Monday, January 15, 2018

Cake by the Ocean


"Waste time with a masterpiece,
don't waste time with a masterpiece
You should be rolling with me, you should be rolling with me
You're a real life fantasy, you're a real life fantasy
But you're moving so carefully; let's start living dangerously
Talk to me, baby
I'm going blind from this sweet, sweet craving, whoa
Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy
Ah ya ya ya ya I keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean" Cake by the Ocean by DNCE

"I have a confession to make." Uriel told me as he led us into his condo. He lived only 20 minutes away from me. He did not live in the same residential area as me but he wasn't that far from the Shops of Legacy where I celebrated my birthday.

"What is it?" I asked, my eyes quickly examining his darkened living room. I could make out a matching living room set, glass coffee table and a huge plasma before turning back to face him.

"I don't have any cake." He said, taking long strides to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and searched inside. "I'm not big on sweets but I have Greek yogurt, fresh fruit and sweet potatoes. I might have a breakfast bar."

"Do you really think I came over here for cake?" I asked, hiding my nerves behind a smile.

He gave me a knowing look. "I was hoping not. Do you want a drink?"

"No. I'm good."

"Come here and tell me what you came over for." He suggested leaning against the counter in the kitchen, watching as I still stood in the doorway.

I took a deep breath before making my way over to him. "Do I really need to say it?" I asked, with fake bravado as I stood in front of him.

"Yes..." He said, grabbing my hand to pull me even closer. "We need to be on the same page." He took my purse from my hand and set it on the counter. His fingertips then traced the back of my hand and up my arms, sending tingles all over my body.

When his fingers reached my shoulder, he removed my jacket. The tingles intensified when he lifted my hand to his lips and followed the same path as his fingers with his mouth. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his kisses on the back of my hand, around my wrist and up my forearm.

"Tell me what you want." He demanded, sucking the crook of my elbow.

My knees weakened and I blurted out, "I wanna fuck you."

A snicker escaped his lips and he turned his mouth away in an attempt to hide it. Humiliated by my outburst and his response, my eyes snapped open and I began to pull away.

"No. Don't." One of his arms snaked around my waist to hold me in place.

I fidgeted in his embrace. "Stop. We're definitely not on the same page if you think I'm a joke."

"You're not a joke." He said, caressing my back, soothingly. When I relaxed, he moved his mouth back to my arm. "I didn't expect that from you.." He explained between kisses.

"What were you expecting?" I asked, trying to keep my defenses up as his kisses moved to my shoulder.

"For you to tease me like you did on your birthday..." He said as he kissed the strap of my tank top. "Play coy like you did at the Lexus event..." He paused as he nipped at my neck. I couldn't help the shiver that ran through my body. "Or bludgeoned me into submission like you did earlier tonight. I never expected you to be frank about what you wanted." He finished before his tongue swirled on my neck.

    I groaned, in pleasure but also in acknowledgement of the truth in his words.

    "My birthday... Was the first birthday I didn't hear from my ex. We were best friends for 9 years and it took less than a year of dating to destroy that." He pulled back slightly but I continued. "I've been all over the place trying to deal with that and figure out what I want."

    When I finished, I met his eyes, mentally preparing myself for him to run for the hills after that over share. He didn't; instead, he peppered kisses along my jaw and asked,

    "Do you know what you want now?"

     I nodded. "For the most part."

    "Tell me again." He nibbed on my ear.

    I shivered and shook my head away from his mouth. "No way. Not doing that again."

    "I'll go first." He started, softly in my ear. "I wanna fuck you." He imitated me.

    I laughed and it released the tension inside me. I turned my head to brushed my lips against his. "Shut up and do it then." I teased against his lips.

    He smiled cockily then picked me up like I weighed nothing at all, throwing me over his shoulder.

    "What are you doing?" I squealed, a little disoriented as I noticed my purple hat fall off my head and unto the floor.

    "Exactly what you told me to do." He said, slapping me on the ass as he carried me to his bedroom. I've never been manhandled like this, but I was really turned on by it.

    He carried me straight to his gigantic California king size bed and dumped me on it. I sat up, my legs dangling off the edge of the bed. I began to undress, starting with my shoes and socks before he stopped me.

     "Wait. We need to talk before we go any further."

    I looked up at him, confused. "What? Why?" I asked.

    "We need to share our std status. I have my results from November I can show you. I'm all clean." He pulled his phone of his belt clip.

    "Oh!" I said, realization hitting me. "I'm not due for another test until June. My last check was clean but I can get tested again."

    He nodded. "We'll stick to condom safe activities."

    "Ok." I agreed, nodding as he began to disrobe.

    My eyes were glued to him as he removed his undershirt to reveal broad shoulders, cut biceps, and rippling abs. My breath caught as his slacks came off next, revealing his black briefs and lean, long legs. His body was incredible; he had not an ounce of fat on him.

    He walked away giving me a view if his tight ass in his briefs. I got my fill of watching him as he went into his beside dresser and pulled out a string of condoms. He came back to the foot of the bed, removed my tank top and bra before pushing me back on the bed. He pulled off my leggings and panties with one tug before climbing on the bed too.

    He moved on top of me, settling himself between my legs. His head lowered to my chest, kissing around my breasts, before sucking one of my nipples in his mouth. His tongue circled my nipple while his finger mimicked the motion on the other. When I groaned and ran my fingers through his hair, holding his mouth against me, he shook his head free and switched nipples.

