Sunday, January 21, 2018


"Independent do you know what that mean?
Independent do you know what that mean?
She got to her own house
She got her own car
Two jobs work hard you a bad broad
If you ain't on sit down
If you ain't on sit down
If you ain't on sit down
If you ain't on sit down" Independent by Webbie

The next morning, my sore body protest just the thought of my boxing class, so I skipped it. Instead, I stayed in bed and called Christian back. He left me messages and texts the night before that I ignored. I knew I needed to talk to him, but part of me hoped he was too busy to answer. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey. Good morning." I forced out cheerfully.

"Is it a good morning?" Christian question.

"So far so good. How bout you?"

"I don't know. You've been hard to reach lately. Is there a reason for that?"

I flushed thinking about Uriel and the night before...

"No. Just busier than usual." I answered, casually.

"It has nothing to do with the interview Sammy posted?"

"No. It doesn't matter what she posts."

"It matters to me because it makes it seems like there is something going on between me and Keosha and that I don't have time for a relationship. I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up about it."

"Christian, we're not in a committed relationship. You have nothing to be sorry about. I get it." I said firmly. I really wasn't upset if he was seeing someone else, especially after last night.

"I don't think you do." He started.

"So explain it to me."

"The way I portray myself in the media is not real. Letting the public believe whatever I want is how I keep a somewhat private live. I don't want you to see a video or hear something online and believe it. I need you to trust that what I tell you is the truth." He explained.

"I'll trust what you tell me unless you give me a reason not to." I said truthfully.

"Fair enough and I never will." Christian stated. "There's nothing going on with Keosha. As far as me not having time for a relationship, you already know I'll make time for you."


"So you really weren't upset about the interview?"

"Not the interview itself like Sammy intended, but I was definitely annoyed with you and Sammy being petty." I admitted.

"I wasn't trying to be petty though. I don't understand how she can dislike me when she doesn't know me." Christian argued.

"Sammy made me promise not to date Trevor before we got together. It's how she is: stubborn, unreasonable and petty. That's why I told you to ignore her. She will out petty you."

"I'm not petty. I was trying to give her some shine. Get her to change her opinion on me."

"She's not the one getting to know you. I am. My opinion is the only one that matters." I told him.

"So what's your opinion on me so far?" Christian asked me.

"Hmmm... You're super talented and charming, and extremely generous and handsome... Those kinda balance out your petty side..." I trailed off.

Christian chuckled at me. "Yo, I'm not petty!"

"Yes you are!" I laughed at him.

After my talk with Christian, I got up to get ready for work. When I saw Adil waiting for me, I knew it was bad news. He informed me that not only were we going to accelerate Paul Bolen's treatment like Dennison wanted, but he would be having his rehabilitation in the morning with Dr. Clayton from now on.

I didn't say anything negative about Adil's decision, but he must have been able to read the disdain on my face. He pointed out how since the closing shift was understaffed, moving clients around was for the best. He told me our main goal was to get our clients healthy and while we might not always agree, we had to work as a team to accomplish our goal.

As much as Adil changing the rehab plan and schedule sucked, it was harder telling Fallon about it. When I informed her later that evening, I could see her deflate and the disappointment etched on her face. I told her to stick to her gut, and this is what happened. It made me feel awful that I didn't know what else I should tell her.

Wednesday morning, Richard and his crew were coming over to start the slate patio. When Richard arrived, I had donuts and coffee already sat out for them before I got ready to leave to make up the boxing class I missed.

"Hey, do you know your roommate's gym schedule? I haven't seen Dominic in weeks." I asked him

"Eh, he's not my roommate anymore so I have no idea." Richard answered.

"What? What happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing happen. It was just time... We  needed to move on, get our own space, ya know what I mean?" He shrugged.

"I know exactly what you mean. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, do you know what that means?" I sang and did a little dance.

"Please stop." He smiled.

"Never!" I proclaimed before I headed out.

At the gym, I was happy to see Dominic was back. I mentioned how hard moving was so I understood why he hadn't been around the gym. His face twisted up momentarily before he left to the men's locker room. He didn't work out in his father's class so that was the last time I saw him. His reaction was so abrupt, it made me question Richard flimsy reason to why Dominic moved out.

