Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cooler than Me

These events take place tonight. So if it bothers you that I posted too early, don't read till 8pm! Thanks for all the comments and compliments! Y'all are awesome!

Cooler than Me- Mike Posner

"Wakey wakey wakey!!!" Sammy called, knocking on my door, before opening it. I looked up from my vanity, surprised that she's already up. It's Saturday. I figured she'd be sleeping in.

"Oh, you're up! Come on. Lets finish cleaning so we can get ready for the housewarming!" She said. We had talked all week about having people over tonight.

"I can't. I made plans-" I started.

"What do you mean? You invited people!" Sammy said, throwing her hands on her hips.

"I did. I'll be back before 6. That's what time I told people to come. Right now I have a hair appointment. You were the one who told me it was way past time. So I'm finally going to do that." I answered.

"Well, I'll go with you. Then we can clean when we get back. Where are you going?" She said.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Jasmine is going to send me the address."

"Who's Jasmine?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Jake's sister. She's a beautician." I explained.

"Oh, well never mind. I'll stay and get ready for the party."

"Alright, what's really going on? Cause I invited both Jake and Jasmine, so if there's a problem-"

"There is no problem. I'm just more worried about the townhouse looking good." She said, defensively.

 I could tell that wasn't the truth, but I didn't press it. Besides, she should be the one putting her stuff away.

"It will. As soon as you put your things out in the storage."

 I stood up and followed her out of my room. I said goodbye and headed to the city of Irving. I contacted Jasmine Friday about the housewarming and setting up a hair appointment. She agreed to do my hair today as my housewarming gift. But only if I agreed to let her have total freedom on the style. I agreed. Worst case scenario, I could invest in hats. Or a wig.

The shop she works at is in a strip mall. But it's cute and crowded. Jasmine is finishing up with a client, so I sat and flipped through a hair style book while I waited.

"Nope, put it down. No input from you today." Jasmine said, before leading me to her booth.

"Just killing time..." I said, sitting in the chair. "I trust you. Completely."

"Famous last words." One of her co-workers laughed at me.

"Cierra la boca. No me chingues." Jasmine snapped at her. I chuckled.

Jasmine looked at me surprised. "You speak Spanish?"

"I understand a lot more than I speak" I explained.

She nodded. "So I better watch my mouth."

I shrugged. "No problems here."

3 hours of cutting, dying, washing, blow drying, cutting some more, flat ironing, and curling and Jasmine is done. I looked in the mirror in front of me. My hair is now falling down to my shoulder blades in sleek spiral curls. And it's also caramel blonde.

I'm in awe as I look in the mirror.

"Say something..." Jasmine said, smiling.

"Jasmine...I can't believe this." I said, examining my head. "I look completely different."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It's an amazing thing!" I said, smiling widely. I loved it. My whole face is brightened. My skin looks glowing. It's amazing what a new dye job can do. I feel brand new. Like I can be anyone I want to be...

I paid Jasmine, even though she declined. I couldn't not pay for her amazing work. I made sure she had the right address before heading off. Sammy texted me a list of things she needed. I made a trip to the grocery and liquor store.

I made small talk with the liquor store clerk. When he finds out I just moved in the Addison area, he handed me his business card and told me to give him a ring if I need help getting accustomed to the area. I smiled and took it. I'm in no way interested in him, but it's fun just to flirt a little. And he gave me demo light up shot glasses, so it was worth it!

When I get back to the apartment, I gotta give Sammy her credit. It was spotless! I was so excited to show off my new apartment and my new look. So excited in fact, I decided to respond to Ethan text.

Me: It's cool. We're having a get together at my new apartment. Stop by any time after 6 if you don't have plans.

Simple, causal and cool. That was the new, blonde me.

I hopped in the shower, carefully watching not to get my hair wet. I checked my phone after I got out the shower. No new messages. Afterwards, I pull on white jean shorts and a peach lace tank. The scooped neckline showed a sexy hint of cleavage.

Simple, casual, cool. My new mantra. And style, with just a hint of sexy.

