Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Make You Feel My Love

"When the rain is blowing in your face,
And the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love.
When the evening shadows and the stars appear,
And there is no one there to dry your tears,
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love.
I know you haven't made your mind up yet,
But I will never do you wrong.
I've known it from the moment that we met,
No doubt in my mind where you belong." Make You Feel My Love Adele Version 

After the rehearsal dinner, I grabbed my bridesmaid’s swag bag and dragged Trevor to our room.  I wanted, no I needed to show him how much I loved and appreciated him.

Yeah, I knew I did before. I told him I loved him all the time, but I'm a natural skeptic; Going to Baylor, becoming a physical therapist, moving back to California, moving back to Dallas, all of my relationships to this point: I had doubts about every one of those decisions. This was the first time I was 100% sure about anything. I no longer had any doubts about Trevor and me.

Maybe it was the wedding fever or whatever, but I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Trevor. There was no one who understood me better or made me smile more than him. I called him my personal sunshine before, but it was more than that. He has always been my biggest supporter, trusted confidante, and best friend. He was everything I wanted; everything I dreamed of: a man so loving and kind hearted. He could never hurt me. I always felt safe with him.

I knew without a doubt he was in love with me. He proved it time and time again. Even the speech for my brother's wedding showed how much he loved me and I felt the exact way about him. I wasn't the best at expressing my emotions with words, but I could definitely show him.

I knew Trevor was being weird about my dad possibly being next door to us, but I was willing to do whatever it took to seduce him. It didn't take much. After a few kisses inside our room, he was unzipping my dress. While I stepped out of it, he began removing his clothes too. When we were both undressed, he kneeled in front of me and buried his mouth between my legs.

When my knees started to buckle from pleasure, I pushed him away and returned the favor. It wasn't long before he was pushing me away too. He signaled me up by gripping at my hair. I stood up, and we embraced again.

As we kissed passionately, Trevor lifted one of my legs to his waist and entered me. I held on to his neck desperately as he pumped inside of me. We didn't need to worry about the noise. The only sounds were our bodies coming together, moans and gasps when our lips weren't exploring each other's skin. We both came quickly.

After Trevor slid my leg down, we still held on to each other. I looked into his eyes, panting lightly. He was still catching his breath too. After a moment, he ran his fingers through my hair before kissing me again. When he pulled back, we both smiled at each other. There were still no words, just love between us.

The spell was broken between us as our phones rang simultaneously. Our smiles turned into chuckles as we pulled apart and raced to get dress. I pulled on my black fitted capris, a purple, razorback tank with "Bridesmaid" in rhinestones on the front and purple flip flops. The last two Jenna gifted to us. Trevor was jealous that the guys didn't get gift bags.

"I'm sure that money was budgeted for the strippers tonight." I grinned at him as I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail on the elevator.

"What strippers? You heard Doug. We're going to a sports bar..." Trevor responded, like he was reciting a written speech.

"Bullshit." I snorted.

We made our way to the lobby where the group was waiting. We weren't even the last ones down, but my dad had to make a comment about what took us so long.

"All that hair." Trevor answered. “It took her forever to get ready. You're right Mr. Ortiz. She really does need that haircut." He lied, smoothly.

I hid my grin when my dad didn't reply.

When everyone was in the lobby, we took turns taking pictures. After the pictures, the women and the men separated for bachelor/bachelorette parties.

We started our night getting mani-pedis at a nail shop in the Country Club Plaza where the hotel was located. It was tempting, but I stuck with the norm and didn't get any nail art. I was getting a pedicure when Alessandra, Cam's mom, came beside me.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked me.

I looked for Amanda. We started our nails together and I was hoping she would be joining me soon.  I tried to hide my disappointment when I saw she was getting her eyebrows threaded with Carly.

"No, have a seat." I said, politely.

I focused on my toe nails, the TV, Jenna and her mom chatting, basically anything other than Alessandra. I was shocked when she started to make small talk with me. First, it was about the wedding, and my dress. Then she started talking about Cam and Jenna's move to California.

"Cameron really struggled with moving away from you." Alessandra commented.

"He knows I visit California. Even more so since he's moving back." I said.

"Would you ever consider moving back to California?" She asked me.

