Monday, April 6, 2015

Wish You Were Here

*Sorry its late! Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!

"I dig my toes into the sand.
The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket.
I lean against the wind

pretend that I am weightless 
and in this moment I am happy
I wish you were here(x4)

I lay my head onto the sand. 
The sky resembles a back lit canopy with holes punched in it.
I'm counting UFOs.
I signal them with my lighter
and in this moment I am happy, happy. 

The world's a roller coaster 
and I am not strapped in. 
Maybe I should hold with care, 

but my hands are busy in the air" Wish You Were Here by Incubus

“Why am I wearing this?” Trevor asked as I kneeled on the bed in front of him.

 “Cause you bought it.” I grinned at him fixing the tie around his neck.

“Why didn’t you stop me?” Trevor asked.

“I did. You were going for a live lobster next from the vending machines.” I said.

“Was I that drunk?” Trevor said with a half smile.

He really wasn’t that bad. Besides trying to dry hump me in public, he was tame. After Tai's admission though, Trevor and Cat both sobered up.

Kenji and Tai chatted excitedly about what they could do if they kept the website. Only Joel occasional chimed in that they would be crazy not to take the money, but his tone wasn't one of disappointment; it was more of amazement.

"You were ridiculous." I lied, smiling.

“On a scale of one to lap dance, how bad was I?” Trevor said, with a teasing smile.

I tightened the tie around his neck. Trevor laughed and grabbed my hands.

"So you're into choking now?" He asked me, pulling my hands away and leaning in closer. "Kinky."

"I gotta keep up with you." I said, before pressing my lips against his. I then returned to fixing his tie.

When I was done, I smoothed his tie out and looked at him, admiringly.

"What do you think?" He said, making a silly pose.

"I love it. It looks good on you.”

“Yeah, guess I'll conform and start wearing them regularly.” Trevor said jokingly, but his eyes didn't match his tone.

I looked at him, not knowing what to say. From the sounds of things the night before, Kenji wasn't going to sell. Unless Cat did or said something to convince him, it looked like they were going to turn down Chris's offer.

This morning, over the traditional Japanese breakfast of grilled fish, rice, miso soup, eggs, veggies and fresh fruit, Trevor mentioned skipping the meeting. Thinking he was just hungover, I told him absolutely not, and that he needed to suck it up. Now, I was starting to question his whole "I'm just happy to be here" attitude. I think he was really disappointed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. "Did I tell you how happy I am to be here with you?"

Trevor returned my kiss, kissing me softly and sweetly. "Yes. Let's hope Chris doesn't kick us out when they turn down the deal."

"If!" I corrected him.

Trevor didn't respond.

After he left for the meeting, I went down to the lobby to start planning our day together. I wanted to make the trip special, even if things didn't pan out the way Trevor wanted. The concierge was very helpful and I had everything planned in under an hour. I was back in our hotel room, soaking in the tub, when Trevor returned.

"How'd it go?" I asked, eagerly,

"Can I join you?" Trevor asked instead of answering my question.

"Of course."

While he got undressed, I let some of the water out and added fresh hot water and body wash for bubbles. I scooted over so he could get in beside me. I lazily traced a wash cloth over his chest before he finally spoke.

"So I have good and bad news." Trevor started.

"What is it?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Kenji, Tai and Joel didn't sell, but Chris wants us to enjoy the rest of the trip." Trevor said lightly.

"Really?" I asked. A part of me really thought they would decide to sell. Cat seem so sure that was what was going to happen. I was holding on to hope that she was right.

"Yeah, they want to keep it going, together. They appreciated the offer, but they're not ready to sell yet." Trevor explained.

"I'm sorry babe." I told him, sympathetically.

"It's ok. You can say I told you so." Trevor sighed.

"Trevor, stop. I don't feel that way." I said, turning on my side to face him.

"Yeah? Your words were even a prostitute gets their money up front." Trevor smiled.

"I don't know about you, but this trip to Japan is payment. Just think of the airfare alone. I can't thank you enough for inviting me to come with you."

