Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Puff, the Magic Dragon

"A dragon lives forever but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant rings make way for other toys
One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave
So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh!
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
in a land called Honnah Lee" Puff, the Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary

Monday evening I had my first rehab session with Coach Green. I rated his strength and range of motion on both arms before we got started. I made him sit on a massage table and took his arm through a series of test. After examining his healthy side, I did the same test to his injured side.

His healthy side being a 5, his range of motion and strength on his injured side was a 2. I could move his arm with little pain to no pain, but he could not move by himself without a considerate amount of pain. That told me the bone was healed, we just had to focus on strengthening the rotator cuff muscles surrounding it.

After we went through a group of stretches to warm up the muscles, I had him start a routine of exercises that include abduction, adduction, extension and flexion. He struggled through most of them, but he did complete the entire set. Afterwards, I put him on the electrical stimulation machine with a bag of ice.

"My favorite part of rehabilitation." Coach Green sighed.

"What has Forrest been setting you up on?" I asked him as I set the machine.


"Quad combo. What else has he been doing?" I asked, sitting to the table next to him.

The training room was empty besides us. Coach Green had the latest appointment time because of his work schedule. Q was around earlier, finishing up his work out, but he already left.

Coach Green explained the workouts Forrest had him doing: Isometric exercise that had him contracting the muscles without movement. They were great for keeping the muscles from atrophy without interrupting the healing of the bone. Forrest was spot on and I told Coach Green that.

"I'll have to pass that along. He wasn't happy when I told him what that surgeon said about getting a doctor's opinion."

"Of course Dr. Lee is going to push surgeries. That's his job. It wasn't personal." I grinned.

"Still funny. I like messing with him. He's a good kid." Coach Green added.

"A kid huh? I'm gonna tell him you called him a kid."

"When you get to my age, all of you are kids to me." Coach Green said.

"Why thank you. Now I don't have to hang around the youngsters to feel hip." I grinned.

He shook his head at me. "Are you watching the super bowl?" He asked.

"Of course. Who are you going with?"

"Seattle. I think New England's going to win, but Richard Sherman is a Phi Beta Sigma. Gotta support my brother."

I nodded. "I'm going with Seattle too. I can't support Tom Brady. He and his balls creep me out."

He looked surprised for a moment and then laughed. I laughed too as Sandra approached us.

"Mr. Green, how's your first day going?"

"Coach Green, Mr. Green was my dad."

"I'm just going to have to call you Walt. I'm too used to using Mister." Sandra said, apologetically.

"Works for me. It's going good. Almost done, right?" Coach Green looked at me.

I looked at the machine. "7 more minutes."

"Great. I'm heading out. I'll see you both Wednesday. Have a great evening Lily and Walt." Sandra smiled at us before leaving.

The remaining 7 minutes we continued talking about football and college. He went to school in Illinois and moved out here for his first wife. Even after they divorced, he stayed. He said when he was a "kid", he never imagined he would want to move from the Midwest. He commented it was funny how your mindset changes as an adult.

I had to agree. I told him I moved out here for Baylor and ultimately decided I wanted to live in Texas. I didn't make that decision until I let go of the childish hope that my mom and I would reconnect after all these years.

As soon as his treatment was over, I changed clothes and headed to my brother's apartment. I hadn't seen him in a while and I needed to talk to him anyway.

"Hey bro!" I said, giving him a hug after he let me in the apartment.

"Hey sis. What's up?" He asked me, hugging me back.

"Just checking in on my favorite brother." I smiled.

"Only brother." He corrected.

"So you win by default. Still a win. Where's Jenna?" I asked, as we headed for the living room.

"At work. She's covering an evening class. She'll be home around 7 if you need to talk to her..." He said, flopping on the couch.

"No, just wondering. I wanted to talk to you." I said, sitting beside him.

"Uh-oh. What did you do? Or need?" He asked.

"Nothing... really. I don't need anything. I would like it if you helped Trevor with whatever he needs help with." I started.

Cam sat up straight and looked at me. "I thought we both agreed how stupid he was being."

"I didn't say stupid... maybe careless." I cleaned up.

"Whatever PC term you wanna use, we're supporting it now?" Cam asked.

"I figured, worst case scenario, he finishes the job, gets royally screwed right?"

"Yeah..." Cam said, frowning up at me.

"The quicker he finishes, the quicker he'll be back in Dallas, at his job. If this drags on past the leave of absence, I have a feeling he will quit his job." I continued.

"Yeah, he said he would if he didn't get the leave." Cam nodded. "I don't understand why he couldn't just do both and work from here."

"Cat. Rebuilding the site was her project. Before, Trevor was just helping her out so all Kenji's requests went through her. Now, Kenji feels comfortable enough to call Trevor and question his dedication."

