Friday, April 3, 2015

Lovers in Japan/ Reign of Love (Outro)

"Reign of love
I can’t let go
To the sea I offer
This heavy load
Locusts will
Lift me up
I’m just a prisoner
In a reign of love
Locusts will
Let us stop
I wish I’d spoken
To the reign of love
Reign of love
By the church, we’re waiting
Reign of love
My knees go praying
How I wish
I’d spoken up
Or we’d be carried
In the reign of love" Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love by Coldplay

I woke up abruptly to a darkened hotel room. I wasn't sure what woke me up, but I shut my eyes quickly to try to go back to sleep. Before unconsciousness crept to me, I felt my body flash with heat, radiating from between my legs. I shifted to press my legs together to relieve the tension. Only I couldn't. My legs were pinned down by a strong grip on my thighs. I opened my eyes again immediately. My eyes made contact with Trevor's before his face disappeared between my thighs.

"Trevor..." I yelped out his name in shock and pleasure.

His response was to lick me longer and harder. I gripped his short hair, unable to stop my hips from rocking into his talented mouth. I had no idea how long he'd been nestled between my legs before I woke up, but I felt my release building inside of me. I groaned in disappointment when he pulled away.

"Come watch the sunrise with me." Trevor requested.

"Finish..." I pleaded, moving my own fingers between my legs. Trevor watched me play with myself desperately before pulling my fingers away.

"Come to the chair and I will." He said before standing up from the bed. I groaned my contempt, but got up on unstable legs to follow him. I sat down in the chair facing the window. Trevor kneeled setting my legs on his shoulders.

"Watch the sunrise." He instructed as he returned his mouth to me. He swirled his tongue deeply inside me. I tightened my quivering thighs around him, my eyes fluttering closed in arousal.

"Lilypad..." Trevor clicked his tongue, pulling away.

I opened up my eyes and focused on the sun slowly rising. It was giving off a glow that gave the clouds a orange-ish red tint. It was striking against the still dark blue sky. I focused on the gradual fade of the night sky as Trevor moved his mouth to my clitoris.

When he flicked his tongue rapidly on me, my entire body seized up. I cried out my pleasure, as he sucked gently.

"Ohhhh God! Ooo Trevor!!!"

As I climaxed, Trevor kept his mouth on me, prolonging my orgasm. He finally pulled away when I collapsed back in the chair.

"C'mere." Trevor requested softly. I stood, thinking we were going back to bed, but he sat on the chair before pulling me in his lap. Trevor pushed inside me from behind as we faced the window. I gasped as he sank all the way inside.

"So beautiful." Trevor moaned into my neck, kissing my sensitive skin. He grabbed my hip with one hand, pulling me into him while his other explored my body.

I didn't know if he was talking about the sunrise or what we were doing, but I agreed either way.

"Lily..." Trevor softly woke me from sleep for a second time. I squinted as the sun beamed brightly into the window now. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, the smell of coffee and food fully awakened me. I looked at him. He was already dressed in his favorite light blue jeans and white t-shirt. His eyes glistened brightly.

"Hey. Did you go back to sleep?" I asked stretching. After we finished in the chair, we went back to bed. The last thing I remembered was Trevor stroking my hair as I fell back asleep.

"No, I couldn't." Trevor said, shifting on the bed.

"Awww." I pulled the covers away. "I had no problems.

"I saw that. C'mon, I ordered breakfast." Trevor instructed me.

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I joined him in the work area where breakfast was on the table in front of the window. He lifted the silver dome of the plates with flourish. I shook my head with a smile as I sat at the table next to him.

"Bacon, waffles and coffee?" I asked him, stirring the cappuccino in front of me.

"Yes." He said, handing me silverware.

"In Japan?..." I trailed off, looking at him.

"Yeah, everyone eats breakfast Lily." Trevor smiled knowingly at me.

"This is not Japanese food! You don't get to order anymore." I said, cutting into my waffle.

