Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Under Control

"I'll never forget that feeling
When I watched you disappear
When you made me stop believing
I could fight away the fear
Now the smoke has cleared
And the end is near
It was my illusion
Like a broken dream I was incomplete
But your love was never missing
I feel like I am breathing again
I feel like I am seeing again
I feel like I am breathing again
I got it under control" Under Control by Ellie Goulding

The scrutiny I received outside the gated community Christian stayed at was nothing compared to the huge guy who opened the door for me. He looked me over, from my wind blown hair to the top of my booties. I was seriously regretting not calling Christian from the car and letting him know I was here. I was worried that if I just parked on the driveway, the overzealous security guard would have apprehended me for casting the place.

I somewhat understood the security guards reluctance to let me in the community. I had to look down at my phone to remember the address of the house, I gave Christian's name not knowing he wasn't the home owner and I was driving Bianca's 98 Pontiac Grand Am that was in desperate need of a paint job. After a phone call, the guard opened the gate and gave me instructions on how to get to the house. I drove off after he wished me a good evening. I wasn't aware that was just the beginning of my struggles.

"You from 4play?" The guy finally asked me when his glance fell on my face.

"No..." I hesitated.

"I didn't think so." He replied, looking me over again.

I crossed my arms, skived out by his appraisal of my body. "Christian invited me." I informed him.

He opened up the door for me and gestured me in. Before I could even look around, he shoved a pen and a stack of papers at me.

"Initial every page, sign where it's highlighted, then I'll go get Christian." He instructed me. I looked down at the paper. "Nondisclosure Agreement" was in bold print across the top.

"Uhh, can you just go get Christian for me? I'll wait outside." I offered.

"I don't care where you wait, you still need to sign-" he blustered at me.

"Chill out scrap." Christian appeared, coming to meet us in the doorway. I sighed in relief at seeing him and smiled when he grabbed the agreement out my hand and shoved them back to the guy.

"I told you we need to tighten up." He scowled but took the papers from Christian.

"I told you she's cool." Christian replied before turning to me. "Lily, this is my manager, Hugo. Hugo, this is Lily."

Hugo snorted before leaving us.

"I would have signed it, if you wanted me to."

"Nah, you're not grimy and I got dirt on you if you decided to be." Christian said, leading me through the house. "You want a tour?" Christian offer.

"No, I just bought a house. I don't wanna be house shamed." I replied as I surveyed the room we were walking through. It was monochrome in black and white which strange artwork that gave it a weird futuristic vibe.

"Congratulations. Get me the address and I'll send you and Trevor a potted plant." He responded with a smile.

"What is 4play?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"A strip club." He replied,

"Ok...Should I be offended or pleased Hugo didn't think I was from there?" I questioned.

He stopped and gave me look over too. "You just don't dress like a stripper."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

We stopped in the kitchen. It was state of the art, with all types of cool looking gadgets I didn't recognize. My years of bartending did make me able to pick out the expensive bottles of champagne and liquor. A loud ruckus of cheers and laughter rang out as we stood in the kitchen. "I didn't  mean to interrupt the party."

"You're not. My manager is partying while forcing me to work on my album."

"So you are putting an album together?"

"I did put an album together. C'mon." He led me outside to the massive backyard. There was a pool, a gym, a trampoline, a huge sitting area and a back house that was a separate recording studio. We walked into the studio where a group of 3 guys were hanging out, listening to music and smoking.

It was awkward as first, not knowing any of the guys he was hanging with but his friends were super smart and funny. They were YouTube and Vine celebrities that made humorous videos for a living. I learned that's how Christian got his break. After college, he moved back east and produced background tracks for their videos while looking for steady work. When a video went viral, so did the song and the rest was history.

Between listening to Christian's new album and drinking Kava tea, I loosened up. We were all joking and laughing and making fun of Christian's manager. Just my 5 minute interaction with him provided me enough evidence to agree he was a douche.

Hugo was making Christian add another track to the album that I thought was already amazing. The album was a infectious mixture of EDM and hip-hop featuring big name stars and underground artist I never heard of. His manager thought it would be a good idea to "cash in" on the Noelle scandal by making a song about threesomes. I couldn't help much with the creative process, but I enjoyed listening to beats and trying to keep up with their fast paced humor.

