Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You Got It On

"Don't matter what you wear
Baby you've got it on
And it sounds like falling in love
Sounds like falling in love
Sounds like falling in love
Yeah baby you got it on"- You Got It On by Justin Timberlake

Friday evening, Jake and I left my apartment and headed in separate directions. I tried to get Jake to come with me to Darren's football game, but he had plans with some of his friends I hadn't met, that, apparently, he had been neglecting in his pursuit of me. His words, not mine. Jake told me to give him a call when the game was over so I could meet up with him and his friends.

I texted Rachel when I arrived at the stadium. We made plans to watch the game together. I waited for her outside the main gate. She showed up a couple minutes later to retrieve me. We hugged and greeted each other before we went inside.

We stopped at the concession stand to get snacks. Rachel got a pickle and Gatorade while I got a hot dog and a coke.

Rachel found seats towards the top, away from the band and student section and we sat down and caught up. She was in school right now, finishing up her masters in history. She majored in accounting at TCU when she graduated with Forrest. She was working at her dad's firm. Why she wanted a masters in history, I had no idea.

"So what are you planning to do with it when you finish?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Nothing. I'm going to work at my parent's firm until they have a grandchild, preferably a grandson, to take over." Rachel explained.

"Ok" I smiled. "How many brothers and sisters do you have?"

"None." She replied.

"Oh wow. Ok. No wonder Forrest wanted 3 boys." I stated.

Rachel laughed. "One will do. Then maybe I'll teach."

I wanted to know why she just didn't tell her parents to shove it and teach right now, but I figured we weren't quite there in our friendship yet. So I left it alone and focused on the game.

I didn't go to my high school games, but now I really wish I had. Maybe they were different out here, but it was so much fun. The stands were packed. Parents and students all yelled with the cheerleaders, danced with the drum line and cheered on the team. At half time, the band came out and a drill team performed. Hardly anyone left until the halftime performance was over and they made sure they were back before kickoff. Which meant they didn't miss Darren run in the kickoff return for a 90 yard touchdown. I got up and screamed like crazy. Rachel laughed at me.

Darren's team won, 35-14. After the game, Rachel went to meet up with Forrest. I hung out by the entrance by the school buses to catch Darren.

He came out with a group of players and students.

"Superman!" I called out to him.

He looked over at me and I waved. He left his group to join me.

"You looked amazing out there." I told him, giving him a hug. "How's your knee feeling?"

"Real good." He smiled when I pulled back.

"Great. I was worried after that linebacker ran into you. There's no way he's just 18." I said, recalling the height and built of that kid.

"I said the same thing. I wanted to see his ID." Forrest said as he and Rachel joined us.

I smiled.

"You better head to the bus. Meet me in the training room for treatment. And tell your girlfriend to stop mean mugging Lily." Forrest told Darren.

I looked over to see what Forrest was talking about. Sure enough, in the group he just left, there was a young girl in a superman cape staring at me. She would have been pretty if it wasn't for the sour expression on her face. When I caught her eye, she just glared at me.

"My first high school game and I'm gonna get beat up." I said, sarcastically. They laughed.

"Sorry Lily. Thanks for coming." Darren said, before jogging off. He talked with the girl briefly, and literally turned her away from me.

I smiled at Rachel and Forrest. "I'm gonna head out."

"Ok. You and Jake coming over to watch the game Sunday?" Rachel asked.

"Of course. Niners are going to embarrass the Cowboys at home. I can't miss rubbing that in." I smiled. "Just let me know what time and what to bring."

"I'll text you." They answered together.

"Y'all are too cute!" I laughed and gave them both a hug.


After talking to Jake, I drove home and got ready to meet them at a bar. It was already around 11, but I went home, showered and changed. I put on the black and white dress Jake bought for me. I pulled my hair half up half down with my bangs swept to the side. Gold hoops, red lips, and my black booties finished my look. I drove to where they were, a bar in downtown Dallas.

