Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sleeping With a Friend

Sleeping with a Friend- Neon Trees

This morning as I rushed around my apartment to get ready for work, I heard my phone beep. I raced to it, thinking maybe it was Jake. I just left his apartment. Maybe I forgot something...

I was disappointed when I saw it was a new text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey pretty lady.

Me: Hey... who is this?

After I responded, I put my phone back on my charger. I had no idea when I received the text. My phone died sometime Tuesday evening, but I was too busy to worry about it.

I grabbed my phone when leaving for work and saw I had another message.

Unknown: Your future boyfriend.

Creepy. I ignored it for the moment.

I went to work with a smile on my face. After Saturday night, I still have no idea where Jake and I are headed. I don't even know if Saturday night would be classified as a date. But I enjoyed it. And the new me wasn't stressing about it. If something more happened, it happened. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

"Hey!" Jordan called from the nurse's station before I headed to the training center.

"Good morning." I smiled, cheerfully.

"What are you so happy about?" Jordan asked, smiling back at me.

"Umm, maybe because it's halfway through the week." I replied.

She looked at me skeptically. "Still got a whole half to go."

"Yeah, but I'm a glass half full type of girl." I explained.

"Since when?"

"Right now."

"Sure...Corey said he tried to text you last night." Jordan said, smiling.

"Ah-ha! I had an unknown number text this morning. My phone died on me last night. When I asked him who he was, he said my future boyfriend." I explained.

"Sounds like Corey." Jordan laughed. "Make sure you text him back. I was telling him about you. He's excited to meet you."

Hmmm, that made me think about Jake. I would normally ask my friends opinions, but I know I need to make up my own mind about him. Besides, I promised him I would.

The only thing Jake and I talked about was getting to know each other. Jake already informed me the more he got to know a girl, the less he liked her. So maybe he would eventually feel the same about me. But still, I thought about how I would feel if the situation was reversed. The thought of him dating someone else didn't sit too well with me.

 So I guess I answered my own question. I couldn't see us in a relationship yet, but I could see us heading in that direction. I just needed to talk to Jake to see if he felt the same way. And maybe he already did. I know he said he wanted me to be his in Spanish. I don't know if he really meant it, or if it was just a line.

"Will do. In fact, Sammy is dragging me to this party Thursday. Bring Corey and your boyfriend" I told Jordan.

"Um, doubtful. Too short of notice. I'll let you know" Jordan replied.

Hmmm, just like I thought. I knew as soon as I brought up her boyfriend she would leave it alone. So shady. But at least that should buy me some time to talk with Jake.

I nodded and went in to the training room.

My first appointment wasn't until 10am, but I came in early to get in a work out. I had been eating out and drinking a lot recently, so I needed to balance it out with a couple more workouts.

I was contemplating what I should text back to Corey. Even if Jake wasn't in 'relationship' mode like I am, I know that I can't give any other guy the attention they deserve with Jake occupying my mind. And bed.

I smiled to myself as I thought about Saturday night with him. I was so glad Sammy spent the night with Phillip, because neither I nor Jake was thinking about her when we got to my apartment. As soon as the front door was closed and locked, we were all over each other. We shared a hot, hungry kiss that left no question to what we were about to do.

His hands gripped my waist, as he backed me to the stairs. I broke the kiss, to lead us up the stairs to my room.

As soon as we got in the room, he stripped out of his clothes. His sexy tan skin covering his muscular, cut body was making me wet just looking at him. He pulled me back to him after he stepped out of his jeans. I loved how he made me feel when he held me in his strong arms. I felt small and precious; two things I never considered myself. Not even as a kid.

He then cradled my face in his hands, and kissed me. When he used his tongue to show me what he was going to do to my body, he made me feel fucking sexy too.

Maybe like Sammy said, I was just appreciating his vast experience with girls. But in that moment, all I knew was that I wanted Jake. And I felt no shame, guilt or doubt about it.

I pulled back to remove my clothes. My pants and halter were on the floor moments later. I'm not 100% comfortable with my naked body. But with the way Jake looked at me, I was getting there.

"Don't." He commanded, when I reached to pull off my bra. He moved his hand to my hair and undid my braid. He ran his fingers through my hair as he looked me over in just my black bra and purple panties. I blushed. If I would've know this was gonna happen, I would have picked out one on my Victoria's Secret sets I brought. They sat in my drawer, majority of them never worn.

