Sunday, July 27, 2014

Friend Like Me

Friend Like Me (Aladdin)- Robin Williams

"Sorry I'm late you guys." I said, as I sat down at the table with Rocky and Trevor. Trevor, Rocky and I haven't been out together, just the three of us, in forever. Trevor brought it up when we talked last. I blamed it on their significant others. So Trevor remedied the situation by inviting us out to lunch on Saturday. I was still trying to explore the city of Addison, so we went to BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. It's amazing the amount of restaurants I haven't been to in Dallas. I probably eat out too much, but I feel like I have to try every restaurant at least once.

Derek called me as I was getting back from grocery shopping. I was on call this weekend. He told me my patient that had ankle surgery was experiencing swelling and discomfort and was concerned. I met my patient at the clinic, and took care of him before meeting up with Trevor and Rocky. 30 minutes late.

"That's ok. Got caught up with your girlfriend?" Trevor joked with me over the table.

"Shut up Trevor. Or you're gonna be wearing that beer." I threatened, picking up my menu.

"See, this is why I don't hang out with y'all, just the three of us. I always end up babysitting." Rocky complained, rolling her eyes. But she smiled, so it's all in good fun.

We were having fun, studying the menu, and catching up when my phone rang. I normally would ignore it but I was on call. When I picked it up, I was glad to see it was just Forrest.

"Hey, wuz up?" I answered, smiling. And ignoring Trevor's disapproving look.

"I have your pictures... and I'm in your neck of the woods." He said.

"Awesome. Let me give you the address."

"Forrest is gonna drop by." I said, when I got off the phone.

"Forrest? Is that one of your gay neighbors?" Trevor asked.

"No! That's Patrick and Lamar. I met Forrest through work. He invited me to the mud run." I explained.

The waitress came to take our order.

"Can we just get appetizers for now? Forrest might have time to join us."

They agreed and we ordered the appetizer combo that came with Spinach and Artichoke Dip, Mozzarella Sticks, Avocado Egg Rolls and Santa Fe Spring Rolls. Trevor ordered us another round of beer too. I was drinking their Berry Burst Cider and Trevor tried Piranha Pale Ale. Rocky wasn't in the mood for beer, so she stuck with their handcrafted black cherry soda.

The drinks arrived the same time Forrest showed up. I stood up to hug and greet him, before introducing him to Rocky and Trevor.

"Rocky is Brandon's girlfriend that didn't want to pay to play in mud. Trevor's the one that wanted to pay to see me fall face first in the mud." I explained to Forrest as we sat down.

He smiled at Rocky. "I understand. That's how the dinner afterwards came about. For people who want to donate and participate without the mud. Next year, make sure you come to that." He then handed Trevor a large envelope. "And these are almost as good as being there. Thank y'all both for the donations." He finished.

While Trevor and Rocky looked through the pictures, I turned to Forrest.

"Hungry?" I asked, offering him my menu.

"Always can eat. It's a constant struggle." He said, taking the menu from me. I laughed at that.

My phone beeped indicating a text. It was Derek. Checking up on the patient.

"Put your phone up!" Trevor said.

"Eat me. I'm on call." I replied.

"That's Jordan's job." Trevor joked.

Forrest choked on the beer he just ordered.

"Please excuse them. They have no home training." Rocky apologized.

"That was just my boss. I don't need to give him a reason to lecture me again." I said, putting away my phone.

"No problem." Forrest said.

"Is your boss giving you a hard time?" Rocky asked.

"Nothing I can't handle. " I said.

"You sure?" Trevor added.

"Yes. Geez guys, chill out." I smiled.

 The waitress came back with the appetizers and we ordered our food. As we snacked, I told them about the patient I just took care of.

"It was just swelling. But he freaked himself out reading all the aftercare paperwork. He thought he had an infection and he was going to need his foot amputated or something." I exaggerated.

They laughed. "Is he still icing it?" Forrest asked.

"Yeah, and taking anti-inflammatories. But I bet you when he's resting, it's not elevated." I guessed.

"Yeah, that's why I love the cryo cuffs. Cold and compression. And it's easier to rest elevated with it than a bag of ice. It helps the swelling tremendously." Forrest said.

"Ohmigosh. That's an amazing idea. He can take it home." I pulled out my phone to texted Derek the idea. "You're scoring me major brownie points with Derek. I knew there was a reason I kept you around." I grinned at Forrest.

"I'll keep being useful then." He winked at me.

"Are you a therapist too?" Trevor asked him.

"No. I'm an athletic trainer at a high school. One of Lily's patient is a student."

