Wednesday, September 23, 2015


"Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo
That's where you want to go to get away from it all
Bodies in the sand, tropical drink melting in your hand
We'll be falling in love to the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in Kokomo
Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go
oh I want to take you down to
Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo" Kokomo Kermit the Frog Version

Wednesday morning, I woke up early and made breakfast for Trevor and me. Surprisingly, Trevor was up early too and helped me in the kitchen. He said he was feeling better. I took the opportunity to scheme- I mean, plan- for Labor Day.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, but we still don't know what you had. Maybe you should take it easy this weekend." I said as I flipped an omelet. I knew Trevor had his heart set on going to Austin, but I really did not want to go to Christian's party.

"I'm fine." He replied, his back to me as he made toast.

"Amber was saying there's a stomach virus going around. If that's what you had, who knows if your still contagious. We should have a stay-cation. Get a hotel room, relax." I suggested. It sounded like a lame excuse even to myself, but I had to try.

Trevor saw right through me. "Why do I have a feeling this is about you not wanting to go to Austin?" Trevor asked, trying to study me.

I focused on finishing the omelet to avoid his gaze. "It has nothing to do with me not wanting to go to Austin. We're not attached at the hip. If you feel up to it, you can go without me. I just wanna make sure you're ok."I lied.

Trevor gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm great. 100% recovered, I promise. I'm going to leave Friday, be back Sunday and we'll still have time for a stay-cation if you don't want to come."

I forced a smile. "Sounds great."

Urgh, it sounded awful! I didn't want to go nor did I want to spend our weekend apart, even if it was only half of the time. I got annoyed with myself for being the type of girl who couldn't spend time away from her boyfriend. That decided it for me. I was going to happily let Trevor enjoy his time with his friends and reach out to mine about hanging out.

I got back on routine with my workouts: running with Justine and boxing classes. Dominick was there; we worked out together and he told me how he got into MMA. Afterward, I went home to get ready for work. Amber texted me, informing me her schedule hadn't changed for the holiday: the only day she would be off was Sunday. Rocky said she would have a small gathering at her house if we couldn't come up with anything else. She already invited Peyton and Jackie. I replied, telling her that sounded good and I would call her when I got off work to discuss the details.

On my lunch break, I texted Forrest to see if he had plans for the weekend. I wanted to invite Corey to hang out with us since he wasn't going to Austin, but I figured he wouldn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of girls. Besides, Forrest lived by Lake Lewisville now- maybe I could get him to host instead of Rocky!

Forrest: Thinking about driving to Shreveport this weekend to visit my fam. What are you up to?

Me: Trying to figure out what to do while Trevor is in Austin :-(

Forrest: Why aren't you going?

Me: Principal. Don't ask.

Forrest: lol why are you so difficult?

Me: I said don't ask lol I was hoping you would host a party at the lake. Break in the new furniture.

Forrest: I don't do big bodies of water. Y'all are welcomed to come to Shreveport. I can show y'all around and there's always the casinos.

Me: Wait... what? Why don't you do water? Did you have a near death experience?

Forrest: No, I can't swim. I stay away from water so I don't have one.

Me: OMG Forrest! I'm teaching you how to swim!!!

Forrest: lol, I don't need to.

Me: yes you do. You want kids, right? Every responsible parent should know how to swim.

Forrest: My kids won't be in water deeper than 6ft

Me: =:O
How long of a drive to Shreveport?

Forrest: 3 hours.

Me: I'll let you know.

Forrest: Try to find out tonight. The casinos book fast on holiday weekends.

Me: ok

As soon as I got off from work, I called Rocky. Neither one of us had been to Shreveport, Louisiana and she was willing to check it out. She got off the phone to call Peyton and Jackie to see if they wanted to make it a girl's weekend trip.

As Trevor and I sat down for dinner, Rocky texted me back. She told me she had the rooms booked at the Horseshoe Casino Resort in Shreveport, Louisiana for me, her, Peyton and Jackie. I text Forrest the news as I filled Trevor in.

"What's in Shreveport?" Trevor asked me.

"Casinos for sure. I'm assuming seafood and Cajun food which is good enough for me. It's where Forrest is from. I'm sure he'll know some fun spots." I said, putting down my phone as I finished my text. "Are you staying with Bilal in Austin?"


"Can you take Justine with you?"


Trevor and I were watching American Ninja Warrior on the couch when Forrest texted me back.

Forrest: I'll wait to leave on Friday so y'all can trail me out

Me: Yay! I'm so excited! Make sure you pack your swim trunks. The hotel has a pool ;-)

"Swim trunks?" Trevor asked me, reading the text over my shoulder.

"Yeah. He can't swim. I plan on teaching him."

Trevor nodded and went back to watching the show. My favorite contestant was on.

"That stunt man is going to win the whole show." I said, when he passed his stage.

"No, he took too long. I think the hippie dude is gonna win." Trevor argued.