By 4 o'clock in the morning, everyone dispersed until it was just Christian and I digging for beats. We left the studio for the backyard sitting area. I chose an oversized oval cushioned wicker chair and he sat across from me in a lounge chair. We sat there, in silence, before I asked, "What the fuck was in that tea?" I didn't realize the effect of it until it was wearing off. It made me relaxed, comfortable and in a great mood.

"You're supposed to ask that before you drink it" he chuckled at me. "It's kinda like liquid Xanax."

"You drugged me!" I exclaimed.

"No. It's all natural. Besides, it makes these kinda talks easier."

"You didn't drink any."

"I'm high."

"Oh, right." I said, taking in his bloodshot and slanted eyes. I took that as my cue to talk.

"What's going on with you and Noelle?"

"We're taking a break. I could forgive her, but it's an impossible to forgive someone who feels no remorse. She doesn't think what she did was a big deal." Christian answered.

"Bianca says she's in love with Noelle. It's a big deal to her." I told him.

Christian made a face. "Tell her good luck with that."

"I'm sorry but I have to ask, do you think Noelle has genuine feelings for Bianca?"

"I know they're still talking. There's gotta be a reason for that. I just don't believe Noelle is capable of loving anyone more than herself."

"Fair enough."

"Can I ask you something?"

"What's good for the goose."

He flashed a little smile before turning somber. "How is Trevor? I wanted to reach out, but I didn't think he would want that." He said, looking embarrassed.

"Probably not." I concurred. "He's done with chemo. Has surgery soon so it's looking good."

"I'm glad to hear that. Let me know if there's anything I can do." He offered.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I should get going. My flight is soon."

"Are you ok to drive?" He asked, watching me struggle to get to my feet. It was because the chair was so comfortable- I could have curled up and went to sleep on it.

"Yeah- I'm ok." I stretched.

"I still have things to figure out with Noelle. I let you know when I do." He said, standing up too.

"Thank you Christian" I paused and looked up at him. "You shouldn't get back together with her."

"You're not just saying that because your cousin loves her?" Christian asked with a smirk.

"No, underneath the asshole suit you wear, you're a decent guy. You deserve someone who cares about your feelings, even if she doesn't agree with them."

He nodded and I gave him a hug before we walked to the front door. I waved as he watched me leave.

I got back to Bianca's apartment with just enough time for a 10 minute shower. When we arrived at the airport, I turned to Bianca.

"I takes more than love to keep two people together. Before you go all into a relationship with Noelle, make sure she's all in too." I said.

"I will." She nodded. I gave her a hug, told her that I loved her and left.

As I waited for my plane to board, I checked my voicemail. Rocky left me a message asking me to invite Forrest to her gender reveal. Trevor called to wish me a happy Thanksgiving. My brother left me a message wanting me to call him back when I was ready to talk. Jenna left me a message too, apologizing profusely saying it was all her fault. That definitely took me by surprise and I was tempted to call her back, but I was too tired. I did call Dr. Pereira, my therapist, to see about setting up an appointment for the day. I didn't want to wait another week to meet with her. I had so many things going on in my head I really needed to talk them out.

On my layover in Vegas, I got a message from Dr. Pereira office saying she could see me at 4pm. I called back to confirm the appointment before ignoring the notifications on my phone.

By the time I got to Dallas, I barely had time to pick up Justine and change before it was time for my appointment with my therapist.

"Thank you for seeing me today Dr. Pereira." I said once she escorted me back to her office.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" She asked me as we sat down.

"It was uneventful. The day before was not." I admitted.

"Tell me what happened."

I told her about my confrontation with my dad after finding out he was engaged.

"When we last spoke, you weren't ready to face your dad. What made you change your mind about seeing him?"

"I didn't." I replied. I explained to her how I originally thought my brother had set me up. Now, thanks to her message, I believed it was was Jenna.

"I didn't think I would see him. I really went to California to see my cousin. She's... in her first homosexual relationship with my friend's girlfriend. Or ex, they're taking a break because of her relationship with my cousin." I explained.

It was weird saying it out loud. It was weirder calling Christian my friend. We weren't really friends, but hanging out with him made me see we could at least be friendly.

"I'm trying to be supportive of Bianca but I don't see this ending well. She just, she just doesn't see it. I don't understand how she doesn't see what a fucked up relationship she's in." I said, frustrated.

"Perception is our reality." Dr. Pereira commented.

