Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Dreaming With A Broken Heart (Trevor's POV)

"When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part
You roll outta bed and down on your knees
And for a moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering, "Was she really here?
Is she standing in my room?"
No she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The giving up is the hardest part
She takes you in with her crying eyes
Then all at once you have to say goodbye
Wondering, "Could you stay my love?
Will you wake up by my side?"
No she can't, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
Now do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my, roses in my hand?
Would you get them if I did?
No you won't, 'cause you're gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part" Dreaming With A Broken Heart by John Mayer


"T-Rev..." a shaky voice interrupted my peaceful rest. I immediately turned to where the voice was coming from. Only one person called me that, and even though I didn't want her here, I couldn't push her away.

Sure enough, it was Lily at my bedside. She was holding my hand in hers- I welcomed the warmth of her hands. Her hair was down, a dark curtain framing her face. Her lips were the same rose red color I loved to kiss of her mouth. I was debating whether I should do just that when a tear fell to her lips. I looked up at her hazel brown eyes, and saw that they were brimming with tears.

I wanted to tell her not to cry, but when I opened my mouth to speak, no sound came out. I tried to reach out and wipe her tears away, but I couldn't get out of her grip. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move a muscle. Panicked filled me as I realized I was paralyzed. I now understood what my dad meant when he said death would be better than being confined to a bed.

As I watched Lily's tears fall off her face and next to me, I realized I wasn't in bed. I was in a casket...

The image of myself in a casket jarred me out of sleep. The contents of my stomach churned violently, and I barely had time to lean over to the basin next to my bed before I puked the little bit in my stomach out. When my stomach finally settled, I pulled back and tried to relax. Since I was diagnosed with Colon cancer, percentages and prognosis have been thrown in my face. No doctor, nurse or family member brought it up as bluntly as my dream, but I always knew failure meant death. My dad was a perfect example.

Granny came into the room a few moments later after I got up to clean the basin. When I decided to move back to Wichita Falls, I didn't think living with my granny was an option. She didn't drive and I didn't want her to have to take care of me. I tried to stay with my uncle Jimmy but the country was too far from the hospital. I knew I had no choice but to stay with my mom. My granny surprised me and my mom both by telling me I could live with her as long as Jimmy could take me to my appointments. My mom hated it, but I stayed with my granny. My mom was over constantly, hovering like she had been as soon as I told her I had cancer.

"Try and drink this." My granny said, handing me a cup of ginger ale  with a straw.

I sipped on it while she checked my temperature, running her hand on my forehead. She wiped my face with a cold towel before offering me a handful of Jolly Ranchers. I shock my head. It was my rest week between cycles- the chemo is not what made me sick. The dream did.

I was horrified to find out I could actually taste the drugs being dumped into my body during my first round of chemo. You'd figure with my mom going through the same thing with my dad, she would be more prepared. My uncle Jimmy came with with a variety of hard candies for me. Jolly Ranchers helped the most.

My uncle was there for me every step of the way. It was fitting considering he was the one that made me get a colonoscopy. When my uncle questioned me on why I wasn't helping Lily out around the house, I told him the truth- half the time I was sleep and the other half I was content to let her do it. He lectured me at being responsible as a man. Part of that was getting a colonoscopy.

Jimmy had colonoscopy every year, something I should have been doing.  I never felt a need to have one. I only took it it so my uncle would give me access to the money my dad left to me. He had been in charge of it since I was a minor. When I turned 18, I let him handle it.  I could have just went over him, but I took the test so he would shut up about it. He kept going on about how did I expect to take care of a family if I couldn't take care of myself. It reminded me of Lily's dad and spurred me into action. I didn't even tell Lily. I was that confident I was fine. I didn't want to worry Lily, just throw the results in my uncle's face.

After my first test, the doctor showed me pictures of my colon. He pointed out what was healthy, and what was not. I didn't want to believe it when the doctor told me I had colon cancer. I didn't feel sick. I didn't have constant abdominal pain like my dad, I wasn't old like my grandfather, I never had polyps like my great uncle Jimmy. It didn't make sense in my mind. I quickly learned that cancer never did and the fact that I had a family history of it only increased my chances.

