Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Good Intentions

***So so sorry it's late! Imma try to make up for it this week.

"I got something to say
A confession of me
I've been led astray
Tried so hard to change
But I'm set on my ways
My words mean nothing again
I promised I'd be good
But I can't help myself from these temptations
When they come, there's nothing I can do
I promised I'd be good
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
So when I fall, I will fall to you
I promised I'd be good
I promised I'd be good by The Chainsmokers

I watched the intricate blue, green, and purple peacock feathers disappear in a back hallway with Brandon towards a set of elevators. I remembered Amber's words when she told me she liked Jackie costume. It was unique- no one else dressed up as a peacock. I followed the couple to the elevator and spotted them, groping and kissing as they waited for the elevator.

"Jackie?" I called out while simultaneously hoping it wasn't her.

Brandon turned around first, looking guilty as sin and confirming my fears before Jackie even came to view. When she did, I felt my stomach churn.

"Yes?" Jackie replied, staring at me like I was the one slobbing down my best friend's ex-fiance.

"Are you ok?" I said, taking a step closer to them while crossing my arms.

"I'm good." She answered, matter of factly. I looked over at Brandon, who refused to meet my eye but pulled away from Jackie.

I turned back to Jackie and my eyes clashed with hers. "You sure you're not drunk or losing your fucking mind?" I said, using every trick I learned in therapy to rein in my temper.

"Lily- we..." Brandon started as we both turned our glares off each other and on to him.

"You don't have to explain anything to her!" Jackie commanded him.

"You really don't Brandon." I told him, dismissively. "But you-" I said turning back to Jackie. "I never thought much of you, but I never thought you would stoop this low. How could you?!?"

"The same way Rocky hooked up with Forrest." Jackie declared, triumphantly.

My fingers tapped against my elbows rhythmically as I crossed my arms tighter in a physical attempt to calm down and keep myself together. Her mocking tone like it was funny to her was stoking my anger. "What does that have to do anything?" The elevator opened, but we continued to face off.

"Everything! She's dating him even though I was talking to him first." Jackie hissed viciously. Brandon pulled away from her, looking distraught, but she ignored him. I didn't know which one was upsetting to him: the fact that Rocky and Forrest were dating or that Jackie tried to talk to Forrest first.

"Forrest didn't like you so you hook up with her ex? What planet are you living on where that makes sense?" I was not sure if I should be furious at her lack of reasoning or concerned for her mental health.

"The same planet where she can date one guy, talk to an ex and keep another one hostage because she's having his baby. She's a basic bitch trying to secure the best baby daddy. She's losing this option." she said, arrogantly trying to hold on to Brandon.

Brandon shook her off, shooting her a disgusted look before stalking away from us. I shook my head at her as he left.

"Good luck with that. I'll go up and check on your daughter." I turned away from her too and pressed the elevator button.

"Don't you worry about my daughter!!!" she snarled lividly stepping in front of me.

"Somebody has to while you're out having fun whoring around but you have a good time-" I didn't get to finish before she charged at me. The attack never came- Ethan and Jake swooped in between us out of nowhere. Jake held Jackie back while Ethan just grabbed my arm.

"Chill. Don't take it to that level." Jake said, trying to calm Jackie down.

I momentarily froze, until the realization she was going to physical attack me hit me. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I clenched my fists.

"Let her go Jake." I said, calmly, recalling all my boxing training, ready to punch the shit out of her if she touched me.

"It's not worth it." Ethan commented, as Jake easily pulled a lunatic Jackie away as she called me every name in the book. Ethan's grip tightened on my arm as he pulled me into the elevator.

It took everything in me not to say anything as I seethed on the elevator ride. When we got to the room, Resa was on her phone texting while the kids ate cupcakes, watched tv or played Cuponk.

"Resa, your mom is downstairs waiting for you." Ethan said. He pulled out his wallet and picked out a few twenties.

"Lily already paid me." Resa said as she stood up.

"This is a thank you from me. I appreciate you watching the kids all night." He told her, handing her the money.

"Thank you. Happy birthday." Resa smiled before leaving the room.

"Jackie shouldn't be driving." I pointed out.

"Jake got them a ride." Ethan said

I sat down and watched the kids. Watching them was enough to calm down. It took my mind off of how I was going to tell Rocky about her crazy, traitorous, bitch of a friend. It also made me avoid Ethan's eyes. I was ashamed he caught me ready to fight in a hotel lobby.