I made my way into the bar and looked around. It took a while, but I finally located Jake and his friends at a table in the back.

Jake smiled when he saw me heading their way. He was sitting with 3 other guys and a girl. The guy sitting next to him stood up as I approached the table.

"Thank you." I said, as I sat and slid in the middle of the booth next to Jake.

 He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him when his friend sat down on my other side.

"Hey." I said, after kissing him on the lips. I smiled at everyone at the table.

"Omar, Colton, Kelly, Malik, this is my girlfriend Lily." I beamed at him. I still get excited when he calls me his girlfriend. "Lily, I went to high school with Omar. Kelly is his wife. And I worked with Colton and Malik until I got promoted to my own building." Jake explained.

"Hi. Nice to meet y'all." I said, in a friendly manner.

They all greeted me warmly. The waitress came over and I ordered a rum and coke. I was a little surprised that Jake had married friends. They seemed so nice and settled.

"I love your shirt." I complimented Kelly. She was wearing a blue tank with Frozen's Olaf on it and the phrase "I love warm hugs."

"Thanks! That's such a cute dress." Kelly said.

"Thank you." I said, a little flustered. I felt a bit over dressed. "Jake got it for me." I smiled at Jake.

"Yeah. Was it your birthday or something?" Omar asked.

"No. My birthday is not till December." I answered.

"Speaking of birthdays... Where are we going for yours?" Colton asked Jake.

"Vegas. I'm probably going to book the tickets this weekend." Jake confirmed.

"Waiting till the last minute there, huh?" Omar asked.

"Flights to Vegas aren't bad this time of the year. Besides, I have to figure out everyone's schedule. As far as when we have to be back." Jake explained.

"I can request any days. I just need to know by Monday." Malik replied.

"Me too man." Omar said.

I was listening to their conversation, but I was momentarily distracted by the bartender showing off with his shaker. It was pretty cool, but douchey.

"Lily?" Jake nudged me.

"Huh?" I asked, looking at him. Omar looked at the bar, then at me.

"Do you know him?" Omar asked.

"No, just checking out his bartending skills. I never mastered the art of slinging drinks around like that." I smiled.

"You're a bartender?" Kelly asked.

"I used to be. I'm a physical therapist now." I stated.

"Sounds demanding. Will you be able to get the time off?" Colton asked.

"Oh, I'm invited to your birthday trip?" I asked Jake, surprised.

"Yes." Jake said, smiling at me.

"Oh, I didn't know." I grinned.

"Be right back." Colton said, hopping up and leaving.

"Why wouldn't you be?" Malik asked me.

"I don't know. That whole bringing sand to the beach thing." I shrugged.

"More like a bunny to the ranch." Omar commented under his breath, but we all heard it.

"What the fuck Omar?" Jake said, glaring at him, but I just smiled.

"Yeah, that makes more sense considering it's Vegas. I think I'm gonna have to go now to make sure there are no visit to the bunny ranch." I laughed.

"Let's go get a drink." Kelly said to Omar, pulling him up.

"I'll come too. I'm gonna buy that girl a drink." Malik smiled, joining them.

"I'm sorry about that Cariño." Jake told me as soon as they left.

"You know my friends are the same way. I set myself up for that." I smiled.

Jake just shook his head. "So you really wanna come to Vegas with me?"

"I do Jake. If I'm not off that weekend, I'll switch. Just let me know what days."

He nodded and smiled. He looked my body over slowly. "Did I tell you how sexy you look tonight?"

I blushed. "I think you just did."

"Nothing to think about. Your body looks amazing in this dress." Jake told me, grabbing the back of my neck, tilting my face to his. "In fact..." he said against my lips. "I think you should leave it on tonight."

I pressed my lips against his. He returned my kiss, kissing me deeper and deeper. I moaned and grabbed his leg. The sound of Omar clearing his throat broke us apart. I gave them a sheepish smile.