"So he introduced you two?" Trevor asked.

"Kinda. Lily sent me a really nasty, bossy note. Telling me to back off and that Darren was her patient." Forrest grinned.

"And that just made you think, my type of girl?" Trevor laughed.

"Exactly." Forrest laughed too.

"I didn't send it. Derek did!!!" I finally admitted. "Now you see why I wanna stay on his good side."

"Just let me know. I can round up a posse for you to straighten him out." Forrest joked.

"That's how y'all get down in Fort Worth?" I laughed.

"They don't call it funky town for nothin' " Forrest laughed.

"I thought it was called that because of the smell." Trevor joked.

"Have you and your fiancee set a date?" Rocky asked Forrest.

"She's still looking at locations. But sometime next summer." Forrest answered.

"You're engaged? Congratulations." Trevor said.

"Thanks" When Forrest looked down to eat a spring roll, Trevor sent me a hard glare. I ignored him.

"How and when did you propose?" Rocky asked.

"Geez Rocky. Can he eat?" I asked her.

"Me and my boyfriend live together. I'm constantly thinking about the next step. I just want a guy's perspective of when he was ready to take that step." Rocky explained, ignoring me.

"It's ok. My fiancee's family is real old fashioned, so living together wasn't an option. But we dated off and on through college. We actually didn't start dating again till a year ago. We got back together at my buddy's Memorial Day BBQ. When we started dating, I knew that I was ready to take that next step. It just felt right to propose at this year's Memorial Day BBQ." Forrest explained.

"Y'all need a whole year to plan? Red, white and blue are the wedding colors and serve BBQ." Trevor said.

Forrest laughed. "I thought the same thing. I figured we'd spend 6 months celebrating being engaged. Then 6 months planning. Didn't work out like that."

Me and Rocky laughed. "And just fyi, no one does wedding colors anymore. It's outdated. It's color palettes. Ours is going to be neutral palette." Forrest added.

"What does that even mean?" Trevor smiled. I noticed his smile was a little tight.

"Don't ask me. I said navy and white and got chased out the room." Forrest grinned.

We all laughed.

"It's different tones of beige. Understated, but really elegant." Rocky explained. Something in her tone made me stare at her. There was a... yearning, I guess would be the best word, quality in her voice. It took me by surprise.

"That sounds expensive." Trevor commented.

"Well, her parents are really old fashioned. So they're paying for it. Trade off is I have no opinion. Goes back to the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules." Forrest said.

I laughed. "You did not just quote Jafar from Aladdin."

Forrest grinned. "If I did, you knew where it was from."

"I'm sure that was around before Aladdin." Rocky cut in.

"Shut up Rocky. That's the first time I heard it!" I smiled.

"Maybe you should try picking up a book sometime Lily. Instead of watching Disney movies." Trevor laughed.

"Whatever. I still watch the classics to this day." I stuck my tongue out at Trevor.

"I can tell. Real mature." Rocky said.

"I still watch Disney movies. I still learn life lessons. I just always related to them." Forrest said.

"Me too. Maybe it was the parents being out the picture." I suggested, looking at Forrest.

"Definitely." He agreed.

When the food came out, Trevor clapped. "Thank you. Now we can move on from the morbid topic of dead parents."

Forrest and I laughed. Rocky ordered Parmesan Crusted Chicken that came with white cheddar mashed potatoes and broccoli. Trevor order a Roast Beef Dip Sandwich with French fries. Forrest and I chose deep dish pizzas. He got the BJ classic, the toppings included meatballs, pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, green bell peppers, black olives, onions and tomatoes. I got the Great White, that had chicken, alfredo sauce, mushrooms, garlic, Parmesan cheese and tomatoes.

I split my pizza to share with Forrest.

"Thanks Lily. I would love some pizza too." Trevor said.

"Hell no. Forrest and I collaborated on our meal." I explained, as Forrest split his pizza with me.

"Well I wanna collaborate too." Trevor announced.

"Too late. You gotta do it when you order. I don't want any roast beef sandwich. I could get that at Quiznos" I informed him.

"Help yourself to some of mine." Forrest offered.

"No Forrest. You're making me look bad." I exclaimed.

Rocky laughed. "You are hogging a whole pizza Lily. Kinda looking bad all on your own."

"Don't let your former fat kid come out." Forrest smiled at me.

"Fine." I grumbled. I took a slice of pizza and ate off all the mushrooms. When Forrest gave me a look, I said, "he doesn't even eat mushrooms."

Forrest chuckled and I handed the pizza over to Trevor.

