and I pulled it out, hoping it was Jordan saying she still had my bracelet. I really didn't remember her giving it back to me. It wasn't. It was Bianca.

Bianca: I have a Layover in Dallas Tuesday.

Me: What time?

Bianca: 10am

Me: When's your flight to California.

Bianca: Sunday at 2pm

Me: lol bitch, that's not a layover. I miss you too! Can't wait to see you!

Bianca: :-)

Forrest texted me too. It was a link of the pictures from the mud room. I went through them to see which ones I wanted to buy. I picked the one of all of us posed together and a picture of me and Trevor hugged up, after the race when we changed and was drinking beer watching the remaining heats.

 I knew I should start cooking, but I really wasn't in the mood. I was raiding the refrigerator when Trevor woke up.

"I picked some houses if you wanna take a look." I called to him.

"Ok." He said, sounding exhausted.

"You feeling ok?" I asked.

"I'm good. I think it was all the food and booze and mud this weekend. It tired me out." Trevor responded.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, joining him in the living room.

He was frowning up at the laptop.

"Babe, are you hungry?" I repeated.

"No." He said, finally.

"Good, 'cause I don't feel like cooking."

He was looking at the screen intently.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"This house in Plano." He answered.

"Yeah, it's small, but it's in a great school district. The basement is finished so we can make it a second living room/guest room which should increase the value if we want to resell it for a bigger place. We should check it out."

"Sounds good."

"Speaking of guest room, Bianca going to stay with us from Tuesday to Sunday." I informed him.

"If she's fine on the couch, I'm fine with her staying." Trevor said.


Under the guise of needing to wash clothes, I went through Trevor's bag to see if my bracelet was in there. I didn't want Trevor to know I misplaced it. It wasn't in his bag. Where the fuck was it?

Monday morning, I emailed Chad to see when we could start looking at houses. I went grocery shopping, excited about my cousin staying with us.

After dropping off the groceries, I went to the boxing ring for a work out. Dominick was there and we partnered each other again.

"You have a nice little right hook there." He complimented me after the class was over.

"Little?" I huffed, indignantly, as I drank my water.

"Sorry. Huge. Strong. Mighty." He corrected with a smile.

"Thank you!" I smiled, before heading to the locker rooms. When I left, Dominick was waiting outside for me.

"You workout during your lunch break?" Dominick asked me. He was looking over the scrubs I just changed into.

"No, I'm actually about to head in. I work evenings." I explained.

"Oh, so what do you do during the day?"

"Stuff around the house, workout."

"We should workout together." Dominick offered.

"Uhh, you know I have a boyfriend."

"I know. I said workout together, not date." He said, with a little smirk. "With a little training, you could give Ronda Rousey a run for her money."

"More like if Ronda Rousey wants to fight me, I'm giving her my money and running."

Dominick laughed and handed me his card. "My numbers there. I'll see you around."

I slipped the card in my purse. "Ok. Bye."

On my break at work, Chad responded to my email saying that he would set up a few viewings over the weekend. I text Dino to tell her about her brother offering to be my workout buddy.

Dino: Don't do it. He doesn't want to just work out. I love my brother, but he's a dog. Meaning, he'll pee on anything even if it don't belong to him.

Me: Gross. I'm not letting no one pee on me ever!

Dino: lol. You know what I mean.

Me: I do :-)

I also sent her, Amber, Jordan and Sammy a text if they wanted to go out Wednesday night to welcome Bianca back to Dallas. When they agreed, we decided to go to Memphis, one of my favorite bars in Addison. I posted the details on Facebook for anyone else that wanted to join us.

It was then that I noticed Jordan changed her profile picture. It was the picture I purposely ignored of her and Trevor riding the bull together. She tagged Trevor in it and captioned it:

My Ex Asked Me Where I'm Moving I Said On To Better Things

First of all, her quoting Drake lyrics? Just no. I thought she was a country fan now. Second of all, Derek wasn't concerned about her. That's why they broke up! And lastly, why did she only tag Trevor in the picture? She's not moving on with him. Was I crazy for thinking she was implying that?

Crazy or not, I promised Trevor I would let it go so I tried not to be upset over her stupid post. I did post my own picture of Trevor and me at the mud run. I captioned it:
I ain't trippin' I'ma let em sleep
I ain't trippin' let em rest in peace#10Band#MudRun#NoBullShit

I smiled at my use of Drake's lyrics so she knew I wasn't concerned with her bullshit. Ha. Bull-shit. My own play on words cracked me up. I was laughing about it until I went home and Trevor gave me my charm bracelet.

"Where did you find it?" I gasped, looking over to make sure every charm was there. They all were there. I sighed in relief.

"Jordan dropped it off." Trevor explained.

What the fuck?

"When?" I asked, stunned. My relief turned into anger.

