Sunday, February 1, 2015

Everything is Awesome

"Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream
Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I gonna win forever, let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you, you're like me, we're all working in harmony
Everything is awesome
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is awesome when we're living our dream" Everything Is Awesome by Tegan and Sara ft. The Lonely Island

"Rock Band?!?!" I squealed, as I opened the door for Trevor. He was carrying in the drum set from the game. "What the hell? They discontinued the game!"

"They did. I called around to find this one. I thought the kids might like it tomorrow." Trevor responded.

"Where did you even find it?" I asked as he walked in.

"We found bits and pieces at every trade-in entertainment shop to here from Austin." Bilal answered, following Trevor holding the guitar and bass.

"Bilal!" I exclaimed, shocked that he was here, but excited to see him. I threw my arms around him in a hug.

He hugged me back while Trevor protested.

"Where's my hello?" He asked, playfully.

I pulled away from Bilal and smiled sheepishly at Trevor. "Sorry. I didn't know he was coming. I was surprised." I said, walking over to Trevor. I hugged him too, before pressing my lips against his.  I melted in the taste of his mouth and the softness of his lips as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Hello..." I said, smiling as I pulled back.

"Hello!" He smiled back, before kissing me again.

"I'm still here!" Bilal interrupted us.

I giggled and pulled away. "Why are you here again?"

Trevor laughed while Bilal held his hand against his heart.

"That hurts Lily. I see how it is." Bilal said.

I laughed at him. "No, seriously. I'm glad you made the trip down. You've never even seen my place."

"He's not here to visit. He's here to escape." Trevor replied.

I gave Bilal a curious glance while he just ignored Trevor. I looked at Trevor questioningly.

"Even though he claims it was a mutual breakup and they're friends, Noorie is having a get together with mutual friends that he's avoiding going to by being out of town." Trevor explained.

"Wow Bilal. Why am I not surprised? I thought it was a 'break'. Sabotage much?" I shook my head.

"It's not true. Like you said, I haven't been out here in a while. Just wanted to catch up with some friends. Nothing more." Bilal shrugged it off.

"Mmmhmm, what friends?" I asked.

"Some old bandmates, colleges buddies, you know." He said, vaguely.

"Sure... anyone but your ex right?" Trevor grinned. I smiled too.

"Alright, if the peanut gallery is done, I'm going to go." Bilal decided.

"Aww, we'll stop. At least check out my place first. Have a drink or something." I offered.

When he agreed, I took him on a little tour of my apartment.

 "This is a nice place Lily. So much space." Bilal commented.

"Yeah, almost too much space." I added, bitterly. I was still upset Jasmine turned me down, but it's whatever! After the tour, we went to the kitchen. I mixed three Coke and Disaronnos. We joined Trevor in the living room. He already had the game set up.

"No keyboard?" I asked.

"No, it's the only thing I couldn't find." Trevor answered as I handed him a drink.

Bilal took a sip and made a face as he swallowed.

"How can you drink that? It's so sweet." He asked.

"Sorry Mr. Hardcore Alchie. Not everyone likes a 100 proof, straight up alcohol. It's the only thing I have." I explained.

"Bilal likes his drinks like his relationships: intense, painful and leaving him with nothing but regrets." Trevor joked.

I laughed and Bilal put his drink down.

"Alright. I'll see y'all Sunday."

"No Bilal. Don't leave. Trevor is gonna shut up now. No more shots, I promise." I said, holding back my laughter.

"Oh no, don't worry about it Lily. As much as I love hearing advice from y'all, even though you've been in a relationship for maybe a month, I have plans, but this has been great." He said, his words dripping with sarcasm as he stood.

I stood up too and walked him to the door. "I'll see you later. Call us on Sunday. You know you're welcomed to join us at my friend's place."

"Maybe. I'll be in touch." He said, before leaving.

I returned back to Trevor. "I think you pissed him off."

"Mission accomplished: he left. I'll apologize later."

"You better. He left, but you need him to come back. He's your ride to Austin." I said, sitting on the couch next to him.

"It's cool. You can always drive me back."

I scoffed. "My car just got out the shop. The miles are racking up. It was your car's turn."

"Meaning?" He said, snaking his hand around my waist to rest on my hip.

"Be nice to Bilal or hitchhike." I told him.

Trevor laughed, pulling me closer to him. I leaned against him, resting my hand on his leg.

"You would put me at risk?" He asked, kissing the side of my face. "For some crazy middle aged woman who wants to have her way with me?"

