Friday, February 6, 2015

Good Vibrations

"The vibrations good like Sunkist
Many wanna know who done this
Marky Mark and I'm here to move you
Rhymes will groove you
And I'm here to prove to you
That we can party on the positive side
And pump positive vibes
So come along for the ride
Making you feel the rhythm is my occupation
So feel the vibration
Come on come on
Feel it feel it
Feel the vibration
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a sweet sensation" Good Vibrations by Marky Mark

"This weekend is gonna be a double celebration." Trevor told me as we talked on the phone Tuesday night.

"Of course. We gotta celebrate the website." I said, as I stretched out in bed.

The soft open of the website gave access to Kenji's business associates, including his editors and publishers, a few fellow graphic novelists, and the lucky members of his fan club. So far, the relaunched site had minor problems, but rave reviews. It surpassed everyone expectations, including Kenji's. I could hear the excitement in Trevor's voice when he told me about it. Regardless of everything, I was so proud of him.

"What else are we celebrating?"

"Black Reign's album release. The label is throwing a party. Good music, food, drinks-" Trevor explained while I tried to place the band.

I groaned when it hit me.

"I don't wanna celebrate fucking Amelia!" I protested. She was the lead singer of Black Reign. I didn't want to go to a party in her honor.

"It's not just Amelia. A lot of people contributed to the album. A lot of them are my friends. It's their night too... If you don't wanna go-"

I sighed, dramatically. "Fine. I'll go. How should I dress?"

"Umm, however you want?" Trevor answered.

"I don't want to look out of place. Especially around Amelia." I said.

"Why do you care what she thinks?" Trevor laughed.

I sighed again. "I don't know. She just gets under my skin."

"I know. She knows it too, that's why she keeps instigating because she knows she can." Trevor lectured me.

"So basically, it's my fault."

"I'm not saying that. She likes getting a reaction out of people. If you don't give her one, she'll move on." Trevor explained.

"I'll try..."

"No, just do."

I groaned loudly. "I hate her!!!"


"Because you fucked her." I said.

"And I stopped. You always forget that part." Trevor responded.

"Yeah, but she's like an evil little punk rock Barbie. Completely with blonde hair, blue eyes, weed brownies and a new album." I grumbled.

"You forgot plastic and cold. Why would I want that when I have you?" Trevor reassured me.

I smiled. "Good answer Trevor."

"It's the truth Lily."

"Just ask Cat what she's wearing for me, ok?" I agreed. I was going to be positive. I was not going to let anything Amelia say or do affect me.

"You should wear the blue dress."

"The one with no back and front?" I grinned.

"Oh yeah, that one."

"Maybe." I said.


Wednesday, I got to work earlier than normal so I would have plenty of time to leave at 11am for Darren's high school signing ceremony. Apparently, this was a thing in high school. I didn't really follow college football anymore, but high school athletes committing to a school was a big deal. Darren was a sought after running back, so his decision was huge. I was honored that he wanted me to be a part of it.

After my last appointment before lunch, I quickly changed into a long sleeved top and left on my black work slacks. I traded my tennis shoes for low heels and headed for Darren's school. I was following Rachel's financial advice, so I packed a sandwich for lunch that I ate on the ride over to the school.

Forrest instructed me to park in the front so I could get a visitors past. He gave me his classroom number so I could find him and we could walk to the auditorium together with his class.

I found the front office with no problem and I made my way inside. After I handed over my ID and got a visitors sticker, the front office secretary pointed me in the direction of Forrest's health class.

When I found it, the door was open, so I walked in. Only one student was in his class. Forrest was at his desk, talking to him.

He saw me at the door and waved me in. "C'mon in Lily." He stood up so I could take a sit at his desk.

He turned to the boy. "We'll go over the test together after the signing."

When the student left, I turned to him.

"Where is your class?" I asked.

"Lunch. It ends in 15 minutes. I need to go to my office in the training room. Do you want to walk with me or stay here?" He asked.

"I'll walk."

We walked to the training room. It was kinda weird being back in high school, even if it wasn't mine. I shuddered.