"No. It's never felt like home to me." I answered.

"Don't let Cam or Carlos hear you say that."  Alessandra replied. I had to look away to keep myself from making a face at her. What did she know about it? And why do I care? That's right, I shouldn't. So I didn't worry about it.

After everyone was finished, we made our way over to a bar named Point. It was more like a lounge with a DJ, dance floor, darts and it was hosting a "power hour". For $15, you could purchase an arm band and get all you can drink, well drinks and beers. I quickly bought one.

Everyone had drinks and a great time. At 11pm after they finished their one drink, Elena and Alessandra were done drinking and babysat the drinks and purses for us. We spent the next few hours drinking and dancing. I loved Amanda's personality after a few drinks. She opened up and was a riot!

On the way back to the hotel, Elena and Alessandra commented how dancing required no skill nowadays, just rubbing against each other.  That comment led to us debating which one of our "generations" had the best dance moves. Alessandra questioned what dances we would be able to show our children.

There wasn't that many years between us, but the dance styles that were popular when we graduated high school were so different. Jenna and her friends were the age of bubblegum pop music and cheesy dance moves, mine and Carly's was hip hop and instructional dance moves and poor Amanda's was anything you could twerk too.

"I can teach my kids the shoulder twerk!" Amanda declared when we got back to the hotel.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Let me show you!"

The guys were on their way back to the hotel and Jenna wanted to see Cam before they went back to her mom's house. Amanda and I sat in the lobby waiting for them. She showed me a video of shoulder twerking. I busted out laughing.

"Ohmygod. That is the stupidest dance ever!" I declared.

"I know! I should do it down the aisle." Amanda laughed too.

"I would have paid you to do that in front of the event coordinator."

"She would have tackled me!" Amanda laughed harder. I was crying I was laughing so hard.

"Someone had too much to drink."

I looked up to see Trevor. "Hey baby."

"Hey." He said with a little smile. "You ready to go to bed?"

"No." I giggled. "But I probably should." I gave Amanda a hug before turning to tell everyone goodnight. I went to say goodnight to Jenna and Cam, but they were hugged up together, whispering sweet nothings, grinning and kissing, so I let them be.

The next morning, I woke up at 8am. I was so excited about the big day, I couldn't sleep anymore. I changed into workout clothes and went to the fitness center.

I put on my headphones and hopped on an available treadmill. I ran off my nervous energy for about 45 minutes. I wasn't surprised when my dad walked into the fitness room too.

"How was it last night?" I asked my dad, hopping off the treadmill.

"It was fine." My dad answered simply, wiping down the machine I just got off of.

Oh, so what happens at the bachelor party stays at the bachelor party? Fine.

"Ok Dad. See ya later." I said, turning away.

"You're looking good. Healthy." My dad called after me.

I kept waiting for the 'but' or the way I could be doing better. None came. I turned back to look at him, but he was already on the treadmill.

We spent the rest of the day preparing for the wedding. It was a circus of hair, make-up and pictures. We toasted each other, wore matching robes and got glammed up for the big day.

I examined Jenna's dress when her mom pulled it out the closet; it was a elegant and unique simple column dress with delicate details. The purple sash around the dress matched all the bridesmaid's dresses perfectly. I noticed how Carly, Amanda and my dress all had lace details, matching Jenna's dress. I felt so honored that she considered me a sister now.

I watched Jenna smile and joyfully get ready for the biggest day of her life so far. She looked flawless; her makeup was ethereal and stunning, her curly hair fell in soft ringlets pass her shoulders, her dress glided over her body beautifully. Her glee radiated from her.

30 minutes before the ceremony, the event coordinator ushered everyone but Jenna and her mom out the bridal suite. We waited outside the ceremony space with the groomsmen. They were already waiting, looking dapper in black tuxedos, purple bow ties, and purple pocket squares.  I immediately went to Trevor's side.

"You look so handsome." I gushed, running my fingers down the satin lapel of his suit.

"You look amazing." Trevor complimented me. "Can I kiss you?"

"Only if you don't mind rose lipstick." I smiled.

"I actually prefer it." He smiled before kissing me on the lips.

