Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Let It Roll

"And let’s go all night, all night
Wake up the club and let’s go all out, all out
More drinks for us, toast for the good times
Where they last forever, we’re youngs, yeah the good times
Raise your glass, let’s all have some fun
Love is nice when it’s understood
Even nicer when it makes you feel good
You got me trippin' why our love is old
Come on baby, let the good times roll" Let it Roll by Flo Rida

It took awhile to convince Will to take Amber on a surprised trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. He had every excuse in the book to why he didn't think it was a good idea: it was too last minute, he didn't want to leave the kids while they were still in school, and he didn't think it was a good idea to encourage Amber's drinking. What ultimately made him give in was the same jab I threw at Amber. I told him Amber's partying of late came from trying to live the single life through her friends. I said she became a mother young and didn't have the most positive experiences with dating. I stressed how I believed she would slow down with all of it if she spent more quality time with him. While he thought it over, I assured him I would take great care of the kids while they were gone.

He agreed and we worked out the days. I knew Staci had Monday's off; I had to call and see if she was willing to take over Amber's shift so Amber and Will could have Sunday through Wednesday off. Staci agreed and I told her I owed her one. Next, all I had to do was call Sammy and get her to agree to help me babysit while I was at work during the week.

"I thought about what you said, and you were right. I needed to calm down and I'm sorry." I started off with an apology.

"It's alright. I know bringing up Trevor gets under your skin. I dish it out so I can take it too. You were really harsh on Amber though." Sammy stated.

"I know. She's my next call. I got Will to surprise her with a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I'm going to need you to pick her kids up from school and watch them til I get off from work while they're gone." I requested.

"Babysit?!? Fuck! It's not like you cheated with Will. Just say sorry!" Sammy exclaimed.

I laughed. "I am. But seriously, have you noticed she seems really unsatisfied in her marriage lately?"

"What makes you think a trip is going to help that?"

"They might need some time to reconnect. We should support her keeping her marriage together."

"We should?"

"Yes... At least for the kids sake."

"That's not a good reason to stay married."

"It's a good reason to try." I countered. "Look, it's hard enough having problems. It's even worse when your friends don't support you, or are constantly bringing up your ex when you're trying to move on..."

"Are you trying to move on?" Sammy asked me.

"This is really not about me."

"If you want me to babysit for free, you're gonna to have to hear what I want to say."

"How much do you want?" I bargained.

"$20. Per hour. Per kid. Or you could just hear me out without getting defensive and just think about what I say."

I sighed. "Fine. I'm listening."

"You're haven't dated, aren't talking to anyone and have no interest in meeting anyone new. So are you moving on or just biding your time waiting for a certain someone? 'Cause you convinced that someone to move on so unless you plan on telling him otherwise, you really need to move on." Sammy lectured me.

"Is that all?" I said, not really moved by her speech. Moving on to me didn't mean hoping in bed with the next guy like she was ready to do to get over Corey. As for as waiting for Trevor, I took the stance that if it was meant to be, it would happen. If Trevor and I reconciled pr of I got in a nother relationship, I'd rather it be right than right now. Until then, I was good on my own.

"That's it. Oh, you have to cook for the kids." Sammy added.

"No shit. I wouldn't subject them to your cooking."

"I wouldn't either... But shut up bitch."

"Love you too Sammy."

The next day, Will confirmed the trip itinerary with me. They were going to drive to New Orleans after the party and be back by Wednesday. After Amber dropped off the kids at school, she came and picked me up. We had to finished all the little errands for the party.

"I'm sorry for what I said." I apologized as I got in the car.

"It's ok." she started "I understand. I'm sorry too. I won't bring up Trevor unless you want to talk about him."

"That doesn't excuse me being a bitch. I lashed out and I'm sorry."

"I know. I just... Whatever you do, I just want you to be happy. You deserve that."

"I'm getting there but you deserve it too. Are you happy?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm trying to be."

"Keep trying. I have a feeling it will pay off." I encouraged her. Amber smiled weakly.

