Thursday, April 23, 2015

Flirtin' with Disaster

"We're flirtin' with disaster
Y'all know what I mean
And the way we run our lives
It makes no sense to me
I don't know about yourself 
or what you want to be, yeah
When we gamble with our time
We choose our destiny" Flirtin' with Disaster by Molly Hatchet

It took everything not to laugh at Rachel’s outraged face. I really didn't understand why she was so upset. Obviously, she thought I was a whore who was after her fiancĂ©. If anything, my fake confession should have made her happy. I told her how much I admired her and Forrest's relationship, but she didn't hear me. I tried to show her I wouldn't be disrespectful to her relationship, but she didn't see it. I tried over and over again to convince her that I would never cross that line with Forrest, but she didn't believe me. So fuck it, let her think she was right. Maybe she would finally stop playing her little games and speak up.

"At least you’re finally being honest." Rachel said her face twisting up in a scowl. She gathered her things and stood up from the table. I watched her leave, surprisingly neutral about it, until I saw Forrest's face. I felt sick to my stomach as he called after her, standing up, digging in his pocket.

He pulled out his wallet. “Just put this on my card. I’ll get it from you later."

I stood up too, shaking my head, refusing to take the card.

"No, I got it. It’s the least I can do." I said, giving him a hug. "I'm sorry Forrest. Good luck with everything." I said goodbye, sadly.

He must have heard the finality in my voice because he shook his head. "Everything is going to be fine. She's just stressed with the wedding and stuff. I'll talk to you later." He called as he went after Rachel.

I sat back down and rubbed my face. When I looked up, Trevor was staring at me, incredulously.

"I'll explain everything to you." I promised him softly. He just pressed his lips together in response.

I opened my mouth to apologize again, but Chad returned.

"How are we doing over here?" He asked.

I looked at everyone. The kids were all congregated around Amber's phone watching some video. Amber looked completely loss, Megan looked amused, Rocky was staring at me expectantly, and Ethan finally spoke to Chad.

"We're good. We're ready for the check and 4 to-go boxes.”

 I smiled at him, gratefully.

Amber made small talk as we boxed up the wings and settled the bill. Trevor and I drove separately, so we agreed to meet at his place. I followed him, conflicted.

If Rachel really felt that way about me, we couldn't be friends. I accepted that; I guess that's why it didn't bother me when she left. The only thing that upset me was losing my friendship with Forrest. Forrest said Rachel didn't mean it. Even if she didn’t, I didn't want to be around someone like that, and by extension, that meant Forrest too.

I knew once I explained it to Trevor, he would understand. As soon as we got to his apartment, I told him everything. I started with my original behavior with Forrest, and how Bianca was the one to make me see how inappropriate it was. I told him about how I met with Rachel, without Forrest, to apologize to her and let her know I had no intentions of being inappropriate again.

Ever since then, I tried, without much result, to be friends with her. She stopped playing games like the wedding coordinator and trying to hook me up with guys, but she never opened up to me. I honestly believed Forrest when he said she was just an introverted person. I thought we were friends, until she made that comment.

I repeated the comment Rachel made under her breath at lunch about me sleeping with all the guys at the table to Trevor. Trevor blanched, mimicking exactly how I felt when she said it. It was so uncalled for and completely out of nowhere...

Or maybe it wasn't.  Serena finding out about me and Ethan might have had something to do with it. The comment made sense in that regard. Either way, I was done with it. I was willing to forfeit a friendship with Serena so she and Ethan would have a chance if it bothered her. I had no choice with Forrest. If our friendship caused Rachel that much turmoil, it wasn't worth it. For me, or him.

"So you thought threatening to sleep with him would help?” Trevor asked, irritated when I finished explaining.

“No…” I said, quickly. “No, I just figured I could tell her what she wanted to hear and be done with it. It was the simplest way to end our friendship.

“And you couldn’t just say, “I don’t want to be friends anymore?”

“I could have, but this way cuts ties with Forrest too. I can’t be his friend either if his future wife has a problem with me.”

