Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Stand by Me

"When the night, has come and the land is dark
Y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mí
Miedo no, no tendré, oh I won’t, no me asustaré
Just as long as you stand, stand by me" Stand By Me 
(Bachata Version) by Prince Royce 

I woke up on time to get to the airport extra early. I had Justine, my two bags and purse ready to go by the time the Uber pulled up. I made it to the airport, got Justine and my bags checked in plenty of time. I had breakfast of coffee and a muffin before I boarded my flight. I got settled with my headphones and music and was all set. I was too excited to sleep, so I wrote a pro/con list for accepting the promotion at my job. It was severely one sided. Once I was finished, it made it abundantly clear what I needed to do. The list just confirmed what I already felt and I knew in my heart that I wouldn't be happy if I took the promotion. I still had some work to do in regards to what my dream job looked like, but I had plenty of time to figure it out. In fact, my next list was writing what I wanted in my career. After the 4 hour, blissfully uneventful flight, I arrived in Punta Cana!

First thing first was turning on my phone and texting my dad I made it. After that, I headed to get Justine. Once I had Justine and my bags, I relaxed and took in the scenery. The airport already had the festive vibes going: bands in floral shirts played lively music and drinks were being served as the crowds moved through the terminals to the exits. I was observing the crowd, contemplating a shot when I heard my named called. I looked up and saw my dad heading my way.

“Hey Dad!” I smiled at him, pleased but not shocked to see him. It was his thing to always pick me up and drop me off at the airport. Even in the middle of planning to get married, he made sure to come get me. I welcomed him and his consistency with a hug.

"Why aren't you heading for the exit?" He asked me once we pulled apart.

"Um, do you see the band? And the drinks? It would be rude not to partake." I grinned at him.

"We can partake at the resort once we get there."

"We will be at the resort all week. Come on! Have my first Dominican beer with me." I insisted, giving him no choice as I handed him Justine's leash and retrieved us two Presidente beers.

"To the groom and a wonderful wedding week." I toasted him before we drank. He took a sip of his before maneuvering us through the crowd with my bags.  I followed him with Justine, drinking on my frosty beer whenever I could. Once outside, we made our way to the resort shuttle van. While my dad gave the bags to the driver, I got Justine settled in the backseat of the van.

“So what’s up? How are wedding plans going?” I asked my dad once we were all in the van heading to the resort.

“Very good. There has been a slight change of plans." He said, pulling his sunglasses off.

“Ok... I’m listening.” I said, putting my finished beer in the cup holder.

"Sunday, I would like to take you and your brother to Santo Domingo."

"Really?" I said, excitedly. "Why?"

"Well, you mentioned wanting to visit Santo Domingo. Do you still want to?"

"Absolutely! What changed your mind about wanting to go?"

"Since all the events leading up to Saturday is about the wedding, Beatrice and I would like Sunday and Monday to be about family. You would have to give up your horseback riding and countryside excursion." he detailed.

I didn't tell him I had no intentions of going to the pre-wedding events. I still could go ATV riding and cave diving. It was a fair trade off to go to Santo Domingo."That's perfectly fine with me."

"Did you have something you wanted to see in Santo Domingo?"

I smiled to myself as I thought about the documentary I watched with Ethan about the history of the DR and how the city was founded. "No, not really. I want to see where you grew up, where you liked to go, stuff like that."

"There is not much to see. I hope you won't be too disappointed."

"No way. You never talk much about your childhood and I would love to see it. That's all I want." I told him, sincerely.

He studied me for a moment, measuring my words before he nodded. I turned my attention out the window to take in the sites of the beautiful island as we drove to the resort. I pulled out my phone and recorded the views. I narrated the video, stating that since everyone complained about my numerous food pictures, I would be filming a vlog of my trip. I also took a selfie with my dad to post on Instagram.

We arrived and were dropped off in front of the beautiful resort. We were immediately greeted by employees with towels, water bottles and glasses of champagne. I grabbed a water bottle for me and Justine while my dad spoke to the employee that pulled up in a golf cart. I was finishing giving the water to Justine when my dad called me over to leave on the cart. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion when one of the bell boys took my bags towards the lobby. My dad explained that the golf cart will take us to the villa he and Beatrice were staying and my bags were being taken to my room. I told him I wanted to change and get Justine settled before I went over to his Villa. He understood, handing over my key before asking one of the attendants to take me to my room. I promised I would call when I was on my way.

I let Justine off her leash once we arrived in my room. I explored the plush room with my phone recording. My favorite part was the balcony with a Jacuzzi tub and lounge seating. It had a great view of the pool, but was far enough to be secluded and private. After I set out food and water for Justine, I took a quick, hydrating shower before putting on a maxi dress. I tied a matching scarf over my wind blown hair and donned a pair of sunglasses before I tried to make heads and tails of the resort map that was in the room. I wasn't sure how far the Villas were, but I figured finding them would be the perfect opportunity to stretch my legs and check out the resort. I was debating whether I should take Justine but when I saw her laid out on the bed, I left her to rest. As soon as I walked out my room, the same attendant that escorted me was waiting outside my door.

"Hi..." I said with a little smile, confused.

"Are you ready Miss?"

"Um, ready?

"Yes, to go to Senior Ortiz's Villa?"

"Oh, yes. I am going to walk."

"No, we have the golf cart ready. I will take you right over." He started walking towards the elevator.

"You don't have to do that. I want to walk and see the resort. I have my map." I said as I followed him.

"Senior Ortiz instructed me to take you. We can walk or take the golf cart. Your choice." he said, politely as he pushed the down button.

I was sure he was on his feet all day; I wasn't going to make him walk. "Let's take the cart."

The ride to the villa was less than 10 minutes, but Dalvin gave me a nice tour of the resort on the way. He pointed out the multiple outdoor pools, featuring swim up bars and pool parties, the large spa and fitness center, night clubs and restaurants and of course the private beach. It would not have been a bad walk, but I was glad he came with me so I didn't have to navigate the map. We got to the villa on the beach and he walked me to the door. As he knocked, I continued to marvel at the beauty of my surroundings. The weather was perfect, breezy and warm and I could feel and smell the sea breeze in the air.

"Your dad was about 2 minutes away from leaving to go find you." Beatrice opened the door for us. "I told him to at least give you an hour."  

"I figured I didn't need to call him since he had Dalvin escorting me." I greeted her with a hug after she let me in.

She laughed. "You know your father better than that. Come on out to the patio. Everyone is outside." I followed her to the grand outdoor space that included a patio, a private pool and a pathway straight to the beach. It was incredible.

"Swanky huh?" Jenna asked smiling broadly at me as I joined them at the table.

"That's an understatement." I said, giving her a hug. "Y'all better not have a villa." I told Cam as he stood to greet me too.

"What if we do?" He grinned as I left his embrace.

"Justine and I are moving in." I warned.

"They don't. Beatrice insisted on a villa or we wouldn't have one either." My dad shook his head.

"Because I had everything stored. I didn't want all of our clothing crammed in a tiny closet." Beatrice defended herself.

"Don't explain yourself Beatrice. You deserve a villa for planing everything. This resort is incredible." I complimented Beatrice.

"Thank you Lily. I'm glad you like it!" She beamed.

"I love it."

Beatrice offered me a tour of the villa and I took her up on it. She was a great sport as she showed me around and I filmed another video. Cam made fun of me, but I flicked him off until dad caught me. My dad ordered us lunch and as soon as it arrived, we sat down and had a light meal of glazed salmon, rice, grilled vegetables and salad. Not what I would have ordered, but it was good. We sat enjoying the sea air and each others company while we discussed the wedding. Cam did ask when Ethan was coming, and I had to explain to him we broke up. Cam shot my dad a look before he looked back at me and asked how I was holding up. I told him I would feel a lot better if I could get someone to take my horseback riding and countryside excursion for two that I already paid for off my hands. He looked pained but he accepted them. I laughed before telling him I already promised them to Benjamin and Sandra.

