Monday, January 26, 2015

Sure Thing

"This love
Between you and I
As simple as pie baby
Such a sure thing
Oh is it a sure thing
Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die
We can do it baby simple and plain
This love is a sure thing
Love you like a brother
Treat you like a friend
Respect you like a lover" Sure Thing by Miguel

"Why are you packing so much for 2 days?" Sammy asked me Friday night as I threw clothes in my duffle bag. She was hanging out with me before she went and checked in on a couple of events going on that night.

"Because Trevor never plans anything, so I never know what to expect. Therefore, I need options." I answered, moving to my lingerie drawer.

"It's still two days..." Sammy pointed out.

"Exactly. Our last date was on a bridge playing board games. I never know what we're doing." I said, putting my intimates in the top of the bag.

"Looks like you're expecting something..." Sammy said suggestively, pulling out one of my lingerie choices.

"Not even that. We're waiting to have sex, so I have to bring options for if that happens too." I explained, snatching it from her and putting it back in the bag.

"You better make that happen, especially if you're hanging out with Jake again." Sammy commented.

I rolled my eyes. I debated telling her about hanging with Jake, but it was bound to come up, especially since I was really thinking about asking Jasmine to live with me. "We talked things out. We're not hanging out."

After our second drink, Jake left. We caught up on each other, superficial things like work and family. Nothing we couldn't find out by looking on each other's Facebook pages, but it was nice talking with no lingering feelings.

"Guys have this thing about their girlfriend talking to guys they slept with. It makes them uncomfortable. Jake should understand that." Sammy told me, making a face.

I thought about it. As soon as Jake left, I called Trevor. I told him exactly what I told Sammy: we apologized and cleared the air. Trevor was fine with everything. At least on the phone he was. I frowned.

"Trevor and I are letting things happen naturally. The last thing I wanna do is start having sex with him to solve any problems we're having. I don't think it's a problem with Trevor." I said.

Sammy cocked her head to the side. "Jealousy is normal. It's not a problem unless he starts acting like a controlling asshole like someone we know. I'm just saying all guys need a little reassuring."

I shook my head at Sammy. Obviously, Jake still pissed her off. I was over being angry and defending him. He didn't need it, so I changed the subject. "Me driving back and forth to Austin is not reassuring enough?" I asked, sarcastically.

"He drives here for you too. If y'all are not having sex, just give him a blow job." Sammy smiled.

"Thanks for the advice." I laughed at her.

"I can give you tips. I do have experience..."

"No! You giving me sex tips for my boyfriend who you slept with is never going to be cool." I exclaimed, covering my ears.

"Alright. Fine." She laughed, gleefully. "I will say, he is a very visual person-"

"Get the fuck out Sammy!" I yelled at her, in mock anger.

She just laughed harder.

Saturday morning, Justine and I headed out to Austin. I was getting the drive down to a science. I even had a "On the Road" playlist with just enough songs on shuffle so no song repeated. I was actually in the car, jamming to a song featuring Ed Sheeran, when there was a tap on my window. I jumped and looked up to see Bilal.

"What the hell?" I asked him, opening my car door.

"What are you doing?" Bilal grinned at me, holding up a trash bag.

"Nothing! I'm heading up after the song.

He listened for a moment and mumbled "garbage" before turning away.

"Music snob!" I yelled after him.

"It's a shame what people classify as music nowadays." He yelled back at me.

I turned off the car, and let Justine out so she could do her business before I grabbed my bag. When Justine finished, we headed up the stairs to Bilal's apartment. The door was unlocked, so I let myself in.

I walked back to Trevor's room. When he wasn't in the room, I assumed he was in the bathroom. I dropped my bag off and got Justine settled with her food bowl and water dish before sitting on the bed. I posted on Facebook that I made it to Austin before Trevor emerged from the bathroom.

He was still wet from a shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. A grin spread across my face as I examined his toned body.

"See something you like?" He teased, walking towards me.

I nodded. "I see a lot of things I like."

"Good to see you too." He said, lying me on the bed. He then laid on top of me.

