Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thriller (Rocky's POV)

***I apologize in advance for the errors. I didn't proof as much as I should and between driving and cooking, I won't be able to get to it until late tonight. Enjoy the holiday or hump day and there will be another post Friday night!***

"They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side
They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial
Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together
All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen,
I'll make you see
That it's a thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller
Thriller here tonight" Thriller by Michael Jackson.


"I got the rest. You stay inside. It's pouring out here." Forrest said as we brought in two crockpots from his car to Amber's house. Amber held the door open with a cluster of balloons in her hands.

I smiled in greeting to Ethan and Will who came outside in the rain to assist us with the rest of the food.

"All this rain is going to ruin my Monster Ball." Amber complained as we set the food in the kitchen. "Well, Halloween ball since y'all are not monsters." She glared at Will and Ethan.

"Yeah, we are. Monstars." Will pointed out.

"Do you know what that means?" Amber asked me.

"No idea." I said, unwrapping a watermelon Lily carved up like a pumpkin with a monster face.

"Michael Jordan? The Looney Toons." Ethan supplied me.

"Oook" I nodded, pouring the cut up fruit around the watermelon as instructed so it looked like the monster spewed it out.

"That's creative." Forrest complimented me.

"That's all Lily. She probably won't be here Amber." I informed her.

"That's a shame. I bet she would have understood our jerseys." Ethan commented.

"I get it. I just forgot about that movie. Charles Barkley was in it too right?" I remembered.

"Right. He was the leader of the Monstars. Which one of you is Charles?" Forrest asked them.

"Me." They both responded.

"No, you're Patrick Ewing." Will pointed at Ethan.

Ethan shook his head. "That would make you Muggsy Bogues, not Barkley."

Will chuckled, incredulously. "No way." before they argued back and forth.

"Can we get back to my party. Will, Ethan decorations please? Forrest and Rocky y'all got the food." Amber barked.

"What are you going to do, masta?" Will asked her with a smile.

"Take care of your kids, how bout that?" Amber snapped back, before sashaying away.

"That's what I'm talking about. Unnecessary-" Will said to Ethan as they left the kitchen.

"So..." Forrest started.

"Food. Lots of it. Let's get to work." I clapped.

Forrest and I made a pretty good team if I say so myself. He anticipated things I needed and set up trays the way it made sense without me giving instructions. It was a welcomed change in dynamic- someone just doing what needed to be done no questions asked or directions needed. It didn't help the fact that now I couldn't look at him without thinking about what Lily revealed to me. It amazed me he wanted to ask me out. Though he was a nice guy, why would he want to date me? Why willing sign on for pregnancy and baby baggage? I didn't get it...

"Rocky!... earth to Rocky. Come in!" Forrest called me, ending my doubt while bestowing on me his perfect smile. His face was a work of art. As if his eyes (a brilliant shade of my favorite color green) weren't enough to draw me in, he had full, sensuous  lips, an adorable chin indent, and a light brown skin tone that had my mouth watering for coffee flavored ice cream. My craving had nothing to do with my pregnancy...

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Ice cream." I blurted, grateful that my blush wouldn't show on my brown skin.

"Do you want me to run and get you some?" He offered.

"No... did you need something?" I asked him, changing the subject.

"No. I was curious about the party last night? How was it?"

"It was nice. Lighthearted- what Trevor needed before chemo."

"And Lily? Was she ok?"

"Yes. She and Trevor disappeared together, so I'm hoping she talked some sense into him." I commented.

"I guess." Forrest said, half-heartedly.

"You don't sound very happy about that." I said, stopping to observe him.

"I don't like the way Trevor is treating her."

"I don't either, but I've never been diagnosed with cancer. I really can't judge." I said defensively.

"I get that. Really, I do. I can't begin to imagine what he's going through." Forrest started. "But I can't excuse what he's putting Lily through. He had to know how much it hurt her when he left. How much it continues to hurt her. She doesn't deserve that, regardless of the reason." He said. The inflection in his tone made me suspicious.

"Forrest, do you have feelings for Lily?" I accused him, heatedly.

The expression a wolf in sheep's clothing passed my mind. That's one of my mama's favorite sayings. She always had me on the hunt for potential predators. Whether it was a teacher, a preacher or a mild manner boy, she taught me to never take things at face value. The one's that tend to do you the most harm would smile right in your face.

That was my initial impression of Forrest when I first met him- a wolf in beautiful sheep clothing. Lily said they were just friendly, but I was instantly cautious. There were few reasons an attractive engaged man would be interested in being  "friendly" with a equally attractive single woman. Once I heard about the lunches they took together, I immediately knew what he was up to- He was playing the friend role to have a side piece before he got married. I didn't voice my suspicious to Lily, but I kept an eye on the situation and didn't discourage her from dating Jake. Maybe Jake was a wolf, but at least there was no disguising him.

