Wednesday, September 10, 2014

No Games (Brandon's POV)

Bonus Post. Brandon's Point of View of Game night. Thank you reader from Nigeria for the request!

Love you girl
Do you feel the same
I don't wanna play... games
No games...
You're the only that can out my flame
Baby just play it straight straight

No games...- No Games by Serani 

"Rocky..." I said, pulling the covers away from her body.

She groaned and curled up, making her petite body look even smaller. I jumped in bed with her, spooning her from behind. I ran my hands over her ass before placing them under her shirt. I dry humped her as I fondled her breast in my hands. They were the perfect handful.

"Boy, stop. I'm too tried." She said, moving away from me, her voice fierce even when she sounded exhausted.

"Too bad. You wanted to have this party. Now get up. It's 4:30." I told her, before sucking on her neck.

She gasped and pushed me off. I knew that would get her up. When we first started dating, I accidentally left a hickey on her neck. I thought it was funny until she went off. She didn't let me touch her until it faded away.

At the time, her attitude threw me. I was used to girls playing hard to get, but once I got them to give it up, they did whatever it took to keep me interested. Not Rocky. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I liked seeing how riled up I could get her. Probably just as much as she liked to keep me on my toes and jumping through hoops. Even now, I loved leaving little hickeys all over her sexy red tinted brown skin. I just leave them where they can be hidden, most of the time.

"Go help Lily finish while I get dressed." She demanded, sitting up.

I just stretched out. "Lily wasn't even out there. Jake's car was in the back. No telling what they're doing." I replied, shuddering at the thought.

"At least they're not on the couch." Rocky smirked, hopping out of bed and heading to the closet.

"I don't appreciate Jake getting more ass than me in my own home." I said.

"You say stuff like that and wonder why you get no ass." Rocky replied, heading to the bathroom with hangers of clothes.

"You know you missed me last night. I'll be getting some ass tonight." I finished, getting up from the bed. I couldn't go with her to Waco cause I had to close at work. I was really starting to hate my job.

"Not if you don't help out with this party!" Rocky snapped back.

I responded by slapping her on the ass before she closed and locked the bathroom door on me.

I headed out to the living room. It was perfect timing as I heard the front door open. Ethan and EJ walked into the house.

"Fellas!" I greeted them as they came in.

"Be right back. I have drinks in the truck." Ethan said after putting a bag of ice away.

"You need help?"

"No, I got it." Ethan answered.

"Ok. EJ, what's up nephew?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Did Lily bring the Kinect? Can we play?" EJ asked.

"Of course." I answered.

"No. Let's wait till everyone else gets here." Ethan answered him, returning with two 12 packs of soda.

"Brandon, why didn't you help?" Rocky nagged me, coming out, looking sexy with glare on her face.

"Cause he said he had it." I answered.

"Why do we gotta wait for the other kids? They're girls and a baby." EJ grimaced, picking up the Xbox game.

I laughed. "Just wait. You'll wanna start playing with girls soon. You still won't want a baby..."

"Brandon." Ethan warned me.

"Grow up." Rocky said at the same time.

"EJ!" We all looked up to see Lily and Jake emerge from the hallway. Lily smiled at us before heading straight to EJ to give him a hug.

Jake greeted Rocky and me. Ethan and Jake just kinda nodded at each other. I could tell by both of their demeanor's it was far from cool between them.

"Drama..." I muttered to Rocky.

"Leave it alone." She said under her breath.

But after the whole inside joke between Lily and Ethan about Jordan, even Rocky could tell it wasn't going to be good. When Jake and Lily went outside, Rocky turned to me.

"It's about to go down...." she sighed. "I'm making a crown and coke. Want one?" She asked. I nodded. She turned back before she left. "Look, I know you're not a Jake and Lily fan. Just be cool. For me. I really don't want any drama tonight."

"Yeah." I nodded. But a big part of me wanted something to happen. I was sick of being in the middle of this. I wanted it out in the open.

