Friday, May 1, 2015

Everybody's Changing

Hey everyone. A couple of things. These next few posts are going to cover a lot of time. To catch up with real time, I'm moving things along quickly. I need some things to happen as far as story lines, so I can't just fast forward. It feels rushed to me, but it should make sense. If not, hopefully it will.

And I want to apologize for the late posts recently. My writing time seems to be evaporating due to my kids soccer games, practices and life in general. I'm going to try my best to stick to the days, maybe not always the time. Because my posting schedule is so flaky, there will be times I post without Danielle proofreading first. Like today. Sorry in advance.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting! Have a great weekend.

"You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same" Everybody's Changing by Keane

The reception winded down around 11:30pm, as the ballroom had to be cleared at midnight.

Everyone knew not to bring gifts, just money or gift cards for the newlyweds since they were moving. I got them a $500 Target gift card because it was Jenna's favorite store. I also knew her favorite gift was from Cam's mom Alessandra; a honeymoon to Italy.

"Thank you so much!"  Jenna hugged Alessandra, smiling widely.

"Thank Carlos too. He helped arrange it all." Alessandra smiled.

"Dad, this is too much. We have to get moved. My job starts the first week in May." Cam argued.

"I know son. I'm taking care of it. That's my present to you. I'm heading to Dallas from here to get everything squared away." My dad announced.

Say what?!?!

"Dad-" Cam started.

"No arguments. I already hired movers and the company that's going to pick up your cars. Besides, I can finally see what your sister chose over California." My dad replied while a few stragglers chuckled.

"Peace of mind." I said, smart aleck-y. Trevor tried to hide a grin. He failed horribly.

"I'm sorry to be an inconvenience to you. If it makes you feel better, my flight leaves Dallas Tuesday." My dad said shortly.

Urgh, he would play the victim when he could have told me his plans in advance. I knew he was trying to catch me off guard. That was an inconvenience.

I gave him a bright smile. "I'm just kidding Dad. I would love to show you around."

"I don't need to see Dallas. I would just like to spend some time with you." My dad replied.

Urgh, that was worse!

The next morning, I said my goodbyes to Jenna and Cam. Cam pulled me aside and gave me a long hug.

"Be nice to Dad. He's trying." Cam whispered in my ear.

"I am!" I said. When he gave me a knowing look, I sighed. "Fine. I will." I agreed.

So that's why when we got back to Dallas Sunday, I spent my afternoon cleaning my apartment. I offered for Dad to stay with me, but he declined, saying he had a hotel already. I told him as soon as he got into town to come over to my place for dinner.

Trevor came over to help me clean. When I just redid everything I asked him to do, he went back to his apartment to get some work done. I hated how neurotic I was being about it, but I couldn't help it.

I wanted clean, but not sterile and cold how he and my brother liked things. Cam was military and Dad was just anal. There was a very delicate balance of tidy but unorganized I was trying to achieve that Trevor just didn't understand. Thankfully, Jasmine did. When she came home and saw what state I was in, she immediately joined in to help; even after her day at her new job.

"It's kinda crazy right now, but a good crazy." Jasmine answered, putting the remotes on the couch, when I asked about her new job in wardrobe at a television station. "I'm still just trying to figure out where everything is."

"Have you done any of the talents hair?" I asked, setting the Xbox controllers on the entertainment center.

"Not by myself. I'm like an apprentice right now, just fetching things and assisting on hair, but I love it. It's so exciting. Its go go go all the time." Jasmine explained.

"That's great Jasmine."

She stuck around long enough to meet my dad, but ended up leaving to go to Kendal's place.

"Your roommate is a hairdresser and you can't get a haircut?" My dad asked.

See? This is my dad trying. Peace of mind...

My dad then asked me questions about the apartment, the square footage, how much we paid, and what the neighborhood was like.

"It's pretty quiet, except when I'm throwing all night parties or committing drive-bys." I smiled.

"It's a simple question, Lilian. Can you be serious for one minute?" My dad scolded me.