Trevor finally smiled. "You're right. Let's enjoy the rest of the trip."

I smiled too. "Awesome! I'm so glad to hear you say that! I have so much pla-aaaah!!!" I exclaimed, when Trevor interrupted me by grabbing me so I was straddling his lap. Water splashed everywhere.

"Trevor! I have plans for us!" I squealed as he held me close.

"So do I." Trevor smiled before kissing me.

We finished Trevor's plans in the bathtub before we got dressed. We dressed casually and comfortably; I wore jeans and a blue top and Trevor wore jeans and a blue and green striped shirt. For where we were going, I enlisted Haru's service. I wasn't that comfortable with the metro station yet.

After a 35 minute ride, we arrived at Tokyo Disneyland.

"I didn't even know they had one of these out here." Trevor said excitedly.

"I know. Your first trip to a Disney park is gonna be in Japan. You ready?" I said, grinning.

"Born ready!" He answered enthusiastically.

 It was ridiculously crowded, but I sprung for the fast passes to help us bypass some of the lines. Since we got a late start, I knew we weren't going to be able to do everything before the park closed. I asked Trevor to pick out what he wanted to do the most.

Trevor was like a kid in a candy store; he ate everything up. We went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride first. Then we went on the Haunted Mansion ride. Lastly, we did Space Mountain. In between walking to the rides and waiting in line, we took tons of pictures together and with Disney characters, sampled new snack food like pork gyoza and steamed buns shaped like Mickey and Minnie (Mickey was filled with teriyaki chicken. Minnie was filled with strawberry and cream.) and we bought souvenirs including Mickey and Minnie mouse hats.

We stayed for the Once Upon A Time show in Fantasyland. We sat outside Cinderella's Castle with frozen Morin (beer with a frozen beer foam on top) and a sampling of flavored popcorn that included strawberry, curry, soy sauce and honey to watch the show. The show included famous scenes from Disney movies projected on Cinderella's Castle with flashing lights and music to accompany them. It was in Japanese, but it was still majestic. I was enthralled by the entire show. The massive display of fireworks that concluded the show was the perfect ending to a spectacular day.

"That was incredible. When did you plan it?" Trevor asked me, wrapping me up in a hug as we waited for our ride.

"This morning. I figured no matter what happened, Disneyland would be appropriate." I hugged him back.

"It was. Thank you. I wish you would have told me. How much were the tickets?" Trevor replied.

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't my money." I smiled at him.

"How much did your dad send you?" Trevor asked.

"Enough for 3 more trips." I smirked as my phone rang. It was Haru, instructing us to his car.

I actually fell asleep in traffic on the way out of the theme park. When we got back to the hotel an hour later, Trevor woke me up and we went back to our room. I changed into a boxers and a shirt before hopping into bed with Trevor.

We both woke up the next morning, starving. Trevor and I compromised on breakfast and went down for the breakfast buffet. While we were eating, Kenji called Trevor. He told us he was taking Cat to the airport, but would still be able to take us on a tour later that day. I shook my head no and Trevor declined, saying that we still had some tourist stuff to do since we spent the whole day at Disneyland the day before.

"Cat wasn't supposed to leave today." I said.


"Yeah." I informed him. When Trevor just nodded, I continued. "Cat was telling me that when the website was sold, there would be nothing keeping him in Japan."

"So?" Trevor responded.

"So, he could move back to Austin and they would live happily ever after." I explained.

"He never mentioned that to me." Trevor shrugged.

"Exactly!" I said.

Trevor shook his head. "I still don't understand, but I'm sticking to staying out of others relationship. I'm gonna worry about us."

"You better. It's break up season." I warned him playfully.

"Spring?" Trevor asked.

I nodded. "Christian said out with the old, in with the new."

"Christian says a lot of stuff. I don't listen to any of it."

I laughed at him. He's been hanging out with me too much. My sarcasm was rubbing off on him.

We decided to take it easy on our last day in Japan. We loaned out bikes from the hotel. They provided water bottles and Benito box lunches. We took a map from the concierge as well and went on our way. We navigated to Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. I was shocked by the natural beauty located in an urban city. The metro station was less than a mile away. It was surreal to have an oasis smack down in the middle.