We finished our errands with just enough time to meet Rocky for lunch. We showed Rocky our costumes for the party. We decided to go as Mardi Gras theme gogo dancers. Amber's costume consisted of a gold low cut bodysuit with a purple feather skirt and green furry leg warmers. Mine was a strapless green corset, a gold tutu and purple furry leg warmers. She added a feathered headpiece that went perfectly with her feathered skirt. I chose a sequin Fleur De Lis eye mask. I was also able to find a king robe, crown and scepter for Ethan.

"Jordan was able to find a maternity Mardi Gras t-shirt for me." Rocky said, lack-lusterly. Jordan, Blake, Forrest and she were going to Shreveport for their parade. Rocky returned from the doctor who approved the trip, but Rocky didn't sound too excited about it.

"Are you nervous about meeting his family?" Amber asked, picking up on Rocky's tone.

"Believe me, anyone is better than the chick who left him at the altar." I added, lightly.

Rocky scoffed. "The pregnant chick is not much better."

"Who doesn't like babies?" I teased.

"If Ace brought home a pregnant girl, I would kick her out. If he knew it wasn't his, I would kick him out too." Rocky said, scathingly.

Amber laughed out loud, but when Rocky glared at her, she tried to cover it with a cough.

"Rocky, stop. Forrest would not put you in a stressful situation. He wouldn't have invited you if it wasn't cool. Just relax and have some fun before Ace comes." I reasoned with her.

She frowned up but nodded. I wanted to ask her if she spoke to Brandon about Forrest, but I didn't want to add to her bad mood. On my lunch break at work, I did call Forrest to make sure Rocky's trip would be relaxing and fun.

"Your parents know Rocky is pregnant right?" I asked him.

"It hasn't came up." he answered, nonchalantly.

"It needs to before y'all go down there. In fact, you should probably gauge their reactions before you decided to introduce them." I instructed him.

"It's not like I'm bringing home my girlfriend. We're just dating, remember? I'm introducing her as a friend."

"If I showed up with a man and another couple at a family event, it's safe to assume the guy is my significant other. So unless your parents are slow, they're probably going to assume the same thing."

"My parents aren't slow. They just know what they say about assuming."

"Well you don't have to assume what will happen if a hormonal, pregnant Rocky is stressed out during this trip at all- I guarantee I will kick your ass from here back to Louisiana. Got it?" I threatened.

"Damn Lily!" Forrest chuckled. "I got it. I'll take care of it."

"You better..." I said menacingly, before switching moods faster than Nicki Minaj. "Have a great trip!" I said, brightly with a smile.

"Or else?"

"Bye Forrest!" I hung up the phone with a smile before someone clearing their throat startled me. I turned around and saw Uriel, the guy I met on my birthday but didn't remember me.

"Dr. Harris?" he asked.

"Yes?" I said, keeping the annoyance out of my voice that he still didn't know who I was.

"I was told you were the one I needed to speak to. We're here to film a wellness video for at risk youth. We have all the film we need of the track- are we okay to start filming in the fitness center?" he questioned.

"Of course. I was told you have full access to all public areas." I answered. "You can follow me to the training room."

"I was actually just there but thanks for the offer." he said.

"Right... So I'll see you in there. I didn't see him the rest of the evening- I spent it updating the huddle board for the following week and checking client charts.

When I got home, I went over my final checklist for the party. I couldn't believe I hadn't even listened to the music Christian sent me. I was confused when I saw 3 tracks, but I realized 2 were a little over 2 hours. They were tilted Sophisticated, Less Sophisticated and Birthday March. I played the Sophisticated track first. It started off with a slow jazz song that merged into a band playing a somewhat familiar tune. When Michael Jackson started singing about shaking your body down to the ground, I recognized the song. I smiled as it merged seamlessly into a funky zydeco song. On one of the zydeco track, Bruno Mars started chanting "Don't believe me, just watch!". When a Jazz band cover of Uptown Funk came on, I picked up my phone to Facetime Christian. He didn't answer, so I left a text instead.