"We had Japanese food last night." Trevor protested with a laugh.

"We will every day while we're in Japan." I finished, munching on bacon.

"Good morning to you too darling." He said between chewing his waffles.

When he swallowed, I leaned over to give him a kiss.

"Good morning T-Rev."

We ate breakfast together and I asked if he was nervous about the meeting. He said no, but I didn't believe him. Of course he was nervous. I would be! Who knew what the company was going to offer Kenji for the website. Whatever it was, if Kenji agreed, Trevor would get a percentage of it. I was sure that's why he couldn't go back to sleep.

When I told him that, he chuckled. "Well, now I'm nervous..."

I laughed at him.

"Really, I'm excited. It's amazing to just be here with you. Everything else is just extra." Trevor admitted to me.

I smiled at him. "Ok babe. Still stay focused. I want that money as a souvenir."


I got dressed casually in jeans and a blouse. I put my hair up in a messy bun before we left. Trevor grabbed the blazer I bought for him. The plan was to walk to the book store that was hosting Kenji's novel release, pick up Cat, then go shopping and sightseeing. I laughed at Trevor when he tapped the top of the doorway for luck as we left the hotel.

The book store was in walking distance. When we got to the store, there was already a line outside the store. It was a mixture of teenagers and young adults, but majority females.

"Oh wow. I didn't realize graphic novels were this popular." Trevor remarked pulling out his phone.

"I didn't realize Kenji was this popular." I added.

Trevor grinned as he called Cat. A few moments later, Cat came and retrieved us. We tried to get her to just leave with us, but she told us Joel, one of Kenji's friend and co-founder of the website, needed Trevor's help.

"We have had over 50,000 users sign up or log in in since the relaunch this morning. The feeds are sluggish and the website copies aren't saving automatically." A guy I assumed was Joel informed Trevor as soon as we made our way through the crowd to a side table with a computer set up.

"Ok... it'll take me no more than 30 minutes, then we'll go." Trevor promised me.

"Can you stick around? Just until the crowd dies down." Joel asked.

Trevor looked at Joel, then back to me.

"It's fine. We'll met up later." I told him.

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Good luck." I wished him before Cat and I ducked out.

"I can't believe 10 years ago I used to be one of those girls. Time flies, right?" Cat asked nodding to the group as we walked out the bookstore.

"Really? You were into graphic novels as a teen?" I commented, falling into step beside her.

"Anime. I used to wear the costumes and everything. My foreign language in school was Japanese and I drew characters all the time. I was so into it." Cat explained.

"Is that how you met Kenji?" I inquired.

"No. I grew out of in in college. I went with a friend to a session he appeared at. We hit it off and went from there."

"How long have y'all been dating?"

We talked as we rode the train to the Harajuku station. Cat told me they had been dating on and off for 5 years. Most recently they were on for about a year. She told me the reason it was never constant was their jobs and distance. He was either working on a novel and/or in Japan and she was focused on establishing her career as a freelance web designer.

As promised, she took me to a street lined with stores. I followed closely behind her as we made our way through the packed area. It was already filled with teenagers, some dressed eccentrically; I saw all kinds of costumes and fashion: goth, punk, schoolgirl and traditional attire; some mixed in together. It was fascinating to look at.

Cat took me to her favorite shops. We walked down Takeshita Dori, browsing in trendy shops and little boutiques. I found some really unique pieces of clothes that I couldn't wait to wear out.

We then went to a izakaya restaurant after a few hours of shopping. It was basically a pub that served Japanese beer, liquor, cocktails and bar food. It was all you can eat and drink. We sat at a low table on a mat and were given wet towels to wipe our hands. We were served edamame before we even ordered anything. Cat pointed off things on pictures on the wall that served as a menu. She also offered suggestions for drinks. I decided to try a Chūhai, a chilled drink consisting of shōchū, a white liquor, carbonated water and some type of flavoring. I stuck with original lemon flavor for my first drink. The lemon gave it tang that paired wonderfully with the edamame. It wasn't very strong and was really refreshing.