The rest of the night was chill. They chatted about past trips and weekend plans. I noticed Omar was quiet. He mostly just observed Jake and me, but his wife more than made up for it with her outgoing personality.

At the end of the night, we said goodbye and Jake walked me to my car. He gave me a long, lingering kiss.

"See you at my place?" Jake asked, pulling back.

I nodded. "Absolutely."

He kept his word about me leaving my dress on. He sat down in his arm chair, after getting undressed and turned me around so that he was facing my back. I was disappointed that I couldn't stare at his sexy body. He pushed my hair over my shoulder before he unzipped the dress to the middle of my back. My disappointment changed to delight as he kissed my exposed skin, while sliding his hands under my dress to pull down my thong.

After I stepped out of my thong, he sat me on his lap. He kissed me, while his hands explored my body in the dress. One hand eventually found its way between my legs. When he rubbed against my clitoris, I moaned and worked my hips against him. He stopped me, only to put on a condom. When it was on, I sank on top of him, pushing him inside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, breathing heavily. I held on to the back of the chair. We rocked into one another, slow and steady till we both climaxed in each other's arm.

The next morning, I decided to go to the gym with him. I didn't bring any work out clothes, so we went to Target first. Brandon was working so we said hello to him. We left him at the backroom and went to look at clothes.

Not surprisingly, Jake picked out tight, black capri legging and a light blue singlet top.

"Why does everything have to be so tight or revealing with you?" I said, going through the racks, eyeing a pair of black running shorts on clearance for $7.99.

"That's good when you're working out. You wanna see your troubled areas so you know what to work on." Jake said.

"Troubled areas?" I said, stopping to glare at him.

"You know what I mean. You don't have trouble areas. I meant, as motivation to keep up the good work." Jake backtracked.

I just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Fuck it. I wanna see your ass in leggings." Jake admitted.

I laughed, grabbing the leggings, top, running shorts and sports bra. I grabbed socks and running shoes and was done.

I went to the front to pay. When I wouldn't let Jake buy my clothes, he left me to change in the bathroom while he bought us water bottles.

When I came out the restroom, Jake hadn't made it back yet, but Brandon was up front, talking to another employee. I made my way over to them.

"Hi. Can I help you find something?" The woman asked as I approached them.

"No, thank you." I said, smiling at Brandon.

"This is my girlfriend's friend." Brandon explained.

"Ok. Then I'll see you upstairs." The woman replied.

"Where's Jake?" Brandon asked

"Still shopping, since he can't leave a store without buying something." I joked.

"That's his prerogative." Brandon replied.

"I know..." I said, lamely. "Um. How are things? With Rocky?"

"Fine." Brandon answered shortly.

"Cause you know she just had too much to drink-" I started.

"I know. We're fine." Brandon repeated. He walked away from me to join Jake back in line.

I was a little miffed at being dismissed like that, but I let it go.

Jake and I went to his gym. Jake offered to just get me a visitor's pass again, but I explained to him that I was a visitor the first time I came. He just laughed at me, but had me purchase the same membership that he had. It was crowded, but we were able to work out together.

Afterwards, we went to the Smoothie King. When another guy checked me out, Jake put his arm protectively around my waist. I smiled, but made no comment. We went back to his apartment and made brunch together.

"So what are you up to today?" Jake asked me as we sat down to eat.

"Laundry, cleaning, probably grocery shopping. Well, definitely grocery shopping if we're going to Forrest's place tomorrow." I answered.

"Football starts tomorrow." Jake said, matter of factly.

"I know. Forrest invited us to his game watching party." I explained.

"I don't really like game watching parties. I watch more than one game at a time for my fantasy league." Jake said.

"Really Jake? And you call me a nerd?"

"Remember that when I win my league. You're not getting nothing."

I laughed. Then thought about it.

"Ok. Can we watch at my place? So I can get laundry done at least." I asked.

"Do you have redzone?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. There's like 20 different sports channels."