"You were really going to fight her?" Ethan asked me, reading my mind.

"Rocky can't fight- She's pregnant."

"So you were fighting for her?" He asked, sitting beside me on the couch.

"If you would have let me knock Jackie out, by the time she woke back up, Rocky would have had Ace and be ready to knock her out again." I reasoned, only half kidding.

His lips curled up in amusement before he shook his head.

We sat in silence for a moment, before the kids made a loud commotion. We looked over to see EJ jumping up and down, claiming he won.

"What are they playing?" Ethan asked.

"Cuponk. I found it at Wal-Mart. They have to bounce the ball in the cup." I explained.

"So beer pong?" Ethan smirked.

I chuckled. "No way. Do you see any beer? Although root beer would be a good idea."

"A bunch of kids drunk on sugar- horrible idea." Ethan and I were both smiling when Deborah and Albert joined us.

"We got the kids. Get back to the party." Albert grinned at us.

"Yes. Serena was looking for you Ethan." Deborah added.

We stood up and headed back down to the ballroom. It was painfully quiet and tense on the elevator ride and I had no idea why. In an effort to ease some of the tension, I made small talk.

"It's nice Serena showed up." I commented.

"You think?" Ethan responded plainly.

"Yeah. Obviously she still cares. I wouldn't go to an ex's birthday party unless I did. I hope you two work it out." I said truthfully. Obviously Ethan still cared about her. I wanted him to be happy and if Serena was it, I was glad for him.

"We'll see." Ethan said before we got off the elevator. Jake was waiting in the lobby to speak to me and Ethan left us alone.

"I talked to Brandon." he assured me

"Brandon's a grown man Jake. He's about to be a father. He has to start making the right decisions on his own." I sighed.

"I know, but this is hard for him. It's been a rough year- I know he's still hurting."

"Life is hard, rough and full of hurt. You can't just fuck it all away."

"I know. Some people just learn the hard way."

"His learning is hurting my friend. You know, the one pregnant with his child."

 "Just... Give him time to tell Rocky. You know it's worse if she hears it from someone else." he requested.

"I'll give him two days after she gets back from Louisiana. Then, I'm snitching." I warned.

"Fair enough." Jake agreed.

We returned to the party and went our separate ways. I started cleaning up, putting beads away in a large tote bag while jamming out to Christian's mix. At the very end of the night, I was helping Sammy shut down the bar when Amber rushed over to us. "Will is taking me to New Orleans!" she squealed.

"No way!" I grinned, sarcastically.

"You already knew! I just wanted you to know I know now too! We're getting ready to leave. Thank you both for taking care of the kids!!!" Amber threw her arms around us.

"Anytime." I said, hugging her. "Have fun!"

Will came to retrieve her so they could leave. Staci and Mia came over to say goodbye too.

"Are you two going to the after party?" Mia asked us after they left.

"What after party?" I asked.

"Daniel was talking about a lounge close by." Staci mentioned. As they made plans as far as who was driving, I made a trip to my car with some of the left over supplies. When I got ready to get Amber's kids, Ethan stopped me.

"My parents are going to spend the night here and watch them." he informed me.

"They don't have to do that."

"They want to and you'll be able to have tonight free."

"Ok... I can pick EJ up too when I get Amber's kids tomorrow." I planned.

"What about tomorrow?" Serena asked, joining us.

"I was offering to take EJ for the rest of the weekend." I answered.

"That would be great. We can go out to that lounge now." Serena said, excitedly.

"Let me talk to EJ. I told him we would do something together tomorrow." Ethan told her.

"He wants to spend time with my Hoover board." I smiled. "Just text me tonight and let me know."

"You're not coming out with us?" Ethan asked.

"I'm exhausted, but y'all have a good time." I declined.

Once I got home, I saw I had two texts: one from Ethan and another from Christian.

Ethan: You were right. He rather spend quality time with your hooverboard.

Me: Ha! Good. You spend tomorrow recuperating. That's how I know I succeeded as a party planner.

Ethan: You did. Thank you Lily.

Me: No problem.

Christian: Sorry. I gave up your room. He who hesitates is lost... You lost your bed. I'm willing to share mine. Think you can fit on the foot of the bed?

