Thursday, September 11, 2014

Turn The Night Up

"Girl, your body's effing
You know my intentions,
I know you can go all night, go all night
I just wanna touch you,
Girl just let me touch you
I know it's been on your mind
The way you do it 
You got that something (x2)
So keep it moving 
You know I love it (x2)
Baby, it's you and me,
You see, we can turn the night up
And if you feel the way I feel
We can turn the night up" -Turn the Night Up by Enrique Iglesias

I received a text back from Jake early Monday morning.

Jake: I booked the tickets for Vegas. I had to go in and schedule a stand in officer at work for those days.  We're good for the last weekend of this month.

Me: Perfect! I'm not on call :-)

After responding to Jake, I went to work. I found out we have individual meetings this week with our new senior therapist. I signed up for a meeting time Thursday afternoon, right before my lunch. I met and worked with a new patient today. He was a golf instructor at a country club that had surgery on his rotator cuff. He had an awesome sense of humor and kept me laughing with stories about trying to teach old retirees and young professionals the game of golf. He said the injury was the first vacation he took in 4 years and he was looking forward to not working for a month.

I grabbed lunch with Jordan. She was excited about her upcoming vacation too. Derek had two weeks off before he started at the children's hospital. They were going to spend one of those weeks in Seattle. Derek had family up there and Jordan had never been. She had been spending most of her free time looking up things to do.

I excitedly told her about our upcoming trip to Vegas for Jake's birthday.

Jordan made a face. "Screw you. You're going to be spending a weekend in sin city, while I'm going to be checking out fish and getting rained on. And dealing with Derek being a momma's boy." Jordan complained.

I laughed. "Ohmigod. Go back to just addressing him as your boyfriend. I can't think of Derek as not my boss and I can't picture him as a momma's boy."

"He is! I thought it was so cute he had weekly chats with his mom, but they don't go a couple days without communicating. She's on his Facebook." Jordan said.

"That's not super weird. Everyone is on Facebook." I said.

"No! She's like actively on Facebook. Always commenting on post and sending recipes to him and to me to cook for him! You don't know how many times I've heard, "Mom does this" or "Mom said this" I wanna scream at him, you're 34! Cut the cord!" Jordan exclaimed.

I laughed harder. I was so glad Derek was leaving. There was no way I could continue to work with him without hearing Adam Sandler from Waterboy saying "M...M...Mama said!"

After work, I went home to an empty apartment. I couldn't even keep up with Sammy's schedule anymore. Trevor never called me back from Sunday, so I gave him a ring.

" have some explaining to do..." I said, in a fake accent.

"First of all, that accent was horrific. Like really bad. I'm white and I'm offended by it." Trevor started.

I laughed. "Whatever ese. Not only am I racially ambiguous, but I'm dating a Mexican. I get a pass. On everything."

"So that's what we call kids that don't know who their dad is? Racially Ambiguous?" Trevor joked.

"Better than bastard." I smiled.

Trevor laughed "So what's up?"

"Nada. I just wanted to talk to you. Catch up. Labor Day was kinda crazy. We need to compare notes." I said, raiding my refrigerator for food.

"I know. I heard it got even better after I left."

"What did you hear?" I asked.

"A fight, that was resolved with a dance battle?" Trevor suggested.

"I wish!" I laughed.

"You wanna hang out tomorrow? I'm off." Trevor said.

"Why are you off?" I asked.

"I'm caught up with all my projects. So instead of hanging around, milking the clock, I took some PTO." Trevor explained.

"Sounds good. Just give me a call when you're up." I said, finally deciding to take some of the leftover pizza toppings and make myself a salad.

After I ate, I called Jake.

"Hey babe." I said, smiling when he answered the phone. "How was your day?"

"It was good CariƱo. Can I call you back? I need to make some calls about the trip." Jake asked.

"Of course. I'll talk to you later." I said, before letting him go.

Hmmm, how did I spend my time before having Jake around?...

I spent the rest of the night watching Adam Sandler classics; the Wedding Singer, Billy Madison, and of course, Waterboy. Waterboy was my all time favorite. It actually inspired my current profession. I never even noticed the people on the sideline of sporting games until my brother brought home the movie. I decided I wanted to be on the sidelines taking care of professional athletes like my dad.

My dad heard medical field and pushed me towards being a doctor and of course I went with it. Even if that meant I was too busy studying to actually be an athletic trainer in high school. I figured I could be a team doctor instead. The thought of going to medical school after my first year of college gave me so much anxiety. I didn't know how I was going to make it through that much schooling. I just wanted to start living in the real world on my own.

