Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's A Man's Man's World

"Man thinks about a little bit of baby girls and a baby boys
Man make them happy
'Cause man make them toys
And after man make everything
Everything he can
You know that man makes money
To buy from other man
This is a man's world
But it would be nothing, nothing
Not one little thing
Without a women or a girl
He's lost in the wilderness
He's lost in bitterness
He's lost" It's A Man's Man's World by James Brown

Monday since I already did my grocery shopping and laundry, I had the whole morning to relax. It was raining and the perfect excuse to lounge and be lazy. I started the recipe for chicken and dumplings in the crockpot and went back to bed. Justine played around in the bedroom while I got some more sleep.

I went to work, fully rested and in a great mood. Before my lunch break, I was finishing patient charts when Adil approached me.

"Can I borrow you for a moment?" He asked.

My great mood faltered. I had no idea what he wanted, but I figured it couldn't be good if we had to speak in his office.

I got up and followed him. When we got to his office, he motioned for me to have a seat as he closed the door.

"Do you know why I wanted you to work with me?" Adil asked after he sat across from me at the desk.

I sighed, inwardly. I hated rhetorical questions. It reminded me of my dad. It also made me remember how arrogant and condescending Adil could be, especially when he thought he was right about something. Why didn't I remember that before I came to work with him?

"No, why Dr. Fahri?" I asked, feigning interest when I realized he was still waiting for a response.

"You're the only person whose work ethic is as strong as mine. Our careers were our first priority. Remember how hard we pushed one another?" Adil asked.

"I assure you, I'm not that competitive anymore." I said, with a little smile. I knew how much he hated to lose to me.

"I hope you are still dedicated. We need that in a team lead and I plan to recommend you for the job."

I looked at him, puzzled. "What?"

"I told you we were restructuring when you accepted the job. Dr. Tran created a new position. One of our biggest challenges is keeping the surgeons, trainers and therapist on the same page. That will be my job as a field supervisor: I will work as a liaison between the hospital and the clinic. Dr. Clayton wants to move to day team lead because it works out better for his family. I want you to take his spot as evenings team lead."

I let that sink in for a moment- I really wasn't expecting that! "That's an incredible opportunity. Thank you so much for recommending me."

"My pleasure. To be honest, I was surprised you weren't managing already. I assumed it was because you relocated to Texas. Is it really by choice?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"No. I definitely want to advance. I haven't been at one job long enough. I hoped I would here." I answered quickly.

"The position requires a bigger commitment. It's not only the clients you are responsible for, but your team too. More often than not, the job has to come first. I need to be sure you are prepared for that before I recommend you. Without getting too personal about your family, are you willing to make that commitment?" He asked, watching my reaction.

"Of course. I'm committed to my career. I'm ready to manage. If given the chance, I know I can handle those responsibilities." I answered, truthfully.

He gave me a smile. "That's what I thought. I needed to be certain. I'll keep you updated on the changes. As soon as I know something, I'll let you know."

"Thank you again  Adil-er, Dr. Fahri."

I was thrilled the remainder of the night. I just wanted to be good at what I did. A promotion was proof that I was. I was a little concerned that a family emergency made Adil question my commitment, but I was confident I was ready for the next challenge.

I got home, bursting to tell Trevor the good news. He was in the bathroom when I arrived. I changed into a tank top and boxer basketball shorts in anticipation for my workout and run with Justine. I went to check the food. As instructed, Trevor added the cut up biscuits and turned the crock pot to low. It didn't look like he ate yet though; he must have been waiting for me. I made 2 bowls of soup and let them cool. I was pouring us lemonade when I heard the bathroom door open. I waited for him to join me. When he didn't, I went to the bedroom to see what was taking him so long.

He was curled up in bed and I immediately became concerned.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, walking to his side of the bed, sitting down next to him.

"Nothing. Just something not agreeing with my stomach. I'm fine." He answered strained.

"Are you in pain?" I asked, feeling his forehead. He turned away, but I could tell he didn't have a fever. That was a plus.

"No..." he said, before he got up and rushed back to the bathroom.

I went back into the kitchen to get him something to drink. I was surprised when I saw water bottles and Gatorade in the fridge. He must have bought some today. It made me wonder how long he been feeling bad.

I took the bowl of soup and a Gatorade to the room. When he came out, he looked at the bowl warily.

"I can't eat that. I don't wanna risk it. Can I just have the broth? And ice?" Trevor asked.

"Of course." I told him.

I strained the vegetables, chicken and dumpling out of the soup. Trevor has a thing for Sonic's ice, so I put some ice cubes in the blender and pulsed them until they were smaller pieces. I returned to him with the food and he thanked me.

He spent the entire evening and night making trips to the bathroom. At one point, I woke up to find him with a pillow in the bathroom. I wanted him to go to the Emergency room, but the moment I suggested it, he vehemently said no. He didn't have a fever and it was probably just food poisoning so I didn't push it. When it was time for him to get up and got to work in the morning, I woke him to see if he needed to call off or if I should do it for him.

"I already did." He mumbled before going back to sleep.

I skipped my workout in favor of staying home to monitor him. When it was time for me to get ready to go to work, I was hesitant about leaving him. He urged me to go, saying he would be ok. I didn't trust that if he was feeling really worse, he would overlook his fear of hospitals and go to the Emergency room. He promised he would and I couldn't help but think of how calling in would affect my promotion; I decided to leave.

I asked Dr. Charles to switch breaks with me and he agreed. I took my break early to call and check on Trevor. He didn't respond so I waited by my phone my entire lunch for him to call me back. No response.

Hoping he was just sleep, I checked my phone constantly, calling every hour until 6pm. I finally had a missed call from him and a text.

Trevor: I'm fine. Just sleeping.