When I got back home, Richard and his crew already started to dig up the yard where the patio would be. I showered and got ready for work, giving them a wave before I left. I wanted to press a little more about why Dominic moved, but I left it alone. I figured if either one wanted to talk to me about it, they would have. It wasn't my business, so I stayed out.

After I came home from work, I went outside and saw that the slate patio was done. I took a video and pictures of their work before sitting in one of my patio chairs. I checked my social media, my stomach doing little flops when I saw Uriel tagged me in a post of Instagram.

With everything else going on, I hadn't thought of my great escape or how Uriel taken it. I looked at the picture to discover my name was tagged with a number of people on an ad for the St. Patrick's Day parade this weekend. St. Patrick's Day was the end of next week, but apparently the parade would be the weekend before.

Intrigued by the post, I called Monica to talk about it. I filled her in on what Adil decided before bringing up the parade.

"I saw a post about the St. Patty's Day Parade. Are you going?"

"Every year since Mark Cuban decide to sponsor it." She confirmed.

"Sounds fun..."

"It's fun, if you like standing around drinking in the heat, or rain, or both, while random floats drive by." Monica said, unenthusiastically.

"Tell me how you really feel Monica."

"It's the truth! Then we do a bar crawl on Greenville... after we spent the whole day drinking. It's kinda offensive if you think about it: drinking to celebrate a saint?"

"But he's Irish."

"That's even worse Lily!"

"I'm joking." I laughed.

"Are you coming?"

"I don't know. Are you going to try to set me up with Uriel again?" I brought him up, seeing if he asked about me. Maybe he tagged me because he wanted me to see it and go...

"Urgh. Never again. That back fired on me. He's bringing a Mavs dancer with him just to piss me off."

A small part of me was a little offended he moved on to the next so fast, but I pushed it aside, reminding myself it was a one night stand. Why would he want to see me again? He probably tagged everyone in his generic post.

"Next time you try to set someone up, ask their permission first. It might go smoother." I said, lightly.

"Yeah sure." She brushed me off. "So are you coming or not? We already rented out an apartment with a wraparound balcony. Always plenty of food and drinks. I'll let you know the address if you wanna stop by."

"Really? You were just complaining like you had to be outside in the heat." I exclaimed.

"The balcony is just as bad!" She whined.

"I'm hanging with my friends this weekend and I have no idea what they wanna do." I said, politely.

"Let me know. You all are welcome to stop by."

"Will do. Bye Monica."

Thursday, Amber was still trying to get everyone on the same page of what we were doing. Mia was under the assumption it was a girls only weekend, which Dino had a problem with because she wanted to spend time with Jake on one of her rare off days from school and work. Sammy had a gig Saturday night she had to at least set the girls up at, Rocky only wanted to go out to eat so no bars, clubs or lounges and Gigi didn't care as long as she didn't have to drive. 

Amber saw the post of the parade on Instagram that Uriel tagged me in and asked me about it. I told her everything Monica told me and she came up with a perfect plan: the parade during the day with just us girls, food at wherever Rocky wanted to go after, and the bar crawl in Greenville that everyone, including boyfriends, could come to. Amber sent the text to everyone, letting them know it was the plan.

By Friday, Richard and his crew had the pergola done too. It looked amazing- even without the plants it gave me serious tropical vacation vibes. I absolutely loved it. I took videos and pictures and invited them out for a drink on Saturday to celebrate their hard work. They agreed and I told Richard I would send him the information once I had it.

Saturday morning, I woke up and started to get ready for the parade. I looked casual but cute in white four leaf clover tank, ripped skinny jeans, a black jacket and olive Ugg boots. I straighten my hair and place it in two twin top knots. I applied a metallic green smokey eye with a nude lip on my fully made up face. Loving my look, I took a few selfies with Justine as I waited for Forrest to pick me up. He was driving Rocky and me to the dart rail station by the parade where we were all meeting up.

"Lily's got your folding chair. Remember to rest." Forrest told Rocky as he dropped us off. "Blake and I will be at the end of the parade route. If you're ready to leave at anytime let me know."

"Ok." Rocky nodded, leaning over to kiss him goodbye.

"Don't try to do too much." He continued.