"Dedication without a contract..." Cam shook his head.

"That's what I said. I just want him back here and away from that nonsense." I explained.

Cam gave me a look. "This is about his job and not about you just wanting him back? I feel between the two of us, we can force him to get something in writing. Then I'll help him finish."

"Of course that's a part of it, but Trevor has no idea what he's doing. I mean, the website stuff he's great at. He's a nerd, he'll figure out whatever he needs eventually. It's the business aspect. Can you see him negotiating a contract?"

Cam opened his mouth to respond, but I cut him off.

"No! He's Mr. Sunshine and rainbows and butterflies! Don't get me wrong, I love that, but that doesn't work in the business world. His defense of Kenji was that he's a good guy! A man he hasn't even met in person! You know he'll get taken advantage of. I just want him not to screw himself over by quitting the job he has."

"So basically, you want me to help him out without a contract or job security so he can return back to Dallas and a job he hates?" Cam stated bluntly.

I fidgeted. "He hates his job out here?"

"He said hell would be the devil and his cubicle."

I giggled. That was Trevor.

"Ok, I sounded like a major bitch. I just don't want him putting all his hopes and dreams on freelancing. One of the things that attracted me to him when we first met was how positive he is, but he's got to see the negative side of things too in order to weigh the risk."

"I'll help him, and you don't sound like a bitch. Just like a concerned girlfriend. My little sister is all grown up." He said, teasing me, pulling out his phone.

"Shut the fuck up Cam." I cursed him.

"Ah! That's the sister I know and love." He chuckled, tapping away on his phone.

"So what's up with the wedding?" I asked Cam, when he put the phone away.

"I think we have a date." Cam responded.

"Really? When?" I asked, excitedly.

"April 18th, but don't save the date yet." Cam told me.

"Ha! You said save the date! That's awesome! Where are y'all thinking?" I asked.

"A hotel for the ceremony and reception. It's the best option since everyone is out of town on my side of the family."

"Ok, so y'all are planning to visit and pick one?"

"No, between her mom and sisters, they got it figured out." Cam answered.

"So what's the hold up? Why not, 'save the date'?" I said, complete with hand air quotes.

"Jenna is insistent on making sure my mom is able to come." My brother sighed.

I flinched. Cam never talked about his mother with me, but his silence spoke volumes. As a kid, he came back from his visits with his mom even more furious with dad. It was so confusing as a child. I didn't understand why. I did now.

I didn't blame his mom for wanting nothing to do with our dad or me. It's one thing if your husband has an affair; it's a completely different thing if there is living, breathing proof of that affair. Even though I wasn't my dad's biological daughter, I understood her resentment.

"Jenna has that positive, sunshine and rainbows outlook too. As long as you work hard enough, anything is possible. I'm willing to put in the work with my mom, but she has to be willing too. That means accepting you-"

"No it doesn't." I denied, shaking my head.

"Yes it does. As a kid, I didn't know how to handle our situation. She made me handle things I shouldn't have had to. My frustration with it all came out in anger. I know how to handle it now. You're my family. My favorite sister-"

"Only sister." I interrupted.

"Still my favorite." He chuckled. "She already knows that. It's her decision. Either way, I'm good." Cam finished.

"If you're good, I'm good." I smiled.

"I'm better than good. I'm better than rainbows and butterflies. I'm puff the magic dragon good." Cam smiled.

"Yeah, you're puffing something." I laughed at him.

Tuesday, I spent my off day taking care of errands. My check engine light came on, so I took my car to the shop. I was starting to regret my decision of staying at the shop instead of waiting for someone to come with me when one of the mechanics kept hitting on me.

I pulled out my phone and focused on it, hoping that he would get the point. I tried to call Trevor, but he didn't answer. I pulled up my Facebook next. On my notifications, I saw that it was Ethan's birthday. Thank God for Facebook. Ethan didn't make a big deal of his birthday. Facebook was the only way I knew. I called him


"Happy Birthday!" I exclaimed, cheerfully.

"Thank you." He responded.

"I didn't think you would answer. I was prepared to sing happy birthday on your voicemail."

"Thankfully, I answered." He replied.

"Shut up! What are you doing today?" I asked him.


"All day?" I asked.

"Pretty much."

"Urgh, Ethan, it's your birthday. What are you doing this weekend?" I asked.

"It's my weekend with EJ."

"So when are you planning to celebrate?"

"When I turn 30, 40, and 50 like normal adults."

"Ohh, I'm Ethan. I'm such a grown up I don't celebrate birthdays." I mimicked him.

"Are you done? I have grown up things to do."

"I'm done!"

