Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Double Rainbow

"They say one man's trash is another man's treasure
When I found you, it was all pitter-patter

Secretly, I hit the lottery
'Cause you're brighter than all of the Northern Lights
You speak to me, even in my dreams
Wouldn't let you go for even the highest price

They say one man's trash is another girl's treasure
So if it's up to me, I'm gonna keep you forever

'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye
Like a double rainbow in the sky
And wherever you go, so will I
'Cause a double rainbow is hard to find

Double Rainbow by Katy Perry

"Teamwork my ass..." I muttered under my breath as I followed Rachel to her kitchen. She answered the door, wearing an adorable referee apron; thanking and complimenting us for the food we brought. To which Trevor made a comment about how we worked together. I cut my eyes at him as he said it, thinking about the morning's events.

As promised, Ethan called Sunday morning to let me know he was on his way to pick up EJ. I was already up and at the doughnut shop when he called. When I got back, the kids and Trevor were still sleeping, so I quietly got EJ up and ready to go. He was sitting at the table, eating a doughnut and drinking chocolate milk when Ethan showed up.

"Sugar and more sugar for breakfast." Ethan commented. 

"I offered him coffee, but apparently he doesn't drink it." I joked.

"You offered a 7 year old coffee?" Ethan asked me.

EJ said "no" at the same time I answered "maybe". Ethan had some coffee while he waited for EJ to finish. I got the potatoes in the oven while I chatted with Ethan. He had a birthday dinner with some friends and coworkers. He was planning to spend time with his dad watching the game in McKinney. By the time EJ was done, Robbie had woken up and joined us.

"What kind of doughnut do you want?" I asked him.

He pointed to a chocolate one with sprinkles. Before I could grab it, Ethan asked him "What kind is that?"

"Chocolate." He answered, confidently. I smiled and handed him one.

I gave EJ a hug before I walked them out. Ethan thanked me, to which I responded anytime. Amber and Will came a couple hours later. By then, the kids were up, dressed and fed and were watching cartoons with Trevor as I prepped the topping for my potatoes. When they left, all I had to do was assemble the potatoes. I called Trevor in the kitchen so he could get his pigs in the blanket in the oven while I finished. 

It didn't work out like I planned. Trevor made the simple task of rolling mini hot dogs in dough way more difficult than it should have been. From opening the crescent roll can, to cutting the dough, even wrapping them was a struggle for him.

When he finally got it figured it, he was just slow. I eventually took over while he made the dips: a spicy ketchup and honey mustard. There was a third dip, but I eliminated it because it was more than mixing a few ingredients together. 

I finally got everything in the oven and tried to leave to shower and change while they cooked. When Trevor asked how he would know they were done, I nixed that idea and waited for everything to finish myself. No way was I letting him screw up all my hard work by letting them over or under cook. 

Afterwards, we saved some time and took a shower together. His skilled hands caressing and teasing as he washed my body made me forget about his inadequacies in the kitchen.

"What's that Lilypad?" Trevor grinned at me, bringing me back to the present.

"I said yay teamwork!" I said, flipping my ponytail and giving him a wide, smile.

Rachel gave me a knowing smile before we dropped the food off in the kitchen. Trevor gave everyone a quick wave before Rachel ushered him to the drink area. I greeted everyone in the kitchen. Taylor I remembered from the karaoke bar and I was reintroduced to Vicky; apparently I met her at Forrest's game watching party. 

I walked around the room to give Serena a hug. She looked great in denim skinny jeans and a fitted Seattle Seahawks Jersey. Her dark hair was straightened, framing her face. Her make-up was simple, but striking, highlighting her cheekbones and full lips. She was opening up a few trays: fruit, cheese and nuts.

"How ya doing?" I asked her.

"Ready for this day to be over." She said, flatly.

"That's the spirit!" I grinned at her. She cracked a smile as I washed my hands.

"What's up?" I asked her, checking to see if there was anything in the oven. There was not, so I turned it on low.

"Football and Blake. Not how I would want to spend my Sunday, but it's once a year, so I'll suck it up." Serena responded.