Dad and Beatrice had a meeting with their wedding planner that evening, so Cam, Jenna and I hopped on a golf cart to head to our rooms. Cam and Jenna extended an invitation to join them for dinner in a few hours, but I declined not wanting to be a third wheel.  My brother asked me what happened with Ethan and I gave him the long story short version of me not being ready for a relationship quite yet. He looked skeptical, but accepted it and let me know he was here if I needed him. By the time I got back to my room, it was only 4pm.

I returned my texts and phone calls, mostly my friends making sure I made it safely. I uploaded my photos and videos on my social media as proof I was alive and very well. I then put on some flip flops before taking Justine on a walk around the resort. We explored a few shops, pools, bars and the beach for an hour before finding a restaurant. It was super casual and more importantly, had a patio and welcomed both me and Justine. The food was pub style and I got stuffed off of my fried seafood plate with 1.5 orders of fries because I ate some of the ones that came with Justine's burger. 

I was too full for dessert, but the 10 layer chocolate cake looked so good, I figured the walk back would help me make room for it as I took it to go. In my room, I changed into a tank top and comfortable pajama shorts before going out on the balcony to enjoy the night sky and jam to the music I could hear from the pool party. 25 minutes of dancing and singing by myself, I was ready for my cake. I retrieved it and was sitting on the balcony, enjoying every bite when Christian's Nomadic filled my balcony.

I smiled to myself; it was one of my favorite songs and it was kinda perfect considering where I was.  I pulled out my phone and recorded another video, scanning my balcony, me dancing with my cake and Justine jumping around me as I danced. I uploaded the video but when I went to tag Christian in it, I remembered I still had him blocked. I unblocked him and posted the video with the caption: Nomadic For Real @Christian #Nomadic #DR #Views 

Richard was the first to comment on my photo

Richard: You would be dancing with food SMH

Amber: There you go with the food pics lol

Me: lol Leave me alone! I'm on vacation! And it's day one! I didn't do much besides eating 🤷‍♀️

Sammy: And twerk for cake...

Amber: 💀#dead @Sammy

Staci: lol, no shame. We've all been there 🙋‍♀️

Daniel: 👀

Monica: @Staci I can confidently say I never twerked for cake, but do you @Lily

Me: lmao @Monica. There is no twerking going on! Now excuse me while I enjoy paradise 💅

Forrest: Paradise=Cake

Me: @Forrest Pretty damn close🎂

Rocky: 🤣

After I ate, I did get another notification about a direct message. When I checked it, it was from Christian.

Christian: Wow, they fucking with my music in the DR? That's crazy.

I smiled as I responded.

Me: I don't know about the DR, but the DJ at the resort full of tourist definitely does lol

Christian: I'm claiming it. Can I share this on my page?

Me: Go for it!

He did so immediately, not tagging me in it, but captioning it:
My girl representing from the Dominican Republic. Who else had Nomadic moments this summer? Share where ya been and tag me #NomadicForReal

I rolled my eyes at his turning my post into a marketing scheme but I let it slide because he didn't tag me and Justine and I looked super cute. After I finished my cake, I closed the balcony and went to bed.

After a long, glorious sleep under the light comforter, I dragged myself from the middle of the queen size bed and went running with Justine on the beach. After our room, I went back to the room and ordered room services for breakfast. I was showered and changed into a bikini and a comfortable romper by the time my food arrived. I was finishing up breakfast when my dad called. I told him where I was and when I was leaving and he only asked for me to keep in contact with him throughout the day. I promised I would before I headed out.

 I went to the lobby and got instructions to where I needed to go. Dalvin, the attendant from the night before, was at the front and led me to the excursion company's shuttle bus. I figured he was making sure everyone from the resort got to where they needed to be, but when we left he was in the passenger side of the front of the bus. I didn't think much about it as I got acquainted with the rest of the group. There were a few couples, a group of girlfriends and one large wedding group. When I stated I was at the resort for a destination wedding as well, the future bride tried to ask me about Beatrice's plan/package. The only thing I could tell her was the wedding colors and when it was happening.

Once we finally got there, we were led to a little hut for instructions before we were all assigned buggies. Since I was by myself, I excitedly took an ATV instead. I felt I looked a lot more bad ass on the ATV and I was glad Dalvin was there because he gladly took my photo. I posed on the ATV wearing my newly purchased Dominican Republic flag bandanna over my mouth and nose before we started our tour. Our tour guide Annie led us through a hot, bumpy, dusty and sometimes muddy ride, but she was awesome, funny and knowledgeable and definitely made the slow, single file ride entertaining. You could feel how much she loved her country as she told us all about the DR.

Our first stop of the day was at a farmhouse that specialized in coffee, cigars and chocolate. After a few shots of rum, I bought all three before we got back on our 4 wheelers. Our next stop was at an underground cave. There was a large group of people and we had to wait as we made our way down the stairs. I kept myself entertained by paying a few locals for pictures with a couple of animals. Dalvin tried to discourage me, especially the younger local kids running up asking for money and trinkets. I didn't bring that much cash, so I couldn't give them anything besides the chocolates I just bought.

I finally made it to a little swimming hole in the cave. I took my romper off and jumped in while Dalvin filmed me. I noticed that he only did that for me, and I watched him with the other guest as I dried off and put my romper back on. I got suspicious when I noticed he did not really interact with anyone but me and occasionally the tour guide. I let it out of my mind until we arrived at the last stop, the beach.  After I found a relatively open spot to relax and watch the surfers, a man with a cooler full of beers offered me one. He was in the middle of opening it for me, when Dalvin stopped him. He told the young man he would pick one from the cooler, grabbed it and opened it himself before handing it to me. I thanked him and took a sip before speaking again.

"I think I'm gonna hang out here on the beach instead of going back to the resort. Do you have a number for a taxi service?"

"Sí senorita. Give me one moment." he said, pulling out his phone and stepping away.

I barely finished a quarter of my beer when my dad called me.

"Hey Dad. How are things?"

"Good. Your excursion is almost over?"

"No. It's all day." I lied.

"No, it was only 5 hours." he corrected me, impatiently.

"No. I think you misread it."

"I didn't."

"Dad, are you really going to tell me what I bought?" I chided, trying to keep the smile out of my voice.

"Lilian, I know the excursion is about over. You need to come back with the group to the resort."

"Dad, how could you know that? Unless... you sent an attendant from the resort to spy on me!" I gasped, dramatically. "You wouldn't do that right?"

"Dalvin is there to make sure you stay safe, not to spy." He admitted.

"You could have told me Dad. I asked you if you were comfortable with me going on the excursions by myself. What did you think I was going to do? Sneak away if you said no?"

"I didn't want to say no but I am uncomfortable with you going by yourself. I figured this was a fair compromise."

"Yeah, it would have been if you told me." I replied. I took a deep breath before continuing. "Ok, I am coming back to the resort. Whatever you are paying Dalvin, you are going to double it and I will stay at the resort for the rest of my time here."

"I'll talk to you once you get back."

"Ok, I'll call you."

As promised, I called my dad when I got back to the resort, but I was dirty and exhausted. I told him I would talk to him at dinner. I let Justine on the balcony before I took a long hot shower. I laid down with a towels wrapped around my hair and body and dozed off for a few hours, before banging on my door woke me up. I got up, 90% certain it was my dad. I tossed my towel and traded it for a robe before looking out the peep hole. I squealed in excitement when I saw it was Bianca with a garment bag. I opened the door and pulled her in a big hug.

"Were you sleeping?" She asked me as I squeezed her.

"No." I fibbed. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow!"I pulled away.

"I got here early!" She said, grinning at me. "Now, wake up! Operation bounce back is in effect!"She stated, holding up the bag. She opened it to reveal a black and beige striped linen blazer with matching linen shorts.

"Cute." I nodded my approval. Much cuter than the short sleeve top and miniskirt I planned to wear. "What's operation bounce back?" I asked, pulling out a black spaghetti strap top to wear under the blazer.

"No. If you have to wear anything underneath it, make it nude." Bianca stopped me.

I shot her a glance before pulling out a nude sweetheart tube top before she started speaking again. "Just because things didn't work out with Ethan doesn't mean you should be holed up in your room, all depressed. We are getting dressed up and having fun tonight!"