The cherry blossom were in full bloom and the trees were filled with pink and white blossoms. It was stunning. I wasn't even a flower person, but I was in awe. I took so many pictures of the trees, a little stream that ran through the park, and a traditional tea house. We stopped at one for green tea and were served by a lady wearing a traditional kimono. It was so nice.

Afterwards, we found a shaded spot under a tree and ate our lunch. By the time we finished, the park started to get crowded in the late afternoon. We got on our bikes and rode to shopping district. Thanks to the cycling lanes, we had no problem getting there. Trevor was finally able to go shopping at a massive electronic store.

It was like an electronic superstore. The amount of cameras, tablets, computers, game systems and phone items and accessories were mind blowing. I followed Trevor around the first 45 minutes, then I ventured off by myself when he kept showing and explaining to me things that I still didn't get or understand. I figured if I left him alone, he would shop quicker. I was sadly mistaken.

When I found him 30 minutes later, he was still looking at two products. It could be Inspector Gadget's watches for all I knew.

"Did you find something?" I asked, as patiently as I could muster.

"Yeah, that's the problem. I found too much." He smiled at me.

"Get 'em both." I said. Problem solved.

"I just want to buy one." Trevor told me, looking over the boxes. They were in Japanese. What the fuck was he looking at?

"Fine, I'll buy one for you."

"You will, or your dad?" He asked, not looking up from the boxes.

"For your information, if you use a visa card and show your passport and it's over a hundred dollars, you get a discount. So I'll put them both on my card." I informed him.

"It's not 100 dollars." He pointed out.

I grabbed three phone cases. "It is now."

On our way to our locked bikes after checking out, Trevor handed me money.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"My stuff." He said holding up his bag. I quickly counted it.

"I told you I'll buy you one." I protested.

"Yeah, but I don't want you using your dad's money."

I rolled my eyes. "It's my money. Even if he didn't send any I would have brought it." I said, handing him back the money.

"But still." He said, refusing to take it.

"No, buts." I said, trying to put it in his shorts pocket.

"I didn't know about the discounts, so it's okay." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets to block me with a smile.

"Well fine. Wanna help me spend your money on crepes?" I smiled too, pointing out a shop.


After we took turns feeding each other the sweet treat, we biked back to the hotel and turned in the locks, helmets and bikes. We went and crashed, making plans to have dinner at the hotel that night. I was against eating at an American themed restaurant, but apparently some movie was shot at the NY Bar and Trevor wanted to go, so I relented.

The plans changed when Kenji called, waking us from our nap and insisted we join him and his friends for dinner. He wanted to get together before we went home so Trevor agreed.

I wore a floral swing top, a black fitted skirt and my ballet flats with my hair straightened and my make-up light. Trevor looked so good rocking all black in black jeans and a black vintage Incubus t- shirt.

He asked me if I thought he should wear the blazer, which I responded with a "Nah, fuck 'em."

We laughed before we left to join them at the metro station. It was Kenji, Joel and his wife Elita, Tai and his little sister Maia. We walked the short distance to Kabukicho, the entertainment district in Japan.

"Didn't Cat call this the red light district?" I asked Kenji.

Trevor squeezed my hand and I sent him an innocent look.

"It is, but we're just going to dinner." Kenji answered briefly.

I nodded and didn't say anything after that; I just took in the sights. There were flashing neon lights, weird billboards and posters with attractive men and women. As we passed bars, restaurants, shops and hotels, men stood outside of different establishments trying to persuade us to come in. We kept walking, passing arcades, a batting cage, fast food places, billiard bars, cafes, a theatre and love hotels (hotels catered to couples).

Kenji pointed out a hostess bar to Trevor. One was mentioned in Kenji's novel and Trevor's interest was piqued ever since. It was basically a bar where pretty hostesses catered to their customer including flirting and drinking with them. Kenji explained the lifestyle and how businessmen purchased expensive flowers and gifts and paid to go on dates with them.