I laughed.

Me: I'll take a couch. Or a reclining chair. Are we staying with one of your loaded friends? Cause I'll take patio furniture too. No way I'm sleeping by your stinking feet!

Christian: My feet do not stink.

Me: Yeah they do. Probably from wearing the same Timberland boots every day during college.

I giggled to myself. Our friends teased him in college about his beloved Timberlands.

Christian: I had Timbs for everyday of the week! My feet and shoes stay fresh to death.

Me: Death is right... I can smell them from here {boot, nose, dead emoji}

Christian: Lol Maybe it's you...I saw the stripper costume you were wearing tonight. I know you've been taking pole dancing classes. Did you do something strange for some change? {pole dancer, censored boobs, fat ass, money bag emoji}

I laughed so loud, I covered my mouth in fear of waking Justine.

Me:LMFAO I was a go go dancer with your dirty mind and dirty feet. How'd you get those emojis?

Christian: Kimoji


Christian: Say what you want. They make sexting so much easier.

Me: You sext often?

Christian: It's been a while. In fact, send me a nude {kim taking a selfie emoji}

I took a picture of my nude color painted fingernails and sent it to him.

Christian: I know you're trying to be funny, but that works for me. In my mind, your fingers are doing a lot strange things...

Me: lol I'm so done with you!!! Goodnight perv.

Christian: Night sexy

Even though I was exhausted, Christian's last few text had me wide awake, thinking about my fingers against him. And his fingers against me. I ran my fingers over my body, teasing myself. I played with my nipples and clitoris until I orgamsed, moaning my release. It was the most fun I had on my own in a long time and I feel asleep, feeling good and throughly sastified.

Sunday was my first day with the kids. Sammy and Corey stayed at the hotel too, so they joined me after I picked the kids up. We took them to see the Peanuts movie. It made me think of Trevor's mom and her obsession with the gang, but I felt no ill will. I wondered how Trevor and his family were doing. I made a point of not social media stalking him or asking about him through friends, but I wondered in general how he was doing.

After the movie, we went to my house. We decided to have a mini game night and board games and cards. While Corey, Robbie and I worked on snacks, Sammy helped the girls set up the room they were staying in and EJ practiced on the hooverboard. When the snacks were done, we sat the dining room table and played games. We were playing Uno when my doorbell rang. It was Serena and Ethan.

"It's ok that I dropped by? I wanted to see your new house." Serena asked. I smiled, proudly.

"Of course. Come on in." I let them in.

Serena looked around the first floor as I got settled back with with Robbie to help him play our hand together.

"Do we have a blue?" I asked.

"Nope!" Robbie replied.

"7?" I asked.

"Right there!" Robbie pointed to a yellow 7.

"Put it down!" I cheered.

When Corey had to draw cards to play, the kids started singing "Dig baby dig".

"Where did you all learn that?" Ethan asked.

"Miss Lily!" April and Krista laughed.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ethan commented.

"Because it's so clever?" I whipped my head at him.

"If that's what you want to believe." Ethan smirked.

I grinned. "I do."

"Lily, can you show me upstairs?" Serena asked.

"Uh, sure. Ethan? Help Robbie please?" I stood up.

He took my spot, sitting beside Robbie.

I headed up the stairs with Serena.

"The party turned out great " she complimented me with a small smile.

"So did your costume. It's looked amazing." I complimented back as I showed her the sitting room, the guest rooms, and Justine's room. Justine was inside, the door open, but she just raised her head at us. I figured the sounds and the kids were too much excitement for her and she needed to rest.

"And here's my study area." I said. Serena stood by the doorway when I walked in, staring at the print Ethan got me for my promotion. The one of the girl reaching for the sky.

"My dad picked out a desk that matched the frame perfectly." I stated.

"It looks great." she said, flatly.

"Thanks." I waited for her to turn and leave, but she didn't. She step inside the room and closed the door.

"I don't know how else to ask, so I'm just going to ask it. Is something going on between you and Ethan?" She said, bluntly.

I rolled my eyes, beyond annoyed. "We had this conversation before."

"No. I asked about you two's past. I'm asking about right now. You jumped right in to plan his party for him, making sure it was nothing like the party I planned. You have a room dedicated to a print he gave you. That means something. Do you have feelings for him?" Serena questioned me.