"Now take it off."

I quickly complied. When my bra was off and on the floor, he clarified, "Everything."

I pulled down and kicked off my panties.

He looked me over. "You're so beautiful." He said, huskily.

Heat spread all over my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him down for another kiss. During our kiss, he pressed his body against me. I felt his erection, hard and throbbing. It was such a turn on knowing I affected him like that.

He pulled away and laid me on the bed. He retrieved a condom from his pant pocket before joining me. He kissed me on the lips, before moving his mouth to my breast. He kissed all over, before he sucked my nipple. He gave my other breast the same affection. I moaned as he kissed and sucked on me. My need for him was growing with every touch. My moan turned to a groan when he moved away from my breast, and kissed down my stomach.

"Jake, please. I want you." I said, desperately. I normally love foreplay and the anticipation, but I was all out of patience. My body was aching for him.

He grinned up at me. "I know. Let me get you ready for me, little girl."

He spread my legs, before sliding his fingers inside me. I moaned as his fingers stroked me, deliciously. I propped up on my elbows to watch his skilled fingers dip inside me. When our eyes met, he pulled his fingers all the way out, before pushing them back inside of me.

"Ohhh God!" I cried out, gripping the sheets on my bed, as he continued to stroke me with his fingers.

"Jake, please." I sputtered, barely catching my breath.

He continued for a few more moments. He finally pulled his fingers out and licked them, one at a time. My stomach clenched, hard. I don't think I had ever been this turned on before. I was dying for release.

He pulled me up and sat down beside me, leaning against the headboard. He slid on the condom, and pulled me in his lap.

"'s been awhile. I might be really bad at this. Unless it's like riding a bike." I joked, anxiously. I knew I was trying to hide my insecurities with a joke. The same experience that I appreciated earlier tonight was filling me with dread. How could I measure up with the other girls he has been with? Girls like Sammy? There's no way.

He chuckled. "We're about to find out." He kissed me as he guided himself into me.



We moaned together, breaking the kiss as I sank down on him. I rested my head on his shoulder, as he rubbed my back, causing shivers up and down my spine. I gasped as my body adjusted to him. His lips found mine and he kissed me, again, as he filled and stretched me. It felt amazing when he was all the way inside of me. My hips started to rock, wanting more, and taking him deeper. He matched my movements, thrusting up into me. We rocked into each other, the passion building between us.

"Ahhh...." I groaned, returning my head to his shoulder. He used both hands to hold my butt. He guided my hips so that my clitoris grinded into his pelvis.

"Jake!!!" I gasped, the passion climaxing as my hips moved frantically against him.

"Justo ahi, Cariño, esta perfecto." Jake moaned. "I knew it sweetheart. There's no way you could be bad at this." He whispered, breathlessly in my ear.

His words brought me over the edge as my climax tore through my body. I rode him faster as I came. I felt him tense up too.

"That's it Cariño. Come." He growled, grabbing me with both hands, thrusting up into me harder. A few moments later, he came too.

"Better than riding a bike? " He breathed in my hair.

I laughed, panting and nodded my head.

We held each other, catching our breath, before he slipped out. He sat me aside on the bed and removed the condom. He went to the bathroom to get rid of it. I stumbled to my drawer to put on a tank top and shorts. Jake came out the bathroom and joined me.

"Oh. So you do have matching bra and panties sets..." He teased me, with a grin.

"Shut up." I elbowed him. I was hoping he didn't notice. No such luck.

He pulled out a pair of blue lacy boyshorts with a green trim and the matching bra.

"Green is my favorite color, but I know blue is yours. Save these for next time." Jake said.

"Who said there's gonna be a next time?" I asked.

His answer was another intoxicating kiss.

The next time ended up being Tuesday evening. We had been texting throughout the day since it was my off day. Since I had snapchat now, I sent him a picture of me in my new purchase: a green skirted thong with a black bow on the crotch. I sent him a full body shot so he could see the matching green bra underneath the open black silk robe I was wearing. I set it for 5 seconds.

He responded: Fuck Snapchat!

