Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bad Habits (Intro)

"Have you ever loved somebody
So much that you was just too blind to see
Past, all of the pain they was causin' you
Ladies do you feel me (do you feel me)
Have you ever loved somebody
So much that you went against the right things that you should do
Then it's time to make a change" Bad Habits by Destiny's Child

Do, do, do, do, do, do..."

The beginning strains of Flawless played on my Houston playlist in Forrest's SUV as we headed to Houston for Rocky's baby reveal. The reveal was on Sunday afternoon, but we decided to head down Saturday to spend the rest of the weekend with Rocky. I was taking full advantage of the fact that I was the DJ while Forrest drove. It was Beyonce the whole drive down.

"I love this song!" I exclaimed excitedly as I turned up the volume. "I'm Beyonce, you're Nicki."

"No." Forrest shook his head as he drove.

"Alright, you can be Beyonce and I'm Nicki." I conceded.

"No thanks, I'm good." Forrest chuckled.

"Fine." I then proceeded to sing both parts, complete with dance moves. Forrest tried to ignore me, but he failed to hold back his laughter, so I knew he was entertained.

When the song ended, Forrest turned to me. "You know Beyonce is not the only artist from Houston?"

I gasped, like that was the most ridiculously thing I ever heard. "Who else beside Queen Bey?"

"Scarface. UGK. Getto Boys."  Forrest listed.

"Don't know them." I shrugged.

"They're before your time. Paul Wall, Chamillionaire, Mike Jones?

"Ohhh! Destiny's Child!"

He started to merge onto the exit.

I chuckled. "Are you kicking me out the car because I don't know them?"

"No, I'm pulling over because there's a bakery that was featured on the Best Thing I Ever Ate. It's a show-" Forrest started.

"My aunt's TV stays on Food Network. I know. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" I said, excitedly.

10 minutes later, we walked into Collin Street Bakery and were assaulted with the alluring smell of baked goods. Forrest and I were both disappointed to find out the food featured on the show was Fruitcake, but we ordered one to say we tried it. We also got sandwiches, chips and drinks.

As we waited for our food, Forrest studied the menu.

"What do you think Rocky will like?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I'm sure she had cake and pie on Thanksgiving, so neither of those. She's not a big cookie fan, she loves chocolate. Fudge?" I suggested.

Forrest kept looking. "What about Pain au chocolat?"

"Ooo, get me one too!"

Forrest smiled before getting back in line. He was ordering by the time the food was ready, so I grabbed it and went outside. I put Justine on her leash before letting her out. I fed her and gave her water before sanitizing my hands and separating Forrest and my food.

When Forrest came back, we sat on the back of the SUV and dug into our lunch.

"I wish I could make bread." I declared, while still chewing on my turkey and cheese on jalapeno cheddar bread.

"I wish you could too, then you could make bread for me." Forrest replied.

"Get your girlfriend to make you bread. Did you ask Rocky to be your girlfriend yet?" I asked him.

"No. We're dating. She doesn't want to commit to anything right now except for being a mother."

"Right... What's up with me having to invite you to her gender reveal?"

"She wants me to be there, but doesn't want her mom to know she's dating." Forrest explained.

"Ahhh." I said, nodding my head. Forrest face looked uncharacteristically unreadable, so I asked, "Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah. What's new with you? How was your Thanksgiving?" Forrest asked, changing the subject.

I thought about the fight with my dad, the talk with Bianca, hanging out with Christian and the break up with Trevor. Technically, we were already broken up, but I finally was letting go hope that we could work it out. After our talk, I passed out in bed. I don't know if it was exhaustion from staying up all night, but I didn't shed a tear. Trevor's words hurt, but I didn't get emotional. I used his words as fuel to move on. The following morning, I returned Dominick's emails setting up a time to move. Instead of calling Jenna back to talk, I spent my energy packing up my things before Forrest came and picked me up.

"It was ok. Just lots of food, family. Nothing too crazy." I smiled weakly.

He gave me a searching look, but only nodded and we finished eating in silence. We saved the cake and got back on the road. Forrest surprised me but hopping in the passenger seat.

