Sunday, May 25, 2014


Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say, say what you need to say” Say by John Mayer

The next morning, I woke up to a tap on my shoulder. I stretched, as I realized slept up on the couch with Trevor. The last thing I remembered was laying down, resting my head on his lap as we watched Parking Wars. His absentmindedly strokes on my hair must have lulled me to sleep. I opened my eyes to see EJ standing before me.
"Good morning." I yawned.
"Good morning." He answered. "Are you awake?"
"I am now." I smiled. "C'mon, let's go get some breakfast."
I pulled the blanket off me and gently shook Trevor awake. He groaned in response. "EJ is awake. Go to the bedroom and stretch out." I knew he had to be uncomfortable sleeping sitting up all night. He got up and stumbled to the room. I went to the bathroom before meeting EJ in the kitchen. I took a shower last night, so my hair was a wavy mess. I braided it over one shoulder. I looked over the white tank top dress I slept in. I would normally deem it too revealing, but considering everyone saw me in a bathing suit, I figure that was silly.
In the kitchen, I got EJ a leftover parfait while I heated up some brisket, scrambled some eggs, and brewed some coffee. There was a knock on the cabin door. I opened the door and saw it was Ethan and Brandon. I led them to the kitchen where EJ was eating his breakfast.
"Did you have fun sleeping in the tent?" EJ asked Ethan.
Brandon snickered. I looked over at him. He was grinning in a way that let me know something was up.
"I did. Did you sleep ok on the couch?" Ethan asked him back, rubbing his hair, playfully.
"I slept on the bed. Lily and Trevor slept on the couch." EJ answered.
I flushed and turned away from them. Trevor and I slept together in the literal sense. We have before. Nothing has every happened between us. Even though it's completely innocent, it still sounded weird when EJ says it; especially in front of Ethan.
"Yeah, we stayed up watching bad reality tv and passed out." I explained, hiding my face, pretending to be preoccupied with reaching up and pulling down coffee mugs, plates, even bowls that weren't really necessary.
"Ouch!" I looked at them to see Brandon giving Ethan a dirty look. Ethan just returned his look.
"Morning." Rocky surprised me from the doorway. "Lily, I can finish that. You can go get dressed."
I looked at her for a moment, contemplating her tone. Instead of questioning it, I shrugged and went to get dressed. When I came back in ripped jeans and a t-shirt, EJ was watching cartoons with Ethan. Rocky was making a plate of food, and Brandon was avoiding my eyes.
"What happened last night?" I asked Brandon.
"What do you mean?" He replied.
"Why were you acting funny this morning?"
Now Ethan choked on the coffee he was drinking and Rocky looked irritated. "Um, when EJ asked about how y'all slept..." I said, thoroughly confused.
"Sammy." Ethan answered, clearing his throat. He looked at EJ, then me. "Sammy and Jake shared a tent. She... sleeps... loudly." Ethan implied, and I knew he wasn't talking about snores.
Urgh, of course. That's why Rocky was annoyed. Sammy slept with Jake. In the "fucking" sense. I was sure Rocky thought that made her look bad by association.
"Well, that's what you get to look forward to when you move in with her." Rocky said, confirming my suspicions.
"When are you moving?" Brandon asked me, surprised. Now a flash of annoyance passed on Ethan's face.
"As soon as we can find a place; maybe one that has soundproof walls." I murmur to myself.
Ethan smirked.
During the quiet breakfast, Sammy finally made an appearance with Jake. It was clear everyone knew what they had been up to the night before, but no one said anything.
After breakfast Ethan, EJ and I kicked around a soccer ball outside the cabin. I was having so much fun, trying to steal the ball from Ethan. We are laughing and trying to outdo each other. It reminded me of when we first started hooking up- hanging out with EJ while avoiding thinking about Ethan naked. We played until everyone started getting ready to leave.
I helped Rocky make plates of food for everyone to take home. We all promised to get together again soon. After I said goodbye to EJ and Ethan, (giving them both a hug this time!), I started packing up my stuff. I figured Brandon and Rocky wanted some alone time since they have the cabin another night.
While I was packing, I remembered I still had EJ's inhaler from playing outside. I called Ethan immediately. He made plans to meet me at the house tonight after he dropped off EJ with his mom so he can pick it up.
My brain was already turning. Tonight was finally the night. We were going to be alone. I rushed Sammy so I could get home and get ready. She asked me what my problem was, and I explained. She grinned and helped me plan. I said goodbye to Trevor. He looked like he had something on his mind, but I assumed it was just him being weird around Sammy again. I gave him a hug when he told me to call him when I made it home.
When I got home, I texted Trevor so he knew I made it. I took another shower and flat ironed my hair so it was straight and silky. I did my make-up, lining my eyes and curling my lashes. I finished the look with a cherry chapstick. I wanted to look as effortlessly sexy as he does. I threw on a sexy red bra and panties set. I finished getting dressed in a fitted black tee and short jean shorts.
When finished my make up, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door, took a deep breath, exhaled, and opened it. The smile I had on my lips faded away when I saw who was at the door.


  1. Holy crap!!! Cam is back? This is getting good. I hate that I have the wait until after Memorial Day.

    1. If it helps, alot of questions will be answered on Tuesday.

  2. Really liking your blog.
