Saturday, May 24, 2014

Island in the Sun

"When you're on a holiday
You can't find the words to say
All the things that come to you
And I wanna feel it too
On an island in the sun
We'll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can't control my brain" Island in The Sun by Weezer

Greetings from Joe Pool Lake! Rocky and I were functioning with little sleep. We stayed up late Friday night after shopping and cooking and woke up early to finish. Sammy met us at the house with the drinks (the only thing Rocky entrusted her with). We loaded up Rocky's and my car with the food and supplies and headed to the lake. When we got checked in, we put the food inside the cabin and got the drink station with the coolers set up outside between the large table under the pavilion and the grill.
Sammy made a pitcher of sangria that was chilling in a beverage dispenser. Beers and sodas were on ice in 2 coolers and that was the extent of her duties.
Rocky had her brisket finishing in the oven. Her potato and pasta salads were in the refrigerator. She had already set out the hummus, pita chips, and vegetable tray; deli wraps; and watermelon fruit bowl we made the night before. They were the appetizers to snack on while Brandon grilled burgers, hotdogs, and whatever else everyone was bringing to throw on the grill.
I prepared corn on the cob that was going on the grill, my dad's baked bean recipe, fruit tarts, brownies and yogurt parfaits. Everyone else was bringing food as well, but Rocky wanted a wide variety even if the others didn't bring food. Plus she didn't trust people's food unless she's seen them cook before.
When our work was done, we went to the bedrooms to get showered and changed. By the time Brandon showed up, we were dressed and sipping sangrias outside. Rocky looked sexy and cute in a floral pleated skirt and a black crop top that showed off her flat stomach. Sammy was wearing a fitted blue sundress that was low cut with lots of cleavage. I was wearing khaki short shorts and a coral razorback tank that has a lace design on the back.
"Hey ladies." Brandon smiled at us, before dropping the bags on the table. He immediately turned to Rocky, trying to pull her into his arms, but she warded him off. "No. I'm already dressed. Hands off."
"Hey man, where do you want this?" A deep voice called from behind them.
"By the grill." Brandon answered the guy carrying a huge bag of charcoal. His biceps looked perfect in a black muscle tank. Sammy and I were both checking him out as he walked to the grill. He was definitely Hispanic and his face was just as sexy as his muscular body. After dropping off the charcoal, he joined us at the table.
"Lily, Sammy, this is Jacob." Brandon introduced us.
"Jake is fine." He corrected him, nodding at all 3 of us.
"He sure is..." Sammy whispered to me, but it was loud enough so everyone could hear. "Hablas espanol?" Sammy asked, turning towards him.
He smiled at her, revealing a dimple. OMG. "Si"
Sammy and I shared a look. She's thinking why Rocky failed to mention how hot Jake is. I know, because I'm thinking the same thing.
"So y'all are getting started early." Jake mentioned, motioning towards our drinks.
Sammy scoffed. "We've been up working for hours. It’s not early for us."
"I'm not surprised. Knowing Rocky she probably had all her minions working all night." Jake said. I could tell Rocky was biting her tongue to not say anything. I gave her a reassuring smile.
Sammy smiled too. "This one was..." she nudged me. “I just volunteered to handle the drinks."
"Well, looks like you’re slacking. My boy and I are empty handed." Jake said. He threw a look Rocky's and Brandon's way. "If that's okay..."
Rocky gave him a fake smile. "If you wanna drink and handle an open flame, be my guest."
Sammy giggled and grabbed his arm. "C'mon let's get you taken care of." She said flirtatiously.
Brandon shook his head and gave Rocky a sheepish smile before following them towards the make shift bar.
"See what I mean? Fucking evil." Rocky said under her breath.
"Oh yeah. Just like the devil. Evil, tempting, hot..." I joked.
"Oh God. Not you too. Sammy's acting desperate enough."
I laughed. "He's hot, but not who I'm desperate for."
The barbeque was in full swing before the guy I was desperate for showed up. I was having such a good time, I barely noticed his absence. Brandon's friends are cool. They're mostly laidback and fun. When the drinks start flowing, thanks to Sammy, I can see the immaturity Rocky was complaining about, but it's mostly playful not annoying. Sammy constant flirting with Jake kept him too occupied to make snide comments. I finished eating and was in the kitchen having a conversation about working out to make your butt bigger with Rocky's friend Jackie and Sara, Brandon's friend's girlfriend, when I heard my name called. I looked up to see EJ coming through the door.
"Hey EJ!" I greeted him, smiling as he made his way to the kitchen. He looked adorable in a blue plaid shorts and a white t-shirt with a blue star. He gave me a hug as I picked him up. "You ready to eat little man?"
He nodded and I sat him down. I got him a plate of food.
"Do you want ketchup on your hotdog?" I asked him, as he set his plate on the picnic table outside. He chose to sit next to Brandon and Rocky.
He nodded. "On-"
"The hotdog, not the bun." I finished for him.
"You gotta tell me your secret kid. Your dad and I barely make it to the table and you already got a plate. How did you pull that off?" I looked up to see a guy I didn't recognize talking to EJ.
"Tell him it's cause you have game." Jake joked.
EJ repeated him and I laughed, setting his hotdog on his plate.