"Today. She said she found it. Why didn't you tell me it was lost?"

"Because I knew that bitch had it. She told me she gave it back to me." I said, accusingly.

"I'm sure it was an honest mistake. Don't make a big deal out of it." Trevor shrugged.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I wanted to make a huge deal out of it! I wanted to go off on her for being a shady bitch and on him for not fucking seeing it.

But once again, I ignored my instinct and clasped the bracelet back on my wrist. I went to the kitchen to eat and didn't say another word about it.

The next morning, I excitedly went to pick up Bianca from the airport. Traffic sucked, and her plane was late, but I was still thrilled to see her when she finally arrived.

She gave me a little smile as I hugged her tight.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, surprised by her timid greeting.

"Yes, just jet lagged and the time changes." Bianca replied.

We got to my car and I nagged her with questions about Paris.

"It was a great experience. Can we get into the details later? I really am exhausted." She begged off when we got to my apartment.

"Ok, well get some sleep because we're going out tonight. There's an airbed in the closet, pillows and blanket on the couch, and help yourself to whatever you want. Trevor should be home around 6 and I'll be back around 8." I told her as I got ready to go to work. She was already curled up on the couch. I smiled and left her.

After work, I hurried home so we could go out. Thankfully, Bianca was in a much better mood. Sleep and pre-gaming with my wine did wonders for her. She even had an outfit for me.

"You let her in our closet?" I said in mock anger to Trevor.

"Absolutely. As long as she didn't pick one of those one piece things." Trevor smiled.

"A leotard?" Bianca asked as we headed to my room.

"No! A romper. He gets confused by them." I laughed as I pulled off my top.

"They aren't the most boyfriend friendly." Bianca smiled, "You lost weight. Your arms look great."

"I'm taking a boxing class." I told her with a proud smile.

I got dressed in high-waisted royal blue denim shorts and one of her tops. I picked out nude colored wedges and put my hair up in a bun because I planned to dance my ass off.

When we got to the bar, Amber, Sammy, Corey, Jordan and Tori were already there. They were sitting at a table towards the back with Q and Kendall. It's been forever since I seen them. I greeted them warmly with hugs. I reintroduced Bianca to everyone and we sat down and caught up over the live cover band playing top 40 hits. I ignored Jordan and her attempts to talk to me.

I ordered a margarita with a shot of Patron. Even though I didn't have to be at work until the afternoon, it still felt weird getting intoxicated on a week night so I stopped after that. Bianca had no problem downing down shots at the bar. The band played a pretty decent cover of Uma Thurma and Trevor and I danced together. Trevor started imitating John Travolta's dancing from Pulp Fiction. He made me burst out laughing and soon I was dancing like Uma Thurma in the movie, making a fool of myself and not caring in the less.

The band then played Watch Me and I pulled Bianca away from the bar to dance with us. I yelled to Trevor this was my line dancing. Trevor decided to sit that song out. Amber, Sammy, Bianca and I tore it up on the dance floor. Q joined us too and we were having a blast doing the dance moves. When the band started playing Clumsy I felt someone dancing against me, and I turned around. It was Dominick.

"Where's your sister?!?" I yelled over the music.

"The bar." He said in my ear. I looked over to see if I could spot her, but I couldn't.  Dominick continued to dance on me. I grabbed Bianca and introduced them.

"You should buy me a drink." Bianca said, sloppily holding on to him.

Dominick gave me a look, and I shrugged. "Maybe water."

"Fuck water." Bianca declared, before pulling him away.

I laughed at them before turning my attention back on the band and the music. We clapped when the band finished playing Sugar. The band took an intermission and I went to the bathroom with Sammy. 10 minutes later, we came out and Trevor was waiting.

"I'm ready to go." Trevor said, uncharacteristically short.

"Ok...Are you ok?" I asked him, confused by his tone.

"Yeah, no. Just tired. I have work in the morning, remember?" Trevor said.

"Right. Ok. Let me find Bianca and say bye-" I started.

"She's meeting us outside and everyone is leaving." Trevor told me, guiding me towards the exit.

"Wait guys. Did Amber or Corey grab my purse?" Sammy asked, turning to look at our table. She did a double take. "Is that Brandon?"

I stopped and turned around. I saw Brandon, sitting entirely too close to some random girl. He was staring straight at me and I glared back. Amber hurried over to me. "I'm so sorry. Lily, I had no idea she was dating him." She blurted, turning back around.

I was confused for a moment until I followed her gaze and my eyes clashed with Jake's. Jake was standing next to Dino. Dino looked at Jake, then me, than Jake again. Realization hit me as Dino looked puzzled.

"Lily, let's just go. Getting mad won't help anything." Trevor pleaded with me.