I cleaned up Trevor's face before we lined up together behind Amanda and Mike. The ladies received bouquets of purple tulips. We were told to wait in line as the processional would begin soon.

I got out of line briefly to give my brother a hug as he made his way to the ceremony with the officiant and his best man and boss, Bill. I looked at Cam with admiration in his black tuxedo and black vest. His only color was his lapel pin that was a purple flower.

The instrument version of "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele started, and that was Carly's cue to walk down the aisle. I held Trevor's arm as we walked down the aisle together. I gave Cam a reassuring smile before I parted ways with Trevor to stand beside Amanda and Carly. I don't even think Cam registered my smile: he was starting down the aisle anxiously. Finally, Emily, Jenna's matron of honor, came down the aisle last.

Everyone stood as Jenna and her mom appeared at the doorway. Jenna was positively beaming while her mom cried silent tears. Tears welled up in my eyes and I had to look away from the touching scene. I focused on my brother instead, who looked completely in awe of Jenna as she made her way to him. A few tears escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. The song ended when Jenna stood before Cam.

"Who gives this woman in marriage?" The officiant asked.

"I do." Elena sniffled, giving Jenna one last hug before sitting down. Jenna then turned to face Cam and they held hands.

Tears were steadily streaming down my face by the time Cam was told to salute his bride. They were simple, traditional vows but I knew Cam and Jenna meant every word. It was heart felt and touching and I tried so hard not to cry, but I couldn't help it. I wiped my tears away and cheered excitedly along with everyone else when they were announced "Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz".

Trevor teased me about my crying and I lied and told him I had something in my eyes.

After at least an hour of photos, we made our way to the reception room. Jenna and Cam were announced again and everyone applauded. The room was majestic with the combination of the large windows, white draperies, purple table cloths, black linens and purple and white flower arrangements. It was gorgeous.

We were staggered to the large buffet of salads, traditional antipasto, Italian coq au vin, espresso encrusted sirloin, asparagus, mashed potatoes and of course, the risotto station. Trevor secured us Prosecco from the bar while I custom made my risotto.

We sat with the rest of the wedding party, eating and drinking in between greeting and talking to everyone. Beatrice, my dad's wanna be girlfriend, made sure to make an appearance and introduced herself to Trevor. When we were done eating, I made sure to introduce Trevor to the Reynolds. Tom Reynolds mentored my dad in business and was always good to me and Cam. I respected his opinion and I was thrilled when he and Trevor started up a conversation.

I left Trevor's side to get us another drink before the bar closed. I was on my way back when the lighting changed. The dance floor was illuminated and the DJ announced the first dance. "You are the Best Thing" by Ray LaMontagne blared from the sound system. I smiled as I watched Jenna and Cam dance to the music.

"You are the best thing. You are the best thing. You are the best thing. Ever happened to me." Trevor sang softly in my ear, as he wrapped his arms around me. I tightened my grip on our glasses, but relaxed in his arms. I swayed gently against him as he sang in my ear. I felt warmth spread all throughout my body.

After the first dance, the DJ invited everyone out on the dance floor. Trevor and I drank down our drinks before joining everyone. We had a blast. 

We took a break for Jenna and Cam to cut the cake. Cam sweetly fed Jenna a piece of cake and she smashed his piece into his face. I laughed as he tried to get her back. At the end of the night, Jenna tossed the bouquet and one of her cousins ended up catching it.

"I like mine better anyway." I pouted as I sat next to Trevor when I didn't get the bouquet. "What do they mean anyway?" I asked.

"I'm not sure about tulips, but purple is royalty. So you're a queen." Trevor smiled at me.

"Bow down bitches!" I exclaimed.

"Jenna's purple roses bouquet means love at first sight." Trevor informed me.

"See, I already have that. I need a kingdom." I grinned.

"I'll work on it." Trevor said, leaning over to give me a kiss.


  1. Eek, such a sweet post. I love love love when a man sings softly to you (even if off key lol)

  2. Aw...I just love her and Trevor together! Their 8-year friendship has really helped them succeed in their now romantic relationship. And they are super cute together! I can't wait for when Trevor finally proposes. I'll probably be in tears, which will be a first for me from a blog! Lol.
    Also, please check out my real life dating blog based off of me! The link is as follows:
