Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dance for You

"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you
Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you
Wanna show you how much I will forever be true
Wanna show you how much you got your girl feeling good
Wanna show you how much, how much you understood
Wanna show you how much I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me babe
Wanna show you how much I really care about your heart
Wanna show you how much I hate being apart
Show you, show you, show you, till you through with me,
I wanna keep it how it is so you can never say how it used to be" Dance for You by Beyonce

"Ok, what's up with you?" Jordan asked me as we left the 4th store on Saturday.

 We were finishing up shopping for the bachelorette party. As soon as I had a location, I sent invitations via Facebook to Jenna's family and friends. Majority of them confirmed they would be there and even sent ideas for the party itself.

Jordan was a huge help as she helped me plan, order and buy supplies for the party. She managed the ideas and thought of everything as we efficiently checked off items on the list. The party planning was going smoothly. In reality, I shouldn't be worried about anything.

The rest of my week at work following my meeting with Sandra was uneventful. I reached out to Forrest and he told me that he hadn't heard anything about the rumor. He promised if he did, he would contact me.

Rocky even apologized for flipping out on me. She blamed it on just being concerned with what happened to our friendship if Trevor and I broke up. That almost stressed me out until I talked to Trevor about it. After I explained what happened, he just shook his head and kissed me on the forehead.

"Don't worry about her. Nothing’s gonna happen between us. If it does, you get custody of her as a friend." Trevor smiled.

I laughed and that led to us having a mock draft of who got who in case of a breakup.

Even though everything was fine, I couldn't help this feeling of uneasiness. I didn't know where it was coming from nor did I have anyone to voice my concerns with. It was frustrating and definitely affecting my mood.

"I'm ok." I said as we put the bags in my car.

"Liar. What's up?" Jordan asked as we got in my car. I sighed and told her everything as we drove.

"I talked to Trevor about it but his solution to everything is to not worry about it. Relax, go with the flow, it will all work out. Normally, I appreciate it cause I worry about every little thing. Now, I just want to choke him. I don't know if I'm being pessimistic or if he's not being realistic." I finished.

"Probably a little bit of both, but with Trevor, I kind of get it. Y'all are new and in love. He wants to enjoy that; it's over before you know it. Believe me." Jordan commented.

"Yeah. You've said that. A lot. Between you and Rocky, it's hard to be positive." I said shortly as I drove.

She sighed. "Do you know how much I would love it if Derek just randomly surprised me or took me on a trip? You should be enjoying this time with Trevor, that's all I'm saying. Before things get comfortable and are boring and predictable."

I looked over at her. "Are things ok with Derek?"

"I guess. Derek and I are kinda in a rut. It's remembering the good times that keep me positive." Jordan admitted.

"Maybe you should talk to him? Incorporate some of the things you used to do." I suggested.

"Maybe. It was an adjustment just living together. I don't wanna make him do something he doesn't want to do; Especially if I wanna plan my own wedding shower soon. Speaking of which, we should have a girl's night tonight for the final item on our list." At a stoplight, I looked at what she had circled on her list.

I grinned. That definitely improved my mood.

"A strip club! Hell yes, I wanna come!" Jasmine exclaimed when Jordan and I asked her if she wanted to join us.

Sammy already suggested a place and offered to pick us up. I told her to just meet us at the club since Jordan wanted to drive, but she insisted. When she showed up in a brand new Mazda CX5, I understood why she wanted to pick us up.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed, looking over the dark red car.

"Thank you. I call her Cherry Bomb." Sammy said with a smile.

We all went inside to get ready. We were going to pick up Rocky, Peyton and Jackie at the house on the way to the club.

I had the hardest time getting ready. What does one wear to a male strip club? I chose a black top with a purple skater skirt, stockings and a leather jacket. Jasmine gave me a blowout that had my hair looking shiny and so sexy. I was so grateful to have a hair dresser as a roommate!

Jordan wore denim skinny jeans and a slinky black top while Jasmine borrowed my multi colored dress I wore to the Bitter Ball. Sammy matched her new car in dark red denims and a fitted low cut white t-shirt. We finished our hair and makeup before we headed to Rocky's house.

We all piled up in the cars and Sammy led the way to the club. I had no idea what to expect as we drove to an area in Dallas. The club looked a little seedy from the outside, but it was a strip club. It was supposed to, right?

We went inside and were led to a booth by a shirtless waiter. I couldn't help staring at his pecks as he took our drink orders. I ordered a martini and got ready for the show.

By the time it started, the club was packed. There was a huge group of older women celebrating a divorce, college age girls, and a handful of men enjoying the show. It was more cheesy and hilarious than sexy, but most of the guys were great dancers and every single one of them was hot! It was a variety of guys: baby face to rugged, all ethnicities and body types. We all got drunk, except Jordan and Sammy, and debated over who we should hire.

