Sunday, July 27, 2014

Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights (Aladdin)- Bruce Adler

I arrived at the IHOP by my apartment before him. He said to give him 15 minutes and he'll meet me there. I went ahead and went in to wait for him. It was pretty crowded with the late night club/bar hopping crowd like myself but I was seated right away. I ordered water and told the waitress I was waiting for someone.

"Hey little Mama! Why don't you come over here and join us?"

At first, I didn't even realize this guy was addressing me. But when I looked up, I saw the young guy that spoke was looking at me. He was with 3 other guys.

"I'm not. Alone, I mean. I'm waiting for someone. Thanks though." I said, politely.

He got up and headed to my table. His friends snickered at him.

"I don't mind keeping you company till they get here." He said, sitting in the chair across from me. "You look way too good to be sitting alone. You got a man?" He said, looking me over slowly. He stared at my chest.

"No. Not at the moment." I flushed at his unwelcome stare.

"That don't make no kinda sense. But it works for me." He grinned. "You look like you should be giving me a belly dance." He continued, looking me over. I was regretting my outfit choice.

Before I could even think of a nice way to turn him down, I saw Jake enter the restaurant. I met his eye. He looked confused for a moment, but I sent him my most desperate help me expression.

He walked over and sat in the chair right next to me. Before I could say anything, he grabbed my chin, tilted my face up and kissed me, deeply. It sent sparks from my lips straight down to my core. God, why do his kisses do this to me? Even when he pulled back, I kept my eyes closed, savoring the way his lips felt on mine. I finally opened my eyes, curious to see if our kiss has the same effect on him. But he was not even looking at me. He was staring down the guy across from us.

"Thanks for keeping my girl company. I was running a little late." Jake said, friendly.

The guy ignored him and addressed me. " I thought you didn't have a man."

"I don't at the moment. He's working on it." I said, looking at Jake.

"You mind excusing us so I can get to work?" He asked the guy, but kept his eyes glued to me. I smiled, before I watched as the guy got up and went back to his laughing friends.

"Thanks." I said, gratefully.

"Anytime." He replied, picking up his menu.

"So what is this? What are we doing?" I asked Jake, after we order our food.

"A friendly hangout."

"That kiss didn't feel friendly to me." I muttered.

"I don't remember. Come here." He said. I giggled, as he tried to pull me to him. I stopped him though.

"I don't know what to tell my friends about us." I said.

"Why don't we figure that out for ourselves? Before trying to explain it." Jake asked.

"Rocky and Sammy already know." I told him.

When he sighed, I explained. "I had to run it by Sammy. She's my roommate. I don't want any drama. And Rocky figured it out. Apparently, we were pretty obvious Sunday."

" you think you can just get to know me? And not by what they think they know about me?" He asked.

I nodded, thinking about how Sammy said I let other people's feelings dictate my life.


I asked him about his day. He said he just chilled and did a whole lot of nothing. He was relaxing cause he knew next weekend would be busy. He was talking EJ to Hurricane Harbor and the Rangers game. He and some of his friends went to see Transformers. They were hanging at the movie cinema bar when I texted him.

I told him all about my day as well. And how I hung out with Rocky and Trevor.

"How did y'all all meet? I know in college, but how?" Jake asked me.

"Rocky and Trevor had a study group together. So they were already familiar. I met Trevor at the dining hall. You already know how my dad was about food, so we never had cereal for breakfast. So I was in like, cereal heaven on my meal plan. You have no idea" I smiled.

"Have you seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall?" Jake smiled at me.

I already knew where he was going with that."Yes. I didn't have a huge cereal bowl! I just mixed different cereals together. Like raisin brain and cocoa puffs." I explained.

"Ewww, that sounds disgusting." Jake laughed.

"Whatever. Not the point. Anyway, Trevor noticed it and made fun of me. I didn't know his personality at all, so I was like "why is he picking on me?" Eventually, Rocky told him to shut the hell up. And we've been friends ever since." I explained.

"That sounds like Rocky." Jake said. "That's really cool that y'all been friends for so long."

"Yep. There like my family." I stated. "Too much like my family..." I shuddered, thinking of how Trevor's been acting lately. Normally it was Rocky on my case. Now it was like they were playing good cop, bad cop.

"What is he on your case about?" He asked, after I explained how I felt sometimes.

"Mostly just my relationships. Like with Forrest or with Ethan." I said.

"I understand that. I do the same for my sisters. "

"Ok, Forrest, I understand. But I'm not a homewrecker!"

"Homewrecker? Who says that?" Jake smiled.

"I know right? But anyway, I'm not. So I would never cross that line with Forrest. But what about my relationship with Ethan was just soooo bad?"

"Well you wanted more and he didn't-"

"Yes he did. He wanted me to be his girlfriend.  I decided to move to California, so I didn't want a relationship at the time."

"Ok..." Jake said, thoughtfully. "So why did you move? Why didn't y'all keep in touch? Why aren't y'all together right now?" Jake fired off.

I frowned, not wanting to get into all that. I was still wrapping my brain around it.

"Exactly. It's not supposed to be that complicated." Jake answered, simply.


Jake just smiled at me. Urgh, I can't even pretend to be irritated with him when he smiles. That dimple is my kryptonite.