I was glad when Will showed up, occupying Ethan. Ethan didn't even notice the hard glares Jake was sending him when he came back in with Lily. I joined their conversation, saying Ethan was my parents' favorite. Even though it was the truth, I treated it like a joke. I took the drink Rocky offered me and sipped it slowly.

The doorbell rang and Lily left to go get it.

I was going to ask Jake if he was cool, when I heard Lily exclaim "Hey Bilal!"

I turned to look at Rocky. She looked panicked. Rocky never looked panicked. Damn Lily. This girl had no common sense. Why in the world would she invite Rocky ex to our house? I knew Rocky wouldn't say anything cause Lily hated when Rocky corrected her but I didn't care. I was definitely saying something to her.

"So Lily, next time you invite Rocky's ex over, can you run it by me first?" I said at the first opportunity I got after Trevor and Bilal left to get food.

"Sure. Sorry about that." She said, quickly, shooting Rocky a glance.

I wasn't sure if she was expecting Rocky to tell her it was ok, but Rocky just stared back at her.

"No problem. Just a warning would be nice." I added, noticing Jake watching us.

I didn't say anything else. Jake called Lily over and I turned to Rocky.

"I need another drink. Do you want another drink?" She said, quickly, holding up her empty glass.

I looked down at mine. It was still full, and Rocky made them strong.

"No. I'm ok." I answered, watching her walk off.

I listened to Lily telling Trevor the story about Philip. I already knew it. I called Jake to see if he wanted to play Madden with me that night. He ended up telling me what happened. I told him he had every right to be upset and if she didn't understand that, she was an idiot.

Then Jake got defensive and got off the phone. I couldn't win with them. So I said, "fuck it." I made up my mind to stay out of it. Completely. That changed when I got a call from Ethan. He said he saw Lily out with another guy and he needed to know if it was serious. I told him I didn't know. I didn't tell him about Jake. I figured it wouldn't matter. After I told Jake she was seeing someone else, I knew he would end it.

That blew up in my face. I hated that I called Lily out incorrectly at the movie theater. Jake told me that night I needed to make things right with her. Easier said than done. Her hooking up with Jake knowing the history with Ethan was shady enough. Now all these little things kept adding up, but I couldn't even warn Jake about them without looking like I had something against her. So I had to watch this play out, no matter how bad it got. I had the feeling Jake was going to be the one to get hurt.

We finally went to play a game, but of course, Lily had to make it awkward by hanging all over Ethan. I tried to catch Rocky's eyes to see if she was seeing this shit, but she was staring in the kitchen. I looked at Jake. He was watching Lily and Ethan too. Lily got up and walked to Jake, placing herself in his lap. I watched Ethan watch them. I knew him well enough to see the uneasiness pass over his face.

"Hey man. How are you feeling about the whole Jake and Lily thing?" I asked him, after everyone showed up and the first game was over. Lily was setting up battle of the sexes while Rocky was playing hostess, getting Bilal and herself another drink.

"I told you. I'm fine with it. We're all friends. No big deal." He said plainly. I didn't believe him for a second.

"They're not friends though. He's serious about her." I told Ethan, trying to get a reaction from him.

Ethan just shrugged. "That's his mistake." He said, detachedly.

I love my brother, but he can be a cold hearted dick. Lily and Ethan were both completely oblivious sometimes. I didn't get how someone could be so book smart, but have no common sense. I guess he and Lily were perfect for each other in that sense.

I thought it was hilarious when Ethan told me they were 'casually' hooking up way back when. Neither one of them convinced me they would be able to have no strings attached sex. I encouraged them dating 100%. But now they pulled another person into their mess and I couldn't let my friend get hurt like that.

"Ethan, you said you just wanted to be friends. Back off from her." I said.

"Even if I did, it doesn't change the fact that she's not serious about him." Ethan responded.

"E-"  I was cut off by Rocky's loud laughter. Apparently something Bilal said made her burst out laughing. She was holding his shoulder while she laughed. I frowned at them.

"Are you ok?" Ethan asked me.

"I'm fine." I replied.

 In actuality, I was confused as fuck. I didn't get her and Bilal. I don't even see how that ever happened. He was a short, alternative emo type dude. I don't even know how he passed her test. But the more I thought about it, he was probably the reason she had such high standards. The new man always had to pay for the last one's mistakes.