"Don't think of it like that!" Vicky scolded her. "Think of it as food, Katy Perry, and grown man in tight pants trying to cobbler each other!"

"I'm on a cleanse, I hate Katy Perry, and I'm not trying to think of men at all." Serena shot her down.

"A cleanse?" Taylor asked. "You don't need to lose weight!"

"It's not about losing weight. It's about being healthy and detoxing. I'm reprogramming my body, mind and spirit." Serena explained.

"That's great and all, but what does my girl Katy Perry have to do with it?" I asked.

"She just irks me." Serena said.

Rachel returned to the kitchen and frowned at me. "Lily, we have plenty of food. You and Trevor didn't need to bring two things."

The open kitchen made it easy to glare at Trevor as he sat in the living room, hiding his smile in a beer.

"You're fucking ridiculous Trevor." I said, in mock anger.

"Hey, what happened to positivity and love when you're cooking?" Trevor laughed.

"You get nothing but disgust from me!" I told him, placing the food in the oven to stay warm. I turned to Rachel. "What can I do to help?

"Nothing else to do, just setting food out and waiting for everyone to show up-" Rachel started.

"You can check the grill for me." Forrest said, as he made his way down the stairs. He was wearing a matching referee apron. So cute!

"No thanks." I said, smiling as Trevor stood to greet him. They did the guy, handshake/hug/shoulder bump thing.

"Thanks for having us. This is a great place." Trevor said.

"Thanks. It's all Rachel." Forrest responded, making his way to the kitchen. "Make sure y'all look around though. I talked Rachel into a pool table in the game room." Forrest said, as he gave me a hug.

"Will do." I said.

"You know San Francisco is not playing today?" Forrest taunted me, looking over the 49ers zip up hoodie he and Rachel got me for Christmas. 

"Win, lose or tie! I have to represent for my niners." 

"Go ahead and say it. Next year y'all are taking it all, right?" Forrest asked me heading for the door to the backyard.

"Probably not with a new head coach, but that's ok." I admitted. "We host the Superbowl next year, so still have to support San Francisco."

"That is right. You going?" Forrest asked.

"If I hit the lottery..."

He smiled before heading outside.

Taylor turned to me. "You're really into football?"

I nodded. 

"Lily will be upstairs with the guys." Rachel smiled.

"Naw, I love food more. I'm sticking close to it." I said, joining Trevor on the couch.

"You love food that much huh?" Trevor asked me.

"And you. You wouldn't be allowed upstairs." I teased him.

"I wouldn't want to go up there anyway." Trevor said, like a disgruntled kid. I laughed at him.

Rocky arrived with her crock pot of seafood dip, looking glamorous. She had a full face of makeup, which she normally didn't do. Not a hair was out of place. She looked flawless. 

"Hey Rocky! You look gorgeous." I greeted her.

"Thank you. So do you." Rocky replied.

"Liar." I grinned. The only make up I was wearing was chapstick and my hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail. After introductions, Rachel took us on a tour. We hung out in the game room afterwards.

Jordan, Derek and Corey arrived a little while later. Derek joined Forrest grilling and Corey and Trevor started a game of pool against two of Forrest's friends. We were introduced to them and their girlfriends. Rocky, Jordan and I watched them play as we caught up. I warned Rocky there was a small chance that Bilal might make an appearance. She just shrugged.

"Who's Bilal?" Vicky asked us.

"My ex." Rocky said at the same time I answered "our friend".

"So he's available?" Vicky asked.

Rocky just pursed her lips.

I shook my head.

"We need a bigger boy pool." Taylor declared.

We all laughed at her.

"I'm serious, and I don't mean finding men in bars. Compile a list of single guys you know! I'm putting this together. I want every one's number." Taylor continued.

We exchanged numbers.

Forrest joined us. "All the food is ready. Kick off is in half an hour."

We made our way back to kitchen to make plates. We also took that time to place bets on the football squares. The graph was numbered 0-9 vertically and horizontally. The vertical numbers was for the Seattle's score and the horizontal numbers was for New England's score. Each square was worth $2, and there was one winner per quarter. At the end of each quarter, the score was found on the graph. Whoever purchased that square, won $50 per quarter.

