Monday, March 16, 2015

What's Your Flava?

"You're what I want
You're what I need
I wanna taste you (taste you) take you home with me
You look so good
Good enough to eat
I wonder if I can peel your wrapper
Be your fantasy
What's your flava
Tell me what's your flava [x4]" What's Your Flava? by Craig David

"What kind do you want Jasmine?" I asked as I opened the freezer at the grocery store. I pulled out a small container of Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream and put it in the already full cart. I found out my negative attitude the week prior was due to it being that time of the month. Well, not even a month. Thanks to my birth control, I had fewer periods a year. Unfortunately, I still PMS like a bitch. I kept Trevor away, telling him I needed girl time.

"What kind did you get?" She asked me, checking out the display.


She made a face. "You didn't wanna try
dulce de leche or white chocolate raspberry truffle? "

"No, I want coffee." With French fries, but I didn't tell her that part.

She grabbed both flavors and put them in the cart.

"2?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes. Since you picked boring coffee, I had to buy two to try them both."

"I like what I like. Put your name on the ice cream when we get home." I told her as we made our way to the check out.


"So I'm not tempted to eat it." When she gave me a confused look, I continued. "I have no impulse control. Your name on it will stop me." I explained.

She nodded. After splitting the cost of the groceries for the week, we headed back to our apartment. We unloaded and put away the food before making chicken and rice for dinner.

"Carmela wanted to know if it was okay to post you and Trevor's picture on the roller rink site." Jasmine asked as she spooned the chicken and rice mixture on two plates.

"Yeah, that's fine. She wants pictures from my Instagram?" I asked, confused, finishing the plates with green beans. Carmela was Jasmine's co-worker and niece of the woman who owned the roller rink.

"No, they took pictures at the rink." Jasmine answered.

I nodded and we took the plates in the living room to eat. Afterwards, we went on the roller rink website to check out the gallery. The new pictures weren't posted yet.

"As you can see, it needs more diversity." Jasmine stated as we flipped through the older pictures.

I grinned. "So basically, you don't need pictures of me, but Trevor to show diversity?" I said, noticing majority of the customers were minorities, mostly Hispanics.

"Pretty much. Yeah, he's photogenic and y'all take cute pictures together, but the rink is not in the best area of Irving. Her aunt wants to show, and I quote, 'It's safe for white people to come'"

"That's hilarious. I can't wait to tell Trevor. I'm going to start calling him token again." I laughed.

"Token?" Jasmine asked with a smile.

I nodded. In college, Trevor got along with just about everyone. Bilal just happened to be his freshman roommate and they clicked instantaneously.  Because of Trevor's blue eyes and blonde hair, Bilal jokingly called him token for "token white boy". It caught on with our mixed group of friends. I explained all this to Jasmine.

"Y'all were awful." She smiled.

"Still are." I said, pulling out my phone to text Trevor.

Me: Hey token! Mind being exploited for your looks?

Trevor: It depends. Who am I talking out of jail?

I laughed. We all joked in our crew Trevor would be the one to talk to the cops if shit ever went down in college.

Me: lol NO ONE. You don't talk to cops anymore, remember?

Trevor: One bad doughnut joke

Me: That got us Jaywalking citations!

Trevor: Obviously, he didn't get his doughnut fix...

Me: shut up! The owner of the roller rink wants to use your image on her website to promote diversity.

Trevor: Of course. I'll talk to my modeling agent about writing out a contract. My people will be in touch.

Me: I'll bring you a dozen doughnuts if we can skip the negotiations.

Trevor: Krispy Kreme and you have a deal.

Me: Done!

Trevor: Assorted!

Me: No. We agreed to 12 doughnuts. You're getting glaze.

Trevor: Awww : -(

Me: Perfect model: Dumb blonde : -)

On Tuesday morning, I delivered 2 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts to Trevor's work: One dozen glaze, one dozen assorted. He took them from me and shared them with his co-workers before pulling me aside to give me a kiss before I left.

"Ahh! What are you doing over here? It's your off day. Shouldn't you still be sleep?" Cam interrupted us as he stepped out his office.

I pulled away from Trevor. "Nice to see you too brother. I have work today:  I have to get everything ready for Jenna's shower."

"That's right. I appreciate you doing that for her." Cam thanked me.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." I said smiling.

"I bet it is." Trevor turned to Cam. "Did she tell you about the stripper?" He asked.

"Trevor, shut up!" I elbowed him.

"What stripper?" Cam asked me, a frown on his face.

"I don't know what he's talking about." I lied. "I gotta get going. Bye!"

"Jenna doesn't want strippers Lily." Cam called after me. Trevor laughed at us.

"No strippers. Got it!" I said, waving goodbye.

There wouldn't be strippers... just a stripper.