"What's wrong with you?" Forrest asked.

"Just thinking how much I hated high school." I relayed.

Forrest laughed. "It wasn't that bad."

"Maybe not for you: You lost your baby fat in high school. I gained all mine plus some."

"Awww, were you teased?"

"Nope. Ignored."

"Does it make you feel better to know every male student is noticing you now?" Forrest asked as we entered the training room.

"Yes. Because teen boys rock my socks." I joked, following him.

"Lily, Forrest." Coach Green said, giving us both a little nod and me a strange look. I guessed he wasn't expecting me. He was sitting on a massage table by the door, working his shoulder with elastic bands.

"Hey Coach." Forrest said, before heading to his small office in the front of the training room.

"Perfect timing." I said, smiling as I stood by him. "How's it feeling?"

"It's good. Not too sore today. Ready for this sling to be off." He responded.

"That's funny. Sandra, my boss, just talked to me on Monday about another X-Ray. We'll be able to assess your healing and see if you still need the sling."

"Sounds good." He agreed.

I then took a little tour of the training room. It was small, but well equipped for a high school facility. I was really impressed.

I was checking out the paraffin wax bath when Forrest stuck his head out his office.

"Hey gangsta Barbie! You ready to head back?" Forrest asked.

"Gangsta Barbie?" I questioned, walking towards his office.

"Have you been on Facebook today?" He asked.


He booted up his laptop. He pulled up Facebook and went to my page. I leaned in closer when I saw Trevor posted a video to my wall. It was from Saturday morning, when I was cooking us breakfast. My hair was pulled up in a damp bun, I was wearing an oversized, off the shoulder sweater and leggings. I was singing and dancing to music as I cooked in front of the stove.

Trevor captioned it.

Lilypad is a triple threat: Sings, Dances, and Cooks. Most beautiful thing I've seen #WakeUpCall #BreakfastAndAShow #PopStarBarbie

"Really Trevor? I'm keeping his money." I exclaimed, trying to be pissed, but smiling.

Forrest laughed. "It's a compliment Lilypad." Forrest teased.

"You shut up!"

We made our way back to his classroom and I sat at his desk again. I pulled out my phone and read through the comments on the video Trevor posted.

Sammy: She's a threat alright... #I'mScared

Rocky: lol @Sammy. I feel threatened just watching it.

Bianca: Go Lily!... How'd the food turn out though? #FoodPics

Rachel: I heard her sing Mariah Carey karaoke. That was verbal assault. Keep rapping Lily! Maybe hip-hop Barbie?

Forrest: #GangstaBarbie @Rachel

Bilal: Sadly, she could be on pop radio right now #Iggy

Jasmine: Love Iggy! Ignore the haters! #Fancy

Cam: This is the most beautiful thing you've seen, @Trevor? You most have seen some rough things...

Serena: Trevor did say seen, not heard. #JustDance

Trevor: The food was perfect @ Bianca. You could taste the love and positivity in it. If I could wake up to seeing and hearing this every morning, I'd be a lucky man

Jordan: Awwww, so sweet! Even if it's lies Lol

Corey: Anyone else freaked out by the music selection? Marky Mark?!?!  =-O 

I quickly wrote a reply.

Me: Shout out to all my haters! #Motivators
Marky Mark goes hard @Corey #FeelTheVibrations
I forgive you, cause your heart was in the right place, but never film me without my consent! @Trevor

Trevor: Oh-uh, I have a lot of videos to erase...

I put my phone away as the bell rang. All the students found their seats. Most of them gave me curious glances before sitting down.

"Ok guys. Head to the auditorium. I'm taking roll at the door, so if you're not there in 5 minutes, you will be counted absent." Forrest said, in a firm, authoritative voice.

The student left and we followed. I stood with Forrest at the door as he marked off the attendance sheet. I recognized Darren's girlfriend as she walked into the auditorium with a group of friends. She looked different with honey blonde hair, but the hostile look she gave me was familiar. I couldn't help rolling my eyes a little.