"Thanks Lily." He said, with a half grin.

"Whatever. Gimme some fries. With au jus dip!"

After we ate, Forrest and Trevor argued over who was paying. Forrest won when he pointed out that he crashed our lunch. Trevor just agreed to buy us drinks when we all went out tonight. I said goodbye to Forrest and headed to my car with a doggy bag of half my pizza. I blamed the appetizers and beer as to why I couldn't finish.

 Trevor followed me to my car.

"Lily, What are you doing? That dude is practically married." Trevor asked me.

"We're not allowed to be friends because he's engaged?" I huffed.

"l thought y'all were dating. Hell, I would still be thinking that if Rocky didn't bring up his fiancee." Trevor exclaimed.

"But they're not Trevor. So calm down." Rocky butted in. "Lily is not dumb. She knows not to get involved with him. Can we go now please?"

"Fine. I'm gonna go pick up Becca. Meet y'all later." Trevor said, before he left. Rocky followed him. I climbed in my car and took off.

I went back to my apartment and got ready to go out. I showered and got dressed. When we moved in, Sammy gave me clothes that didn't fit her. One of them were gold swirl patterned harem pants. When I first saw them, I was waiting for a chance to get rid of them. I was inspired to wear them tonight. I paired them with a slinky white halter that exposed some cleavage and my midriff. I put on gold and white bangles and white ankle booties. Booties and boots were the only shoes with a heel I could walk in.

I spent 35 minutes on YouTube to braid my hair back in a fishtail braid. The end result was not bad. A few strands fell out, so I used them to frame my face. My make up featured dramatic lashes, black liner and soft pink lips. Satisfied with my finished look, I stood in the mirror in the den. I snapped a picture of myself. Then I texted it to Forrest and wrote:

Me: A whole new world

I captioned the photo, hoping he would get and appreciate my look that was inspired by Princess Jasmine.

He texted me back, immediately.

Forrest: A new fantastic point of view

I smiled as I recognized the next lyrics from the song "A Whole New World." I received another text.

Forrest: What are you up to tonight?

Me: Just hanging out with friends at a lounge in Dallas. No mechanical bulls, but should be fun if you wanna hang.

Forrest: That's Cool. Do you have snapchat?

Me: I don't. Should I?

Forrest: all the cool kids have it.

Me: Key word: Kids. I don't have parents to hide from.

He didn't respond before I left to head to Rocky's house.

"Oooo Lily, don't you look sexy!!!" Rocky said, as I walked into their house.

"So do y'all." I smiled at Rocky and Brandon. Rocky was wearing a blue sheer blouse and a black bandage skirt. Brandon wore dark denim blue jeans and a short sleeved, black military inspired button down.

I accepted a glass of wine from Rocky. I was designated driver for the night, so that one, plus one drink at the lounge, was all I was doing.

"Is it just us tonight?" I asked Rocky and Brandon.

"Yes. Trevor, Peyton and their crew is meeting us up there." Rocky answered.

"You didn't invite any of your friends Brandon? " I asked, casually.

"You mean Ethan? You know he's not a going out kinda guy." Brandon answered, just as nonchalantly. Ass. He knew I was talking about Jake.

"I know. I meant in general. "

"No. Did you invite any of your new friends?" Brandon asked me.

"No." I turned to Rocky. "Thanks so much for getting Trevor off my back earlier. I don't know what his problem is." I changed the subject.

"Don't mention it. Besides, he doesn't know you're hooking up with Jake." Rocky said, sipping her wine.

I almost spat out my wine. I swallowed and turned to Brandon. "Fuck Brandon. Did you tell her about freak dancing on that girl at the bar too!?!" I snapped.

"No, Fuck you Lily. I didn't tell her shit!!!" Brandon exclaimed.

I turned to Rocky.

She looked amused. "He didn't. You and Brandon just confirmed my suspicions. None of y'all are slick. You were sneaking glances at Jake the whole time like you were afraid he was going to disappear. And Jake looked like someone kicked his puppy when you left Sunday."

Awwww, really?

I was temporarily thrilled till I realized Rocky was studying my reaction.

"Not that it matters, but what do you think about it?" I asked.

"I don't think anything. Anyone is better than going back and forth with Ethan. Or spending too much time with Forrest. I don't appreciate y'all making deals behind my back." She paused to give Brandon a look. "But I'm sure y'all realize now not to try it again."

"I want nothing to do with this drama." Brandon announced, looking over at me when he said "drama".

"You've said that before." Rocky stated.