Trevor was the one that suggested I look at graduate programs instead. I did. By the end of my third semester, I switched my major from pre-med to kinesiology with the intent to be a physical therapist and I haven't regretted it once.

After the movies, I saw it was only 9pm. Jake hadn't called me back yet and I was still wide awake. I figured since I had a new membership, I might as well get my money's worth and hit up Jake's and my gym.

After I changed and packed my bag, I went to the gym. I focused on my abs and core. I figured the Vegas trip will included some bikini time and I wanted my stomach to look great. Pizza and beer game nights were not going to help the cause, so I put in some extra work.

When I walked back into the locker room to change, I noticed there was a sauna and it was empty. I went to the women's locker room, showered and changed into a clean sports bra and running shorts. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into the sauna. I sat down. I quickly took a selfie and snap chatted Jake.

Me- Love our gym. Sauna all to myself.

I put my phone in my lap and relaxed. I opened my eyes a few minutes later when the door opened. I gave the guy coming in a little smile, before resting my head again and closing my eyes.

"New workout time?" The guy asked me, laying down on a bench in front of me.

"No, I don't have a set workout schedule." I answered, nicely.

"I'm used to having the sauna by myself this time of night. Nice having company." He replied.

"Nice. I'm actually new here. This is my boyfriend's gym." I said, wanting to make it very clear I was taken.

"Cool. Welcome." He said, before putting his head phones on.

My phone lit up, indicating a text.

Jake- Maybe I should come join you. You know it's unisex.

Me- Really? That explains a lot. I thought a really big, handsome girl was in here with me :-)

Jake- I thought you had it all to yourself.

Me- I did until about 5 minutes ago.

Jake- How long are you gonna stay? If it's not too late, come thru.

Me- Heading out right now.

I left the sauna and changed into a short sleeved, black, casual dress. I put my hair up in a bun and sprayed body spray all over myself. I put on my flip flops and headed to Jake's.

He pulled me into a hug as soon as he opened the door.

"You look and smell too good for someone who just came from the gym."

"Next time I'll stay sweaty and gross." I said, giving him a kiss.

"C'mere. I wanna show you where we're staying in Vegas." He said, excitedly.

We sat on the couch together and he pulled up the website for the Luxor in Las Vegas.

"Wow. So the turn up is real for your birthday?" I grinned at him.

"I told you. I always do my birthday big." Jake smiled.

I couldn't even believe we were staying at the Pyramid in Vegas. I was already excited just knowing where we were staying. He ran through a list of amenities and I was ready to go right then and there. I gasped when he showed me the room he reserved for us. Not a room, but suite.

"Babe, you have got to let me pay you back for all this."

Jake frowned. "I can afford it."

"Obviously. But it's your birthday. It's wrong that you're treating me." I replied.

"You can treat me by buying new clothes for the trip. Tight and revealing." He smiled.

I laughed. "You're actually going to let me pick out my clothes?"

"Yes. It's Vegas. If I don't like them, you'll go naked." Jake teased.

"Keep dreaming." I replied.

"No dreams. Just birthday wishes..."

I laughed.

"So what do you wanna do in Vegas?" He asked me.

"It's not my birthday..."

"Answer the question."

"Ok...gambling of course. Walk the strip. A buffet. At least one show..." I listed off.

"What kind of show?" Jake asked.

"Britney Spears?" I smiled.

"Ok. It's my birthday. No." Jake replied.

I laughed. I looked through the shows at the Luxor.

"OMG, Jabbawockeez!!!" I exclaimed.

"Jabbawockeez?" Jake asked.

"Yes! ABDC? America's Best Dance Crew? They were the first winners. They are amazing. I can't believe you haven't heard of them. Babe, why are you so old?" I grinned.

"Keep talking and I'll take you to a show at a strip club." Jake responded.

I laughed. "You would. Who's all coming?"

"Omar and Kelly, Malik, Colton, my cousin Frankie and his girlfriend, Jasmine and Reggie, Brandon and Rocky. Jasmine and Reggie actually have the same flight as you." Jake explained.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"They can only stay the weekend too. The rest of us are flying out Thursday. Coming back Monday." He explained.

"Oh, ok. Cool." I said, forcing a smile.

I wasn't upset he was staying longer. Just a little confused to why he didn't ask how long I could stay. Yeah, with the new supervisor, I wouldn't have stayed longer than that. But I don't know why he just automatically assumed just the weekend.

"Has Brandon been acting weird to you?" I asked him, eager to let it go by changing the subject.

"No weirder than normal. Why?" Jake said, putting away his tablet.

"No reason." I shrugged. I yawned and stretched. My workout was hitting me.

