Monday, May 4, 2015

California Dreamin'

"All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray.
I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.;
California dreamin' on such a winter's day." California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas

"You don't have to go." Trevor said, stroking my hair behind my ears as we stood in Rocky's living room.

He returned my initial phone call around noon. When I told him what happened at my job, he instantly offered to use his lunch break to come see me. I told him I would love that as I was leaving for California and I wanted to see him before I left. I was helping Rocky pack when he called me back a few hours later, asking where I was. I told him and he headed straight over.

"I know... It was an impulsive decision. I just thought I need to go home and let my dad take care of things for a while." I explained.

After I got my own place, I decided I needed to be independent and strong. Yet here I was, running to my dad out of habit as soon as things took a turn for the worse. I needed to suck it up and deal with it myself. I would have cancelled my impromptu trip if I hadn't already invited Rocky.

"I can take care of you. We can figure out what to do, together." Trevor offered.

I smiled at him. He was amazingly sweet.

"I'm ok. I really need to regroup. Besides, Rocky coming means she's finally admitting everything is not fine. Getting away might help her decide what she's doing." I said, finishing quickly as I heard Rocky approaching from the bedroom.

"I'm ready when you are." Rocky said, joining us in the living room.

Trevor turned to me and I nodded.

"We're ready." I confirmed.

After Trevor gave Rocky a hug outside the airport, he gathered me in his arms. I pulled him close for a kiss.

"I'll call you when we land." I promised as I pulled away.

"Ok Lily."

"I love you." I said, hugging him one more time.

"I love you too." He said in my hair.

After Rocky and I got settled on the airplane, I explained to her what happen. She already knew about the accusation; she was curious to how the rumor circulated at my job.

"It had to be Kendal. It's the only thing that makes sense." I finished explaining.

"I see that, but Jasmine? I don't think she would take a fight that far."

"You saw how she got after Jake and I broke up. I'm not accusing her of anything; I just don't think it's impossible." I stated.

I debated telling my dad the truth the whole plane ride. Of course he knew something was wrong, but I didn't know if I should tell him what happened or make something up. I felt shitty enough about the situation without him criticizing what I could have done better.

Then, I remembered what Cam said about him trying. After he picked us up and I got Justine settled in my room, I told him the truth. Before I could even finish, he was pulling out his phone.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I said from the couch were Rocky and I sat.

"I'm calling my lawyer. He can get a lawyer in Texas so we can file a defamation lawsuit against the woman who started the rumor."

Rocky gave me a wide eyed look.

"Dad, no. She's not a woman. She's a 17 year old kid who didn't know any better. She already took it back." I corrected him.

"It's too late for that. She's old enough to face the consequences of her actions. What other option do you have? You should have told me so we could have gotten you a lawyer back then." My dad argued.

"I have other options Dad. My job is not going to find anything during the investigation, but I could always quit." I suggested.

Before my dad could say anything, Rocky shook her head. "That makes you look guilty. You shouldn't lose your job over her lies. Don't quit."

"I don't think a lawsuit is the answer either." I added. "I'm just going to wait it out. If my license is ever in jeopardy, I will hire a lawyer. Let's just hope it doesn't get to that point." I finished the discussion.

Dad didn't look happy, but he let it go. After showing Rocky the guest room, he went to his office.

"Is it ok if I tell Brandon what's going on? Just so he doesn't think I'm losing it and taking vacations in the middle of the week?" Rocky said, giving me a weak smile.

I nodded. "Of course. I'm going to try Trevor again." I told her before going to my room.

I called Trevor at the airport when we landed, but he didn't answer. I saw I received a text from him.

Trevor: Call you back when I get home.

I called my aunt Patty and Bianca to let them know I was in town. I was chatting with Bianca when Trevor called me back.

"Hey T-Rev. Where were you?" I asked.

"At work. I just got home."

"Oh, I thought you were off."

"No, I took a late lunch. How are you holding up?"

I told him I was ok and my plan to just wait and see how it played out. Worst case scenario I could be getting fired; so I would start looking for a new job. I told him how my dad's first response was to try to sue someone.

"It's funny, Ethan said the same thing. Not to sue anyone, but hire a lawyer. I probably should have; now I'm stuck waiting out my suspension or suing a 17 year old girl. It sucks either way." I lamented.

"I'm sorry Lily. I wish I didn't tell you not to worry about it. That was stupid."

"Don't be sorry. That was my decision. She recanted so I didn't worry about it. I want to know how Sandra found out. I was so stunned at the meeting, I didn't even think where she heard the rumor. I wonder if I could ask." I sighed.

