Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love (Intro)

"Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

They are turning my head out
To see what I'm all about
Keeping my head down
To see what it feels like now
But I have no doubt
One day, we are gonna get out

Tonight maybe we're gonna run
Dreaming of the Osaka sun
Ohh ohh...
Dreaming of when the morning comes" Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love by Coldplay

Wednesday morning was the official start of our vacation time. After Trevor finished packing, we went to my place. I already had what I wanted to wear set aside; I just had to get it inside my luggage and pack my toiletries and make-up.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail and packed my flat iron and hot curlers. I was regretting turning down Jasmine's offer of a haircut. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my hair, but right now it took a lot of maintenance.

I was deciding between shoes when my phone rang. It was Rocky.

"Good morning." I said, hoping I sounded cool and casual.

"Good morning. We missed you last night at McFadden's." Rocky told me.

"Yeah, Trevor and I decided to stay in, get ready for our trip." 

"I figured. What time does your flight leave?" She asked.

"12:20, but we're leaving as soon as I'm ready." 

"Do y'all need a ride?" Rocky offered.

"No, we're taking a cab." I answered quickly. I still wasn't ready to see her.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just double checking things in my head. I don't want to forget anything." I said, as coolly as possible.

"Ok. I'll let you go. Call me when y'all make it to Japan."

"I'll probably text. It's a 12 hour flight, 14 hour time difference. I have no idea what day or time it'll be in Dallas... or Japan really." I explained rapidly.

"I just want to know y'all got there safely, text, email, whatever."


"Be safe. Have fun!"

"You too!" I said, automatically. Then I thought about how that sounded. "That's dumb, you're just working that's not fun and of course you'll be safe. Um, just take care."

"I will. Get some sleep on the flight." She said.


I put my phone down and exhaled deeply.

Was I really holding my breath?

"Was that as awkward as it sounded?" Trevor teased me.

I gave him a little smile. "I don't know what to say to her. I keep thinking what the hell is she doing? How can she keep a secret like that?"

"By pretending it didn't happen. She cut Bilal out of her life. That's why he told me. He wasn't dealing with it great."

"I'm sorry if I don't feel bad for Bilal. He knew she was in a relationship." I said stubbornly.

"I know. I feel the same way but I have sympathy for him."

"I'll save my sympathy for Brandon."

"And Noorie." Trevor added.

"Nope, none for her. She knew what she was getting into when she got back with Bilal."

"She doesn't know Bilal is still in love with Rocky."

"He is?" I said, surprised.


"What a mess." I sighed, sadly.

"I have a suggestion..." Trevor said.

"What's the plan?" I said, curious to see who he favored.

I used to wish for Rocky and me to date Bilal and Trevor and we would be the fantastic four together, but not like this. I felt for Brandon. He gave Rocky everything she wanted or asked for. Rocky was happy with him. Or so I thought.

"We should go on a trip and leave it all behind." Trevor smiled.

I laughed. "Best plan ever. You call the cab and bring in your bag while I finish packing."

"We're really leaving this early?" Trevor complained, standing up.

"Yes. It's an international flight. We need to be early. Move it!" I said, swatting him on the butt.

"Do it again."

"Go!" I laughed, pushing him away. I packed my wedges and ballet flats. I then put my charger, phone, sunglasses, and an extra jacket in my large tote bag. I lugged it all downstairs.

"Cab is on its way." Trevor announced, pulling in his smaller luggage.

"Alright, you got the tickets?" I said.

"Of course."

"ID and passport?" I questioned.

"Right here." He said, pulling out his wallet.

"Cash?" I asked.

"Some." he said, watching me.

"We'll pull out some more. Pocket translator with the list I gave you?"

"In my pocket." 

His phone rang and he answered it. It was the cab driver, letting us know he was outside.

"You ready?" Trevor asked me.

"So ready!" I said, excitedly. I checked on Justine and rubbed her stomach lovingly before we left.

The traffic was clear and we made it to the airport in no time. We got our boarding passes and walked to immigration. After immigration, we got our bags and went through customs. They rechecked our bags before we went through security again. I was tying up my converse when Trevor dragged his bag over after he went through the security check.

"So we have an hour..." he pointed out to me, giving me a grin.

"Shut up and let's go eat breakfast." I said, standing once I had my shoes on.

We got breakfast sandwiches and Iced Coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Trevor grabbed donuts for the flight and we walked around the terminal. I pulled out additional cash from an ATM and put it away in my purse.