Trevor sighed and rubbed his hair. “You understand why she has a problem with you?”

“In the beginning, but I changed.”

Trevor looked at me, skeptically, and I placed my hands on my hip.

“What was that?”


“That look.”


“It was something.”

“Promise you won't get mad?” Trevor asked, in a tiresome voice.

“I will get mad if you don’t tell me.” I replied.

“What's changed?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What's changed in the way you act since y'all first met?" He clarified.

"I stopped the one on one lunches and tried to include Rachel more. I don't get overly affectionate! There was even a period of time I didn't even hug him."

Ok, St Patrick's Day was the only exception to that rule, but I needed his help shopping for Trevor and it was a holiday. I went back to hugging, but I literally hugged everyone. Like Ethan said, non-romantic hugs only!

"Lily, I never remembered you being all over our guy friends in college." He replied.

"I was all over you." I countered.

"Yeah, and you liked me." Trevor pointed out. "I'm just saying, I know you, and I can understand Rachel's feelings."

I stared at him blankly.

Where was this coming from?

"Ok... since you agree with Rachel, when was the last time I was 'all over a guy'?" I said, mockingly.

"No! I don't agree with Rachel. I just get how the way you act can cause discomfort-"

"Ok, what was the last thing I did that caused you 'discomfort?'" I asked.

He shook his head. "Never mind Lily."

"No, I need to know when I act whorish so I can fix it." I pressed.

"Just forget it Lily." Trevor sighed, frustrated.

"Well if I'm all over guys and cause you discomfort, why are you with me?" I asked him, sighing just as frustrated.

"All I'm saying is that you like attention from guys-"

"Oh, so now I'm an attention whore?!?" I laughed bitterly.

His face turned red. "I don't care what you want to call it, but you do flirt with other guys. I love you despite that, because for some reason, you just don't get it. You asked me to text another guy for you."

"Christian? He's your fucking friend." I exclaimed.

"No he's not. And even if he was, why would I be ok with you flirting with him?" Trevor questioned me.

I had no answer to that. I didn't think I was flirting with him. I grabbed my purse.

"Where are you going?" Trevor asked me shortly.

"Home. I need to check on Justine." I said turning around and fleeing. As soon as I slammed the door shut, a heard a huge thud behind the door from inside the apartment. I didn't stick around to investigate: I left.

When I got home, I changed into work out clothes and grabbed Justine. We went on a long run together and I tried to run off my anger and frustration. I don't think I ran them off, just exhausted myself. When I got back to my apartment, Jasmine was downstairs with a group of friends, including her sister Jocelyn, looking like they were getting ready to head out.

"Lily! You wanna come out with us? We're celebrating my new job!" Jasmine cheered.

"Congratulations!" I said, genuinely happy for her. "I just went for a run and it'll take me forever to get ready."

"We'll wait." Jasmine offered.

"30 minutes." Jocelyn added, bitchily. I was in no mood.

"No, go out. Have fun. I'll take you out to brunch tomorrow to celebrate." I forced a smile.

"Alright." Jasmine said with a little shimmy.

After they left, I fed Justine, took a long hot bath, and forced myself to sleep. When I woke up Sunday, I was well rested but still upset. I read the texts I received for Trevor, Rocky and Amber the night before.

Amber: Is everything ok?

Rocky: What happened with Rachel and Forrest?

Trevor: I'm sorry Lily. I love you.

I sighed and texted them back.

Me(to Amber): Everything's fine.

Me(to Rocky): You would have to ask them. I'm out of it.

Me(to Trevor): Ok. I love you too.

Trevor texted back immediately.

Trevor: Can I see you?

Me: I'll be over later.

I knew we would talk it out eventually, but I couldn't help being hurt and angry over what he thought about me. Every time he said he loved me, now I also heard despite of.

I got out of bed and decided to go get my nails done. Maybe I would get a contact high from the fumes and forget everything Trevor said. I knew it wasn't going to happen and I was stalling, but getting my nails done would at least make me feel better.