I wasn't feeling mad at first. I was shocked that Dino was dating Jake and a little paranoid that they hid it from me. But I wasn't mad at them...

...Trevor assuming how I felt and would react, that made me mad. His attempts to usher me out the bar like an unstable crazy bitch pissed me the fuck off.

"No. I want to stay." I said, defiantly. I shot Trevor a dirty look before I headed to the table


  1. Excited for the bonus. Nervous though I really like Trevor and lily. I get that she's upset he tried to avoid her getting upset but she also doesn't talk to him much about her feelings. Girls expect guys to know what makes you mad but boys are clueless sometimes. Hoping she will start opening up to him. And hope he backs off trying to protect her from stuff all the time. My husband used to do that a lot but it's because I didn't know how to handle things. I grew up thinking nothing bad ever happened, I've since grown up some and my husband has been able to tell me things without me reacting like a child (well most of the time lol)
    Lily does get angry really fast though, I can see the opposite in her and trevor, he's a little too chill at times and lily has anger issues.
    Really glad Jake is dating Dino, hope they make it work.

  2. I usually really like Trevor but he's annoying me so much!

    1. Funny it's been lily annoying me lately but not in this post. I do think she got a little angry too quickly at the end but it's normal. Jordan is the one annoying me. Trevor tries to be the peacemaker too much, not sure if he doesn't want lily to loose another friend like (rocky) but I never liked Jordan so good riddance to her.

  3. Lily needs to have it out straight with Jordan--she either shapes up around Trevor and stops her stupid games or she needs to go. Lily handled herself well, but she needs to not bottle things up and Tell both Jordan and Trevor her feelings.

    Saw the Dino/Jake thing coming and it will be interesting to see how it plays out, but he is history, so whatever. I bet Dino is going to be pissed--hopefully at Jake.

  4. Definitely called the Jake and Dino pair up. I am not surprised, and I hope they can laugh through the awkwardness and move on. Dino doesn't really have any loyalty to Lily; they're just new acquaintances/friends-ish. And while Jake and Lily dated, I don't think it matters at this point.

    Jordan is a *GIANT* C YOU NEXT TUESDAY. I literally cringe every time she is mentioned. What a backstabbing hoe. She needs to back off, and quite frankly, I don't think it's fair for Trevor to keep telling Lily to overlook all of the shady shit Jordan keeps doing. It's obvious Jordan's intentions are way past innocent. Lily needs to put that bitch in her place and stop hanging out with her so much. Definitely don't trust her.

    1. I totally agree with you! Especially about Trevor, he was uncomfortable with lily talking to Christian, and Lily didn't listen to him then. Now he is doing the same exact thing! Ugh, I have never liked Trevor for lily.

    2. Lily stayed in contact with Christian for a long time before Trevor ever said the jerky things Christian said. Lily has acted a bit annoyed and only made a couple comments about not like Jordan so I don't think it's the same. It will be once she talks to him. Plus one minute she's mad at Jordan the next she's having a sleep over with her

  5. The more posts I read about Trevor and Lily's relationship it's starting to feel a little off to me, there's something that isn't working there.

    1. Maybe the author is writing it to set up a break up. I don't know they used to be great together until they let friends in too much

    2. Maybe, it would be interesting to see a break up with this much thought and set up behind it. Her and Jake seemed to break up pretty quickly and I personally preferred them as friends

  6. What is wrong with Jordan? She is not happy so she wants lily to be unhappy too? Did she think Trevor would get mad because she "lost" the bracelet? And I'm tired of Trevor not siding with Lily, and accusing her of being jealous? Like its a totally normal thing to ride the bull with your gf's friend? Really?
    And I've been in the same position Lily is at the end of the post, your friends trying to "protect you" or keep you from making a scene by hiding things from you and it's pissed me off! Hahaha like people don't trust that she can be an adult and behave in public? No one knew Dino was dating Jake and Dino didn't know he's her ex. So why would there be a scene? Besides, Lily is over him, right? She's happy with Trevor so now he can be happy with someone else also. So why would Trevor and the rest assume that seeing Jake with Dino would upset Lily?

    1. I agree that Lily should have a chance to make her own decision about how she feels about Dino and Jake, but I don't think she should be mad at Trevor for trying to protect her. Or, more so, why is she only mad at Trevor when all of her friends were trying to pull her away. Honestly, I am mad at Jake for creating drama when he knew Lily was hanging out with Dino. It means he will still be in her circle of friends. I have reached the point where I really wish he would just go away all together.

      I really hope Lily and Trevor don't break up but instead grow up and learn to communicate. Trevor's too trusting and Lily is so angry and insecure under the surface they both needs to wise up (in his case) or lighten up (in her case)> I hope Trevor saw Jordan's pic on FB with his and it caused his to grow a brain and see her for the game player she is.

    2. Anon, I agree!