In exactly 5 minutes, we went into the auditorium. We sat towards the front with the other school staff.

I saw Darren sitting at a table on the stage. 8 other boys sat at the table too facing the crowd. A group of men, I was guessing coaches, stood behind them.

The ceremony got started with the principal saying a few words. She emphasized that their achievements in the classroom was just a remarkable as there athleticism in their sports. She told them as long as they stayed focused, dedicated and worked hard, they would be successful no matter where they went.

The athletic director then went down the line of students. There were cheers and excitement for every student. They announced their college by placing a hat with their future school's logo on their head. Then each student was given a little time to say why they picked that school.

Darren's last name is Woods, so he went last. I was stunned silently when he put a green Baylor cap on his head. 

Everyone around cheered and I sat there, dumbfounded. I didn't even know my Alma Mater was in the running. Of course we talked about it being a division 1 school, but I couldn't believe it!

"I had the same reaction when he told me." Forrest smiled. "I tried to talk him out of it-"

"You better not!" I squeaked, pinching his arm.

"Ow, just kidding. It was the best choice for him." Forrest said, rubbing the spot I pinched.

"I'm excited to stay in Texas, with an explosive offensive and a great school supporting the team. I felt most at home at the campus and I can't wait to join the team this summer. Go bears." Darren said, with a little grin in my direction. I cheered loudly for him when the shock wore off.

Afterwards, I joined him with his parents. Forrest had to go back to his classroom with his students.

"Darren! Why didn't you tell me Baylor was a contender?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"They weren't offering a full scholarship at first. After the playoff game, they did." Darren explained.

"Well, I know it's too late to sell you on it, but you made a great choice. The academics are amazing. The people are awesome. I only have positive things to say about Baylor. I made life-long friends there. One is my best friend. One is my boyfriend. Another is my boyfriend's best friend! It is an amazing community. I know you will thrive there." I gushed.

"I hope so." Darren smiled.

"I know so!" I said, hugging him again. "And it's so close!  I can't wait to see you play at the new stadium!"

I stayed a little while longer. Darren really made my day. I was so excited, I got on the phone to tell Trevor what happened and to warn him we would be making trips to Baylor's home football games come next fall.

The phone was ringing in my ear as I walked out the auditorium. 

"Slut..." I heard someone cough. It was totally obvious and ridiculous. There was giggling to confirm what I heard. Guess high school didn't change much. Still mean girls with nothing better to do than bullying other students.

Trevor answered the phone.

"You will never guess what school he picked..." I hinted before telling him everything.

Thursday night, I pulled on skinny jeans and a pretty purple blouse. I was meeting Jasmine, Kelly and Rocky for drinks and scooping out a potential new bartender for Sammy as well. Sammy told me about her but the bartender didn't have much of a social media presence, so Sammy wanted to check her out. Rose, the bartender, reached out to Sammy so she knew Sammy's face. Sammy enlisted me to check her out, undercover. I agreed, but decided to turn it into a girl's night as well. 

I was the first to arrive at the bar. It was in Uptown Dallas.  A lot of young, professionals mingling and unwinding after a day at work. 

I spotted the bartender right away. With her half shaved head, she was easy to spot. She was pouring two beers before smoothly handing them over to a cocktail waitress. 

I made my way to her section of the bar and sat.

"Hey, what can I get you?" Rose asked me, a moment after I sat.

"Nothing right now. I'm waiting for my friends." I said.

"Ok, just to let you know, it's happy hour till 7pm, half off draft beers, wells and house wine. Wave when you're ready." She said, before moving to the next person. 

She definitely looked the part of a honey bee. Gorgeous red hair and a pretty face. She was short and curvy, but took control of her station. Maybe not as talkative, but neither was I as a bartender. I was more knowledge about drinks then making small talk with strangers. She didn't give me a bad vibe at all.

Jasmine and Kelly arrived together, and I stood to greet them. 

"Happy hour! Let's drink!" Kelly smiled.

Jasmine looked exasperated, so I smiled at Kelly. 

"You sure? Are you trying for Omar Jr?" I asked.