"Trevor! You're getting me all wet!" I shrieked, pushing him away weakly.

There goes one outfit...

"Already? That was quick." He smiled before pressing his lips into mine. I laughed then kissed him back, rubbing my fingers through his hair. It was still short, but enough length that the curls were starting to come back. I loved it. He was still rocking the scruffy, facial hair look, but it was growing on me.

Another part of his body was growing on me as he ground his pelvis into mine. I was moving my hand to grip his towel when a loud noise by the door got our attention.

"If Lily is not on top, close the door!" Bilal said, before the door slammed shut.

Trevor cracked up laughing while I blushed.

"So embarrassing." I said, pushing him off of me. He rolled over to the side of me. I turned to face him.

"Joys of having a roommate." Trevor said when he stopped laughing, snaking his arm around my waist. He kissed me, grazing his lips against the sensitive skin of my neck.

"What do you mean?"

"Just something to think about. I never have to worry about closing doors at my apartment." He said in my neck.

"I close my doors still, so it shouldn't be a problem." I answered. "But how do you feel about that?" I said, pulling away so I could look him in the eye.

"About what?" He asked.

"Jasmine being my roommate. Jake and I hanging out."

"Jasmine being your roommate means you hanging out with Jake?" He questioned.

"No. I just meant, we made peace. So when we see each other, which will happen whether Jasmine is my roommate or not, we're going to actually speak. Maybe be friends. I'm not going to try to actively hang out with him. I know how I used to act inappropriately around other guys and-"

"Lily." Trevor stopped me, a little grin on his face.

"Yeah?" I said, after I caught my breath.

"The only concerns I have with Jasmine moving in is y'all setting expectations so it doesn't get uncomfortable again. I trust you. I made my peace with you being friends with Jake before we started dating. That hasn't changed." Trevor assured me.

I nodded and cuddled closer to him.

"Besides, why would I be jealous of someone you've already been with? There's a reason you're not together..." He said, before he returned his lips to my neck. I groaned when he began to suck.

I wanted to question his 'jealous' stance, but his mouth against me felt so good. I gripped his shoulders and mashed my body into his. That made him suck harder. I gasped.

"Are we staying in tonight?" I asked him, breathlessly.

"Wasn't planning on it..."  he murmured.

"Then stop. I don't want a hickey." I said, angling my head to deny him access.

He pulled back. "Too late."

"What?!?!" I yelped, sitting up.

"Gotta mark my territory somehow." Trevor smiled.

I got up and raced to the bathroom. I read something about combing hickeys. It made sense in theory. Combing the hickey would cause the blood to spread from the area of broken blood vessels, making the bruise fade away. I never tested it out though.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. There was no hickey on my neck. Trevor tricked me!


I returned back to the room to find Trevor pulling on a vintage Coca-Cola shirt.

"Not funny." I deadpanned.

He laughed. "I thought it was hilarious. You should have seen Justine when she saw you run out the room like that."

"Ha ha ha." I said sarcastically. "What's the plan for today?" I asked, getting ready to change too.

"I found this dog park I wanna take Justine too. Then we can go to this really great BBQ place. Bilal is working on tickets to a comedy show later tonight. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." I nodded.

I changed into a green tank top and jeans. It was nice and sunny out, but still a little cool, so I pulled on my leather jacket as well. We grabbed Justine and told Bilal we would be back. Trevor threw on his leather jacket too before we headed outside.

"That's cute trying to match me T-Rev." I said, eyeing our matching jeans and leather outfits as Trevor drove to the park.

"I was dressed first Lilypad." Trevor grinned.

"I was. You got my outfit wet, and I have a limited amount of clothes." I countered.

"So do I. I haven't washed yet."

"Your laundromat has a bar. There is no excuse for you not having clean clothes."

"It's still washing clothes. That's one thing beer does not make more fun." Trevor said as we pulled up to the dog park.

Trevor had a great idea that was shared by many dog owners. The park was filled with dogs running around, playing on obstacles or interacting with other dogs. Trevor grabbed Justine's leash with one hand and my hand in the other as we walked to the gated off section of the dog park.