We then ordered agedashi tofu (deep fried tofu), sashimi, and tsukemono (slices of pickles). The food came out when it was ready and was set in front of us, tapas style. It was really nice. My next drink was kiwi flavored, but I switched back to lemon. I like the tart versus the sweet.

As we ate and rested, using up our 2 hour limit, Cat told me how excited she was about the meeting. It should have been happening right then. She knew Kenji was reluctant to part with the website, but if his two business partners were won over, he would go with it. Now that she got constant jobs as a freelance artist she wanted to focus on having a steady relationship.

"You couldn't do both while freelancing?" I asked.

"I tried, but one would suffered. Since I needed a roof over my head and food, my relationship had to be the one that did. Now it's not a problem cause I have steady clients and connections." Cat stated.

I nodded. "I think Trevor would prefer to freelance. He hates his job right now."

"I now. I tell him he's not getting any younger. It's better to try it and take risk now, you know. Before you're married and have kids." Cat said.

And apparently, when you can risk your relationship...

I pushed those thoughts aside as we settled our bill. We were charged a set fee per person and a service charge. Cat explained that was the tip. She told me most Japanese will not accept tips: only charge service fees.

"No wonder..." I said, thinking back on the past couple days.

We then walked to a 100 yen store. Which would be a dollar store in the United States, but it was so much better! It was massive and cute! There were aisles and aisles of merchandise from arts and crafts to wall hangings; toys to accessories; key chains to tea cups and chopsticks to fans. It took me an hour just to see what all they had and another 30 minutes to narrow down what I wanted. It was all so charming and made perfect little souvenirs for everyone all under 5000 yen. 50 bucks!

The line to check out was unbelievable long. My phone rang while we were waiting. I answered it when I saw it was Trevor. He informed me that the book release and meeting was over and they were on their way to the hotel. I told him we would be back shortly. Kenji was going to wait for Cat there.

I told Cat what Trevor told me and she nodded excitedly. After we checked out, we walked back to the metro station and boarded a train back to the hotel.

Cat helped me carry all my bags up to the room. The guys were watching some Japanese cartoon when we joined them.

"What'd he say!?!" Cat exclaimed excitedly.

"He made an offer. Nothing's decided yet, but he wants to take us out to dinner. Let's go home and get ready. I'll tell you on the way." Kenji told her. "Meet you all at the restaurant." Kenji said as they left.

"So... how did it go?" I asked Trevor, sitting on the couch with him.

"It was insane. There was up to 100,000 page views when we left. Chris was definitely impressed that the app and website was handling that high volume at one time without crashing." Trevor grinned at me, proudly.

"Oooo, so it's Chris now huh? No more Mr. Diaz?" I teased.

"He insisted."

"So I'm guessing it went well?" I asked.


"How well?"

"Let's just say my one month of work would be worth 3 months at my current job." Trevor boasted. I never saw cocky on Trevor. It was hot.

"Ohmigosh baby! What did y'all say?" I gasped.

"Kenji said they needed to talk over it. It's like I said, I'm just flattered that Chris sees so much worth in the site. I can list the experience on my portfolio either way-"

"Or use the money to quit and start freelancing." I said.

He raised an eyebrows me. "You think?"

"I mean, yeah. This is the time to do it. It's hard work and it takes sacrifice. Right now, it just you-"

"And you." He added.

"And me. This is the time to take risk. Not later when we-" I shut myself up before the next thought escaped my lips. Trevor waited a moment.

"When we what?" Trevor asked, patiently.

"When you have other things to worry about. If that's what you want, go for it! I told you to follow your dreams. Begin with an end in mind." I cleaned up quickly. I was going say when we have kids, a mortgage and our dogs to worry about, but that was too much. When Trevor just studied me, I leaned in close and gave him  a long, lingering kiss.