"I don't think it would hurt. Face your accuser right?" Trevor said.

I giggled. "I think that's only in a court of law. I'm kinda over talking about it. How was your day?" I asked.

He told me a little about the projects he was working on. I welcomed the distraction until my dad called me to dinner. I told Trevor I'd call him back before having dinner with my dad and Rocky.

After dinner, my dad tracked Jenna's and Cam's cars and called to check in with the movers. He invited us to see the house Friday. We agreed.

The next morning, I woke up early even with the time change. I guess sleeping in when you're off from work was different from sleeping in when you're suspended from work. I couldn't get myself to go back to sleep.

I fought the urge to raid the refrigerator for junk food that I knew wouldn't be there and went for a run with Justine. When I got back to the house, I made my dad's traditional breakfast of oatmeal with fruits and nuts and vegetable omelets for Rocky and me. I ended up splitting my breakfast with Dad when he was surprised I could actual cook an omelet.

"Aunt Patty taught me everything I know. We're going to have dinner with her tonight." I told Dad and Rocky.

After my dad went to work, Rocky turned to me.

"Brandon asked what did Forrest think about all this? Has he heard anything on his end?" Rocky questioned.

Oh right, she doesn't know we're not speaking.

I told her what happened between me and Rachel at Pluckers.

Rocky just shook her head. "How'd I miss all that?"

I looked her in the eye. "You've been preoccupied with your own stuff. Brandon, the wedding..." I baited her to talk.

Rocky looked away. "You're right. I've had a lot of stuff on my mind."

I nodded but didn't press it. I left it alone for the rest of the day. We spent Thursday at Dad's house being lazy. We swam, ate, caught up on TV and just relaxed.

That evening as I got ready for dinner with my aunt, Jasmine called. I texted her before I left that Justine and I would be gone, but she didn't reply. I ignored her call and got ready to leave.

During dinner with Patty, Bianca, Brittany and her kids, my phone rang periodically throughout the night. I checked it. Trevor, Jasmine, Amber and Sammy. No voicemails, so it obviously wasn't important. I texted Trevor I was at dinner and would call him back.

We stayed up late, playing Family Feud on my aunt's tablet. She discovered apps at work and we had so much fun, especially laughing at the kid's hilarious answers. Bianca didn't have class on Friday, so she wanted us to spend the night so we could go shopping in the morning.

Maybe retail therapy wasn't the best idea considering I was suspended indefinitely, but it couldn't hurt. I had around 2 months' worth of expenses saved and a credit card, so I would be ok for the time being. I tried to call Trevor before I went to bed in Bianca's room but I remembered the time difference and hung up. He was most likely sleep and I didn't want to wake him.

In the morning, I returned everyone's phone calls, starting with Trevor. He didn't want anything, just checking in on me. Amber and Sammy wanted to know why they didn't get an invite to California. I explained to them what happened at my job before I called Jasmine.

"Lily, I'm so sorry about your job! I promise, I had no idea what Kendal was doing!" She exclaimed.

"Jasmine, I never said you did..." At least, not to her face. What the fuck?

"I know, I just wanted you to know I'm not talking to him anymore and I'm sorry." She continued.

"It's ok. You didn't do anything, so there is nothing to be sorry about. I don't know if Kendal said anything. I'm not jumping to any conclusions." I tried to calm her down.

"Ok." She sighed relieved.

"I'll see you on Sunday, ok?" I told her.


I got off the phone and went into the kitchen. Aunt Patty made waffles; Rocky and surprisingly Bianca were already up and eating.

"Your dad is so nice. He called and set us up hair appointments: his treat." Rocky informed me while eating.

I rolled my eyes. Of course he did, the control freak.

"Great..." I said, dryly. "Did you talk to Jasmine about my job?"

"No, just Brandon." Rocky told me.

Who probably told Jake, who probably told Jasmine. Good news travels fast.

After breakfast, we headed to the salon my dad set up. Bianca got a blow out. Rocky decided to get her extensions out and had her longer hair trimmed and styled to her shoulders. I got my hair cut in long layers. But, if my dad was going back to his controlling ways, I had to rebel a little with aqua blue extensions. They were clip in, but my dad wouldn't know any different. We took pictures together and uploaded them to Facebook, pinning our location. I captioned the photos:


We then went shopping. Bianca took us to some really nice thrift stores to bargain hunt. Some of the "gently used" name brands were as expensive as the non brand name clothing I normally bought, but we found some good deals. While we were shopping, Christian called me. I ignored him.

Rocky's phone rang a little while later. It was Christian and she answered.

She put him on hold after he talked.