I didn't tell anyone that week. I had to figure out how I was going to tell Lily first. How did I tell her I had cancer? How could I tell her that all our plans- the house, marriage, our family- all that had to be put off indefinitely? Or permanently?How would she react if I tell her I was sick with the same disease that killed my dad?

I couldn't. I couldn't do it so I ignored it. I put it off as long as I could. I took Lily to Florida to get away from everything and show her a good time. I needed a weekend to remind her who I was before the chemotherpy and doctors and all the other cancer crap took over our lives.

I remember how much the cancer changed my dad. The chemo took this strong, stubborn, asshole of a man and turned him into a weak, pitiful guy I didn't even recognize. The first time I saw him cry was when he lost his hair. After that, his weight dwindled away till he was nothing but a shell of his former self. After all that, it wasn't enough to save him.

I never told anyone this, not even my counselor at the time, but I was glad when he was admitted into hospice. My mom wore herself ragged taking care of him and worrying about me. I tried to ignore everything and stay a kid obsessed with my computer games, but I couldn't escape the burden his illness put on all of us. It hung over us until the day he died.

When he passed, his bedside was surrounded by friends and loved ones, including me. At his funeral, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Everyone's life would be better now that he was dead. As ashamed as I felt about it, it was the truth. I didn't wish the experience of cancer on my worst enemy.

That's what made me decided I couldn't stay with Lily. I loved her too much to make her go through at best, chemotherapy and a future of uncertainty; or at worst, my death. It's funny how we were finally on track, wanting the same things and figuring it all out; when life came and kicked me in the nuts. We made so many promises to each other. I knew she would stay by my side if she knew I had cancer. She loved me enough to do anything for me-including giving up her dreams. That's what made me decide not to tell her about my cancer at all.

I knew how much she wanted to buy a house, get married and have a family. The money for our house would now be used for my medical bills. Even if I could have kids after chemo, I would never want them to deal with cancer: either with me or having the disease themselves. I couldn't be with Lily, subjecting her to this for the rest of my life- however long or short. Even if I survived the cancer, I wouldn't want to live with her resenting me for taking away her dreams. Even worse, I didn't want her to be relieved if I died.

Now that I knew what I had to do, I started making plans. The first thing I did was get in touch with an oncologist in Wichita Falls. After that, I broke the news to my boss and took leave and short term disability. I signed another lease with my apartments for 6 months. My chemo plan was several rounds of a 3 weeks-cycle before surgery. In 6 months, I should know if I was going back to Dallas or not. I paid the 6 months from the retirement money dad left so Lily didn't have to worry about rent.

The next step was breaking up with her. I gave her the tried but true, it's me and not you line. She didn't accept it. When she cried and begged me to stay, I couldn't leave her. I knew I should, I hated myself for not being strong enough to leave. I made love to her one more time, memorizing every curve of her body, knowing there was no one I would ever love more.

When she fell asleep in my arms, I held her one more time, letting the tears fall down my eyes, before I snuck out, leaving a note. There were so many things I wanted to tell her, but in the end, I stuck with I'm sorry. I drove home to Wichita Falls to start my treatment.

The first week of chemotherapy was hell. I was sick to my stomach and so freaking weak, it was hard to move. On a particular rough day, I couldn't make it to the bathroom on time. I would have laughed at myself if it wasn't so pathetic. My mom came into the room and automatically went to help clean me up. I told her I got it, and she made a comment about that was why she was here for me. I recognized her tone as a dig at Lily; I ignored it in favor of going back to sleep.

I received Lily's texts during that same time. It crushed me to not respond to her, but it was the only way for her to move on with her life without me. Her anger was the only way I could let her go. I texted Rocky to check in on her. When I listen to the voicemail of her crying, begging me to come back, I cried out of frustration and pain too. I changed my number and deleted Lily's number. It was too hard not to reach out to her.