"I mean it this time. I'm outta it." He replied, before leaving the room.

"So how does Sammy feel about this?" Rocky asked.

"Not even an issue" I said.


"Yeah, really. We don't live by archaic society rules." I explained.

"Alrighty then." Rocky dragged out. I knew she wasn't convinced.

I composed a text to Ethan. Brandon had made me feeling guilty for thinking about Jake, and not Ethan.

Me: Hey, any plans tonight? I get to watch others build their alcohol tolerance before I drive them home.

"And by the way, Brandon wasn't really freak dancing. More like, he got sexually assaulted by some drunk girl." I explained, as I sent the text to Ethan.

"Don't try to clean it up now. I'll deal with him accordingly." Rocky said.


At the lounge, Rocky dealing with Brandon consisted of freezing him out. I felt bad as I watched her give him short responses, refused to dance with him, and chatted up other guys when he left to get them drinks. But during the course of the night, Rocky must have forgave him. Cause they were cuddled up in a booth, making out and groping each other.

I sat down with them and pulled out my phone.While I was downloading snapchat, Ethan finally responded.

Ethan: I'm actually getting some work done. Get home safe tonight.

Me: All work and no play...

"You and that phone..." Trevor said, throwing his arm around me, as he slid in the booth with me.

"Better than watching that." I motioned to Rocky and Brandon, before I put my phone away.

"Then come join us." Trevor said.

"That's ok." I said. Becca and Peyton and their friends were loud and rowdy and drinkers. Not fun to be around if you're not drinking. Plus, Becca's best friend Mallory gave me a weird feeling when she sized me up. Maybe it was my outfit...

"Do you have a problem with Becca?" Trevor asked me.

"No. I don't even know her." I said, surprised.

"And you haven't made an attempt to. I made more of an attempt to get to know Forrest when I thought y'all we're dating." Trevor pointed out.

"Damn Trevor. Alright. We'll join y'all." Rocky said, coming up for air.

We abandoned the booth to join them standing at the bar. We hung out with Becca;s friends, who, for the most part, were cool. I watched everyone drink and tried to keep up with conversations. Peyton's boyfriend Chris and Trevor are designated driver as well, so we formed our own sober crew.

Finally, the end of the night came. I drove Brandon and Rocky home. I checked my phone in the driveway. No new messages. I sent another text.

Me: Are you still up?

I got a call back immediately.

"Hey. Why didn't you come out?" I said, instead of hello.

"Did you invite me?" He chuckled.

"Since when do you need a formal invitation to hang out with a friend?" I responded.

"So friend, do you wanna hang out?" He asked.

"When?" I smiled.

"Right now."


Who did Lily text?!?! 25 comments of who y'all think it is(and/or who you want it to be) and I'll post a mini bonus revealing who it is!


  1. Jake. ..she kind of invited Forrest. So that leaves Ethan or Jake. .but like I said my money is on Jake.

  2. Ooo I hope it's Jake. There's definitely something going on there!

  3. I pray it's not Forrest! She's already playing with fire.

  4. I bet it's Jake.... But I would love for it to be Ethan!!

  5. I think it's Jake. But I still want Ethan!!!

  6. I really hope it's jake... I'll be so sad if it's Forrest.

  7. Please be Jake!!!

  8. Jake totally. Hope they hook up.!!!!!

  9. i know it's highly unlikely since she sort of invited him, but I really hope it's Ethan

  10. Probably Jake but wish it was Ethan.

  11. Hope its Jake and not Forest, she is playing with fire there!

  12. I think is Jake but hoping is Ethan.

  13. I hope it's Ethan but think it will be jake.

  14. I hope is Jake. I think Forest likes to spend a lot of time with Lilly don't know if that's good for her they seem to like each other and get along great...hopeful it's just friendship on his part. Anyways thanks for a great post.


  15. Hoping it's Jake, but the overusing of friend makes me think it's Forrest

  16. I think Jake but would rather it be Ethan

  17. Her and Forrest need to cool it, not much good comes out of late-night snap chatting

  18. I'm going to be so disappointed with her of its Forrest. I do agree with Trevor on that front.

    I'm SOOOO hoping it's Jake!!!!! Gahh can't wait for the next post!

  19. At first I thought it was Forrest, but now I'm thinking Jake!

  20. At first I thought it was Forrest, but now I'm thinking Jake!

  21. At first I thought t was Forrest, but now I'm thinking Jake!

    1. Sorry about that. My phone was acting up. Didn't realize it published my comment so many times!

  22. Please be Jake. Please be Jake!!!!!