I went over to Rocky's place and let myself in to begin the clean up. As I cleaned, I also imagined how I wanted things set up. I was paying homage to Jenna's heritage and favorite place to travel: Italy.

Her sisters informed me how she went to Italy after she graduated college and before she started working. She loved it and also talked about wanting to go back. I knew with the move and new job, my brother was planning to spend the honeymoon in California and postpone a real vacation until they got settled.

I figured since she had to wait on the honeymoon, the least I could do was have the first part of the party classy with an Italian theme. Then the stripper would arrive and the fun would really start.

The only thing I had left to do was put together the gift favors and finally buy supplies for the" fun" part of the night. I enlisted my friends help with the favors and we were meeting that night to knock them out together. Sammy was joining me on my outing to find bachelorette accessories at an adult store.

"Let's go!" Sammy led me into the Condom Sense store in Dallas.

Being in a store dedicated to sex made me a little uncomfortable. I wanted to find the bachelorette stuff, get a few penis themed items, and get the hell out.

Sammy foiled my plan by pointing out edible panties to me.

"This would make a great gift."

"For who?" I asked, reading the box.


"Ew, gross. That's my brother. I can't get them that." I protested, knocking it out of her hand and pushing her forward.

"Isn't that the point of these things? Didn't you hire her a stripper?"

"Getting her a lapdance is completely different from getting them..." I looked at the display in front of us. I pointed out an item. "A butt plug."

"I think promoting healthy sex in a marriage is better than a stranger's crotch in her face." Sammy said, joining me. "And I would start with a smaller plug, unless you know-"

"Shut up Sammy!" I cut her off. She started laughing and I frowned at her and the plug.

"How would that even get up there?" I murmured to myself, looking it over.

"Lube. Next shelf." The cashier called out to us.

"Thanks." I flushed, dragging Sammy away.

Sammy laughed harder. "That's not the way to the lube!" She exclaimed to further embarrass me.

"I don't need lube." I huffed, walking to the pink, bachelorette display.

"Of course not, you little prude." She taunted me.

"I'm not a prude." I blushed.

"No? Why does lube make you so embarrassed?"

"It doesn't. I don't need it." I repeated.

"'Cause you don't let Trevor explore?-"

"He has too! We didn't need it for that!" I informed her.

"Ohhh...natural lube. He rimmed you first?" Sammy smiled.

"No Sammy! What the fuck?" I hissed at her. Then my eyes grew wide. "Ohmygosh, does Trevor do that?"

"Oh no. We are not going there!" Sammy shook her head at me, concentrating on the display.

"Too fucking late. Did he ever... rim you?" I asked.

"Whatever Trevor and I did was in the past and has nothing to do with what you and Trevor do." Sammy replied, throwing items in my basket.

"Yes it does! I have ever right to know if my boyfriend is an... ass eater!" I protested.

Sammy snickered, turned and headed to the front. I grabbed a few more items before joining her. I glared at her but she ignored me.

"Thanks for your help Sammy." I said, sarcastically as the cashier rang me up.

"Thanks for making the sex store weird for me." Sammy countered.

"No, thank you. Every time I kiss my boyfriend, I'll be thinking of your ass." I responded.

She burst out in a giggle before she could stop herself.

The guy looked between us. "Uh, did you find everything ok?"

"Yes" We both replied.

As we left, Sammy turned to me. "I meant what I said. Sex is completely different with feelings involved. What Trevor and I did or didn't do doesn't compare with what y'all have."

I nodded. "Fine."

I believed what she said, but I didn't necessarily agree. I never questioned whether he was satisfied with our sex life. I mean, obviously he had no complaints, but that didn't mean he wasn't missing out on maybe the kinkier stuff he was used to...

Urgh, I needed to stop thinking about it. I would make a mountain out of a mole hill. My period was almost over. Maybe my hormones were still out of whack and causing me to react so strongly about Trevor's possible... experience.

I pushed those thoughts away and headed back to Rocky's. I left all the favor supplies so we could meet, get them ready, and leave them at her house.

Rocky greeted me and we ordered a couple of pizzas while we waited for Jordan to arrive. I asked her about her work situation. When she asked me what work situation, I tilted my head at her. When she had been distracted or short with me and others, she blamed worked.

"I thought you've been stressed at work." I explained.

"No more than usual." She said.

Hmmm, so whatever going on wasn't work related. I asked her about her mom, and she rolled her eyes and filled me in on her mother's new loser boyfriend. That wasn't new, so I knew that wasn't why she was so testy recently.

When Jordan showed up, I put my assessment of Rocky on the back burner while we got set up. Jordan took control and told us what to do; how to set up each individual basket, where to place the Italian bottles of wine, completely with little winecharms, how many red, white and green Jordan almonds went in each bag"(apparently an odd number was good luck). I was so thankful for her and we got to work, breaking to eat pizza and sip wine.