When I saw the score 0-0 was taken by Forrest, I gave him a dirty look. 

"How are you going to take the best square, punk?"

"First come, first serve in mi Casa!" He smiled.

"It's Rachel's Casa." I corrected him, writing my name on the square to indicate I wanted to buy it. I spent $30 total on squares. Blake arrived with Gabriel and another guy just as I was finishing up. Of course they were wearing New England shirts or jerseys.

"0-0 the first quarter with Tom Brady? You know that's a mistake. Don't fight over that square." Blake commented.

"Nope, they're going against some of the best corners. And their watching Tom Brady and his balls closely." I responded.

"I'm sick of hearing that. Brady had nothing to do with that."

"Cheaters never win, and winners never cheat." I sang, watching him make his picks. He took the remaining blocks that had Seattle at 0 points. I shook my head and went to make a plate.

When I had my food, I saw Trevor purchasing squares on the board. I quickly tried to stop him.

"No babe, you don't want all 4s." I instructed him.

"Why not?" Trevor asked.

"Cause it's not very likely the score is going to end in 4s all quarters." I explained.

"Hush Lily. We have to sell all the squares." Blake yelled from the kitchen. 

I ignored him. "A touch down is 6 points, the extra point is one point-"

"An extra point can be two if you don't kick it!" Blake argued.

"Shut up Blake. You know that doesn't happen often."

"Anything can happen. It's the Superbowl!"

"Anyway, majority of the time it's 7 for a touchdown, 3 for a field goal. 2 points for safety-"

"Safety?" Trevor asked.

"Don't worry about it. That doesn't happen much either." I explained. "Go with multiples of 3 and 7."

"It's the Superbowl right?" Trevor said, picking the remaining '4' squares. 

I smiled at him. How cute, foolish, but cute.

We all gathered around in the living room to watch the national anthem and the kick off. During the first round of commercials when the girls started chatting about player's butt, most of the guys headed upstairs. Trevor and Corey stayed downstairs. 

We watched the game, snacked and talked about commercials. The end of the first quarter came, and neither team scored.

"That's my first $50." Forrest said, coming down the stairs to taunt us. I threw a piece of ice at him.

"That was so boring." Taylor complained.

When Blake came down to get more beer, I smiled at him.

"We should have bet on Tom Brady's interceptions. I guess it's harder to catch balls when they're fully inflated." I said, loudly to Trevor. 

"Does he even understand what you said?..." Blake said, cracking open his beer. 

I pretended to lean and to kiss Trevor. 

"Tell him Dez Byrant didn't make that last catch of the season." I whispered.

"I understand Dez Byrant didn't make that last catch of the season." Trevor repeated.

Blake got red in the face. "That was a bullshit call by the refs! It was a complete pass."

Trevor and I both busted out laughing. 

Gabriel came down the stairs next. "Still arguing about that call? That was 3 weeks ago. Cowboys have been eliminated. Let it go." He told Blake.

"I was til it was brought up again!" Blake said, sending me a dirty look.

"Shhhh, the game is back on!" Serena shhed him, not even looking up from the TV. 

He looked at her, incredulously, before he headed back upstairs.

I gave Serena a smile which she returned.

By halftime, it was 14-14. We had to look at the chart to see who had the square 4 and 4. It was Trevor! I kissed him on the cheek while he smiled. Everyone came downstairs for more food, drinks and to watch the halftime show. Rocky stepped away to talk on her phone. I called her back before Katy Perry was about to come on. 

Katy Perry killed it! I wasn't feeling her outfit choices, but her voice was amazing. When she brought Lenny Kravitz out, I almost lost it. I don't know what was sexier, his voice or his looks. I would be on YouTube looking at old videos to settle that debate later. 

Serena and Rocky both knew all the lyrics to Missy Elliott's songs. They sang along when she came out. Serena made fun of Katy Perry lack of dances moves.