"I'm... not sure what that means." I said, thoughtfully.

"Perception is based off what we believe, think and feel. That's how you and Bianca can see the same relationship in two completely different ways."

"But... perception doesn't change the truth, does it?" I said, confused.

"Perception can alter reality. For example, last time I saw you, you said you weren't ready to see your dad." She paused to look at her notes. "You said that if you saw him, you would be angry and ruin the holiday correct?"

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Now tell me what he said or did that made you upset?"

"I felt... cheated. Like everyone gets to move on with their life and be happy while I'm stuck here in therapy, trying to figure out what's wrong with me." I explained.

"I understand your feelings, but what did your dad say or do to make you feel that way?" She pressed.

"I don't know." I said, tearing up.

"Lily-" she started, reprovingly.

"Fine. He didn't say anything. It was me." I brushed away an angry tear.

She nodded, handing me a tissue. "You have to be conscious of your own perception. The world and the way we see it is reflective of who we are and what we want it to be. It drives your behavior Lily. Eventually, you become the person you think you are. Who do you think you are?" Dr. Pereira asked me.

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't. The only things I ever thought about myself were flaws. I honestly thought of myself as my mother's and father's mistake, my brother's burden, my friend's flunky, and my significant other's inferior. I never felt good enough for any of them. I lived with the fear that one day they would abandon me.

Tears were streaming down my face now. Dr. Pereira handed me another Kleenex. "Together we can work on where the negative feelings about yourself come from, but ultimately, it's your choice-You get to decide how you choose to live."

I cleaned my face off. "Ok."

"I want you to write down who you want to be. Start thinking, feeling, and believing it. Change your perception and I promise you can change your reality."

I nodded.

When I got back to the apartment, I went for a long run with Justine. When we got home, I settled in on the couch and began my list. Confident - I never wanted insecurities to hold me back. Patient- I was so impulsive, especially when I was unhappy or mad. Honest but tactful- that would help me control my emotions. I stopped and read over my list. When I realized I was focusing on the things I lacked, I took some time to write the things I liked about myself. I added adventurous and generous. Trustworthy and open hearted. The last thing I added was loyal on my list before my phone rang.


With everything going on over Thanksgiving, Dr. Periera and I didn't even talk about my conflicting feelings about Trevor. I didn't want to keep blowing him off, and we still had our party to plan, so I picked it up.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hey. You can answer your phone."

"Sorry, it's been a crazy few days." I replied.

"Yeah? You've been having a lot of those lately. How crazy was it?" He asked.

I frowned up, detecting a little bit of a weird tone in his voice. "You know, just traveling and going home."

"I don't know. I haven't been doing a lot of traveling lately."

"Traveling during the holiday. I'm sure you can imagine." I responded. There was definitely a tone. I panicked, thinking something was wrong.

"How was your Thanksgiving?" He asked, strained.

"It was good." I said, waiting for him to tell me why he was upset.

"Just good?"

"Yeah, just good. What's wrong with you?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing. Just wondering how long you've been lying to me?" Trevor responded, pissed off.

"Lying about what?" I asked shocked.

"How bout not knowing whether you had to work on Thanksgiving for starters?"

I sighed deeply. "I'm sorry I lied. I just didn't know what I wanted to do for Thanksgiving-" I started.

"When did you decide you wanted to do Christian?" Trevor cut me off.

"Trevor stop and listen to me. I wasn't in California to see Christian." I tried to explain.

"It was just a coincident?" He asked, bitterly.

"No, it wasn't-" I said, truthfully. He cut me off before I could finish.

"I didn't think so. Last thing I knew, you weren't talking to him."

"Will you let me explain?" I said, getting angry that he wouldn't even hear me out.

"It's fucked up that the one person you told me not to worry about when we were together is the same guy you're hanging out with now. It makes me wonder what else you were lying about." He said.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. It took everything in me not to say anything as he continued his rant.

"But you know you can do whatever you want. We're not together. I don't even care that you're hanging out with him. You don't have to lie to me anymore."

I waited after a couple moments of silence before I began. "You're right- I shouldn't have lied about the whole Thanksgiving thing. I should have been honest with you from the beginning."

"So you're with him now?" He said, sounding devastated.

"No. I'm not. Do you even believe me?"

"Why were you with him then?" He said, disbelievingly.