We went to a newsstand and I bought a Glamour and Cosmopolitan magazine. I had already downloaded Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People on my tablet. We also picked up snack food that I threw in my big bag.

It was finally time to start boarding for the flight. Since neither one of us was in a huge rush to get on the plane and wait for everyone to board, we waited to be one of the last to board the plane. On the walkway to the plane, I stopped Trevor.

"I need a picture!" I said suddenly, pulling out my phone.

"Let's get one on the plane." Trevor said.

"No, now! Tap the top of the doorway." I said, pulling out my phone.

"What?" Trevor laughed.

"Yeah. Tap it. It's what athletes do when they have a big game!" I commanded.

"I have a big game?"

"A big meeting! This could kick off your career if the website sells. Get excited! Get your game face on and take the damn picture!" I exclaimed.

"Alright." He said, posing like I asked. I snapped the picture and showed it to him.

"That looks goofy." He laughed.

"It looks like the first day of the rest of your life." I disagreed.

We got on the plane and made a short journey to our seats. Christopher Diaz, the owner of the company who was interested in buying the website, shelled out for the spacious seat in the front of the airplane that only had two in a row. After Trevor put his bag away, he took the window seat as I would be getting it on the way back. I put my bigger bag under his seat and sat my purse beneath mine. We took one more picture before we got settled and the plane took off.

As soon as the plane leveled in the sky, I pulled out my magazines and started reading. Trevor actually looked at the Cosmopolitan magazine with me. It was fun until he actually thought being on a plane filled with people was the best time have a discussion about what we wanted to try. I skipped the love and sex section all together when he started bookmarking pages. I read through the rest before I moved on to the next magazine.

The beverage cart made its way to us with drinks and took our lunch order. After lunch and 4 hours into the flight, Trevor fell asleep. I was too excited to sleep, so I pulled out the book Forrest recommended. I was surprised how much I got into it. I didn't look up until the flight attendant came and took our dinner order.

When the food arrived, I put my tablet away and woke Trevor up. I was thinking about the book as we ate together.

"What's on your mind?" Trevor asked me.

"I was just thinking about my funeral." I shared.

"Geez Lily. Not the best thing to think about on a plane." Trevor shook his head.

I smirked. "I actually wasn't being negative. One of the habits of the book I'm reading is to begin with an end in mind, meaning know where you want to be so you know what direction to go. If you think about what you want said at your funeral, it shows you what you value. Then, you make a mission statement and go from there." I explained.

"What do you want said at you funeral?" Trevor asked.

"I don't know." I admitted, sipping my wine. "I don't know who I want invited to my funeral." I joked.

"I promise, I'll be there." Trevor laughed at me, pulling out the donuts after he finished eating. I guess they were his dessert.

"What makes you think you would still be alive?" I teased. "Women live longer than men! And you eat horribly!" I said, pointing to his donuts.

"Fine. If I'm alive, I'll be there. I know what I'm gonna say about you already darling." He said, seriously.

I smiled, touched. "What Trevor?"

"Ha! I outlived you. I'm gonna deliver donuts to the cemetery too." Trevor's face broke out in a smile.

"There's a special place in hell for you!"

Trevor leaned over and gave me a kiss. "Think there's donuts down there too?"

After I finished eating, the wine started kicking in and I finally dozed off. I woke up later, completely disoriented and confused to what time it was and how long we've been on the flight. Trevor was awake, reading through something on his phone.

"What time is it?" I asked, groggily. 

"It depends where we are." He smiled at me. I glared in return and he chuckled.

"I'm not sure, but there's about 2 more hours left in the flight. I asked the flight attendant. I got you a coke too."

I nodded. "Thanks. Be right back. I gotta use the restroom.

After I returned from the bathroom, I asked Trevor what he was reading. It was a bio of the man that was trying to buy the website.

"He started out in school for computer programming too. He sold a website in college, finished his degree and now buys and sells websites for a living." Trevor explained.

"He must be good at what he does. Obviously he has a great eye for talent" I said, rubbing him on his arm proudly.

"Yeah... he might just like the concept of the site and change everything about it." Trevor said, with a lopsided smile.

"I seriously doubt that." I argued.

"Maybe." He shrugged.