By the end of the week, I went from barely functional to completely helpless. It left me angry and short with everyone. My granny came to check on me, but unlike my mom, she knew when to leave me alone. When I was able to stay awake longer by the end of second week, my cousins came over to hang out with me. They helped me set up my laptop and WiFi so I could email my friends my new number and work on my coding videos. It gave my something to do besides being bored and uninterested in anything else besides thinking about Lily.

By the beginning of the 4th week, my rest week, the coding videos weren't working. I was feeling somewhat like myself again and I was missing Lily like crazy. I was doing good, blowing of my friends questions about her, making it seem like I just didn't having feelings for her anymore and had to go into hiding when we broke up. Meanwhile, I dreamt about her all the time. The chemo hadn't affected my cock- I woke up hard fantasizing about her. My fantasy weren't about sex... ok, not all about sex, but about us being back together.

I made a mistake of looking at her Instagram out of longing. Seeing her out, dressed up, smiling and celebrating life with her friends- I didn't expect it to hurt so much that she was doing it without me. I reminded myself that this is what I wanted: her to move forward and be happy. I still wanted it for her, I just couldn't see it-It broke my heart.

I was sure that's why I was having dreams of my death now. It was my subconscious reminding me I made the right choice. It was easy to want to be together when I was feeling okay. I told myself I was starting chemo again next week. I needed to put all my energy into that.

"Thanks Granny." I said, wiping my mouth and putting down my cup. "I don't even know why I got sick. My body must be preparing for next week."

"Don't get worked up about it. The drugs are supposed to make you sick-that means it's doing its job." Granny lectured me before sitting on the end of the bed.

"I know." I sighed.

"Let me ask you something. Why haven't your friends come to visit?"she asked.

"They're busy. With work and their own lives. We talk on the computer." I fudged. They were busy and we did talk on the computer when I was able to. None of them knew I was sick though.

"What about that Lily girl?" She continued.

"We broke up." I said, truthfully.

"You know, your daddy never wanted kids." Granny continued.

"I woulda never guessed." I cut in, sarcastically.

"Hush boy. Let me finish." Granny shushed me. "He and your great uncle Jimmy were more like brothers than uncle and nephew. He looked up to him. When Jimmy decided he didn't want a family, your daddy followed in his footsteps."

"How'd I get here then?" I gave her a lopsided smile.

"You have to ask you're momma for that story. The point of my story is to tell you your life may not be what you planned, but it's what God planned."

"Oh, ok. God wanted me to have cancer."I said, upset.

"You every wonder why some people beat this disease and other's don't?" Granny asked me.

"Prayer?" I offered, bitterly.

"Yes. And attitude. Spirit. You're dad was miserable life didn't go the way he wanted. He always had a sense of entitlement that I admit was my own fault. When he got sick, he gave up. I don't want you to be like him."

I huffed, frustrated. "I'm not Granny! I'm here, taking chemo that makes me Goddamn miserable. You realize how much easier it would be to just die than have my whole life ripped apart? But I won't. I'm fighting for you and mom and everybody else so you don't have to cry over me in a casket and there's a chance that might still happen. I don't know what else you fucking want from me!"

"You watch your mouth in my house child. I have no problem washing your mouth out with soap Trevor Alan Tobin." She scolded me. When I just crossed my arms, she sighed. "You're family and everyone that loves you are here to support you but you don't do it for us. You do it for yourself and your future." My granny urged me.

"Ok. Granny. I'm gonna go back to sleep." I said, shutting my eyes dismissively. I understood what she was saying, but it was hard to fight for a future I no longer saw.

The next cycle of chemo was worse. I didn't know why I thought knowing what to expect would make it better. It was like knowing you were going to be ran over by an 18 wheeler, it still hurt like hell. The only time I woke up was to vomit. Sores developed in my mouth making it hard to eat and drink. One afternoon, I woke up because my scalp was burning. When I pulled my hand down from scratching, a clump of hair went with it. I sat there, starring at the hair in my hands for I don't know how long until my mom came in. When she came over to embrace me, I pushed her off and yelled at her. I don't even remember why- I was just fed up with being sick and tired that I took my frustrations out on her.

