Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pour Some Sugar on Me

"Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough
I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah
You got the peaches, I got the cream
Sweet to taste, saccharine
'cause I'm hot, say what, sticky sweet
From my head, my head, to my feet
Do you take sugar? one lump or two?" Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard 

After Trevor and I had our talk, everything returned back to normal. Considering it’s normal to be nervous about meeting your boyfriend's family, I started to worry about Easter with Trevor.  I reached out to my friends for advice.

Rocky thought I was being ridiculous since I already met them. I saw her point, but to me it was a huge difference being introduced as a "friend" and as the “girlfriend”. She was no help.

Sammy strongly felt I shouldn't care about what they thought. As much as I wished that was the case, I did care. I wanted them to like me since I planned on having a future with Trevor. Since not caring wasn't going to happen, I decided to follow the advice of my married friend who dealt with her in-laws all the time.

“Just be the best version of yourself.” Amber advised me as we worked out together on her off day.

“What the fuck does that mean?” I huffed, exhaling as I finished my last rep on the ab bench.

“Be respectful and use your manners. No cursing number one. And don’t go over empty handed, bring something.” Amber instructed me, never breaking her stride on the row machine.

That opened another can of worms. I didn’t grow up celebrating Easter, so I had no idea what to make. I didn't wanna risk trying a new recipe and it turning out awful. I definitely needed help.

That's why I called Trevor’s mom. I knew she was surprised to hear from me, but Trevor told me not to worry about bringing anything. Since that wasn't going to happen, I called his mom for help. I asked what she thought I should make.

“You should make the pumpkin roll again. It was delicious.” She suggested.

“I would, but it's pumpkin. Not very springy and Trevor’s granny couldn’t try it.”

“Oh.” Trevor’s mom said. “How 'bout another dessert?”

“I wanted to stay away from desserts all together. Maybe a side dish or a salad. I just don’t know what’s being served.”

“Well, neither do I sweetie. It’s a potluck after church. Bring whatever you want. I suggested a dessert because y'all have such a long drive and the church members will have the kitchen occupied.” Mrs. Tobin explained.

“Ok, I'll look at a dessert then. Thank you Mrs. Tobin.” I thanked her.

"Bye bye.”

I hung up the phone, discouraged. I was stuck making a dessert again. Trevor’s Granny most likely wouldn’t eat it. She probably would think I was trying to kill her with my tricky desserts. I sighed and called my Aunt Patricia.

“Lily, how are you?”

“I’m good. Just stuck.” I answered. "What do you usually make for dessert on Easter?"

"I make the coconut cake with jelly beans as decoration. It looks like little eggs hiding in the coconut. Everyone loves it." My aunt described.

Her coconut cake was amazing. Definitely a favorite of mine. "Think we can make it with artificial sugar?"

"Maybe. I would have to try it first."

“Do you have any low sugar dessert ideas?” I asked, hopefully.

"The only thing I can think of is Jello. Maybe a sugar free mold." My aunt suggested.

Urgh, how underwhelming.

"Why? What's going on?" She questioned.

I explained to her my situation and how I wanted to make a dessert Trevor's Granny could actually try.

“My understanding with diabetes is you just have to monitor your sugar intake. It doesn't have to be sugar free." Patty stated.

I thought about it. She was actually right. I saw Trevor's Granny eating a pound cake with ice cream because she knew how much sugar was in it.

"Can you send me the recipe for the cake?" I asked her.

"Of course. If you make it Saturday, we can do it together." Patty agreed.

"That's a great idea! We could video chat." I said, excitedly.

"On the Internet?"

"Something like that. I'll call Bianca so she can set it up for us on Saturday."

After I got off the phone, I called Bianca to see if she would go home early to help set up Skype for us.

"Grrr... I'm already going home for Easter Sunday. Give me a break." Bianca groaned.

"Jesus died for your sins Bianca! You can sacrifice a Saturday to spend with your mom and help me out!" I exclaimed.

"You sound like her now. Just know, I'm doing this for you and Trevor's relationship; not because of your Jesus guilt trip." Bianca informed me.

"I don't care why you do it, as long as you do it." I laughed.

As soon as Patty sent me the recipe, I started calculating how much sugar was in it. I found a really great app that analyzed the nutrition in a recipe. On Saturday, after I bought all the ingredients, I made the cake together with Bianca and Patty over Skype. With Patty's guidance, the cakes baked beautifully. As they cooled, I chatted with Bianca while I finished the frosting. She caught me up on school, what she did for spring break, and her break up with her boyfriend.

"Aw, I'm sorry things didn't work out with Dino." I said, with a smirk.

"His name is Rex you bitch." Bianca snapped, but I could tell she was holding back a smile. I laughed at her.

"Bianca! Language!" Patty scolded her.

"Lily curses all the time. She taught me." Bianca waved her off.

"At least she has the decency not to do it in my presence." Patty continued.

I let them go to argue and popped the frosting in the freezer. I took the cakes out the pan and sat in the living room to wait for the cakes to cool completely.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep until there was a continuous knock on the door.

"Coming..." I groaned, standing up, looking for my phone. When I didn't see it, I headed to the door. When I saw Trevor out the peephole, I let him in.

"Sorry I'm late. After we picked out the suits for your brother's wedding, we went out to a bar. Did you fall asleep already?" He asked.

"No, I just took a nap. What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes, tiredly.

"Almost 9-" Trevor started.

"Shit!" I turned and raced towards the kitchen. Trevor followed me. "I still have so much to do! How did I sleep so fucking long? Where is my fucking phone? God, I need to stop saying fuck. And God!" I exclaimed, pulling the frosting out of the refrigerator. I tried to stir it, but it was partiality frozen.