I was thrown off when Forrest continued to hang around after Lily began to date Jake. Seeing him with Rachel assuaged my fear. She was the alpha in that relationship. He followed her commands like a lap dog. The chances of him trying to creep while devoted to her didn't make sense. As I got to know him, my fears disappeared altogether. I quickly realized there was no wolf bone in his body. He was... nice. Or at least I thought so.

Maybe now because there was no Rachel in the picture, he wanted a chance with Lily. He was using feelings for me to continue to pretend to be just a friend to Lily. I couldn't believe I almost fell for it.

Forrest looked stunned as I glared at him. "No. I don't have feelings for Lily like that." He flat out denied.

I curled up my lips, not knowing if I should believe him. His reaction didn't make sense. He cared too much about Lily. I keep pressing for a reason. "You sure do have strong feelings about what she deserves."

"Maybe I'm coming off strongly because I- I just know how that feels- feeling abandoned and like you're not good enough. Rachel put me though that when she left and whether he means to or not, Trevor's putting Lily though the same thing. I don't want her to feel like that." He reached over and grabbed my hand. "But I don't have romantic feelings. At least, not for her. I like you." He said, looking me deeply in my eyes and squeezing my hand, making his feelings crystal clear to me.

"Oh." I inhaled sharply. Wolf, sheep or in between, I believed every word he said. Before I could respond, Amber plowed through the kitchen and we pulled apart. She rushed passed us to the front door. She came back with 2 women and 3 little girls, chatting excitedly.

"Are y'all about done? Sammy's on her way and we need to get ready!" Amber asked me.

"Yes... food is set." I confirmed.

"Forrest, could you do me a huge favor? There's a scene setter I want in the backyard for the pictures. I was going to do against the fence, but it has to be under the patio..." Amber explained.

"I'm on it." Forrest agreed.

"No, have the pictures inside. No one is going to want to be out there when it's all wet and humid." I stated.

"Yeah we are. We gotta turn up outside since the man of the house said no drinking." One of the girls spoke up, holding up a bottle of vodka.

"I don't want liquor in my house at all." Will said, eying her, disdainfully as he joined us.

"That's why we said backyard." The other girl stated.

"We need to talk Amber." Will said, folding his arms.

"Can it wait? I need to get ready. Let's go girls! Keep an eye on the kids." She said.

I followed them into the bedroom before they dissolved into giggles.

"Ayy, you are right about him." Mia told Amber. "Why he gotta be a buzzkill. Literally?"

"It's one thing if you not wanna drink, we're all adults though. Don't parent me! I have a daddy." Staci chimed in.

"He stay trippin. I just ignore him though." Amber laughed it off.

I gave her a look that said, "bitch when?" but she played like she didn't see me. They poured glasses of wine while stripping off their clothes to get dress. Mia offered me one, but I shook my head.

"That's right. You're pregnant. One glass won't hurt." Staci shook the bottle.

"No thanks."

"Who's the one who's ex has cancer again?" Mia asked

"That's Lily. She's not coming though." Amber said, squeezing into her mini gold dress. It fit her body well, just more revealing then I was accustomed to seeing her in.

"Good, less competition. I call dibs on Forrest. His momma named him right. Those green eyes made me wanna climb him like a tree." Mia grinned.

"You can't call dibs when there's no other single mens. I'll fight you for that! He was checking for me anyway. You couldn't tell?" Staci declared.

They all cackled while I smiled, unfazed. He just told me his green eyes were checking for me. Beside, Forrest was an educator- he wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't know men was already plural.

"Don't forget about Brandon. He's single too." I pointed out. I could get Forrest out of their sight and myself out of Brandon's. Two birds- One stone.

"Your baby's daddy? Please. You may put up with that, not me." Mia scoffed, giving me a side eye while sipping her wine. They all laughed again.

"Excuse me, I need to go change." I said, leaving before I went off on Amber. I was shocked she was airing out all our business to her pack of wild hyenas. I had no patience for their childish antics.

I went into the bathroom and changed into my costume. Maybe they felt comfortable changing in front of each other, but I was never for that. When I came out, Will was letting Sammy in. She said hello to me before going to help Amber with her make-up.

"Good luck." I wished her before I joined Forrest outside.

"Looking good. Need some help?" I asked Forrest as he set up props.

"No, go back inside in relax." He responded, stiffly.

"No. Those ladies are not good for my blood pressure."

"In that case, come hang some lanterns. Exercise is good for labor." He offered.

I grabbed a paper lantern and we worked in an odd silence. "One of those girls wants to climb you like a tree." I said to break the tension.

Forrest looked startled and confused. I snickered at him. "You know, forests have trees. Your name is Forrest."

"My name will be Forrest Gump if that happens- I'm running." He joked.

"Not your type?"

"No-girls like that are scary as hell. I tend to avoid them at all cost."