"This is your lesson on Houston Hip Hop. No more Beyonce." Forrest explained as he played music from his phone.

On the remaining stretch to Rocky's mom house, I was properly educated and enjoying Houston rap. There were a lot of songs I heard before, including Paul Wall's "They Don't Know". It was playing loudly when we parked outside the house. Before I could turn off the engine, Mama Smith was opening the front door, eying us suspiciously. I stepped out and waved at her.

"Lily! Is that a new car?!?" She stepped out, pointing to the Forrest's SUV.

"Not yet." I said, letting Justine out the car. I walked up to Mama Smith and gave her a hug. I pulled back before introducing Forrest and Mama Smith.

"This is my friend Forrest." I said, as Forrest stuck out his hand. "Forrest, this is Mama Smith."

"Nice to meet you Ma'am."

"Rene." Mama Smith corrected, while sizing Forrest up.

"He's the owner of the car until I can convince him to trade with me." I smiled.

"Trade what?" Rocky appeared at the doorway. Even though Rocky complained about feeling bloated and swollen all over, she looked amazing. All her extra weight was in her baby bump, which looked like it grew since the last time I saw her. I quickly rubbed her stomach before she swatted my hand away. She hated anyone rubbing her stomach.

"Apparently she thinks I'm trading cars with her." Forrest answered Rocky, giving her a brief, one armed hug. Rocky looked uncomfortable with the hug, which was mire suspicious if she would have just hugged him back.

"Please? I love sitting up high. And the cops can't look into my car and catch me ridin dirty." I begged Forrest.

"Whatcha know about riding dirty?" Mama Smith asked as she ushered us in her house.

"What you know bout purple drank? What you know bout' poppin' trunk, neon lights, candy paint?" I rapped.

Mama Smith cracked up while Forrest apologized.

"Sorry. I introduced her Swisha house on the way down."

"Why would you do that?" Rocky clicked her tongue at him.

"As that a Houston thing? Teach me how to do it." I said, clicking my tongue too.

Rocky ignored me while I looked around the house. It looked just like Mama Smith- funky, youthful and fun. Tons of animal prints, African artwork, and incense burning.

"You have a beautiful home Rene." Forrest complimented Mama Smith.

"I was just thinking that. You need to come in Dallas and help me in my house." I commented.

"You want a African theme living room?" Rocky smirked.

"No... maybe a wild safari bedroom."

"I feel you. Maybe some vine and a swing." Mama Smith suggested.

"Oh God." Rocky muttered while Forrest and I laughed.

Forrest gifted Rene with the fruit cake and Rocky with the chocolate croissants.

"Thank you so much Forrest." Rocky gleamed, digging into her treat enthusiastically.

"My pleasure." He smiled at her. They were so freaking cute, I couldn't help smiling too.

"What's this for?" Mama Smith broke up the moment. I looked at her- She was holding the fruitcake up with disdain.

"It's supposed to be really good fruitcake." Forrest responded.

"So? Why do you think I want it?" She questioned him.

Rocky's eyed widen and Forrest was lost for words. I rolled my eyes and spoke up. "Forrest is a good ol' southern boy. He was raised not to go into someone's house empty handed."

Mama Smith clicked her tongue. "Y'all want a drink?" She said, heading to the kitchen.

Rocky and Forrest looked at each other while I practiced clicking my tongue. They both turned to me.

"What? I wanna learn how to do it. It says so much without saying anything." I chuckled.

As we drank sweet tea, Mama Smith informed me everything was ready for the gender reveal. She was more excited about the plans for that evening- the family was going to see Creed and then out for dinner.

Forrest left us while we freshened up to get checked into his hotel room.

"Man, hold up." I said, in my best slang accent.

"Please stop." Rocky grimaced at me.

I laughed. "Seriously though, what's up with you not wanting your mom to know you're dating Forrest?"

"You know how she is. She'll make me and him uncomfortable. It's not worth the drama."

"Are you really not going to commit to him until after you have the baby?"

"Y'all talked about me?" Rocky glowered at me.

"Not really. I asked when he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend." I responded calmly.

"We're getting to know each other. No labels. Is there something wrong with that?" She asked me in a tone that was daring me to contradict her.

"Nope. I'm outta of it." I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

And I kept to my word-I stayed completely out of it. We drove to the movie theater and Rocky gave us a lack luster tour of the ward she grew up in. Mama Smith was quick to show off the improvements, but lamented the changes of the historically black neighborhood.

"They built all these townhouses and apartments and black folks can't even afford to live here anymore." Mama Smith declared.

"They increased house value and education rates too, damn them." Rocky added, sarcastically.

"Obviously the education was fine. You have a smart ass mouth." Mama Smith said back.

"#Thanksgiving Clapback." I said under my breath to Forrest. He nudged me.

"I learned that from you Mama." Rocky continued.

"Hold up- Will I be able to order codeine at the movie theater? Is it called lean, sizzurp or purple drank? Do I just tell the snack attendant I want that drank in my cup?" I interrupted them.

"Child be quiet."

"Lily shut up!" They both turned on me.

Forrest and I smiled at each other.

We meet up with Rocky's brothers, Ramon and Riley, and their mixed group of friends. Rocky introduced me to the people she knew. One of Riley's friend openly leered at me. I was wearing jeans and a blue blouse, but he made me feel completely under dressed.

We bought the tickets and snacks before making our way in the theater. I hadn't seen any of the Rocky movies, but Creed made me wanna go back and watch them. On the way out the theater, cops guarded the entrance. I never felt unsafe in Rocky's neighborhood, but the cop presence at the crowded theater put me on alert.

Our next stop was a restaurant that was soul food served cafeteria style. Everything smelled and looked so good, I let Mama Smith decide what I would eat. I ended up with oxtails, greens, macaroni and cheese and sweet potatoes with cornbread. It was life changing good.

Mama Smith tried to coax me into trying her chitlins, but would not tell me what it was. I tried it and thought it was pretty good with hot sauce.

"It's intestine." Ramon informed me with a smile.

I nodded and kept eating.

"You really like it?" Forrest asked surprised.

"I eat muendo. It's stomach. Why wouldn't I like intestine?" I answered.

"You never smelled them being cleaned." Rocky made a face.

"That's why I don't cook them." Mama Smith declared, watching as Forrest and I traded my greens for some of his pinto beans. We already swapped oxtails for fish. "Y'all are just friends?"

Forrest coughed on the bite of food he was eating and I patted his hand.

"We're getting to know each other. Labels aren't important." I quoted Rocky while she stared daggers at me.

"I heard that. Did Rocky tell you about the guy I was seeing? He had the nerve to talk about marriage. I shut him down immediately." She laughed.

We ate and chatted before Forrest went back in line for dessert for us. As soon as he left, the leerer sat in his spot.

"You liking Houston?" He asked me.

"So far." I said, shortly.

"Don't be shy Lily. She loves it." Rocky cut in. "Dying to try lean."

It was my turn to stare daggers at her.

"Yeah? I can hook it up." He offered.

"No thanks. We leaving right after the party tomorrow. Forrest has to be back for work. Bae works too hard." I declined, holding back my grin at Rocky's face when I called Forrest bae.

"What about you? When's your next vacation?" He asked, ignoring my mention of Forrest.

"Vacation? Is that a different language? My boss is so demanding, I don't even know what a vacation is. Is that French?" I said, quickly as Forrest made his way back.

"I know a little French. You can't spell Oui without U and I." He said with a grin before returning back to his seat.

Forrest sat down, puzzled by my traumatized face and Rocky and Mama Smith peals of laughter.

"What happened?" Forrest asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head while they continued to laugh.

After we ate, we went back to Rocky's mom house. Mama Smith looked at me strangely when I didn't go with Forrest, but I told her I didn't want to leave Justine alone. I was outside with Justine when my phone rang. It was Christian, so I answered.

"I got an interesting call today." He began.

"Oh yeah. Did Katy Perry finally hit you up? Cause if Calvin Harris can snag Taylor Swift, you should be able to pull Katy Perry." I teased him.

"I didn't reach out to her, but thanks for putting me on the same level as Calvin Harris."

"Anytime." I smiled.

"Why does Trevor think we hooked up?" He asked.

"He called you?" I gasped.

"No. J-Mike did. Telling me how fucked up it is to go after you. How even though you and Trevor are broken up, there's bro code and shit."

"Urgh, what happened to decent human code? Does that exist? Cause I'm sure that says to mind your own business." I groaned.

"Bro code supersedes human code. Sorry." After a moment, he continued, "How long have you two been broken up?"

"Since September. I hadn't really accepted it til recently." I confessed.

"I told J-Mike Trevor should talk to you. I didn't know what else to say. I assumed Trevor would have known about- everything."

"I didn't tell him. It's not for me to tell. I don't even know how he found out we talked." I said simply.

"Pete. He posted a video of us dancing to Three's Company Too."

Besides everything, I smiled at the memory. We were throwing around songs about threesomes, and that theme song was stuck in my head.  Blamed the Kava tea at the time. Christian mixed the vocals over a house beat and we laughed and danced along.

"I'll tell him the truth if you need me too." Christian offered, interrupting my thoughts.

"Don't do it for me. It's not necessary." I assured him.

"I'm sorry-" he started.

"Don't be. Hell, I'm sorry. For Bianca and Trevor and his... goons." I sighed.


"Yeah. I'm in Houston for Rocky's Baby gender reveal. I've been listening to a lot of Swisha house. I'm not sure what the right vernacular would be."

"I don't think goons and vernacular would be in the same vernacular." Christian pointed out.

I laughed. "Probably not."

"Listen to Travis Scott."

"He's from Houston?"

"The suburbs of Houston. More your speed."

I grinned. "Alright. Thanks Christian. Goodnight."

"No. Stay trill."

"Right! Stay trill."

I went back into the house and joined Rocky in her room digging into a slice of fruitcake. She was too full for dessert at the restaurant. She explained how she got full quickly as she moved further along in her pregnancy. She basically snacked all day.

"This is shockingly good. Want some?" Rocky said.

"No, I'm still full." I laid on the trundle next to Rocky's bed, unable to stop thoughts of Trevor from filling my mind. A loud sound from outside got my attention.

"What was that?" I asked.

"A car. Calm down. I've seen more codeine overdoses than gunshot wounds." Rocky laughed at me.

"Good night Rocky."

"How do you say good night in French?" Rocky asked.

I flicked her off.

The next day, we got up and got everything ready for the party. I went to the hotel to help with the set up while Forrest snuck in some time with Rocky. Everything was black and yellow with cute little bee decorations. A huge banner hung at the entrance that read "What's it gonna Bee?" In the middle of the room was a big bee Pinata. Mama Smith informed me that it was filled with confetti and candy, either pink or blue to symbolize the baby's sex. She explained at the end of the party, Brandon and Rocky were going to break the pinata together.

"Brandon's going to be here?"

"Yes, his family too. They might be throwing the lame baby shower, but my party's gonna be lit."

I was sure it was going to be when Wiz Khalifa started playing from the sound system. I went up to Forrest's room to change for the party. I borrowed Mama Smith's knitted black skirt with a wide yellow stripe at the bottom. I wore my own black long sleeve top, black stockings, and black booties with it. The waves in my hair came back with a vengeance after I had it chemically straightened, so I pulled it all up in a high ponytail. I was finishing my makeup when Forrest arrived. He switched his plain t-shirt for a polo.

"You ready?" He called to me.

"So ready." I smiled.

At least, I thought I was. Nothing could have prepared me for coming off the elevator and meeting eyes with Trevor in the lobby.


  1. Oh god, now Trevor is going to think shes with Forrest too.

  2. please more posts on rocky and forrest, they are my favourite. Happy new year

  3. I find Lily's behavior to be so immature in this post. If I were Rocky or her mom I would've told her off with her lame attempts to be cute. I love this blog and look forward to every post because of how realistic they are but lately it seems like its nonstop drama. No one can have all this drama each day.