"So basically it's an escort bar. Why would that interest you Trevor?" I asked Trevor with a smirk.

"No reason... but can I get my money back?" Trevor grinned. I punched him on the arm when he laughed.

We went to a 24 hour sushi bar that had over 50 different types of sushi. I watched the sushi chef prepare sushi rolls as we made our way down the stairs to a dining area. We shared a couple bottles of sake; Trevor and I stopped after one glass. After that, we went to a nightclub and listened to music while people watching. It was chill and really fun.

On the way back to the metro station, I chatted with Joel's wife while Trevor talked to Kenji. When we got to the station, Kenji shook Trevor's hand and thankED him for his hard work. He thanked me for coming out and said he hoped I enjoyed Tokyo. I assured him I did, thanked him for taking us out and wished him good luck in the future. He wished me the same. I shook Kenji's hand and gave him a hug.

"Genki de {All the best}." I said as I pulled away.

I repeated the phrase as I told everyone goodbye.

We strolled back to the hotel, enjoying our last night in Japan. We walked in companionable silence and I held Trevor's arm, completely happy. I knew things didn't go the way Trevor hoped they would, but I was grateful for the experience with him. I was sure Trevor felt the same.

We ended the night at the NY bar at the hotel. It was hosting a Jazz night for the last couple hours. We were lucky to get seated by a window; the view of the skyline from there was amazing. After a few pictures together, we sat down and ordered drinks and food. I was full from dinner, but Trevor wasn't a big fan of sushi, so he ordered a NY style pizza. I drank wine and listened to music and excitedly chatted about places I wanted to travel to next. Trevor agreed with wherever I wanted to go.

After the bar closed, we went back to our room. I pulled down my panties and led Trevor to the window seal. I hopped on it, wrapped my legs around Trevor's waist and kissed him passionately on the lips. Trevor kissed me back, unbuckling his pants and pushing inside of me. I moaned as he thrust hard and fast.

It was over way too soon as he groaned, coming inside me. He pulled out and gripped my hair, tugging until I tilted my head. My gasp of surprise turned into pleasure when he moved his lips to my neck and kissed, nibbled and sucked my sensitive skin.

He pushed two fingers inside of me and stroked me, teasing my clitoris with his thumb until I came on his fingers. We kissed against the window before we retired to the bed.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I rolled over and saw Trevor sitting in the window, looking out at the sky.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up.

"Around 7." He answered, looking back at me.

"Why are you up so early? Come back to bed."

"I was getting ready for the flight. Be there early right?"

He had a point. I rather have a long wait time then be rushed in a unfamiliar place.

I nodded. "Did you order breakfast?"

"I was waiting for you."

"Wanna do the continental breakfast? We can take what we don't eat on the flight."

"Sounds good."

After we ate, Haru took us to the airport. We thanked him and found our way into the airport. It did take a little longer, but we made it through with time to spare. Since I already had snacks and reading material, I started going through my gallery of pictures selecting the pictures I was going to upload to my Facebook.

Trevor was trying to download Lost in Translation so we could watch it on the plane together. He left to see about buying a splitter for the headphones. When he came back empty handed, I was still working on the pictures.

"What are you posting?" Trevor asked.

"Everything." I replied.

"That's obnoxious." Trevor said. I looked up at him. I couldn't read his mood, so I assumed he was joking.

"I know. Playfully obnoxious though." I smiled.

"If you say so." Trevor smiled back.

By the time we got ready to board the plane, all the pictures uploaded. I tagged Trevor in the album and added the caption:

Stamp on Trevor's and my passport! #Japan#Tokyo#WishYouWereHere


  1. Sigh.... I want to keep loving this blog but it's getting so boring and hard to read.
    I hope something exciting happens soon.

    1. I disagree I've been enjoying these post. I would probably stop reading if it was crazy unrealistic drama. I like drama but not the typical break up the characters drama.