After the show, I questioned her Katy Perry hate.

"I just figured out what it is about her I don't like. She is 30, and caters to preteens." Serena complained.

"Oh, here we go. What message is she sending to our kids debate." Taylor rolled her eyes.

"No. It's not even that. Raise your own kids. I like her music. I just don't like the candy, and rainbows and whipped cream tits. It's like, act your age woman. You're too old." Serena explained.

"As someone who's immature, loves candy, rainbows, and whipped cream tits, I say, do you Katy!" I laughed.

Trevor stood up and applauded. "That's how I'm gonna spend my $50. Candy and whipped cream."

Everyone laughed.

We settled down for the second half of the game, Blake sat next to Serena, but she ignored him the whole time. 

"You lived in Texas your whole life Trevor?" Forrest asked him.

"Yep, born and raised." Trevor responded.

"Never played football?" He asked.

"I did when I was like 7."

"How long did you play?" Blake asked.

"Not even a year. My dad got in a yelling match with one of my coaches at a game. Got banned from the league." Trevor told us. It was the first time I heard that story. No wonder he hated sports...

"I'm sorry to hear that." Forrest said.

"I wasn't. I hated it. I would have cursed at him too if I would have known it would get me banned." Trevor grinned.

I laughed at him and we continued watching the game. I thought Trevor was getting bored when he was on his phone. He looked at me. 

"That was Bilal. He's ready to head back."

I frowned. "What? He doesn't want to hang out?"

"No, he wants to get on the road." 

"Stay. I'll drive you back Tuesday."


"Yeah. We have gas money now..."

"No, I gotta head back. The website has its soft opening this week, I need to be with Cat if the site crashes. Save the $50. For whipped cream boobs."

I smiled at him. "Ok."

Right before the end of 3rd quarter, Bilal called, saying he was outside. Trevor said goodbye to everyone and I walked him out.

I kissed him on the porch. 

"Bye Trevor. Love you." 

"Love you too." He said, hugging me close.

I waved at Bilal since he didn't get out the car. He gave me a little nod. Rude!

I went back in the house.

“Trevor won again.” Forrest informed me when I rejoined everyone.

“You’re kidding.” I smiled, looking at the score. Sure enough, it was 24-14 Seattle. Still 4-4 square.

We both turned our attention on the game. I felt nervous when Seattle couldn't score and was losing the 10 points lead they had on New England. I felt a sicken feeling in my stomach when New England took a 4 point lead with less than 5 minutes on the clock. It was a nail bitter. I was on my feet when Seattle made a miracle catch that put them on the 2 yard line with less than 2 minutes on the clock. I was already planning my celebration when Russell Wilson threw an interception on the goal line. I was stunned.

"Nooo!" Forrest yelled.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!?!” I exclaimed.

"What the hell?" Derek questioned. 

Forrest mouth was wide open. Even Blake, who was rooting for New England was temporarily stunned silence. Key word: temporarily. When Tom Brady came back on the field, he cheered wildly.

“GAME OVER!!!” He cheered, clapping his hands and celebrating. When a fight broke out on the field, I turned away.

“Pete Carroll blew it.” Derek shook his head.

“Why would he call a passing play?” I groaned.

“He has Marshawn Lynch! It was two yards! That makes no sense.” Forrest exclaimed. 

“Urgh, great game, until the last 2 minutes.” I grumbled.

I skipped watching Tom fucking Brady celebrating to help Rachel, Rocky and Serena clean. Everyone started to file out. After we cleaned, Forrest walked me and Rocky out. I told Rocky to call when she made it home. I was heading to my car when Forrest stopped me.

"Darren selects his college Wednesday if you want to stop by the school. He wanted to invite you." Forrest explained.

"Yeah, what time?"

"Noon." He handed me the $100 Trevor won.

"I don't get it. Trevor doesn't even care about football. Or competition." I smiled, shaking my head

“Then he has good luck.” Forrest said.

"Obviously." I grinned, gesturing to myself.

"Wow..." Forrest smiled.

"Just kidding." I laughed.