"Alright. It's a more expensive area because it's a good neighborhood. There's residential communities, parks, schools, and office buildings close by. No drive-bys." I tried to explain.

"You couldn't get a place like this for the price in California. If the neighborhood is as nice as you say, you got a great deal-" My dad commented.

Was that a compliment?

"If renting was a good investment." He added.

And just like that, he snatched the compliment away.

I was exhausted from cleaning, so we ordered food. My dad asked if Trevor would be joining us, but I figured Trevor deserved a break. I told him Trevor had some work to do before Monday. If Trevor ever questioned my love for him before, he couldn't now. I could have easily asked him to come just to ease some of the tension.

I really don't mean to be so tense around my dad. I just don't know how to act around him without being defiant. Thanks to the promise I made my brother, I was working on it. Now, that I was aware of it, it was awkward.

As we ate, and my dad asked about my job. I wish I had more to tell him, but I really didn't. The patients and the cases I see are not as interesting as the ones I could've told him about in California. After dinner, he spared me more quality time and went to his hotel. After talking to Trevor about our daddy-daughter attempt, I went to bed.

At work on Monday, I showed Jordan pictures on my phone from the wedding. She gushed over them and made me promise to show her the professional pictures if I got copies. I agreed and went to work. I worked through my lunch so I could leave as soon as my last patient was done. Sandra wasn't in her office, so instead of waiting around to tell her I was leaving early, I just left.

I changed into workout clothes and joined my dad at my brother's apartment. Jenna's only request was that I handled her clothes. Something about random people handling her unmentionables skeeved her out. I didn't blame her. I felt the same way.

When I got to the apartment, the movers had already started getting everything packed up. It made it real for me: Cam wouldn't be back. He was married and starting a new life in California.

I gave my dad a hug and headed to the bedroom. I put on my girl power playlist to help keep my emotions in check and began boxing up the contents of the dresser. Everything was neatly put away, so I was done in no time.

Instead of reporting to the living room to see what else I could do to help, I finished jamming out to Rihanna's "Bitch Better Have my Money". I was in the middle of my Rihanna impersonation when I heard my dad at the doorway.

"Is there a problem here?" His stern voice asked from the doorway. I almost jumped out of my skin.

Fuck, how does he just appear like that?

Thankfully, he was talking to one of the movers at the doorway. He gave him a disapproving look.

"No sir." The mover said, walking into the bedroom. I gave him an apologetic smile which he returned.

"Are you done Lilian?" My dad asked, turning his disapproving look on me.

"Yeah Dad."

"Then help me in the kitchen." He said.

One more day... I reminded myself as I followed him.

My helping out in the kitchen consisted of stopping him from throwing their things out. He wanted to replace them all in the new house. I reminded him that Cam was his son and would not appreciate him throwing out anything, regardless of his reasoning. That eventually changed my dad's mind.

The movers would be back the next day to put the boxes and furniture in a truck and start the trip to California. Trevor showed up when they finished.

"Sorry I wasn't able to help." He apologized.

"What are you talking about? Perfect timing." I smiled.

I needed him as a buffer for my dad and me. The night before with just my dad was awkward; the night with Trevor was uncomfortable. We went out to dinner at Season 52. I'd never been, but Bill, Cam's former and Trevor's current boss, recommended it. It was an upscale, new American restaurant.

The food was pretty good, but the company sucked. I kept trying to force conversation, but it wasn't happening. My dad I wasn't surprised by: I was sure he was tired from micromanaging the movers and me. Trevor's attitude surprised me. He wasn't rude or anything, just not his normal outgoing self. I couldn't really describe it, but I felt it.

I went back to his place that night and I asked him if he was feeling ok.

"I'm fine Lily. Just a case of the Mondays." He responded.

On Tuesday, I spent my off day with my dad finishing up at the apartment. The movers had everything in the truck and ready to go after a few hours, so we started cleaning up the empty space. The only delay was the transportation of the cars. The car carrier was a day behind schedule. Which was a major problem for my dad whose flight was supposed to leave that night.