After two glasses, I asked them, "Would you let your boyfriend rim you?"

Rocky looked up at me, surprised. "Hell no. "

Jordan scoffed. "Derek is way too vanilla for that. Be grateful you have a man who's willing to do anything for you."

"That's just opening the door for you to have to return the favor." Rocky argued.

I grimaced and Jordan laughed. We were cut off by Rocky's phone ringing.

"Guys, hold that thought. It's Serena. I want to hear about her date with Ethan last weekend." Rocky said.

I nodded and Rocky put her on speaker phone. After we said hello, Serena filled us in. They went out to dinner at Button's, the same restaurant Ethan took me to for brunch when he crushed me by informing me he was dating Karen. Serena had a much better time over soul food and the live jazz band.

Serena told us the conversation was seamless and that she enjoyed his company. At the end of the night, Ethan told her he would like to continue to see each other and asked if they could have another date.

"I said yes. I'm really excited to spend more time with him." Serena informed us.

We all smiled, excitedly.

"Yay! When are y'all getting together? I know he doesn't have EJ this weekend." Rocky asked.

"I know, but I'm gonna be out of town. Austin. I'm planning one of the conventions at South by Southwest." Serena said. You could hear the disappointment in her voice. I was so thrilled she liked Ethan that much.

"My friend Christian was talking about the concerts down there. He invited us. Maybe we should all go." I suggested.

"That's too much." Rocky said quickly.

"Why? It could be a group thing." I said, excitedly. "We haven't all been together since college. The crew can be back together again! Plus Ethan, Brandon, Jordan, Derek, Sammy and Corey of course."  I added.

"I'm in!" Jordan smiled.

"Are you forgetting about the shower?" Rocky asked.

"That's Friday! We can be on the road Saturday morning, afternoon at the latest." I argued.

"I think it's too desperate." Rocky said with finality. I shot her an evil look.

"I'll ask and see if Ethan wants to come." I told Serena.

"Ok. Let me know if you are coming either way. We can hang out." Serena said.

"Absolutely. I need your opinion on something. A tie breaker." I said.


"Rimming? Would you let your boyfriend do it?" I asked.

"Trevor asked to do that?" Serena said, shocked.

"No..." I explained my conversation with Sammy.

"So you don't even know if he does it." Jordan chuckled at me.

"He might. He said he'll try anything." I added.

"I guess I would too. If the guy was special." Serena said with a laugh. "This is why I wouldn't date a guy my friend has been with. Too much information."

"Um, Serena-" I started.

"We have to go. Favors. Talk to you later girl!" Rocky said quickly, pressing end on the phone.

I looked at her in disbelief. She stared right back. "Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Were you about to tell her about you and Ethan?" Rocky questioned.


"That's why." Rocky said, matter of factly.

"She needs to know!"

"Why? So she won't give Ethan a chance? Why are you trying to sabotage them?" Rocky accused.

"I'm not! Don't even fucking start that." I warned her.

"No, you don't start it. I don't know if you have feelings for Ethan or just want him as your back up plan-"

"Oh, fuck off Rocky. I'm in love with Trevor. I don't want Ethan, I want him. He may or may not have licked my best friend ass and I had no thoughts of leaving him. You don't get to keep belittling our relationship and think me and you are going to remain friends." I threatened her.

"Guys, maybe we should take a break." Jordan started.

"You're belittling your own relationship by being so invested in the past! It doesn't matter!" Rocky declared.

"It may not matter. I know you don't believe it, but this is not about Trevor or Ethan. It's about keeping a secret from Serena. I want to be her friend. What's gonna happen when Serena finds out?" I snapped.

Brandon came inside the house and Rocky's face crumbled.

"Excuse me." She said, racing to the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and Jordan just looked at me, sympathetically.

"Hey, what's going on?" Brandon asked.

"Nothing. Be right back." I said, following Rocky to the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"One minute." Rocky said. I waited for her to come out. Her face was neutral, but I could tell by her wet hair edges that she splashed her face with water.

"Rocky, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said, quickly.

"You haven't been fine for at least a month. It's like what you use to tell me: Put it all out on the table. Confront your issues. Talk to me." I pleaded with her.

She shook her head. "I told you, I'm fine. Secret or not, you shouldn't be the one to tell Serena. If being a good friend is ruining her relationship with Ethan, then don't be her friend." Rocky said, walking past me.

I joined her in the living room and finished up the favors. It was uncomfortable for the remainder of the night.

I thought about it all day at work Wednesday. I couldn't get Rocky or her words out of my mind. I was undecided on the tell Serena debate, but I knew without a doubt something was going on with Rocky.

She wasn't herself and whatever's going on, she refused to talk to me about it. I couldn't help someone that didn't want to be helped. I didn't even know where to start.

