Thursday, July 10, 2014

You're My Fantasy

You're My Fantasy- Robin Thicke

"Lily wait..." Ethan pleaded with me.

I stopped walking, but kept my back to him. I had no idea why he was at Rocky's house. Nor why neither one of them warned me he was coming over. He was just there, in the living room. When I saw him as I left my room, I immediately turned around to flee. But I wasn't quick enough.

"What is it?" I said, trying to keep my voice even. So it wouldn't betray how much it hurt to see him.

I felt him approaching me from behind. "What do I need to do to prove to you that I'm sorry?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Nothing..." I said, pushing it away. "I get it. You're sorry. Lets just move on."

"No." Ethan replied, turning me around to face him. "Baby, I'll never move on from you." He said, tilting his head down so his forehead brushed mine. My knees buckled. "I would never pick her over you. I couldn't pick anyone over you. All I want is you."

 He didn't give me a chance to respond. He just pressed his mouth to mine in a passionate embrace. He held me tightly in his arms. When I pulled away, he just moved his mouth to my neck.

"Please. We belong together. I see that now. I'll do anything to have you back. I won't let anyone come between us again baby." Ethan murmured between kisses.

When I allowed him to kiss me again, he picked me up and carried me to my room. He laid me on the bed and started peeling off my clothes. I followed his lead and removed his clothes too. When we were both naked, he laid his lean body on top of me. He grinded into me, inches away from giving me what I so desperately wanted...

"Ring Ring Ring!!!" The bell of my alarm on my phone woke me up and out of my dream. My body was flushed with heat and arousal. I kicked my covers off the couch, but the cool air from the ceiling fan in Sammy's apartment was not helping.

Fuck. This is what I get. All day at work, I debated over whether I should text Ethan back. I came over Sammy's apartment after work to help her finish packing and assess what we still needed to buy.  Before I went to bed, I decided not to text Ethan. I didn't have anything to say to him.

Unfortunately, he was on my mind before I forced myself to sleep Monday night. I didn't have time to analyze my sex dream with Ethan. I had to get Sammy up so she could get ready for the movers. And I could be at the apartment when our new furniture arrived.

At the townhouse, the furniture is delivered right on time. I decided to wait to put my bed together till Sammy could help. Sammy and the movers showed up around 2 and they unloaded everything into the apartment. Sammy had to leave once they were done to clean her apartment. I got to work separating and setting things up. That's what Rocky found me doing when she came over.

"Where's Sammy?" She asked. She's wearing jeans, a cute top, and sneakers.

"Cleaning her apartment." I answered, pushing the red living room set around. Since I already had the boxes out of the living area and into Sammy's room or the kitchen, I figured I could see where everything looked best.

"She couldn't do that later?" Rocky asked, looking around the apartment.

"I don't know. I was too busy trying to organize boxes. I guess I could call and ask, but I have to get my bed set up and buy freaking kitchen stuff if I wanna actually live in my apartment!" I exclaimed.

Rocky chuckled and shook her head.

"Come on. You need a break. Lets go shopping and get you situated. Brandon is at work so we can use his discount. Leave some stuff for Sammy to do. We'll put the bed together when we get back." Rocky ordered.

I decided not to argue with her, cause I knew I was getting overwhelmed. I'm thankful she didn't say anything else about Sammy's disappearing act.

I'm so glad she suggested Target. Not only did I get new plates, silverware, and cooking supplies, but I got things I didn't think about, like trash cans and a comforter for my bed. Rocky also bought me an awesome oversized mirror to go in the den. Brandon checked out with us and used his 10% discount. He helped us put our things in the car.

When we got back to the townhouse, we brought in the bags. Rocky and I set up the mirror first. I stood in front of it, making duck faces, while Rocky played on her phone.

"Ok. You need to go pick up the pizza. I'll organize the kitchen." She announced.

"What? No. Just have it delivered. Then we can work together." I argued.

"No. I want good pizza. From this place called Italian Villa. That's the least you could do for all the work I'm about to do." Rocky countered.

I made a face, but left to pick up the pizza. The restaurant is in Carrollton. It's small and casual. It's BYOB, and I see a group with a box of wine on their table. Only in Texas. But I love it. If the ambiance didn't win me over, the smells radiating from the place did.