I moved my face so he would kiss my lips. I kissed him back, slowly and tenderly, savoring his own sweet taste mixed with the lingering taste of Coke and Disaronno.

"I would be more concerned with sex deprived truckers." I said between kisses as I traced up his thigh to his growing hardness.

"Just fyi, you're making me hard. Not the thought of truckers." He clarified, his hand inching up my side from my hip to my breast.

When he squeezed lovingly on me, I did the same to his erection through his jeans. He moaned in pleasure.

"Of course babe." I grinned, stroking him as I kissed his cheek, then chin and lips. I unzipped his pants and maneuvered my hand into his boxers. I gripped him hard, the way I knew he liked. I was rewarded with a hiss as he threw his head back on the couch.

"If you ever want to role play, I know a guy with a truck. I can pretend to pick you up on the side of the road and you can blow me." I stroked him up and down, firmly.

He chuckled while thrusting his hips up to match my strokes.

"Why do you have this obsession with me blowing you?" He groaned out.

"Hey! I'm trying to fulfill your fantasy."

"Then get naked and blow me while I blow you." He grinned.

I gulped. That would be a first for me. Not just with him. Period.

"Maybe upstairs." I replied, softly.

He took the hand that was rubbing him and held it as we made our way up stairs. We laid on my bed and made out, touching and caressing until all our clothes were off. By the time he laid flat on the bed and asked me to straddle him, I was completely comfortable.

And turned on.

When I straddled his face, facing away from him, I couldn't help the little nerves that hit me. The first swipe of his tongue erased them. From then on, all I felt was pleasure.

As he worked his tongue against me, I leaned over to take his member into my mouth. I sucked, getting it nice and wet. I bobbed on it, seeing it as my personal goal to get him off first.

I failed.

I felt my orgasm building, so I tried to focus on Trevor, swirling my tongue around and sucking the head. He flicked his tongue over my clitoris, repeatedly while fingering me. He brought me over the edge, and I cried out release. Trevor gripped my butt roughly, keeping his mouth on me while I came. He licked my thighs as my body pulsed with aftershocks.

When I finally relaxed, I guided his throbbing erection back to my lips and used my mouth and hand to get him off. His hands groped me everywhere they could as I brought him closer to a climax. His body tensed and he groaned as he came.

Afterwards, I turned around and collapsed beside him. He pulled me in for a long kiss.

"You taste like pussy." I said softly when he pulled away.

Trevor laughed at me. "You taste like dick."

"Are you familiar with that taste?" I smiled at him.

"My own-"

I gave him a horrified look, and he covered his eyes. "Not like that."

"Sure Trevor. I thought things got kinky enough. Apparently, it gets kinkier." I chuckled, rubbing my hands up and down his chest. I loved feeling the fine, blond hairs covering his skin.

He moved his hand to under his head and studied me. "You thought that was kinky?"

I blushed, shyly. "That was a first for me." I said, looking down.

"You did it like a pro." He teased me.

I pushed against his chest. "Shut up T-Rev!"

He smiled at me. "I'm serious though. Everything between us has been awesome." He sighed.

"I agree. Even the kinky stuff." I said, resting my head on his chest.

"Especially the kinky stuff." He added.

I smiled before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up before Trevor. I hopped in the shower and got dressed. I towel dried my hair and went down the stairs. I composed a grocery list for tacos Saturday night with the kids and potato skins for the Super Bowl on Sunday. I docked my phone to the speaker, turned on my "cooking" playlist, and started on breakfast.

I was singing and dancing along to Kendrick Lamar's "I" as I finished up scrambling eggs to go with the French toast and sausage I already made.

"Damn it Trevor!" I exclaimed, startled when I felt arms around me. "Announce yourself next time!" I chided him as I sank into his embrace.

"Sorry. I was enjoying the show." He said, looking over my shoulder at the stove. "Good morning." He said, kissing my cheek.

"Good morning." I smiled, reaching to turn off the stove. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." He said, breathing in my neck. "Starving."

"Go sit down and I'll bring you a plate." I told him.

I made us both plates and a glass of milk for me and orange juice for him.

I joined him at the table while Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch's "Good Vibrations" played from the speaker.

"Which one of your playlists' is this?" Trevor asked me, with a shake of his head as he cut his French toast.

"My cooking playlist."

"Really? You have a cooking playlist?" He smiled at me, before eating a bite of food.

I nodded and dug into my food too.

"What are you cooking? Drugs?"

I coughed on a fork full of eggs in my mouth.