2 hours later we were descending into Tokyo, Japan. I leaned over as far as I could to see out the window too. I was so excited not only to get off the plane, but experience a country I've never been to before. I rushed Trevor so we could one of the first ones off. We held hands together as we walked into the huge airport. 

The arrival was just as tedious as departing. We went to quarantine first and filled out the questionnaire. Then we went to the immigration counter. After our passport inspections, we were able to go to the baggage claim and get my luggage. Lastly, we went through customs again. By the time we made it to the arrival lobby, I was exhausted.

I pulled out my phone. "Oh my gosh, it's 4pm. Thursday!" I exclaimed as I sent a quick text to my brother and Rocky that we made it. "Shouldn't be hard to find a taxi right?"

"Not necessary." Trevor said, beaming. I looked to where he was staring. There was a tall man with a sign that read "Trevor Tobin" standing in the lobby. I immediately pepped up.

"Is that Kenji?" I asked surprised as Trevor led us to him.


We approached the guy and when Trevor told him who he was, he nodded at both of us.

"Mr. Diaz hired me for your entire stay. I've been instructed to take you to your hotel first, if that's okay with you." He said, taking my luggage

"That sounds perfect." Trevor agreed.

"Wait." I stopped Trevor, pointing at the currency exchange. "Let's exchange money first."

We went to exchange our dollars into yen while our driver took the bags to the car. We finally left the airport and headed to the hotel. When I asked, the driver explained that we were staying in Shinjuku, one of the 23 wards of Tokyo. It was so unique to look and see large buildings and skyscrapers with Japanese characters. 

I probably drove Haru crazy with all my questions but he patiently answered every one of them. I mostly asked for translations about things I was seeing and his suggestions about what we should do. He gave the common touristy things I found online: Cherry blossoms at the National Park, observation deck at Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office, shrines, and shopping malls. I was hoping his suggestions would be things I haven't heard of.

I finally shut up when we pulled up to the Park Hyatt where we were staying. It was huge! Trevor tried to tip Haru, but he refused. When we went inside, I found out the hotel took up the top 14 floors of the 52 floors that comprised the Shinjuku Park Tower. We went to the front desk and checked in, eager to view our room. Everything was so elegant. Very understated but so beautiful. 

We went up to our room on the 45th floor. The room featured green marble and granite, decorated with charming artwork and modern artifacts. The breathtaking views got my attention. There were massive windows overlooking Shinjuku and the park from the work area and a nice view of Mt. Fuji from the window in the bathroom next to the deep soaking tub. When I came out from taking pictures in the bathroom, Trevor was sprawled out on the king size bed. I smiled and bounced on the bed, joining him.

"This is amazing." I cooed. 

"It is." Trevor smiled at me. 

Trevor's phone rang. He showed me the screen that said Kenji. He answered it and put it on speaker phone.

"Konbanwa." Kenji greeted Trevor over the phone.

"Er- Konnichiwa." Trevor said in return.

Kenji laughed. "Is that all you know how to say?"

"Pretty much." Trevor laughed as I smiled at him. "Lily's here. She's been studying since she found out we were coming."

"Ok, Lily. Nihon e youkoso! {Welcome to Japan}" Kenji said to me.

"Arigatou. Nihon dai-suki.{Thank you. Japan is the best}" I replied, carefully.

"Yoku dekimashita. Very good! I promise, you're not going to want to leave." Kenji said, friendly.

"Hey, what are y'all talking about?" Trevor blurted out. 

I chuckled. "He welcomed me to Japan and I said thanks, Japan is awesome." 

"Oh, ok. It's pretty cool." Trevor smiled.

"I know you must be tired after that long flight, but would it be okay if we met up for dinner?" Kenji suggested. 

Trevor looked at me and I nodded.

"Sure. Just give us an hour to get ready." Trevor answered. 

"Ok. We'll meet you in the lobby." Kenji said before hanging up. I got up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Trevor winked at me.

"To go get ready."

"Aww, it's really going to take an hour?" Trevor complained.

"If I hurry." I winked at him.

I was ready to go in 45 minutes. I plugged in my hot curlers on the bathroom counter then I took a quick hot shower. I put my hair up in the curlers before I let Trevor take a shower next. I did my make-up and then I slid on a multi-print pleated dress. I went back in the bathroom to take out my curlers. I finished my hair as Trevor was buttoning up his white dress shirt that he paired with jeans.

"You look nice." I complimented him.

"You look beautiful." Trevor replied, giving me a kiss on the lips. 