"I can be here for them." I assured him.

"No, I need to speak to them to see what the delay was." My dad said as he was on hold with the airline for a later flight.

"Does it matter? They'll be here when they get here." I asked.

"Yes, it does. If they can't stick to a schedule, why would I trust them with two vehicles?" My dad asked.

I wanted to tell him he would replace the vehicles like he wanted to with their kitchen supplies if something were to happen, but I was watching my sarcasm. Apparently, the universe agreed because he was off hold before I had time to come up with a response.

He was able to secure a seat on a flight for Wednesday afternoon.

"Did you have plans for this evening?" My dad asked.

I racked my brain. Plans...Plans...Plans....

"Yes! The playoff game." I blurted out. Q was talking about it at work the day before. It was the second game between the Mavericks and Rockets.

"When did you become a basketball fan?" My dad asked.

"I've always watched the playoffs. Besides, it's between Houston and Dallas. Rocky's from Houston. Her fiance is from Dallas. They're hosting." I lied.

"Really? Racqelle is engaged?"

"Ohmygosh, I didn't tell you? We have to stop over there. If that's okay with you."


"Ok, let me call her and see what she needs me to bring." I said, pulling out my phone and stepping outside.

"Lily..." Rocky groaned when I told her the lies I spewed to my dad.

"Please Rocky! I'm dying over here. I'm trying to change but it's so hard! If I have one more night like the past two nights, I'm going to kill myself. Or someone else..." I threatened dramatically.

"Fine, but I'm not cooking anything and since I'm at work, you have to plan it." She relented.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you so big Rocky!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, you do." She added.

"Will my first born be enough?" I asked.

"Forget it. You owe me nothing."

"Fine, no oompa loopa for you." I smiled.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Inside joke."

I left my dad to go buy snack food for the game. I went to my place to cook a few things before heading to Rocky's. Jasmine was there and I quickly invited her. I told her to invite Kendal if she wanted to before sending out a group text to my friends.

"Kendal is coming. So are Jake and Malik, even though Jake was being weird about it." Jasmine said.

"Weird how?" I asked as I put together a queso.

"He asked if you wanted him there." Jasmine informed me.

"That's not weird. It's actually really considerate of him." I said, cutting Velveeta.

"What do you mean? Y'all are friends. Why wouldn't you want him there?" Jasmine asked confused.

"We are friends, but there are sometimes I don't want to see him." I told her.

"Oh, well I'll call him back and uninvite him." She bristled back at me.

"I didn't say that. Tonight is fine, but in general, like when I took you to brunch, some heads up when he's around is appreciated." I clarified.

"For those times you don't want to see him, even though he's my brother? Ok." She said, defensively, going up to her room.

I sighed. I didn't have time for this. After I got the queso in the crock pot, I started on deli rolls.

By the time I finished, Jasmine reappeared wearing a Mavericks Jersey.

"Jake is not coming. I'm watching the game with Kendal at a bar. See you later." She said walking out the door.

I watched her leave and pulled out my phone.

"Jake, please come to the game tonight." I asked him.

"Ok..." he trailed off, waiting for an explanation.

I explained the conversation I just had with Jasmine. "Jasmine took what I said out of context. There are times when I don't want to see you, but it has more to do with you being my ex, not because of you. Does that make sense?"

"I get it. I just wanted to make sure with your dad and all it wouldn't be weird." Jake responded.

I sighed, relieved. "No, it won't be. I mean, me and my dad's relationship is weird right now, but that's us. He doesn't know you're my ex. All he knows is we're going to watch a game with Rocky and her fiance. Her fiance's best friend should be there right?"

"Should I bring something?" He asked.

"Ranch chicken!"

"Got it."

Even though it was last minute, I got everything put together and set up before the 7 o'clock pre-game show. Sammy, Corey, Trevor, Peyton, Chris, Malik, Jake, Amber, Will, and their kids were all able to come by and watch the game. It was a great little group and everyone was having fun.