Me: I just played the Sophisticated mix! It's INCREDIBLE! You should produce music for a living... Oh right, you do! Must have forgotten or I would have never doubted you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! {heart emoji, blows kiss}

In the middle of the night, I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Christian Facetiming me. At 4 in the morning.

"Hey." I said, raspy, patting my hair down.

"You were sleep?" Christian asked, grinning.

"Yeah. I do that in the middle of the night."

"It's morning in Dallas."

"Whatever. What do you need?"

"For you to be in San Francisco for my single debut. Then you'll never make the mistake of doubting or forgetting me again." he said, quoting my text.

I laughed. "We'll see. I took the time off to spend time with my family."

"Bring them too. They're all over 21 right?"

"Specifically my cousin Bianca."

He couldn't hide his reaction in time. His face screwed up before he nodded. "Spend Wednesday through Friday with them and the rest with me."

"The game is Sunday."

"I'll take you."

"I'm going with my brother and dad."

"I'll drop you off then. San Francisco is closer anyway."

"I'll think about it."

"Don't think. Just come. I'm gonna take you to a boardwalk and shopping and the release party. C'mon..."

"I can't make decisions this early in the morning. I'll let you know soon. I promise." I swore.

He sighed, a look of frustration passing his face."Alright. Goodnight Lily."

"Goodni-" I barely got out before he hung up. I mimicked his sigh before laying down.

Saturday morning, I pushed Christian's attitude aside and focused on Ethan's party. Now that the party was that night, I started to get nervous. I started to question whether changing the theme, the menu and having costumes were good ideas. Serena was an event planner and Ethan's compatible ex- maybe we should have followed her lead and her notes...

I got over my doubt, knowing it was too late to change anything anyway. I went over to Amber's and Will's house first thing in the morning before Amber got off work to pack her bag for her. Will went over the kids' routine- when to drop and pick them up from school, bed time, snacks, bathing instructions- before handing me their backpacks and bags.

"Thanks Lily. I appreciate you doing this." Will told me as he helped me pack my bags.

"My pleasure. You know I have no problem babysitting them if you two want to have a regular date night. Talk about it on the drive." I offered.

"Our schedules work because when I'm at work, she's home and vice versa."

"Ok... Just something to keep in mind. See you tonight."

After I dropped off the kids' things, I finished the deep clean of my house I worked on all week. I changed the sheets in the guest bedrooms and made sure everything was tidy and kid proof. Afterwards, I packed up my car with all the party supplies. It was around 2 and Amber and I reserved a room at the hotel the party was taking place at. I was using it before hand to store the supplies and change for the party and the kids were going to have their own separate party. The one thing Serena didn't do was include them in her party plans. I assumed Ethan wanted an adult party, but I thought it would be cool to have them a part of the cake procession. I brought games and hired Resa, Jackie's daughter, to watch them.

I picked up a rested Amber and we went to the hotel, got checked in and began to get ready for the party. We were debating how to set up the tables in the ballroom when Sammy came and delegated how they should be set up efficiently with the buffet and the two bars on opposite ends. I was in awe of professional Sammy. It was a side I hadn't seen of her. I felt my nerves fade away as I relaxed.

All of our professionalism went out the window when we were left alone to decorate. Staci showed up with her daughter Cherish to help and requested music. After Cherish went to the room, we set up the speakers and played the Less Sophisticated mix. The intro was the same beat as Juvenile's Back That Thang Up. Popular hip hop and electronic music was mixed in with bounce music. None of us could New Orleans bounce, but we had a blast dancing and singing around to the music as we worked.

Lollipop by Lil Wayne was playing as I pulled out the costume I intended Ethan for to wear. I was dancing with Staci and we were both doing suggestive lollipop movement with the scepter when Ethan and Daniel, a guy who worked with Ethan, showed up. Ethan looked impeccable as always in a neat, tailored black suit. Daniel was more casual on khakis, a purple polo and a Mardi Gras themed newsboy cap.

"Wow. Is that the prize? 'Cause I need a costume." Daniel cracked.

Amber, Staci and Sammy burst out laughing, while I blushed and turned off the music. I turned back to them. Ethan didn't look embarrassed, mad or annoyed- he just wore a neutral expression as he looked around.