While I waited for the pizza, I got to check out the eye candy that are the workers. Especially a cute busboy. He has an alternative look, with skinny jeans and a red work shirt. His hair cut had his bangs falling in his face as he bused a table. When he caught me looking, he winked at me. I blushed and looked away. Thankfully, my pizza is ready a little after that.

When I pulled up to my townhome, I'm pretty sure I see Trevor's Honda in the parking lot.

"There's a surprise for you in your bedroom." Rocky smiled, confirming my suspicions.

I put the pizza down on the dining room table before heading up the stairs.

"Is it Channing Tatum as Magic Mike?" I yelled, loudly, so Trevor could hear me from the top of the stairs. "Cause that's the only person I would allow in my bedroom right now."

When I walked through the door, Trevor is standing in the middle of my room. He already started putting together my bed. He lifted his shirt, and started doing a body roll.

"You know I look better than Channing Tatum." He smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Keep dreaming T-Rev!" I said, before giving him a hug. I really missed him these last few days. "I brought pizza. Let me feed you before I put you to work." I laughed at him.

He laughed too, before putting his arm around me. We went down the stairs together.

"How was your Fourth?" I asked him, when we made it down the stairs.

"Crazy... but good. How bout you?" He responded.

"I bet you mine was crazier than yours."


"Try me." I asked, when we arrived in the kitchen.

"Well, did you get a girlfriend?" Trevor asked.

I froze.

"You and Becca?" Rocky exclaimed.

"Yep. We made it official." Trevor nodded.

"That's great. Right Lily?" Rocky said, handing me a plate.

I nodded, stunned. I couldn't even verbalize how I felt about that. He just smiled at me.

I cleared my throat. "Mine was still crazier. I called Karen a bitch and Ethan a dick. Before storming out singing we are never ever ever getting back together." I explained.

Trevor burst out laughing. "Liar."

"Yeah, about the Taylor Swift song. Everything else was the truth." Rocky confirmed.

Trevor smile faded as he looked between us. "Y'all are shitting me right?"

"Nope." I shook my head.

 I explained to him everything. He looked pissed by the time I was finished. "Lily, if you get back together with him-"

"Save it. It's not going to happen. He could pull a Robin Thicke and write a whole album about me and name it 'Lily'. And I would be like, 'Ummmm creepy. No'." I responded, sarcastically.

He looked thoughtful for a moment. Then frowned.

"Why are you looking like that? You shouldn't be upset. I should be. You were completely right. I thought that would make you happy." I commented, jokingly.

"Nothing about you being upset would make me happy, Lilypad. I'm really sorry." Trevor said, sadly.

"Don't be. It's ok. Really. I'm not that upset." I smiled at him, weakly.

We sat down and ate. It was delicious. We had neapolitan pizza with sausage, peppers and olives. I can't believe it's the first time I've eaten from there.

"Rocky, you've been holding out on us. Why haven't you told us about this place?" Trevor asked, on his third slice. He took the words right out of my mouth.

"Because, Lily was in California. And you wouldn't have appreciated it, Chef Boyardee." Rocky smirked.

I smiled. That was a running joke ever since she learned in college he would buy canned spaghetti versus just making it himself.

"Did Ethan tell you about this place?" I asked casually. They both gave me a look. Whatever. It's not like I have Ethan on the brain. He never took me there. I'm really just curious. It was in Carrollton, where he lived. And it was unpretentious, good food, and reasonably priced. That screamed Ethan.

"He did. Brandon took me there on our second date. The first date was way too much. He was trying too hard. I fell in love with Italian Villa. Brandon told me later Ethan recommended it." Rocky recounted.

I smiled at her, but didn't comment.

We changed the subject and I talked about having a house warming/get together at the townhome once everything is unpacked. Maybe this weekend. I made sure to tell Trevor to invite Becca. Now that the shock has worn off, I'm happy for him. At least his relationship is working out.

Afterwards, we put my bed together and called it a night. I was so exhausted, I passed out immediately. Thankfully, I don't remember if I had any dreams.


The next morning on Wednesday, I left for work, hoping Sammy would finish her unpacking today. Darren was my last appointment of the day. After we finished up, I was surprised to see Coach Sullivan waiting for Darren.