I took a lengthy breath, exhaling and inhaling slowly. I calmed myself down; I wasn't about to let Serena and her nonsense get me worked up. It wasn't worth it.

"It means we're friends Serena. He told me he was still waiting on you to come around, the week of his party. Amber and I took over so he would still have a party. I like the print his mom picked out.  So once again, no. I don't have feelings for Ethan." I finished.

"Good." She finally opened the door.

"More importantly, if you two are getting back together-"

"We are." she confirmed.

"Then focus on him, not anyone else." I finished, leaving the study and going back downstairs.

"Lily, help. We're in China!" Robbie yelled, waving his hands full of cards.

"What happened?" I couldn't help smiling at Robbie's declaration.

"Apparently, we dug to China." Ethan filled me in with a smile.

"Thanks a lot Ethan" I said as I reclaimed my seat next to Robbie. I gave Robbie a wide smile.

"Wow. All these cards, you sure were not in Australia mate?" I said, in my best accent while kissing Robbie's check. He wiped it off, which made me kiss him even more until he laughed. His laughter chased away anything but fun as we continued playing.

After the game which April won, Ethan, Serena and EJ started to head out.

"I wish I could stay." EJ grumbled as he rode the hooverboard to the door.

"Tell you what? Pick a weekend with your parents and we'll make it happen." I said, giving him a huge hug.

"Thanks for having us Lily. It was fun." Serena said with a bright smile like she didn't question my intentions with her boyfriend.

"It was nothing." I said, forcing a smile as she left my house. Ethan looked at me, curiously, but I gave him a genuine smile.

"Good night."

"You too Lily. Take care."

When I got the kids settled in bed, everything clean and Sammy and Corey left with the extra food, I finally relaxed. My weekend was long and exhausting- I was so ready for my vacation. I excitedly dug through my closet, picking out what clothes I should pack.

As I made a mental list of things I needed, my phone rang. I picked it up when I saw it was Rocky. We spoke briefly about the party but I mostly let her tell me about her trip. She told me Forrest's mom was really sweet and his step dad was nice as well. She told me how big the parade was and how the city shut down for it. Overall, she had a good time with Forrest, Blake and Jordan. I was glad I promised not to tell Rocky and spoil her good mood. I was grateful I didn't have to be the messenger about her devious bitchy friend and careless baby's father. At least, not yet.

The next morning I woke up super early to get the kids ready for school. Krista was not a morning person, so she was uncharacteristically quiet, but once we were in the car on the way she chatted my ears off about where to drop them off, where to pick them up and what she wanted for a snack. I took note as we sat in the carpool lane forever. I never appreciated no longer having to sit in morning traffic or watch out for school zones on my normal routine. I did now.

I went to the store after dropping them off and picked up groceries. I also made sure I had extra pencils and crayons for the kids homework. I cooked dinner and had their snack out before I went to work. Sammy already had my key so after she picked them up, they could come straight to my house.

At work, I was starting my brief huddle with the physical trainers before the second shift started when Dr. Clayton came inside the huddle room. He took over for me, letting me know Uriel needed to speak to me concerning the video. I went into the office and found Uriel sitting behind the desk, waiting for me.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Is this your seat?" he asked, with a smile that said he wasn't sorry at all about sitting in it.

"No. What can I do for you?" I asked, sitting across from him.

"We wrap up filming this week. I wanted to have a small gathering here, just to say thank you to your staff and the talent that worked on the video." Uriel explained.

"I don't see why that would be a problem. I'll speak to my boss about it."

"Done. He just said to make sure it was okay with the shift team lead."

"It's ok." I said.

"Good. I'm going to pick up a cake. Where did you get your birthday cake from?" Uriel asked with a smile.

 I narrowed my eyes at him. "I thought you didn't remember my birthday cake."

"Nah, I don't. But you seemed pretty excited about it." he countered smartly.

"I didn't buy it so I have no idea. Besides, you wouldn't want a cake that's unmemorable." I said, before leaving the office, aggravated.

In between checking on physical therapist and clients, I watched Uriel direct his team and the teenagers through different shots. He handled everyone with confident and ease that was very admirable. I had no idea why he chose to get on my nerves everytime we spoke.