I laughed and he told me he was going to stop by after work to see me. I knew Sammy opened at work, so there was a chance she would come home. I told him I'd rather meet at his place. He sent me the address to his apartment and told me to be there at 4:30.

I took my time and didn't get there till a little before 6pm. I paid for it, the rest of the night. He made me beg for everything I wanted. My pride went out the window after the first half hour. I hate losing, but this was one of the few times I was a good sport about it

 I checked my emails, social media, and voicemails while I was on the treadmill to keep my thoughts PG. Afterwards, I decided to text Corey back.

Me: So after some detective work, I know this is Corey and not some random creeper : -) Sorry it took so long to text you back. Super busy week. Your number is officially saved in my phone.

Amber also sent an invite on Facebook. It read:

Girls weekend!!! Not sure where, who, what, when, but the why is cause my kids are with their Grandparents! Ladies, send me your thoughts! NO BOYS ALLOWED!

The invitees included me, Sammy, Rocky, Jackie, her best friend Gigi, and her cousin Heather.

I replied:

Me: I'm down for whatever!!! Can we include Peyton and Becca too?

Amber didn't have them listed on the invites, which made sense. She only knew Peyton through Rocky. She knew Rocky through me. I really had no desire to hang with Becca, but since it was important to Trevor, I figured I might as well try.

Jake and Corey texted me while I was on the phone.

Jake: Starving...didn't get any food for breakfast.

Corey: I thought random creeper was more original than hey, this is Corey ;-)

I responded to Jake's text.

Me: So why didn't you make yourself something?

Jake: I keep forgetting you're new to this. Because you spent the night, you should've made me breakfast.

Me: LOL is that right?

Jake: Yeah, that's how it works.

Me: I don't recall you making me breakfast.

Jake: Technically, I bought you breakfast before ;-)

Me: I'm so sorry. Now that I'm aware of the rules, what are you favorite kind of Poptarts?

Jake: I'm not a big sweets for breakfast kinda guy

Me: So dry toast?

Jake: That's a start. Add to the order some eggs, a side of bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice to wash it all down, and it's perfect.

Me: So that's an order of 'hell no', with a side of 'bitch please' and wash it all down with freshly squeezed  'I ain't yo momma?'

Jake: LOL. I'll just call you my little Mama

I literally laughed out loud. I told him about the guy's pickup lines at IHOP. I asked Jake about nice ways to put guys down. He claimed he never had any experience with a girl putting him down. After I laughed at him, he told me to be nice but direct. But if a guy is overly aggressive, just lie and say I have a boyfriend.

When a couple of people looked at me when I laughed, I smiled, apologetically and turned off the treadmill. I hurried to the locker room to shower and change before my first appointment of the day. I texted Jake back first though.

Me: You could, but I don't think my boyfriend would like that...

Jake: So this is what rejection feels like...

Me: Get used to it. I think your looks are fading... ttyl old man.

Jake: Lies! See you later little girl.

I put my phone away and went to work.

***Updated Character Guide***


  1. Loving Jake and Lily's repartee. I have a feeling that this whole thing with Corey is gonna help Jake along in the relationship department. still think Jake has a back story.

    1. Definitely think there's more to Jake's story, and I'm excited to find out what it is!

      New Beginning, New Adventures

    2. Their conversations are definitely fun to write.

      Hopefully they open up and discuss their back stories so Corey won't be an issue as they figure things out.

  2. Something is a little off about Corey. Hopefully he is the nudge jake and lily need to take things to the next level. I will say that jake calling lily little girl is kind of creepy

    1. Ok, so they called each other 'old man' and 'little girl' In the post KICKIN UP MUD. But I added more banter so its less creepy. Hopefully. Lol

  3. Corey = Jordan . I'm calling it now

  4. I really like Jake and Lily... I hope this date with Corey will make Lily see she is really wanting more with Jake.. I can't wait to see what happens and I love how heated Jake and Lily are with each other!!!

    1. Lets just hope it develops between Jake and Lily. Jake already admitted he had a short attention span when it comes to women

  5. It's silly because this is a blog so it has to continue but I want Jake & Lily to get together & go about life happily ever after! Lol I love that even though they're sexually intimate they're developing A friendship as well

    1. Lol That would be way too easy right? I don't know how Lily would react to happily ever after right now
