Friday, August 7, 2015

Hey Mama

"Yes I'll be your woman
Yes I'll be your baby
Yes I'll be whatever that you tell me when you're ready
Yes I'll be your girl, forever your lady
You ain't ever gotta worry, I'm down for you baby
Best believe that, when you need that
I'll provide that, you will always have it
I'll be on deck, keep it in check
When you need that, I'ma let you have it
Beating my drum like dum di-di-day
I like the dirty rhythm you play
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama
Banging the drum like dum di-di-day
I know you want it in the worst way
I wanna hear you callin' my name
Like, hey ma ma, mama, hey ma, mama" Hey Mama by David Guerra ft Nicki Minaj & Afrojack

Monday, my body clock still woke me up before Trevor like I had to be at work in the morning. I lied in bed, unable to go back to sleep.  I rather be productive than lay in bed with my thoughts, so I got on up. After feeding Justine, I made coffee and started mixing complete pancake batter. While the griddle heated up, I heard Trevor's alarm going off. I knew he had two more snoozes, (3 If he was skipping a shower) but I went ahead and woke him up so he would have time to sit and eat with me.

"Wake up T-Rev..." I called from the doorway.

"5 more minutes." He grumbled.

"Ok... that means no time for pancakes."

He grunted in response.

"Chocolate chip pancakes." I added.

"I'm up, I'm up."

By the time he joined me in the kitchen dressed, I had his pancakes waiting for him, with a sad face sprayed on with whipped cream.

"Why is my pancake sad?" He asked, with a curious grin.

"'Cause it's Monday." I said, measuring out some coffee. "Do you want coffee? Milk? Water?"

"No. Do we have juice?"

I pulled orange juice from the refrigerator, twisting up my face. Orange juice and chocolate. My stomach rebelled just hearing that, but I poured him a glass.

"Thank you." He said when I handed it over.

"No problem." I said, brightly.

I watched him eat, preparing a mental list of groceries we needed for the week. I planned our meals a week in advanced so I didn't have to make multiple trips to the store.

"Do you have a taste for anything?" I asked as he put his plate in the sink.

"Yes." He nodded, before downing his orange juice.

"What for?" I waited for his request while he made his way over to me. Next thing I knew, he was spraying whipped cream on my lips.

I gasped, whipped cream falling from my lips.

"You!" He laughed before he ate the whip cream off my lips.

"For dinner."  I clarified.

"Oh..." He pretended like he misunderstood.

"You have whipped cream all over your face." I informed him.

"I cleaned you up. Help me out." He requested.

I did what he asked, tracing my tongue over his lips. When I tried to pull back, he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back, loving the taste of whip cream and oranges in his mouth.

"Can we have whipped cream for dinner?" He said with a lopsided grin.

I chuckled. "Go to work!"

"Fine. Just know I'm gonna be thinking about whipped cream bikinis all day." He informed me.

"You can fantasize whatever you want as long as you keep it in your head."

Trevor laughed and gave me one last kiss before he left. I watched him leave with a smile on my face.

I couldn't believe the thought of leaving him crossed my mind. The thought of being without him scarred me straight. I decided to take all my negative feelings about Trevor's mom and dedicated it to Trevor. Since he cut her off for me, I wanted to fill the void she left. Could I replace her? Absolutely not, but I could love him like he deserved.

I made my coffee to go and headed to the store. I loved how empty the stores were. I could go down the aisle and not worry about people randomly stopping in front of me, maneuvering around carts, or bad ass kids. It was fantastic! I had plenty of time to plan Trevor's favorite meals.  As I passed the dairy aisle,  I got a great idea to show him extra love.

I went home, put the groceries away, and took Justine for a run. I got back and jumped in the shower before I got dinner ready. Dinner consisted of a note attached to a can of whipped cream that read:

Order pizza to snack on til we can have dinner together ;-)

I got ready for work, putting on my scrubs and tennis shoes. Trevor texted me as I put my hair up in a ponytail.

Trevor: Chad can meet with us Wednesday at 11am.

Me: Perfect babe. Thanks for setting that up. Dinners in the fridge when you get home. Love you.