When I got home from work, the kids were fed and watching TV. I let Justine go outside before making my plate and asking about their day. I barely sat down to eat before Justine was whining at the door to come back in. I opened the door, freshen her water before rejoining everyone. Justine laid down at my feet while we watched a show called Dancing Dolls. It consisted of older girls in a dance battle. When two moms started arguing, I turned to Sammy.

"Should they be watching this?"

"Krista says they can." Sammy shrugged.

Amber and Will called again before the kids went to bed. While Sammy let them talk, I took a quick shower. When I got out, Sammy left and I crashed in bed too.

I got a call from Christian the following day, asking when I got into town and when I was leaving. I text Bianca to see what her schedule looked like before I made plans with Christian.

"This week is really busy for me." Bianca tried to back out of making plans with me.

"We don't have to do anything. I can entertain myself. I just want to see you."

"Lily, I'm not going to be in California. Noelle has a photo shoot in Tahiti."

I stiffened at the mention of Noelle, but tried to remain neutral. "You're going with her? Didn't your semester just start? Kinda early to be skipping classes."

Bianca sighed. "I'm not taking classes this semester."

Not going to lie, I flipped out. "What? Why? Is it money? Because you know I will help you with tuition if your mom won't."

"No. It has nothing to do with money. Noelle is expanding her brand, traveling, starting a clothing line. I'm helping-"

"Please tell me you did not drop out of school to follow Noelle?!? Bianca, you are one semester away from your degree. If you don't think your relationship can survive a semester apart, maybe you shouldn't be with her!"

"Did you not hear me? I'm helping her with a fashion line. That is my dream! It has nothing to do with her. Stop trying to find a reason why we should break up." she argued heatedly.

"It does have something to do with her since all your priorities and values have changed-"

"Oh, that's right. She made me a sinner. She made me a lesbian and now I'm going straight to hell..."

"Don't give me that. You know I don't care if your straight, gay or in between. The Bianca that I know wouldn't quit school or help someone cheat or keep things from me." I said, exasperated.

"Mom wanted me to go to school. I didn't just help her cheat; we fell in love. I don't tell you everything because this is how you react. I'm sorry if you don't approve, but I really don't care. I'm living for myself and doing what I want for a change." Bianca exclaimed.

"Ok Bianca. I guess I'll just try to see you another time." I said sadly.

"Fine. See ya." she said before she hung up.

I spent the rest of my morning in a funk. I went to my boxing class, ran my errands, and made dinner for the kids trying to get everything off my mind. At work, Rocky called me right before I got off, highly upset about Jackie and Brandon. I told her I would be over so we could talk. After making sure Sammy was ok putting the kids to bed, I went to Rocky's house.

"I'm not crying because I'm sad." Rocky said, wiping tears from her face as we sat in the kitchen. "I'm mad as hell. I thought we were over this foolishness."

"You are over it. Ace is the most important person. Neither of them are worth getting upset over." I comforted her.

"I know that it's just he tried to put it back on me. Like he was so upset over our relationship being over and after Jackie told him about Forrest, he wasn't thinking straight. No matter how mad or over him I was, it never crossed my mind to hook upbwith one of his friends. It's disgusting!"

"I know. Jackie tried to rationalize it too. There's no excuse for it." I agreed.

"What? When did you talk to Jackie? How did you know?" Rocky asked, confused.


"I confronted them at Ethan's party. I caught them leaving together." I admitted.

"What did they say?" Rocky demanded. I told her word for word and her eyes dried up.

"How can she even think that, much less say it to you like you weren't going to tell me?" Rocky seethed.

"She had no remorse Rocky. It was all fun and games to her until I implied she rather hook up than take care of her daughter." I informed her.

"She's done plenty of shady dirty things. I should have known she would do them to me. I thought we were closer than that. I'm done with her." Rocky said, bitterly.

"At least you know the truth. And Brandon told you. That's something in his favor."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

I told her the truth. "I promised I would give him time to tell you himself."

"Exactly. He knew if he didn't, you would. I thought we could move past everything and be friends but we can't. If it's not about Ace, I want nothing to do with him." Rocky said with finality.

When I was sure she was ok, I went home. The kids were fast asleep and Sammy cleaned the kitchen for me.

"Thank you. It has been the longest few days of my life." I collapsed on the couch.