    1. I find you immature and annoying. Relax, it's a fictional blog.

    2. To the second anonymous - just because someone has a different opinion doesn't give you the right to insult them. Grow up and say something constructive. The first anonymous stated her opinion respectfuly. Cant say the same about you.

  4. Lol I love it! Can't wait for Trevor to hear that Forrest is Lily's bae! I hope lily tells him off if he acts like a jacka$$.
    I like Lily when she's silly and having fun, she needs more fun in her life.
    I kne Christian wasn't the one that told Trevor he was hanging out with Lily, I'm glad you cleared that up.
    Happy new year Janay!

  5. Was so happy to see a new post woo hoo! Thank you and happy new year :)

  6. I think Trevor thinks the worst of her (last post) to cover up his guilt over his treatment of her since he got sick. I think I would have told him straight, I don't care if you think I'm hooking up with Christian. Last i checked, my single status is solely you. You don't get to dictate now or be mad about what I do. I hope she sticks to her guns about not being friends with him anymore. And needs to tell him off for the bs from their last conversation. Seriously. Prick.

    1. I agree with this completely! He does not get to be angry, but I really wish someone would set him straight and explain to him there's nothing with Forrest or Christian and that he has no right to be angry with her regardless (although if my ex got together with someone we were hanging out with while we were together and told me not to worry about I'd be super pissed). I still love Trevor but he's been acting like a jackass for months and gets worse and worse, the sick excuse is old and does not mean he still can't be accountable for his actions. He needs to get his shit together! And see how much he hurt her and continues to!
      Also I love that she didn't fall apart after this talk! She is being super immature in Houston, but still think she's getting grown up.

    2. Yes to all of the above!!

  7. I'd really like to see Trevor making a fool of himself and be embarassed. How he behaves lately are so frustating!

    And happy new year! :D

  8. Everyone needs a time to be an idiot and immature with their friends. She's always been a bit of a clown when it comes to the group. I think that's why J-Mike bothers her so much. He is worse, but they're a lot alike in personality I feel. lol

  9. I don't know if it is because the word "immature" has a negative connotation to it, but it really bothers me that everyone keeps calling her that! (could also be because I am 7 months preggo...lol) She was being her silly self and having fun for the first time in a long time. Everyone needs to let loose and she finally got to.

    Trevor is an ass and I anticipate more douchy behave from him.

    1. I only call it immature cause I also refer to myself that way when I'm in a hypertastic and playful mood. I act like a kid. Lol

  10. Ok, so I NEED to know what happens next! Love Trevor, but I'm also getting over him. He has some serious groveling to get back on the good side. But in all seriousness, what happens next. ;)

  11. I don't know, I disagree with most. While Trevor had no right to tell her he was mad and hang up, he still has a right to feel a little betrayed that she's hanging out with the jerk (he was written as one before the last post) he clearly still has feelings for her he just can't tell her off like that when he insists on staying friends only.
    Maybe because I'm just not like that, I Don't hope he makes a fool of himself at the party. I hope they talk regardless of if they get back together they were good friends and he was the only one that ever seemed to really love her. I think it would be far fetched that he just get written out, but authors do that a lot. People were all about writing off rocky but now they are cool about her back. There is a full story and whatever it is still has to play out

    1. I see what you're saying, but, she was trying to get information for Bianca, which was none of Trevor's business. She told him the truth about Christian, and he didn't believe her. Yes he has the right to feel betrayed that she's on speaking terms with him, but he has zero right to react the way he did. He didn't ask. He accused. That's the difference. If he had called her and said "so, what's up with Christian? I know you two are hanging again. I thought you told me there was nothing to worry about. Did you go to California to be with him?" then it would be a different story than how he handled it.

    2. Yes I agree he didn't have a right to get mad and tell her, just like I said above. I still think he has a right to be upset he just needs to keep it to himself, like I mentioned

  12. I'm confused about the posting schedule. I read Janay's last post and still don't know. I wish the writer would at least respond. She went from conversing with readers all the time to being MIA.