Trevor: Love you too

When I went into work, Dr. Clayton was already there. He and Dr. Fahri were going over charts when I joined them at our huddle board. Dr. Clayton was an older physical therapist, maybe in his 40s, that normally comes in to the facility around 1pm. We met during my first week.

"Welcome to the closing shift." He smiled at me, after I looked over our huddle board. The huddle board consisted of who was working, schedules including breaks and lunches, appointments for the day, and any notes that needed to be passed down.

I smiled back at him. "Thank you. Happy to be here."

After I relieved Dr. Parker, she handed me one of the company tablets so I could log in and view charts. After Dr. Clayton gave me my clients for the day, I pulled up their charts and took a brief look. When my clients showed up, the first thing I did was confirm what they already been doing and what out goal was as far as the rehab plan. It was how I introduced myself to clients while staying professional and courteous.

Dr. Clayton, much like Adil, walked the floor, assisting therapist and communicating with athletic trainers. When it was my lunch time, I bought a sandwich from the stand before it closed. I sat in the break area and called Trevor.

"I can't wait for you to come home." Trevor said, excitedly.

"I'll be home soon, don't start without me." I responded, flirtatiously.

"And spoil my appetite? Never." He said, playfully.

"Good. I should be home around 8. Have the table set when I get there." I teased.

"Another surface we haven't done it yet."Trevor commented.

I laughed. "See you later."


"You have kids Dr. Harris?"

No lie, I jumped a little when I heard Dr. Clayton's voice from behind me as he went into the refrigerator and pulled out a large thermos.

"No. None. I'm still a kid myself." I smiled, nervously.

"Oh, ok. Did you want to be on closing shift?"

"I don't have a preference. I have open availability." I answered diplomatically.

He nodded before leaving the break room. When I returned to our training floor, Adil was gone. Besides Dr. Clayton, I closed with 2 other physical therapist and we all left around 7:30. Traffic died down by then and I made it home relatively quickly.

Trevor greeted me at the door. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Starved." I said, suggestively, giving him a kiss.

"No, for food. I can heat you up some pizza."

"Oh! No. I ate at work. Let me take a shower."

He swatted me on the ass as I walked away. "Make it quick. The table is set. Don't worry about clothes."

Following his instructions, I was in and out of the shower in less than 10 minutes. I slipped on a silk robe and joined Trevor's side in the dining room. He wasn't kidding when he said he set the table. On top of the whipped cream I bought, there was champagne, strawberries, chocolate sauce, and, was that honey?

"I said no clothes." Trevor stated, turning me around so I faced him.

I fiddled with the ties closing my robe. "You first."

He quickly removed his clothes while I grabbed the whipped cream. When he was undressed, I pushed him into a chair.

"Lily..." He trailed off as I sprayed a trail of cool whip down his chest, to his erection. I let my robe drop to the floor then dropped to the floor too. Kneeling, I lick the cool, sweet cream off him. His breathing became erratic as I swirled my tongue over his chest. When I did the same on his erection, he moaned out loud.

I sucked him into my mouth, alternating between licking all over him and taking him down my throat. He half-heartedly tried to stop me a couple of times, but I was determined and stayed down on him until he came.

Afterwards, I stood up and grabbed the champagne and poured myself a glass. Trevor stared at me, his eyes darkened with lust and his lips spread in a satisfied smile. I smiled too as I drank the champagne. It was so dry, I didn't savor it as much as downed it like a shot. I refilled the glass and handed it to him. He took a sip before standing up.

"On the table Lily." Trevor instructed. I hopped on the table and he stepped forward to stand between my legs. My legs automatically clasped around him. He reached over and grabbed a strawberry, dipped it in the champagne before feeding it to me. The sweet tangy fruit paired with champagne was refreshing.

He rubbed the half eaten fruit against my lips before kissing me. As his tongue sought out mine, he rubbed the fruit against my neck. My breathing became heavy as he rubbed it on one of my spots.

I sighed, contently when his mouth found that same spot and sucked. He rubbed the strawberry over my collarbone, my nipples and my belly button- all sensitive spots for me. Just like with my lips and neck, he followed the fruit with his mouth.