"He's so cute! He looks like Leonardo Dicaprio!" Peyton exclaimed as she eyed a guy who was cute, but short. His abs were ridiculous, but I didn't think he was big enough.

"That's right. Cute. We want fine! Like that one of there!!!" Jackie said, pointing to a huge, muscular dark skinned guy. He noticed her pointing and winked our way. We all giggled.

"I think Jenna would be more attracted to him!" I said, turning everyone's attention to the guy that caught my eye. Built, bronze skin, not the best dancer, but he was working over one of the women in the divorced party. He just lifted her up. I could imagine him doing the same to me- er, Jenna.

"No. You don't want the same type of guy she's gonna marry," Jordan shook her head.

"Believe me, he looks nothing like my brother..." I said, looking him over while everyone laughed.

"Why not? It's what she likes." Rocky argued.

"If you're about to go on the Atkins diet, what do you eat the night before?" Jordan asked.

"All the carbs you can get!" I agreed, seeing her reasoning. I still eyed the guy lustfully. "Maybe I'll just get a dance..." I said, nodding when he met my eye.

"Please don't bring him over here. He reminds me of my brother." Jasmine snorted, finishing her drink.

"Thank God someone fucking said it. I've been thinking that!" Sammy exclaimed.

I looked him over, shaking my head vehemently. "No he doesn't."

"I see it." Rocky said, squinting her eyes at him.

"No way!" I shrieked.

"Yes way. It's ok. You have a type." Jordan laughed.

"I don't have a type! I like them all." I protested.

"Then go for him!" Jordan said pointing out the guy Peyton thought looked like Leonardo Dicaprio. He kinda did, like in Titanic. "He has the look that will go with the party."

"Fine..." I said.

I ordered another drink when the guy I was checking out approached our table. Ok, so they had similar builds, eyes, skin tones, and chiseled features, and... oh my God, he was like Jake's long lost relative. I flushed embarrassingly.

"Hey ladies." He smiled at us. No dimple, but still fucking sexy. "Want a dance?" He asked me.

I bit my lip. "Yes." I nodded, pulling out my cash. "For her." I said, pointing to Jasmine.

"No! Fuck you Lily!!!" Jasmine yelled as everyone busted out laughing.

"She's shy..." I said, trying to figure out where I put the money. I looked at his g-string before handing it to him. "She just got out of a relationship, she needs this." I told him, giggling uncontrollably.

"Don't worry." He said, pulling Jasmine up out the booth. "I'll take it easy on you!"

"No, no, noooo..." Jasmine protested, but she was too drunk to stop it.

Her brother's look alike sat her in a chair and worked what his papa gave him all in her face. She turned 7 different shades of red while we cheered her on. She looked like she was gonna vomit when he picked her up, hanging her upside down so his crotch was in her face. Tears were falling down my eyes I laughed so hard.

"I hate... all of you!" She breathed after sucking down the rest of my drink when the dance was over.

We all took turns getting lap dances after Jasmine's. Leonardo DiCaprio little brother came over and Jordan got him to dance for me.

Yeah, he was short, but he was the best dancer by far. He ground his body against my lap, working his pelvis in a way that wasn't even a little bit funny. He removed his shirt, while spinning, with one hand. When he ran my hands down his washboard abs, I was sold. He was the winner. Hands down!

Yeah, hands down, safely in my lap, nowhere near the hot guy's body...

We stayed until closing, tipping our waiter and each dancer that agreed to take pictures with us. I talked to Evan "Leonardo Dicaprio" and asked if he did private parties. He gave me a lecherous grin, and I quickly explained the bachelorette party.

He gave me his e-mail and we left.

"The guys are going to the Waffle House." Peyton told us as we headed to the car.

"Let's go." Rocky said.

"Who's all there?" Jackie asked.

"Brandon, Chris, Colton, Jake, Malik-" Rocky started.

Jackie shook her head. "I'm out."

"I need food. Bread and grease." Jasmine said.

"If we drop you off, will your brother give you a ride home?" Sammy asked with a grin.

I started laughing and Jasmine looked like she was gonna be sick again.

"Don't ever talk about it again!" Jasmine groaned.

"Talk about what?" I smiled. "That sexy stripper that tossed you around the room..."

I teased her all the way to the Waffle House. The guys hadn't made it yet so Sammy and I waited inside to make sure the guys showed up. Jordan went ahead and drove Jackie home before heading home herself. Sammy and I ordered waffles to go for us, Corey and Trevor.

When I went to the counter to pick up the food, Peyton followed me.

"I wanna apologize for Becca-" she stared before I cut her off.

"Don't. It's ok. We've all been there. Don't worry about it." I told her, truthfully. I refused to waste any time or energy on her when ultimately, it didn't matter.

"I thought they were on their way?" Sammy asked, checking her phone again, anxious to get home after I returned with our to go bags.

"Maybe I should call." Peyton said.