Trevor pulled back. "I'll think about it. Go get your sex book."

"No. We have to get ready." I said, jumping up. "I need a shower from all that walking!"

"Can we share?" He asked.

"Sure. But no funny business."

 Trevor was all funny business as he "helped" washed me by caressing my body with his soapy hands. After his second thorough cleaning of my breast, I rinsed off and hopped out.

"Let me dry you off..." he offered.

During his drying with the towel, he spent extra attention between my legs. I grabbed the counter, moaning when his finger under the towel stroked me gently.

"You're driving me crazy..." Trevor breathed rubbing harder. I had to pull away.

"You're one to talk. Later. We'll get as crazy as you want to." I promised him.

I got dressed in a plain, gray bodycon tank top dress. I groaned as it fit a little tighter than I remembered. I hope it was just the alcohol making me feel bloated. I pulled out the robot leggings I bought early while shopping. The dress felt much better as a long shirt with my leggings. I put my hair up in a sleek ponytail and focused on my make-up.

I highlighted my curled eyelashes with champagne colored eyeshadow, eye liner and mascara to make them look fuller and longer. I completed my make-up with bold red lips. I admired myself in the mirror. Playful, without being over the top. I already loved that Japan street style was rubbing off on me a little bit. I put on my wedges and some 100 yen costume jewelry before I joined Trevor out in the living room.

He just looked me over as I checked my phone. We were supposed to meet Mr. Diaz 7 minutes ago.

"I'm ready." I said, walking towards him. He nodded and I grabbed his hand.

"You look so handsome. No button down." I teased him as we walked to the elevator. He looked amazing in a black fitted jeans and a blue, v-neck long sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbow.

"Someone told me to switch it up." He replied, glancing over at me.

"I love it." I grinned at him. When he just nodded, I looked at him again.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of time." I apologized.

"It's ok. It was well worth the wait." Trevor finally smiled at me. I smiled and he put his arm around me.

When we got to the bottom floor of the tower, Trevor led me over to a man who looked about in his mid 30s.

"Chris, sorry we're late-" Trevor said, reaching out to shake his hand.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the late one-" I cut him off.

"Nonsense. I just made it down here myself." He said, stopping us both and shaking Trevor's hand before turning to me. "This can't be your girlfriend."

I looked at Trevor, anxiously. Why the fuck not?

"Yes sir. Took me 8 years, but I got her." Trevor grinned at me, proudly.

"I sold 8 websites before I could get a girl like this." Mr. Diaz joked, reaching to shake my hand too.

"This is my Lily." Trevor introduced me. "Lily, this is Chris Diaz.

I smiled, blushing at their comments as I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Mr. Diaz."

"Chris, please. The pleasure is all mine." He said before releasing my hand.

We got into the car Haru was driving and headed to the restaurant.

"So how are you liking Japan?" Chris asked me.

"I'm loving it. Thank you so much for extending the invitation." I said.

"Once again, my pleasure. Besides, Trevor and Kenji told me all final deals have to go through you?" He commented. I blushed as they both laughed at me.

"Is this your first time in Tokyo?" I asked Chris, changing the subject.

"It is, but I don't plan to do much sightseeing. I'm more of a beach vacation kinda guy." Chris admitted.

"Me too. The only reason I have my passport is for Mexico." Trevor chimed in.

"I'm with you." Chris chuckled. "Although with my 4 month old, we won't be making any trips anytime soon."

When we arrived at the Japanese restaurant, everyone was already seated and waiting for us. We dined on a 5 course feast including oxtail soup, sushi, Kobe beef, Chazuke (rice with green tea, very interesting taste), and Red-bean crème brûlée with sherbet for dessert. We order a bottle of sake and whiskey and poured amongst ourselves. As the drinks were following, everyone was talkative and in a festive mood. I forgot everything we toasted that night but it included Kenji's book, the website, each other, Japan, Sake, the sunrise (me), and my pants (Trevor).