  2. Awesome post! I like when they can just be normal and have fun together. It is makes it much more real :)

    1. I agree, I think it would be such a fun experience to go to Disneyland in japan, especially with your significant other :)

  3. So Trevor gets no money at all from all his hard work? Is that weird? I know nothing about that industry, so I'm really wondering. That would piss me off, I think the other guys are being softish, but Trevor doesn't speak up so whatever.

    1. Yeah I'm not sure, I know they commenting that the trip was worth it but money still should have been involved. Does sound like he might have a percentage in the company, which if they do eventually sell he would get some money, but I don't know.

  4. He doesn't have a contract of any kind if I remember correctly. So he gets no money & doesn't have a stake in the "company" because he was doing it for free without a contract of any kind.

    1. The last post he said he gets a portion if they sale

    2. Ya but that's the only agreement there is & it's seemingly just a verbal agreement. & they also didn't sell...

  5. I kinda miss the Jake and Lily's days tho. I think they had a lot more passion. Pls visit my blog:

    1. Ugh...passion or unhealthy drama. Jake and her were not a fit. Trevor and her have passion, they have been together longer and they are more then just sex. Which the posts with Jake was either sex or fights

  6. Oddly enough, I was team Trevor this whole time, but Im actually kind of starting to hate them together...their relationship is lacking something and I can't put my finger on it...

  7. I agree with both anon 5:50 & 6:14. Tired of Trevor & Lily. I liked them for a minute but I too find they're missing something

    1. You guys are annoying haha, or could be 1 person they are all anon jk, you read about a healthy relationship and you bore. That's why blogs have a hard time, people's attention span is short and they want drama and the next thing to happen. If this were a book it would have ended but unfortunately blogs generally break characters up constantly to keep it moving. People do this on other blogs, as soon as there's a steady guy they start questioning if he's too good to be true and tire of it. blogs have a hard time because they have to keep it going forever.
      Just because you write a comment that there's nothing there, doesn't make it true. Just like me writing they do, which they do, doesn't mean the author might choose to change that.

    2. Calling commentors annoying? Not necessary. Also there are quite a few blogs with steady long term relationships that the author hasn't broken up that I LOVE because the chemistry is there between the characters, I don't get bored when they have a calm night at I don't see how they would *have* to break them up. The authors do what they please, not necessarily what we want.
      but I have to agree with anon 6:14 I can't quite put my finger on what's missing with them that's causing me to dislike the story line & it's driving me crazy because Janay is a good writer

    3. Should have read, annoying "me" not annoying, because yes people are different and can have feelings. When people say they think somethings missing but there's no real reasoning it's kind of annoying to people who like them. Just like I'm sure it's annoying when people comment they love them when others don't.

    4. The 6:14 comment was me, idk why it came through as anonymous haha, anyways - there are a ton of blogs that I read with long term relationships that I love! There's just something about Lily and Trevor that Im not a fan of. I was rooting for them, but now that they're together it's just hard for me to see their connection/passion I guess...not that I thought her toxic relationship with jake was better, there's just something missing with her and Trevor (not drama, just something...idk!)

    5. Everyone keeps saying there are a ton of blogs they love with long term couples, I remember reading comments very similar on those blogs during the early part of the relationship where people said things like they were waiting for something to happen it's to good to be true and ,I'm not so sure about him or them together, and so forth. One key word is long term relationship, lily and Trevor aren't in a long term relationship, they have lasted longer then her last though. There have been a lot of posts where i felt a great connection, they've been together longer then her last and so every post has day to day life.
      I've noticed sometimes she speeds up a post and writes multiple days in a couple paragraphs so of course that's not going to portray that special spark. But then there's parts like them making love in front of the sunset and lines from Trevor about it always being her and the scene with the light show, the puppy, etc. Let's give it some time and let Janay develop the story how she wants (even if that means break up or not)

    6. I'm Anon 5:50 and I commented sometime ago about rooting for Trevor and Lily cos I was in love with my best friend but it ended really quickly and I'm not sure I can recover. So I'm obviously not team Trevor anymore.
      Pls read my online diary at

    7. Don't think you should be off team Trevor based on your situation it's different. Not saying to be on his team just saying it's not you its lily