"Is that why you like me? I'm not scary?" I asked, bluntly.


"No, lie to me." I said, sarcastically.

"Alright... They are frightening with all the lipstick and big hair. It's like war paint and they're ready to destroy and conquer."

I chuckled. They really did look scary with all that make-up caked on, weave flowing and screeching like wild animals.

"You are intimidating but not scary." He concluded.

"How am I intimidating?" I smiled, slightly.

He thought about it, rubbing his beard. "It's just you're presence. Maybe confidence. Like you have your stuff together so I better too."

I thought about it too. "I don't know how you can think that. I have a child on the way, an ex that doesn't understand we're not getting back together and I'm sure that confidence will fade once I start waddling around." I said, laying all my concerns about us dating on the table.

He didn't even blink. "Besides all that, you soilder on with your head high. I admire that about you. I'm not trying to rush anything but I do like you. I like spending time with you. Do with it what you want."

"I want-" My sentence was cut off with Brandon barging outside, with a werewolf mask and a red leather jacket matching my costume.

"There you are. Come inside and get off your feet." Brandon put his arm around my shoulder. "Hey Forrest. Wuz up?"

"Nothing much. Michael Jackson right? Nice." He said, calmly, no hint of irritation at being interrupted. I sure was annoyed by him.

"He's the only black werewolf I know." Brandon grinned.

"I'll be inside once I'm finished." I cut my eyes at Brandon.

"We're done. Let's head inside." Forrest nodded.

I went inside and greeted everyone who showed up. Brandon went to make my plate, but I essentially made it myself since he kept interrupting me to ask what I wanted. I sat down with Sammy and Jackie on the loveseat.

"Do you know what corner Amber found those two at?" Jackie asked me, nodding at Mia and Staci.

"Apparently they all work together, but I can't picture them at a hospital. Maybe Hoes R Us." I said.

"Where a ho can be a ho." Sammy sang to the Toys R Us theme song, that caused us to dissolve into laughter.

I know, petty, but Staci was pushing up on Forrest and he looked so uncomfortable. After I lost my appetite, I put my food away for later. I tried to save him by asking if he would help with the pictures for the kids. Unfortunately, the self-proclaimed unholy trinity of Amber, Staci and Mia followed us. Brandon tagged alone too, right at my side.

It was dark outside, so we needed the patio light. Amber replaced it with a purple light that was not working.  The unholy trinity started drinking while Ethan played with the light. Mia nudged Amber and looked his direction before Amber cleared her throat.

"Ethan, where's Serena tonight?" Amber asked.

"She had to work this weekend." Ethan asked.

"Oh, that's too bad." Mia cooed, deviously.

Will and Ethan got the lights on and they retreated back in the house. After I got a few pictures with the kids, I was stuck taking numerous pictures of the trio. It took a good 10 minutes with them posing and switching camera phones. They then uploaded the pictures to Instagram- captioning it: Serial killers cuz we stay slaying y'all.

"They're killing me for sure." Sammy muttered. Forrest and I laughed.

Dino came outside and they stopped hogging the camera to talk to her. As I caught up with Peyton, Brandon approached me. "You ready to go inside? Jake and Omar are here."

"You go ahead." I told him.

"I'm not leaving you and my cub unattended."

"I can handle myself." I argued.

"We're out here too man. Nothing's going to happen." Forrest added, politely.

Brandon eyed him, warily. "You had her stinging up lanterns man. She don't need to be doing all that-"

"I'm ready to go in." I said, not interested in hearing anymore.

We went inside, and I was surprised to see Lily with Amber and Amanda. We went into the kitchen and ate. I found momentarily peace while Brandon talked with Jake and Omar. Forrest brought me hot sauce before sitting beside me.

The peace was short lived as Mia made a backhanded comment about basketball movies being for guys. Sammy jumped right in, saying that type of thinking is why women can never be equal. Staci jumped in to defend Mia, saying some thing were girly and boyish. That started a debate I had no part of.

"You're not going to stick up for woman kind?" Forrest asked with a grin.

"Nah. What about you? Gonna stick up for being a man?" I smirked.

"I can't. I wanted an easy bake oven as a kid." He admitted.

"You didn't!'

"I did. 24 access to cakes and cookies? I was all for if it wasn't pink." Forrest admitted.

I threw my head back in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Peyton asked with a wide smile.

"Nothing. Just discussing gender neutral toys-" Forrest started.

"Forrest wanted an easy bake oven." I said through my laughs. Everyone laugh too.

"Thanks for emasculating me in front of everyone." He playfully put me in a headlock.

I shook him off. "You like sports and beer. That cancels it out." I smiled.

"No way man. I wish my son would ask for a girl toy. We're having problems." Brandon said.

"You know just because you're child has a penis doesn't make him or her a boy." Forrest said casually.