"I'm not depressed. I went on a buggy tour and cave diving today. I was fucking tired." I said.

"Yeah, well, I saw too many cute guys from here to the airport for you to be sleeping alone." She informed me.

I ignored her.

We left for dinner early, planning to hang out at the beach bar before dinner. There was a massive buffet set up near the bar and I planned what I wanted to eat as we walked through. We both got a shot of rum and a Piña Colada before we stopped at a table in front of a live band who was playing a mix of instrumental top 40s hits, Merengue and Reggatone. Even though there were more people eating then dancing, Bianca and I finished our drinks and immediately went to the spacious dance floor. We held hands as we danced around, singing and laughing at each other. I have no idea how many guys we turned down who were trying to dance with us or offer us more drinks. I also didn't realize it was past time for dinner until my brother called me.

"Yes!" I said, over the music.

"Where are you?" He asked me.

"At the beach bar. Where are you?"

"On the way, stay there." He told me.


About 5 minutes later, Cam pulled up on the golf cart.

"Bro... let me drive." I declared, heading his way.

He shook his head. "No. You're already late to dinner. Last thing I need is you crashing the cart."

"We are not late. We've been down here an hour." Bianca said, sliding beside Cam.

"At least." I added, hopping on the cart next to Bianca, squeezing in close.

"Dinners on the beach, not the beach bar." He informed me. "And there is a back seat."

I ignored his latter statement. "But the buffet had so much food." I wailed as he took off.

"Apparently it had plenty of alcohol too. You better pull it together before you see dad or he's going to lock you in your room." Cam taunted me.

I gulped air, thinking that would help me sober up while Bianca pointed out cute guys to me.  I ignored her and focused on being sober. I only had 2 drinks, but I'm guessing they were strong and the lack of food didn't help me. I was still pretty tipsy once we stopped and was escorted to a private section of the beach set up with a long table and a bonfire in front of it. I was surprised to see not only my dad, Beatrice, and Jenna, but also Beatrice's cousin Marianne, my dad's former mentor and now good friend Mr. Reynolds, his wife and his son already seated at the table.

"So glad you could join us." My dad said, standing up to greet us.

"I'm sorry. I thought you said the beach bar. We were waiting for y'all there." I said giving him a smile and Beatrice and Jenna a hug.

"Y'all? Sounds like you been in Texas for too long." Mr Reynolds teased as I gave him a hug.

"Just long enough." I giggled, hugging his wife Kathy. I waved at Marianne, who was sitting next to Mr. Reynolds' son.

"Hey Junior. It's been forever." I gave a smile to Junior before introducing Bianca.

"It really has. No one has called me Junior since high school." He stated, looking over at me after he checked Bianca out.

"I'm sorry. Do you prefer Thomas, Tom or Tommy now?" I asked.

"No need to apologize. It's Alex to avoid confusion."  He stated, giving me a guarded smile.

"Nice to meet you Alex." Bianca smiled at him, charmingly holding out her hand to him.

I side eyed her formality while Alex's smiled widen as he took her hand. "The pleasure is all mine.

With her long legs and ton of skin showing in her jumper dress with just a bra underneath, I wasn't surprised at Alex's immediate interested in Bianca. Guys were tripping up over her at the bar. I rolled my eyes as we sat down. 

"How is Alex not confusing? Your name is Thomas." I asked.

"Hear hear." Mr. Reynolds chimed in, finishing his drink.

"My middle name is Alex." Alex muttered, looking away from me to shoot darts at his dad with his eyes.

"You don't remember this Lily? Alex spent a summer with us while he was attending UCLA." My dad tried to remind me.

"Not really..." I said, still drawing a blank. 

"Probably not. She hid out in her room the whole summer. Pretty sure she hated me." Alex called me out with a smirk.

I shook my head. "Nope, Cam hated you. If I hated you, it was because I was following Cam's lead."

"I didn't hate him. I never hated you Alex." My brother denied

"What? You called him an ass kisser all the time. You also said that's why he was full of shit." I blurted honestly as the food was brought out. Mr. Reynolds snorted a laugh and my dad shook his head at me and Cam both. Everyone else just looked various degrees of amused, including Alex.

"Why don't you eat something? Sober up." Cam said, passing me a basket full of empanadas. I grabbed one and bit into it, before devouring the delicious pastry stuff with cheese. I grabbed another while I waited for the remaining food to be passed around. There was salad, fresh fruit, beans, rice, spicy braised goat meat with peppers, avocado, and fried yuca. I made sure I filled my plate with everything while the conversation moved on to more pleasant topics. Marianne started in about the itinerary of events. I was glad I had food in front of me to help me sober up and keep my thoughts about her duet karaoke night to myself. Majority of everyone was arriving Friday and Marianne planned a spa day for the ladies, golfing for the guys before everyone meeting for the rehearsal, beach barbecue and karaoke.

"We are going swimming with sharks instead, right Cam?" Alex asked my brother. 

"Absolutely not." Cam answered.

"Swimming with sharks sounds like fun." Bianca smiled.

"I agree. How many opportunities are you going to get to swim with a shark?" Alex smiled back at her.

"Ask me how many opportunities do I want to swim with a shark." My brother deadpanned as we laughed.

"It's called trying something new." Alex goaded him.

"You sound like Lily. She went cave diving today." My dad mentioned.

"How was that?" Beatrice asked me.

"It was amazing. I had a great time. Didn't Dad's spy tell you?" I grinned good humoredly as I sample the juicy fresh fruit.

"Spy?" Mr. Reynolds guffawed as he looked at my dad.

"I told him not to do it." Beatrice shook her head, smiling and sharing a secret look with Jenna.

"I had a concierge accompany Lily for the day when she left the resort." Dad explained.

"Without my knowledge." I added.

"Sounds like a spy to me." Kathy shook her head.

"I didn't ask him to report anything back to me. He only was looking after you." My dad responded.

"He ran to his phone when I said I wasn't going back to the resort." I countered, causing everyone to laugh.

"There is so much to do here. Why would you want to leave the resort?" Marianne asked me.

"I just wanted to experience more of the people and the culture and the history. You can't get that much on the resort." I replied.

"Now you sound like Alex. He hates resorts." Mr. Reynolds outed his son. Marianne looked crest-fallen.

"You can be in Hawaii or the Caribbeans or Florida, and resorts would all look and feel the same. The city is more authentic but resorts are perfect for big groups or weddings." He cleared up tactfully.

"Good answer, counsellor." Mr. Reynolds said, finishing his drink.

There was a tense pass between Mr. Reynolds and Alex, but thankfully an assortment of desserts and coffee were brought out. Once dinner was winding down, we made arrangements far as what time we were all meeting up.

"Is it too late for us to join swimming with sharks?" Bianca asked Alex.

"I don't see why not. I will call right now." Alex offered, standing to leave the table to make the phone call.

"What about the spa and golfing?" Marianne piped in, stopping him.

"Right. We are supposed to spend time together." My dad added.

"We have the barbecue tomorrow" Beatrice stated. "Let them go and have fun."

"Lily wouldn't need a spy if she goes with Junior. You trust him, right Carlos?" Mr. Reynolds said, a hint of a challenge.

"It's up to Lily." My dad replied, glowering at Mr. Reynolds.

"If Cam goes, I will." I teased my brother, trying to break the tension.

"I'll go. Doesn't mean I'm getting off the boat." Cam replied, causing us to laugh.

After Alex got a final head count, he called to confirm that we all could come. After we set a time to meet at the lobby, we said goodnight. There were plenty of attendants to take us back to the room in the golf carts, but Bianca and I decided to walk off some of the food and hang out by the beach bar. Even after eating, I was still feeling the affects of the earlier drinks so I nursed a beer the rest of the night. We had a great time; chatting and laughing while dancing at the bar. Bianca would chat up guys who approached us. I politely engaged until I realized she was trying to set me up. I then pretended to only speak Spanish for the rest of the night. She eventually gave up and we enjoyed each other's and the bartender's company until we called it a night.

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm, planning to take Justine out and get breakfast. I drank water and took aspirin before I went to bed, but I still felt horrible. I opened the door to the balcony for Justine, set out her food and water, changed her potty pad before flopping back in bed for more sleep. An hour or so later, I finally dragged myself out of bed at the sound of my alarm. I was in the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I hopped out quickly after I poked my head out and saw it was Bianca. When I answered, she told me she was on the way. I unlocked my door before finishing my shower. Afterwards, I came out to Bianca laying out swimwear on my bed. She was ready in a camo bikini and black crochet lace pants. Her hair was pulled up in a top knot and designer sunglasses were perched on her head.

I grumbled a good morning at her and her flawless appearance.

"Morning lightweight." She taunted me.

"Either the drinks were really strong or I really am a lightweight." I complained.

She laughed at me. "When your ready, I have some options for you."

After I brushed my teeth, I came back out to look at what she brought. I immediately picked out a cute orange monokini from Noelle's collection, but I wasn't a fan of the cover ups. With the lace, mesh and sheer materials, they were all super sexy and didn't cover much. I picked a white sheer  long sleeved cover-up mini dress. When I came out from the bathroom with shorts on too, Bianca frowned at me.

"Those shorts are fucking up the whole aesthetic of the outfit."

I shrugged. "Oh well, I am not trying to have my ass out all day."

"How about for pictures?"

I looked at my phone. "How about breakfast and I'll think about it."

We went down to the buffet and I grabbed a breakfast taco and an orange juice. I barely finished eating before Bianca dragged me to the beach to take pictures together. I did take off my shorts and allowed her to instruct me on how to pose for photos before my phone started to ring. It was my brother and we raced to meet them at the lobby.

"I thought you chickened out." Cam told me as we joined him, Jenna and Alex at the lobby.

"You wish." I said, as we headed to a waiting taxi van.

On the ride over, I turned to Alex and Cam.

"Ok, what's up with our dads? Why is there tension between them?" I asked.

Cam looked at Alex, who shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm considering quitting my job at my law firm and taking a job with Un Flaisito al Catcher instead." He finished.

"Oh wow." I said, understanding. Un Flaisito al Catche was the name of the foundation Alex's mother and dad founded together. Once Mr. Reynolds and Alex's mom divorced, she moved back to the Dominican Republic to work at the center while my dad kept the foundation going from the states. I had no idea if there was any hostility back then about my dad doing that, but I understood Mr. Reynold's being upset that his son was leaving a career as an attorney to work for the foundation his ex-wife founded.

"So who's idea was that?" I asked.

"Completely mine." Alex answered quickly. Too quickly.

Cam and my eyes met. I could tell he didn't believe that.

"It was." Alex emphasized, looking at Cam. "Your dad always talked about expanding it and I came to him with a plan to do it."

"I hear you but I also know how my dad is. He'll say something enough and you'll start thinking it's your own idea." Cam spoke up. I nodded in agreement.

"My dad is the same way; that's the reason I went into law. The last time I truly felt fulfilled was when I volunteered for the Un Flaisito al Catche. That's the only reason I want the job."

"Have you told your dad that?" Jenna questioned him.

"I tried." Alex replied.

"Believe me, I get it. You gotta do what makes you happy." Cam said.

Alex nodded, thoughtfully.

"Well, I got offered a promotion, but I'm probably going to quit my job. I'm gonna need you to have that same energy when I tell dad." I confided in them. 

"What?" My brother turned to me. Jenna looked intrigued and Bianca looked perplexed.

"Yeah, I know that I am not going to take the promotion but I haven't decided whether I am going to quit or not." I explained.

"Did something happen to make you not want the promotion?" My brother asked

"No. I've been a team lead for almost a year now and I'm sure management is not for me. " I explained. "I just need to figure out what is for me, you know?"

He nodded. "Right. You know I support you know matter what you choose. Dad does too."

"And If he doesn't, you can always remind him how supportive he was of me." Alex suggested, with a smirk.

I smiled. "Good point."

Swimming with the sharks actually turned out to be quite tame. I guess I imagined going out to the middle of the ocean and having nothing but a cage separate us from wild sharks. In reality, they took us to a enclosed part of the ocean that housed some sting rays and sharks. It was fun, especially after snorkeling. On the way to swim with sharks, we weren't allowed to drink and everyone mostly kept to their group. Bianca kept us entertained with stories about the places she traveled and people she met with Noelle. Alex was particularly beguiled by her. Bianca mentioned Noelle was her girlfriend, so he knew he didn't have a chance, but I couldn't fault him for being enthralled by Bianca. Women and men both were captivated by her. She's always been a natural beauty, but previously her looks were more casual and cute. Now, she was stunning and glamorous and stood out, not only in her attire, but how she carried herself. Hell, he would never admitted, but I caught Cam checking her out a few times too. Jenna handled it like a pro, putting her arms around him or playing with his hair to get his attention versus getting upset. I gave her a knowing smile and she grinned back.

Once we got done snorkeling with sharks, the bar opened and alcohol was flowing on the boat. The crew made sure to get everyone involved drinking and dancing. They played a mixture of Latin pop hits. They taught us some traditional dance steps before going to a crowd favorites with the Wobble and the Cupid Shuffle. Once we sat down to eat, Alex asked me were I learned how to Bachata and Merengue dance. I entertained them with stories about how my extended family on my bio mother's side playing nothing but Merengue music when they had events and parties. After eating and drinking, we lounged out lazily on the deck. On our way off the boat, Bianca tried to get me to talk to one of the passengers that I danced with. He called me beautiful and asked to take me out dancing. I turned him down politely and tried to keep walking, while Bianca stopped. When I threatened to give him her number, she continued walking with me.

"I have no intentions of getting over Ethan by getting under some random dude so you can stop trying to hook me up." I advised.

"I'm just trying to help you figure out what you want." Bianca smiled. "I know once you date enough guys, you'll realize Trevor is the only one you want to be with."

"Ok Bianca." I said, letting it go in one ear and out the other as I took long strides to catch up with Cam, Jenna and Alex.

"We both know it's true." She sing songed. "I wished I could have talked him into coming this weekend. I don't think you would be as indifferent in person." She revealed, nonchalantly.

I stopped dead in my tracks when she said that. 

"You did not." I said, hoping she was kidding.

"Don't worry; You ignoring him has him convinced to leave you alone. He said he's going to respect your 'boundaries'." Bianca said with air quotes.

I took off my sunglasses to look her in the eyes. I wanted to be very clear on what I was telling her. "You need to do the same. You've shared what you think, now you need to respect what I know. I'm done with Trevor.  You can be his friend, but I don't want anything to do with him. He's not a part of my life anymore."

A hard frown came on her face. "Is that really what you want?" Bianca asked, patronizingly.

"That's what I want and need." I asserted.

"Fine." She said  before we walked toward the waiting taxi.

The taxi ride back to the resort was relatively quiet. Bianca was preoccupied with her phone so I pulled out my phone as well to go through my pictures and videos and post the ones I liked best. Once we arrived at the resort, Bianca raced to her suite to get ready for Noelle who was arriving in a few hours. Cam and Jenna wandered off for alone time and I have no idea where Alex headed to. After tending to Justine and taking a shower, I sprawled out on my bed to rest and write another list. This time, it was what I wanted in a man. When I stopped, my list had a total of 16 different traits that I wanted in a man. I added 4 more that were physical traits just to make it an even 20.

After about an hour, I got up to get ready for the night. I had a salon appointment tomorrow with the rest of the girls to get my hair done for the wedding, so I just pulled my air dried hair back in a neat bun. I expertly made up my face to look as naturally flawless as I could, with the exception of a burgundy lip color. It matched the burgundy lace crop top and matching rose printed skater skirt I was wearing to the barbecue. I wore wedge sandals that made my legs look longer in the flirty skirt. I applied a shimmering body spray to my arms, legs, shoulders and back that was exposed. I took selfies in my full length mirror and reviewed myself, critically.

Once satisfied, I made my way down to the rehearsal. It was being held on a private part of the beach, not far from the villa they were staying in. Beatrice saw me first, and after she gushed over my outfit, she introduced me to her mother and father. I greeted them warmly before I stood next to my brother and Jenna. Bianca arrived shortly after I did, in a mint green, cold shoulder jumpsuit. It compliment her long, lean figure and enhance her curves.

"You look alright." She told me, with a little smile.

Bianca was disappointed I didn't let her dress me, but her begrudging compliment let me know I did ok on my own. It also showed me that whatever tension there was from our talk was now gone. I was introduced and reintroduced to the wedding party. The party planner was friendly and polite, but more importantly, efficient. She quickly paired us up, and told us the order we were going down the aisle.

After the rehearsal, we walked to the barbecue that was set up on the beach. It wasn't just a rehearsal dinner, but more of a welcoming party for everyone who traveled for the wedding. We were greeted by fire dancers at the party. It was the perfect way to start off the night. The dance routine, the upbeat music, stunning tricks with their torches and the shirtless dancers torsos were amazing. After the performance, we were able to get pictures with the dancers. I posed with my family and got a couple by myself. 

After we got our food and drinks, we sat down to eat. While we were eating, I showed Bianca the picture I posted online with, in my opinion, the cutest fire dancer. I captioned it: It's getting hottt in here! Think he might take off all his clothes? 🤔😛😍

When Bianca laughed out loud, Noelle leaned over to look too. She gave me what felt like a rehearsed smiled. "You are so clever. Bianca and I are always so entertained by your post. Have you ever thought of becoming an influencer?"

I laughed, assuming she was joking until Bianca gave me a look that said she wasn't. I cleared my throat, thinking of a nice way to say that posing in bikinis and getting paid for likes was not a viable career option for me. "Oh wow. That's cool that you think I could, but I'm not that entertaining. Besides, I don't have enough followers for that." I smiled.

"All her social media is completely private." Bianca added nodding to me and Noelle.

She waved Bianca off. "Bianca didn't have that many followers either. All you would need to do is have public pages. I can get you a publicist to help run them. Then you could leverage your relationship with me like Bianca did. I could even get you on a few episodes of my show. Your following would go up and opportunities would flood in after that."

"Bianca has her clothing line to promote. I wouldn't purposely put my name out there to try and sell myself. I'm good with what I'm doing. Thank you though." I said, diplomatically. Maybe I was reading too much into it, but I didn't like the way she made it seemed like Bianca used or 'leveraged' her.

She cocked a perfectly arched eyebrow at me. "Oh? Bianca mentioned you were thinking about quitting your job. No worries if you're good at working a 9-5. If you change your mind, I am here to help."

"Thanks." I responded, ending the conversation. I tried to meet eyes with Bianca, but she just give me a weak smile. An awkward silence fell between us. I kicked off my wedges and excused myself to get some air. I walked towards the water, letting the tide wash over my feet. When I noticed the time on my phone, I grouped messaged EJ and Ethan to see how the first day of the tournament went.

Ethan replied to me first.

Ethan: Good. He played against his summer camp coach's team. They won, 42-31.

Me: Wow. Was that hard EJ?

EJ: No. We are better.

Me: How were your stats?

EJ: I don't know

Ethan: 9 points, 7 rebounds, 3 steals

Me: Awesome job! Keep it up! Good luck tomorrow 🏀🏆🏀🏆🏀🏆🏀

EJ: Thanks

I smiled and put my phone back in my purse and walked back to the barbecue. A few guest came up to make toast to the bride and groom before the party ended. Marianne was rounding up everyone to go to the bar for karaoke night, but I snuck to my room instead. I woke up the next morning, refreshed but a little anxious about the day. I had no idea where the nerves where coming from. It wasn't my wedding but at the same, I wanted everything to go smoothly for my dad and Beatrice.

After a light breakfast of fresh fruit at the buffet, I joined all the bridesmaids at the salon to get our hair done. My hair was curled in large, loose waves and pulled off my face on one side with a peach and white flower clip. I briefly wondered what the flowers and colors meant, but the thought left my mind as soon as I had it. They looked beautiful and matched charmingly with my dress. I noticed Bianca was a little off, so I asked how she was doing. She smiled and said that she was ok, so I didn't press it any further.

I was surprised how low-key all the bridesmaid's were. We got our make up and hair done with no issues before we headed to the bridal suite. Even Marianne only catered to Beatrice's needs. We got dressed before the photographer and videographer joined us as we waited for Beatrice to emerge.  They took photos and videos as we did our finishing touches; fretted with our dresses, touched up our make-up and hair. Beatrice finally emerged, her dress the perfect combination of elegant, stylish and classic. The nude underline gave it not only a vintage feel, but matched perfectly with the bridesmaids various shades of peach. Seeing everyone's reaction, especially her mom, had me tearing up. I quickly dabbed them away.

"I never thought I would see this day." Beatrice mom said in between sniffles as she tried to pull it together.

"Mamá, you're gonna make me cry." Beatrice beamed, hugging her tightly as the photographer snapped away. Once her mom pulled herself together, she turned to us to receive or compliments and hugs. I couldn't hide my emotions as I gave her a hug.

"You look gorgeous." I choked up.

"Not you too Lily." Beatrice murmured giddily as she hugged me.

"I know. I'm a sensitive bad ass. Don't tell my dad." I joked, smiling

She gave me a heart warming smile. "He already knows."

The mood changed from emotional to jovial excitement as we drank champagne and took photos together with Beatrice. It momentary changed back to emotional when Beatrice father came as we got ready to go. He looked at Beatrice proudly and said "It is about that time. Are you ready sweetheart?"

"I'm ready. I've been ready." She said, her voice breaking. Her dad embraced her and I truly understood the depth of love she had for my dad. I knew how difficult it could be to love a man like my father. He was controlling and possessive and definitely needed everything on his terms. My brother joked once he needed a foot soldier, not a wife. At the time I agreed, but now I realized he needed someone who not only accepted him for who he was, but loved him for it. Beatrice did and that love allowed him to soften his stance on marriage and his willingness to do the work to make it last. I was glad that they not only found each other, but were finally committing to each other in marriage. It was about time.

The ceremony was absolutely perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky as Dad and Beatrice exchanged the traditional vows to one another. My sensitive bad ass self did shed more tears when they were pronounced husband and wife. It's not everyday you see your dad get married so I let the tears come. I did have to get a touch up on makeup before we took what felt like millions of pictures on the beach. Once that was over, we finally were escorted to the palapa set up on the beach. It was gorgeous, completely open to maintain the stunning view of the ocean with the high ceiling fully draped to give it an elegant feel. The inside was decorated with hanging greenery, tropical flowers in various shades of pink and white and soft candles to give the reception a natural, enchanting look.

A live band played classic songs with an island twist in front of a small dance floor. My dad and Beatrice had their first dance to the band's rendition of "Stand by Me." My brother put his arm around me and gave me a toughen up squeeze and I smiled the tears away. After the dance, Beatrice and Dad joined us at the co-heads of the tables that were pushed together in a U formation. It was perfect for conversation as we ate our plated dinner. The first course was caprese salad and mahi mahi carpaccio, the second course was portobello rissotto, followed by a choice of seabass or beef filet. Even though it was standard wedding food and I preferred the grilled meat and seafood from the night before, everything was very good. I sat beside my brother and Jenna who sat on the right hand side of my dad, but was still able to turn and have a conversation with the guests behind me. Mainly, Benjamin and his wife Sandra. I kept in touch with my cousin Benjamin and Sandra on social media, but I rarely got to see them as they lived in Arizona.

"Christmas is going to be in Canada this year. Andrea pushed to host it and wants the whole family there." Benjamin told me after I mentioned that was one of the things I missed about not living in California: the family get togethers. For a long time, it was just my dad and Cam. It was nice to have a lot of extended family on my maternal side.

I perked up at the name of my maternal grandmother's sister. I met her once as she doesn't travel from Canada that often. "Really? Is everyone going- including your mom?" I asked.

"If she wants to see her grandkids she will." Sandra backed up Benjamin with a sly smile.

"You should come, no matter what she decides to do." Benjamin invited me.

I smiled. "You had me at Canada. I'm dying to see some snow. I'll definitely try to make it."

"Try to make what?" My dad asked, overhearing our conversation.