"Leave and come back in!" I requested.

"It's ok-" Ethan started.

"Please!!!" I begged him.

He did like I asked, while Daniel stayed in the room looking lasciviously at Staci and me. I ignored him, turned on the Sophisticated track and let the mellow jazz fill the room before calling Ethan back in.

He walked and again and flashed me a smile. "It looks great in here ladies. Thank you."

"This is your party music and I have your costume." I said, picking up the robe and crown.

"I'm in costume. I'm James Bond." Ethan retorted.

I shook my head at him wrapping the robe around his shoulders. "If Idris Elba is too street to play him, you shouldn't dress up as him."

He smirked as I put the crown on his head. The purple robe with the gold crown looked better than I imagined on him. The half smile he was sporting gave him a regal, sexy look. I smiled back at him, fixing the position of the crown, before Daniel called out.

"You're forgetting the scepter."

 I smiled while they laughed at me. I handed over the golden rod with green gems over to him. Ethan hesitated until I hit him with it. He finally took it from me.

"Do we need anything else?" Ethan asked.

"No. Just waiting on the food and the bartenders." Amber replied.

"Call if you think of anything else we need. Lily, you can play your music during the last couple of hours of the party." Ethan said before he and Daniel left.

Sammy was waiting for her girls so Amber, Staci and I went to the room to change. Staci wore a white with gold trim goddess costume that swept the floor. We did our hair and make-up before they left but I waited around for Resa and the other kids.

EJ and the Carters showed up first and I hugged EJ, careful to not get my body glitter on him. Albert was dressed in a white t-shirt, baggy jeans and a low fitted NY baseball cap. Deborah was wearing a blonde wig, an off the shoulder black dress, and a bejeweled glove. I recognized them instantly as Jay Z and Beyonce and complimented them.

"We're the original Carters. They just have more money." Albert said and I laughed.

"Who's judging the contest?" Deborah asked with a smile.

"Ethan... But Amber and I have a vote."

"Did you bring your hooverboard?" EJ asked me.

"No, but if you get your parents' permission you can hang out with me tomorrow and ride it." I replied.

When Resa arrived, I took the Carters down to the ballroom. Amber greeted them with beads while I checked on everything. The catering company arrived and was setting up the food and Sammy had the bartenders making daiquiris. By the time the party guest began to arrive, everything was perfect and ready.

Amber and I greeted everyone, handing out beads and checking out costumes. We made eye contact on the costumes we loved and hated. When Will showed up, I took over the hosting duties alone. After an hour, I relieved myself from the door, grabbed a drink and went to make a plate of food.

I joined Amber, Will, Staci, Mia, Dino, Jake, and Brandon at a table. As I ate, I watched the dance floor fill with people. Ethan wasn't one of them, but I planned to find him and get him on the floor sooner or later- even if I had to drag him out there.

I was finishing eating when Richard and Dominick joined us. I stood up to give Richard a hug.

"I never see you anymore! I miss you!" I told him.  I gave Dominick a hug too but less enthused only because I saw him at the boxing class almost every week. He must have recently had a fight because he had fresh bruises on his face.

"I almost didn't recognize you. What are you supposed to be?" Richard asked with a teasing smile.

"C'mere Amber." I stood on top of my chair. Amber did the same and we busted out some 70's inspired dance moves.

"Coyote Ugly. Extra ugly." Mia guessed. Amber laughed and swatted at her but I didn't even bother responding to her in her generic jester costume I saw 2 other women in.

"Spolied girls having a fit?" Dominick commented in jeans, a hooded swearshirt.

"And are you every boxer that Rocky Balboa beat up?" I joked back at Dominick.

Everyone laughed as Dominick claimed, "I won my fight."

"Barely." Richard said which caused Dominick to shoot him a glare.

"Go-go dancers." Dino correctly guessed. She and Jake were dressed like 20's gangsters. They both looked great.

"Y'all sit." I told Dominick and Richard before grabbing Amber's arm. "You wanna dance Amber?" I asked. She agreed and Staci joined us too.