After we got off the phone, I called Brandon. He answered and I asked him if he could send me silly, embarrassing pictures as Ethan as a kid. As I was waiting for them to come, Trevor returned my phone call.

"Hey babe! What's up?" I said, emphasizing babe, seeing if the mechanic heard me. He did.

"Nothing, I just got off the phone with your brother. He helped me out with the website." Trevor said. "Thank you for talking to him."

"No problem and I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel like I don't support you. Even when you're being childish and naive-"

"Hey, I thought you supported me!" Trevor laughed.

"I do, even when we don't agree." I smiled. "I just have a question for you." I said.

"What is it?"

"Why did you stay at a job you hate? I mean, I know the first couple of years you needed the experience. Why didn't you start looking a few years ago?" I questioned.

"I don't hate it. I don't want to do it for the rest of my life though. Besides, a few years ago, I knew you were coming back to Dallas. I figured I should hold on to that connection of working with your brother until you got back."

"Aww, really? That's so creepy!"

"Creepy, naive and childish. Anymore support you want to give me?" Trevor chuckled.

"Just my unconditional love." I smiled.

"Love ya too!"

By the time I got off the phone, Brandon sent me the pictures. None of them were Ethan being silly. His friends struck silly poses around him, school picture were always awkwardly funny, and some of the haircuts and clothes were embarrassing; but none of him being an immature kid. I sighed. Not what I wanted, but they would have to do. I arranged them in a cute collage for him. I posted it on Facebook and tagged him in it. I captioned the pictures:

Happy Birthday Ethan!!! You're only as old as you feel... so apparently, you've always been 50! Lol. Make it a great one! #OverTheHill

"Your car is ready miss." The mechanic informed me. He called me "hun" or "gorgeous" the entire time. It made me feel old, but I gladly welcomed Misses.

"Thank you sir." I smirked.

My car needed an oil change and a tune up. I paid and left. I went grocery shopping and got to all my neglected chores around the apartment.

I took a break and saw I had notifications on Facebook. Mostly people posting on Ethan's birthday picture, wishing him a happy birthday. Ethan commented saying:

Ethan: I can't help it I was wise beyond my years.

Brandon: translation, lame!

Their mom also posted a comment about the fact he never smiled in pictures. I commented back.

Me: I didn't even want smiling pictures. I wanted embarrassing ones. This is all Brandon could come up with.

I was texting Jasmine about her apartment search when I got another notification.

Jake posted a high school picture of him and Ethan. He tagged me and Ethan in it. The caption read:
 #HappyBirthday #HadToDoIt #BelieveICanFly

They were both doing the Michael Jordan pose, legs spread, tongues sticking out, holding a ball on outstretched arms. I busted out laughing. Then I read their shirts. It was the team's basketball shirts with their nicknames. I knew right away because Jake's read: J-money. I laughed harder when I saw Ethan's nickname: E-Quator.

I commented on the picture.

Me: Really? #E-quator!!! How did y'all come up with this stuff!?!

Ethan: It was all @Jake's idea.

Jake: You agreed to it

Amber: I need to know who came up with E-Quator...

Ethan: The hottest place on earth...

Amber: lol I get it! That's cute.

Rocky: Bahahaha that made it worse @Ethan #I'mDead

Me: No! @Rocky. You're #RestingInPeace, Amber is #Amused while I'm #LaughingMyAssOff

Jake: Says the girl who thinks Lilypad is rap name #HopAlong

Me: Shut up Jake! I told you that in confidence.

Jake: #Whoops

Ethan: Were you going to rap a birthday freestyle for me?

Me: You gets nada, E-quator! You're too old for birthday presents anyway!

Later on, Jasmine got back to me about the apartment.

"I'm still searching. I'm just going to figure out what's more important to me and sacrifice the rest." She sighed.

"Yeah, Jake was saying it's like a rite of passage. A shitty apartment is the first sign of adulthood."

"Well, I'm officially an adult." She said.

I laughed. "I have a proposition for you, if you're not quite ready to grow up..."


  1. I don't have a good feeling about jasmine being a roommate, not so much because of Jake ,just something seems off with her a little. ...

  2. I still sense something between Lily and Ethan. I've always though he was her end game so maybe I'm looking for it. Great writing as always. Thank you for your consistent posts

    1. Ew that makes my skin crawl lol

    2. OMG! me too!!!
      I always thought that she has to go through all these men to end up with Ethan.
      love your writing!

    3. I disagree that would be way to weird I mean she can't just keep going through all her friends. even when her and Ethan were hooking up it never felt like there was more and when we here his point of view he doesn't love her like that. I agree with other it would be ew lol

  3. Let's get to sex with trevor! :) hope she doesn't room with jasmine I agree just something off about it