I breathed a sigh of relief and worked the rest of my shift, hurrying through my charts so I could get home as soon as possible. I even started the huddle board for the next day while Dr. Clayton was in a meeting with a client. Thankfully, he didn't mind and we left on time that evening.

When I got home, Trevor was sleeping, but his frequent trips to the bathroom stopped. I made sure he had a fresh Gatorade and a water bottle next to him. I heated up leftovers and pulled out my phone. I hadn't got a chance to tell Trevor about my possible promotion at work but I called the next best person.

"Hey bro!" I said, cheerfully when Cam answered his phone.

"Hey sis. So your phone does work." Cam started in already.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "The phone works both ways Cam. Besides, I've been busy crushing it at my job."


I laughed. "It's true. A team lead spot is opening up and my boss is recommending me."

"Congratulations Lilypad. You know dad would be thrilled to hear that. When's the last time you spoke to him?" Cam asked.

"You can pass on the news. I'm not in any mood to talk to him."

"What's going on now?"

"Did you know about the one year deal he made with Trevor?" I questioned him.

"The question is, how do you know?"

"Trevor got drunk and accidentally told me." I replied.

"You're driving him to drink?" Cam joked.

"Ha ha, not funny. It's fucking bullshit."

"Hey, don't get mad at me. I didn't know about it until after the fact." He defended himself.

"You should have told me."

"No. It wasn't my place to. If Trevor wanted you to know, he should have told you."

"How would you feel if someone dictated when you could marry Jenna?"

"I wouldn't like it, but Trevor agreed to it."

"Dad went to Trevor because he knew he could manipulate him! He knew not to pull that on me."

"That may be true but it was Trevor's choice. As a man, he made a deal and needs to honor it. I support that, even if I don't agree with it." Cam said.

"Well, fuck that and y'alls fucking man law."

Cam laughed. "It's not man law. It's common law. Stick by your words."

"Whatever." I had no other arguments so I let it go and we caught up. I was chatting with my brother about how the 49ers looked when Trevor emerged from the room. I got off the phone to see how he was doing.

"Better." He answered, groggily as he raided the refrigerator. I made him sit down and got him some food. He ate a bowl of chicken and dumplings while I made him a grilled cheese sandwich. When he devoured it, I made him another. I was convinced he was on the mend. Whatever he had must have worked through his body and he was just catching up on sleep and food.

After he went back to sleep, I cleaned the kitchen. I decided to stay up a little longer and play on Facebook and Instagram. I was so glad I did. I got to take part of the hilarity that started when Amber re-posted a meme on Facebook.  It was a man in the kitchen cooking with the words:

Men cooking... because our generation of women don't know how to.

Amber captioned it:

I had to re-post this nonsense. I won't name names, but the WOMAN who posted this is stuck in the 50's.

There were already comments so I read through them.

Rocky: Um, how bout he knows how to cook because he wants to eat?

Dino: My dad cooks better than my mom. #RealMenCanCook

Sammy: Men cooking... BC you can't keep ur wife in the kitchen with yo McDonald's paycheck. #BossBishesWifin'Dudes#MakeSureYouHitEmWithAPrenup!

Serena: {crying laughing emoji} Step your game up men...or go get me a beer lol

I laughed out loud at Sammy's and Serena's comment. Men started to comment now.

Forrest: The situation ultimately depends on what you're looking for in a relationship. Matter of preference. Some men and women prefer a traditional relationship.

Corey: Why you gotta go there Sammy?

Brandon: That's the problem with women. Tryin to be a man. No man wants to be with another man #NoHomo

Sammy: I don't have a problem with traditional relationships @Forrest. Just don't sit here and post stupid shit bc I'm not 4 it

Cuz it's da truth @Corey

And if a woman being a boss makes you wanna fuck a man, that's ur issue @Brandon

Patrick:Shots Fired! #TeamFuckAMan {rolling on the floor laughing and eggplant emojis}

Brandon: No real man wants to be emasculated by a "boss bish". Pay attention to your own "man's" issue @Sammy #MissMeWithThatGayShit

Jackie: Damn, I posted this picture. I ain't stuck in the 50's @Amber. I think it's a shame when a woman don't know how to cook. It's the way to a man stomach's #MissMeWithThatFeminismShit

Sammy: My man don't have issues, that's why I don't have to cheat @Brandon

And you don't have a man @Jackie. Does that mean you can't cook?

Brandon: That's what's up @Jackie
And congrats for not being a ho... now ur a bish@Sammy

Rocky: Women are more than "bishes" and "hos". How would you like it if someone referred to your mom like that?

The whole "our generation of women" crap can go. We are still struggling to get paid as much as men, but you're concerned about this generation of women's cooking skills? Smdh@Jackie.

Amber: Exactly. A man and a woman can both work, but it's the woman's job to cook and take care of the kids. Why?

I posted a comment before they started arguing again.

Me: I agree with Forrest- it's a matter of preference. There's nothing wrong with a traditional relationship; just like there's nothing wrong with a man being able to cook.

Blake: Next time you want a door opened or gas in your car, I prefer not to do it for you #Preferences

Serena: I do all that myself. #SelfSufficient

Me: lol me too @Serena

Blake: Not surprised, y'all won't let a man be a man. Y'all wanna wear the pants in the relationship.

Me: My man wears the pants.... after he washes them himself :-)
Goodnight everyone! Chores in the AM, work in the PM. My generation does it all!

I smiled to myself and got the fuck off Facebook before going to bed and checking on Trevor.


  1. Man conversations like that make me glad I'm not on Facebook

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post. But I can't stop laughing at cockpot. I normally gloss right over any little typos but that was hilarious

    1. Wow. Don't ask me why spell check didn't catch that lol