When dessert was finished and the bottles were empty, we went to a karaoke place next. Karaoke bars are completely different than the ones back home. Rooms, karaoke boxes, were rented so it was private humiliation among your group of friends. Considering I sang Mariah Carey in front of a bar, I could handle a private room.

Chris rented out the room and chose a song for everyone to sing. The hardest thing was navigating the controller and the Japanese prompts, but Tai, Kenji's other partner, was a pro.

I was really surprised by the diversity of songs found in the karaoke machine. I got introduced to JPop-Japanese Pop, and reintroduced to some classic like Michael Jackson, Britney Spears and BoysIIMen. Chris was trying to find a country song for me to sing since I am a "Texas" girl.

"I'm not from Texas! I was born and raised in California!" I protested. "Besides, most of my friends are from Texas and don't listen to country"

"Not a lot of your friends are white Lily." Trevor laughed.

"Hey! Music has no color. I just saw Katy Perry in a Karaoke bar in Japan. Music breaks boundaries." I preached.

"I got the song." Chris announced. He picked Katy Perry's  "California Gurls". I made Trevor play Snoop Dogg to my Katy Perry and I thought we killed it.

Or at least I loved it. The details got kinda fuzzy as we kept drinking. I tried to keep up but I stopped when I started to feel tipsy. Trevor kept going. It was kinda funny to watch. He was normally affectionate, but it was worse when he was drunk. He kept playing with my hair, rubbing my lower back, hugging and kissing me.

When it was his turn to sing, he flipped throughout the whole catalog to find a song. Savage Garden's "I Knew I Loved You" came on. Everyone drunkenly cheered him on as he sang to me. Every word. It was cheesy and a little off beat, but I loved it. I made sure to tell him when he finished. I gave him a hug and kiss which he eagerly returned... while grabbing my ass.

Chris headed back to the hotel room while we joined Kenji, Joel, Tai and Cat at the Metro station. Tai promised to show Trevor an assortment of vending machines. They sold everything from hot food, ramen noodles, fruits and vegetables, alcoholic canned drinks and ties. Trevor thought everything was so cool and wanted to take it home. I stopped him after French fries, sake, a banana, a tie and flowers for me.

We sat down at the station waiting for the last train as we ate our snacks.

"So, now that Chris is gone, how is everyone feeling about the meeting tomorrow?" Cat asked everyone excitedly.

Kenji shot her a glance, while Trevor continued to concentrate on his noodles.

"Catherine, this is not the time." Kenji said, stoically.

"Yes it is. What if they're amendments you want added to the contract. You have to agree now! When the contract is signed tomorrow, that's it!" She argued passionately.

Kenji looked at Tai, who looked at Joel.

Joel cleared his throat.

"I don't want to sell." He said, plainly.

The table got silent. Even Trevor paused from his noodles. Everyone just started at Joel, shocked. Except Kenji. He smiled.


  1. Interesting, hopefully Trevor will get more then just something to put on his resume.
    Was so fun reading about their time in japan, so cute him singing that song to her! !!

  2. Lilypad always makes me think of "How I Met Your Mother"

  3. I enjoy your blog a lot. In fact, it's one of my favorites. I enjoy reading about all of the characters and how real they are. My only criticism is Lily's outfits. I know you want to keep her within a reasonable price range but I find her clothes to be teeny bopperish. I'm 25 and I wouldn't be caught dead shopping at Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe because their clothes are made to fit teenage girls and the material is very shoddy. The clothing is cute but not something a seemingly successful woman would lean to. I've yet to find a Forever21 dress that fit me right.

    1. Um, I'm 34 years old and while I am not an avid shopper at either of those stores, but I WOULD be caught shopping there. I didn't think there was an age limit at stores. Its whether you like the style or not.