"I won't." Rocky said, giving me a look to help her out.

"I told Monica I had a preggo with me that might need a bedroom in the apartment they rented. Monica already reserved it for her so that's where we'll be." I assured Forrest.

"I don't need a damn bedroom. Let me live!" Rocky snapped, as she wobbled out the car. She pulled her white and green stripped shirt over her hips, scowling underneath her four leaf clover newsboy hat.

"Let me live!" I mimicked her as I hopped out the car. Forrest gave me a little grin as I grabbed the folding chair he got for Rocky and slung it on my back.

"But for real, I'm not leaving her side so you can relax. I'll call you when we're settled." I promised.

"Ok. Have fun."

We found Sammy and Sofia already waiting for us in their car. Sammy looked chic in a dark green romper and heels while Sofia wore a green sweater dress. Sammy and I greeted each other cordially, but Rocky's meaningful glance let me know she could tell something was off between us. I ignored it in favor of having a good time. Staci, Amber, Gigi and Mia arrived next, looking like they were ready to get the party started in Silly St. Patrick's Day shirts, green bows and hat, and make-up and hair flawless. We all took pictures and chatted as we waited for Jordan and Dino. Jordan showed up next, but when we were 30 minutes past out meeting time, Amber called Dino.

"She slept late. She's going to meet us for lunch instead." Amber informed us.

Staci looked concerned while Mia just rolled her eyes and headed for the crowd. It was still technically morning, but music thumped from speakers, drinks were everywhere and people were dancing and playing games along the route of the parade even though it was another hour before it started.

The original plan was to head to the apartment, hang until the parade started and make our way back to the street, but the girls were having too much fun dancing and hanging out with people in the crowd. I was too until Rocky requested her folding chair.

"Here. Sit. I'm going to round up the girls so we can go to the apartment." I told her.

20 minutes later, I found everyone but only Jordan, Gigi and Rocky wanted to go to the apartment. The apartment was only a 15 minute walk and I called Monica once we made it. Trent came down to retrieve us, and I gave him a warm smile before we headed up.

The apartment was filled with around 15-20 people, some I recognized from their Christmas party. As tall as Uriel was, I spotted him right away, talking to a leggy red head I was sure was his dancer. I ignored him and introduced my friends to Monica. Rocky and Ace were the topic of conversation with all the women, so I let her fill them in on how far along she was while I grabbed her all the non-alcoholic drink options available.

"Thirsty?" A deep voice I instantly recognized asked from behind me.

"Nope. That's your date!" I quipped before turning to face Uriel. He was wearing a long sleeve Mavericks collar t-shirt and relaxed, worn jeans that looked tailored to his tall, lean frame...

Fuck. Stupid Midori shots had me checking him out instead of ignoring him.

"My date?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing. Excuse me." I said, nodding away his offer of help as I side stepped him.

"Lilac." He called after me.

I whipped my head around, glaring at him. "LILY."

"Right. It's the purple hat again."

"I'm wearing all green."

"No. You left your purple hat at my place-" he started.

"Just trash it." I instructed him before walking off.

I delivered the food and drinks to Rocky who was sitting in a reclining chair.

"Who was that?" Jordan asked me, nodding in Uriel's direction who now had the redhead back by his side.

"Nobody. He just wanted to know where I got the sparkling water." I lied.

We ended up watching the parade from the balcony. It wasn't as lively as the crowd on the street, but it was still fun. We even called Blake and Forrest to join us. I could tell Uriel and Forrest recognized each other on the balcony. Forrest gave me a questioning look while Uriel hid a smile behind a beer bottle when he saw Forrest's arm around Rocky.

When the parade ended, I asked Monica where they were meeting for the bar crawl.

"Right here. A party bus is taking us down Greenville." She told me.

"That's not technically a crawl."

"I don't crawl in Saint Laurent Lily." Monica clucked at me.

I laughed. "Alright. Maybe I'll see you later. I'll be crawling in my knock offs. Thanks for having us!" I said before we left.

We met up with the other girls, but since we already ate, we didn't feel like going out to eat. Amber was disappointed we were separating again, but Rocky solved that by saying we could all get ready and pregame at her house. We all planned to take an Uber to Greenville anyway so that worked out. I dropped by my house to let Justine outside, refill her food and water bowl and grab my clothes for the night before heading to Rocky's house. Once we got there, Forrest and Rocky retired to the bedroom, Jordan and Blake to the guest/nursery room and I took the couch as we all took a nap.