Dammit, er, darn it!

"What else do you need to do?" Trevor asked me with a grin.

"Finish the cake, shower, wash my hair, take this Jamaican shit- um, stuff- off my nails, iron my dress and pick out a change of clothes and I have no idea what the weather is like in Wichita Falls right now." I groaned, rubbing the bowl to get it to warm up.

Trevor took the frosting from me. "I can finish the cake. Go take a shower."

"No you can't." I disagreed, taking the bowl from him. "The frosting is frozen!"

"I'll go buy some more-" Trevor said.

"It's a special frosting!" I stopped him.

"Ok... I'll let for it thaw, then I'll ice it. No big deal, it's just a cake." Trevor shrugged.

"It's more than just icing. The coconut has to cover the sides and the top of the cake and I can only use 2 cups! The jelly beans have to be set on the cake so it divides it into 16 slices!! It is a big deal because that's the only way I know how many grams of sugar are in each slice so your Granny can actually eat it!!!" I exploded, stirring the frosting like a mad woman.

"Put the bowl down." Trevor said in a calm voice; There was no hint of playfulness or teasing. It took me by such a surprise, I complied.

He grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. "My family already likes you, there is nothing to worry about."

"They might like me-"

"No might, they like you." Trevor cut me off.

"Ok, they like me, but as a friend. Not a girlfriend." I said.

"What's the difference?" Trevor asked.

I wanted to tell him his granny would never have blond hair, blue eyed grandchildren from him if he had kids with me, but I bit my tongue.

"It just is." I said, lamely.

"Whatever the difference is, it doesn't matter. You're an amazing person, even when you're attacking frosting." Trevor said.

I snorted. "Shut up Trevor."

Trevor shook his head. "No. I'm obviously not telling you enough. Let me help you out..." Trevor said, pushing his lips into mine. His kiss was sweet and loving, completely easing my mind. I started to pull away when his hands moved to the bottom of my tank top.

"Trevor..." I tilted my face away from him. I gasped in surprise when he pulled my tank over my head, yanking my arms up with it. I wasn't wearing a bra, so it left my breasts exposed. He let my arms back down, my tank still hanging from them, trapping my arms behind my back.

"Trevor!" I protested as I tried to squirm the rest of the way out of my tank.

Trevor smiled at me. It was alarmingly sweet considering how he tightened his grip on my top, securing my arms behind my back. He then moved forward, backing me up. I was startled as much as I was turned on. I jumped when I backed into the counter.

"No, not on the counter. The cake!" I shrieked, scouting away from the resting cake.

Trevor navigated me away from the counter to the table. When the back of my knees hit the table, I hopped on top. Trevor kissed me again, teasing my mouth open with his tongue. I returned his kiss as he explored my mouth, hungrily. The intensity of his kiss started a familiar throb between my legs. He broke the kiss to lay me down on the table. My own body weight was holding my arms down now and I could have easily broke free, but I didn't struggle.

"You're so beautiful." Trevor murmured, grabbing my ankles and pulling me to the edge of the table. He then spread my legs and settled between them. He ran his hands up my legs, my navel, my breasts and neck before stopping on my face.  I moaned out as sparks followed his touch and my body tensed in pleasure.

"And sexy." He bent over, nibbling at my lips before his mouth followed down the same path his hands just traveled up. In between lapping and nipping on my skin, he continued his list. "And smart...and giving... and kind... and so sweet."

I cried out, arching against him as his mouth ignited the sparks on my body. When he got to my navel, he pulled off my shorts.

"What's not to love?" Trevor asked, with a little smile as he removed his clothes. My chest heaved up and down as I panted in anticipation, clenching my legs around him wantingly. He watched me for a moment behind hooded eyelids. I loved his sexy, lopsided grin as his eyes lazily roamed over my body, the contrast of our skin tones when he grabbed my hips, and the way his tone, lean body felt when he leaned against me.

"Trevor." I breathed as his erection pressed against my wetness.

"Lily... I love you... so much." He groaned as he pushed inside me. As he thrust, I pulled him closer to me with my legs. He gripped my shoulders and pulled me up. He snaked his arms around my waist and yanked on my top. As soon as he removed it, I wrapped my arms around his neck, locking my lips on his.

"I love you too Trevor. So fucking much." I stammered when I pulled back for air as he rolled his hips into mine: over and over again rubbing against my clitoris. My body tensed as my orgasm rapidly approached.

"Oh God! Oh Fuck!" I screamed as my orgasm crashed into me. Simultaneously, Trevor came too, trembling as he released.

We clung to each other, struggling to catch our breath.

"This is you helping how?" I asked Trevor with a grin as I pushed my hair, damp with sweat, out of my face.

He laughed. "The point was you don't have to try so hard. You don't have to try at all. Do I need to show you again?" Trevor asked, resting his forehead against mine.

I giggled and hugged him closer. "No... I got it. But you can finish the cake while I shower."

"You sure you trust me with that?" Trevor smiled.

"I trust you with everything." I said, smiling back. "Just wash up first, and keep the cake on the counter. And don't forget the jelly beans. Put a little cluster in the middle of the cake with coconut on top so it looks like the eggs are hidden."

"I thought of something not to love: How bossy you are." Trevor said, taking a step back from the table.

I stood up and kissed him on the mouth. "You know you love it..." I said, patting him on the butt. "Now get to work."

***In honor of the one year anniversary, and I need to get caught up with real time, there will be post everyday next week. Have a great weekend.***


Anonymous said...

Loved this post! Thanks for the steamy scene :)

Anonymous said...

This still by far my favorite blog! Thank you so much for writing!!