What was weird was that Jake ended up being my buffer for my dad just by making conversation with him. They talked about the close game, favorite athletes, and eventually baseball. I was surprised when Jake knew my dad's stats from when he played. I gave Jake a look, which he ignored and continued chatting with my dad like they were old buddies.

Trevor must have been thinking the same thing cause he asked me if Jake had met my dad before when I followed him in the kitchen during halftime.

"No. Never. It shouldn't surprise me that they get along." I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Trevor asked.

Before I could make a joke about how they're both alpha male, cavemen type, Jake came in the kitchen to grab a couple of beers. Trevor turned to him.

"Did you Google her dad before you came here?" Trevor asked.

I laughed and Jake shook his head as he headed to the cooler. "No."

"How'd you know all that stuff about him?" Trevor interrogated him. I stopped laughing when I realized Trevor wasn't joking around.

"I looked it up a long time ago." Jake answered finally, looking at Trevor warily.

"While we were together." I said, nodding and smiling, trying to end this conversation. It was uncomfortable to say the least. I kinda preferred it when Trevor was cordial to Jake, but didn't speak.

"Actually, before we were together. Last 4th of July when you said he was a professional baseball player. I was making sure he actually played and didn't just sit in the dugout." Jake smiled at me.

"Go say that to his face." I urged him, jokingly.

"No, his stats speak for themselves. He's impressive." Jake chuckled.

"Looks like your dad has a groupie." Trevor said.

 I looked at Trevor in disbelief. That was so rude. If I would have said it, it would have been funny because clearly it would have been a joke, but Trevor didn't joke like that. And even if he did, he and Jake didn't have a joking kind of relationship.

"I don't know a lot of people that played professional sports. If asking questions is being a' groupie', I'll stop." Jake said, shortly.

"Please don't." I said, forcing a smile. "This is the most peace I've had in the past 2 days. I might be able to get you an autograph." I teased.

"I'll settle for that bottle opener." Jake said. I passed it to him and he left the room.

"What was that?" I asked Trevor.

"What was what?" Trevor asked innocently.

"With Jake. And in general. You've just been strange lately." I stared at him. I wanted to say he has been a dick, but I was trying to change.

He looked away. "Sorry. Bad day a work."

"You said that yesterday. It's time for a new job if every day is a bad day." I told him before leaving the kitchen. That was the nicest way I could tell him to get it together.

The game ended with the Mavericks losing and everyone slowly left. Trevor left, but I stayed to help clean up. I gave him a kiss and told him I would see him tomorrow. I smiled as my dad lectured Rocky and Brandon about marriage. He was telling them marriage is hard work and how it shouldn't be entered into lightly.

"Excuse me." Rocky stood up abruptly from the table. She went back to her room. Brandon looked after her, concerned.

"I'll be right back." I smiled at them, before following her. I knocked on her bedroom door but there was no answer. I let myself in and walked to their private bathroom. I knocked again.

"Just a minute."

I waited for the door to open. Anyone else would have thought Rocky was fine, but I knew her long enough to be able to tell she wasn't ok.

"Rocky..." I said, putting my arms around her. She quickly shook me off.

"I'm ok... I just hate... how he did it." Rocky said.

"Did what?" I asked.

"The proposal. In front of everyone. I have no control over who knows and now all I hear about is the wedding and marriage. It's driving me crazy." Rocky explained, shakily.

"Rocky, is this wedding what you want?" I asked her, again.

The first time, she blew me off. This time, she burst into tears. Gut wrenching sobs that took me completely by surprise. She rushed back into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Rocky..." I said, reaching for the doorknob.

"Just, go away Lily. Please. I can't do this right now." She sobbed.

"Rocky-" I repeated.

"You owe me." She cried.

"Ok." I said, taking a deep breath before leaving.

I rejoined Brandon and my dad.

"Is she ok?" Brandon asked.

" will be." I stuttered, not sure what to say.

"Was it something I said?" My dad asked, worried.

I would have smiled at my dad being concerned about something he said rubbing someone the wrong way if it wasn't such a fucked up situation that Rocky got herself into.

"No Dad. It's just hard for her. Hearing about the wedding and marriage from everyone." I said.

Brandon nodded, understandably. "Her parents. Her dad's not a part of the picture, her mom is, well, her mom. It bothers her they're not a part of it."

"Yep, that's it. Exactly." I nodded too. It wasn't really a lie if it was a possible explanation, right?

"Tell her her parents might not ever change. She has to change her expectations of them." My dad advised.

Huh, interesting...

Dad and I left after that. My dad was leaving Wednesday afternoon and everything would return back to normal. Well, the new normal. Normal was now my brother being married and back in California, Trevor acting bizarre, Jasmine being mad at me, Jake being the voice of reason and Rocky making a horrible mistake if she was having second thoughts about the engagement.

I went to work Wednesday, thankful for the monotony of my boring, consistent job. Of course, it would be the day Ann calls me to her office.

I couldn't think of one scenario to explain why she wanted to see me. When Sandra was in the office too, I had an idea. I left early Monday without telling Sandra. That, added with all the days off and schedule switching I was doing lately made me look undependable. Now that the wedding was over and my brother was moved, I would be able to get back to my routine. I assure them both I would before they said anything.

"That's not why we asked to speak with you." Ann said, firmly.

Sandra cleared her throat. "It's been brought to my attention that there is a rumor of an inappropriate relationship with a former client."

I could literally feel the blood rushing to my face as my heart thumped wildly.

"That's all it is. A rumor." I answered, my voice sounding meek to my own ears.

"So you are aware of the accusations?" Sandra asked, surprised.

"They're no longer accusations. They never were. It was the client's girlfriend spreading lies on social media, not the client." I explained.

"That doesn't change anything. Regardless, we have to look into it." Ann replied.

My heart sank and I couldn't even formulate a response.

"Effective immediately, you are suspended while we investigate." Ann told me.

I nodded and stood up quickly. I had to get out of that room before I started crying. I held it together long enough to grab my bag from my locker. On the way out, I saw Kendal and Johnny standing around talking. It hit me that Kendal had to have told Sandra. The patient he wanted me to rehab went to Darren's school. He was the only one who could have possibly known.

I thought Kendal and I were cool. Why would he- I felt sick to my stomach as I thought about it. Jasmine. She's the one who got him to stop giving me a hard time at work. Was she pissed off enough at me to orchestrate this?

I didn't know. I just knew I had to get out of the clinic. I got in my car and drove home. I immediately called Trevor. When he didn't answer, I broke down and cried. I didn't know how much time had passed when my phone rang. I picked it up without even looking at the caller ID.

"I was just going to leave you a message that the cars are gone. Apparently there was some severe weather and they had to stop. I'm on the way to the airport now." My dad said.

"Dad..." I said, hoarsely.

"Lily? What's wrong?" My dad asked, concerned.

"Nothing. Can I- can I come stay with you? Just til the end of the week?" I asked, brokenly.

"You don't ever have to ask to come home. Let me get you a flight." Dad said.

"I'll take care of it. I want to bring Justine too. I'll give you a call when I have all the information."

I got off the phone and wiped my eyes before looking up tickets. When I found a flight, I had idea and made another phone call.

"Hello?" Rocky asked.

"Come to California with me." I said.

"When?" She asked.

"Today. Flight is at 6pm"

"Lily, I can't. I have a job."

"I don't. I was suspended today." I informed her.

"What?!? Why?" Rocky declared.

"I'll explain later. I'm a mess and I have no idea what to do, so I'm going to California to get away and clear my head for a while. I think you should do the same."

"Lily, I told you I was fine-" Rocky started.

"Then why did you have a breakdown last night?" I asked.