"No ass! The music is all about positivity and love. It goes into the food. You can taste it." I explained.

"I see some white stuff on this French toast, Sure you didn't sprinkle a little something on it? It's addicting."

"It's powdered sugar!"

After eating, I dragged Trevor to the stores with me. At the third and last store, I found everything I needed. We were still discussing what Trevor was going to bring to Rachel's house. I felt like he needed to bring something over other than the case of beer he was planning on bringing.

"The invite said food or drink." Trevor debated.

"But you plan to eat and drink right? Just pick something!"

He looked at deli rolls, but I told him no. He needed to make something. He suggested jello, but I told him there were plenty of desserts. He lit up when he saw cocktail wienies. He said he could put them in BBQ sauce. I shot that down too. Too easy.

Trevor looked at me. "Why don't you just tell me what to make?"

"It's your choice..."

"Is it?" He challenged with a smile.

"Fine. Get the cocktail wienies... and crescent rolls. You can make pigs in a blanket with different dipping sauces!" I said, excitedly.

We finished shopping and went back to my apartment. Trevor went upstairs to check his email. I got ready for the kids. I started getting the food prepared for the taco bar. When I was done with that, I cleaned up the living areas. I made sure the second bedroom was cleaned. I went to change the sheets on my bed, but I found Trevor went back to sleep. I put the sheets down and went back downstairs.

Once I was finished, I started a load of clothes and played Rock Band. Or, tried too.

"Hey, starting without the kids?" Trevor asked me, flopping on the couch next to me.

"I was actually making sure the songs were appropriate, but this is not Rock Band." I responded.

"No, it's Band Hero. The songs are newer, and younger. It has some Taylor Swift songs." Trevor explained.

"Good thinking." I complimented him.

"Yeah, I do that every now and again."

"Not often, but when you do, it's brilliant." I teased him.

He tossed me my phone.

"You have texts."

"What do they say?"

"Rachel said the more the merrier. Ethan said he'll call to see if EJ wants to spend the night. Amber said they'll be here around 6pm."

"Cool." I nodded. "Let me change the sheets on the bed."

"Did it." Trevor told me.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

By the time Will and Amber dropped their kids off, Trevor and I did a test run on the game and had the taco bar set up in the dining room. When Ethan came over with EJ; April, Krista and Robbie were already eating. Trevor took EJ into the kitchen to help him make a taco.

"You sure you two can handle all of them?" Ethan asked me.

"With my hands tied behind my back-" I was cut off by the sound of a buzzing, then fizzling and the kid's exclamations.

"Or with Trevor's hands tied behind his back." I smiled.

"Don't hesitate to call me." He instructed.

"Will do. Have fun!" I said, walking him to the door.

"You too."

I went into the kitchen to see what was going on. EJ was eating at the table while Trevor had paper towels and was cleaning up the floor.

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing a sponge.

"The soda stream went crazy!" Trevor explained.

"What'd you do?" I asked.

"Put the water and syrup in-"

"No! There's a sticker right on the machine. You carbonate the water first, then add the syrup." I said, re-cleaning the spot while the kids laughed.

"Well, I guess we learned something today." Trevor smiled.

"Yeah, never leave you alone in the kitchen."

After we ate, we moved to the living room to play Band Hero. The girls took turns singing while I played the bass with Robbie, Trevor played the guitar and EJ played the drums, of course.

The night went relatively smoothly. The girls had a few scuffles trying to share the microphone and Robbie wanted to try the drums. EJ eventually let him have a turn after I asked if he wanted to try the guitar. When EJ wanted the drums back, I took Robbie with me to get the ice cream set up. I told the older kids to start thinking about what movie they wanted to watch. I was done trying to referee the instruments.

When we returned back to the living room, Trevor was telling EJ he could set up the Ninja Turtles movie in my room when it was time to go to bed since the girls did not want to see it.

"Maybe. We gotta talk to your dad first." I said. "Ice Cream time."

After we got the kids making their own sundaes, I pulled Trevor to the side. "Ethan hasn't said EJ can stay over yet."

"Why wouldn't he?" Trevor asked, confused.

"I don't know. Just don't promise anything till I get the okay from Ethan." I told him.

Trevor just shrugged like he didn't get the big deal. I just rolled my eyes at him. We took our ice cream in the living room and watched a movie everyone agreed to: The Lego Movie.

Around 9pm, Ethan did call and talked to EJ. Afterwards, Ethan told me EJ could spend the night, and he would be over in the morning to pick him up.