"Now you understand why I don't want kids." Sammy remarked, handing me a glass of wine. She was driving me to the airport the next day so I guess she decided to drink since she didn't have to drive home.

"The kids were a bright spot. I'll miss them. At least they have a reason to be childish." I commented, sipping my wine.

"What's going on?" Sammy asked me, sitting with her glass and a couple of bottles of wine.

 I vented about Jackie's and Brandon's unholy union, Serena interrogating me, and Bianca dropping out of college one semester shy of her degree. I even told her about how much Uriel bugged me, even though he wouldn't be a problem after I got back from California.

"Bianca will be alright. Not everyone needs college to make it." Sammy began refilling my glass.

"It's one semester! She's helping Noelle build her brand like a wanna be Kardashian. Who the hell inspires to be a Kardashian?" When Sammy raised her hand, I opened the next wine bottle.

Sammy laughed."Seriously, she wants to be a designer right? She's having experiences that she wouldn't at school. She's making connections, learning how the business works, getting her foot in the door. Worst case scenario, she can always go back to school." She finished.

I sipped slowly, thinking it over. "Maybe."

"And don't worry about Serena. They're not going to last. Any time you have to question another female and not your boyfriend, it's over." she said, as I tipped off my glass. "Give it a couple months and she and Ethan will be done. Then swoop on in there." Sammy tipped off my wine glass.

I laughed. "I will not be swooping. There's nothing going on."

"Y'all disappeared for awhile at the party. Reappeared together. Serena probably noticed if I did."

"We were together because of stupid Brandon and whore Jackie."

Sammy shuddered in disgust. "I hope Brandon strapped up. Jackie is petty enough to try to give him project twins."

I almost choked on the wine I was sipping. "Project twins?"

"When a guy gets two women pregnant at the same time."

"Ohmygosh you're stupid." I giggled finishing my wine.

"So do you like Uriel?" Sammy asked me.

"No! He's so... Tall!" I exclaimed the first thing that came to my mind."Having sex with him would be like climbing a fucking tree."

Sammy pulled out her phone. "You thought about having sex with him?"

"Ew, no. I was just saying." I went to drink my wine, but then remembered my glass was empty.

"You remember in elementary school when a boy would pull your hair on the playground to show you he liked you?" Sammy asked.

"No." I snorted.

"That's what it sounds like he's doing. Based of his Instagram, he's used to girls hitting on him."

"You're on his Instagram?" I asked, scooting closer to her to look at her phone.

"Yep. He has a lot of girls trying to scale his branches." Sammy showed me.

 "I'm not. I'm trying to go on vacation and have a good time." I announced.

"I don't even know who's playing in the super bowl, but have fun." Sammy smiled at me.

My smile falter slightly, knowing I was thinking about Christian and not the football game. Instead of questioning and over analyzing it, I just went with my feelings. I decided to have no expectations of myself other than to have a good time. That's all I intended to do.


  1. Reading about her and Christian feels like reading two siblings flirting. Ew..

  2. It's just weird. I miss her and Trevor.

  3. I miss her and Trevor as well. Just something about them.

    So many of these storylines are coming to a head.... these next few posts should be really interesting! :D

  4. I do not miss Trevor at ALL! Team Ethan!

    1. Me too! I'd even take Jake over Trevor - I know that goes against the masses, but I think he was just as manipulative, but in a different way - Running to big brother when he didn't like her actions - all in the name of caring for her. Jake was just possessive based on a past relationship. Communication has been the fault in all of Lily's relationships. I am curious to see how her vacation goes....

    2. He didn't run to her brother when he didn't like her actions. Comparing him to Jake is ridiculous

    3. But he did... he ran to Cam when he found out she was sleeping with Ethan, and he did it again when he found out she was with Jake - telling Cam there was drama a on girls night because Sammy also slept with Jake... if that isn't trying to manipulate the situation in his favor, what is?

    4. Those instances were years ago. They weren't even dating. I could see if he kept doing it. I don't think telling cam about Sammy and Jake sleeping together is drama, people talk about that all the time

    5. It may have been some time ago, but it proves the point that he was manipulative and I believe he continued to be when they were together.