My uncle Jimmy stayed with me the rest of the week. He was the only one who could handle my bad attitude without getting upset like my granny and mom. Friday night, before I went to bed, I went to the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and It freaked me out how much I looked like my dad- my thinning face, sunken eyes, pale skin, and hairless head. I couldn't look at myself anymore and hurried to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night to sobs. I opened my eyes, annoyed, knowing it was probably my mom. When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was stunned when I saw Lily. I thought it was another dream, but I was covered in sweat, too dizzy, too nauseous and too exhausted to be dreaming.

"Trevor..." she hiccuped, reaching for my hand. I pulled away before she could hold my hand.

*Sorry it's later everyone. POV post are extremely hard for me, especially this one. As for a schedule, I announced awhile back I'm posting Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm trying to get back to 3 post a week, but it's that busy time of the year. There will always be 2 post a week, even if the days are not consistent.


  1. Wow, Janay. That was amazing, and painful.Great post, but really hard to read. I am on pins and needles about where this will all end up.

  2. Bawling. So so hard to read this, too many family members passed away from cancer.
    The fact you can make us feel so deeply shows the strength of your writing, loving this blog.

  3. What an amazing post. Worth the wait.

  4. Wow, you can really feel the pain in this post

  5. Im torn between feeling sorry for Trevor and hating him.

    Yes he had a traumatic thing happen to him as a child, and now it's happening to him and he wants to protect Lily from suffering, but DAMN he doesn't understand, and I understand why, neither have much experience with relationships, that loving someone doesn't stop when they get sick, and their goals as a couple didn't have to end because of cancer.

    I think they do love each other more than anything else, but I don't think they know how to love each other. If that makes sense.

  6. I don't feel sorry for Trevor. Why does he think after all their history together that this was the way to go? Why does everyone think Lily is so fragile and can't handle things? Did he honestly think that when she/friends found out that if/when he dies that wouldn't be waaaaay worse than if he told them

    1. I think what people aren't seeing her is a insecure hurting child. Trevor went through this with his dad and the guilt he feels from feeling more relieved from his death then sorrowful is where his reasoning is. Yes he should have kept her in the loop but everyone deals with dying differently, he really didn't want her to see him at his worse, I don't think it had to do with if she could handle it or not and more with what he didn't want her to have to go through.

    2. I would be the same way as Trevor after going through this with my dad. It terrifies me. Until you are in the position you can't really even say you know what you would do.

    3. Anonymous #2: Regardless of whether or not Trevor wants her to go through it, she's going too...either during or post-cancer if he were to die. How do you think she would feel if he died and she had NO idea? Way worse then being resentful of him during treatment...Trevor needs to realize he cannot HIDE or PROTECT her from this.

    4. While I get what you're saying it is still the memory he has of his dad that ultimately lead him to make that decision. Yes she would feel horrible if she hears he died, he honestly didn't think that through enough, knowing him he just hoped she wouldn't, who would have called her? His mom? Lol. she didn't look into why he left further, it was her brother who found out. What he was trying to do was keep her from witnessing him dying and turning into his vision of his dad. It was the witnessing dying not death he was worried about. Not saying he should have but everyone deals with it differently, he definitely is the hide away type

  7. Wow you really did a tremendous job. That was a really hard read ( I lost my dad to cancer 6 years ago) but so real and the feelings and emotions are so true. I really hope Trevor makes it...great job Janay.

  8. I was in tears this whole post. I can't wait to see what happens

  9. I am so upset about Trevor. What he can't see is he robbing Lily and himself of time together. Love is not easy. It's about being there for each other through the good and the bad. He was in a committed relationship. She wanted the house, family, etc., because HE wanted it. She wanted everything with HIM. And he is letting his mother and the rest of his family think that Lily is not being there for him and that is not fair to her at all. mum

  10. OMGGGGGGGG. Such a powerful post, Janay!!!!!

    I am so glad Lily went to see him. I am still mad at Trevor. Mad as hell. But, everybody deals with cancer differently. It is a very personal, very private experience and there is no preparing for it. He is doing what HE feels is right, whether we agree or not. I just hope that now that Lily knows and is visiting him, that he can see she is there for him and will let her in again!!! Gah, already dying for the next post!! haha

    1. **Just read the other comments, and I do agree that it's not fair that Trevor is letting his family (esp his mom) think Lily left him willingly. I understand he is weak, irritable, tired... but that is defaming Lily's character and that's not fair to her. Trevor's mom is such a miserable asshole. I hope she gets what's coming to her. Sorry not sorry!