I caught on right away, and my eyes widen in surprise. That was out of character for nice guy Forrest. Forrest gave me a little smirk.

"What does that even mean?" Brandon said, perplexed.

"Caitlyn Jenner." Forrest responded.

"Oh hell no! Not in my home. It's not going to happen." Brandon exclaimed.

The thought of having a home with him made me nausea. I put my plate in the trash.

"That's not something you can control Brandon." Sammy snapped at him.

"Like hell it is..."

I took that opportunity to slip outside. Amanda and Lily followed me. The unholy trinity came outside to drink as well. There were mire concerned with likes on pictures and vodka to bother me. I looked at Lily, surprised she didn't join in on the antagonize Brandon club.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I could tell she was lying.

"No you're not." I said, thinking about what Forrest said earlier about what Trevor was putting her through. I knew he was being stupid, but it didn't hit me how cruel he was being till right now. I sympathize with him so much, I neglected how much he was hurting Lily.

"Can we talk tomorrow? Just let me be in character tonight. I'm a grouch." Lily begged off.

"Ok. Tomorrow." I nodded.

At the end of the night, I hung back letting Brandon think Lily was taking me home. In reality, Forrest drove me.

"You see what I'm talking about with Brandon?" I said.

"He doesn't change the way I feel about you. It shouldn't change how you feel either."

"I want you to know what you're signing up for. When the baby gets here, it'll only be more complicated." I sighed.

"I realize you have a lot going on. I don't want to interfere or add to any of that. I just wanna be a part of your life. However you see fit."

"However I see fit huh?" I repeated, with a smirk.

"You know what I mean. I want to get to know you better, if that's what you want." Forrest looked over at me.

"I want that." I smiled, thrilled. I cleared my throat when we just smiled at each other. "Anyway, I think you have something with that gender neutral toy idea."

"Me too. Blue easy bake ovens?"

"And pink tool sets?" I added. "I wasn't sporty, but no dad in the house and two lazy brothers meant I had to learn how to fix things myself."

"I didn't think of that. We need to patent this."

"I already have a slogan: Dicks don't define us." I said, with hand gestures.

"I see where you're going-we should probably work on that to make it more kid friendly." He laughed as we pulled up to my driveway. "Maybe we can talk about it over dinner? Next Saturday?" He asked shyly.

I agreed. "It's a date."

He smiled, broadly. "Yeah it is."

I leaned over and gave him a hug before leaving. "I'll talk to you soon" I promised.

"Ok. Good night Rocky."

I went into my house and watched him drive off. I smiled to myself, excitedly. A wolf Forrest was not and the prospect of starting something with him thrilled me more than I cared to admit.


  1. I like Forrest. I think he and Rocky could be good together. What was up with Amber's friends. They sound like the worst. mum

  2. I like the idea of them together, but idk I wouldn't want to start dating someone while pregnant. I'd probably say call me when the baby is 6 months

  3. I loooved this post! I'm over Brandon though. He's obnoxious

  4. Forrest and Rocky!! I really like them together!

  5. Aw that's great! Love can always come at bad timing but what is meant to be will be.

  6. Love the idea of rocky and Forrest!
    Amber is bugging me, I get that Will has his issues but I hate when people talk trash about their spouse to others. If she has issues with him she needs to go to him and maybe get out of the relationship.
    Also as someone coming from a family with problems with alcohol, there's nothing wrong with saying you don't want it in the house. Amber needs to grow up and talk to him not bad mouth him with her drunk friends

  7. I love Forrest! And how concerned he is about Lily. And I'm glad Forrest's romantic feelings are out there. I never felt there was any sexual tension between him & Lily, they are more like brother & sister.
    I actually feel bad for Brandon. He acted like a jack a$$ I won't deny that. But his girlfriend cheated on him, and then realizes she doesn't love him when she gets pregnant. That's not a fun situation. I think it would be really hard for him to see Rocky moving on with Forrest, while he's alone and wondering if this other guy is going to take his place as a dad. Can you find a girl for Brandon to fall in love with? That way they can both move on and be happy :-p
    Happy thanksgiving Janay! Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

    1. You feel bad for Brandon? After all he's done to rocky you feel bad for him? Yes she cheated but he chose to string her along, emotionally abuse her about her appearance, hook up with random women, and basically treated her worse than the gum at the bottom of your shoe and you feel bad for him? No woman deserves that treatment and Brandon is a loser. Who cares about his ending?

      If this was real life would you want to be with a man like that? Or what if rocky was your friend would you feel the same way?

    *kicking Brandon to the curb *making sure he stays there

  9. Yeay. But where the new post ����

  10. She said Friday. It's Thursday.

  11. It's Friday!!! Bring on the post!

  12. From the early posts & Brandons pic posts I never realized Brandon was so "gangster"/"street" wtv you want to call it....until rocky cheated...