"Don't teach him that nonsense." Ethan said, walking up to greet Jake with the "guy half hug" thing. I checked him out as he headed over to hug Brandon the same way, before giving Rocky a real hug. He looked effortlessly sexy in cargo shorts and a blue polo. “I'm sure he pulled that off by running straight to Lily." Ethan turned and smiled at me. I couldn’t help being disappointed about not getting a hug too.
"Smart kid." the guy I didn't recognize responded, while he openly looked me over. I recovered from my disappointment to give him what I hope was a flirtatious smile. Ethan suddenly cleared his throat.
"Daniel, this is Lily. Lily, this is my co-worker Daniel." Ethan introduced him.
"Nice to meet you. Although I think we've meet before. You bartended right?" He asked, reaching over to shake my hand.
"I did. It's good to see you again." I smiled. "And if you tell me what you want, I don't mind making your plate." I offered.
He grinned at me. "Really?"
"Don't make his plate. His arms and legs work fine." Ethan stated, eying Daniel.
"Don't hate because you can't pull it off. I'll take whatever you bring me darling." Daniel told me. I smiled and headed to the cabin. I was ecstatic when I saw Ethan following me.
"So what did you make?" He asked, as we grabbed the paper platter plates.
I told him as I filled Daniel's plate up with a little of everything.
I smiled to myself as he made sure to get everything I made. I took the plate back to Daniel and I slyly watched Ethan eat as I hung out with Sammy, Jake, and a couple of others hanging out by the coolers.
After everyone finished eating, Rocky brought out the fruit tarts, brownies and parfait. Someone brought cookies and a cake as well.
Ethan looked at the tarts, then at me, surprised. "You made those?"
"Yes. I mean, I bought the individual pastry crust for the tarts, but everything else is homemade."
"And they're amazing bro." Brandon chimed in.
"How would you know?" Rocky asked him.
"’Cause I had one for breakfast." Brandon answered. We laughed at him.
"Paula Deen. She's never done me wrong." I commented.
"Oh, so you’re ok with Paula Deen?" Ethan grinned at me.
"Yep, she can call me whatever she wants as long as she feeds me." I joked.
Everyone bursted out laughing at that. But no one disagreed.
After cleaning and putting up the food, Rocky and I joined everyone at the lake. It was crowded, but a perfect day to splash around. Seeing the way Ethan slowly looked me over, I was so glad Rocky talked me into a new swimsuit. It was a two piece, the top a royal blue halter tankini that showed my navel and the bottoms were matching blue striped boyshorts. I smiled at him when his eyes met mine. Behind sunglasses, I watched him. I tried not to think impure thoughts as he played with his son, but it was increasingly difficult with his lean, muscular body and smooth brown skin on display in his board swim shorts. When a volleyball net opened up, Daniel recruited me to play with him against another couple. I played in middle school, and soon, we were dominating the other team.
"Who put them on a team? They're both the biggest sore losers I know." Ethan commented, while wrapping EJ up in a towel.
"Not a problem cause we're not losing!" Daniel told him, giving me a high five.
I turned around to gloat at Ethan, but something from behind me got his attention. Before I could investigate, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I automatically knew who it is and I grinned. I twisted in his embrace and saw Trevor grinning back at me. Before I could say anything, he lifted me up. "Time for your victory lap." He said, teasingly as he headed for the lake.
"NO TREVOR!" I gasped, protectively wrapping my legs around his waist. He marched on, smiling.
"TREVOR!!! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU." I called as he stepped into the water. But it was too late, when he had us deep enough, he flung us both in.
I came up, sputtering. "You’re such an ass!"
"You have a great ass too." He laughed, dipping under the water again.
"You know that's not what I said."
"But it's what you meant." He winked at me.
When we headed back to the beach, Daniel recruited Ethan to play with him. Trevor and I set up on the beach next to everyone. EJ was playing with Amber's kids in the sand.
After a couple of hours, all of Brandon's friends that were spending the night headed to the campsite. After drinking and hanging by the fire, we decided to call it a night. I was shocked when Sammy decided to stay at the campsite with Jake. EJ asked if he can stay in the cabin with me. I didn't mind since I wouldn't be sharing a room with Sammy. At first, Ethan seemed reluctant, but eventually agreed to let him go. So Rocky, Trevor, EJ and I headed back to the cabin. We got EJ to sleep in my bed and Rocky retired to bed as well. Trevor and I watch TV on the couch but I was so exhausted, I didn't even remember falling asleep.


  1. I found this blog last night, and I'm officially hooked. Love the flashbacks. It's nice finding out the history with Ethan and Lily through past experiences. So excited to find out what happens with these two, especially with Trevor seeming so I interested!

    1. So good to hear that. I've seriously just decided the flashbacks weren't worth the confusion lol. But I'm glad you enjoyed them :-)

    2. I love the flashbacks too, don't get rid of them yet. Your blog is becoming one of my favorites! ~luita

    3. Thank you! I think enough back story is told as far as flashbacks go, but ill still give some history on everyone. Just not through flashbacks. I think its time for some confrontations about the past :-)

  2. So when & what happen for Trevor to start to become so possessive with Lily?

    1. Hmmm, interesting that you think Trevor is possessive : -) Don't wanna give too much away, but there is no single event that makes Trevor treat Lily any type of way. Lily just sees him as being a good friend.