I was in the middle of texting Sammy when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called.

Jasmine stumbled in my room, wearing a cute maxi dress, a messy ponytail, and oversized sunglasses. "No Trevor?"


"Is he coming for brunch?" Jasmine asked.

Oh shit, I promised her brunch, didn't I?

"What brunch?" I asked, smiling.

"The brunch you promised!"

"Are you sure you weren't drunk and hearing things?" I taunted her.

"No, you promised. Now get up! I want Los Lupes." Jasmine poked at me.

I got up and went into my closet. I picked out a tank top and a blue checkered skirt before retreating to my bathroom to get dressed. I left my hair down in waves and rejoined Jasmine in my room.

"Ready." I told her.

We drove to Los Lupes and to my surprise, and disdain, Jake, Malik, Jocelyn, Omar, Kelly, Colten, and Rachel's friend Taylor joined us. Apparently, Taylor and Colten were dating now. Taylor greeted me warmly, so she must not have heard of my falling out with Rachel.

As much as I would like to be friendly with Jake, I didn't want to see him. I already had enough on my mind after my talk with Trevor. Jake was the walking, talking reminder of my failures as a girlfriend. One of them being a untrustworthy attention whore. I thought Jake was just being a jealous control freak when he expressed dislike of my relationship with my guy friends. Apparently, it was me.

I barely touched my food and focused on being jovial and excited for Jasmine. It was brutally painful. I felt every forced smile, but I did it and no one seemed to know the difference.

Or that's what I thought until I was leaving and Jake asked me what was wrong.

"I'm good. Great actually. Thanks." I said, forcing another smile as I continued to walk to my car.

"Lies." Jake stated. All my patience was used up at brunch, cause I snapped.

"Fine, you're right. I'm miserable, but it's none of your business." I said, rudely.

He threw his hands up in the air in mock surrender. "Sorry I asked."

He turned to walk away, and I blurted out, "Apparently, I'm an attention whore."

Jake stopped and turned back around. "Tell me what else is new?" He smiled.

"It's not funny... well, I guess it's kinda funny considering you and Trevor agree on something." I admitted.

"What do we agree on?" He asked.

"How much I flirt with other guys." I confessed.

"Hmm, is there a guy in particular? The one at Rocky's birthday party?"

"How'd you know?" I asked, surprised.

"I kinda noticed it at the party. I was going to say something, but I didn't think it was my place-"

"Wait. That's what you were going to tell me?"


"Oh..." I said, thoughtfully.

"What did you think?" He asked.

"Nothing... but the thing with Christian is I thought he was Trevor's and my friend. I don't think I was flirting." I said, changing the subject back to Christian.

"Ok, even if you weren't flirting, you encouraged him. You can't do that with a guy who likes you: whether he's a friend, family or stranger." Jake informed me.

"I don't think he likes me. Besides, he has a girlfriend." I argued.

"He does like you and he wouldn't be the first person to cheat." Jake said simply.

Well, he wasn't lying about the second part.

"Isn't your brother getting married next weekend?" He said, interrupting my thoughts.


"You should probably go make amends with Trevor if you want a wedding date."

"Urgh..." I moaned. I owed Trevor a huge apology. I hated being wrong.

"Or I could make myself available." Jake smirked at me.

"No way. Not going to encourage that at all." I shook my head.

Jake laughed. "Good answer."

"Whatever Jake."

I left and after a stop at a sex store, I headed to Trevor's apartment. He let me in and the first thing I did was apologize.

"I'm sorry for leaving yesterday. That wasn't fair." I said as we sat down on the couch together.

"It's ok. I'm sorry too." Trevor started.

"No, don't be sorry for how you feel. Even if I didn't understand it, I should have heard you out, not fought with you about it. I do get it now."

"You do?"

"I do. I just felt like you were saying you didn't trust me." I told him.

"I wasn't trying to say that. I do trust you." Trevor replied.