"Thank you." I said, kissing him back.

We headed to the lobby hand and hand. Kenji and Cat joined us shortly after we arrived. Kenji was nothing like I imagined him. From our first conversation over the phone when Trevor was sick, I pictured him as a short, dorky looking guy with an intense Napoleon complex. He was the complete opposite: Tall, handsome with an easy going smile.

He shook hands with me and said, "Hajimemashite.{It's our first time meeting}"

I repeated after him, but added. "Lily desu. {I'm Lily}"

"Watashi wa Kenji desu. Douzo yoroshiku {As for me, I'm Kenji. Please treat me kindly}" He replied.

"What does Dou-zo yoro-" I struggled.

"Douzo yoroshiku. Its English equivalence is nice to meet you." Kenji explained. 

"Douzo yoroshiku." I repeated with a smile.

"Hey Cat, you still speak English?" Trevor said, giving her a hug.

"I sure do." Cat laughed.

"Damare Trevor! {Shut Up Trevor}" I ordered him.

"Should I translate that?" Kenji asked me with a smile.

"No need. I can tell by her tone she told me to shut up. I would know it in any language." Trevor said.

"And yet you never listen to me..."

Trevor told Kenji about the driver Mr. Diaz set up for us. Kenji wanted to walk so we could get the feel of the city. He promised he would pick a restaurant close to the hotel. Literally 10 minutes away from the hotel was the Shinjuku metro station. Kenji pointed out different areas to us as we walked.

"Over there is the skyscraper district, and Kabukicho has electronic stores, malls, bars-" Kenji explained.

"Red light district!" Cat cut him off.

"Yes, that too."

"Our driver didn't tell us about that; he only told us about the touristy stuff. I wanna do some of that too, but more than that." I said.

"So you wanna do the red light district?" Trevor grinned.

"No!" I shook my head.

"Friday I have the novel release, the website reopening, and the meeting with Mr. Diaz. How bout you and Trevor do the touristy stuff on Saturday with your driver and I can show you around Sunday." Kenji offered.

I nodded.

"That sounds great." Trevor agreed.

"And I can take you two out Friday before the meeting. Any place you wanna visit?" Cat asked.

"I want to visit Harajuku. Trevor wants to visit the electronic shops." I told her.

"That's so touristy." Cat said, with a teasing smile.

"Don't let her fool you. Harajuku was the first place she wanted to go too." Kenji outed her.

"Anyway, we can do some shopping too. I know the best spots!" Cat smiled at me.

"Perfect!" I agreed.

Kenji took us to Omoide Yokocho. It was like a small alley filled with little restaurants. I heard of holes on the wall, but these were that times 10. They were tiny little eateries with maybe a few tables, but mostly standing room. Kenji led us to one with an open counter with two stools. Cat and I sat down while Kenji ordered food in Japanese. 

We sipped on beer and sake as Kenji explained what we were about to eat. Kushiyaki was skewered meat and vegetables and Kenji ordered several different kinds and soba noodles for us to try.

 When the food came out, after I took a picture, I sampled everything. Trevor stuck to Yakitori, skewered chicken, but my favorite was the oysters. We also had mushroom and bacon wrapped tomatoes. The noodles were shaped like spaghetti in a thin broth covered with scallions. I actually preferred ramen, but it was still pretty good. I got stuffed on the kushiyaki. It was delicious.

After we ate, we wobbled back to the metro station. We separated with Kenji and Cat, telling them we'd see them bright and early in the morning. Everything looked so beautiful lit up in the dark. Even though I was stuffed, exhausted, and dead on my feet, I had to stop and take pictures with Trevor. 

The 10 minutes it took to get to the station took twice as long because we were moving slower and checking out the city at night. 

When we got back to the hotel room, I collapsed on the bed.

"Did I say thank you for inviting me?" I asked Trevor, laying my head on his chest.

"Not yet. I saved in that sex magazine what I want as a thank you. Can I get it tomorrow?" Trevor said, pulling me into his arms as I snuggled against him under the covers.

"It's not a sex magazine! But please save it, unless you can do it while I sleep." I smirked, looking up at him.

Trevor pretended like he was thinking about it. I poked him in the chest.

He groaned but chuckled. "Fine. I'll wait. C'mon morning time." He said against my ear.


  1. Fun, I love reading about them together and in japan

  2. They are so cute!! Can't wait to see where Japan takes them! :)