"I don't have to explain myself. Either you believe me or you don't."

"I think you owe me an explanation."

"I don't owe you anything Trevor. We're not together, remember? My friend would believe me." I calmly told him.

"I don't believe you. Have a great life with him." He said before he hung up on me.

Tears sprang to my eyes. I blinked them away and wrote one last thing on my list.


I needed to get over my fear of being alone. I wanted to know I could be fine on my own. Not just fine, I wanted to be happy. I had to start thinking and acting for myself.

The first step towards that was ending the friendship I thought I had with Trevor.


  1. Oh gosh. How did he know??

    1. Christian probably touched base with him, asked how he was doing, then mentioned he saw Lily - totally a douche Christian move that I can see happening.

  2. I think that's the best idea I've heard! I'm wondering how he knew though?! Ugh.

  3. Trevor is such an asshole. I seriously hate him. Christian seems like he could be a friend to her, I hope they hang out more as friends only and trevor sees it on social media :)

    1. He obviously still has feelings for her with that little tantrum

    2. Yeah, but how did Trevor even know lily was hanging out with Christian? She didn't broadcast it, so he must have. He is soooo shady. And I agree with a poster below. Trevor used to be sweet and he has done a complete personality shift and I just don't get it. And I also agree that none of the other men Lily knows (Jake, Ethan, Christian) are appealing at all. Forrest is seeing to be ready to go off with Rocky (which seems pretty great.) And so that leaves...(drum roll please): J-MIKE. Um, no. Trevor and Lily breaking up was bad enough, but the friendship ending? So sad. The writing for this blog is great--why else would I be so invested in the characters--but I am finding it excruciatingly hard to read these days. The two of them together, either as friends or as lovers (preferably both) was the heart of this blog for me. I really hope for a happy ending, but I feel now like it won't be one that I would want.

  4. This is just weird though, you used to write him as caring and generous to her and sweet. Now you change his character completely!?
    He has no reason to talk to her about being upset she was with Christian, but he does have a right to being jealous or hurt that it was Christian, he just should have kept it to himself. There was probably some friend of noelle at the party that leaked a photo
    So this left no lingering possibility of her and Trevor getting back together so that crosses him off the list.
    Forrest sounds like he will be with rocky so that crosses him off
    Jake is obnoxious but he may still be the end guy (unfortunately)
    Christian sounds like there could be an opening but she would kind of have to follow him so less likely
    Guess that leaves ethan, boring robotic Ethan is winning and probably her end game :(

    1. You never know. My ex and I broke up, fought back and forth because they're are a lot of emotions. We eventually got back together. After a break up there is always high emotions, hurt, anger, love. Add cancer to that, and lily trying to find herself. A lot going on, but that doesn't mean it's over forever. Just for right now.

    2. I can see what you're saying, I know I've said and reacted to things the wrong way before to my husband him too at different times. People aren't perfect.
      I totally get that she is healing and with therapy she sees she can't be friends like before their relationship with Trevor but I don't believe people have to go find themselves and completely grow in order to be in a relationship, some people have grown and gotten over things while in a relationship

  5. That is who Trevor is, he doesn't want to be with her but doesn't want others to be with her either. Remember in college how he got Christian to stay away from lily?
    He's so selfish, and I don't care that he has cancer, he should still be a nice person.
    I'm glad she's ending this friendship with him. He doesn't get to act out like that, when it was his choice to end their relationship. I can't even imagine what he would do when lily finally moves on and starts dating.
    Maybe someone posted pictures of them hanging out on Facebook.
    But seriously, what makes him think he can get angry and call her out like that? And not even listen to her? I would be so pissed I would've hang up on him!

  6. She handled that conversation impeccably! ! Even with Trevor acting like the baby he is. I totally prefer Ethan right now.

  7. I could be wrong.... but isn't there random drug testing in her current job?

  8. Trevor lost his choice to care about who Lily was friends with, dating, whatever - as soon as he broke up with her. Even before they broke up, it's not healthy to tell a significant other who they can and cannot be friends with in the way he did.

    I was always #TEAMTREVOR - from day numero uno. And as much as I HATE to admit it.... I agree that Lily needs to end any kind of relationship with Trevor right now. Romantic or as friends. He needs a reality check. Having cancer is not an excuse to be a horrible, shitty human-being to the one person who was constantly in his corner - and for no reason at all. He needs counseling to face some of the hard realities he has been dealt and also for the ones he created for himself. Bye Trevor. I am hoping maybe, one day, they can get back together. But, I won't hold my breath.