Since it was gated, I felt comfortable letting Justine off her leash. I smiled as Trevor tried to entice Justine to go through the obstacles. Justine was more interested in the other dogs. I followed her as she started playing with a pinscher and a beagle in the dirt. She hadn't had much interaction with other dogs, so I was glad she joined right in. Why it had to be with one of the biggest dogs out here, I had no idea.

"Don is harmless. He's neutered, so he's not aggressive at all." A lady with sunglasses and a cap called out to us.

"I see. Looks like they're having fun." Trevor smiled at her. I nodded and watched them play.

"Is Justine... fixed?" Trevor turned to me.

"Yes. She got spayed."

"So no puppies for her?"

"No! I don't wanna deal with my own period, much less her in heat and stray dogs trying to mount her!" I said.

The owner of the pinscher overheard us and laughed. "That's right. Men will never understand that."

Trevor and I laughed and we talked to her while the dogs played. She asked us what part of Austin we stayed in. When I told her I stayed in Dallas, she gave us a sympathetic look.

"I know long distance relationships are tough." She acknowledged.

Trevor and I looked at each other. I didn't consider us long distance. The way Trevor looked, he agreed.

"I don't think it's long enough to be considered long distance. We see each other every weekend." Trevor said.

"How long have you been together?" She asked.

We looked at each other again. "Maybe 3 weeks."

"Ahhh!" She said, nodding like it all made sense and we would see it soon.

"We've know each other for years though. We've been friends forever." I added.

"Ok, I get that. My partner and I were too. It made everything much easier." She commented.

Trevor and I both agreed. We let Justine play for about an hour before we hosed her down and walked around the dog trail so she could dry.

We then went to the BBQ place next. I was surprised when Trevor said we could take Justine with us. I understood when we got there. Rudy's BBQ was attached to a gas station and country store. It had indoor and patio seating. I didn't have high hopes, but I appreciated Trevor finding a place that Justine could eat with us.

When Trevor brought the food out as I waited outside with Justine, just the smell told me I was so wrong; I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. We had super moist brisket and sausage links with bread, creamed corn, potato salad and beans. The only complaint I had was all the carbs, but I figured I worked them off chasing Justine around. Justine was loving the turkey Trevor got for her. I sampled it; it was delicious!

I was so full, I was glad when Bilal texted Trevor to tell him the show didn't start to 10pm. We had plenty of time to shower and get a nap. I set my alarm for 8, and I woke up to get changed and ready before Trevor. I wore a green, off the shoulder blouse, nude leggings, and a brown flat boots. I was done by 9, just in time to wake Trevor. He was up and changed in 10 minutes.

"I like your shirt, easy access." Trevor grinned, kissing up my exposed shoulder to my neck as we waited for Bilal to come out his room.

"Shut up Trevor." I giggled, before meeting his lips for a kiss.

"Can you two get off of each other so we can go?" Bilal said as he came out.

"We're waiting on you!" I declared.

"I'm ready."

We left and joined a group of their friends at Esther's Follies, a theatre in Austin. Cat came too. Thankfully, her roommate Amelia wasn't with her. She greeted us, cheerfully. When she and Trevor discussed the website, I turned to Bilal.

"No Amelia?" I asked.

"No. She's on a college tour with her band. They got signed by a small, indie label." Bilal explained.

"Good for her." I said, with a smirk.

"Good for you too huh?" Bilal teased.

I went back to listening to Trevor.

"... security is not my strong point, but I have a friend who can help me out." Trevor was saying.

"Cam?" I asked him. My brother's specialty was building security in programs. He had a lot of experience with his job and he also tested other's securities back in his younger rebellious days, but that wasn't important.

"He was for a little bit, until he found out I wasn't asking questions in general. Now he won't help unless I get an agreement." Trevor informed me, good humoredly, so I knew he wasn't upset.

"I'll talk to him." I promised Trevor.

The show started and it was nothing like a expected. I thought it was going to be stand up comedians, but it included skits, humorous musical numbers: including parodies and political figure impersonations. There was also a magician! It was so funny, I was crying I laughed so hard. We all had a blast. Even Cat and I were cracking up together after the show as we talked about how awesome it was.