I woke up with enough time to hit a liquor store. When I got back, everyone was up and I made us drinks while Rocky sipped a decaffeinated green tea latte I got her from Starbucks. I turned on some music and we danced and sang as we got ready. I was working on my hair when Amber, Gigi, Mia and Staci arrived. I went into the living room to finish while they took the guest room.

I pulled a small section of my hair in a top knot but left the rest down in a half up half down style.  My make-up was more subtle, natural colors with a peach colored lipstick. I wore a camouflage sweatshirt dress and tan knee high sock boots. I was debating jewelry when Rocky lent me a black and gold choker.

"Gold hoops?" I suggested.

Rocky nodded, stretching on the couch. "That dress is too cute Jordan."

I nodded my agreement at Jordan's mint green asymmetrical hem dress.

"Thank you. Blake picked it out." Jordan beamed.

I smiled, suppressing my eye roll. She talked about Blake all the time now. It was cute in the beginning, but I was waiting for the engagement buzz to fade off. I looked up to see Rocky lost in thought.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Going out, getting drunk, I'll never have that again." She lamented.

"What? Yes you will. As soon as you pop him out. That weekend. Pump some milk and we're gone."

She smiled but shook her head. "No. Even if I did, I'll be out, thinking about Ace, wondering if he's ok, if he needs me, who's watching him. That freedom is gone knowing I have someone dependent on me."

"True but think at what your gaining: all those first, cuddles, that new baby smell..." Jordan added. "I absolutely can't wait to have a kid with Blake."

"And besides, when you had the freedom, you didn't like getting sloppy or childish anyway." I reminded Rocky.

"You're right but at least I had the choice."

Mia and Amber emerged from the guest room, both in mini skirts and drunkenly dancing, looking for more Whiskey.

"They all have kids besides Gigi. You still have the choice." I said.

Rocky shook her head at them, giving them a disgusted look. "You know what? I'm over going out and being drunk and childish. You have fun."

I giggled at her before we all got ready to leave. Staci and I joined Jordan and Blake in his car. Blake was graciously being designated driver for the evening. Once Amber's Uber arrived, we took off. I text Richard the address on the drive.

We got dropped off outside of some club on Greenville that Reggie, Jasmine's on and off boyfriend was spinning at. Once we got inside, Dino, Jake, Brandon, Malik, Collin, Taylor, Omar, Jocelyn and another girl I didn't recognize were a table. We sat at the reserved table next to it.

"There you are!" Mia exclaimed over the music at Dino. "You were able to get off of his dick long enough to hang out with us?"

Dino sent her a withering stare. "Don't take it out on me that my bother doesn't want you on his anymore. I told you what would happen!!!" Dino said loudly.

I totally pretended like I didn't hear any of their back and forth as I took a seat across from them and pulled out my phone. Richard said he was on the way, which was music to my ears. I just wanted to dance and have fun. Normally I would with Staci, but she was meeting up with a guy she met on Tinder at the bar. Amber dragged Mia to the dance floor with Gigi to diffuse the tension. I could have joined them but Mia's energy always put me off on her. Jordan had Blake, and Sammy would arrive soon but things were so awkward with her I didn't want to deal with it. Everyone else was cool, but Brandon seemed uncomfortable with my presence that I didn't really interact with anyone else so I anxiously waited for Richard and his crew.

I ordered 4 Jamison and ginger ale and green beers while I waited. By the time the waitress brought them back, Richard sent a text asking where we were. I walked towards the entrance until I saw him with 2 of the guys that helped finished my backyard. I waved them over before grabbing Richard's arm and leading him to the table.

"We match!" I pointed to his camo military style jacket.

"I see that. You look great." Richard smiled.

"Thanks! So do you!" When we got to the table, I made him take a picture with me.

"First round on me!" I told all of them, pointing out their drinks. "Cheers!"

"To what?" Richard asked in my ear.

"My backyard!" I cheered.

"That's work we don't wanna cheer for work." Bill shook his head.

"Alright, to being I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T..."