I keep my makeup light, and opted for no shoes. Just an ankle bracelet. I checked my phone again. When I still see no new messages, I went downstairs. I purposely left my phone in my room. I saw Amber, Sammy and my ex co=worker and friend from Dave and Buster's, had already made it.

"Amber!!!" I squealed, rushing towards her.

"Lily!!! You look fantastic! I love your hair!" She said, when I hugged her. She looked me up and down, in awe.

"Sammy is such a liar. She said you're all depressed and moody over a guy. You don't look upset." Amber said.

I looked over at Sammy. "I'm not. I'm cool." I said, breezily. Cool.

"Great! Jasmine hooked you up. I told you would look great as a blonde." Sammy smiled at me. "Alright bitches! We got a party to get ready for. Lily, we're already two shots deep! You need to catch up!"

I caught up with tequila before our first guests arrived. I met and re-met a lot of Sammy's friends from Arlington. And the new guy Sammy is talking to. His name is Phillip. He's alright looking. Definitely not more attractive than Jake. He works at a tattoo shop and told us to check him out if we're looking for any tattoos or piercings.

 Sammy sat on Phillip's lap on the couch. Directly across from Jake as he chatted with Brandon, Rocky and Jasmine. A look of disgust passed his face, before he headed to the kitchen. I excused myself from talking to Jordan and Peyton and followed him.

"So, as someone that was in your position, say,... a week ago, I have some advice for you." I said to him, as he poured himself a Crown and 7.

"And what position is that?" Jake asked, looking down at me.

"You know, Sammy and Phillip..."

"Whoaaa... I assumed you had feelings for Ethan?" He cut me off.

"Whatever." I said, noncommittally. Causal

He smiled. "Then we are not in the same position. I don't wanna cuss that guy out. I wanna thank him. And warn him. Your new roommate is treacherous. Watch your back."

I laughed. "Ohmigosh. What do you have against my friends?"

"Nothing. Just her." He said, sipping on his drink.

"You don't like Rocky either." I accused.

"Why do you think I don't like Rocky?"

"Umm, cause you were an ass to her!" I exclaimed.

"Nah... I just don't root for losing teams." Jake explained.

I wanted to ask him to explain that. And why Sammy was treacherous, but I heard Sammy calling my name.

I looked up at the walkway of the kitchen. I saw Sammy. And Ethan trailing behind her. As much as I tried to be cool, my stomach dropped.

"Good luck." Jake said, under his breath, before heading to the living room. Sammy followed him.

"Hey. You made it" I said. My cheerfulness sounded forced even to my own ears.

"I did. Did you get my text?" He asked, stopping in front of me. He handed me a huge gift bag.

"Thanks." I said, setting it on the counter. He looked so good, I normally would've been intimidated, if I didn't know how good I looked. Everyone complimented me on my new hair color. Everyone but Jake. He made a dumb blonde joke. But his compliment was in how he looked me over.

I shook my head at him. "Nope. What did it say?"

"Just that I wanted to speak to you. In private."

My body clenched at "in private", but I pushed it away.

"Sure. I need to get my phone anyway. Follow me." Simple.

I led him upstairs to my room. Rocky sent me a questioningly look which I responded to by sticking my tongue out at her.

 When we got to my room, I grabbed my phone off my charger. I checked it really quick, my back to Ethan. I needed a moment to compose myself. Coming up here alone with Ethan probably wasn't my best idea. I did receive a text from him, asking if we can talk. I had another from my brother, saying he and Trevor are on the way.

I flopped on to my bed and crossed my legs. I'm pleased when I see him glance at them. Even if it's only for a second, it gave me a boost of confident.

Cool, causal, simple.

"So talk." I said, cocking my head at him.

"I just wanted to apologize in person. I really just wanted to get through the bbq. But I understand how that must have felt for you. And for that, I apologize." He said, sincerely.

I nodded. "I understand. Apology accepted." I said, simply.

"About what I said, by the car..." Ethan started.

"Don't. Let's just forgive and forget and leave it at that, Ethan." I said, as calmly as possible. I don't wanna relive that conversation. No amount of chanting my mantra would keep me from feeling the sting of his rejection.