"No, still have a few more weeks." Kelly explained. 

I nodded and waved the bartender over. I had her explained the wells and house wines before we ordered. Kelly ordered a shot of tequila while I stuck with wine and Jasmine did the same. Rocky joined us shortly after, ordering wine too. Kelly pouted when no one did a shot with her. 

"Fine, I'll take one too."  Rocky agreed.

After their shot, we caught up. I asked Kelly how she's been doing at work. She told me it's been ok. She still had her moments, but for the most part, she was feeling back to herself. Kelly changed the topic to Valentine's Day.

Kelly had nothing planned, but she was glad it fell on a Saturday. With her and Omar's work schedule, they normally couldn't celebrate on the day of. She was hoping for a nice quiet evening at home.

Rocky was planning this elaborate little stay-cation for her and Brandon on Valentine's Day. A fancy hotel in downtown Dallas and was picking up Jordans for him. I was surprised she was going all out for Valentine's Day. Normally, she wanted her boyfriend to treat her.  She was switching it up this year. It made me feel bad cause I hadn't even thought about Trevor's gift.

"I'll have my dad's place to myself. My dad is taking Stephanie to Mexico. So at least I'll be alone, at home, miserable." Jasmine complained.

"What's up with your apartment?" I asked, genuinely curious and trying to change the subject.

She scowled. "My sister wants to live together." 

"What? Really?" Kelly asked.

"Jocelyn right?" I said, remembering Jake's youngest half sister who had a 4 year old daughter.

Jasmine nodded. "Yes, my step dad even offered to help us buy a house."

"That's a good thing, right?" Rocky asked.

"No... yes.... I don't know. It's a great thing if it wasn't Jocelyn. She's barely been working, and she has Bella. I'll take Bella over Jocelyn." Jasmine lamented. 

"Why do you say that? " I asked.

"Jocelyn is the worst. She would just leave in the middle of the night when Bella was a baby; like it was okay because she was sleeping. She lied about jobs just to get out of the house. I hoped she changed, but I don't wanna deal with it if she didn't." Jasmine explained. 

"Don't do it then." Kelly said.

"I can't just say that. My step dad is offering a house. I can't be a bitch about it. Jocelyn feels like we treat her differently because we have different dads." Jasmine explained.

"Don't let her guilt you into it, especially if she's untrustworthy. That has nothing to do with y'alls dads. If she hasn't had a job long, what make you think she won't live off you?" Rocky pointed out.

"My step dad will pay her way, worst case scenario." Jasmine said. "And a house would be better than anything I can afford."

"Not trying to be biased or anything, but you said you wanted to live on your own." I said.

"I do.. " Jasmine nodded. 

"Then do it. It might not be a house, but it will be yours. That's the best feeling, believe me. You'd rather live in a box than in a mansion full of drama." I told her. 

Jasmine nodded. "My brother told me the same thing."

I scoffed. "He stole that from me. My aunt told me that and I told him." 

"So technically, he stole from your aunt? Jasmine grinned.

"Same thing." I laughed.

We had a great time, sipping drinks and chatting up Rose. She opened up a lot more as Jasmine keep barging her with questions.

"How do you deal with drunk guys hitting on you?" Jasmine asked.

"I make it very clear that I play for the other team." Rose smiled. 

Jasmine laughed. "Works every time." 

"Yeah, I don't mind hot girls hitting on me though." Rose winked at Jasmine before walking off. We all started laughing while Jasmine flushed.

"I think we found you a roommate candidate." Kelly laughed. "And a Valentine's date!"

"I'm definitely recommending her to Sammy, so you know she can keep a job..." I added.

"Most likely, no kid." Rocky joined in teasing.

"Fuck y'all." Jasmine blushed.

"No Jasmine. We don't go that way!" I laughed. "But I have nothing but good vibes and support and love if you decide to go that way."


  1. I read this too quickly, I need more lol I love this blog

  2. Is Rocky making up for something with that valentine's Day treat? Oh oh what did she do? I think she's been a naughty girl or thought about being naughty with Bilal.