We all went back to Bilal's apartment. Alcohol, pizza and weed were passed around and I put Justine in Trevor's room to join everyone. I passed on the weed but did indulge in a beer and a slice of cheese pizza.

"You know you want a slice of this..." Trevor offered, holding up a meaty, cheesy slice of pizza.

"Yeah, and I also want to fit into my jeans, so no thanks." I declined.

"One slice of pizza is not going to hurt you."

"Combined with nothing but carbs all day, it will. I don't think I had one fruit or vegetable today T-Rev."

He looked me over slowly. "You look perfect to me."

"Thank you." I said, leaning in to kiss him on the lips briefly. "I wanna keep it that way."

"Whoa!!!" Jeremy, one of Bilal's band mates, pointed at us from across the room. He was the lead vocalist of the band. Even if he didn't have a killer, raspy voice, his jet black hair and brooding looks could easily capture the attention of a room.

"Last summer, you told me I couldn't hookup with her 'cause she was like a sister to you. What the fuck?" Jeremy accused Trevor.

"That's right. He's like a brother to me too." I smiled.

Everyone started to laugh and make jokes. When Jeremy started composing a song, titled "Incest is Best", we retired to Trevor's room. The laughter and singing was still audible through the closed door.

"Sorry about them." Trevor said as we laid down on the bed together.

"It's ok." I sighed, moving closer to him. I stared into his eyes. The day was so much fun. I was dreading going to sleep because I knew I would have to wake up and leave.

"Everything ok?" Trevor asked.

"Yeah, perfect."

"Looks like you're thinking about something." Trevor said, stroking my hair.

"Shockingly, I'm not. I'm enjoying spending time with you. I was thinking about how much fun I had today and how simple it is with you." I commented.

"Thanks. Not the first time a girl called me simple." Trevor grinned.

I laughed. "You know what I mean. It's easy between us. Regardless of anything, I believe in us. I love you."

"I love you too Lily. Locally and at long distances..." He said, while kissing me.

I smiled, meeting his lips with mine.

"As a friend... as a brother..." Trevor continued. I pulled him on top of me, deepening our kiss.

"As more?" I asked him, when he pulled away.

He nodded. "Are you ready for more?"

I nodded too. "I've been ready."

He grinned at me. Before we could say another word, there was banging on the door. We were then serenaded with the second verse of Jeremy's song.

Trevor and I laughed at each other.

"Hotel next time?" Trevor asked.



  1. Loved it, love them together! !! Makes me smile, Trevor seems sexy to me and i like their touchy stage it's fun

  2. Am I the only one who doesnt like them together?

    1. Nope! I'm not a fan either.... As someone who married their college best friend, I still don't feel it with them.

    2. I don't know what you guys are talking about! I feel like you chose not to be a fan and nothing can change your mind. I think they are great together, Trevor doesn't have to be jerky or have drama follow him for this to be good. JJ

    3. I'm not a fan either! I think its definitely a Joey/Rachel relationship. but since its so beautifully written... I always come back for more. Good Job Janay!

    4. I think disagree not even close to Joey Rachel relationship. Hopefully the author doesn't get swayed with a couple negative comments on the relationship, there is others that like them together

  3. I love them together :) and didn't like her with Jake but some did , we can't make everyone happy

  4. I absolutely love the way Lily's personality seems to be shining through with her and Trevor together - he loves her for exactly who she is and doesn't try to push her in the way of being someone she isn't. I love that he challenges her, though, and that she does the same for him - which is how it should be in any solid relationship. The love they have for each other seems so solid and deep, I can't wait to see where this goes.

  5. I'm so glad she's not listening to Sammy's advice. Not everything is about sex, having open communication is better. Like Lily telling Trevor about her talk with Jake, that is good. I'm glad to see she learned something from her relationship with Jake.
    Why can't Trevor work from his apartment in Dallas? Most of his work is online, right? And that guy is in Japan? Maybe I missed something? I really hope he gets something in writing soon it's just the smart thing to do.