"I told you-"

"It was the way Brandon asked you to marry him? Rocky, that's bullshit. If Trevor asked me to marry him through a text with a ring emoji, I would say yes. It wouldn't matter how he asked, just that he did. You need to figure out what the fuck you're doing." I cut her off sharply.

There was a long moment of silence before she responded, "Meet me at my house at 3."


    So many things to comment that I don't even know where to begin...!!! What's up with Trevor?! Why won't Rocky just come clean!? Did Rachel (or one of her Minions) spill the beans about the accusations towards Lily as revenge!? Why is Jasmine being so sensitive!? WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN CALIFORNIA!?!!

    I literally love your blog. I cannot help but be intrigued!! Can't wait to see what happens next!

  2. You are the most consistent blogger out of the ones I read, and one of the best writers. This post was awesome!!!!!

  3. I hope Lily and Jake get back together!!!

    1. Ugh never please

    2. I agree with the "never please". It seems like Lily trying to be friends with her exes is too complicated. Time for a fresh start for her and Trevor--maybe in California with Cam and Jenna there...?

    3. That'd be a fun read anon 8:07 Maybe she will get new job and Trevor could find a job he likes :) everyone always comments on not liking her friends anyways. I also agree she tries too hard to be friends with an ex. Was glad she did tell jasmine that warning her would be nice. Jasmine reacting the way she did wasn't a good sign of her character. I get she was defensive of her brother but she should understand being around your ex isn't always comfortable, no matter if you are completely over them.

    4. I would totally love a Lily/Jake reunion! I know everyone hates on him but I've just never been a Trevor fan... From the beginning never was. Jake has grown a lot and I think he'd be so different this time around.

    5. Never been a Jake fan, just don't feel like they ever really loved each other, list maybe. would like to hear about him finding someone though, someone else haha

    6. *Lust not list

    7. Count me in the Jake club.... I cringe and skim the posts with her and Trevor! I hope California provides both Lily and Rocky the clarity they need!

    8. So funny I cringed and had to skip posts with jake!

      Yet with her and Trevor I love reading, amazing how different everyone is on this

    9. You know the more I think about it though it doesn't make any sense to skip posts or skim because then you are missing out on character building. It's like you choose after a little that you don't like a character but if you continue to read you might like them or if you like them you might start to not like them. All based on janay's character development

    10. Ew. NO Jake. Never again. lol #TeamTrevor

  4. Seriously Lily?!?!? She's such a hot head! First I would lawyer up, it's so unfair that she gets suspended because of a rumor. Didn't Ethan tell her to do something like that? (Too busy to go back to read) I would be trying to figure things out, not just running away.
    She needs to sue that stupid girl to teach her a lesson! It's ridiculous!
    And say what you want about the dad but he's there for her, I think she should try to mend that relationship. He's trying and she needs to give it a real chance too. My dad is one of my best friends I go to him for everything now, when I was younger I was a brat and said I wanted to divorce him, now I regret that.
    What's up with Trevor? I don't know about you, but I think it's always a good idea to get along with the parents, so he should've tried a little harder, find something in common just like Jake did.
    You are awesome Janay! Thanks for the updates, I understand life gets busy, I'm just grateful you still post, no matter what time you post!

    1. Trevor did try a lot at the wedding remember when he said he knew he would ask him someday for her hand. Obviously something is up

  5. I'm confused by this post a lot. One post ago you described Trevor as wanting to marry lily and saying such romantic things, then all of a sudden this post made him sound horrible. I'm not sure how I should feel, I really really liked him so it's hard if they break up I will feel like two of my friends breaking up :(

  6. Maybe Trevor asked her dad if he could marry her while he was in town but he said no... It may explain why Trevor is now acting so strange.

  7. Maybe Trevor asked her dad if he could marry her while he was in town but he said no... It may explain why Trevor is now acting so strange.

    1. Interesting. ..maybe. Her dad could have either said no and or said he wasn't right for her daughter or something like that. I love them together so hope he gets out of his funk, I did smile when she said even if he asked her in a text she would say yes :) jen