    While he lavished my breasts with affection, he rubbed his pelvis into me. When I felt his erection growing thicker and harder against me, I gasped and looked at him, in awe.

    He pulled his lips away from my skin, sharing my gaze. "Don't worry. I'll go slow."

    "Kinda too late to go slow." I breathed, stroking his hair.

    "Never too late to slow down." He said, moving up my body. I sat up slightly to press my lips against his.

    We kissed, softly at first, until I slipped my tongue in his mouth, deepening the kiss. As we made out, his hand worked between our bodies until he stopped between my legs. He moved between rubbing my clitoris and slipping his finger inside me, driving me crazy.

    "Uriel..." I groaned, arching up from the bed, needing more contact.

    "Yes?" He asked, as he stroked inside me, grazing my spot and driving me crazy.

    I responded by wrapping my legs around his narrow waist, pulling him closer to demonstrate what I wanted. He indulged me for a moment, rubbing harder against my clitoris before he moved away.

    "Tell me what you want." Uriel told me.

    "You know..." I whimpered at the lost of contact between us.

    "I want to hear you say it again. Tell me." He repeated, sliding his fingers inside me. He brought me to the edge again, before he stopped.

    "Urgh, Uriel, fuck me." I cried out, thrusting up into him.

    "What's the magic word?" He asked, maddeningly calm as he gripped my hips, stilling me.

    "Now!" I demanded.

    "Wrong." He said, moving his finger back to my clitoris. I cried out as stroked me in tight circles, bringing me closer to the edge. When I thought I was finally there, he pulled away again.

    "Please Uriel. Please fuck me!" I begged, desperately.

    He pulled away, finally grabbing a condom and putting it on. He slid his hands under my ass, lifting my hips up as he thrust himself all the way inside of me. I let out a loud wail as he pushed as deep as he could, grinding against me before pulling all the way out.

    "Please!" I gasped, longing for release.

    "I told you we were going slow." He puffed, repeating the same motion, over and over again

    "Please, please, please!" I pleaded, tighten my legs around his hips in effort to get him to move faster.

    He let out a low groan, but kept up the excruciatingly slow pace. I laid back, tilting my hips up to his, focusing on how good he made my body feel. I tensed up as I slowly built towards an orgasm again.

    "Are you about to cum?" He asked me, his eyes barely open.

    I nodded my head frantically, pleasure rendering me speechless. As soon as I did, he pulled out of me.

    My sob of desperation turned into a scream when he pistoned inside me, giving me quick, shallow thrusts. It didn't take me long to finally come, and I screamed out as my body spasmed. His continued thrusting prolonged my orgasm until he came a short time after me. He held me tight to him, shuddering as he released. My body was still spasming when he pulled away.

    "I'm going to use the guest's bathroom to clean up. This bathroom is all yours." He said as he stood up.

    "Yeah, ok. Thanks." I panted. He left and once I caught my breath, I began to search for my clothes. I crawled to the end of the bed, scooped up my leggings and underwear tangled up together on the floor. My panties were soaked and totally unwearable. I disregarded them and put on my leggings. On shaky legs, I found my bra and tank top on the right side of the bed and I put those on too. Last, were my socks and shoes.

    I took a deep breath, contemplating how the hell I got out of here. I didn't know what would be worst; him kicking me out or him being nice and making awkward small talk. I grimaced at the thought of either.  I wasn't familiar with how this worked, but the best option seemed to avoid them both and sneak out. The only other time I had an one night stand, I was at my place and he snuck out when he thought I was sleep. Since Uriel was awake, I had to get out while he was in the bathroom.

    I slowly opened the door, wincing as the door hinges creaked softly. I wasn't sure which door was the bathroom and I saw no light coming from any of them. I didn't ponder on it long as I made a mad dash to the front room. I quickly grabbed my jacket and purse and raced out the door. I didn't want to wait for the elevator and headed down the stairs 2 at a time. By the time I got down, I was winded and the front security guard was watching me curiously, but I gave a little wave before I left out the side door. I didn't catch my breath again until I was in my car.

    On my way home, second thoughts crept into my mind about what I was doing with Christian and now Uriel. I knew sex with Uriel was a one night thing. We were on the same page of not wanting a relationship: No feelings, no attachments, just sex. I enjoyed the freedom of meaninglessness sex as mush as I liked dating Christian.

    I had some feelings of guilt when I thought about Christian. I convinced myself sleeping with Uriel was only the rebound I should have had before starting anything up with Christian. I also reminded myself of how neither one of us were ready for a relationship so technically, I was free to do whatever I wanted.

    I was able to push my doubt aside by the time I got home. I took a hot shower and went to bed. I feel asleep quickly, and slept soundly for the entire night.


    1. Thanks for the post... I don't even know how to feel about this one!

    2. Uriel is very aggressive and dominant. I get a very strong Jake vibe from him. Yes her and Jake had a lot of passion, but because of his issues, he was very controlling. Uriel has past love issues also like Jake. I can’t wait to see how he reacts to her sneaking out! Also, I live in Plano and I get giddy when you mention local places. :)

    3. Dear God this was hot. I really wish she hadn't snuck out. I think he might have surprised her.