"Yep. Trying to keep things easy, not hard. I know how you like your women easy." I smiled, jokingly. He didn't return my smile.

"Speaking of, if Karen's okay with it, I would like if we could be friends." I suggested.

"I'm not with Karen. " He said, pointedly.


"No. When she ignored me, then just showed up, unannounced, I was done. I don't have times for games like that. Her behavior just confirmed that." Ethan stated.

That would have made me ecstatic. If he hadn't called me childish and turned me down too ...

"Well, perfect. We can be friends. Like before we decided to fool around and fuck everything up." I said, looking up at him.

"Lily-" Ethan started, sitting on the bed next to me. My heart was racing.

Causal. Simple. Cool... Fuck. It was all going out the window.

"LILY!!! We're here!!!" Trevor's voice interrupted my thoughts and cut Ethan off as he busted in to the room. He glared at Ethan when he saw him in my room, on my bed. I knew my brother couldn't be far away if Trevor was here.

This should be fun.


  1. Can't wait to hear Jakes explanation for those comments & to see what Trevor does about Ethan being where he is!

  2. Talk about being inconsistent!!!! Wow Ethan if you had decided you were done with Karen why didn't you make it clear to her when she was such a B I T C H to Lilly?
    I used to like Ethan, not so much anymore! She needs a man that knows what he wants and will stand up for her in any type of situation.

    1. Very true. Lily's not a mind reader. How was she supposed to know if he didn't tell her?

  3. OMG. Can't wait for next post. What does Jake Sammy a back stabber or is she talking s**t about Lilly. I hope she gets a chance to really talk to Ethan

  4. He didn't even apologize for taking sides. That was kind of a half assed apology, if you ask me. If he was already done with Karen when she showed up unannounced, why didn't he ask her to leave at that point? Why didn't he say anything?

    I hope they can actually talk and not let Trevor interrupt the rest of their conversation. I wish lily would have let him know how angry she was and not acted like she was fine with it all.

    1. I hate open ended apologizes. I want to know why your sorry and how are you going to prevent it from happening again.

    2. I am the same way about apologies. But... I really think that Ethan doesn't know he did anything wrong. If he would have stood up for Lily it would have made more of a scene. I think he's scared of confrontation and of things being messy. Ironic that his brother embraces it in his relationship. If his parents didn't seem so cool I would totally have thought they had a crazy childhood. :)

  5. Great post!!!! Thank you.

  6. Can't wait for the next post I'm so excited I can't wait to see what's going to happen!! I hope Ethan is really done with Karen!! We shall see

  7. I think I might be one of the only readers that want them together. I just wish Lily would put herself out there while Ethan is available or she will miss her chance again.

    PS. I absolutely love this blog. Your writing is amazing!!

    1. I think there's some pro Ethan readers. Unfortunately, they keep declining Lol.

      Thank you!

    2. I'm pro Ethan too!!!

  8. I can't even figure out why I really want her forgive Ethan, but I do.

    1. I have a few theories... some will be explored in the next post :-)

  9. I never wanted her to get with ethan, I'm rooting for her and Trevor even if it doesn't seem to be happening haha

  10. Poor Trevor!! If he broke up with Becca thinking Lily was finally done with Ethan and then sees him I'm her room like that he's going to be so disappointed. I was team Ethan until we started learning more about Trevor. I think he is actually good for Lily he always makes her smile and he makes her feel good about herself. Can't wait to see what happens next. This is my first time commenting but I love this blog!

  11. I started reading your blog September 2016 and I never bothered to start from the beginning until now. I don't know why I waited this long! I don't know why everyone is anti -Ethan. Honestly, everything that happened is all on Lilly. He confessed his feelings to her, she moved away, then came back and expected everything to be the same? Really?

    Also, she never told him outright how she felt until the 4th of july. I understand why she would be upset that he didn't stand up for her when Karen was making her snarky remarks but still, if she had been honest about her feelings from the beginning. Maybe all of this would not have happened.
