Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Two Can Play That Game (Brandon's POV)

Bonus Post 2. Brandon's Point of View of Game night Aftermath. Thank you reader from Nigeria for the request!

"Lately you've been acting mighty strange
To me it seems you attitude has changed
When suddenly you just don't seem the same
Instead of playin' all those silly games" - Two Can Play That Game by Bobby Brown

Everyone left after that. Rocky got started cleaning the kitchen while I walked Ethan out. Once EJ was strapped inside, I spoke to Ethan.

"I'm asking you, for me. Don't start anything with Lily." I said, bluntly.

"Did you ask Jake that?" Ethan said, squaring off with me.

"No, cause Lily assured me NOTHING was going on when I caught them kissing." I explained.

"And when was this? How long did you know about them?" Ethan interrogated me.

"Long enough. I didn't want to be in the middle of it. I told Lily what a shitty situation she was putting me in. She's playing the both of you. Don't fall for the games she's playing." I said.

"Jake could have come and talked to me about it. He choose not to. You don't have to worry about being in the middle of it with me." Ethan said.


"It's a school night. Bye Brandon." Ethan said, before opening his truck door and leaving.

I came into the house and slammed the door in frustration. I was pissed. At Jake for not taking my advice. At Ethan for being so stubborn. And Lily for fucking starting this mess.

I joined Rocky in the kitchen, helping her clean. I started putting the food away. Rocky jumped when I slammed a cupboard shut.


"Lily is a bitch!" I exclaimed. Rocky winced.

"I'm sorry. I know that's your friend, but she is. She really is. I hate that this happened, but I'm glad Jake can see it now. Ethan will have to learn the hard way, but that's just how he is. You woulda thought he learned with Megan. But apparently not."  I ranted, putting the food up.

"Brandon. It's not like that. She does have feeling for Jake. She loves him." Rocky said, quietly.

"Really? Loves him but wants to marry Ethan?" I scoffed.

"I said that." Rocky stated.


"It was a joke. EJ must have overheard us. I said if we married you both, we'd be sisters." Rocky explained.

"Why would you even say that with EJ around?"

"I didn't know he was around. We were in the bathroom. He was waiting. I wasn't even thinking. I had too much to drink. Lily was trying to help me out." Rocky said.

"Is that why you were all over your ex?" I accused her.

Rocky took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I just thought we could be friends again. It was cool at the game with all our friends. I didn't think it would be so different inviting him here."

"You invited him? You? Not Lily? Without asking me?" I said, outraged.

Rocky nodded. She made me look like a fool way too many times tonight. I stopped cleaning and left the kitchen. I changed into my shorts and grabbed a pillow and comforter from the closet.

While Rocky finished cleaning the kitchen, I stretched out on the couch. When she was done cleaning, Rocky came to the couch with me.

"Brandon, come to bed."

"I don't even wanna see you right now. Leave me alone." I said, roughly. She nodded and left for the room.

I knew I told her to leave me alone. I didn't expect her to actually leave. I expected her to do what we always do. Fight. Then make up. I couldn't help but be worried that now that her ex was back in her life, she wouldn't think our relationship was worth fighting for.

*Sunday Night*

It was almost a week after the Labor Day bullshit went down. I haven't talk to Ethan nor Jake about it. I was officially done. It pissed me the fuck off to see Lily and Jake together, like their relationship was perfect, when Rocky and I were still tip toeing around each other.

I returned back to the bed by Tuesday, we even had sex, but it was just the motions. I could tell. Rocky could tell. She made my favorite dinner, didn't nag on me to do anything. I should have been glad, but I couldn't fight the feeling that she was checking out on me.

Sunday night it finally came to a head. We came back from watching the Cowboys game at a sports bar with friends. Amber asked about Trevor and Lily and I made a face. Couldn't help it. Rocky ignored me, but I could tell she was annoyed.

When we got home, I went to the bedroom bathroom and started the shower. She followed me and went off on me.

"What are we doing? Are you gonna break up with me? Cause I'm tired of walking around on eggshells for you!" She declared.

"So you have a tiny bit of how I felt last week with you all in your ex's face and you wanna break up?"

"And I said sorry." Rocky said, glaring at me. "I'm not going to just sit around and wait for you to forgive me. It's been a week. Make up your mind."

"Yeah, you are sorry. You look real sorry right now." I commented, pulling a towel out the cabinet.

"What do you want from me Brandon? Cause this is getting old. Quick." She rolled her eyes.

"How bout I call up one of my ex's? Then we can hang out and play games together. Maybe reminisce on some old times. That sounds fair." I suggested

She stomped right over to me, staring at me like her 5'5 frame was 7 ft tall. I knew I pissed her off with that one.

"Yeah, call her over. Cause if I find out you're hanging out with any of those hoes, she's gonna need to come pick you and your shit up from outside." She threatened me.