We danced a few faster pace songs through. When a slow song came on, Will came to dance with Amber, Staci went to get some water, and I headed to Ethan. He was sitting, speaking to his dad and another gentleman without his robe, when I interrupted them.

"Excuse me, you took off your costume. That's a party foul that can only be remedied with a dance." I said to Ethan.

Ethan shook his head. "Nice try."

I open my mouth to speak, but his dad cut in. "Boy, when a woman ask you to dance, you dance!"

"Technically, she didn't." Ethan rebutted.

"Ethan, will you dance with me?" I asked with a smile.

He returned it slowly. "No. You know I don't dance."

"It's a slow song. Go." Albert order until he stood up.

"One dance." Ethan said, leading me to the dance floor.

"That's all I asked." I said

We found an area of the floor close to Amber and Will. They were holding each other tightly as they danced. I smiled as Ethan's hands found my waist and mine rested on his shoulders. We swayed easily to the slow jazz that filled the room.

"I feel like I'm stuck back at a high school dance." Ethan complained.

"I never went to a school dance so hush and let me enjoy this." I told him, gripping his shoulders threateningly. "Besides, I bet your dances played Usher, not Louis Armstrong. I love this song."

"La Via En Rose?" Ethan asked. "I thought you didn't like Jazz."

"I don't. I love Wall-E though." I said moving closer so we could hear each other over the music.


I nodded and looked up at him. "It's a Disney movie. You have to have seen it."

"What's it about?" He asked.

"On the large scale, it's about how wasteful we are and how the planet is fucked if we don't clean up our act. One the small and better scale, it's a robot love story!" I explained in his ear.

Ethan looked down at me with a smirk. "You set me up, didn't you?"

I was legitimately confused. "Huh?"

"The last time we danced, you accused me of being a robot. We had a disagreement about love last week. It just so happens a song from a robot love story is playing?"

I laughed so hard, I had to turn my head into his shoulder to compose myself. "No." I struggled. "My cousin called you a robot not me." I laughed harder when he gave me a "yeah right" look. "I wish I had thought of it. It's brilliant, but it's just a coincidence. Besides, I see your point about the compatibility thing."

"You do?" he said, smugly.

"I do. I don't think it's more important than passion, but it's probably equal." I compromise.

Ethan nodded and the song ended. I didn't realize my arms were wrapped around his neck until I went to pull away. He wrapped one arm tightier around my waist to stop me. "I see your point too-"

He didn't get a chance to say anything more before Serena, in a beautiful beaded belly dancer costume, tapped him on the shoulder. I took a step back from him.

"Can we talk?" she asked, looking over at me briefly. Ethan looked over too and I gave him an encouraging smile. "Good to see you Serena." I said before turning away.

I left them and the ballroom to gather the kids. In the hotel room, I gave them toy trumpets, glow sticks, and light up toys. They donned the masks, crowns and tiaras Resa helped them decorate. We then snuck down to the lobby and I called Sammy and Amber to meet a the rendezvous point for the cake. When we were all there and Sammy told us Ethan was ready, we lined the kids up. We lit up the sparkles on the tower of king cake and cupcakes as Sammy dimmed the lights in the ballroom. When the music switched to a marching band playing Happy Birthday Amber led the kids out waving a Mardi Gras theme feathered fan and I pushed the cart behind them.

Ethan smiled broadly when he saw EJ leading the pack of kids. He picked him up and watched me as I rolled the cake in front of him. He mouthed "thank you" to me before we all joined along singing happy birthday. Ethan made brief eye contact with me before blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered before Amber and I got to work distributing dessert.

As we worked, Amber revealed to me how she thought Serena had the best costume.

"She made it herself." Amber informed me.

"I'm sure she did. It's not like she had a party to plan." I snapped, irritated.

"Ok... Well who do you think won it?" Amber asked gently, gaving me an odd look.

I took a deep breath. I pushed my irritation away, reminding myself I just wanted ever one to have a good time. I answered truthfully. "Dan the Jack and the box, The Carters, and Serena."

"Ok. I liked Serena's, Dan's and Jackie's."