"Possibly visiting Canada in December this year." I told him.

My Dad and Benjamin had a strange exchange. Not one of challenge or malice, but of understanding I didn't comprehend. I looked at my brother and the concentration of his brow let me know he caught it too.

"You really want to see snow?" My dad followed up.

I nodded smiling. "Yes. Real snow. I've seen more ice than anything in Texas."

"Beatrice, tell them about your trip to Aspen." Dad requested her.

"I am never speaking of that day again." Beatrice laughed.

"I will!" Her best friend Destiny volunteered.

We all laughed while Destiny spilled all the tea on their disastrous trip. Jenna and Cam had stories about getting stuck in Missouri with bad weather one time when they were visiting Jenna's family. It didn't dissuade me though and when Benjamin described his fond memories of visiting during winter breaks during school, going skiing and staying warm with spiked teas and hot chocolate, I was completely sold.

I tried to confirm with Bianca if she was going, but she told me she and Noelle would have to check their schedule before she could commit. One thing I noticed and didn't like was how much Bianca changed around Noelle. She was no longer the vivacious, charming woman with everyone. Instead, she was reserved and only speaking to Noelle in hushed tones. Occasionally they would laugh together but when I looked and tried to catch Bianca's eyes, she either didn't notice me or was avoiding me. Noelle always gave me a curt smile or a little wave, but nothing besides that. I decided to leave it alone for now, but bring it up at another place and time.

Over dinner, I got the standard questions from my dad's guest about my love life and if I had plans to settle down soon. Everyone also asked me specific details of my life; like if I was still enjoying Texas? How my job working for the Dallas Mavericks was going? They also gave me congratulations on my house and complemented the remodeling I did. My dad's former agent Tammi asked me where Justine was at because my dad told her how much I loved her and treated her like part of the family and she expected to see her. I was a little surprised by that. With my dad, compliments were hard earned and I never heard him gush about anything or anyone. It was a little weird that he talked about me and my life not only in such great details, but so positively.

All weirdness aside, dinner was lovely. I enjoyed meeting Amelia, Alex's mom and Mr. Reynolds' ex wife, most of all. She had stories about not only the Dominican Republic, but about my dad when he was younger. I didn't realize his strict dieting came from the fact he gained 20 pounds in the first 3 months after moving to California. My dad shushed her but she promised since she was traveling back to Santo Domingo with us, there would be plenty of time for us to chat. After Beatrice and Dad cut the cake, coffee and rum were served and a cigar rolling station was set up on the beach. I was at the table, eating my cake when Bianca and Noelle joined me.

"Hey Lily." Bianca greeted me cheerfully. "We are about to go to our room."

"Already?" I said, disappointed as I stood.

"Yes, we have an early flight tomorrow, but it was wonderful seeing you again." Noelle gave me a distant hug.

"You as well." I smiled, before hugging Bianca tightly. "What time are y'all leaving tomorrow?"

"Around 8." she responded

"Ok. I'll see you before you leave."

I watched them leave and made my way to Jenna to get her professional opinion on Bianca and Noelle's relationship. Before I could sit next to her, a loud siren went off. I was completely thrown off as the band started to play Merengue music and feathered and costumed dancers made their way into the reception. I looked around for my dad, who conveniently was out on the beach with Mr. Reynolds and a few of his former teammates smoking a cigar and watching.

"What the hell is this?" I exclaimed.

"La Hora Loca." Jenna explained to me with a smile. "Beatrice mentioned having one if your dad wanted a cigar bar." She barely finished before a masked dancer pulled me out on the dance floor to join the conga line. Jenna was pulled as well and we both laughed as we joined in.

I was convinced the reception would be a stuffy dinner, but I was so wrong. The crazy hour was the wildest reception I've ever been to. The dancers passed out mask and noisemakers to everyone and I took one of each. Soon everyone under the palapa were out on the dance floor, busting out their best dance moves. I had a blast dancing with everyone. The la hora loca ended and after that the reception wound down. When Dad and Beatrice made the rounds before they retire for the night, I got ready to go too. A rambunctious group invited me to drinks and more dancing at the resort nightclub, but I went to bed with a second slice of cake instead.

The next morning, my alarm woke me up at 7am and Justine and I went for a run on the beach. I tried to coax her into the water with me, but she refused. After a quick dip in the ocean, I went back to my room, showered and changed before going to the lobby to meet up with Bianca. I waited till around 8:15 before I sent a text to Bianca. She texted me back that they left early and she figured I was still asleep. I told her to have a safe trip and text me once they got back to California.

At breakfast, I briefly spoke to Benjamin and Sandra. They invited me to join them, but I told them I needed to get some food to Justine. I asked if they were planning to come to Santo Domingo with us, but Benjamin told me they were staying at the resort and leaving Tuesday morning. I gave them both a hug and told them goodbye. In my room, I text EJ to give me a call as soon as he was up. Justine and I both ate and I had my bagged packed with Justine supplies, plenty of sunscreen and a change of clothes like my dad requested. I scrolled through my social media as I waited for EJ to call me. I saw pictures of EJ at the tournament on Albert's Facebook, but nothing about how they did. I didn't want to keep reaching out to Ethan if he didn't reach out to me first, but I got tired of waiting so I texted him.

Me: Sorry for bugging you but EJ hasn't responded to my text yet. How did the tournament go?

Ethan: They lost two games in ended up placing 6th.

Me: Out of how many teams?

Ethan: 16. They played his camp coach again and lost. That team knocked them out of the tournament.

Me: 😲 How?

Ethan: They adjusted. We didn't.

Me: Urgh, that sucks. Thanks for letting me know. I'm still waiting on EJ to call me back so I will work on my "it's not if you win or lose but how you play the game" speech.

Ethan: Don't. He heard enough about it last night and they played they game horribly, thanks to his coach.

Me: LOL. I could tell by his face in the pictures on Facebook he was over it. I still offer my services to go off on his coach...

Ethan: Not necessary. The season's over. If EJ still wants to play, I will be having a talk with the coach before I pay any team fees.

Me: If he does, can you please record that conversation? I need to see it.

Ethan: I'll take really good notes and fill you in.

Me: Fine... maybe you can do a reenactment?

Ethan: Really doubtful.

I laughed to myself, and put my phone down, thinking the conversation was over when my phone beeped again a few minutes later.

Ethan: So how was the wedding?

I smiled at his opened ended question to me. I was relieved we could still hold conversations about EJ, but thrilled that he still asked about me.

Me: Beautiful and chic. A little weird, but in the best way

Ethan: Why weird?

Me: There was la hora loca.

Ethan: Crazy hour?

Me: Yes! The last hour there were dancer with costumes who turned the reception until a dance party. It was an unplugged event, so as soon as Beatrice release the footage I'll show you the pictures.

Ethan: Nice. Anything else weird?

Me: It was all loving and mushy

Ethan: Aren't wedding supposed to be loving and mushy?

Me: Yes, I just wasn't prepared for all his friends and people he considers family saying mushy, loving stuff about me.

Ethan:  What else would he have to say besides mushy, loving things about you? Your dad may not be overly affectionate, but it's obvious he loves you.

Me: I'm sure he could think of a few not so loving things about me lol. But yeah, he's not affectionate at all so even though I know he loves me, it feels different hearing it from him.

Ethan: It's something you like to hear right?

Me: Right 😊

Ethan: EJ just text me so he should be calling you soon

Me: Ok. Thanks Ethan! Bye!

Just like he said, EJ called me a few minutes later.

"Hey, how was the tournament?" I asked him, even though I knew the answer.

"We got sixth place." He responded, grimly.

"That's pretty good! Congratulations!!"

"Thank you." He grumbled.

"Are you excited about Disney World?" I changed the subject to something more cheerful.

"Yes." he answered shortly. I paused, concerned that his shortness was not because of where they placed in the tournament.

"Well, I went cave diving the other day. I should have borrowed your GoPro. It was really cool."

"Cool." He grunted, barely hiding his contempt for this conversation.

"Are you ok EJ?"

"I'm fine." He lied.

"No you are not. I can't fix it if you don't tell me what is wrong. What's the matter? "

"Don't worry about it. Go hang out with your new boyfriend."