"Some Tiƫsto person is performing at a club tomorrow. He can get us tickets." Rocky shrugged.

Bianca gasped and nodded excitedly.

I smiled too. "Just get two."

"You don't wanna come?" Bianca asked as Rocky got back on the phone.

I shook my head. "Nope, not my kind of music." I answered plainly. In reality, I was respecting Trevor's wishes of not flirting with him; which I would assume meant hanging out, I guess? I don't know. I decided it meant everything until I knew for sure.

We then stopped by my brother's Cam new house. It was a modern bungalow style house with a spacious front porch. We went in and explored the 3 bedroom 2 bath home. The movers were still unpacking, but my dad was nowhere in sight. We took a tour of the house while they worked. I smiled as I pictured my brother's family living in the house. My favorite room had to be the huge formal dining area. There was a large bay window that had a great view of the backyard. That's how I saw my dad, examining the patio furniture from my brother's apartment.

"Miss, is your father available? We're about done." One of the movers asked as he came in the room with Bianca and Rocky.

"Yeah, one second." I waved at Dad until he noticed me. I motioned him to come inside. He squinted up at me before making his way in the house. He finished up with the movers before addressing me.

"What did you do to your hair?" He asked me, disapprovingly.

"I cut it Dad." I smiled.

"Why is it blue?" He asked.

"Blue is my favorite color." I answered like he should know that.

"Lilian, how is anyone gonna take you seriously with blue hair?"

"I would hope we live in a society that judges on the content of character and not color of hair." I grinned.

"Wow..." Bianca said, grinning too. Rocky just shook her head.

"I was going to take you all out to dinner, but the only suitable restaurant I can take my daughter to is McDonald's." My dad commented.

"I would kill for a Big Mac." I smiled.

My dad did take us out to dinner and afterwards, we crashed at his house. Bianca had to work, so she left the next morning. My dad went to the gym and Rocky and I decided to hang out by the pool. Neither one of us wanted to swim, so we just lounged in the courtyard.

I decided to get her take on the whole Christian dilemma. I was still going to feel the situation out myself, but I wanted her opinion.

"I think you did the right thing just cutting him off." Rocky said, stoically. "It's not worth the risk."

"Why do you say that?" I asked, hoping she would finally open up to me.

"Because even if you think you wouldn't do something, you might. Maybe if I would have keep Bilal cut off, I would have never cheated on Brandon." She confessed.

I sighed in relief, thankful that she finally told me.

Then, I realized how that sounded, considering I wasn't supposed to know and gasped. "What?" I said, faking surprise.

She gave me a wryly smile. "If there was any doubt that you already knew, you just killed it with that fake reaction."

I blushed. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to say-"

"Saying it out loud makes it worse. I cheated on Brandon. I cheated on my fiance." Rocky said, in a monotone voice. I would have thought she was callous if I didn't see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Do you still have feelings for Bilal?" I asked, gently.

"It wasn't until after I slept with him that I realized how wrong he is for me. Bilal's so selfish. He's always been selfish. It's always about him. He didn't care that I was in a relationship or that I was finally happy. He unearthed all this ancient shit because he had a revelation." She said, angrily wiping away her tears.

"It sounds like you both needed closure." I tried to comfort her.

"Brandon won't understand that. It could have been anyone else and he might have forgiven me. Not Bilal. He won't forgive me for that." Rocky said, the tears streaming down her face freely.

"Then forgive yourself and move forward." I said.

"I can't. This is going to destroy him. How could I do that? How could I ruin what I have with Brandon?" Rocky cried softly.

I moved over and joined her on the chaise. "Do you think Brandon put a ring on your finger thinking that neither one of you would make a mistake for the rest of your lives? You made a mistake. We all do. You have to make it right." I wrapped my arm around her.

She just nodded so I continued to hold her. After a while, she spoke,

"Do you think I would be a horrible person if I didn't tell him? I would spend the rest of my life making it up to him." Rocky promised.

"I think it's not about what I think. Whatever you decide to do, you have to be ok with it. You can't spend the rest of your life tormenting yourself over this. No man who loves you would want you to go through that, no matter what." I finished.

I don't know how much time passed as I sat there, holding her. My phone beeped and Rocky stood.

"I'm going to go lay down." She told me before disappearing in the house.

I got my phone and saw it was a text from Christian.

ChristianNobody else needs to know
Where we might go...
We could just run them red lights
Ready for tonight? :-)

Me: I'm not coming. Just Rocky and my cousin.

Christian: What? Why? I can get you all in.

Part of me wanted to lie and tell him I had plans with my dad, but I needed to be truthful. As long as Trevor felt uncomfortable, we weren't going to be friends.