The next game was set up, we separated with women on one side, men on the other. Except for Jackie. She stayed planted on the couch next to Ethan. Which was fine, everyone just separated from them. And it wouldn't hurt if Jackie got his attention. Ethan kept sending Lily glances as she talked and laughed with Rachel. It was a matter of time before Jake picked up on it, if he hadn't already.

The game got started. We alternated asking each group a question.

"What is the name of Barbie’s little sister?" Amber read.

All us guys looked at each other, stumped.

"C'mon Jake. You have how many sisters?" Lily taunted him.

"They didn't play with Barbie. They played with Maria..." Jake smiled.

"The brunette was Theresa!" Lily laughed at him.

"And the sister was Skipper." Amber said, putting the card away.

"Other than gasoline, name two fluids you put in your car." Trevor read to the girls.

"Oil." Amber called out.

"Brake fluid and coolant" Rachel added.

"Water? Right Bilal?" Rocky smiled at him.

Bilal laughed. "Let old school rest in peace."

"You mean pieces? It's gotta be scrap metal by now." Rocky laughed too.

"You weren't complaining when you needed a ride." Bilal replied.

"Yes, I was. Just not to you. Right Lily? We would always say if you we're picking us up to get a gallon of water ready. Just in case old school overheated. Which it did. Every time. We were better on the bus." Rocky said, her eyes glued to Bilal.

"Alright that was 2. Next question." I moderated, trying not to go down memory lane with her and her ex.

Lily grabbed a card. "After you get a perm, what can you not do for two days?"

"Wash your hair!" Trevor answered. We all looked at him."What? Y'all haven't seen Legally Blonde?"

Lily put the card down. "I knew your curls weren't natural."

Will picked a card. "They're not getting this. What position does soccer player David Beckham play ?"

"Whatever position he wants." Jackie smiled.

The girls laughed.

"So that's an I don't know?" Ethan asked.

"Well, he plays every position in my dreams, but in soccer, he's a midfielder." Lily answered, easily.

"Wow Lily..." Ethan smiled at her.

"I have bend it like Beckham jokes too..." She replied.

"No. We get it." Ethan laughed at her. Lily watched him, smiling. Jake watched the both of them.

I tried to get Rocky's attention so she could see what I was seeing, but she was leaning closer to Bilal, talking to him. I knew he had to be getting a great view of her boobs in her low cut top.

"Rocky?" I asked, interrupting them. She looked over at me. "Wanna read the next card?"

"Sure." She said, sitting up. She read through a couple of cards.

"Stop cheating. Just pick one." Trevor told her.

Rocky ignored him and keep searching. "What was the theme song from the movie ‘Ghost’ starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore?" She finally read the card. To Bilal.

Bilal looked away from her to me. Then the rest of us guys. "Unchained Melody." He answered.

"I knew you would get that. You know every song ever made." Rocky said, staring at him. I watched her in disbelief. What the hell is going on?

Bilal stood up.

"Where are you going?" Rocky asked him, pouting.

"Just to get a drink." Bilal answered.

"I'll come with you." She replied.

"No. I'll bring you one back." Bilal offered.

Rocky smiled up at him. I wanted to ask her what the fuck was she smiling about, but I didn't wanna make a scene. Especially in front of her ex. She was embarrassing me enough. He didn't need to think anything other than we were together. Happily.

 I shot Lily a hard glance. This was partially her fault. She should have gave us a heads up. She shouldn't have invited him at all.

We continued to play the game. The girls were killing us but I didn't even care. I kept watching Rocky with Bilal. Rocky acted like I didn't even exist. I can't help but wonder if something happened at the game between them. I knew Bilal was at the game too, but I never questioned Rocky's loyalty. Until now.

When the game was over, Rocky rubbed Bilal shoulder, emphatically.

"Good try." She said, grinning. Bilal shook her off, glancing at me. Rocky didn't even look my direction.

"Rocky-" before I could say another word, Lily grabbed her and and pulled her out to the kitchen. I watched as they disappeared.