"Do you know what that means!" Richard sang along with me before I burst out laughing. We all drank to that.

"What's so funny over there?" Jake asked us.

"I don't even know." Richard chuckled at me.

"Independence! Freedom!" I cheered.

"You got the wrong holiday Lily." Malik grinned at me.

"Oh no. Everyday is a holiday when you're not bogged down by bullshit... Or when you drink about a bottle of Midori by yourself." I exaggerated.

"A bottle? Are you ok?" Richard asked, concerned.

"Yes. I'm great. I need to dance it off." I wiggled in my chair.

"C'mon then." Richard downed his drink. He took mine, downed it too before holding out his hand for me.

We found a spot on the dance floor and started to dance. I was definitely doing the most with my dance moves, rubbing my body against his and singing along flirtatiously. When Low Life came on, I declared it me and Richard's song considering we were "camo'd all out" like the Weenknd sang. Richard recorded us singing along to the lyric together. We danced and sang until we were exhausted, so we headed back to the table, needing a rest.

When we got back to the table, I saw Sammy and Corey arrived. I gave Corey a wave and a smile as Sammy continued to play on her phone. I was surprised to see Dominic with Mia. She was twerking and grinding all over his lap like there was nobody else in the room. She had absolutely no shame, especially when Dino made it sound like he dumped her.

"You wanna get outta here?" Richard asked me.

I was surprised. He never came on to me so blatantly before. I mean, yeah, he had, but not like he really meant it. I could tell by his eyes he really wanted to leave. I thought it over briefly. He was fun, we had a great time together, and I've always found him attractive. Yeah, Bianca told me not to date him, but it wouldn't be dating. More like friends with benefits. I could use one of those and if it didn't work out, we weren't super close. I could cut him off, no problem.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Let's get out of here." I agreed.

I told Jordan I was going and she and Blake were ready to go too. I hugged them both goodbye before I said goodbye to everyone else. Sammy finally acknowledged me, giving me a stunned look for leaving with Richard. I disregarded her. Richard led me out of the club and I followed until I felt a tug on my arm. I turned to see Jake.

"Let me talk to you before you leave." He said in my ear.

I gave him a weird look but I motioned to Richard that I'll met him outside. I followed Jake to a quiet hallway that lead to the bathroom.

"Don't go home with Richard." He told me sternly.

"What!" I blushed hard, embarrassed that he knew what we were doing and outraged he thought he had a say on whether it would happen. "Seriously, what's wrong with you? Go Christian Grey your girlfriend!"

"Lily, I can't get into this with you right now. You know me. You don't know him. I'm telling you you don't wanna go there with him. " Jake urged me.

"Whatever Jake. Goodnight." I said, leaving. 

I didn't have time to think about the audacity of his demand. I was too busy trying to find Richard. When he was nowhere to be found, I pulled out my phone. I had a few missed texts but I started with Richard's.

Richard: Sorry Lily. I headed out. I'll talk to you soon. Get home safe.

Get home safe? The fuck? And now I couldn't go back into the club because then Jake would feel like he stopped me. Fuck!!!
Thankfully, Monica sent me the location of the Party bus. I gave her a call to see where they were at.

"Same place. We just parked on Greenville and have a party on the bus."

"Ok. Look out for me because I'm heading your way."

It was a few blocks away, but I hurried over, pretending I was talking on my phone the whole time- that made me feel safer all alone late at night on a crowded street.
When I saw the massive bus, music blaring, I picked up my pace towards it. Monica was waiting for me by the door.

"Lil!!!" She screamed, clearly intoxicated.

"MonMon!!!" I screamed back the moniker the WAGS gave her: short for Money Monica as they thought she was bougie. I was starting to see why. 

"I hate that nickname!" She wrinkled her nose up at me as we made our way past the bodies on the bus. We reached a seat next to Trent and she let me sit by him while she got comfortable in his lap. I tried my hardest to ignore the awareness through my body when I spotted Uriel across from us. I turned my body and head towards Monica and Trent.

"What is Lily short for?" Monica continued to yell at me even though it was unnecessary.

"Lilac." Trent teased me.

"Lillian. No fucking Lilac." I said, refusing to look at the originator of that stupid name.