    2. I see what you are saying but the post did say he told them He left her and made it seem like he didn't have feelings for her and that they broke up before. The thought did cross my mind that his horrible mother would think lily isn't there and she did in the first part, I think Trevor besides being in pain, thinks his bitc*y mom would complain regardless

    3. That is a good point, Anon! At some point, you can't reason with someone who doesn't want to believe you! AKA, Trevor's very racist mother! haha! Trevor prob shouldn't even waste his energy..!

  11. My dad just died from colon cancer last week, this post was difficult for me to read, but you helped me understand why my dad was angry sometimes. Thank you! Keep up the good work.
    - Erin

  12. Wow. This post was incredible. I still don't like what Trevor did. I think he owes it to Lily to give the truth and it was unfair of him to make that kind of decision for her. I think he should let his family know he left her without telling her, but this does make it hard to be really mad at him.

    Also, my newest post is up! Please check it out. It's a little more light hearted and less gut wrenching (Janay is such an amazing writer!!) than this post :)


    1. this is totally off topic, but I'm confused. Isn't the site you posted here Arianna's blog? I took a look at your name (Penelope) and you have two blogs under that as well. Which blog are you referring to? because crazy adventures hasn't posted anything new, but your penelope hart blog has. :)

    2. Ok i wasn't the only one confused about that either. I double checked Arianna's page just to be sure....

  13. I don't know I can wait for Thursday. This is so gut wrenching. I hope he sees Lily came to be with him and won't push her away again. It's not fair to Lily who want to be with him and there for him. Shoot, they were talking about marriage and that is "in sickness and in health, till death do us part." That does emotion does end just because you aren't married....yet. I hopeLily reminds him of that!

  14. Trevor is an idiot! And if I were lily I would slap him! And then kiss him of course.
    It bugs me that he thinks lily would be ok with not being by his side while he's sick. Did he really think she was never going to find out?
    I can't believe he has cancer, that makes me mad. I was thinking he got genetic testing and it came back positive or something.
    Not everyone gets sick with chemo nowadays, though. They give you pre-meds that help with side effects. And the first treatments are not that bad, the more you get the worse the side effects get. But yeah being depressed doesn't help, I've seen people that have a good attitude have an easier time with treatment.

    Great writing janay, as always, I actually feel bad for Trevor now ;-p


    1. My uncle has stage IV cancer. By his 2nd treatment his entire mouth was cover in sores, he could barely walk and he was throwing up. The only things that seem to help are smoothies that he doesn't throw up and a special mouth wash for thr sores. By the 4th treatment he already started losing his hair.... and I'm talking handfuls not just a few strands. In a matter of 3 weeks he didn't even look like the same person. He aged about 30 yrs.

      So yeah...maybe nowadays not everyone gets sick but a lot of ppl still do. It just depends on how strong the treatments are... how aggressively they are treating it.

      Treating stage I differs greatly from treating stage IV, as do the side effects.

      Also, yes.. cancer itself causes depression. So does the chemicals from the treatments. But what adds to that is the pain meds they give you.. like morphine. It changes ppl. It makes them hyper-aggressive and intensifies depression.

      Cancer runs rampant in my family. I've witnessed some who have handled it well, with low-grade chemo and slight side-effects to ppl who have reacted like Trevor. And yes.. its been nowadays.

  15. I can't stop checking!

  16. What is happening Janay? I feel that your writing is at its peak, but now it is slightly dimmed by not keeping to schedule. I am ALL for life happens, seriously! I myself have had a few rough weeks! It is just that you usually make excuse before the time and always stay true to your word.

    I sincerely hope everything is fine!

  17. Bloglovin shows new post but not on here :(