"EJ what are you talking about?" I questioned, completely confused.

"You and Dad broke up because you have a new boyfriend?"

I felt cold with dread. "No. I don't have a new boyfriend."

"But dad didn't go to the wedding?"

"Because we did break up-"

"You're a liar! Go back to your boyfriend. His song sucks anyway!!!" He hung up on me and I was momentarily stunned.

I had no idea what I should do. I've seen his fits of rage but never were they directed at me. Attitude yes, annoyance, sure, but never him full on angry with me. I was debating if I should try to call him back, but decided to hold off. I was 100% sure that Ethan would never tell EJ details about us breaking up. I knew he wouldn't say bad things about me, especially not to or in front of EJ. At this point, it didn't matter who told him because the damage was already done. I had to tell Ethan about it.

I called Ethan and he answered right away. I filled him in on word for word what EJ said.

"He said what?" Ethan asked. I could hear both the shock and outrage in his normally even tone.

"He didn't really say it. He was repeating what he was told. I don't want him to get in trouble for that." I replied.

"I will deal with whoever he heard it from after I talk to him. I don't care if he is repeating what he heard; It's inappropriate for him to talk to an adult that way." Ethan said, heatedly.

"I know... Just... Can we deal with it when I get back? Together? It may dispel some of his fear that we are going to hate each other. He was really worried that we would break up and fight. I think that's why he was so angry now because he thinks things are going to change between us." I pleaded my case.

"You get back on Wednesday?"


"He gets back with his mom Thursday. We will talk to him then."

"Ok." I said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I need you to know, it's not true. Nothing happened with Christian or anyone else. I am so sorry, about everything." I exhaled.

"This isn't your fault."

"My actions contributed to it. I wasn't ready for a relationship and I have to take responsibility for hurting you and EJ."

He took a audible breath. "I told you the only thing I asked from you was your time and honesty. You gave me both. Don't be sorry about that. Like you said, EJ will be ok once we show him that nothing's changed."


We got off the phone and I felt not only relief, but confident that he is a true friend and would always  stand by me regardless. After everything we been through together, it was more than what I could ask for. Still feeling uneasy about him being so upset with me, I had to send EJ a text.

Me: No matter what happens, you'll always be my friend. I love you and I am not going anywhere. You let me know when you are ready to talk.

Once I sent the text, I turned my phone off. I didn't want to think or worry about it, so I focused on the day with my family. I grabbed my bag and leashed Justine before I walked out to meet my family. My dad hired a driver with a shuttle van that sat me, Justine, Jenna, Cam, Alex, Amelia, Dad, Beatrice and refreshments comfortably. In the beginning over the ride, I gotta admit I was a little distracted thinking about EJ and the identity of the person who told him that Ethan and I broke up, but I tuned in when Cam asked Alex about spending his summers in the DR.

"As a kid it was great: We played baseball all the time, hung out with a bunch of other kids at the city beach, walking with my mom to the colmados. As I got older, I started to realize the startling differences between living in a gated community with my dad in L.A and staying in a two bedroom apartment with my mom." Alex answered.

"After Tom and I divorced, I had enough money to stay in the US and lived comfortable if I wanted to but I always wanted to come back. Tom said we would when he retired, but I didn't want to wait until I was too old to do anything."

"So that's why you came back?" Beatrice questioned.

"I did! When you grow up in the DR, all you hear is that America is the land of opportunity. If you can get there, you can do anything." She explained, talking with her hands, looking to my dad for confirmation. He nodded his head in agreement. "I got there, had a fancy house, fancy car, lived the American dream and all I wanted was to go home and share with my people." She exclaimed.

"And that's where the Un Flaisito al Catche came in?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Where did the name come from? It means fly ball right?" Jenna asked.

"Fly ball to the catcher. Its also an idiom for something that's really easy to do." Alex answered.

"That's what we tell the kids; Sometimes the adults too. All you have to do is show up and be open to learn. It's the easiest thing to do to better your future." Amelia elaborated.

"Education is something Amelia has always been passionate about. She was the first person to ask me what I planned to do when baseball was over." My dad spoke up.

"They don't tell the kids that when they recruit them. They don't explain or even bring up the possibility of not having a career in baseball." Amelia preached.

"It's baseball or nothing here. They scout players when they are boys, some of the kids drop out of school to focus on baseball. Only 1 out of 40 boys make into the league. What do you think happens to those other 39 boys?" Alex asked.

"No education or job skills." Cam answered.

"My brother was one of those boys. He thought his life was over when he didn't get recruited.  The girls don't have it much better. If they're lucky, they will marry well." Amelia said, blankly, but I could feel the hurt and anger in that statement.

Alex grabbed her hand. "That's what Un Flaisito al Catche is about. Baseball shouldn't be the only way out of poverty for these children."

"Have you told your father that? You want to help the children who weren't as fortunate as you?" Jenna asked him.

"Yep. He told me to get into immigration law." He said dryly.

I blanched. "Geez. Way to miss the point Mr. Reynolds."

"That's what I said." Alex smiled at me.

"Believe me, it took me some time to realize I can only guide my children, but their choices our their own. He'll come around." My dad advised him.

The rest of the ride was spent with Amelia telling dad where he needed to take us. I tried to persuade her to come with us, but she stated she wanted to get back to Un Flaisito al Catch to get ready for the evening sessions. She said mostly adults came on the weekend, but afterward the community got together for dinner as a thank you. The night would also be goodbye to some of the college students whose summer was coming to an end. We dropped her and Alex off first before we went to the baseball academy my dad attended. He told us he was actually born in raised in the countryside on his grandfather's farm, but he and his mother moved to Santo Domingo after he got recruited.

We went on a tour of the facilities and learned there was an academy for every MLB team in the Dominican Republic. It made me a little sad to think of all the kids that put all their hope and dreams into the academies all over the DR, but don't make it. It was sad to think about, but it made what my dad was able to do even more impressive. Not only did he get drafted and make it to America, but he was able to learn and build off that success. He attributed getting drafted to being lucky and credited Tom and Amelia for giving him the knowledge for his business ventures. I knew he also had to put in the work to be successful. I was so proud that he did and honored that he chose me to be a part of his family. I showed my admiration by making sure I took a picture of a picture of him at 17 in shorts, a club t-shirt, backwards cap and gold chain to tease him mercilessly about it, but it was all out of love. Beatrice brought us all one of my dad's jersey and before we left, we took pictures at the academy while wearing them.

Next, we went to the beach Dad visited when he had free time. It was the city beach Alex talked about and it was packed with vendors, locals and tourist. It was difficult finding a parking place, but thankfully the driver was able to drop us off. People where playing in the water, surfing, and boating. The sand was filled with people tanning, lounging, eating and enjoying the beautiful weather. We walked the beach, checking out the vendors who sold everything from bathing suits to massages to oil paintings.

If I didn't have to fly home, I definitely would have gotten a painting. There was one of children playing basketball in a field that I loved. When the vendor tried to talk me into the sale, saying he would ship it to me, my dad led us away to a beach side restaurant. It consisted of a huge stand with tables and chairs all around. While Dad went to order us lunch, we found a table. A little while later, an array of food was brought out to us. We had a delicious lunch of fried fish, tostones, sweet potatoes and chicharron with a sauce that was called Viagra.

"They call it that because it turns on the flavor of the pork." My dad informed us. I didn't know what was more shocking: him explaining Viagra or him eating it.

"It's real pork? Like pig?" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, fried pork belly. This is the only time I will eat pork." He responded.

After I ate, I completely understood. The food on that beach was the best food I ate so far. It was so flavorful and fresh, it was totally worth working through the bones of the whole fish and having to fight my brother for the last chicharron.

"I putting in an order for Amelia and Alex. I will get you two another order." My dad smiled at us.

"Make it 5." Beatrice added. "For anyone at Un Flaisito al Catche tonight."

"Good thinking." I agreed.