"Hello Miss Lily. How was your holiday?" Coach Sullivan asked, smiling.

"It was good. You?" I answered, simply.

"Beautiful. Florida always is." He answered. I pictured him, on a beach, in swim trunks. Yes. Beautiful indeed.

"Do you have family out there?" I asked, trying to get rid of those mental images.

"No, My fiancee does. That's where she's from." He responded.

Riiight. The fiancee.

"Your family soon enough." I said, quickly.

"Very true." He agreed.

"Lily. Tell coach what you were telling me." Darren said, cockily.

"Oh right. We're gonna to start weight training next week. I was going to email you and let you know." I explained.

"Boom! Told you! You're paying for dinner." Darrren exclaimed.

Coach laughed. "Looks like it. Where we going?"

"Where do you eat around here Lily?" Darren asked.

"There's a ton of places. There's a Mongolian grill. Or Friday's. Or Fuzzy's Tacos. Twisted Roots." I listed.

"Fuzzy's?" Coach Sullivan asked.

"We gotta go there. Best fish tacos ever!" Darren exclaimed.

"Ok. You joining us?" Coach Sullivan asked me.

"Um, no. I have to get home. I just moved, so I have a ton of work." I replied.

"It'll be fast. Come celebrate with us!" Darren smiled.

"Besides, this way, you don't have to worry about cookin'." Coach Sullivan added.

"Alright." I agreed. "Follow me."


We arrived at Fuzzy's and got in line to order our food. Coach Sullivan and Darren ordered taco plates and I got a salad. Coach Sullivan insisted on paying. After we got drinks, we picked out a table to sit at.

"It's not too late to order more food. I'm still treatin'" Coach Sullivan said. His voice has a little country twang on certain words. The accent coming out of his perfect lips is mesmerizing...

 Fiancee, Fiancee, FIANCEE.

"Obviously you've never seen their salads. They're huge." I smiled.

While we wait, we make small talk about the colleges Darren wants to apply to. He wants to play football, of course. So he's all about Division I schools. That gets me and Coach Sullivan talking about our colleges. He went to TCU. He loved Fort Worth so much, he lived there once he was done with school.

When our food number is called, Darren went to retrieve it.

"So I didn't think you would approve of weight training so soon." Coach Sullivan said, surprised.

"Yep. I figured we might as well since he plans on having 200+ pound boys chasing him down a football field this fall." I shrugged.

"Why Miss Lily...That sounds like anti-football talk. You can't live in Texas and be anti-football. "

I laughed. "Lily is fine."

"Only if you call me Forrest."

"Well, Forrest, I love football. But when I see kids MRIs like Darren's, that have wear and tear from playing football since 8 years old, it does give me pause." I replied.

"With that kinda attitude, I'm surprised you drive a car. Or even leave your home. You can get hurt doing that too." Forrest replied.

I shook my head as Darren came back with the food. "Not the same..." I responded.

"What are y'all talking about?" Darren asked.

"Nothing. Just how when my kids turn 4, I'm putting them in football." Forrest winked at me.

"I hope you have all girls. And not tomboys. I hope they hate sports and want to do only girly stuff." I said.

 I cracked up laughing at his solemn face. Darren laughed too before listing all the things he had to look forward to. Dress up, princess parties, boyfriends...


I spent the rest of the week working, organizing and shopping. I told my dad I was coming back to get some of the things I left, but I still hadn't booked a flight. I knew I promised I would go back, but it was easier to just buy new things. So I put off purchasing a ticket. Sammy had most of her things put away. She just had one more pile of stuff that needed to go out in the patio storage. One evening, when I came home, she had a guy friend mount a flat screen on the wall in the den. That reminded me to ask about Jake.

"So what's going on between you and Jake?" I asked, when her friend left.

She made a face. "Nothing. It might be about that time to move on."

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened. We had fun. Just exploring my options at the moment." Sammy explained.

"Oh... I don't know Sammy. I think you should give him a chance. He seems deeper than that." I said.

"Lily, I just wanted to have fun with him. Maybe if you knew how to do that too, you wouldn't have gone through all that drama with Ethan." Sammy said.

My face fell. I can't believe she brought up Ethan like that. I've been doing good not thinking or dreaming about him. I just left her in the living from and went to my room. On my laptop, I see I have a new email. It's from Forrest.