"Ok. I'll make it work... if you cook."

"Nope. Every time I do, we argue. I'm never cooking for you again, that's how much I love you." I grinned.

Jake shook his head.

"You're so full of it." He said, leaning over to give me a kiss. I kissed him back, forcing a smile.

It was so easy to tell him I loved him. I really did. The hard part was not hearing it back.

I spent the rest of my day cleaning and catching up with my friends. I called Rachel and let her know I wasn't coming Sunday. She said she'd miss us, but understood. I called Rocky next. When I asked about Brandon, she told me they were great. I didn't tell her about his attitude at Target. Maybe he was just having a bad morning. I texted Amber while I cleaned. She was telling me how Will was trying to start a bromance with Ethan.

Me- Oh God. That's a scary thought

Amber- Lol

I tried to call Trevor, but I didn't get a response. So I caught up with my family next. I briefly spoke to my dad and told him I was getting a new boss. My brother told me about hanging out with Jenna's family over Labor Day weekend. And my cousin Bianca was staying busy with school. I called my Aunt last. I filled her in about Jake. I told her the problems we faced so far and how I was trying to rectify them. I even confided in her about how he didn't tell me he loved me back yet.

"Ask him. Don't put his feelings before yours. I'm happy you love him, but never lose yourself loving a man." She replied.

Sunday morning I went shopping. I decided I wasn't going to cook for Jake, but I figured I could make my own pizza and if he wanted to make his own he could too.

By the time he came over with his tablet, it was around 12 and time for the first round of football games.

I set him up in the den with the biggest flat screen and redzone while I made dough and got the toppings ready for the pizzas.

I smiled as I heard Jake groaning and talking to the tv.

I brought him a beer and couldn't contain my laughter. He had glasses on (I didn't even knew he wore glasses) and was frowning at his tablet. He looked up and his frown disappeared.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

"You!" I laughed. "You wear glasses?!?"

He took them off. "Only when I'm on the computer or tablet for a long period of time."

I handed him a beer. "Four eyes, four eyes. You need glasses to see!" I taunted him.

"Real mature little girl. I can see fine. My eyes just get irritated and I get headaches." He explained.

"Aw, ok babe. That will happen to us all if we live long enough, old man." I teased.

"Where's my food at?" He smiled at me.

"In the kitchen. Waiting for you to cook it."

He followed me into the kitchen. We made pizzas together. I topped mine with Alfredo sauce, mozzarella, tomatoes, bacon, chicken, spinach and jalapenos. Jake stuck with tomato sauce, all meats, cheese and jalapenos on one side. He made faces at my pizza, but I ignored him.

While the pizza cooked, we went back in the den to watch the second half of the New Orleans and Atlanta game. I sat down and he tried to explain his fantasy picks to me. I knew my team's players and the more famous players, but I hardly knew anyone he was talking about.

When the pizzas were done, I sliced them and brought them out to the den. I forced Jake to try some of mine. He said it wasn't as bad as he thought, but he didn't ask for another slice.

When the Cowboys and 49ers game came on, I threw on my Colin Kaepernick Jersey. I sat on the couch and took a selfie of myself. I snap chatted Forrest with the caption: 9ers!!!

"Who are you texting?" Jake asked me, still working on his tablet.

"No one. I'm snap chatting Forrest." I replied.

He looked up at me. "Y'all snap chat?"

"Yeah. Mostly food and stuff." I said.

"And stuff?" He asked.

"Yep. I just sent him a picture of me in my jersey." I explained.

"Hmm." Jake said, returning to his tablet. I could tell he didn't like that. I sighed dramatically.

When he ignored me, I got up and went upstairs to my room. I took off my clothes and sent Jake a picture of me in my 49ers lace trimmed panties. Bianca brought them for my birthday present last year.

I laid on my bed, waiting for his response. I grinned when I heard him coming up the stairs.

"Who else did you send that too?" Jake asked me, as he made his way to the bed.