"You could try to kick me out."

"There's no trying about it. If I want you gone, you will be." She promised.

I chuckled and removed my clothes.

"Is something funny?" She asked, rolling her neck.

"Yeah, I'm still here." I grinned at her.

"Don't tempt me..." She said, turning to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her against my body.

"Don't tell me what to do." I said, before kissing her hard on the mouth. She moaned, and I swept my tongue inside. She tasted so good. She always tasted good. Like she'd been sucking strawberries all day. It was addicting.

I lifted her and took her in the shower with her clothes and all.

"Fuck, Brandon! My hair! My clothes!" She screamed, pissed. But she allowed me to remove all her clothing. Her protests stopped when I got down on my knees and ate her out. I didn't stop till she was coming on my mouth, crying out in pleasure. I stood and held her, steadying her on her shaky legs.

When she recovered and tried to return the favor, I stopped her. I picked her up, leaning her against the tiled shower wall. She hissed when her back made contact, but I held her in place, sliding inside her.

I trembled when I pushed all the way in. I watched her eyes shutter close. I latched my mouth on her cleavage and sucked hard. I was making sure she wouldn't be showing off her boobs to anyone anytime soon. She groaned and looked down at me. Her eyes were a mixture of arousal and anger. She knew I was giving her a hickey. I watched her, daring her to try to stop me. She responded by squeezing me tighter inside her. I growled and thrust harder.

"Tell me it's my pussy." I demanded, feeling myself close to coming.

"It's yours." She groaned out, hanging on to my neck for dear life.

I came, hard, thrusting a final few times as I emptied inside of her.

We made eye contact after we caught our breath.

"You ready to have my baby now?" I smiled at her.

She scoffed. "Sure. We can get started on the honeymoon."


  1. What is it with all the cavemen in this story?

  2. These posts made me really dislike Brandon. Clearly my loyalty lies with Lily...he's such a dick...hopefully he sees how much Lily & Jake care for eachother & keeps his trash talking to himself

    1. I'm with you!! I really don't care for Brandon.

    2. Jake is similar he uses sex too in a claim my territory caveman way to.

    3. That I don't mind - it's his actual demeanour & trash talking I don't like.

  3. After reading both posts.....

    I COMPLETELY agree with disliking Brandon. I was on the fence about him as it was, and this just sealed the deal. I don't see how he can call Lilly a bitch and claim she is so horrible, when his brother is the one that basically dismissed her and told her to move on. You can't help who you fall in love with!

    And his whole attitude about wanting to not show how unhappy he is in his relationship with Rocky and not being real about their relationship issues is really annoying. How vindictive of a person is Brandon if he can't even get through one night of seeing Lilly and Jake happy together!? He sees that and instantly wanted to mess that up because he is insecure and unhappy in his own relationship. That's pretty pathetic and sad.

    THANK YOU for the bonus posts!! You totally made my Wednesday :-D

  4. While I think that Brandon is a total jerk, I get him being loyal to his brother to a fault.

  5. Why should everyone keep treating jake and lily like they are sincere and care for each other when they are constantly having drama and lily flirts and jake throws a dramatic tantrum and leaves.

  6. And Brandon has every right to be mad at rocky she was being stupid around her ex. Also he called lily a bitch when he thought she was the one who invited rocky's ex , while that is a strong word we can't just be so defensive of one character who has her flaws also

  7. I kinda see where everyone else in the comments is coming from. But I see Brandon as fiercely protective and loyal.. Not that it justifies being an ass. But he does have an outside perspective, and kinda calls things as he sees them, and I can see where he doesn't agree with the way Lily might have been acting between Jake and Ethan. But I don't dislike him, it seems kind of normal to have some tension when you're strung through the middle of a bunch of people's feelings.
    And I REALLY like that this point of view isn't exactly in favor of Lily, it adds diversity and food for thought!

    I feel like us as readers might not always have to like certain things, people, or a phase of the story, but we can still appreciate good writing. Or at least I can haha q:

    I also like Rocky in these posts. I know she kind of made a jerk out of herself a little bit... But I've always had a hard time warming up to her, and I found her a bit more likable in these posts.

    Also the cavemen reference, made me chuckle. While I get what's being referenced, I wouldn't call it that myself.
    I like the jealously and the sex and what not..I feel like there's a lot of intense moments in this story... And a lot of passion and feelings, which can be hard to portray but I feel the writer does quite a good job of it..

    1. You took the words out of my mouth.... not really... But I TOTALLY Agree! Though this don't make me fall in Love with Brandon.... I don't dislike him either, he is fiercely loyal to a fault :)

      If Rocky and him we still having issues... it kinda makes sense why he was so short with Lily.... Although he didn metntion he hated his job...I get the feeling he won't be at their for much longer.

      I am still dying to know why Jake left Lily's that day :)