"How is that going?" Forrest asked.

"Trevor and me? Good." I nodded.

"Good?" Forrest pressed.

"Yeah, good. It's comfortable and... safe. I never felt so safe. I know how he feels about me and how I feel about him. It's all good." I smiled. "Too good. I'm not used to things being so easy."

"Don't question it. Just believe it." Forrest instructed me.

"I am." I smiled. "Take your own advice Forrest."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Rachel said you've been distant. She worried that you have cold feet."

"I don't-"

"You don't need to convince me. Convince her." I said, before giving him a hug. "Good night!"

"Good night. Make sure Trevor gets his money!"

“Come on, he will never know if we split half..." I suggested.

"He's gonna know. I'm gonna school him."

"No! He's good the way he is." I grinned before getting in my car.

*** Y'all know I love comments! You guys give perspectives and ideas I hadn't thought about. They definitely influences my writing. I realize people are going to have different opinions on characters because they are multi-dimensional, but very rarely does it change story lines. The biggest change your comments influenced was wrapping up Jake's storyline.

His birthday was just going to be another argument in which Lily starts to pull away. But I didn't feel it was necessary to drag out that relationship further because the comments showed me you got the point I was trying to make: Love doesn't change a person. It can influence change, but that person has to want to change and be willing to put in the work. Neither one of them was ready for that.

That being said, I always encourage you all to put yourself in the character's point of view. Especially in regards to relationships. I'm a big believer of reasons and seasons: Everyone is in your life for a reason and/or a season. Lily chose Trevor because he is understanding, comforting, positive and affectionate. With her history, that's what she needs and wants right now.

That being said; needs, wants, people, reasons and seasons change. The blog will end with Lily with her "end game". We're nowhere close to the end ;-) ***


  1. I don't feel bad for Lily having to do all the work on the food. If she would have just let him pick something easy like he wanted, she wouldn't ha e had to do it for him!

    But I love that Trevor picked the best squares, not knowing anything about football :)

  2. Love! And hopefully this doesn't rule out Trevor as her 'end game'.

    1. I agree, would love Trevor to be her end game! !

    2. I liked that you put that comment in the end about Jake. He was really too much for her to handle, it being her first, despite the fact that they loved each other. Also, alot of people may think that safe is boring. But Lily does need safe now, hence Trevor. He knows her so he wont question/become jealous of every single thing. Cant wait to read what you have planned for this blog! Thanks for writing! :)

  3. Good entry except for all the Patriots hate! ��TB12❤️

  4. The ending note mad me sad, so I don't want this blog to end at all but that kinda hints Trevor is most likely not her end game since the blog ends with her "end game " and its not ending any time soon. I love how they are together and not really looking forward to her dating a bunch of fish. Not everyone has to date all around before finding the one

    1. Definetly not hinting at anything! Just saying that Lily is not running off into the sunset anytime soon. Everyone story lines will be wrapped up, not just hers. If it helps, she has met her end game already :-)

    2. And I still hope it's Trevor, no matter how far off in the future it might be. Their history is telling such a good story. Just don't make me lose hope so early on in their relationship that he's not a possibility for the end game : )

    3. It's got to be harder or at least the same to write a blog as to writing a book, because even if you picked her end game we all have to wait awhile to find out. Whereas if this were a novel I would have not put it down till I finished! Janay if I were in your shoes I would be having a hard time reading comments and making sure not to give away anything :) I, since the beginning want her with Trevor and will be sad if they part ways. Not to influence you but even if she got with her end game before the end of the blog I guarantee we would still be reading it, blogs can be written about steady relationships :) Thanks for this blog it's my favorite!

  5. I love her with Trevor, but I'm felling like her end game is Ethan, or maybe even Forest, they have always had a good relationship.

    1. same here! I love Trevor and I really don't think it's her end game. Maybe Ethan?
      I love this blog

    2. Ugh I hope you guys are wrong I Hate the idea of her and ethan, Hate lol. If it ended that way it would be like a sitcom or you lovedon't then ending terrible

    3. *like a sitcom you loved ending terrible