My dad took it a step further and bought enough food to feed a small army. It took us two trips to get it all in the shuttle van, but we did it gladly. The last evening class was wrapping up so we put the food away before Amelia and Alex took us on a tour. I was surprised by the size of the building. I don't know what I was expecting, but I guess maybe something that rivaled the huge baseball academy we saw earlier. Instead, it reminded me of a 2 story home, which each bedroom providing a different service.

There was a technology center and an English room that resembled a kindergarten class room with the alphabet and letter sounds framing the room. There was also a work force room that had job listing and trade school information as well. When I asked, Amelia told me more about the day to day operation and how Un Flaisito al Catche helps continue children and adult education, teach kids how to make healthy decisions, inform and provide information on different trade school and give lessons on English to give them an advantage in the work field. She told us how the mission was teaching them skills so they have the best possible life for themselves.

"Is everyone a volunteer?" I asked.

"No, we have 3 admin who work year round. The rest are volunteers: local and retired teachers, and high school and college students. And anyone else my mom can bully into working for free." Alex ended with a chuckled.

"It's the least we can do for the community." Amelia said.

"It's an amazing program. There should be one for every baseball academy." I remarked as we walked towards the stairs.

"That's the plan." Alex stated with confidence as he stopped to let me go down the stairs first. I nodded to thank him, and he stared at me, attentively. I broke eye contact with him as I followed my brother down the stairs.

After the last class ended, everyone helped take all the food out to the courtyard between the homes. There was already a group of people there, playing music and eating food that was already out. The food we brought got distributed pretty quickly. I didn't get anymore chicharron, but I did try sancocho, the Dominican stew that Amelia made. It was scrumptious as well. Music played from a stereo with large speakers and people came and went; socializing, eating, playing dominoes and cards and dancing. I was sitting on a bench, taking pictures and videos of everyone. Jenna and Cam were dancing; it was more like them holding each other and swaying to the beat then following the footwork, but it was sickeningly sweet. My dad was entertaining the men folk, answering questions about playing for the league and reliving some of his proudest moments. Beatrice and Amelia were sitting together chatting about something that had them both laughing .

The kids played with Justine and she was loving all the attention until she got tired out. She tried to rest by me and I got the kids attention with a deck of cards and the only game I knew all 7 of us could play easily: spoons. We scrounged up plastic spoons and a few forks and I taught them the simple card game. We huddled up and played the fun, but competitive game. I got out in the 4th round, but I was glad I was able to sit back and watch them trash talk and have fun. They got so loud and boisterous, a few older kids joined as well. They started another game and I sat on a curb with Justine resting her head in my lap as I petted her.

"Looks like you could use one of these."

I looked up to see Alex sitting down next to me, handing me a Presidente beer.

"Yes, thank you." I said, taking the frosty cold bottle from him before taking a long, frothy gulp followed by a satisfied burp.

I covered my mouth, embarrassed. "Excuse me."

"Good?" He asked me, with a genuine smile.

"The best. It's always icy cold, but not frozen. At the airport, the resort, even when I went cave diving; it's always perfect." I answered.

"It has to be. It's offensive if you serve it any other way." Alex replied after he drank his. When I grinned, he continued. "I'm dead serious. It would be the equivalent of giving a thumbs up in Greece."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"If you're trying to tell someone to fuck off, no."

 I laughed. "Good to know. Wouldn't want to learn that the hard way."

"No, you wouldn't." He said, regretfully. I chuckled at him as I sipped my beer.

"You are really good with the kids. It's obvious you really care about them and the foundation."

"Yeah, It's just... frustrating when you think about it. We all come onto this earth the same way, but who you're born to, where you're born, even what race you are can determine your whole future. I like the idea of leveling the playing field for kids, giving them choices they might not have." I agreed.

"So why don't you work for the foundation?" He asked bluntly.

I almost choked on my beer. Was he sussing me out? Thinking I wanted his job or something? "Don't worry, I have no desire to work for my dad or the foundation."

He frowned. "Why would I worry about that? We have the same vision for growing the foundation. It would only be beneficial to work together."

"I have no background nor education in running anything." I reminded him.

"Neither did my mother: she only had a passion to help her community so she made it happen. I can see you have that same passion to help children. The fact that your dad is one of the co-founders is all you really need."

I shrugged. "Not really. Even if he believed in nepotism, I wouldn't want to take advantage of it."

"I wouldn't call it nepotism; it's passing on his legacy. And even if it was, so what? It benefits the children if we can grow the foundation. Would it be worth it to help level the playing field?"

"Good point counsellor." I goaded him.

"Take your time and think about it, boss."  He goaded me back, with a nudge. I finished my beer and thought about it.

"You still want advance classes?" He asked me.

I looked at him, confused until he gestured to the couples dancing to the music. "You wanted an advance dance instructor on the boat. You're not going to get any more advance than this." He said, holding out his hand.

I smiled, thinking about my humble brag of needing more advance dance moves on the boat Friday. "Are you asking me to dance?"

"Only if you can keep up." he smiled back.

I took his hand and accepted his challenge.

I was pleasantly surprised by what a good dancer Alex was. He was also patient and easy going as he taught me the various moves and advanced 'spins'. He sang along proudly and off key to his favorites, and I made a mental list to remember the lyrics so I could make a playlist of the songs I didn't know. I wasn't able to keep up with Alex, but I definitely had fun trying. I let him know when my dad announced we had to get ready to go and I was saying my goodbyes.

"Well, I'm glad you gave me a chance this time instead of freezing me out." He wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"I told you, Cam hated you. Not me!" I grinned before finishing my beer.

"Cam moved out during that spring break. My dad just married wife number 3 so I was constantly at your dad's house. You completely ignored me then."

I took a moment to think about it and I was able to remember. I was 15 then and his presence at the house kept Mr. Perez from coming to see me. I should have been thankful, but in my angst and Mr. Perez manipulation, I resented Alex.

"Oh god, I remember. I was such a brat. There was a lot of stuff going on but it had nothing to do with you. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Its ok. Really, I'm glad we had an opportunity to get to know each other better and reconnect." He said with a warm smile. "Hopefully we can do great things in the future together."

I returned his smile. "I hope so too." I walked away to join my dad as we said goodbye to everyone. When I turned back towards Alex, he was still watching me walk away. He gave me a little salute with his beer and I shook my head and smiled to myself.

The van took us back to the hotel that my dad's mother worked at before he signed a deal with the MLB. In the morning, we went to the local market. Not only was I able to sight see and learn more history about Santo Domingo, I was able to pick out souvenirs for everyone at home and a few cute thing for Justine and me. My dad discouraged all the gifts I was buying, but I told him this was a tradition he technically started. I would buy souvenirs and gifts for my friends with the money he made me take when I went out of town. He allowed me to shop in peace then.

We stopped at lunch at a sandwich shop my dad frequented as a teen. We had delicious meat and cheese paninis and a drink called Morir Soñando, or die dreaming. It consisted of orange juice and condensed milk and it was freaking addictive. After we ate, we piled in the van to head back to the resort. By the time we got back, it was a little after 2pm. Everyone was exhausted or waking up from a nap on the bus. I was the latter and was stretching outside of the van before I clipped Justine on her leash. I grabbed my backpack and my dad told me he would come with me because he needed to talk. I cursed Alex, praying he didn't mentioned the idea of me working for the foundation.

 I needed to really think about it and do some research first. The foundation was based in L.A., would I have to move? What would my primary role be? Would I be working under my dad? Reporting to Alex? There were so many answers I needed before I could even consider or talk to Dad about it. As we walked away from the group, I was telling Dad the same. All thoughts of the foundation left my mind when my dad walked to an outdoor sitting area and I recognize the man sitting at a table, waiting for us.


  1. Ahh..what a cliff hanger! Loved the details of the post. The food sounded awesome.

  2. It Ethan!!!!! Its got to be him!!! I need the last post now!!!! Love this story

  3. It has to be Ethan. Please don't let it be Trevor. Sad the next post is the last one.

  4. Thank you Janay for the peace I feel about Lily. You are truly an amazing writer! If you ever make this into a book, I will buy 10 copies! Love and light my dear... and may you and your family be safe. Fellow readers may you find happiness always!

  5. Wow! So hope she "rides off into the sunset" with Ethan!!