"Trevor!" I cried out, impatiently when he stopped.

"Lay back if you want some more."

I complied, spreading my leg wantonly, expecting his mouth between my legs. He grabbed the chocolate instead. He placed chocolate chips on my breasts before grabbing another bowl that looked like honey.

As he drizzled it on my stomach, I realized not only was it honey, but it was warmed. My whole body clenched as arousal surged inside me violently.

He gave me a smile that was so confident and sexy, it made me want him more. He took the whipped cream and did two little dots before spraying a curved line on my navel.

"There's my smiley face." He teased. I breathed out a laugh before he finally put his mouth on me. He started with my nipples, sucking the chocolate off me. He licked the honey off me next. He dipped a strawberry in champagne, making me suck on it, as he drank the rest. He moved to my navel, nibbling the whipped cream off me. I moaned when he moved the strawberry from my mouth to between my legs. He stroked my clitoris with the fruit causing me to cry out.

"Trevor!..." I inhaled, sharply.

It felt amazing. Sensations assaulted me- the soft caress of the strawberry, the sound of Trevor's mouth against my skin as he nibbled, sucked and licked, the sweet aroma of chocolate and honey, the taste of champagne still on my lips, the intensity I saw on his face as he feasted on me. I was in sensory overload- it led to the longest orgasm I ever had.

He continued to rub the strawberry against me as he climbed on the table to straddle me. It prolonged my climax as he pushed inside. I was still spasming, crying out for him and God, and a few other expletives as he pumped into me fast and hard.

"Don't stop!" I urged him as the table squeaked under our weight, rocking into a chair, making it bump against the wall. Trevor didn't let up and I prayed the table held up until we finished.

Thankfully, it did and Trevor pushed into me deeply a few more times as he came, calling out my name. The last few thrust caused banging on the wall. I was horrified when there was banging from the other side of it.

There was a loud, muffled voice. I couldn't make out what was said, but I was sure it wasn't good. Trevor and both looked at each other, flushed, before laughing breathlessly. When we caught our breath, Trevor pulled up and stood to his feet. I groaned and sat up too, the table unforgiving against my back. I was reminded how totally worth it it was when he ate the strawberry that he teased me with. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a lasting, sweet kiss.

"Best dinner ever." He breathed.

"Mmmhmm." I agreed, still unable to compose words.

When all my motor functions returned to me, I insisted on cleaning the kitchen while Trevor started the shower. When I was done, I joined him and we went to bed. Thoroughly exhausted, I didn't understand why I couldn't fall fast asleep. Trevor did, and I watched him enviously.

The next morning, despite my lack of sleep, my body clock still woke me up. I got up and made oatmeal. As Trevor and I ate, he told me Chad had already sent him house listing and was going to forward them to me.

"He sent me townhomes too but I don't think we need neighbours that close." Trevor alluded to the night before.

I blushed. "Shut up Trevor."

Day two of working with Dr. Clayton was pretty much the same. I was beginning to think I over thought Adil's words. Dr. Clayton continuously checked up on me and everyone else like Adil would do. The only thing that's was noticeable different we're the TV's. Normally, the channels stayed on news and sports center on mute. Dr. Clayton turned the volume up. As I tried to go over a 16 year olds chart with her, her eyes were glued to the tv. Besides the tv thing, everything was completely the same.

I was able to fall asleep Tuesday night, I just woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I blamed my phone blinking with a text notification. It was Bianca. She sent me a text.

Bianca: Made it to Paris!

I frowned at it and refused to reply. Then, after tossing and turning, I sent her a text.

Me: Nice Cuz. Be safe and have fun.

I didn't get a reply and I stared into the dark room before I finally drifted to sleep.

Wednesday morning, Trevor's first alarm woke me. I was exhausted, and my head was pounding like a drum from a lack of sleep headache. I dragged myself out of bed and made breakfast sandwiches.

"You look tired." Trevor mentioned.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep last night." I replied.

"Excited?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"Our appointment. With Chad." Trevor reminded me.

"Oh right." I said, nodding.

Trevor gave me a concerned look. "Lily?"