    6. You're reaching if you think he was manipulative. He (nor she) communicated well, he was always trying to protect her and he didn't always do it the right way. But manipulative is just not in the story. He didn't try to plant ideas in her head, he didn't run away and throw tantrums to get her to run after hum (jake) those are manipulative situations.
      You don't have to like a character but using words that don't describe the character doesn't make sense. You could have called him a lot of things, his character wasn't perfect but manipulative is a stretch. It's like calling Ethan possessive or confrontational (obviously his character isn't that)

    7. I differ greatly - he didn't tell her he had cancer and ran away, in the name of protection - which I believe is a form of manipulation (synonyms: control, influence, use/turn to one's advantage, exploit, maneuver, engineer, steer, direct, gerrymander; twist someone around one's little finger)

      I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it! I do agree communication was lacking in all parties. As I said in my first comment, I believe he was just as manipulative, but in a less obvious way than Jake was.

    8. I don't think he was manipulative. Not tell her about cancer isn't manipulative in my opinion.- JJ

  5. Thanks for the long post! Jackie...ew. Trash. Serena, bye girl. So over her. I hope Will and Amber had a good time. Not missing Trevor. Anxious to see what happens with Christian. mum

  6. As much as I loved Lily and Trevor together, I don't miss him at all. I think a part of me will always be Team Ethan. There's just something about them that's so sweet.

  7. I really would like to see her with someone new. Sometime relationships that end should stay that way - in the past. I am interested about Uriel and what role he is going to play in Lily's life.

    1. Janay did say lily will end up with someone already introduced. He was at her birthday party but I think that was after Jana said that.

  8. I really really hope her and Ethan get together. They are too good to not be together.

  9. Lone sole over here, digging the Christian vibe. Haha. Even if it's just between the sheets for a bit! I'm over Trevor.

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  11. If it's not Trevor, I hope it's someone Lily has ZERO history with!!!! Ethan just really kills my vibe, and I can tell that Lily and Ethan back together might be a possibility... and I sincerely hope that is not what happens. Just too forced. Lily and Christian just seem like a completely unrealistic match for a real relationship, unless she/he moves to be in the same city (which is not in either of their personalities to do something drastic like that). And then Jake.... just no. hahah

  12. The lady doth protest too much where it comes to Uriel, I think she’s attracted to him.
    I agree with mum, I don’t miss Trevor and I’m anxious to see what happens with Christian.
    I wish Lily would date, not just one person but several. Go out, have fun, meet different guys and find out what she really likes, what she really should expect out of relationships how she should be treated. And then see if she finds a guy that deserves her or maybe go back to an old fling I would understand that.
    I think there may be something coming from Ethan and Serena can see it. She’s a dumb girl because she should’ve asked Ethan not Lily, whatever I don’t see that relationship lasting either.

    1. Yeah, I'd like to see what's up with Uriel, too. Especially since she's not fawning all over him and that's what he's used to. That could be fun to explore. mum

  13. I have a feeling this blog is going to end like your favorite sitcom that ended bad like 'mad about you' or 'how I met your mother'. Trevor was the love of her life and regardless of issues any other match will feel forced.

  14. is anyone else feeling uneasy about Justine? She's not her usual playful self. I'm scared for ,Janay don't you touch that cutie with your pen :-)

  15. I personally think Trevor should be in Lily's life. But right now I think it's good for her to live her own life and have fun. I think Christian is that guy that we all like having around because he's fun and gives us a good time. Not meant to last forver, but good fun for now.

  16. Is this post coming to an end? The posts have no schedule at all and seem to just be getting less and less, it will be a shame this is my favorite blog it's just disappointing.

    1. Maybe Janay isn't feeling 100% due to her pregnancy. That can certainly throw a schedule off the rails. Hope all is well though!

    2. Yeah especially if she's still in her first trimester. She could be nauseous, throwing up, tired and not just need a coffee tired but a can't keep eyes open tired. Hope she's good though it stinks to be sick

    3. Times 3. Hope you're okay.

  17. Janay, are you okay? We haven't heard from you since your last post which isn't like you at all! I know that you changed the posting schedule to Tuesdays/Thursdays but now 2 posts have been missed without hearing from you. Not complaining about the lack of posts just concerned about not hearing from you

  18. Same☝☝☝☝

  19. Agreed! Hope everything is okay!

  20. Janay, it would be nice if you let us know if you're okay and what's going on. It's not like you to be so radio silence.