"I love Lilacs. They're pretty." Another voice added. I looked up to see the same fucking redhead smiling over at us. She was standing in front of Uriel, who I couldn't help looking at now. Dark khakis with a moss green Henley made him look even more incredible; which was not helpful at all considering I knew how incredible he was without his clothes.

"So are Lilies." I dismissed her, turning my attention away again.

Monica gave an obvious eye roll and she asked me where I've been. I told her the club we went to and the type of music they were playing while out the corner of my eye I watched Uriel. He pulled redhead to him. When I saw their faces get close, I looked up and gazed at them. I was shocked when I saw Uriel returning my stare. He was hugged up close to her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear, but his eyes were locked on mine. I should have been offended for her or disgusted by his leer, but it was having the complete opposite effect on me...

Redhead pulled away, and that's when I tore my eyes from Uriel's to notice she was glaring at me.

"I'm leaving!" She hissed at Uriel before she stalked off.

"Oh no! Wait happened?" Monica asked in mock concern. "Is it pass her curfew?!?"

She missed the entire interaction- she only looked up when redhead left. Trent, on the other hand, shook his head at Uriel and me.

"You should go after her." I told Uriel.

"I'm where I want to be." He told me, sending me a smoldering look that had my body clenching in arousal. "You want anything?" He asked, suggestively.

"I don't know. Let me see what you have." I said boldly.

"The bar's up front!" Monica told me.

I got up and followed him to the front. Instead of going toward the mini bar set up, he led me to the stairs out the bus. He grabbed my hand, helping me down each one. The second my feet were on solid ground outside, he pushed me up against the bus and leaned against me. 

Once I felt the heat from his body pour into mine from where we touched, I groaned out loud. I couldn't help myself; I threw my arms around his neck, stood up on my tip toes and pulled his head down for a hungry kiss.

He kissed me back, briefly before pulling away.

"You want to come home with me?" He asked gravelly, his hands caressing the only skin I had exposed- the small gap between the top of my boots and the bottom of my dress.

"Yes..." I panted, trying to bring his lips back to mine.

"Are you going to spend the night this time? No sneaking out?" He continued, working me into more of a frenzy as one hand slid up my dress to grip my ass.

"Yes." I murmured, kissing his chest, neck cheek... Anywhere my lips could touch.

"What was that?" He said, pressing me against him as he thrust forward so I could feel how hard he was.

"Yes! I'll stay as long as you want me to!" I swore, my breathing erratic as my desire for him grew.

Uriel gave me a devastatingly sexy grin before pulling away completely. He grabbed my hand and said as he pulled me away, "Let's start with a night and go from there."


  1. Uriel > Christian for suuuuuure!!!

  2. Ahhhhh! YES!!! I freaking love Uriel + Lily together!!!

    1. OH! ALSO! What is up with Richard!? Does he have a rep of being a womanizer/abuser? Have an STD? Why is everybody so afraid of her getting with him!? There's more to that story.

  3. You'd better be posting the follow up to this soon!! Pleeeeease?!??

    1. I'm trying to post every Sunday..

    2. Please know that I was kidding and I appreciate it whenever you find time to write! But dang, what a cliffhanger!

  4. I never thought that Christian and Lily would be together for very long. He's nice and everything but the distance is just too great. And they're too uneven - Lily doesn't want someone who is going to constantly pay her way and what not - even if Christian is just trying to be nice with it.
    I have no problem with Lily branching out sexually but damn that girl needs to think. If she wants sex then just stick with one bang buddy - don't start going home with a bunch of random guys. Speaking of though - what is so wrong about Richard that two guys have warned her off of him? I'm really curious.

  5. I added characters to the guide (Uriel, Mia, Staci, Monica and Trent).
    Let me know if you're curious about anyone else.

  6. Dying to know when the next post will be, I so want to read what happens!! Hope all is okay!

  7. Just my thoughts, but maybe it would be an idea to post all of the story, through the end, all at once? That way we dont wait months and months for a post and have some closure lol! Reading this post is like dating a f*ckboy. We get a litte and then get ignored for months hahaha! Just an idea :)

  8. Miss this blog! And all the others. There used to be so many great blogs now I can't find any that post. Anyone have any links to some new ones?