"No, I'm sure they're on their way." Rocky said.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Now she wanted to be reasonable? She was yelling at me last week and couldn't even send Brandon a threatening "hurry up" text? Whatever.

10 minutes later, they joined us.

Sammy and I stood as they made their way over.

"Sit down, we'll make room." Brandon greeting us.

"Yeah, scout over Jasmine." Jake said, pushing her chair over.

"Don't touch me!" She exclaimed, scouting far away from him. All the girls laughed while Jake looked confused.

"Do I wanna know?" Jake asked.

"No." I shook my head. "But ask anyway."

Jake pulled up a chair and offered it to me.

"No, we're actually leaving." I said. "Besides, I don't eat with people who owe me money." I reminded him.

Jake smiled. "I got you. I was gonna pay for your food."

"Nope, I want my money."

"As long as I owe you, you'll never be broke."

I laughed. "Whatever. Bye guys! Have fun."

"I'll walk y'all out." Jake offered.

"We're good." Sammy said.

"I know, but it's late. Humor me." Jake replied.

When we walked to Sammy's car, Jake whistled. "That's you Sammy?"

"That's me." She confirmed, beeping the doors unlocked.

"It's nice." Jake complimented her.

"I know." She said, getting in the car. I smiled at her before following her lead.

"Good night Jake." I said.

"Night ladies." He waved.

"Your place?" Sammy asked as we drove off.

"Nope. Trevor's"

Sammy dropped me off and I let myself in. Trevor was sleep in bed so I put the food away, changed into shorts and a t-shirt and joined him. I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I got up and joined Trevor in the living room.

"So, a strip club huh?" He asked me as I curled up next to him.

"Who snitched?" I grinned at him.

"Everyone on Instagram and Facebook." Trevor informed me.

"It was all research for Jenna." I said.

"Sure. How was the research?"

I told him everything; including paying for a lapdance for Jasmine from a guy who looked like Jake. I also told him how Jasmine freaked out when Jake touched her chair.

"Is that the guy you hired?" Trevor asked, grinning.

"No. He didn't fit the theme."

"That's a shame. Jenna would have liked him."

"What?" I gasped.

Trevor smiled. "Yeah. Remember that dinner Jake bailed on? After you left, I told your brother I didn't know what you saw in him. Jenna said she did, real creepy like."

I laughed out loud. "She didn't?!?"

"She did. Pretty sure that's when your brother started looking for an engagement ring." Trevor laughed too.

"So that's the secret to getting a ring... I'll let Jordan know." I smiled at Trevor.

 "Did you see your waffle?" I asked him.

"I did. Thank you." Trevor said.

"No, thank you." I said.


"Being amazing." I said, kissing him on the lips.

"Did you cheat on me with a stripper?" He joked.

I laughed. "No, I just love you."

Yeah, sometimes his sunny deposition drove me crazy, but what guy could joke about your ex's doppelganger stripper? I loved that about him.

"Love me enough to give me a lapdance?" Trevor asked.

"Sit back and watch!" I told him as I stood up.

I let my hair down and shook it out as I picked a song on my phone. I put on N.E.R.D.'s "Lapdance" before I started moving my body seductively to the beat. Trevor watched patiently as I stripped off my shirt and my shorts, leaving me in nothing but my matching sky blue boyshorts and bra set.

His patience was gone when I began grinding my body on his lap, much like the dance I got the night before. He grabbed me by the waist and sat me on top of him. I moaned, working my hips over his, rubbing his hardness against my panties. When he let me go to unhook my bra, I hopped out his lap.

"Lily..." His protests died on his lips as I removed my panties and bra. I pulled him out of his boxers and hopped back on his lap. He groaned as he pushed inside of me. I rocked my hips the same way I did during the dance. His hands grabbed all over my body before settling on my lower back. I nibbled on his sensitive ears and he came inside of me, crying out.

"That's the secret." Trevor panted as he caught his breath.

"What?" I questioned him.

"To getting a ring."

I laughed. "You owe me a lot of rings." I said, kissing his lips.

"How bout one really big one?" Trevor grinned.

"We'll talk after I see it."


  1. I want to know what Trevor knows about Rocky!!!!!!!! He has to know what happened between Rocky and Bilal. He has repeatedly made backhanded comments about Rocky lately... he has to know. All I know is that when it comes out that he knew, I bet that Lily is going to be pissed. LOL

    1. I hope not I love them together!

    2. I don't..... I'm trying.....but I really can't stand Trevor.

    3. Wow he so nice a sweet to her, and they have great chemistry and I could go on. I think he is definitely what she needs, not controlling doesn't have jealousy issues and he treats her like shes the one. I think can't stand is pretty strong but I guess I couldn't stand Jake so there's always going to be some for some not

  2. You are an amazing writer. Thank you for this post and every post!!!!

  3. Ugh I wish you could post every day! lol
