Friday, May 23, 2014

My Same

***I added a timeline of events before Lily moved back to Dallas. Check it out. Hopefully it clears up any confusion***
“I thought I knew myself, somehow you know me more
I've never known this, never before
You're the first to make up whenever we argue
I don't know who I'd be if I didn't know you
You're so provocative, I'm so conservative
You're so adventurous, I'm so very cautious, combining
You think we would and we do,
But we do, but we do, but we do
Favoritism ain't my thing but,
In this situation I'll be glad
Favoritism ain't my thing but,
In this situation I'll be glad to make an exception” My Same by Adele

"I got a cabin at Joe Pool Lake! We need to go shopping A.S.A.P!" Rocky exclaimed, bursting into my room. I just got home after working out. I was super sore. FML.
"Ugh, why can't Brandon go with you? They're his friends." I questioned, stretching my legs on the floor. She ignored me as she went thru my closet. She pulled out jeans and a top and threw them on the bed.
"C'mon Lily. It's the first time all me and Brandon's friends are getting together. I need this to be perfect. I need your help." She said while still rummaging through my clothes.
"Whateva. You've met them before." I smiled to myself, recalling her venting to me how childish they were.
"Yeah, but it's different now. We're living together. I don't want them thinking of me as the controlling stuck up girlfriend."
"You say as you’re forcing me to go shopping with you." I grumbled, admitting defeat.
She turned to smile at me, victoriously. "That's why I need you. I'm never going to change. If they see how funny, laidback and adorable my best friend is, it will show me in a new light: Birds of a feather and all that jazz."
"Or I could just tell them you pay me to be your friend..." I suggested, watching Rocky move to my dresser drawers.
"Do that and your uninvited." She said, pulling out my bathing suit and putting it back.
"Does that mean I can go to sleep?" I smiled, flopping on my bed.
"Sure... but it also means I will not be treating you to a new bathing suit, or a trip to the nail bar; Which I'm sure Ethan would enjoy seeing both on you tomorrow." Rocky finished, leaving the room.
The bathing suit got my attention. The nail bar got me up out of bed. Ethan got me throwing on my clothes, and rushing to follow her.
"What wrong with my bathing suit?" I declared, meeting her in the kitchen, slipping on some flip flops.
"Um, it's a skirted floral one piece. It screams mom."
"We all know yo momma would wear a string bikini." I spat back.
"We ain't talking 'bout my momma. We're talking 'bout your ugly swimsuit." She snapped right back at me. I glared at her for a moment, before we both start laughing.
"But for real, separate pieces look so much better if you don't wanna wear a bikini."
"Ethan is really going to be there?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes. "Yes. And I'm going pretend I'm not offended that he is more important than helping out your best friend out Lilian Carol Harris."
"As long as we understand each other" I shrugged, before we headed out.

After planning the menu for the barbecue on the drive to the store, we went grocery shopping. We fought the crowds while going over the itinerary. Brandon's friends had already reserved a campsite so everyone was meeting up there to eat, swim and hang out. Rocky got the cabin for 2 nights, so when Brandon's friends camped out, we were going to stay at the cabin.
"You realize not camping too is probably not the best idea for not looking stuck up." I commented as we got settled at the nail bar.
She sighed. "I know, but that's better than being a murderer. If I have to deal with his friend Jake, I will kill him."
"Is he really that bad?" I asked as we got our wine and let the technicians get started on our nails. I always loved getting my nails done. It was the only thing that made me feel feminine and cute growing up. It was therapeutic for me. My Dad let me do whatever I wanted to them. Make-up and revealing clothing were out of the question, but my nails were the only thing I could control. Through different colors, patterns and styles, I could always display my moods and personality freely. Even when I had to support myself, I could always afford do it yourself nail kits.
"YES" Rocky answered. "The only times me and Brandon really had problems dating involved Jake or alcohol. Even with alcohol, 9 times out of 10, Jake was pouring it down his throat."
I shook my head while picking out a nail design. "He sounds like a douche."
"Exactly. I'm just glad most of his friends warmed up to me. Jake is the only one that gives me problems. Unfortunately, he grew up in McKinney with Brandon's family so he's like a family friend. He's not going anywhere. I'm just going be civil and ignore him if he chooses not to be."
"That's right. Be the bigger person." I agreed.
Rocky shook her head at my "ghetto" choice of nail art on my ring fingers. They were blue bejeweled anchors to match my new bathing suit.
"You should get something on your middle finger. Ya know, if anyone gets stupid, you can show off your art."
Rocky laughed. She doesn't get nail art, but she does get her French manicure on her middle fingers pink.


  1. Sorry I forgot to link it! I love your blog keepost up the awesome storyline!

    Check mine out if you get a chance!


  2. Replies
    1. It is one of the pages. Where you find the character guide

  3. Found your blog through LSP, love the story line so far. It is different and refreshing. Timeline really helped clear things up. I am team Ethan!

    1. Thank you. So glad you're liking it and the timeline helped. And I like Ethan too: -)