"No one..." I gasped, watching as he pulled himself out of his shorts, stroking himself as he looked down at me.  He pulled a condom out his pocket before taking off his shorts.

"Good answer." Jake said, joining me on the bed. He then got on top of me, and entered me quickly.

"Jake..." I moaned in his ear, as he thrust inside me. "I love you Jake. Only you." I whispered in his ear.

He just thrust harder and faster inside of me until he came. He laid beside me and moved his fingers between my legs. He rubbed me to a quick orgasm.

I turned on to my side to face him and kissed him over and over again. "Jake, do you love me too? It's ok if you don't-"

"I do love you Cariño. I love you so much..." He whispered in my ear, holding me close. I smiled as I drifted to sleep.

I woke up a couple hours later, to the 49ERS dominating the Cowboys. And Jake gone.

I got dressed and went downstairs. Sammy and Corey were eating pizzas that they made.

"Hey. Where's Jake?" I asked.

"He left. Right after we got here." Sammy answered.

"Yeah. Real friendly guy you picked over me." Corey commented, sarcastically.

"Stop. I didn't pick him over you. I didn't know you. Now that I do, I would." I teased him.

Corey laughed.

I joined them with the rest of my pizza and texted Jake.

Me: Hey. You disappeared faster than the Cowboy fans on my Facebook news feed :-)

I went to bed that night, with no response from him.


  1. Oh boy. Sounds like someone panicked and bolted.

    When do we get Brandon's perspective??

    --Nicole M.

    1. Sometime tomorrow... it was a little harder getting in his head :-)

  2. Ugh jake is going to ruin everything!!

    1. He's theme song is one step foward, two steps back. Hopefully thats not the case this time

  3. I feel like Lily is getting more and more needy, I would back off too

    1. Good point. I wonder if it's what she needs or what she feels he needs.

  4. I think Jake is scared that now he's admitted he loves Lily she is going to end up hurting him the same way Cara(? I forget her name because I don't like her lol) did. I think Jake has some explaining to do...
    I love them together though and I think they both are needy of each other in different ways. Lily expresses herself more openly with Jake, he expresses his neediness in a more abstract way (...i think). Love the blog!

    1. Thank you! And yes, it was cara. Lol

      Hopefully Jake will learn how to express himself without just bailing. If that's what he did ;-)

  5. What was up with Omar's attitude? Don't get me started on Brandon?!?? Have they been conversing?

    I am hoping Jake had a work emergency and didn't want to wake her :)

    1. THANK YOU for not saying "conversating"!! Ugh. That word drives me bonkers. It's nice to know some people actually know the correct words to use. Lol. I like your positive thinking. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

    2. All of those are possibilities. Especially Omar and Brandon conversing considering they would have grown up together.

  6. Man if I was Lily I would be asking Jake what is Omar's problem! Are we going to hear more about that soon? I get impatient between every single post. I love this blog too much! Best blog ever!

    1. Omar is one of Jake's closest friend, so his not going anywhere anytime soon. Thank so much. Editing Brandon's perspective right now.

  7. He never said I love you lily he used her petname, maybe looking to much into it but when my man looks at me serious and says my real name it has more effect then love you babe. Not liking then together seems like she is is getting more invested then him. He'll probably try to use his insecurities as an excuse for bailing.

    1. Interesting observation. I definitely didn't think about it like that. We'll see the effect of the L-bomb in Friday's post.

    2. Janay!!! Friday seems so very far away!! ;(

      I am far too invested in these characters. Lol

      --Nicole M.

  8. I was behind on ur blog which is my absolute fav, due to my ever irritating medical conditon. All i have to say is AMAZING!!! I sure hope he isnt bailing bcuz hes scared if Lily is willing to b w/him even when she thought he was a player in the beginning they're both putting their hearts out there. He better put on his big boy boxers & man up. I was such a big Team Ethan fan too now i like Jake for her he better not screw this up!