Ethan picked up a deck of cards.

"What's next? Strip poker?" Jackie asked him.

Ethan shook his head. "Hold 'em?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Be right back." I said, hopping up to go into the kitchen.

When I saw Rocky wasn't there, I grabbed a beer.

"That was brutal man. Are you ok?" Jake asked me, when he followed me to the kitchen.

"I'm cool." I said, shortly.

"Ok. Just checking." He said, sympathetically.

"I mean, are you ok? At least he knows Rocky and I are serious." I couldn't even say his name. "That's more than I can say about Ethan."

"What does that mean?" Jake asked, confused.

"I'm just saying, if Lily and Ethan talk so damn  much, why doesn't he think it's serious between you two?"

Jake didn't say anything else to me. He just left. I knew I was wrong for saying that. I just didn't need him questioning my relationship.  I took a few sips of my beer before joining the rest of them to play poker.

Lily and Rocky eventually came back. Rocky sat next to me, without a drink. It was the first time tonight I saw her without one. I didn't acknowledge her, but she wrapped her arms around me as I played.

"I'm sorry. I had too much to drink. I love you." She whispered in my ear.

I nodded. An apology from her is rarer than a classy stripper, so I forgave her instantly. We were going to talk about this later, but I let it go for now. Besides, it looked like Lily was correcting her mistake. She was walking Bilal and Trevor out.

We played a few hands of poker before the kids started bugging us. EJ came over first.


"EJ, can it wait? You see were in the middle of playing a game." Ethan told him.

He nodded.

The girls on the other hand came over, chatting each other's ears off while munching on popcorn.

"Why aren't y'all playing the game?" Will asked.

"Because Miss Lily and Miss Rachel are playing." Krista responded.

"Lily would take over a kid's game. I'm surprised by Rachel." Forrest said to Jake.

"The Kinect is pretty fun though. There's a sports game were you can box." Jake explained.

"I kinda want to see that." Forrest said. We finished up our last game. I grabbed Rocky's hand and we headed to the den.

We watched Lily and Rachel have a dance battle. It was a fun game. It was even funnier watching Forrest and Jake go back and forth over whose girl was the better dancer. They both looked good, but I rather Rocky be in the room, showing me her moves.

"Dad?" EJ asked Ethan when they joined us in the den. "Can I ask you a question now?"

"Yes?" Ethan said.

"Are you and Lily getting married?"

I looked up at Ethan and EJ.

Rocky moaned. I looked over at her. She looked like she was going to be sick. "Bathroom?" I asked. She just waved me off.

 I turned back to Ethan. I knew he was trying to keep his face neutral, but that question shocked him.

"No." Ethan said simply.

"Raquelle and Lily were talking about it." EJ continued.

I think time stood still for a moment and EJ's words just hung in the room. Then Jake just left. Lily chased after him while "Rude Boy" played from the game. Krista hopped up to take Lily's place.

"Oh fuck." Rocky groaned, standing up to follow them.

I grabbed her arm. "No. Stay out of it."

"You don't understand-" Rocky started. She didn't get to finish because Lily came back in the house.

"Lily-" Rocky called out to her, but she just rushed into the hallway. Next thing we knew, she was leaving the house.


  1. Ethan comes off as a cocky jerk in this post...also Brandon despite wanting to protect Jake- is being a bad friend. He should support him & his decisions...instead of being negative & trashing his best friends girlfriend to everyone he can

  2. Is there a back story with Jake and Ethan? I get the impression something happened in the past

  3. Brandon and Ethan suck!!!

  4. Still doesn't make me feel like jake didn't overreact by leaving. I think lily obviously still has feelings for ethan and not that I want her to be with ethan but I think her and jake should back off and she should be on her own for a while. Jake still has issues and will use those to excuse his behavior. If ethan really like lily he should admit to it or back off. Then again I don't think it's him I think it's lily being touchy

  5. I want to cold cock Brandon in the mouth with a shovel. That Peter thing was NOT lily's fault. She answered the door thinking it was Jake. Brandon's a douchebag.