"I know you trust that I would never do anything to hurt you purposely; But if I do, I need you to tell me. Trust that I will correct it and won't just get mad and storm off like I normally do. Trust that I'm really working on that too." I said with a little smile.

"Alright." Trevor smiled.

"Prove it." I grinned, pulling out the blindfold I just bought out my bag.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, not sure if I feel she handled the Rachel thing right or not, I'm mixed. Part of me thinks she should have called her out and said "what do you want from me!" But I don't know .
Totally agree with trev and Jake she just needs to learn boundaries. I'm getting annoyed at jasmine though, I know others will disagree but I think she needs to start telling lily upfront when Jakes going to be somewhere. Yes he made the right points, but it's still her ex. Brunch is one thing but out clubbing or something I would feel awkward if I were lily , even if trevor trusts me I would still feel like I had to blurt out that my ex was with us at the club, I don't know just thinking

Shann Mack said...

Ive said it a million times...Lily has crappy friends. She's a social butterfly and everyone's so freakin insecure around her and they are constantly reprimand her and make her feel shitty. None of them are ever nice to her or supportive of her. She needs to dump them because none of them are perfect. And she does not owe Trevor an apology. Im over all of them. Lilly needs to move and start over! LOL

Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying Shannon. Lily is “flirty” it’s what you get with her, she won’t cheat or steal someone else’s man and her friends should know that. And Trevor is a hypocrite because it was ok for Lily to flirt with him while she was dating Jake, but now he gets hurt because of her “flirting” with Christian…. He could’ve handled that talk with lily better. Sometimes I need things spelled out to me, maybe Trevor could’ve told her, “hey I think Christian has a crush on you and you talking to him encourages that” Because Lily has low self-esteem so she probably doesn’t get that men that flirt with her is because they like her.
She handled the whole Rachel thing totally wrong, but then again so did Rachel. Lily had already told her she wasn’t after Forrest.
I think it was Jackie that told Serena that lily hooked up with Ethan. Wasn’t she at Rocky’s party also and going after Ethan, I think she might’ve made a comment or something. So who knows maybe they talked all sorts of crap about Lily and that’s why Rachel started doubting her again.
It kind of bugged me too that Jasmine didn’t let Lily know that other people would be with them for brunch, not just because of Jake. But a little heads up that we are going out with other people is nice.

Unknown said...

I used to be a flirt too. It was all innocent and everyone knew that. I see that in Lily although I think she's naive about it sometimes. Lily definitely flirts too much, but, I don't think she was flirting with Forrest the his time. Rachel gets what she deserves. Lily is right. She has tried everything with Rachel and Rachel won't listen. Cut your losses lady. I can see where Trevor is coming from. At least he sees her for who she is and doesn't judge her for flirting. She brought her anger with him on herself for asking him, him being truthful and her not liking his answer. That's just a part of her growing up which she is working on. At least she went back and they sorted it out rather than her acting more immature.

Anonymous said...

Actually I completely disagree with both of you. Lily shouldn't be able to flirt with anyone and not care how it effects others.
also she didn't say sorry for flirting or talking with Christian, she apologized for leaving without talking. He also apologized too, he also told her he does trust her which is what you guys are getting mad about saying just because she flirts doesn't mean she will cheat and steal. No one (but Rachel) thinks that. If lily would have stayed to talk it out maybe he would have had a chance to explain her behavior encourages Christian. Besides just like when she was with Jake she flirted too much, Trevor isn't a hypocrite, he's a dude who liked her, he didn't make a move just let her flirt and flirted with her, it should have been Jake (when they were dating) who explains she is flirting too much, he tried too in all the wrong ways. And yes go back and read others thought that she didn't notice it then, it was how her and Jake handled it and other things that was wrong. people have flaws and lily does too. Just because you don't intend to cheat doesn't mean you should overstep boundaries. Besides Trevor has said he trusts her, that's why he hasn't said anything, it's the Rachel situation that has brought this up.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Jen

Anonymous said...

I soooooo agree with you

Unknown said...