Me: Honestly, Trevor is not ok with us being friends.

A long time passed. I figured he just wasn't going to respond, but then I got a phone call.

"Would it make a difference if I said my girl is going to be at the show?" Christian asked me.

I thought about it; I trusted myself that I wouldn't cheat, but ultimately I didn't want to do anything that caused Trevor discomfort.

"No, but maybe next time we all are in the same city, Trevor and I can meet her together." I suggested.

"Alright." He chuckled. "You're missing a great show."

"I'm sure y'all will take pictures and videos. Besides, I only know that wasted song from him."

"Even more reason why you should come out tonight!"

"Maybe next time."

After Rocky and Bianca left, I spent the night in with Dad.

Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward. We went for a walk around the neighborhood with Justine.

"Trevor got you this dog?"

"He did. She's growing on you huh?" I grinned.

"You should have got a house first." Dad remarked. "They're outdoor pets."

"Not my Justine! My lease is up in June. Maybe we will, depending on if I have a job." I said, lightly.

"Are you being serious?" My dad stopped to look at me.

"I don't know. Maybe."

He continued walking and I swore I could hear him biting his tongue. I rewarded his restraint by changing the subject.

"Why don't you claim Beatrice as your girlfriend?" I asked.

"I didn't know you were supposed to claim another human being."

"It's an expression. Why isn't she your girlfriend?" I cleaned up.

"I'm too old for a girlfriend and I'm not getting remarried." Dad answered truthfully.

"Why not?"

"I don't like failing at things. I already failed one marriage."

"Now you know not to cheat, right?" I commented.

"God's revenge." He muttered.


"That's what your aunt told me: A daughter is God's revenge for my past." He said.

I laughed. "Answer the question."

"What's the question again?"

"You wouldn't cheat because it ended your first marriage?" I asked, but it was more like a statement.

He looked so uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked.

"Cheating is not what ended my marriage. Keeping you did."

"Oh..." I said, thoughtfully.


"So Alessandra knew about my mom?" I asked bluntly.

"Only because of you. She preferred to keep a blind eye to other women."

Women? Fuck.

"Marriage is more than love. It's hard work. I rather focus my energy on my businesses." My dad finished.

I nodded and thought it over.

When we got home, I saw I had notifications on Facebook. Christian tagged me in all his pictures and videos from the show. I decided I would take a look at them later.

I took a shower before going to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. I grabbed it, thinking it might be Rocky or Bianca.  It was Sammy, and it was 1am my time, so 3am in Dallas.

"Sammy?" I answered, tiredly.

"Are you awake?" She asked.

"I am now. What's up?"

"We need to talk. It's about Trevor."


  1. Agh!!! Not a cliff hanger!!

  2. I agree! I hope Trevor didn't go do
    Something stupid because Christian tagged Lily in those pictures and he assumed she went out there for him! Can't wait until next post!

  3. Ugh...why why why! !?!?! Please don't ruin them I'm so tired of the relationships failing blogs. Plus I like him :( I'll be depressed for two days now thanks lol

  4. oh please post a bonus today!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I'm hoping Trevor came to Sammy because he doesn't understand why Lily went to California instead of working through it together and expressed some of his insecurities…I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lily and Trevor together!

  6. I seriously might lose my sh*t if Trevor went out and retaliated on Lily because she went to California and he thought she saw Christian. lol I am sure Lily talked to trevor at some point that night to tell him she wasn't going to the concert with Christian, so I am sure he knows (right?!? That's what I feel like most girls would do with their boyfriends). Anyways.......That's what I will keep telling myself. haha

  7. I agree with Lilly's dad, 17 is old enough to learn a lesson! And she doesn't have to sue the girl but getting a lawyer involved is a good idea, so people know that she is serious and she won't let them slander her.
    I laughed at Lilly's dad's comment on her hair, I guess every dad is different. I put purple at the tips of my hair and my dad just told me it fit me just fine, my brother thought I was crazy, but my dad said it was nice.
    What's going on with Trevor? Did he get in a fight with Kendal?
    Lily should talk to Forrest just to let him know what's going on and see if he can help her.

    1. Lita that's an interesting idea, maybe a fight? Hope so

    2. Luita not lita sorry spell check

  8. I'm going crazy over here

  9. OK, this post ended in pure torture. I love Trevor and Lily together. He sounded much better earlier in this post, so I hope he is OK. Wednesday is a loooooooong ways away. (bonus post...?)

  10. Bonus bonus bonus. ..hahaha I'm dying over here, this might be one of your toughest cliffhangers