"Ready for bed?" Jake asked. I nodded and we went to bed together.


The next morning, I headed home. By the time I got home, Trevor called me.

"Have you seen Sin City 2 yet?" He asked.

"I haven't. Wanna go?"

"Yeah, let me see what time it's showing. I'll call you back."

5 minutes later, Trevor called me back. "We're set for 3:00pm."

"Cool. I'm going for swim at my apartment. Wanna join?" I asked.

"Sure. Be right there."

Sammy was home today. I told her Trevor was stopping by. She just nodded, so I went ahead and got ready so I could meet him by the pool. I had already swam a few laps before he showed up.

He grinned at me, pulling off his shirt and jumped in the pool with me.

We splashed around and swam until my arms got tried. I was heading out of the pool from the step ladder when Trevor grabbed me by my waist.

I laughed. "Stop, I'm getting out."

"What's the password?" Trevor asked.

"Let me go or get destroyed." I said.

"Wrong." He said, before pulling me back in the water.

I went into attack mood, leaping on to him and trying to push his head under the water. He grabbed me and pulled me under too. We both came up, gasping for air. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, till I noticed his eyes wandered to my chest. I cleared my throat and turned away.

 I got out quickly and dried off. He stayed in the pool. I kept my body covered with the towel.

"Did you see the weather? We're getting a cold front?" Trevor asked me.

"I know. This summer went by so quick. There's already pumpkins and Halloween stuff at the stores. I'm excited about my fall clothes and boots. I love my boots" I responded, nervously.

"Lily, I'm a guy. I'm gonna notice your boobs, whether I have feelings for you or not." Trevor said, shaking his head.

I blushed. "Um, do you have feelings? Still?"

"Not as strong. It's getting back to how it used to be. Doesn't mean I don't wanna motorboat you." Trevor smiled.

I laughed. "Perv."

"So what did you think about Rocky and Bilal?" He asked me.

"Crazy right? I don't even know what to think really." I exclaimed.

"Me either."

"Does he still have feelings for Rocky?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Does she have feelings for him?"

"Answer at the same time on the count of 3." I said.


"I don't know." I answered.

"Beats me." He responded.

We laughed. "Ok. Let's just leave that alone."

"So you and Becca?" I asked.

"Talking, but that's it. I like her. She's fun and I'm glad she can forgive me. I just don't... feel it with her, you know?" Trevor answered.

"Kinda, but I felt the same way about Jake. About him being fun, but not seeing anything else. The more time I spent with him, the more my feelings grew." I said.

"I'm sure for different reasons." Trevor said.

"Yeah." I agreed. Unless Becca was a man whore...

"So what happened with Jake at the party." Trevor asked.

I explained what happened and my plan to fix us. Trevor got out the pool and sat with me. "You want my take on it?"

"Do you want my take on Becca." I asked.

"Answer on the count of 3?" He asked.


"Nope" We said together. We both laughed.

We went to the apartment and got dressed. Sammy was gone by then. I was glad. Things were officially normal with Trevor. We laughed and joked on the way to the movie and afterwards. Neither one of us was as impressed as we were with the first movie. Trevor was impressed by Jessica Alba.

"Someone once told me in California I look like her. Just sexier." I told Trevor.

Trevor began fake coughing. "Sure..." he said, grinning at me. I punched him on the arm. We stopped by Sonic cause Trevor wanted a breakfast sandwich and French toast sticks. I got a chicken sandwich and mozzarella sticks.

We went back to my place and played XBOX Kinect to work off our food. I showed him the dancing game. We danced to "I like it" by Enrigue Ingeles.

My phone beeped and I took a break from the dance. I saw I had a text from Jake. He just asked me what I was up to. I answered him that I was hanging with Trevor. He told me to have fun. So we did.

After Trevor left, I updated my Facebook status.

Its official! Turn up Tuesday with T-Rev! #Pool#ADameToKillFor#DanceBattles

My brother commented on the status first.

Cam- Which one of you is the dame to kill for?

Jenna- Lol be nice @Cam

Bilal- it woulda been Trevor, till I found out he permed his hair...