"I'm sorry. Bianca texted me last night. She went to Paris with Christian and Noelle."

"Oh. He's a jerk, but not stupid. He won't do anything to her." Trevor assured me.

"He betta not." I frowned.

"Alright. Don't worry yourself about it."

"I won't. I'll see you later."

I took a couple of Ibuprofen and put a pork tenderloin in the crock pot. I went back to bed and got a few more hours of sleep before I dressed in my scrubs and left for our appointment with Chad. I had no idea how long the appointment would be and I wanted to be ready.

I made it there before Trevor and the receptionist offered me a drink or snack. I took a bottle of water and waited. Trevor arrived right on time. He was able to grab a cookie before our appointment.

I remembered what Rocky said about our credits being tied together if we applied for the loan and I asked Chad about that first.

"Lenders are going to look at both of your credit scores to determine if you will be approved for a loan. They usually look at the lowest score to decide."

Trevor and I looked at each other. "Do you know your credit score?" He asked me.

"Yeah, but that was back in 2012 when I bought my car. I don't think it would have change since then. What about you?" I asked him.

"Never. I know I have unpaid medical bills and Blockbuster-" He said.

"Blockbuster? The movie place?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I lost a few movie." He said sheepishly.

"Ohmygod." I said, holding back my laugh. Fucking Blockbuster. 

"You always have the option of an individual loan, but even with a high credit score, you're not going to be approved for as much without two incomes." Chad explained. "I would advise against that. If you both plan to pay the mortgage- you both need to be on the loan." Chad continued.

Trevor looked at me.

"We don't want to do that either. I think we are concerned about what would happen if we were to split up." I said honestly.

Trevor's eyes widen. "I actually wasn't concerned about that at all."

I quickly explained myself. "It just something you have to think about. When legally married, we're both somewhat protected by the law. That's not the case here."

"So we need to be married before we buy a house?" Trevor asked me.

"No! I'm just saying, if we're not ready for marriage, are we ready for a house?"

Trevor shook his head and turned to me. "I feel the exact opposite. If we can't commit to a house, how can we commit to a marriage?"

I stared at him. What the fuck? Did that make sense? I'm so confused.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been together?" Chad interrupted our stare down.

"Just 6 months." I turned to him.

"We've known each other going on 9 years now." Trevor added.

Yeah, and I learned something new about him everyday. Like his mom and movie stealing ways...

"Buying a house is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make. You wouldn't believe the married couples I had come in here and have very different outlooks on their by financial future." Chad said lightly, interrupting my rude thoughts. "It's great that you want to be on the same page before you get married." He nodded to Trevor.

"If you do decided to purchase as an unmarried couple, you can draft an agreement that stipulates what happens if you go your separate ways." Chad continued, nodding to me.

"Here's what I want to do. Let's get pre-approved for a loan so we can see how much you two can afford. That might help you with decision. Don't forget, we can always get you in a rental home for a couple years. Work on your credit, pay Blockbuster's off, then we can get you into a house of your dreams. Heck, you can even get married in it." Chad finished with a smile.

Trevor and I both forced smiled and filled out the forms in silence.

I took a deep breath as we walked out together. "That was informative." I commented, trying to gauge his mood.

"Yeah." Trevor said, plainly.

"Do you have time for lunch?" I asked.

"No, I gotta get back." Trevor said, shortly. "We'll talk later tonight."

"Trevor, you get what I'm saying right? I love you and I believe in us but-"

"I got it. You want a back up plan if we don't work out to protect yourself." Trevor said.

"Stop. Not just myself, but you too."

"Thanks Lily. I appreciate it." He said, sarcastically. He headed to his car.

"Wait!" I called after him. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He already sacrificed so much for me. Why was I worried about taking the next step with him? I loved him, He loved me. That's all that mattered, right?

"Ok Trevor. Let's buy a house."


  1. I feel that Lily gave into easily about buying a house, I believe she should have stuck to her guns about her feelings towards it all.

    1. I don't know, lily was all for it until rocky said those things and lily has only voiced what rocky put in her head.

  2. I like that Lily and Trevor are moving forward in their relationship