I agree! I've said it before. Her friends suck. They don't trust her to use her head. She can't do anything right. If it were me and rocky got on my case after this I'd look right at her and say "you have no room to criticize. Fuck off"

This blog is getting really hard to read. It's so beautifully written that it really connects to the readers. And that's my problem lol. I have friends who have the high and mighty holier than thou attitude as well. And it's frustrating to read her go through it because it makes me angry. I mean, no one's on Sammy's case for the way she is with guys. She's a flirt. I get she needs to realize boundaries but come on. Let up people. You're supposed to be her friends not her bloody parents. Let her be human. It's like she's not allowed to make a mistake or something. I want to punch them!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure we are reading the same blog. Who made comments other then Rachel to where you would want to punch them. And rocky didn't say anything in this post at all where she was getting on her case. Also Sammy has been said to be with a lot of guys but never have we read she flirted a lot with others especially those taken or when she is.
Who acted like her parents , the only people in this post who said anything was Trevor and Jake, Trevor said she did tend to flirt a lot right in front of him but he trusts she wouldn't do anything that's why he never brought it up. Jake said she encourages guys with flirting.
You say it's like she's not allowed to make a mistake but how many times does she need to hear she's a flirt before she tries to be more conscience of it. I'm not getting on her but lily tries to be too nice, she didn't need to get gifts for Christmas or from japan for Jake or Ethan or even forrest. Sometimes it's hard because she tries to hard. maybe because of her childhood or something she's insecure but she knows now so there's nothing wrong with thinking before actions. I tend to have a problem with coming across rude sometimes when I'm put in a uncomfortable position, but now I know it and instead of always offending others I try to pause before I speak.
Now in regards to forrest and Rachel, I have thought for a long time that she tries to hard to be their friend and it's not needed. She barely knew forrest and she just had to be instant great friends, he's engaged and it's a different dynamic, it does seem she has gotten a lot better then the beginning but their one year friendship shouldn't be worth Rachel accusing her. I say good riddance forrest was never my favorite character anyways haha

Unknown said...

I'm not referring to just this post. I'm referring to the attitude of her friends the entire blog. Rocky is always on her about something how to act or dress (the very beginning of the blog), and has a bit of a high and mighty attitude. Jake was on her for every little thing she did, she could do nothing right. Trevor feels the need to baby her and tell her she needs to do something or other (when he called her negative, so she tried the other way. The girl can do no right half the time).. From day one it's always been that way. I just get the high and mighty vibe from her friends when it comes to Lily. Like she's not allowed to live her life her way. She is always getting some form of criticism from somewhere.

I'm not saying she's doing nothing wrong. I think in this post, Trevor tried to tell her in a nonconfrontational way about the flirting. I do think if he had a problem with Christian he should have said something from the get go and been up front and honest. But the others just come across as parenting their bratty toddler. I'm not saying they are wrong to tell her, I'm saying they have a wrong way of going about it. They're on her about anything and everything. I can't remember the post, but I've said it before and others have agreed, so I know I'm not just imagining it. Sometimes I want to punch her friends. Especially Rocky. Rachel had this coming, she should have manned up and spoke to Lily if she had a problem, not become passive agressive and a total yunt about it.

Rocky is constantly acting like she's her mother. Dont do this, don't do that.

Anonymous said...

I do think rocky used to act like her mom, but I haven't seen her do that in a long time. Not sure whether she trying to get better at it or just to distracted by her own issues

Unknown said...

I thought there was suppose to be a post every day this week. I'm so hooked on this blog and I was very excited for a week if new posts. I'm sure something happened and you weren't able to do it. I'm so loving this story. I just hope lily doesn't mess up her relationships with her friends and Trevor. As always, excellent writing. Can't wait for the next post!

Janay333 said...

There was. Nothing happen, I just suck! A new post is up now. Thank you!

Unknown said...

You absolutely do not suck. I love your writing! You post more frequently than any of the other blogs I read. You deserve the rest. Thank you for keeping up with it like you do!