Me- LMAO @Bilal. I forgot all about that. He probably has to cut it cause of all the damage from perming.
And it's me @Cam. Even Trevor admitted I'm sexier than Jessica Alba : -)

Trevor- Jealous? @Bilal
 I agreed y'all both have that racially ambiguity thing going on. You would be more fun to motorboat. @Lily

Me-Thank you! #AllAboutThatBass

Cam- You better be talking about water sports @Trevor
Another reason why I hate that song @Lily

Trevor- Are your sister's boobies water sports? ;-) @Cam

Me- It was nice knowing you Trevor : -)


  1. I'm for Lily & Jake but I don't see them lasting..

    1. Care to elaborate why? Anyone feel the same?

    2. She's not behaving mature in the relationship. Even though some might not love Jake & his attitude he's been clear from the beginning what he's NoT ok with & she seems to not realize her bahavior can get out of line & not care enough to pay attention & adjust it. She's taken but acting like she's single

    3. Ugh agree 100% They're so not gonna last when she keeps pulling all this immature stuff.

  2. How does Lily think that that fb conversation was ok!? I would have been texting Trevor like "yo you need to stop it's not funny" and delete all those comments. She already knows Jake has issues... Ay.

    1. I had EXACTLY the same thoughts. And while Brandon came off as super douchey in the last posts, he was right; Lily has no common sense. Jake is gonna flip when he sees those comments.

      --Nicole M.

    2. Agree & agree....that's what's lacking...common sense, regardless of trust issues or not I wouldn't tolerate that kind of nonsense ESPECIALLY if I had a man...

    3. I cringed when I read that also! Totally inappropriate! I don't know if I would ever allow that to be on Facebook, where everyone can see it....
      And her games with him at the pool? She knows he has feelings for her, right? So why would she provoke him? They were probably rubbing all over each other. And why would you spend all day with someone you know likes you?? I don't get it! Good thing Jake doesn't know he likes her.
      Why is jake being a weirdo? Is it because of how she made him look at the party? I totally get why Brandon is mad at lily, he only sees one side of her and that one side is not pretty. She's very flirty with her friends, that might be ok when you are single, but it's not the behavior of a girl who's taken. I wouldn't do that to my man, and he better not do that to me!

    4. To ay...7:4pm post, why would she need to text trevor saying stop, she started it, especially when she said trevor thinks she's sexier then alba

    5. Since everyone agreed the conversation was inappropriate, I'm gonna play devil's advocate. If Trevor's and Lily's friendship was like this before, does Jake have the right to be upset? Does Lily have to change?

    6. Yes! & yes. The dynamics of opposite sex friendships usually change at least a little bit when one has a significant other. It's call respect for your friend & their relationship. Lily has to realize change needs to come & if not her & Jake def won't last

  3. Annnnd Jake is going to be pissed that Lily didn't tell him she was hanging out with Trevor.

    1. She told him. He told her to have fun.

    2. Yeah, but not until she had already spent most of the day with him.

    3. So she should start checking in with him?

    4. Well, my personal thoughts are that they are not yet at the point in their relationship where it's totally disrespectful to not let the other know your plans. But, with that said, Jake has made it pretty clear that he wants her to do that and that he doesn't love her hanging out with other guys. So, unless she has a problem with that (which I would at this point) that she wants to speak up about, yes, she probably should have.

    5. But in the interest of full disclosure, I have a really low tolerance for jealousy and control, so I might be a bit biased. I would have dumped Jake's ass a long time ago ;)

  4. K.... we still don't know why Jake left in the pre Brandon posts?

    1. I think jake is just uncomfortable around Sammy. And he said he had to go figure out the Vegas trip.

    2. He left her bed then didn't reply for a while, if it was just figuring out Vegas he could have responded

    3. Hmmm, Lily didn't ask... Luita said Jake is acting like a weirdo. Lily hasnt picked up on anything. What do y'all think?

    4. I meant he never responded to her text saying he left faster then (I don't remember the rest) if he went to work to figure out Vegas he could have responded before Monday morning

    5. The first text was his response. He didn't address how fast he left. And Lily didn't bring it up.

  5. After this post I can see why Brandon doesn't take Lily serious in any relationship...where's her common sense? Her self-confidence? It's like she tries to turn up her maturity with Jake but when he's not around she doesn't know how to act...maybe because he's her first boyfriend? I dot know but she needs to get her life.

    1. Very good points. I think Lily admitted she can't read guys very well. She's not aware of how she comes off to them either.

  6. That was soooo inappropriate! seriously whats wrong with lily? Doesnt she know that fb is public..?

    1. Seriously, and she was the one letting the conversation get that far, she better not blame it on trevor

    2. Even if Trevor started it, she's the one in the relationship. She sets the tone. My question is she said *this* was them going back to normal. Does she have to change?

    3. YES! She's not single anymore & like it or not the dynamics change when one has feelings for the other especially when those feelings still linger

    4. No offense Janay, but it seems like you're defending Lily's poor behavior and choices. If she had a friend's wit benefits relationship with Trevor before Jake does that mean once she's in a committed relationship she should still be week Trevor. Whenever someone says something negative about her behavior you get very defensive.