    1. He never told her she couldn't be friends when they were dating, he finally told her the comments that Christian made and she chose herself to stop.
      Now that he wants to be friends and nothing else he doesn't get the right to tell her he's mad. I can see him being emotional about it and thinking maybe she always stayed friends with him, he can be jealous. He just can't tell her that, especially when he doesn't want more.
      It is funny how quickly everyone changes their opinion, when Christian was being a jerk to Trevor everyone hated him, now the author writes a couple nice things about him and everyone is all for him as a friend. Same with Trevor, he used to be written as the end guy but now he's written as the bad guy

  9. I'm sorry, I love this blog but I'm getting so sick and tired of it always being so dramatic! Why can't good things happen to Lily?

    1. Less dramatic posts don't get many comments

  10. *this is the second coffee mug i throw at Trevor's head*

  11. This is not to be snarky or rude, but since it's not going to come up in spellcheck [because both words would be correct] it's manager not manger (where Jesus was born). LOL - please don't be upset that I mentioned it, it's just used a LOT in this post. I love your writing.

  12. I think Lily handled that very well, she's really growing up and maturing as an adult, as she should.

    Figuring out her life outside of her relationship with Trevor is very important. She's doing the right thing. If Trevor comes around, apologizes for his behavior, good, if not, it won't be the end of Lily's world.

  13. Oh, girl. I wish you were able to post daily. There is just so much going on in Lily's life. You'd have the material. Guess we just gotta accept that you have your own life, too. Merry Christmas, all! mum

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ok I'm really not one to comment on anything but I have to because I started from the VERY beginning about a month ago and I so wish I didn't catch up because this is the best ever >>>

  16. Grrrrrrrrr! So much of the problems between Lily and Trevor would be solved if they just TALKED to each other instead of reacting blindly, which they both do. It is obvious they love each other, but everything between them has to be so extreme. So irritating. First Lily constantly carps on Trevor and pushes him away for MONTHS and he puts up with it. Then he gets ill and pushes HER away and blows hot and cold. If either would take a deep breath and open up, so much could be solved. I don't know what either is so afraid of. I know a lot of readers hate Trevor at the moment, but at his best, he is still the best choice for Lily, given all them men who have been presented in this story. Ethan is too cold (and has a GF. Jake is too macho (and he has a GF). Forrest has open stated he is interested in Rocky. Christian is just a jerk, plain and simple. Other minor players Blake, J-Mike, etc don't have any chemistry.

    I loved reading about Lily and Trevor because I lived the same scenario; I became romantic with a longtime just friend. We have had our ups and downs, but for me, I would have a hole in my soul if I lost him, so working on our relationship is worth it. It sucks to read the story right now because Lily and Trevor seem so out of sync and I can't believe either would walk away from their relationship so cavalierly.

  17. Would be nice for you to take a second and let us know if you are taking a break or when we can expect a post....

    1. Her posts just get later and later I have a feeling this blog is going to be yet another one to just up and end without notice.

    2. I have to agree. The author used to post so regularly and if she was going to be late or miss a day she'd let us know. Now it's completely random if we'll even get a post. Makes me sad too because I love this blog. I look forward to it, checking it daily,...it's my favorite.

    3. Yea and when she does post she doesn't even comment on the fact that she has been inconsistent. I understand and respect that she has a life and things happen. This isn't her obligation but it would be considerate of her to at least us know she won't be posting for a while. It's so sad to see all these blogs just disappear...just when they are getting good.

    4. I completely agree with this. I know it's the holiday season and everyone is busy. I don't expect the author to post because real life is more important than a fictional blog. I love this blog and would like an update every now and then. Like other readers I am confused about the posting schedule. It use to be 3x a week, then we moved to once a week which is fine. I would love for the author to address our concerns.

      That said, it is weird that the author has been so quiet. I hope all is well with her and her family. She is usually very much into conversing with the readers but recently she's been very quiet. I hope the author have a safe and happy new year.

  18. Please give us an update soon. I hope you're okay.

  19. I like how Melissa put it. An update would be nice but respecting the author and her normal life whether it's a party or tragedy that's in the way of her writing at the moment is also important.