After work, I went home and focused on my plans for the weekend. I reached out to Christian who was already in Austin. He informed me the invitation was still open and he was surprised Trevor hadn't come down yet.

"We do it every year. It's a huge thing. I can't believe he wasn't going to bring you down. You are gonna love it!" Christian informed me.

I listened to him tell me what to expect while thinking to myself this was another thing Trevor failed to mention.

I learn something new about my boyfriend everyday.

I was still chatting with Christian in my bedroom when Trevor came in.  He laid down, leaning over to give me a kiss. I turned my face away so he got my cheek.

"Who is it?" Trevor asked, quietly.

"Christian." I replied. Trevor nodded but didn't say anything. "Trevor says hey."

"Tell him I said what's up." Christian said.

"I will. See you this weekend." I ended the call.

"We're seeing him this weekend?" Trevor asked.

 "Yeah. South by Southwest."


"Oh, that's it? You go ever year. You don't want to go this year?" I asked, confused.

"I just figured since I'm with you, I would skip it." Trevor admitted.

"Just because you're with me doesn't mean you have give up things. You can share them with me." I confronted him.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "I'm not giving up anything. I'd just rather be with you."

"You can be with me at the festival. I'm trying to get everyone together again. Although with Rocky's attitude, it may not happen."

Trevor blanched. "Why?"

"I don't know. Something's going on with her."

"No, why are you trying to get everyone together?" Trevor clarified.

"Why not?" I countered. "We all used to have so much fun."

"No reason." He sighed and got up from the bed. "I'll be right back."

I watched him as he headed down the stairs. 5 minutes later, I followed him. When he wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, I looked outside the window. His car was still there. I then saw him standing by the door talking on the phone.

I moved back into the kitchen and grabbed my coffee ice cream. I was no longer PMSing, but it was exactly what I needed. It made my night better. I ate 3 spoonfuls before putting it away. Then, I changed my mind and grabbed the whole thing.


  1. She needs to stop jumping to conclusions and start asking, she always does this

  2. Seriously Lily? Why would you even bring up that convo with Sammy. If she really wants to know then she needs to ask Trevor. But it's weird that she would think of Sammy & Trevor having sex, I would try not to think about that. And Sammy's question "you don't let Trevor explore?" That would irritate me, coming from anyone else would've been funny but someone that has explored with him? It would make me uncomfortable.
    "You're belittling your own relationship by being so invested in the past! It doesn't matter!" I agree with Rocky on that comment. But girl needs to stop projecting on Lily, their situations are not the same, Lily is not hang up on Ethan still. But why not tell Serena? They are not besties, they just met not too long ago and have only hang out a couple of times, right?
    I can see why Trevor doesn't tell Lily what happened between Rocky & Bilal, is not his secret to tell. But I don't get why he didn't asked her to go to SXSW with him? Is it because he doesn't want to go to Austin? Did he have a fight with Bilal? If it's something he enjoys doing, why not share with her? I don't get that boy sometimes.

    1. Its because of Christian remember he had a thing for Lily back on college & Trevor told him to leave her alone even though it wasnt Trevor's place to say anything to him.

    2. Boys....I don't get any of them sometimes haha.

  3. So Rocky and Trevor are avoiding the same thing. Trevor is definitely covering his ass, since he knows what happened.

  4. Lily does need to talk to Trevor directly. That's what one does in relationships. As for Sammy, she is a troublemaker and Lily needs to stop listening to her. Anything she did or did not do with Trevor was before he was with Lily. The same goes for Lily and her past relationships. Trevor has already been around the block a few times, it seems, but so what? Again anything he did before Lily can't be changed and she'll have to just deal with it. He loves her and that should be enough. If she feels insecure because of her own relative inexperience, she should talk it out with Trevor.

    As to Rocky--I've been pondering and have a theory. Considering Rocky knew Trevor in college and he was a busy boy, I think that she and Trevor hooked up at some point pre-Bilal. I think it happened and they both moved on, put it past them and became friends. BUT, if Lily were to find out now, she would blow a gasket. Frankly, she shouldn't, since it was before her, was years ago, but she tends to be pretty reactive. Rocky knows this and I think that is why she is weirding out about Lily sticking her nose in Ethan's relationship with Serena. Just speculation on my part and I may be way off base, but there it is. This has turned out to be a fairly incestuous group of friends, and it my theory doesn't seem to be out of the realm of possibility.

    As for Ethan, Rocky is right. Lily should keep her mouth shut to Serena, since she and Ethan or over and it would only cause trouble. Sometimes letting sleeping dogs lie is the best policy and there is such a thing as too much truth. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, but I hope Lily gets out of her own head and doesn't let all these past hookups screw up her relationship with Trevor and her friendships with Rocky , Ethan and Serena.

  5. Pretty sure Rocky hooked up with Belial (sp?) And Trevor knows about it lol. That's my prediction