    5. I said earlier, I'm playing devil's advocate since everyone agrees...

      But in all seriousness, its fictional. The first thing I do with all my characters is write their personalities. Flaws are a part of that. One thing I try to do is keep the character's authentic to that in every situation. I'm not defensive over characters I developed. They have to be flawed, or there would be no conflict. And that would be boring. To read and write.

      Sorry if I come off as defensive. I'm following the trend of responding to all comments, (on scheduled post, not bonuses). But if it's coming of as more than trying to get a discussion going, I will stop.

    6. I think Janay's just playing devil's advocate a bit.

  7. I never liked her and jake just not getting that he really cares for her, and he never calls her by her name, I get pet names but I don't know. Kinda like her and Trevors chemistry, even though she's being stupid she has a boyfriend

    1. I completely understand, but she did chose Jake. She was willing to put her friendship aside with Ethan, think she'll do the same with Trevor?

    2. She doesn't have to put it aside...just draw some lines in the sand, focus on growing her new relationship with Jake's like she's self-sabatoging

  8. Everything she did with Trevor today was totally ok, except not giving Jake a heads up and that FB convo. I think she forgets she is in a relationship and she is acting with Trevor as she always has(a quality that attracted Jake to her-she knows how to dish it and take it), but things change when you are in a relationship. I have good guy friends I have hooked up with in the past and it is one thing to joke when there aren't significant others, but once one or both of is are in a relationship- it's off limits. It's disrespectful to the significant other of the friend or of the person you are seeing. Also Lily made a comment about not being serious about Jake. From the more recent posts- I thought she was getting more and more serious. That seemed to be the tone and direction they were going. Just confused... As always love the story and your amazing writing talents!!! Thank you:).

    1. I like limits. They don't necessarily mean changing who you are, just being conscious of being disrespectful. And I went back to re-word that section about her feelings for Jake. Lily meant to point out that at first she didn't have serious feelings, but now she does. Meaning Trevor could develop the same for Becca.

    2. Hangin out with Trevor isn't a problem, it's all the touchy feely business going on & the inappropriate jokes about her boobs! My husband is in no way jealous & he might kill a guy for making jokes like that regardless of who started it! It also shows a lack of respect on Trevor's part..clearly he doesn't take Jake & Lily seriously or *he* would set some boundaries if he saw Lily wasn't..

  9. Hmm I anticipate jake & Trevor having an altercation , can't wait & lily needs to learn boundaries & be more considerate of her partners feeling. Wrong move lily

    1. Key word: boundaries :-)
      Let's hope for no altercations

  10. I feel like Jake is going to be really tired of Lily's behaviour with other guys.. If you really love someone you consider their feelings in all aspects of life & it just seems like Lily isn't taking jakes feelings into consideration when she hugging up on guys, being physical in pools, discussing her breasts with men, spending a whole day with a guy who has made it known there are still feelings there. I don't blame Jake for holding back on sayin he loves her, or for Brandon thinking she's a joke, or even Ethan, Brandon & Jake thinking she's not as serious as she says...she talks the talk but certainly isn't walking the walk.

    1. Ah, I so agree with this a million times over.

    2. Very true. Lets hope she learns this soon.

    3. I was just thinking the same thing...she has zero respect for her relationship. I wouldn't blame Jale for leaving her after this stunt!

  11. Would it be too much to beg for another bonus post? Because I'm not above begging!
    *gets on knees, clasps hands together* plllleeeeeeaaaaassseeeee?
    Clearly im addicted to your blog!

  12. What the hellllllll Lily. Girl is stirring the pot.

  13. I am just catching up on this blog! Started yesterday and I'm almost there. But just to throw my two cents in.....I feel like I am in the minority here with my opinion! Her and Trevor have been friends for years. They've always acted this way. Unless I missed something, they have never hooked up in the past just liked each other at different times. Lily has made it clear that Trevor is like a brother to her and nothing more. I don't think they did anything wrong today. I am busty and my male friends make comments/jokes about my boobs all the time. My boyfriend doesn't care because no one sees them but him!!!

    I don't think Lily should be changing her friendship dynamics just for a new boyfriend. I would never put up with it.

    On an unrelated note, I LOVE the storyline. I think you are doing great. But just some constructive criticism, I feel like you don't re-read through your posts or edit them. There are a lot of grammar/spelling mistakes and it's one of my pet peeves (though obviously not enough to quit reading such a great story!). The biggest things I've noticed are using you're and your incorrectly and saying worst, when the spelling should definitely be worse.

    Anyway, keep up the great work. Part of me can't wait to get caught up but part of me doesn't want to have to wait for the next post! I can't stop reading!