After we ate, we stood up to walk to the front and pay.

"Now I see why that guy was trying so hard." Jake said, as he followed me to the front. "You look good enough to eat." He whispered, leaning in close to my ear. He rested his hand on the small of my back while we waited for the hostess.

I blushed but smiled. I was so glad I picked this outfit out now. Any unwanted attention was definitely worth the way Jake was looking at me. He paid the bill then walked me to my car.

"So..." I started, turning to face him.

"Soo...." he repeated.

"Thanks for hanging out with me buddy." I smiled.

He shook his head, but grinned. "Anytime pal."

I went in for a hug, but when I tried to pull back, he kept me pulled tight close to his body. I looked up at him and we both leaned in for a kiss. Our lips locked, and the kiss was as powerful as the one he gave me inside. We stood there, embracing, for a good minute.

"Quiero que seas mía." He whispered against my lips when we finally pulled away from each other.

"What was that?" I grinned.

"Spend the night with me." He lied.

I pretended to think about it.

"My place is closer... spend the night with me."


  1. Replies
    1. Lol yeah. Forrest would have been crossing that line. Lily is adamant on not crossing.

  2. Yess.!!!! Finally they make the cutest couple I'm totally in love with JAKE ..he really gets Lilly


  3. I like lily and jake together!! I feel like the first few times they spend the night together though, they should go to Jake's place to avoid running into sammy.

    1. Sammy said she's cool with it. Hopefully she really meant it so it doesn't get awkward.

  4. So good, i just hope she has fun for now & don't get serious too quickly cuz i would hate if Jake hurt her. Fyi this has become by far my fav blog and I read several (sue me i love reading) so keep up the great work you're doing awesome. Thanks for the mini bonus post I couldn't wait to find out who!!

    1. Thank you! I read all the blogs on my reading list, so I completely understand.

      And maybe this time around having fun will work out. Jake's mastered the whole causal sex thing. We'll see :-)

  5. I keep cringing when I imagine Jake's voice bc of the visual of William Levy.. Lol Have you ever heard William Levy speak English? It's terrible. And I laugh just imagining him saying half of the things Jake says. Lol

    Great post! I hope they see whee things go and they don't ruin it by being all... Unattached. They're so cute!

    1. Thank you! Lily and Jake both agree that they should see where things go, so that's a start.

      Ok, so the first time I saw William Levy was on dancing with the stars, and I really don't remember how he sounded. I could have watched him on mute lol.

      But the acting roles I've seen him in didn't sound bad. But then again, who knows how many times they shot it? But anyway, so far, Jessica Alba would have to put in weight to play the role of Lily, and William Levy would have to work on his English : -)

  6. I was so worried when she was talking about Forrest & Ethan, you shouldn't talk about other guys while on date! But I'm so glad he made a move anyway! I like him a lot, I think he'll be good for lily! Can't wait for next post ;)

    1. You think it was a date? I thought it was a friendly hangout between two people who are attracted to each other, who occasionally make out, and may or may not be going home together.

      Do the date rules still apply?

    2. I think it quickly became a date...but as for the rules, I've never been one to follow any when dating. You ask I'll answer honestly rules be damned ;)

    3. I agree. I think if your honest, you really don't need rules

    4. It worked for them, it's a turn off for me when a guys starts talking about past girlfriends or hook ups, I put them in the "friend zone" But I'm glad it worked for them. I think he really likes her so I'm exited to see where it goes from there. And I'm wondering if seeing jake take lily serious would make Sammy jealous. I guess we'll see...

  7. Yey Jake! I agree with the above comment that they should take it slow. Thanks for a great two posts today.

    1. Thank you! Is it too late to go slow? And does speed matter if they're honest with each other?

  8. I still want Ethan :(

    1. He's still around. At this point, everyone is just friends.

  9. Why'd Jake tell her one thing in Spanish (which I thought was actually kinda sweet!) and then switch it up and ask her to spend the night with him in English??

    1. That's a good question. The commentor below you has a good theory

  10. I think he actually likes Lily. I figure once she acted like she didn't hear it he probably didn't want to repeat himself & put himself out there to be rejected so he said something else in English

    1. Quite possibly... especially if he thinks Lily didn't understand what he said

    2. That totally makes sense.

  11. I want you to be mine. Loving how sweet that was! Totally agree that he really likes Lily and didn't want to get rejected. Thanks for the bonus post!

  12. YES FINALLY!!!! I really like Lily and Jake.. Please let them sleep together in the next post!!! I can't wait to see what will happen!!!

    1. Check back tomorrow morning! Really, tomorrow morning. If I post tonight, it will be before real time. So Early Tomorrow Morning!

  13. By far my fav blog!!! I love Lily's character & I'm really liking Jake&Lily

    1. Thank you!

      Here's to hoping we continue to like everyone ;-)

  14. I'm curious about Jake'a back story. There's often a reason that some people put on a facade. That's all it is with him, I think.

  15. I love the sweetness and vulnerability that Jake is showing.... I hope it's not a show to bed her and move on.

    I'm thinking this Birthday vacay will happen while Lily is visiting Dad... Ethan will be with Jake and the relationship will be exposed....shite hitting the fan!