To: Lily Harris

From: Forrest Sullivan 

Subject: Facebook fact check

So I was checking out your Facebook, and it looks like your son plays sports. Kinda harsh cursing me with nothing but girls that like dress up and makeovers. How old is he? What made you decide to put him in sports? 

I wrote back to him immediately. 

To: Forrest Sullivan 

From: Lily Harris

Subject: When stalking Facebook goes wrong...

First, he's not my son. So it wasn't my decision. Second, he plays soccer and he's 7. I never said I had anything against sports: Just collision sports like football. Third, I would let my kid play football. He or she would have to ask me. I wouldn't just make them play at 4 years old. And lastly, I think you would make a beautiful princess :-)

I sent it to him with a smile on my face. I began to search for my real reason of being on my laptop: porn. Thanks to Sammy, I have Ethan on my mind. Forrest did take my mind off of him, but I figured it would be inappropriate fantasizing about a guy who is engaged. I pull out my vibrator once I'm sure Sammy's gone. Come on nameless fantasy man.


  1. That's just so cruel of your to start with a dream sequence... Ethan fans are screaming at the screen'

    Lily and another unavailable man...or I believe the term Cam used was inappropriate men... ugh now I have to wait until next week to see what happens...

    1. Lol I figured the title would be a BIG hint.

      And Cam said that outta anger. Thinks there's any truth to it?

    2. A little truth maybe, but hey we were all young and naive once, and can relate to "I can't believe I did that". Lily herself has already acknowledged the relationship with Perez was a mistake, but now she is flirting with an unavailable man.... we will see how she handles it.... I am still pulling for HUGE romantic gesture from

      I would love to see Ethan's take on everything too :)

  2. Im curious about Ethans perspective on this whole thing and what he's thinking. Bonus post this weekend?

    1. Ethan's perspective happens Saturday. So the earliest I could post would be Saturday evening. A mini post...IF this post gets 15 comments by then.

  3. Bonus post please! Addicted!

  4. Sammy must know that Jake likes Lily. She's being annoying tho. Lily should have thought more before moving in with her

  5. I smell trouble with the coach...

  6. I'm a first time commenter but read it daily to see if their are any updates. I love how the story line goes and can't wait to see where it goes from here. I was wondering though do you have a schedule or do you just post when you can?

    1. Post are posted before 10am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Normally the night before.

  7. Lily needs new friends.

  8. Love this blog. Missing ethan): we all make mistakes, just make it right!

  9. Well love your post. Lol it was so good. guys think that Jake will make a move on Lilly
    And I also think the Coach is way to friendly with Lilly hey who knows anything can happen. ..

  10. Love this blog and love your style of writing! I hope lily moves on and makes Ethan jealous!

  11. Great post as always! This is quickly becoming my favorite blog! I do really hope Lily and Ethan can sit down and have a long talk about everything. He was wrong for not standing up for her but I think they could work it out but they need an honest discussion of the past. I also hope he dumped Karen for her behavior at the BBQ.

  12. Love the story and the writig style. Bonus please! :)

  13. Trevor got a girlfriend?!?!? I wonder if he'll change his mind now that Lilly told him she's done with Ethan?
    Coach is trouble, he needs to back off. Lilly needs to get some soon, maybe jake can help her out ;)

  14. Oh Coach for him to be engaged a whole lot of flirting goin on. Lily didn't start it coach did, maybe she's just trying to be friendly. Who openly admits to facebook stalking somebody he had to be thinking of her since dinner. I hope Ethan gets his stuff together. I think Jake might try to get w/Lily while Sammy acts like she doesn't care. Yea Lily REALLY should have thought this move over.

  15. Lily needs to stay away from coach...keep it super professional..I can see that making her life really messy otherwise! And COME ON ETHAN!! Where's the grand romantic gesture? After a mess up like that a simple text won't make any difference..I'm surprised he hasn't actually showed up at her place yet unless Karen is still in the picture?

  16. I love your blog, I check for an update everyday! Post! Post! Post! :D

  17. Tomorrow Evening there will be a post! Around 6pm central!

  18. Well that dream torn my heart out I was so hoping that was happening :-( lol but I do like this post and can't wait to see what's to come!!