"Told you so." Trevor said to me.


I cleaned the kitchen while Trevor settled the sleeping arrangements. EJ would take my room, while the girls took the second bedroom. Robbie already passed out on the couch during the movie, so Trevor and I were taking the airbed in the living room with him. After the older kids were set up with their movies, Trevor and I laid down on the airbed.

"That was fun." Trevor said as he snuggled under the covers.

"Yeah, it went well. I'm surprised." I yawned.

"Why? I told you everything we do is awesome." Trevor kissed my forehead.

"Teamwork makes the dream work." I said, closing my eyes. The last thing I heard was Trevor chuckling at me.


  1. Love them together!!

  2. Awe I love them!! I can't wait until they have a baby lol jk!! I don't know what is going to happen with them but I love them together.. I can't wait until he moves back to Dallas..

  3. I'm so excited about them! I just mentioned this on the New Beginnings, New Adventures blog and I feel the same way about Lily and Trevor. I feel like they have been through so much together as friends, and while they are just beginning to navigate the relationship aspect and it won't be without fights, hardships, ups and downs, I would love so very much to see it remain consistent between them because I know it can be so good, and the way you write it just makes it feel like they could stick it out. Love!!

  4. I have a weird feeling there's something going on between Rocky and Bilal... See? Plenty of drama while the relationship stays stable. Would love to see some posts from Rocky or Bilal! Or Ethan!

    1. I have that same feeling about Bilal & Rocky! It has something to do with what Lily told him! Because right after that he broke up with his gf and called Rocky!

  5. Arg can I just say something that is going to make me so unpopular, but I have to say it! I just feel that they are trying too hard, why do they have to tell each other " I love you" all the time I feel like they are trying to convince themselves. Maybe it's just that my love language is different, I show love with actions, doing things for the other person not just saying the words.
    And that "sex scene" was a little uncomfortable for me, maybe because Lily said something about it, but I just don't know! I like Trevor I really do, but I don't know why I'm not feeling them together. And it's not because of Jake, cause I don't even want them back together any more.
    I'm not 100% convinced Trevor is the guy for her, there's just something holding me back.

    1. I feel like you never felt them and are just looking for anything to back up why you don't "feel" them together. I constantly tell my husband of nine years how much I love him and through action also just like I think lily and Trevor do. Their sex scene didn't seem weird either but not everyone has to agree. Again I just hope the couple of people who just don't "feel" them together don't sway the author to break them up because there's also a lot of people who like them together and "feel" their relationship

    2. I don't think it's fair to think that a person's feelings could guide the way the story goes? Or am I to believe that the only reason Jake & Lily didn't work out is because there were so many people who didn't like him?
      I choose not to believe that, I think Janay already knows where her story is going. And didn't she say that she knows who is end game for Lily?
      I'm just saying that I find it weird the need to constantly reassure him of her feelings. Like when she made the comment that even if the sex is bad she would stay with him. It's like she's trying to cling to him like he's her last chance at being happy. That's how I feel. Maybe that's the way long distance relationships work? I don't know never been in one.
      And it's not true to say that I never felt them, in the beginning I really liked him for Lily and I would get all excited about their scenes together, I wanted them together.

    3. I am with Luita. I just don't get them. The whole relationship feels like they are trying too hard. It just don't seem natural.

      I will give Lily some credit, she does seem to attempt to communicate better, but maybe that's because they were friends first. Personally I'd love to see Lily kiss a few more frogs and mature a little before she kisses her Prince...whoever that may be.

    4. I don't feel like their relationship is forced at all. It feels like since the beginning they have been leading to getting together and am loving the storyline right now and the writing!

    5. I completely agree with you Luita! I just cant seem to like them together BUT I feel like this is what Lily needs right now. She said that she feels safe with him and its the first time that she's felt like that with someone so I think that this is something that she has to go through in her life. She's becoming a better person by being with him

      Nonetheless, I really don't think that he is her "end game"

      Whether she ends with him or not, I love this blog so ill continue to come back for more

  6. My fiance and I tell each other "I love you" probably an obnoxious amount of times every single day. lol That's not a crime; just like it's not a crime if that is not what a different couple does on the regular. Everybody is different, and every couple has their own "style!"

    And I also agree something is TOTES up with Bilal and Rocky!!

  7. I def think something is up with Bilal and Rocky! Who knows, maybe he is her end game! Her and Brandon do seem to never really be on the same page.

  8. DEFINITELY something going on w Bilal and Rocky. Lol red flags have been going off for a while lol