"No way. He's too scrawny. Wanna put $20 on it?" I wagered.

"Bet." He said, and we shook on it.

On Thursday, I went through my closet deciding what clothes I should pack to take to Shreveport. It was harder not knowing what all we were going to do. Trevor was unusually quiet as I fretted over what to pack. In fact, he was quiet the entire evening. Over dinner, I asked if he was ok. He said he was, but I knew better. I could tell something was off.

"Do you still wanna have a stay-cation? " I asked from the closet. I kept talking when he didn't reply right away. "Check out at the casino is on Sunday at 11am, which puts us back in town before 3. I know it's one night, but we can go to downtown Dallas."

When I didn't get an answer, I turned to look at him. He was sitting on the bed, engrossed in whatever was on his laptop. He hadn't even looked up.

"Trevor?" I called him, snapping him out of his trance.

"Yeah?" He said, looking up at me.

"Sunday. Do you still wanna get a hotel room?" I asked again.


"Can you look into that? I was thinking Downtown Dallas. I'm not sure which hotel, but a really nice one. It can be our last splurge before we get serious and buy a house." I smiled.

"I'm on it." He said, returning his eyes to his laptop.

"Babe, what's up? You seem... I don't know... distracted." I said, lost. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I just felt it.

"Nothing's up. Just working." He told me.

I nodded and let him get back to work while I finished packing.

Friday, I joined Sammy shopping as she bought a few last minute things for Austin. The party was on Saturday, but Sammy was leaving that afternoon just to make sure everything was in order. She just found out Christian's girlfriend, Noelle, would be there filming for her show. That meant Sammy had to upgrade her outfits. I wanted to find a new dress, not for Shreveport, but for me and Trevor's night in Downtown Dallas. He had been so distracted lately; I wanted something that would guarantee his focus on me.

"Trevor's cool with you going to Shreveport with Forrest?" Sammy asked as we tried on dresses.

"First of all, if Trevor wasn't ok with it, do you think I would be going?  Second of all, why wouldn't Trevor be cool? He doesn't have a problem with Forrest. Third, and last of all, I'm not going with Forrest- Rocky, Peyton, Jackie and I are following him out there. He's showing us around. That's it." I explained.

"First, and only of all, bullshit! Doesn't matter if y'all are just friends or if he has a problem with him. Trevor's jealous." Sammy said, smartly.

"He trusts me like I trust him going to Austin." I told her, pointedly.

"I didn't say he didn't. Trust and jealousy are different. He can trust you and be jealous. Besides, you know I'm going to be in Austin. He won't try anything."

"He won't try anything because he loves me just like I love him. Now shut up and hand me that jumpsuit. It makes you look shorter."

"Fuck you Lily. Giraffe looking bitch" She snapped, but she took it off and gave it to me.

"Thanks shorty." I smiled before trying it on. It wasn't what I was looking for, but it looked good on me so I bought it (to spite Sammy a little too).

When we were done shopping, I gave Sammy a hug and wished her a safe trip and successful party. I packed a bag for Shreveport and an overnight bag for Dallas when Trevor and I came back. Trevor was leaving as soon as he got off. I wrote him a note telling him I loved him, drive safe and don't party to hard because I had plans for him on Sunday. I put his note in the bag he hadn't finished packing. I put my Shreveport bag in the car and went to work.

Dr. Fahri pulled me into his office when I came in. He told me that his new position started in October and I could expect to be interviewed in the next couple of weeks. I thanked him before I reported to Dr. Clayton.

I was thrilled when Dr. Clayton told me we were going to start closing down after our last appointment. Technically, the clinic was still open till 6, but he didn't anticipate any last minute appointments with the holiday.

After Adil left around 4, Dr. Clayton worked with my clients while he had me start the huddle board for the next week.

As I finished the board, Dr. Charles, or Vince, the guy I had onboarding training with, joined me.

"How well do you know Dr. Fahri?" He asked me as I pulled up the appointments for the following Tuesday.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously. I didn't know if anyone else made the connection that Adil and I went to graduate school together. I didn't think it mattered, but I wasn't advertising it at the same time.

"I don't know. You two seem familiar and he's always pulling you aside to talk. I think you're the only person that had set hours in probation."

"I had morning and evening shift. How is that set hours?" I asked, not pausing from what I was doing.

"I interned here. I know how coveted the morning shifts are. Kinda weird you got it off the bat." Vince illustrated.

"Dr. Charles, your client is ready for ultrasound." Dr. Clayton said, joining us at the huddle board.

"Yes sir." Vince said before leaving.

"As soon as you're finished with the board, you're good to go." Dr. Clayton told me.

"No, I'm gonna stay to closing." I declined. It was tempting to leave, but I figured I should show my commitment to my job by sticking around. "I'm sure Vince will want to leave."

Vince did leave early and Dr. Clayton and I closed the clinic. He gave me helpful hints and advice for supervising if I got the promotion. When I left, I called Rocky to let her know I was on my way to her house. The traffic got me at Rocky's house around the normal time I got home from work.

There was a taxi sitting outside of her house. I watched it curiously as I got my bag out the trunk. I was beyond confused when I saw Trevor walking out the house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"We're going on a real vacation." Trevor said, grabbing the bag from my hand.

"What about Austin?" I wondered out loud as he lead me to the taxi.

"I'll go when we come back." He opened the car door for me.

"But Shreveport..." I stopped by the door.

"Too late, they left without you."

"Justine? Where is-"

"Amber is going to take care of her. I have your other bag. All you need is your ID. Anything else, we can buy. Let's go or we're gonna miss our flight." Trevor cut me off.

"Flight? Where are we going?" I said, excitedly.

"Let's go and you'll find out." He repeated.

I got in the taxi and stopped asking questions. That is, until the driver took off.

"Can I get a hint? I mean, I packed for Shreveport. I kinda need to know where we're going."

"You packed a swimsuit, right? Really, that's all you need." Trevor grinned.

"No passport?"

He rubbed his chin like he was thinking about it. "I hope not."

"Just tell me where we're going!!!" I demanded him.

He pulled out his phone. "This inspired the trip. That's all I'm telling you."

I looked at the phone. It was Kermit the Frog singing "Kokomo".

"He said like 4 different Kokomo a real place? " I laughed at him.

"Guess we'll find out." He smiled.


  1. Trevor is definitely a bit jealous of Lily's closeness with Forrest. Is that what spurred him to plan the spontaneous trip?

  2. I think the fact that it takes jealousy from Lily having male friends to inspire Trevor to well, anything he otherwise wouldn't do is pretty lame. I'm so over him.
    Basically if lily was hanging at home all weekend pining for him he would have gone away with his friends no problem but she's going away with her girls & Forrest will be showing them around & now he needs to cancel her plans & book a vacation for them. The testosterone. I can't deal with him. When will they be over?

    1. Are you serious? Trevor has done things like this before and not because of jealousy, remember Japanese hints for taking her to Japan! Some people just want to complain, I loved this, I love surprises like trips, screw their friends vacation will be better. Besides both comments assumed he only booked it because of Forrest, how do you know that he hadn't planned it before.

    2. I agree with first anon, he was perfectly ok with going to Austin and leaving Lilly by herself all weekend. But she made plans with her gf's and Forrest and he starts acting weird. All you Trevor lovers think what you will, but I think Trevor & Lily are the same, they internalize a lot and don't say things until they become a big deal. Whatever his intentions for taking her away were I hope he opens up and tell her what's really bothering him about her relationship with Forrest.

    3. "All you Trevor lovers" geez when did everyone have to get so defensive on this blog, it's one thing to state an opinion but lately people seem to jump down anyone's throat when they do or don't like a character.
      We have no idea who lily ends up with, these comments always seem like people are trying to get the author to change her direction. It's getting old.

  3. I really can't comprehend how Lily thinks going away with her girlfriends and hanging out with Forrest vs. Going away with Trevor is ok. I don't blame Trevor for being jealous..I am glad he had a back
    Up plan

    1. Because she doesn't like the person hosting the get's perfectly normal for an adult to decide not to participate in an activity or gathering where someone they don't want to be around will be even if their spouse chooses to attend....I mean Trevor is the one who told her Christian is a bad guy and how she should stay away from him etc now he's going away pretty much with him & what Lily should suck it up and go after cussing him for inserting himself into her & Trevors relationship?

      Just because they're together doesn't mean they need to be attached at the hip. I can totally see how being with girlfriends & Forrest would be more fun than tagging along with Trevor and trying to avoid being ambushed by Christian (yes ambushed because he's not the most mature person) while Trevor is too focused on having fun with his friends...

    2. It's hilarious how you already accuse Trevor of being too busy with his friends and Christian swoops in. Are you the author do you know what WOULD have happened

    3. I do think it's a little confusing for Trevor to tell Lily that he didn't want her to be around Christian, and then to be confused/upset that she doesn't want to take a trip to where Christian is going to be.

    4. Where are you reading he was confused or upset? I didn't read that

    5. His non-verbals (being unusually quiet, not paying attention to Lily) read as upset to me. I could be misreading, but Lily even said that she could tell something was up. I don't buy that it was just him betting weird add he planned s surprise. And I think he planned the surprise as a way to prevent get from going with Forrest and the girls, not just spontaneously.

    6. Guess we'll find out. He said the Kokomo song inspired it, wanting to take her somewhere, wonder when he heard that.
      Something we always forget, this is written in lily's perspective so if she has any thought in her head that he acted strange after she was talking to Forrest, it's what she thinks is going on. I know I've read into things that weren't there but who knows, none of do yet

  4. I get Trevor lily is very FRIENDLY LOL and that can come off the wrong way and No Man would want his woman to be that close to another Man especially seeing what hus and lily relationship turned into I get it