"Jackie? Rocky's friend Jackie?" I asked, surprised. I didn't invite her because she wasn't on Serena's original list and I didn't think she would come without Rocky.

"Yeah. She's a peacock." Amber said over her shoulder. After we finished serving dessert, I took a tray of cupcakes up to the room with the kids when I took them back. When I got back to the ballroom, Ethan was announcing the winners of the contest.

"The winners, in no particular order, are Dan the Jack and the box, Serena as a belly dancer and Mom and Dad, as Jay Z and Beyonce. Come get your prize. Thank you everyone for coming out and celebrating my birthday with me." Ethan concluded quickly and everyone cheered.

The mic was cut off and the Less Sophisticated mix was played. Everyone got out on the dance floor when the music started. I watched Sammy and Corey, Amber and Will, Dino and Jake, Dominick and Mia, Staci and Daniel and Albert and Deborah out having a great time dancing. Then I saw Ethan and Serena. Ethan was smiling as Serena went through the Mardi Gras survival gift bag that I put together. I grabbed my phone and stepped outside in the lobby. I sent a text to Christian.

Me: All your mixes were a hit! I will never forget or doubt you ever again but you can still try to wow me in San Fran next week.

I put my phone away, deciding to stop thinking and throw caution to the wind. No matter what happened in the past or what would happen in the future, in the present, I was single. I had fun with Christian, there was nothing wrong with exploring that.

Feeling better, I headed back to the ballroom. I stopped when I saw Brandon heading out, all over some girl. Their faces were pressed together so I didn't recognize who he was with. I told myself he was single, it wasn't my business and kept walking until I caught the feathers on her ass out of the corner of my eye. All thoughts of fun left my mind.


  1. Rocky's friend Jackie!! 😮

  2. Ugh I hate the idea of Christian, he comes off as arrogant. I don't think he's worth a fling

  3. There is something uneasy about Brandon and Jackie being together. But Ethan and Lily, it seems like a possibility but as long as Christian would bugger off.

  4. Lily and Ethan are totally going to happen...wish Serena didn't show up to end their conversation too quickly

  5. I think Lily and Ethan are so natural together. They give one another good balance. Can't wait to see how they fall with one another :) So glad to see she is moving on from Trevor!

  6. If lily and Ethan get together it will feel like she's settling. He would be nice to her but what's the fun in just nice. Lily will always be checking herself if she was with him, making sure she is acting grown up enough.

  7. Um didn't amber have a feathered skirt also

  8. I'm surprised Serena showed up. Aren't she and Ethan on a break or something?

  9. I bet it was Brandon and Jackie (Peacock costume = feathers). Ohhhhh boy.

  10. Janay, I think you meant Idris Elba, right?

    1. I sure did, but butchered it! Thank you for pointing it out.

  11. I hate Ethan for lily. He's so arrogant with her and he tells her what to do. They would not be partners.
    I actually kind of love Christian! I hope it works out!

  12. I'm actually excited to see where things with Christian go.... What if he's the one that could've been? Didn't he want to ask her out in college, but didn't because of Trevor? Maybe that's where all the bad blood towards Trevor & Lily's relationship was coming from? I know it doesn't excuse his behavior. I'm open to see where things go from here.
    So what did Ethan want to say to her? I don't know about him, he made me really mad when he assumed lily had an abortion..... i don't think there's much ther anymore at least not from lily.

  13. Is Lily going to tell Rocky about Jackie!???! AHHH the suspense is killing me!

  14. Replies
    1. Today is the first post for this week. And we're still waiting for the post that was supposed to be up Sunday. Does that mean that we get three posts this week to make up for the missed one Thursday or are we just continuing with Tuesday and Thursday? Not complaining, just curious as to what to check for :)

  15. Can't wait for the new post! I don't think Lily should date Christian at all. For one, they live in separate states. And second, she should really take Forrest's advice about dating outside her circle. Christian may be distant from the circle, but he's still in it. She needs to date someone totally new, with no connection to her friends or former lovers.

  16. Hope everything is ok?

  17. I hope everything is ok!!!
